How to choose a technique and time for running. Running technique

Natural running has become a trend recent years against the backdrop of the pursuit of “natural” food, life, materials, etc. All this is more useful than harmful, only naturalness must be correctly understood.

Man is already far from his wild ancestors and life in the wild, so far that naturalness cannot always be beneficial. Running in shoes with a variety of supports and good cushioning is neither bad nor good. However, so is running in natural running shoes.

You need to correctly understand what the shoes are intended for and who they are suitable for. In this article, we will look at what natural running is, what its pros and cons are, how to choose sneakers for natural running and to whom they are contraindicated.

What is natural running?

Simply put, this is barefoot running. It couldn't be more natural. Historically, running is natural process for a person. In the process of transition to upright walking on 2 legs, a foot with a natural shock absorber was formed - pronation and supination of the foot.

To feel this, try jogging barefoot. If you are used to running from your heel, you will quickly adapt to natural running. The reason is simple – pain and discomfort. To avoid pain, the technique will begin to change: the step will decrease, the leg will no longer be thrown forward, the landing will be on the wide part of the foot - the base of the toes, the arch of the foot will begin to tense up and absorb the impact of the landing. Doesn't it hurt? So you ran naturally!

Correct technique running is not running on your toes! Heel running and toe running are two extremes. Correct landing should occur on the wide part of the foot at the base of the toes. Then the heel strikes if you run slowly. When you run very fast, your heels barely have time to touch the surface.

Correct running technique and natural running are the same thing. These two concepts should not be separated. The correct running technique, in addition to reducing the shock load, also gives running economy. This means you can run faster and longer with the same amount of effort. Moreover, running technique means not only the way of placing the foot and working the legs, but also the position of the body, the work of the arms, the amplitude and frequency of steps.

This is the type of running you should strive for, but you shouldn’t immediately run to the store for a pair of minimalist sneakers or rush to run barefoot!

Sedentary lifestyle, improper footwear and other factors do not allow the natural “suspension” to form As a result, with age, a person gets excessive pronation (flat feet) and other disorders. The foot loses its ability to absorb shock; the load, which is 5-10 times greater than the load when walking, is transferred to the knees, spine, ligaments and tendons. The end result is injury, often lifelong. To correct such a foot, you need to train long and hard.

Example of incorrect running technique

Natural running and correct running technique

How to run correctly? Running technique for beginners

For unprepared person possible danger of natural running exceeds its benefit. You can’t get up from the couch and start running in natural running shoes or barefoot. This must be remembered and approach training carefully.

Only a physically prepared person can run correctly and technically. How to prepare the cardiovascular and other body systems for training? That's right - you need to run. It turns out vicious circle: to run correctly, you need to run, and to run, you need to run correctly:). Way out: purchase the right sneakers. This should be a technologically advanced pair for long runs on asphalt with all kinds of support. Most of the training is done there. Sneakers for natural running initial stage can only be used in some workouts!

Switching to natural running isn't just about buying new running shoes. You need to start mastering the technique of natural running by strengthening the muscles of your feet, legs and core with the help of special exercises.

At first, running barefoot or in natural running shoes should be considered as one of the exercises. That's why, sneakers for natural running - training equipment, not the main running pair.

A sudden transition to natural running can be dangerous! To avoid trouble, you need to follow 2 basic rules:

  • gradualism
  • regularity

Start with jogs of no more than 1 km. Imagine starting to run from scratch - the sensations will be about the same. If possible, it is useful to jog 500-1000m after each workout in natural shoes; you can use them to perform special running exercises. Do not forget about the rule of increasing volume - no more than 10% per week.

It takes at least 4-6 weeks to master natural running techniques. regular classes. No need to chase volumes. If you want, gain volume in training shoes that suit your pronation. Working with equipment is usually routine and monotonous, but if you do all the work patiently, results will definitely come.

Advice: periodically film your run and analyze it, comparing it with technical runners

Stages of mastering natural running technique:

  • at the first stage it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the core and legs
  • development of individual elements of technology. Exercises are best done in natural running shoes.
  • only after this can you start doing full runs in minimalist sneakers
  • at the fourth stage, you can gradually increase the volume of running in natural shoes, while maintaining control over the technique, but no more than 10% per week

Advice: rebuild your weekly plan workouts so as to allocate 1-2 workouts for strength and special running exercises

For whom can natural running be dangerous?

  • Excessive body weight
  • Overpronation
  • Poor mobility thumb feet
  • Achilles tendon problems

People with such problems need to exercise under the supervision of an experienced trainer and supervision of a sports doctor. With the right approach to training, the foot should become stronger, the ligaments should become more elastic, and the joints should be more mobile. Flat feet will gradually improve.

Watch a useful video about running technique from Leonid Shvetsov, the ex-Russian record holder in the marathon, the coach who trained the current Russian record holder and winner.

How to run correctly?

  • The head should be held straight, gaze directed forward. Vertical vibrations should be minimal.
  • Shoulders are straightened and relaxed.
  • Your arms should be bent at approximately right angles, no more.
  • The body should be kept straight without leaning forward
  • You need to land on the front of your foot (the widest part). Place your foot under the center of gravity without moving forward, as happens when running from the heel
  • It is important to keep your stride frequency around 190 per minute. If you use sports watch with a heart rate monitor and pedometer, then multiply its cadence indicator by 2, because He only counts on one leg. Users of Garmin professional heart rate monitors can track oscillation and ground contact time. Stick to the oscillation level - from 6 to 13 cm, than better technology running – the lower this figure. Keep contact with the ground between 200 and 300 milliseconds to begin with, but it is ideal to reduce this figure below 200.

Common mistakes:

  • pulling the toe forward. Often, beginning runners, having heard that you can’t run from your heels, start to run from your toes. But the point is not only and not so much in running from the toe, you need to start with the correct balance of the center of gravity and cadence, the placement of the foot will be corrected by these two components. Simply running on your toes will lead to sticking and ankle injuries.
  • throwing your legs forward. This error leads to placing the foot on the heel. The shock load passes through all the joints to the spine, which leads to injuries. The foot should be placed under the center of gravity.
  • running with the body tilted back or with an excessive bend forward.

Natural Running Shoes

It is good to run barefoot if there are no problems with the health of the feet, there is a clean golf course or a coast with clean sand, in other cases it is better to protect the foot from sharp stones, glass, etc. Natural running shoes have been developed for these purposes.

Natural running shoes must meet the following criteria:

  • The height difference from toe to heel should be no more than 3mm, i.e. the sole must be flat
  • extremely thin and flexible sole
  • your toes should not be tightly squeezed, you should move them calmly
  • the heel should fit tightly, the sneaker should not dangle on the foot

Run correctly, quickly and without injury! 🙂

If running is long enough, respiratory acidosis occurs, which is why biosynthesis in cells improves. Increases manifold healing effect, which was noticed by people a long time ago. From ancient Hellas, beautiful words carved on stone have come down to us: “If you want to be strong, run, if you want to be beautiful, run, if you want to be smart, run.”

Let's take a closer look at the effects that arise from running load.

The effect of running on the endocrine and nervous systems is obvious. Running allows you to establish the rhythmic functioning of these systems. To put a load on these systems, long-term cyclic anti-gravity work is necessary. A long, leisurely run is ideal for this.

We know that most blood vessels in the body are vertical, and the resting capillary blood flow per square millimeter of muscle cross-section is open to approximately 30-80 capillaries. During running, when a person constantly overcomes the earth's gravity, jumping up and down in a vertical position, the blood flow in the vessels also “swings” and resonates with running. At the same time, previously “dormant” capillaries gradually open. The number of open capillaries can already reach 2500. Such microcirculation activates the activity of the internal secretion organs.

The flow of hormones increases and is now able to reach the most distant cells and organize their work, coordinating the activities of systems. As a result, this leads to the fact that the activity of all body systems becomes more harmonious and balanced.

As a rule, after a long run (30 minutes or more), a feeling of happiness (euphoria) arises. This is the result of increased work of the pituitary gland, which produces special hormones- endorphins. At different doses they are 200 times more effective than morphine! Endorphins cause a natural feeling of bliss, have an anti-pain effect and continue their effect for 0.5-1 hour after running.

There is a special technique for enhanced production of endorphins. Thus, extreme physical activity for 12-15 minutes increases the level of endorphins from 320 units to 1650. This effect is especially good in highly trained people. Running 5 kilometers at a speed of 5-6 minutes per 1 kilometer causes euphoria. Thus, running is an excellent remedy against depression.

During running training, the number of heart contractions decreases, the heart becomes more powerful and works more economically. Adrenal hormones produced during physical activity, have a beneficial effect on the heart. As a result, a person with a low pulse controls his emotions much more easily, and increased doses of adrenaline do not have harmful effects on his body, as happens in sedentary people.

You can run at any time of the day. So, in the morning, when there is an increased amount of hormones in the blood, running will be a natural way to discharge excess hormones, which will help the body return to harmony. If you run after a hard day in the evening, then you will relieve tension, relax, recharge your batteries, suppress excess appetite and fall asleep in a wonderful sleep.

Due to the fact that during prolonged rhythmic running the pulse becomes 120-130 beats per minute and the peripheral blood vessels dilate, their resistance decreases, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. When it is lower, on the contrary, it rises. Thus, running is an excellent blood pressure normalizer.

To briefly summarize the healing effects of running, it is especially effective for hypertension and hypotension, dystonia, angina pectoris, coronary disease heart disease, rheumatism, mitral valve insufficiency, osteochondrosis, gastric ulcer. In addition, running inhibits the aging process, because it activates intracellular biosynthesis, normalizes the activity of the central nervous system. nervous system(processes of excitation and inhibition), activates and regulates the activity of the endocrine glands, strengthens immune system- increases the body's defenses, energizes the body and perfectly helps fight against excessive and uncontrolled food consumption. So, if you experience this phenomenon in the evening, then you can easily prevent it by doing a light jog for 20 to 40 minutes or more! The appetite is relieved for 1-2 hours, and you can easily be satisfied with a small meal.

As a result of activating the body and saturating it with energy, creative potential increases, especially during the running process. As a rule, the most valuable thoughts come to mind while running. This is how Yu. A. Andreev describes it: “... when running, the mind works very easily, the head is full of ideas. Therefore, even before the start, I define a “creative task”, look through the relevant literature, and during the run I think through everything, find wording, argumentation, and sequence of presentation. By the end of the race, the article or chapter for the book is ready, all that remains is to write it down." You can run with with a small voice recorder and immediately record the most unique thoughts read from the information field.Very often it happens like this: what was clear and understandable during running is erased or loses its sharpness later, because there is no energy (which running gave) that clarifies everything.

There are countless options for running. For example, here is what I. Khvoshchevsky remembers about P.K. Ivanov’s running.

By the way, about Ivanov’s run. He was unusual and original. After several steps of leisurely jogging, there followed an explosive, full-body tension run with straight outstretched arms and legs. And so on for 40-50 meters. Then relaxed running again. And so on up to 4-5 times.

Ivanov considered such running useful for those who engage in mental work and lead a sedentary lifestyle. He recommends running this way 2-3 times a day. This kind of running before dousing or winter swimming is very effective. winter conditions. The body quickly warms up in any frost.

Ivanov also had a variation of running to strengthen the cervical vertebrae and back.

This is running with your head thrown back and with your arms folded in the form of wings behind your back with full tension of the whole body. There was also a calming, leisurely run, as if in at a slow pace, with hovering in the air and smooth, full-amplitude swings of the arms back and forth, like the wings of a bird. More than once I had the opportunity to watch Porfiry Korneevich running, and it seemed to me that he could come up with variations of it endlessly.

Running technique - this is a set of movements that we do to run. A technique can be right or wrong. The correct technique is economical and safe. It reduces the energy costs of running, as well as the load on muscles and ligaments. Running with correct technique, you will run longer, faster, and save yourself from sore knees, clogged calves and other injuries. Let's consider general principles correct technique.

1. Body position

To push off effectively, the muscles of the body must be toned. When pushing off, they should tense, so the body will be rigid and transfer the force well.

Sprinters push off very hard at the start, they need to accelerate as quickly as possible. Their body forms a straight line with the leg and the push is powerful.

Your posture should be straight and your shoulders back. The head should look forward about 30 meters. If you lower or raise your head, the neck muscles will receive extra stress and your posture will deteriorate. The body should not be secured so that the pelvis can unfold. The step will become longer, and practically no additional strength will be required.

Mo Farah keeps his back straight and wins

2. Foot placement

Whether we brake or accelerate, as well as in which direction we run, depends on where we place our feet.

Viewed from the side The foot should land as close to the center of gravity as possible, and the shin should be perpendicular to the ground. If our foot lands behind our center of gravity, we are almost certain to fall. If we are in front, we bump into it and slow down, and the muscles, joints and ligaments receive additional stress and can be injured.

In this case, you can land both on your heel and on your toes - placing your foot close to the center of gravity with a little bent knee guarantees a smooth landing, without impact to ligaments and joints.

If you don't believe that you can land on your heel without getting injured, watch the video (rewind to 5:56):

Abebe Bikila on Olympic Marathon 1960 in Rome he ran barefoot and put his foot on his heel. He won that marathon and had no problems with his knees.

Viewed from the front The foot should also land exactly under the center of gravity. If you place your legs to the sides, the push-off will not be strictly forward, but to the side. You will run in a zigzag, and the distance you need to run will increase.

David Rudisha places his foot exactly under his center of gravity

3. Work of arms and legs

The principles of their operation are very similar and are associated with inertia. It takes a lot of effort to bring straight arms or legs forward. Therefore, your arms need to be bent at the elbows and your legs at the knees.

The leg is brought forward by the thigh, not the foot. The muscles should be relaxed. So the leg will bend at the knee on its own, and the heel will overlap. We will spend less energy and time on movement.

Hands compensate for leg work. Their position largely depends on the individual characteristics of the structure. For most, an angle close to 90° will be optimal, but you need to focus on convenience.

The arms should not move parallel to the body. If you connect outstretched arms in front of you, their direction will be the optimal trajectory.

Haile Gebrselassie's arms are always bent at about 90° at the elbow, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more


These are just the basics of proper technique, but there are many more nuances. Running is influenced by physiological and racial characteristics, previous injuries, developed motor skills, emotional state, and indirectly influenced by sneakers and insoles. About them and how to train the correct running technique - in future articles.


1. Keep your back straight and your muscles toned
2. Place your foot under your center of gravity
3. Bend your elbows and bring your leg forward with your thigh

The article was prepared by Dmitry Gavrilov

Running is a great way to relieve stress, get in shape and give payload on cardiovascular system. People who firmly decide to start training on Monday believe that success depends on willpower, a comfortable tracksuit and sneakers. This is certainly true. But let's not forget about one more very important component - the correct running technique. It is this that allows you to run longer, using energy sparingly, makes training safe for joints, tendons and muscles, and helps bring your training level closer to a professional level.

1. Physical form. It is better to start jogging with a certain physical training And developed muscles. Squats, lunges, and jumping rope are suitable for training leg muscles. Thanks to strong calves, anterior and back surface hips, quadriceps, the load on the leg will be distributed evenly, and the necessary muscle groups will be included in the work when necessary.

For running, a strong abs is also important, which will support pelvic muscles, and developed top part back, helping to maintain posture and not slouch.

Besides strength training, get busy joint gymnastics and stretching to achieve mobility and stability of the joints and make the ligaments elastic.

2. A smart approach. If a beginner wants to run several kilometers around the stadium, then the next morning it will be difficult for him to even get out of bed due to pain in the leg muscles. In addition, it puts the vascular system at risk, for which such loads are a serious stress. Especially older people should prepare for daily jogging. First you need to go to at an accelerated pace, then alternate walking with short runs. Only when shortness of breath disappears during training, you can start with light jogging over short distances and gradually increase the load.

In pursuit of beautiful figure and personal records, it is very important not to overwork yourself. The body needs time to recuperate. If the runs are short, do not exceed 20–30 minutes, then you can do it at least every day. During prolonged exercise, you need to give your body rest by training at least every other day.

3. Stretching. Stretching should be present during any physical activity. Before running, you can do a few squats, lunges and jumping jacks.

4. Mindfulness. Thanks to regular training, correct running technique will be supported by muscle memory and will become a habit. But despite this, you should constantly focus on sensations own body. This is the only way to avoid accidental injuries and better understand the needs of the body. If an athlete is not present in the present moment and does not concentrate on technique, his rhythm and breathing are disrupted, and the risk of getting a dislocation or sprain increases.

5. Mode. Running technique can only be honed through training, which must be done regularly, but preferably at the same time in the morning or evening. The time of day does not have a big impact on the effectiveness of exercise, although doctors have calculated that the optimal hours for physical activity are from 16 to 20 hours. But if it’s convenient to run in the morning, then you shouldn’t deny yourself this pleasure. Moreover, morning workouts able to charge you with energy for the coming working day.

You cannot run on an empty stomach - eat food an hour and a half before training. About half an hour before your run, you should drink a glass of clean water. On a hot and stuffy day, it is recommended to take water with you and drink it in small sips to avoid fluid loss from the body.

6. Choosing shoes. Comfortable running shoes are important because they soften the impact and distribute it evenly across the foot. Therefore, choosing high-quality running shoes should not be neglected, especially if you are overweight. It is advisable to purchase minimalist sneakers for training with cushioning in the toes and heels. To prevent injuries, you can put running insoles in your shoes.

7. Choosing a place to run. An uneven landscape allows you to regulate the load and engage different muscle groups, so a forest or park will be ideal place for jogging. But sports stadiums will also fit. It is desirable that they have a special smooth coating. But it’s better not to run on stones and gravel - you can trip and lose your balance.

8. Track progress. To evaluate your success and achievements, you can keep a sports diary, which will include information about the distance covered and duration of exercise, indicators of physical condition (pulse, blood pressure), weight and volume in problem areas. You can use special programs for gadgets to monitor your progress, or purchase a running watch. To evaluate your running technique, you need an outside perspective, so you can ask a friend to film the workout on video. This is a great way to see mistakes and inaccuracies and correct them in time.

Correct running: detailed analysis of technique

Practicing proper running technique begins with choosing how to place your foot on the ground. You can place the supporting leg on the heel and roll onto the toe; on the wide part of the foot or directly on the toe, and then use the entire foot.

Typically, people run the same way they walk—heel-to-toe. This method is acceptable at low speeds and is suitable for beginners. Professional athletes use toe running. Numerous studies have shown that landing smoothly on the forefoot softens the impact and helps maintain healthy joints and bones.

Relearning is usually difficult. First, you should master the technique of running at a slow pace, smoothly lowering your foot first onto the toe, then onto the wide part of the foot, and only then onto the heel. Moreover, the time the heel is on the ground should be minimal, that is, they touched the support and immediately tore off the leg. If the toe running technique is not suitable, you can use the wide part of the foot for support, but not the heel.

Now it should be mentioned correct position the body, or rather, its individual parts.

  1. The neck is straight, the chin is looking forward, looking at the horizon.
  2. Shoulders are lowered, shoulder blades are retracted.
  3. You need to keep your back straight and try not to slouch. Pinched rib cage will cause breathing to become shallow and frequent.
  4. The upper body must be fixed. It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary turns of both the upper and bottom housings. Rotation of the pelvis should be especially avoided. Remember: the center of gravity of the body is in the abdominal area.
  5. The position of the body regulates the pace, so to increase the speed you need to lean forward a little.
  6. Elbows are bent at right angles and pressed to the body. The palms should not be directed up or down, but should be facing each other. The fingers are slightly clenched. While running, make short swings of your arms in time with your footwork.
  7. The foot should touch the ground directly below the body's center of gravity, so you don't need to move it too far forward. You should land with your knees slightly bent.
  8. You don’t need to take too wide steps, but you also shouldn’t rush around. The optimal speed is 3 steps per second.
  9. As you lift your leg, pull your heel toward your buttocks.
  10. It is necessary to avoid bringing your legs together - your knees should point towards your feet.

It is important to pay Special attention breathing. It should be deep and even. Under no circumstances should you hold your inhalations and exhalations. Correct running corresponds to 2x2 breathing: inhale for 2 steps and exhale for 2 steps. If the training pace is not very high, then you can breathe for 3 beats. When breathing becomes difficult, first check the position of your upper back. Hunched shoulders and forward-bent shoulder blades prevent the lungs from opening fully.

Mistakes when mastering running technique

Neither beginners nor people with many years of training experience are immune from mistakes. This is why you need to look at yourself critically - this is the only way to achieve perfect running technique.

  1. Staggering pace. Fatigue makes many novice runners completely forget about maintaining a steady pace and calm breathing. Athletes are driven by only one goal - to reach the finish line as quickly as possible. With this approach, injuries are not far away.
  2. Body vibrations. While running, bouncing will be unnecessary. The same can be said about swaying from side to side. The body must be fixed and kept straight.
  3. Pelvic rotations. Rotations in the lower part of the body occur when the core muscles are relaxed, in particular, if the stomach is not tightened. Strong muscles The press supports the lower back and stabilizes the pelvis.
  4. Lean forward. If the body is leaned too forward, the center of gravity is shifted and the load is not distributed correctly. In addition, in this position it is very easy to lose balance.
  5. Neck down and shoulders raised towards the ears. It would seem, why pay attention to the condition of the muscles of the upper body if during running it is mainly the legs that work. What really matters is the position of the body as a whole, so it is important to mentally scan and align the body from time to time. And it is very important to relax the muscles that are not involved in this moment to work.
  6. Squats. Some people run with their knees bent because they think it is more comfortable and safer. This running technique cannot be called correct.
  7. Sharp braking. Under no circumstances should you stop suddenly or start walking. You need to gradually reduce your speed and walk several circles around the stadium at an easy pace.

How to achieve proper running technique

Running should start with getting your muscles in order. You need to spend at least 2-3 weeks strengthening muscle corset, only after this should you begin to master the intricacies of running technique.

If it is not possible to train with an experienced trainer who can tell you how to hold your body and place your foot correctly, you can practice the technique yourself gym or at home, but at first preferably in front of a mirror. This is the only way to spot all errors.

When muscle memory is sufficiently trained, you can go for short runs. Don't try to run several kilometers at once. the main task at this stage you need to control your body, so distance doesn’t matter.

Only when the movements become confident and clear can we talk about full-fledged training. The jogging time should be increased gradually until you reach 45–50 minutes (longer is not advisable).

Even the smartest books from “star” trainers about proper running will not replace the experience that is achieved regular training and perseverance. Therefore, after reading the instructions and advice, the knowledge gained should be applied in practice and bring your technique closer to the ideal, which, as we know, has no limits.

So that running does not become a waste of time and effort, but brings positive, effective results, you should know how to run correctly

Running belongs to the category of the least expensive and complex methods of combating excess weight. Today it is chosen by many women and men who are faced with the desire to lose weight but do not want to spend significant financial resources on fitness clubs. But so that running does not become a waste of time and effort, but brings positive, effective results, you should know how to run correctly to lose weight, and also adhere to certain techniques and rules different types running.

Running as a means of combating excess weight: general rules

Having chosen running sports training as a way to lose weight, every person should familiarize themselves with the basic rules of this type physical activity. To overweight started to melt in the first month of classes, you should adhere to:

  • regularity of running training;
  • choosing the optimal running option suitable for a person’s level of training;
  • periodic increase in loads;
  • choosing the right clothes and shoes for training.

To lose extra pounds, you should accompany running training balanced diet: give up sweets, flour, fatty foods; give preference to fruits, vegetables, fish, etc. It is important to start eating less salt. Because it will interfere with excretion excess water from the body.

Advice!If you are new to this business, then it is better to start running in the warm season (spring, summer, autumn). This will allow an organism that has not yet adapted to avoid colds. If running training is done outdoors in winter, it is advisable to immediately move on to physical activity, literally from the doorstep, and continue until you get into your home. This will reduce the risk of hypothermia.

How, where and when to run to lose weight?

Can be used for weight loss different kinds running, among which the most common are:

When losing weight, running should be done systematically. You should run at least two to three times a week. If possible and depending on the chosen type of running, the number of runs can be increased.

Regarding the terrain, the most suitable place for jogging would be a park, dirt paths, a stadium, if one is nearby, etc.

Advice! If possible, you should avoid jogging on asphalt, since running on such a surface is harmful to the spine.

An important indicator is the clothing chosen for training. If you go for a run in uncomfortable clothing, you can easily negate its effectiveness.

The principle here is this: clothing should help intense sweating. During this, the body gets rid of toxins, excess liquid, elements of recycled substances, etc. Therefore, to achieve high results A running suit for weight loss should be windproof and elastic.

You need to start running to lose weight with the maximum amount of load acceptable for the body, gradually increasing it as the person adapts. If this is long-distance running, you can start training with 1 km and gradually increase to 3 km. If running is interval running, start with 15–20 minutes, increasing by 5 minutes every week, etc.

Losing weight by long-distance running

Long-distance running is one of the most popular types of running. It is also used for non-professional training, including as a way to combat overweight. But at the same time, it is important to know how to run correctly, since performance depends on precise execution of running technique (video).

In unprofessional conditions sports training The most commonly used is running at a distance of about one to three kilometers, depending on the endurance and preparation of the body. Also, an alternative to this is not the size of the distance, but the time – about 45–60 minutes.

In long-distance running technique, the following indicators play an important role:

  • correct foot placement;
  • body position;
  • hand movements;
  • breathing technique.

The feet must be placed like this: first - on the front parts and on their external sides, and then smoothly roll over the entire surface of the feet. Placing your feet on your heels is not recommended. This will lead to a decrease in running efficiency, since the pushing force from the floor will be very low.

The leg that acts as the pushing leg should be absolutely straightened. The thigh of the swing leg must be brought forward. This will strengthen the next push.

The head should be kept level while running. You need to look into the distance, forward. The body should be held vertically, slightly tilted forward.

Hands in long-distance running must work intensively. When moving along the distance, the elbow should be pushed back and out. The hand must be turned inward, bringing it closer to the middle of the body.

If the arms are working as hard as possible, the runner's stride frequency increases. Together, this allows you to increase your running speed.

Breathing should be frequent, because with this type of running the body requires a large amount of oxygen.

Sprinting: rules for the 100m

The 100m sprint is a type of short-distance running. To understand how to run 100 m correctly, you need to clearly know what stages it consists of. sprint distance, since each section has a specific running technique and rules.

The 100m race consists of:

  • start;
  • starting acceleration;
  • direct running along the distance;
  • finish line

Let's consider the technique of correct running at each of these stages.

It is recommended to start running only from a low start position. There are clear rules for its implementation. To begin, you should sit down with your hands on the floor. The position of the hands is important for further repulsion. The fingers should be slightly bent - there will be no complete contact of the palms with the floor. Thumbs need to be turned inward and the rest directed outward.

After this, you need to raise your body. The back should be rounded without straining. The stronger leg should be bent at the knee and pushed forward. You should go down on the knee of the leg that is left behind.

In this starting position, it is the arms that serve as support - the entire body weight rests on them. The arms must be straightened at the elbows, but left as free and relaxed as possible.

The position of the head should create the appearance that it is a continuation of the line of the body. You need to look ahead, about a meter away from the starting line.

When starting, you need to move your center of gravity forward and raise your pelvis to shoulder level. When the whistle blows, you need to push off as hard as possible and immediately start working intensively with your hands. While running, your arms should bend at the elbows.

The starting acceleration is the next 25–30 m. At this stage, speed is gained. For this purpose, it is necessary to increase the length and frequency of the step. When accelerating, the body must be tilted forward, gradually straightening further as it gains speed.

The finish should be smooth - the speed should never drop sharply. Moving along the trajectory, the runner can run some more distance, gradually slowing down and stopping.

How to burn extra pounds by jogging?

Today, the jogging technique is used for sports training by many people, including as a way to get rid of excess weight. Therefore, knowing how to jog correctly is very important to achieve the desired result.

Jogging, or jogging, refers to a form of running in which the runner's speed is slightly different from that of a walker. Often jogging is done at a speed of seven to nine kilometers per hour. It takes about seven minutes to cover one kilometer.

The technique of this run is simple. Proper adherence to it can significantly reduce the load on the joints. To control correct execution jogging matters:

  • position and movement of body parts;
  • breath;
  • pulse.

When pushing off in running, you should use not only the heel or toe, but the entire foot. The leg used to push off is straightened at the knee.

This type of running involves small steps. During movement, the body should be straightened, slightly tilting it forward. The elbows must be bent at right angles. The movement of the hands should be done in time with the movements of the body.

An important aspect in jogging technique is breathing. It should be smooth, nasal, without shortness of breath. Its appearance is the first signal that the correct running technique is impaired and the speed needs to be reduced.

Advice! If you use jogging as a way to lose weight, make sure you keep your workouts regular. This is the main key to success. The ideal option is daily jogging. But their minimum number should not be less than three times a week.

Interval running: principles and rules

This is a fairly common type of running, which is used as a way of sports training and weight loss. Its key principle is periodic alternation of walking and running. This helps you relax after maximum stress, restore the body’s resources, and start exercising again. The technique of running for weight loss is also simple, but has clear instructions on how to run correctly.

The best option for interval running is the following alternation:

  • 100 m – walking;
  • 100 m – sprint;
  • 100 m – jogging.

The load is added gradually. The workout begins with walking for 15 minutes. Then the transition to running takes place. After the sprint, there is no sudden stop - the load continues in the form of light jogging.

The following alternation of stages can be considered correct in the interval running technique: one lap of walking - one lap of sprinting - one lap of jogging - two laps of sprinting - one lap of jogging - one lap of walking. After completing such a cycle, it can be repeated. The number of interval running cycles completed depends on the location of training and the size of the distance.

Interval running burns significantly more calories than regular running. At the acceleration stage, energy consumption doubles. The greatest energy release occurs during sprinting. At this stage, the largest amount of fat deposits is broken down.

During the deceleration and load reduction stage, energy consumption does not stop. After such a run, the body continues to burn calories for another six hours.

Advice!Because the interval running Due to changes in physical activity, it leads to significant stress on the cardiovascular system; people who have any diseases in this area or are at risk are advised to consult a cardiologist before choosing this method of training.

Running is effective method, allowing you to get rid of excess weight in a relatively short time. There is a variety of choices among types of running. So that each of them allows you to achieve desired results, you must first of all adhere to the key rules and running techniques.