How to properly catch trout on a platform in the fall. Features of trout fishing on paid reservoirs. The most attractive scents are considered

Trout is a unique species of fish. They not only delight gourmets, but are also a favorite trophy for fishermen. Trout includes the general name of several species of individuals. Namely, those fish that belong to the subfamily Salmonidae, the genus of salmon. This is a definite fact. It belongs to 3 of the 7 genera of the family. These are salmon, including Atlantic species, Pacific (Oncorhynchus) and char (Salvelinus). More on this later.

Genus and species

There is a wide variety of this fish. Let's look at what families this individual is divided into:

The genus Salmo includes the following species of the specified individual:

  • Brook and (Salmo trutta).
  • Atlantic (Salmo obtusirostris).
  • Letnica trout (Salmo letnica).
  • Turkish flathead (Salmo platycephalus).
  • Amudarya trout (Salmo trutta oxianus).
  • Marble (Salmo trutta marmoratus).
  • (Salmo ischchan).

Genus Oncorhynchus:

  • Mykizha (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
  • Caucasian trout (Oncorhynchus caucass).
  • Arizona (Oncorhynchus apache).
  • Clark's salmon (Oncorhynchus clarki).
  • Biwa (Oncorhynchus masou rhodurus)
  • Golden trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita).
  • Gil (Oncorhynchus gilae).

Genus Salvelinus (Loach):

  • American palia (Salvelinus fontinalis).
  • Silver loach (Salvelinus fontinalis agassizi).
  • Bighead (Salvelinus confluentus).
  • Lake char (Salvelinus namaycush).
  • Dolly malma (Salvelinus malma).


It is quite difficult among salmonids, as in principle among other fish, to establish their specific type. Since there are many species that are close to each other. But this individual is easy to distinguish from other fish thanks to some characteristics. Her body is flattened on both sides. The nose is shortened and pointed. The teeth are on the vomer. There are also 3-4 pcs. on a triangular plate in the background. And on the palatal surface there are 2 rows of strong and strong teeth. Number of rays: in the dorsal fin - 3-4 simple and 910 branched. In the pectoral - 112. In the abdominal - 118. In the anal - 317-318 and in the caudal - 17-19.

The color of trout is extremely rich. The back is usually olive or green. Its abdomen is grayish-white or copper-yellow. But the sides are greenish-yellow with red, white or black spots with a blue border. Sometimes a darker color is observed, that is, it can even be black. There are also light-colored or almost colorless individuals. There is a direct dependence of the color of trout on food, water color, bottom and time of year.

As a rule, males are much smaller than females. But their heads are larger. They are superior to females in the number of teeth. In old male trout, the lower jaw, or rather its end, sometimes bends upward. The color of the meat is sometimes white, sometimes red, sometimes yellowish. Depending on the variety. Most consumers prefer red meat. Since its taste is more pronounced. In length it reaches a maximum of a meter. And in weight - up to 20 kg. The diameter of the eggs of these individuals is 4-5 mm. And their color is yellowish or red. During the development of eggs, deviations are quite often observed. For example, hermaphroditism, albinism and two-headed fish. Therefore, they become the subject of many embryological studies.

Where to find trout?

Most often during the day, this individual lives at the bottom, under a layer of various natural shelters. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get it. But if you use diving wobblers for trout, you can achieve excellent results. True fishermen know that catching this species is pleasant not only because of its taste, but also for aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, some of them adhere to the “catch and release” principle.

In Russia, trout is caught in artificial reservoirs. Mostly rainbow type specimens are grown there. The basic rule of trout fishing is to cast your line accurately. Moreover, this must be done the first time, since this fish is quite shy.

What gear is needed?

In this case:

Catching this individual with a special paste

Trout is a gourmet fish. She doesn’t bite at anything. As a result of this, it is quite difficult to please her. Trout paste is quite common in fishing shops. This is a good bait for this individual. Berkley trout paste has proven itself well among fishermen. It has a very pronounced smell of fish and shrimp. That is, everything that trout loves. This company and other manufacturers have several types of this substance in their product range. For example:

  1. Floating paste. Here the name speaks for itself. It has a lifting function. If its quantity is not enough for you, then you can always add a foam ball to it.
  2. Sinking paste. Always have it with you. After all, trout is an unpredictable fish. And within a day he changes his tastes. That is, she can switch from surface feeding to bottom feeding.
  3. Seasonal pastas. They are sold in a wide range, with different flavors.

If you choose the specified bait correctly, you will ensure good catch. It is necessary to have several types of this substance with you in order to successfully catch trout with paste. The equipment must be correctly selected. This is important to know. It can also be combined with other fishing equipment to form a paste. Equipment, for example, such as a bombard or donka, is quite suitable in this case. Quite often, glitter is added to this substance to improve results. This is so that the bait leaves a mark and attracts the specified individual with its shine.

Use of trout paste

Let's consider the use of this substance in several cases. Namely:

  • With the help of a bombard you will get excellent trout fishing with paste. This equipment is a good option in this case. However, there is a certain condition here. It lies in the fact that in this regard it is best to use floating paste together with sinking bombards. The principle of operation here is quite simple. That is, the bombard sinks, but the paste floats. By using fishing with pauses, you can significantly increase your catch.
  • Donka. This is a fairly effective device in such a process as fishing for trout with paste. The equipment in this case requires certain conditions. Namely, it is necessary to make long leashes (50-100 m) and leave a distance between them of about a meter. If you use floating paste, the hooks will rise up and move freely. This will attract the attention of even the most cautious and lazy trout.
  • With conventional In this case, if a floating paste is used, then the ball from it will float in the water. In this case, it will be held only with the help of a load. This will ensure that the specified individual is attracted and provoked into attacking actions.

In general, trout fishing with paste is one of the most effective ways fisheries


There are many different devices in this regard. But the most effective and common ones are wobblers, spinners and they are the most suitable devices in this case. Let's look at them in more detail:

Catching this individual on paid sites

Trout was exotic for Russia a few years ago. But now it is present in any paid reservoir. Here the fish, as a rule, are launched according to the principle “the more, the better.” The food supply is not taken into account, and no balance is maintained. The result is that the fish bites on everything you offer. As a result, trout fishing on paid platforms is in considerable demand. If you look from the financial side, then everything is going well.

Well, in essence, it turns out that they are simply buying fish. People for whom easy trout fishing on paid platforms is their favorite pastime feel rather awkward, uncomfortable and helpless on an ordinary river. If you still decide to choose, then it’s better to go to old reservoirs that have been in operation for several years. Here the conditions are as close to natural as possible. Because over the years everything in the pond “settles down.” It will be excellent to catch trout with a spinning rod on a platform. In wild waters, this individual lives according to its natural habits: cunning, dexterity, strength and caution. Anyone who has been there and here can say that fishing for pond trout is very different from fishing for river trout. This is a reliable fact.

Fishing with a rod

As mentioned above, trout are very shy. Therefore, in this case the rod is selected to be long. This is in order to cast further away and not scare away the trout. The equipment needed here is running, made of fishing line with a diameter of 0.20-0.25 mm, approximately a meter long leash, with hooks of 6 and 8 numbers. This is important to know in order for trout fishing with a fishing rod to be successful. In this case, a certain nozzle is required. The most commonly used are subleaf and dung red worm. Small and medium-sized trout do not pay attention to the quality of the bait. The same cannot be said about large individuals. They choose a larger and livelier worm. Insect larvae, pieces or entrails of fresh fish may also be suitable in this regard.

Bombard fishing for trout

Such fishing is relevant when the specified individual is far away and it is not possible to throw a spinner with a spinning rod. In this case, a bombard is used to deliver the bait, which has an external resemblance to a float. This device has a spiral-shaped body mounted on an antenna with a hole for fishing line. There is cargo inside. It can be located at the bottom, on the sides, distributed along the entire length, be in the center of gravity and extended at the bottom. For a good cast, use a fairly long rod (3.0-5.0 m). The fishing line is suitable for both regular and braided lines. Leash length - 1.5 m (with fishing line - 0.2 mm). In this case, natural and artificial baits are used. It depends on the individual approach. The bombard makes it possible to cast light baits over long distances using a spinning rod. Further, the principle of operation resembles wiring with a “rotator”. Fishing for trout with a bombard is one of the favorite methods of avid fishermen. Because this method is quite effective.

Catching the specified individual on the feeder

Fishing with this device is also very popular. This is not only in Russia, but throughout the world. All anglers know that trout fishing on a feeder is effective. Since these tackles are very catchy. Thanks to the feeder, you can fish in the habitats of large trout. Namely at the bottom. This device is ideal not only for this individual, but also for carp and bream. Professionals in this business know that catching trout on a feeder is significantly different from catching other fish on the same tackle. The main distinguishing feature is the habitat of a particular individual. That is, in the case of carp, this is the bottom, but trout prefers the thickness of the water. The bait should float in the water. Since the choice of the specified gear and location depends on this. Fishing for trout on a feeder is more suitable for professionals in this matter. Since they know all the intricacies of this gear.

Autumn trout fishing

This process at this time of year has its own characteristics. Namely:

  • This is the optimal temperature for trout. Since she doesn’t like well-heated water at all.
  • Also at this time of year there is an opportunity to catch a large specimen. Since she gains weight by winter.

The most suitable month for such a process as trout fishing in the fall is September. This is important to know. Since catching trout in late autumn can negatively affect its population. If you nevertheless decide to go fishing in October or November, then you should adhere to an important criterion. That is, you should determine for yourself the acceptable volume of catch or the minimum size of the trophy, and be sure to release smaller fish into the reservoir. In addition, when carrying out this process, you should try to enter the water as little as possible. Since you can damage the eggs that have been spawned by that time. And at the same time you can scare away the fish itself. Trout fishing in autumn is most favorable in river areas. But this only applies to rainy weather. That is, when the water level is high enough. But trout fishing in September is almost always productive.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to say that preparing for fishing for this species is a rather entertaining process. You just need to master the necessary skills and comply with certain criteria in this matter. You also need to study the characteristics and habits of this fish. After reading the contents of this text, everyone will be able to find the answer to the question of how exactly to catch trout and what gear, lures, baits and other various devices are needed for this. The main thing is to study the above information in detail and be eager to achieve significant results. Happy fishing!

on a paysite in the fall has a number of features that must be taken into account by fishermen and this applies to both amateurs and professionals. In any case, such features can help you get a good catch and a pleasant fishing experience.

Features of fishing on a paysite

It must be borne in mind that fish that are raised for sport fishing at various fish farms, when released into lakes, are initially completely unsuited to life in such conditions. Fishing for trout on a platform in autumn is quite an exciting activity for many fishing trips. At first, after the fish is released into the reservoir, the trout reacts to every bait, and catching it is not difficult; moreover, on the contrary, it is attracted by various sounds, for example, the noise of a car and a person that has just arrived. In the future, of course, the trout becomes more and more cautious, it becomes very distrustful.

Fishermen highly value the natural instincts of trout, which makes the fishing process much more interesting, so fishing for trout on a platform in the fall will be successful if the fish goes through the adaptation process, after which it becomes more similar to the wild one.

We wrote in more detail about how and where to catch trout in the fall, we recommend reading...

Fishing for trout on a platform in the fall. Equipment and tactics for trout fishing

First, before fishing, fishermen should understand that the lower the water temperature, the more active the trout, so the chance of catching one will be much higher. That is why trout fishing on the platform in autumn has become so popular. In order to increase your chances, they often use various “oscillators”, which have a fairly diverse selection. The first type of “spinners” are spinners that have a narrow and slender body; you can also distinguish spinners with a wide body. The third type of such fishing tool is a spinner with the “Atom” body type, but the fourth type is a spinner with a non-standard body shape.

Read more about it on our website.

The most common and effective tactic trout fishing in autumn is fishing in several stages. And the first of them is to go around the reservoir in search of active trout; many fishermen use spinners, wobblers, spoons and “pierce” different depths for the presence of trout, or rather the places where they are most active.

The second stage is considered to be fishing for passive trout on various underarms and turns, while fishermen use oscillating spoons. It is precisely because, for example, the water temperature and the environment itself are not suitable for the fish, it becomes more passive, that is, most often it simply moves slowly through the reservoir. It is in this mood that fish more often take oscillating spoons than wobblers.

Trout fishing on paid platforms is becoming more and more popular every year. Many ponds appear that are stocked with this predator, and accordingly this trend in fishing becomes more widespread. This beautiful and graceful fish is hunted both in open water and from ice.

The methods used for trout fishing in paid reservoirs are as varied as the range of baits. These fish can be lured by artificial spoons, wobblers or flies. It readily bites on natural baits and baits.

Fishing for trout on paid platforms has its advantages:

  • No need to travel far to wild trout streams and rivers. The predator can be caught in any region.
  • Comfort and convenience. You can go to paid reservoirs with your family. Usually there are cozy gazebos and houses, a guarded parking lot, and you can cook the fish you catch.
  • The perimeter of the ponds is equipped with convenient walkways, there is no garbage, and abundant coastal vegetation has been removed.
  • Trout fishing on paid platforms is available all year round.
  • Depending on the body of water, caught fish can be released or picked up for a reasonable fee.
  • Trout in paid ponds often readily bite on the bait offered, are not shy and are less likely to show apathy.

For residents of many regions, traveling to wild trout reservoirs turns out to be expensive. But catching cultivated fish is accessible and allows you to immerse yourself entirely in this exciting area of ​​fishing.

How to catch

Most paid reservoirs have relatively uniform fishing conditions. Their relief is smooth, without sharp jumps in depth or anomalous areas. Aquatic vegetation is moderate. The bottom is clean, there may be single snags, stones and other obstacles.

Finding trout in these conditions is not always easy. If the food supply is good, which is not surprising for private ponds, then the fish does not move much around the water area, and you still need to try to find it. In some cases, the predator is active, with little food available, so fishing in such reservoirs is a little easier.

Best time for trout fishing this is autumn, spring and winter; at the end of spring and summer in warm water the trout bite subsides and resumes in the fall as the water cools

In general, you need to look for trout on paid sites in the following places:

  • local pits and grooves;
  • near protrusions and tubercles on the bottom;
  • near a flooded clearing, if any;
  • near snags, stones and other shelters;
  • V coastal zone near overhanging branches.

Sometimes trout approach the bridge, where they also find shelter. Knowing this, the angler must be quiet, because it may turn out that the fish will be caught right under his feet.

The best ways to fish on paid ponds are:

  • spinning;
  • feeder;
  • float rod.

Fly fishing on paid sites is rarely practiced. This direction is practiced by experienced advanced trout fishermen, so it is not as widespread as other more simple ways catching


This is an active moving method of fishing. It is advisable for beginners to start fishing with rotating spoons and small wobblers, which have their own game and work on a uniform retrieve.

Over time, it's worth trying microoscillators. These lures are truly considered the best for trout. To fish with them, you need to have some experience, which will allow you to quickly select the optimal models and their wiring.

Trout tackle paid fishing not much different from fishing in wild waters:

  • The rod is ultra-light with a test weight of up to 7 grams, its length is up to 2.10–2.40 meters, the action is medium-fast or fast.
  • The reel is light to match the fishing rod. It should lay thin lines well and be light in weight.
  • The fishing lines are thin, both braids and monofilaments are allowed.
  • If a leash is used, it is only made of fluorocarbon, which is practically invisible to the fish in the water.

You can catch trout on a platform with a spinning rod until the freeze-up. They start fishing as soon as the ice melts and continue until the water warms up.

Float rod

Mostly beginners catch trout using the “float” on paid ponds. This is the simplest gear that is easy to master, and it does not require skills or years of fishing experience. Less often caught this way are professionals who are purposefully involved in this area.

It is believed that in the summer this method offers the greatest chance of catching trout. During this period, trout approach the coastal zone and are located in the upper layers of water. This explains the effectiveness of this gear in the warm season. The best time for fishing is early morning and evening.

The float rod allows you to use the lightest equipment that will not scare away the trout. Usually for paid ponds this is not so important, since the fish are not shy and their stock is constantly replenished with fresh individuals. But on some bodies of water, due to high pressure, you have to switch to thin lines and floats with a low carrying capacity.


Fishing for trout with a feeder is practiced on paid reservoirs throughout the open water season. This method does not always outperform others, but it is very effective and easy to learn. Best catches on bottom gear occur in cold water when the fish stays near the bottom.

When fishing with a feeder, a variety of baits are used. The best of them is trout paste. In addition, often used:

  • shrimp;
  • earthworm or dungworm;
  • bloodworm;
  • mealworm;
  • canned corn and peas;
  • dough.

Bait is not necessary when fishing for trout in many reservoirs, although if prepared correctly it will increase your catches.

In winter time

Trout fishing in winter on paid reservoirs is rapidly gaining popularity. During this period, fishermen practice the following directions:

  • balancers;
  • vertical spoons;
  • large jig;
  • girders and supplies.

Each direction has its adherents. Fishing with artificial bait is more dynamic, but it is difficult for beginners to immediately master all the intricacies of playing with a spoon or balancer. Fishing with a rod is easier, but it is a static activity. If the bite is bad, then sitting motionless on the ice is boring.

Trout fishing is undeniably becoming more accessible every day. What contributes to this is not the improvement of the ecological situation, which, of course, would be desirable to a greater extent, allowing this fish, which loves crystal clear water, to reproduce, conquering more and more new bodies of water suitable for habitation, but the creation artificial ponds stocked with river trout for commercial fishing. For most anglers, the only thing left to do to catch trout in natural conditions is cherished wish, which can be carried out far from places of active human activity.

Well, if there is still a choice of fishing places that provide such opportunities, then sooner or later the fisherman, due to his curiosity and replenishment of the list of trophy fish, will master this interesting technique with its nuances and secrets, which will be facilitated by his familiarization with the information presented in the article below, telling what is the best way to catch trout depending on the method of hunting and the season of the year.

Trout fishing is not complete without knowing basic information about this fish, which seems to be widely known to any average person, but this does not make it a more common trophy in the catches of most anglers. Trout is a bright representative of the salmon family, which has a huge number of species living in fresh waters. Due to their place of residence, the population is divided into river and lake forms, which, by the way, easily adapt to the lifestyle when changing the area without any consequences for themselves, flowing from one subspecies to another.

Trout or brown trout are cold-loving species that prefer to live in waters with temperatures not exceeding 20 degrees. Also, fish are sensitive to the saturation of water with oxygen and the presence of all kinds of suspended matter that reduces the transparency of water, thus becoming a natural indicator of the cleanliness of any body of water. The average size of the fish is about 40 cm with a weight of 0.7-1 kg. Larger specimens, both when fishing for brook trout and lake trout, are rightfully considered trophy and are caught quite rarely in catches.

Features of trout fishing

Trout fishing has three main directions. The simplest and most inexpensive method is float fishing.. To hunt for a trophy using a fishing rod, there is no need to master special fishing techniques or buy rare baits. Fishing by fly fishing is considered a complex and expensive method. Fly fishing gear for trout fishing, as well as bait this direction have their own specific configuration and production, and belong to one of the elite areas fishing and require mandatory acquisition of skills for the technical execution of bait feeding techniques and wiring.

Spinning fishing is a type intermediate in technical complexity between float and fly fishing and, apparently, this is why the method has many fans, especially in commercial pond trout fishing. Last time special attention The direction of feeder fishing also began to be used, especially successful in the pre-winter period when the predator retreats to depths.

When to catch trout

Trout fishing begins with the disappearance of ice from the surface of reservoirs. Melt water activates the fish, which begins to gain lost mass after the winter hungry period. Until the water warms up significantly, and this period lasts until the beginning of June, the bite is relatively stable and is especially good in the afternoon. In summer, the intensity of bites noticeably decreases, and the predator is active only early morning, in cool water. In a mountain river where the flow is fed with meltwater throughout the summer, fish will be active throughout the day.

With the arrival of autumn, the most active phase of fishing for this fish begins.. The cooling of the water gives a signal for the start of preparation for spawning, and the fish begin to fatten, starting to feed around the clock, including their dark time. The spawn itself is distinguished by a pause in feeding, after which there is a transition to the winter season of the relatively passive behavior of the predator.

Important! Trout does not like prolonged rains, which bring turbidity to the water and reduce atmospheric pressure.

Weather stability with constant atmospheric pressure and lack of precipitation for three four days gives a good chance of a stable and intense bite.

Where to fish

You can catch trout in natural conditions on the rapids of mountain rivers and in cool streams, as well as in lakes, into which these cold streams and rivers, fed throughout the year with melt water, directly flow. IN natural conditions The predator prefers to stay in a small flock on the currents themselves or in border waters, guarding insects falling on the water or passing food objects in the water column.

Larger individuals go to depths in relatively calm waters, hunting from ambush in the form of bottom anomalies, hiding behind boulders and in snags. The fish can stand in mid-water under steep cliffs and the crowns of trees overhanging the water, rising to the surface for food falling on the water.

Important! When choosing places on rivers, they focus on fast currents; when hunting on lakes, they look for bottom anomalies.

Artificial water structures are also not ignored. The predator is especially attracted to bridge supports, behind which the fish stand in schools, snatching fry and drowning carrion of insects from the rapids of the main current. IN artificial conditions To carry out paid fishing, fish are bred in ponds where hard bottoms are replete with small differences in depth, providing predators with places to hide and hunt.

Trout fishing gear

Trout fishing is provided by a set of gear made from universal tools and materials available to the fisherman at each fishing retail outlet. Only when assembling fly fishing gear can some difficulties arise, requiring narrow specific knowledge regarding both the rods themselves and the composition of the cords. Further information will provide the angler with directions to choose from. various tackle for trout fishing, ensuring the prey of the predator in natural conditions and in the conditions of a paid pond.


Trout fishing in the fall is most successful using spinning rods. The fish, starting to actively feed, becomes an energetic and sharp predator with aggressive behavior, sensitively responding to the placement of artificial baits in different water horizons. For fishing semi-fast and fast action. Ultralight tackle and tackle for supplying baits of 15–20 grams are optimal for catching predators according to their test characteristics. Since fishing can be done from boats and shorelines, spinning rod lengths vary from 1.7 to 2.3 meters when fishing from a floating craft, and for the shore, with the expectation of long-distance fishing, fishing rods with a length of 2.5 to 3.2 meters are used .

Lake trout fishing, like brook trout fishing, is universal in the selection of spinning equipment that includes spinning reels with a high gear ratio and braided cords of small diameters, rarely exceeding a thickness of 0.15 mm. Wary fish require delicate rigs that are not overloaded with accessories in the form of ineffective leashes and bulky fasteners that make the rigs rougher and, therefore, less attractive to predators. Spinning fishing is done using wobblers, spinners and silicone baits. In some cases, it is rational to use live fry, fish fillets and pastes specially prepared for trout fishing.

Fly fishing

Trout fishing in mountain rivers and fast streams is the domain of fly fishing equipment. For fly fishing, a lightweight prefabricated rod up to 2.5 meters long is equipped with inertial coil with a reliable braking system. The volume of the reel should allow it to accommodate the main thick cord and its working part, selected depending on the fishing conditions and the use of bait in a floating or sinking version.

It is difficult to catch trout in winter or autumn with fly fishing, since the fish go to the bottom horizons, where they mainly feed, but at the end of spring and all summer season, especially when the mayfly emerges, this type of hunting is considered the most promising. Fly fishing is done in a wade, so as additional equipment, the angler will need to purchase waders or a floating raft, which make fishing not only more comfortable, but also much more successful in terms of choosing promising points and camouflaging the angler himself.

Important! The main lures in fly fishing are artificial dry and wet flies.

Also quite often, and it is especially effective to do this after their flight, natural insects are used.

Float rod

An effective fishing method is a float rod, or rather, a Bolognese version of this type of tackle, equipped with an inertial reel with a large drum, which allows fishing with bait swims over long distances. Telescopic fishing rods 6-7 meters long are selected from the lightest materials, graphite or carbon fiber. For fishing, a braided cord with a thickness of 0.10-0.12 mm is used at the end with a meter-long nylon leash of 0.12-0.14 mm. Hooks for trout fishing are selected based on the type of bait. Most of the selected accessories have an elongated fore-end with hook numbers from 10 to 14.

Important! Float tackle is used for fishing in the spring months and throughout autumn season when the predator switches to feeding in the middle water horizons.

Plant and animal baits are used as bait. Under some conditions, the predator can also be caught using wet artificial flies.


The feeder is not as popular as all the hunting methods described above, but its effectiveness deservedly needs to be discussed during the pre-winter period, when the predator goes to the deepest points of reservoirs, which is especially important for paid ponds. For fishing, rods with a length of 2.8 -3.5 meters are used, with test parameters no higher than 50 grams. Choosing the right bait with the ability to boil and create a distinct spot of turbidity attracts predators from afar, making fishing from the bottom quite successful. The rigs are knitted from monofilament, using nylon or transparent fluorocarbon leashes one meter long in the rig, equipping the hooks with animal baits or a bright and fragrant paste.

What to catch trout with

Trout bait is varied in its composition and structure. The only feature that distinguishes these baits from baits for other types of predators is their miniature and small size. This is directly related to the physiology of the fish, which does not have a very wide mouth. In natural conditions, fish are more involved in gathering than directly hunting. A favorite pastime of trout is collecting insects that have fallen to the surface or picking up floating food in the water column. Fish are sensitive to attractants, especially the tastes of fish oil, shrimp and fish fillet itself.

In addition to insects, the predator likes to feast on worms, bloodworms and maggots, which floaters often use, and will also not refuse pieces of fresh fish meat, shrimp or crayfish. But the greatest interest among fishermen is the possibility of hunting fish using artificial baits, the most popular types of which we will present in the continuation of the article.


Used in spinning fishing and catching predators using a bombard float. The best options This kind of bait is considered a crankbait, with the ability own game, which is distinguished by its low frequency and the creation of a strong vibration wave, causing additional interest in nearby fish. Wobblers of small masses from 2 to 10 grams with bright colors, which are preferable for contrasting highlights on gray and black tones in the form of dots, are carried out on uniform movements in different water horizons, looking for promising levels of fish parking. During the period when predators are feeding from the surface of the water, small-sized poppers are ideal for fishing. Retrieving surface baits is carried out in a jerking manner.


This type of bait is applicable in shallow waters where water levels do not exceed 3–4 meters. Mepsian pinwheels with oval petals, the Aglia type, of the smallest size are considered a classic hunting tool. By analogy, trout fishing enthusiasts select baits from other brands or make spinners of a similar type on their own. Typically, silvery petal base colors with dots of red and blue are the most catchy. The spinners are guided through the water column on wires average speed, without pauses and stops with the tool lowering to the bottom. Lake trout bite in the water column, attracted by the vibration and glimpses of the petal.


This type of spinner is no less popular than spinners, and in terms of color design, promising spinners are similar to the rotating type of spinner.

Important! The trapping tool must have a distinct point of attack.

In combinations with a spinner, flies are used that are attached to the tees of the spinner itself or launched on a separate leash next to the leading bait. An excellent example of a spinner for trout fishing is the castmaster spinner, the wiring of which is done in the water column in the form of a step in a calm and non-aggressive style. Trout spoons rarely exceed a mass of 10–12 grams and a length of 4–6 cm.

Silicone baits

Silicone simulators of all kinds are a fairly catchy and inexpensive bait for trout. small fish, insects and aquatic life. In trout fishing, silicone is used both as the main bait and as an auxiliary bait, retrofitting them into the tees of spinners. Silicone is served on stationary jig heads or in spaced equipment.

As a rule, the length of artificial fish does not exceed 5–7 cm, and vibrotails look more preferable for a predator. Slugs in the form of worms and crustaceans have also established themselves as forms of particular interest to predators. The use of edible rubber with the smell of fish oil and meat, especially in the autumn, significantly increases the number of attacks by predators. Silicone in catchy, unnatural colors is suitable for trout fishing. Postings are carried out along, trying to make steps without the bait touching the bottom.

For trout paste

One of the innovative types of trout bait is paste. This plastic bait is made on a base of plant dough, in which manufacturers include various elements that attract trout to the fishing zone with their scents. Each manufacturer has its own recipe for preparing the composition, the ingredients of which are kept secret. Fishing practice shows that the bait can be considered universal, used in float, spinning and feeder fishing throughout the year. Fishing for trout in winter on paid platforms from ice also cannot be done without the use of paste, choosing the option from wide range smells and colors of which, you can always find the key even to fish that are passive at this time of year.

Important! Trout paste is used to make balls and shapes in the form of worms and fish, which are used to equip hooks.

Incredibly distinct color schemes complement the taste appeal of the paste, making it a must-have attribute of trout hunting.

What do they use to catch trout on paid sites?

Paid fishing for trout, mostly in stagnant reservoirs and in conditions of comfortably equipped coastlines, is carried out using spinning and float fishing during open water and winter girders and winter spinning from ice. The rules of paid ponds only in rare cases allow hunting for predators using live bait and animal baits, and for the most part fishing on ponds is carried out only with artificial baits. The most common are rotating and oscillating spoons, silicone and wobblers, as well as trout pastes. When visiting the same body of water, fish preferences become noticeable in terms of responsiveness to a particular bait and its color design, which should definitely be taken into account in strategies for this body of water when planning future fishing trips.

Bait recipe

On stagnant and weakly flowing reservoirs, it is important to use bait for trout, which is mandatory and obviously will not interfere with hunting. Bait helps to further attract fish to the fishing zones. Fishing stores sell special mixtures for trout, but knowing the principles of bait formation and its basic fish-attracting properties, the mixture can easily be made independently at home. The basis of the bait is fish meal with trout pellets. An attractant with the smell of shrimp, squid or fish oil is added to the ingredients mixed in equal quantities.

The secret of trout mixtures is the presence in the mix of substances that cause geyser effects, with the release of nutrient particles at certain intervals into the water column and bright dyes. Geysers are special components sold in fishing nets as additives to groundbait. If you regularly feed a certain place with this kind of mixture, the trout will stay close to the point and react to any given bait not only if they want to eat it, but also by reflexive actions of protecting a territory that is favorable in terms of nutrition.

At the end of autumn, right before the freeze-up, I decided to go to the paid site for trout.

The reason for this was: I wanted to check the effect of using a fishing line instead of the thin braid that I had fished with before, and to try out new lures.

My gear: Team Salmo Powder TSPO 1-602M spinning rod with dough from 1.5 to 6g. and an Elite Micro reel equipped with Japanese Grand Raider 0.18 mm line.

This is the first time I have used such a small diameter monk to catch large trout.

The Powder spinning rod is specially designed for trout fishing; it has a medium action, “knits” the fish well, that is, it smoothly dampens all its jerks, constantly controlling the line tension. Because of this, trout behave more calmly when hooked, and when fished correctly, they almost never fall off the hook.

The Elite Micro reel harmoniously fits the spinning rod, weighs only 200g, thereby providing the spinning rod with optimal balance. The spool holds 100m of 0.18mm fishing line, which is what you need to catch cautious and lively fish. The reel has a smooth adjustment of the friction, which is extremely important in such fishing.

In the morning I started fishing with Lucky John micro-shanks.

I have two models in my arsenal: AYU and IMA. The first is similar to a concave drop weighing 1.8, 2.4 and 3.5 g, the second is like a diamond, but a little lighter - 1.5, 1.8 and 2.1 g. All of them are equipped with winding rings and light, high-quality Japanese single hooks. Seeing a single hook, and even without a barb, most anglers will say that a treble hook is better. But that's not true! A single hook is always lighter than a triple hook - which does not impair the performance of the bait. And the lack of a beard should not bother you. Oddly enough, their effectiveness is always higher than that of tees, since, believe me, there are an order of magnitude fewer derailments. All this, of course, takes place with proper fishing and balanced tackle. If you drag a fish forward by force, it will respond by jumping and resisting even more, the hook will straighten and the fish will definitely come off.

So, as soon as it got a little light, the trout started biting. Some of the fishermen have already distinguished themselves. The main thing here is to find the fishing horizon and choose the optimal color of the bait. I started with IMA 2.1g, orange-greenish in color. You should always start fishing with bright colors, gradually moving to calmer and more natural colors. The most active fish are caught first, then the calmer ones. With this approach, you will always have more catch.

The wiring must be done uniformly, conducting it in different water horizons. To do this, after splashing down the spoon, lower it to the required depth on a count. It is very important to slow down the line at the end of the cast - the hook, when deepening the spoon, will not rest on its body, but will remain hanging behind the spoon. Therefore, if a bite occurs when the spinner falls freely to the bottom, it is always easier to realize it. You need to spin the reel as slowly as possible, so that the play of the spinner is on the verge of failure. This is approximately one rotation of the coil in 2 seconds.

And here is the first bite! The fish resists strongly and does not come to the surface. There is no need to rush here - the fishing line is thin, the spinning rod absorbs well - the loss of fish is minimal, the main thing is to make sure that it does not get caught in coastal bushes or snags under the shore. The fight ended after a couple of minutes. And here, a large male, in the landing net!

The account is open. As it turned out later, his weight was 1.6 kg.

I'm trying AYU 3.5g in white and yellow colors. A couple of casts and a confident bite follows. A persistent struggle, the spinning rod dampens the jerks of the fish well, and, having lifted it to the surface, we put it in the landing net. This is already a mommy, definitely weighing more than a kilogram.

Fishing has been going on for a couple of hours. We try different Lucky John spinners and get bites on most of them.

There are already enough fish in the cage. Some spinners are “silent”, for example the black one with glitter - it will probably “shoot” when the sun is shining brightly.

We are trying to fish with “edible rubber” Lucky John. We are introducing a new product - Troutino 2.5’’ in Lime Chartreuse color (071) with shrimp flavor. Fantasy bait - either a tadpole or a stingray with a thin and long tail. We attach a 3 g jig head, attach the bait to it and make several casts. Eat! Another trout in the landing net. The bait works!

By midday the bite subsides almost completely. We try to fish with various wobblers - there are no bites. Still, micro-oscillators are considered the best bait for this time. Trout spend most of the time in the bottom zone - not all wobblers can be driven there, and their retrieval will be fast enough. The trout don't like it now.

Let’s try another new product - Lucky John Rock Craw 2’’ made from “edible rubber”. Color Green Pumpkin (PA 03) with the taste of natural crayfish. We do not change the jig head. Already on the second cast there is a bite. And what a one! Having hit the bait, the trout repeats the attack, swallows the crayfish and makes a powerful jerk to the side. We send the next fish to the cage. It's already full.

The next bite, and the same triple bite. Powerful and so pleasant! And this was repeated exactly three times.

That's it, we caught fish, no more!

We're getting ready to go home.

What would you like to emphasize in conclusion? Using a fairly thin fishing line - 0.18, we achieve the correct placement of the bait - the spoon goes almost horizontally in the water. With braid, a small spoon moves almost vertically in the water, since even thin braid “sails” strongly in the water. The trout sees this well and does not react to the “wrong fish”. A good example: my nephew was fishing nearby. Stiffer spinning rod, braided line and faster retrieve. His catch was almost three times less, and there were also fish runs. The single hooks constantly had to be bent, and eventually they broke.

Single beardless hooks - there is no need to be afraid of them, much less change them to tees. With balanced gear, there are almost no mishaps. During my entire fishing trip I didn’t have a single incident!

The weight of the spinner and the speed of the retrieve must be selected experimentally. If it doesn’t work, check the fishing speed of more successful anglers. You can also look at the color of the spinner and buy a similar one for yourself. When fishing with spoons, a slow, even retrieve is more preferable - fishermen even gave it a name - “dying fisherman”.

I hope that I have described in detail the method of catching trout in late autumn, and you will definitely use it.

Have fun fishing!

Alexey Andreev, expert at Rybolov-Service company.