How to become a football goalkeeper. The main mistakes of a goalkeeper in street football. Ball hitting technique

Being a goalkeeper is a thankless task in itself. What's big in football, what's not so big, and what's amateur. Risking one's own health, nerves, position in the team and the desire to play in general - who in their right mind would agree to do this kind of thing? If nothing else, then the goalkeeper’s task is very simple - to prevent the ball from flying into the goal, but, as you can see, this, in general, is a rather simple action that requires a lot of effort. There are no perfect goalkeepers - in amateur football everyone misses goals. Without exception. The only difference is how to skip - professionally or amateurishly. In total, there are three categories of any player guarding the goal:


This concept, in essence, is quite streamlined and more mental than actually game. The main thing to understand is that a professional football player, for whom playing millions is hard work and hard work, is unlikely to play amateur football. Well, perhaps Dmitry Sychev, although he is not a goalkeeper. Be that as it may, there were, are and will be goalkeepers in TLFL who once played at a relatively high level, and now they are fighting against amateurs. The reasons are different for everyone - boredom, desire to play, etc. What distinguishes them from mere mortals is the presence of a “club yarmulke,” a rich football past and outrageous self-esteem. Not for everyone, of course, but for the majority.


The most common category of TLFL players. Here you can highlight a lot of sub-points - from playing in the region to a couple of games in the KFK. The Second League is already the “celestials” (see above). The bulk of these goalkeepers are adequate people who once played football, but they don’t like to boast about it. It was those who practiced, not those who played (see below). Their peculiarity is the fact that they all trained and practiced to varying degrees and times, but for some reason the road to big and PROFESSIONAL football was closed to them. The degree of skill also varies radically - you can be Evgeny Kovylin, or you can be Dmitry Pankov. The class of the game is completely different, but the essence is, in principle, the same.


Almost always, these are people who once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, put on gardening or almost gardening gloves and became goalkeepers. No, among them there are also quite good players, but rarely. Rarely. There aren't many of them in TLFL, but they exist too. Such people and their play can be most vividly characterized by the statement of one of the football players in our league - “I don’t know why he decided that he was a goalkeeper. In general, it seems to me that he slept until he was thirty years old, then he woke up and that’s it, I’m a goalkeeper. I bought gloves, a uniform, pants, but it still lets me through the hole from the center.”

There are just over a hundred goalkeepers on the TLFL registries. If we divide them as accurately as possible by skill, then we can safely say that of this person, thirty “stand,” fifty to sixty “play,” and the rest are “professionals” or “wear gardening gloves.”

However, as the greatest football player in the history of Kotovsk, Alexander Zyablov, said:

– There are no goalkeepers in Tambov.

Skill, physics, chemistry, kip and psychology

As you know, there are only two options for playing in goal - either you know how or you don’t. Let's start with the first option. If you dig deep, then everything comes from psychology. Or rather, it begins with it. If you prepare for each match, tune in, listen to motivational music (Survivor – Eye of a tiger), imagine how you will make great saves, then... you will float. And it’s good if you miss just one goal. No matter how you tune in, warm up mentally and visualize your game, if you are a “bag” in the goal, then nothing will help you. The essence of the game is skill. The ability to correctly form during a shot from close range, to cover the ball as it goes down into the top corner with your “far” hand, to reduce the distance in time before going one-on-one, to move competently around the penalty area and much, much more. Who cares about your motivation and concentration if you can't get the wall right?

However, only one thing is enough – don’t miss it. A good example from a mini-football tournament. The Soyuz goalkeeper played in ordinary stretched pants, a long-sleeve T-shirt and Soccer gloves (which children played in back in 2002), silent with overweight and a strange hairstyle. The goalkeeper of one team from the Premier League played in equipment from Adidas, Nike, Puma, and even somewhere once he could play. Two goalkeepers, two levels of play, but they conceded the same goals. What's the point? Yes, the fact is that the guy from the “Soyuz” carried everything that was possible and impossible, and the one “on the pile” let him through from the center. There are always exceptions and there is always skill.

The issue of self-confidence also comes into play, of course. If you play without a voice on the way out, sooner or later you will get your head in the chin. Talking, thinking, being collected are also necessary, no doubt about it. But there is a line between a manic desire to play alone against a team (Mikhail Kondratyev from “Rocket”) and normal self-confidence (Alexander Ostroukhov from Elevator-USB).

Briefly condensing, conveying the essence, I present a small fragment from a pre-match interview with one of strongest goalkeepers"TLFL":

– Ready to play?

- Yes, it doesn’t matter

- Um...why is that?

– If the game goes well, it doesn’t go well, I’ll try to make it work.

– What about the motivation there, the drive to win?

– What is the motivation? It’s the attackers who need to tune in to the goal, but my job is not to let them in.

There is an opinion that in strong team the goalkeeper is needed only to occupy space in the frame, since the defense will not allow the attacker to shoot at goal. Nothing is perfect - attack, midfield, defense and goalkeeper in particular. The entire game could be played in the opponents' half, and then because of one free kick from the center of the field they win. The goalkeeper is half the team. Good or bad – it doesn’t matter, but half. He has no room for error. The difference between a good goalkeeper and a great goalkeeper is one simple thing. The first one can save a lot of times in a match, but miss three times, and the second one can stand in place the whole game, sunbathing, and at a crucial moment, hit three shots in a row in the last minute. Football cannot be linear from match to match - you score one goal, make three saves, win, everyone is happy. This is not true at all.

Yes, of course, every goalkeeper should, has and will have the opportunity to prove himself and save the team. There may be just one in the final match of the season, or maybe in every championship match. No one knows when the ball will need to be pulled from the ribbon. This is, in principle, what is good about football. However, it is, of course, worth mentioning that in a team with a leaky defense there will still be more options to prove yourself.

To illustrate, we can recall the match “Second League A” “USB” – “Elevator-2” (5:1). The first team shot on target fourteen times (one goal from the penalty spot) and the second team played in the minority. The goalkeeper made a lot of saves, but missed five (!) goals. Let the defenders prove themselves, nothing can be said. In the opposite direction, you can bring a super derby “Vityaz-STC” – “Forward” (1:1). The goalkeeper of the “Tatanov machine” worked hard to fight off everything possible, including penalties and two-on-ones. The goalkeeper of the “blue-red” spent almost the entire match doing nothing but intercepting flank passes to nowhere. At the very end of the match Dmitry Pichkov after a deep candle, he nodded his head in the penalty area and the ball flew into the corner of the goal, past the hands of the Knights goalkeeper. Here's just one moment for you to prove yourself. So, no matter what order your defense is in, you still have to enter the game, and it’s better to be successful, and even better, not during the most important match of the season.

“Why is he the best? Our keeper has a lower coefficient of throughput!”; “I missed less, why wasn’t I nominated?!”; “Yes, I can stand better!” One of the most common stereotypes of “TLFL” is that he concedes few goals, which means he is a strong goalkeeper. A goalkeeper cannot be strong if he has played a little more than half of the matches, missed almost every game and consistently delivers, without knowing how to play with his feet, while having a low conceding rate. So, for example, once (in 2013), the best goalkeeper of the season was the goalkeeper of one completely unknown team that took sixth place. There was a lot of gossip on this topic. But most critics were unaware that the goalkeeper of the champion team did almost nothing throughout the championship, missing ridiculous goals, the goalkeepers of the silver and bronze medalists played a little more than half of the matches during the season (the rest of the time foreign players and goalkeepers from farm clubs played there), the rest simply dead (they couldn’t put the ball into play and took the ball from their players), well, the teams in fifth and sixth place each had three goalkeepers on the roster, who diluted the missed goals among themselves and made the “leakage coefficient less.” And you can’t explain it, because the main thing is TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT!

The vicissitudes of a goalkeeper's career or why it is wise to create a team around your loved one

The goalkeeper doesn't have many potential competitors. Or rather, practically none. A good goalkeeper, as well as a stable team, is a rare and almost unique commodity, which often comes in a mutually beneficial synthesis. For example, the level of play of the goalkeeper corresponds to the level of play of the entire team. In very rare cases, goalkeepers who come from the “Third” or “Second League” linger in the top “tower” teams. Often, good goalkeepers have to kill their own limbs in meat grinders on the field of school No. 36 or TOT, without the opportunity to register in leagues of a higher rank. In other words, if there is no one to call or invite, then until the end of “TLFL” you will be saving penalties in matches against some “Young” or “Arkady Ukupnik”. Unless, of course, you are a career goalkeeper.

In other words, there are a few golden rules:

– Never agree to play for a team with fewer than ten people.

– Think several times before moving to another where there are “professionals”

– Do not agree to play in the “tower” if you are not confident in yourself

There are many advantages in playing for a Third League team - you are with your “homies”, they can’t kick you out (because there is no one to stand), you can personally “push” the defenders, and generally you don’t feel responsible in most matches. Playing for yourself and for your own pleasure is the best thing. Well, if you need something more aesthetic and significant, then it’s time to look for options for further career development. The main thing is to choose the right team.

Often, after the third match in a new team, most goalkeepers ask themselves the question: “F*ck, why did I move here?”, thinking that in the next yard the grass is greener and the defense is better. But no. And it’s not about the team at all, but about the goalkeeper himself. A classic example of career growth in a utopian version:

– “Arkady Ukupnik” – “Gaz-Myas” – “Elevator-2” – “Vityaz-STC” (provided that the goalkeeper is fine and the team does not suddenly withdraw)

If you’re lucky, you’ll stay in a top club, and if not… then one day you’ll receive an SMS with the text “We’re disqualifying you, no offense.” And if you are unlucky even more, they will simply announce a second goalkeeper and sit and wait for a chance until he breaks down or is released from work. Which will not happen soon, to put it mildly. As mentioned above, there are no ideal goalkeepers and there will be at least one strong competitor for a unique position on the field. You play, for example, for Vityaz-STC, save in cup matches and the Premier League, and then an ex-player from the Football Academy comes to the team. Where is your place? That's right, on the edge of the field, in reserve. And to prevent this from happening you need:

– Good to play

– Do not move to another team without the confidence of stable play at the core

– Do not transfer to Vityaz-STC (optional)

Basically, the goalkeeper amateur team, namely in “TLFL”, a position that is more than half dependent on personal relationships with the team. There are no “homies” and no skills - the career will be extremely fleeting. And if there is, then...well, perhaps Business United will win the TLFL Cup. Everywhere, of course, there are exceptions - you can come to the team without knowing anyone, and then invite the whole team to a wedding, having spent a lot of excellent seasons in goal. A good goalkeeper should play in a good team, a bad goalkeeper...should not play in a good team. So, for example, you can build a chain of correspondence and equivalence between game levels:

Andrey Zaryvnykh= "Caesar" (both are ok, but now the team is a little short of its goalkeeper)

Evgeniy Kovylin= “Forward” (everything is complementary here)

Evgeniy Shkarbal= “Pigment” (the team, as well as the goalkeeper, can do everything. And sometimes not)

Ivan Dronov= “Elevator” (both imported and floating, but, in general, play well)

Dmitry Pankov= Young Boys (a dark horse that might surprise)

In other words, if you want to play with friends, play in the Fourth League for some Alcointer, eking out a miserable existence on the border of the relegation zone. If you want to play football and win, learn to compete and not overwhelm.

To summarize, thinking subjectively, not forgetting about exceptions to the rules

Of course, all of the above, written and thought out, is a purely personal opinion, subjective and, of course, wrong. In football, and especially in this position, everything is decided not by friendship with the players, self-confidence or selection of defenders, but... by chance. Genetic case. You either have a talent that you can develop or you don’t. Any person who stands at the gate is no longer afraid of responsibility. He, at least a little, believes in himself and his own strengths, and this is worth a lot, very much. It doesn’t matter whether you played football professionally or just played with friends - there is always a team in TLFL. And there are no good or bad goalkeepers, strong or weak, eccentric or charismatic. All of them are guards of the last line of the gate, a little inadequate, but, on the whole, excellent guys.

There are probably exceptions who kiss the bars and talk to them, but most likely there are no such people in TLFL. Elevator-2 there was one like that once, he also threw a bag at the spectators after missing a goal, but that's a completely different story...

Evgeny Kovylin, Forward

Alexander Ostroukhov, “free agent”

Alexey Ermolov, “Legion”

Dmitry Ermakov, "Rusich"

Victor Popov, "Savages"

Ivan Vasiliev, "Olympic"

Alexey Sychev, Energy

Andrey Zaryvnykh, “Caesar”

Pavel Shishkin, "UFSIN"

Ilya Dorokhin, Elektropribor

Alexey Vasiliev, Inter-Plast

Evgeny Osinovsky, Tambov

Alexey Rachkov, Salyut-ZKO

Evgeniy Shkarbal, “Pigment”

Dmitry Polyakov, “Sturm”

Alexander Boldyrev, “Russian Machines”

Each of them can prove himself in absolutely any team in absolutely any match against absolutely any opponent. The players are positioned differently so as not to diminish each other's goalkeeping abilities. Well, so that they don’t ask unnecessary questions during the meeting.

For a football goalkeeper, attentiveness and the ability to quickly react to the actions of opponents are important. Football goalkeeper training is the basis of a team's defensive capabilities. The main qualities of a goalkeeper are reaction and jumping ability, high-quality play on exits, dedication, vision of the field, good physical training and the ability to save penalties and make the first pass of a counterattack.

The result of the game largely depends on the skill of the goalkeeper. The rules for the goalkeeper in soccer make him the only player who can touch the ball. A reliable goalkeeper gives confidence to the team. It is important for players on the field to know that they have a professional behind them, capable of defending the goal during the match, repelling the attacks of opponents.

Features of training

The training of the goalkeeper and the rest of the team has significant differences. IN professional teams Experienced coaches and former goalkeepers are engaged in this work. But if there is no such person on the team, then during training Special attention pay:

  1. Game practice, without which the goalkeeper's playing technique in football will decline. Experts do not recommend having many goalkeepers on a team.
  2. The goalkeeper's ability to catch balls. Solid part training process goes directly to training basic technology this technique. After all, catching a ball in football is the main task goalkeeper.
  3. Ball hitting technique.
  4. When preparing a goalkeeper, an important point is the correct release of the ball. If the goalkeeper fails to kick, he takes the ball with his hands and throws it into play.

The effectiveness of the gate guard's actions is largely due to its correct starting position. It is characterized by standing legs apart (shoulder-width apart and slightly bent). Half-bent arms are brought forward at chest level. Palms facing inward and forward. The fingers are slightly apart. The correct starting position allows the goalkeeper to quickly move the center of gravity beyond the support area and perform the necessary movements with regular, side and cross steps, as well as jumps and falls.

Photo 1. One of the main elements of goalkeeper technique is falling in flight (pictured is the goalkeeper of the Dutch national football team Tim Krul)

Ball catching technique

Goalkeeper techniques in football, which involve the goalkeeper's playing technique, are considered catching the ball. During a match, the goalkeeper catches balls with different flight heights, with and without falling.

Photo 2. The goalkeeper practices falling a huge number of times to practice the skill of landing safely (in the photo - the goalkeeper English club Manchester United (David De Gea)

Reception of a rolling ball has its own characteristics: to do this, the goalkeeper closes his legs, leans slightly forward and catches the projectile with his palms. After touching the ball, he clasps his hands at the elbows and pulls the projectile towards his stomach. If the ball is spotted away from the goal, then the goalkeeper catches it, falling to the ground: making a swift throw and throwing up his arms, he catches and pulls the projectile to his chest.

When falling lower leg you need to bend your knee. The goalkeeper lands with a roll, in which his leg lands on the ground, followed by his torso and arms. Landing directly on your stomach or arms is dangerous. You need to practice taking balls that roll away from the goalkeeper on soft ground.

If the ball flies no higher than knee level, then catch it like this: close your legs so that the projectile does not pass between them. When you touch with your palms, immediately pull the ball towards your stomach. Catching the ball at chest level: the player bends slightly, extending his arms palms down. The moment your palms touch the ball, pull it towards your stomach with a smooth movement. Such balls are caught by jumping up. To develop lasting skills, use a wet ball.

Photo 3. Jumping and throwing are an important part of a goalkeeper's game.

When balls fly above the head or at its level, they are caught both in a jump and without it: the goalkeeper throws his arms up - with his palms facing the projectile. The fingers are spread out and slightly bent. When the ball and hands touch, bend your fingers and pull the ball towards your body. Catching high balls in football that fly away from the goalkeeper is done in most cases when falling. Having calculated the trajectory of the ball, the goalkeeper pushes off the ground and jumps onto the projectile, throwing his arms forward. To make the fall soft and painless, the athlete groups himself.

Photo 4. Slovenian national team goalkeeper Jan Oblak calculates the trajectory of the ball to prevent a goal as a result of a cross pass.

Ball hitting technique

Hitting the ball in football is used in cases where catching is impossible. It is performed with both hands and one. The first method is more reliable, however, using the second option, long-distance flights are repelled. The goalkeeper's playing technique in such cases is similar to the movements when catching the ball from the side or from above.

Photo 5. Footballer defending the goal of the Portuguese club Porto Iker Casillas uses one hand to hit the ball.

The technique and tactics of playing a goalkeeper in football with lob and cross passes is to hit the ball a long distance. To do this, they hit it with one fist or two. This blow has two options: from the shoulder and from behind the head. In the first case, a swing is made in which the striking arm, bent at the elbow, is brought back. At the same time, the body turns. With its turn, a striking movement begins, as a result of which the body takes its original position and the arm sharply straightens.

During an overhead strike, the bent arm is moved behind the head. Hitting the ball is done by sharply straightening the body and striking hand. When hitting the projectile with your fists, the starting position is taken - bend your arms to your chest, fingers folded into fists. The impact occurs as a result of a simultaneous sharp extension of the arms.

Photo 6. A trained goalkeeper has the ability to use different techniques hitting the ball (pictured - six-time Russian football champion Igor Akinfeev)

What is a ball transfer?

Transfer is the direction of the ball that flies into the goal towards the top crossbar. Balls that have a high flight path or are away from the goalkeeper are more often transferred. At the same time, his actions resemble hitting a ball. Translation is done using one or two hands.

The preparatory phase consists of moving the ball towards the flight of one or two tense hands. During the flight, the ball encounters an obstacle, which leads to its stop and translation, during which it changes its trajectory. Translation is done with palms, fists or fingers.

Photo 7. Moving the game apparatus upward is one of the methods for protecting the goal.

Features of throws

Throwing the ball in football is often used, since this technique allows the goalkeeper to give the ball to a member of his team, and at a significant distance. Such throwing of the ball in football is carried out with one, sometimes with two hands from below, above and from the side.

Photo 8. Kicking the ball is an alternative to throwing it with your hands (pictured is Scotland national team player Scott Brown).

When entering the ball along a low trajectory, a low throw of the ball is used. Starting position - legs strongly bent in the form of a step. At the same time, lower the hand that is holding the ball. When making a swing, move your arm back and transfer your body weight to the front leg. The hand of the player with the ball moves parallel to the lawn, and the body is directed in the direction in which the ball is moving.

Photo 9. Step-by-step description correct technique kicking the ball away by the goalkeeper

By throwing the ball from above, the projectile is directed precisely along various trajectories and over a long distance. Before throwing, put your feet in the starting position - take a step forward. In this case, the ball is in the palm of your hand, and half-bent fingers will hold it. A swing of the arm is made to the level of the head. The body deviates and turns in this direction. In this case, the weight is transferred to bent leg, which remained behind during the step. The throw is performed with the leg straightened and the body turning. After this, the arm extends and begins to move towards the ball. In this case, the body weight is transferred to the front.

Photo 10. Throwing the ball away with your hands is one of the most common techniques used by goalkeepers.

When throwing the ball from the side, the flight is longer, but not very accurate. When throwing the ball, the hand with it is moved to the side and back. The body is turned in the direction from which the swing will come. The throw is made by sharply straightening the leg and turning the body, and ends with a quick movement of the arm forward.


Number of goals

A country

Career years

Rogerio Ceni



Jose Luis Chilavert



Rene Higuita



Jorge Campos



Dimitar Ivankov



Johnny Vegas



Michelle Alvaro



Hans-Jörg Butt



Marco Cornes



Dragan Pantelic



The table shows the goalkeepers who have scored the most goals in their careers

Goalkeeping is a unique art. In this case, both anthropometric data and the ability to react to events that occur on the field are important. But even if natural abilities are present, daily training will help a beginner player become a high-quality goalkeeper.

Video: Football goalkeeper training

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A football goalkeeper is a special profession. Millions of people follow with great interest football matches, expecting goals scored. And goalkeepers deprive them of this joy over and over again. This is their job.

Football is a team sport. There is no need to be faster/higher/stronger here. Anyone can achieve success in it. But for this you need to put in a lot of effort.

A good goalkeeper's performance is already 50% of a team's success. Therefore, any goalkeeper has a greater load than any of the field players. And the stress is not so much physical as psychological.

Psychological preparation.

You must be self-confident, mentally stable and strong in spirit. No goalkeeper can help out the team in all game episodes. A good goalkeeper should not be upset after every goal he concedes, even if it is his fault. Therefore, try to quickly forget any negative episode and avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

Be calm and cool. During the game, many stressful and nervous situations happen, such as missed goals or unused scoring chances, so never lose your head.

As already noted, the goalkeeper is a special figure in the team. In addition to your direct responsibilities for repelling opponents' attacks, you must be able to lead the line of your defenders, prompt players in various game episodes (during free kicks, corners, and other opponent attacks). The goalkeeper should not be silent.

When a team has a good goalkeeper, all the other players feel much calmer. After all, when your own rear is safe, you can think about an attack. Thus, we can derive the following formula: a confident goalkeeper – a confident team.

Game actions.

You need to remember that your main task is to reflect the balls flying into your goal. To do this, you don’t have to be two meters tall and jumping. A good goalkeeper is distinguished by a competent choice of position in the goal and reaction.

Whatever you do, in order to achieve noticeable success in this activity, you need to work, work and work some more. The profession of a football goalkeeper is no exception. Dedication in training and in games, constant self-analysis and the desire to be the best are the keys to success.

Effectiveness or efficiency?

The history of football knows many examples when goalkeepers who were not naturally endowed with outstanding physical abilities achieved noticeable success. But hard work in training, maximalism and sporting arrogance allowed them to overcome all difficulties and become the best.

It doesn’t matter at all how you parry the opponent’s shot at your goal. You can do this with a beautiful jump, or by choosing your position, you can simply catch the ball in your hands. The main thing is the result. It doesn't matter how it's done. Efficiency comes first.

Thus, dedication, sports will and unbending character are the main components of a good goalkeeper.

Anyone who has chosen the role of a goalkeeper in futsal has probably already realized that becoming a good goalkeeper is not an easy task. The high demands placed on a goalkeeper are not accidental. The goalkeeper is the last player in the defense and the initiator of his team’s attacks. The team’s mood, and often success in the match, depends on his confidence and his actions in difficult game situations. However, don't be fooled by the overwhelming complexity of goalkeeping duties. Passion and diligence will help you master the secrets of goalkeeping. Our advice will also contribute to this.

During the game, the goalkeeper must carefully monitor the movements of the players of both teams and, depending on their position, take a place in the goal. Of particular importance is the choice of place when the opponent is firing at the goal. Let's look at the most typical gaming situations.

Rice. 48. Choosing a place when the attacker goes one on one with the goalkeeper

1. Choosing a place when the attacker goes one on one with the goalkeeper.

2. Choosing a place for impacts with middle distance. To learn how to choose the right position when shooting at a goal from an average distance, ask a friend to hit you on goal from 10-15 steps. Before the shot, mentally divide the angle of fire at the goal in half. Then step forward a little and stand on this imaginary line. The position taken will be the most correct position goalkeeper, providing the greatest opportunity to parry the shot.

3. Choosing a place for a corner kick.

On a corner kick open areas The goalkeeper takes his place at the far goal post. In this position, he sees the field well and has the ability to determine the trajectory of the ball. If necessary, the goalkeeper can leave the goal in a timely manner to receive or hit the ball. On a corner kick in gym or at hockey rink The goalkeeper takes his place in the middle of the goal.

Rice. 49. Place of the goalkeeper and defenders (“walls”) during a free kick

4. Choosing a place for a free kick.

In this case, the goalkeeper must also direct the creation of the “wall”. This is done like this: the “wall” closes the near corner of the goal, and the goalkeeper himself occupies the middle of the uncovered part of the goal. In this position, he will be able to reflect high balls kicked through the “wall” (Fig. 49).

5. Choosing a location for gate awnings.

When crossing the goal, the goalkeeper remains in the goal, since the ball flying in an arc can fall under the crossbar.

Of course, the tactical techniques of a goalkeeper in futsal are not limited to just choosing a place in various game situations. The success of a goalkeeper's actions is largely determined by skillful interaction with defensive players. Experienced goalkeepers often tell defenders how best to act in a given situation. After all, the goalkeeper is behind the players and has a clear view of the entire field! A goalkeeper in mini-football is also a player who, as a rule, very often starts his team’s attack. The success of the team's attacking combination depends on his accurate and timely passing.

How to become a goalkeeper is a question that worries many football fans, especially those who want to connect their lives with professional football. A good goalkeeper must have a certain set of qualities, which we will talk about now.

    Quality 1

    The first quality a real goalkeeper must have is courage. Not everyone is capable, despite the danger and pain, of desperately jumping for the ball into the far corner of the post, fearlessly throwing themselves at the feet of an attacker, or taking a powerful penalty kick.

    Quality 2

    The second quality is a lightning-fast reaction, because the ball most often flies into the goal at enormous speed, which can reach 140 kilometers per hour. Therefore, the future goalkeeper’s reflexes must be excellent.

    Quality 3

    The third quality is composure and the ability to always keep a cool head. A good goalkeeper, even after missing a goal, should not give up, but remain constantly collected, because nervousness can lead to even worse consequences than one missed goal.

During training, the coach must show how to correctly catch the ball to the goalkeeper. The first thing you need is to extinguish the energy of the flying ball. To do this, the goalkeeper must turn his palms towards the ball and spread his fingers slightly. Next, the goalkeeper must pull the ball to his body and press it to himself. If the ball flies low or even rolls along the ground, the goalkeeper must put his feet together, point the ball towards his body and press it.

Very important point preparation means falling. The coach must show his students how to fall correctly as a goalkeeper. For a true professional, falling is an already developed reflex.

Goalkeepers in football are trained very carefully, because they must control all their instincts and work reflexively. The goalkeeper has no time to make decisions. A professional goalkeeper does all this automatically, thanks to trained muscle memory. An important area of ​​goalkeeper training is the development of good jumping ability, since the length of the goal is more than 7 meters, and the speed of the ball is very high, and in order to catch the ball in the corner of the post, the goalkeeper must jump.

The goalkeeper's reaction must be very fast and accurate. To improve it, you need to train hard and devote a lot of time to it. It is very important that the goalkeeper must learn not to close his eyes during dangerous moments. To become a professional goalkeeper, in addition to desire, you need to have certain physical characteristics.

The first thing people pay attention to is football sections– this is growth. For professional goalkeepers, it must be at least 180 cm. The second is good performance during the game. In this case, agents may notice you and offer you good conditions cooperation in professional football.

How to become good goalkeeper in football, a professional coach can tell you in detail how to learn to catch the ball correctly and fall, how to improve your reaction and become a professional goalkeeper.