How to open a yoga studio. Registration of a business entity. Friends on the team

Today, yoga is a popular and trending fitness direction. For many, yoga is becoming not just an ordinary hobby, but also a way of life. More and more people are trying to lead healthy image life and exercise regularly. Opening a yoga studio can be not only a pleasure for the soul, but also a very profitable business.

Market analysis

Due to the emergence of a large number of yoga lovers, and accordingly a serious demand for this service, every year an increasing number of studios and centers offering classes in this direction appear. The first small yoga studios were mainly opened by professionals in this field, but over time, due to the popularity of this fitness trend, entire centers for yoga began to appear, attracting large investments. In this regard, competition in this business area is quite high.

When planning to open a yoga studio, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the autumn and spring there will be much more visitors than in the summer.

We can say that there is a certain seasonality in this area of ​​business, since in the summer there will not be many people willing to attend classes. However, this situation exists in many sports and recreational institutions.

In order for the planned business to become successful, before opening a yoga studio, it is necessary to conduct a marketing analysis:

  1. Determine the number of competitors in the region of interest.
  2. Determine the average cost of one lesson.
  3. Determine the demand for this service.

Having collected all the necessary information, it will be possible to determine how much demand this direction, find out the degree of market saturation, formulate the studio’s pricing policy. Only after this can you begin to register and organize your business.

Registration and organization of business

After conducting marketing research, it is necessary to register the business. To open a yoga center, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, choosing a simplified taxation system. To do this, you need to register as a taxpayer with the tax office and obtain an individual entrepreneur certificate.

The next important step to take is to decide on the type of yoga that will be taught in the studio. There are the following types of yoga:

  • Raja Yoga;
  • hatha yoga;
  • kundalini yoga;
  • prana yoga;
  • Ashtanga yoga.

Most popular view yoga in Russia and Europe is the hatha theory. This direction combines a whole system of healthy eating, proper relaxation and breathing exercises.

Location, premises and interior

Before deciding on a place to open a yoga studio, it is necessary to analyze the presence of competitors in the immediate environment. These can be not only studios or centers, but also fitness complexes and gyms.

It is advisable to open this business near:

  • office buildings;
  • residential buildings;
  • park area.

It is important to understand that during yoga classes it is necessary to maintain silence and calmness in order to properly relax and complete all the exercises.

Therefore, you should not choose a place for a studio in a noisy area, for example, near a bus station or market, or in an area with a large concentration of transport and entertainment venues. It is also necessary to take care in advance about the availability of parking spaces for studio clients.

The yoga room should have:

  1. Good ventilation.
  2. Air conditioning system.
  3. Warm floor.
  4. High ceiling.

For the comfort of clients, the area of ​​the studio with a hall and additional rooms should be at least 50 sq.m. It is not necessary to build a center; you can rent the necessary square footage in a separate building or in a complex with other institutions.

The yoga studio space should include:

  • reception;
  • bathroom;
  • locker rooms;
  • spacious training room;
  • recreation area.

It is important to create a comfortable, calming environment in the yoga center that maximizes relaxation. To do this you need:

  1. Choose a suitable background music.
  2. Place scented candles and sticks.
  3. Buy fresh flowers and hang themed paintings and posters on the walls.

It is desirable that the training room has a lot of light, windows and an even, pleasant color of the walls.

Equipment and equipment

Yoga classes cannot be done without the use of special equipment, accessories and equipment. The most important element During training there are yoga mats. It is advisable to purchase them in two types: thin and thick, since each person has his own threshold of sensitivity. The required number of rugs must be calculated based on the expected intensity of attendance and the area of ​​the hall.

Equipment list:

Organization of studio work

In order for the yoga center to function properly, it is necessary to correctly distribute responsibilities among the staff, establish an operating schedule, and develop rules for customer service.

Very important point The work of a yoga studio is to create a comfortable home environment.

To do this, you can equip the establishment with a small cafe or bar where you can relax and drink relaxing herbal tea or create a relaxation corner where you can have a drink healthy drink(for example, smoothie, green cocktail, fresh juice, herbal tea).


If the future owner of a yoga studio is not a professional in this field, then it is imperative to hire qualified instructors, at least three. In addition to trainers, you need to select the following personnel:

  1. Administrator.
  2. Accountant (possibly with a free schedule).
  3. The cleaning lady.
  4. Manager for work with clients and their attraction.


The success of the studio, the stability of its work, the prestige of the establishment and income depend on the effectiveness of the marketing policy. When opening a studio, in order to attract potential clients, you can conduct several free trial training sessions. You should also inform as many people as possible about the launch of a new yoga center. To do this, it is worth placing printed materials (leaflets, business cards, discount flyers) in places where future customers gather. It can be:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • sporting goods stores;
  • cafes, restaurants offering menus for healthy eating;
  • clothing stores.

Effective marketing tools for promoting a yoga studio:

  • Conducting seminars and trainings by experienced instructors;
  • organizing festivals and lectures on health and religion;
  • Tea drinking is an indispensable ritual of any yoga center.

In the process of developing a studio in order to increase the profitability of the business, it is worth taking care of additional services. For example, you can open:

  1. Massage room.
  2. A store selling natural cosmetics, tea, yoga products.
  3. Bar or tea area.

It’s worth coming up with nice little things for visitors. This could be free sweets, cool water, the opportunity to look through an interesting magazine or specialized book.

Financial component of business

The yoga studio will generate its main income directly from the number of training sessions. the main task business owner to ensure that the establishment is as empty as possible. To do this, you can organize happy hours, give discounts to students, reduce the cost of classes for group visits, and develop a system of discounts in the summer.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Initial business expenses will range from 50,000-250,000 rubles. Everything will depend on investment opportunities, region, level of equipment, rental cost.

The main operating expenses include:

  • rent and utility payments;
  • employee salaries;
  • consumables (mats, disposable products, candles, replenishment of the tea area);
  • replacement or repair of equipment.

Amount of future income

The average profit per month is from 40,000-60,000 rubles, taking into account that the cash register per day will be from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. Additional services, work in two shifts, as well as an increase in the prestige of the studio will allow you to increase profits.

Payback period

Payback is estimated at 9-18 months. Everything will depend on the qualifications of the yoga instructors, the level of service, the effectiveness of marketing and advertising policies, the attractiveness of the training programs and the general atmosphere.

Yoga classes allow people not only to keep their muscles toned and have toned body, but also are a certain philosophy and way of life. Business in this area will always be profitable and in demand.

What does a person lack, forced to submit to the energetic rhythms of a modern metropolis? What does he dream about? office worker or an entrepreneur living a busy life and subordinating his routine to urgent matters? About peace. About relaxation. About the opportunity to stop racing against time and at least communicate a little with the most important person in your life - with yourself.

This is precisely the opportunity that yoga offers - perhaps the only fitness activity that helps strengthen not only physical, but also mental health. Modern yoga practices have centuries-old roots and originate in ancient Indian philosophy, the goal of which was to achieve balance between spirit and body, gain enlightenment and control over one’s physical and mental processes. Having gained popularity, modern yoga, designed for the general consumer, has become more simplified in terms of spiritual content, from philosophical school turning into a school for maintaining a healthy body and psychological relaxation.

It is precisely because of the rich history and time-tested practices that this direction enjoys stable popularity in modern society. People do not have enough sports aimed at gaining and maintaining exclusively physical shape - they also need the opportunity to shed the burden of accumulated negative emotions, put their thoughts in order in a calm environment, and take themselves beyond the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Therefore, yoga studios are steadily opening throughout Russia – even in small cities.

Before you start

If you have decided to open your own business in this area and are reading your article in search of specific steps and technologies, then most likely you are already a fan of yoga philosophy and yourself understand its directions and practices. And for those who simply decide to build a business, guided by the fashion for this fitness trend, a short excursion into the most popular yoga schools will be useful.

  1. - Hatha yoga. The undisputed leader in popularity both in Russia and abroad. Is the basic stage of a larger flow, common goal which is finding balance between the energies of Yin and Yang, achieving physical perfection. It consists of relaxation practices, physical and breathing exercises, as well as a healthy nutrition system.
  2. - Raji yoga. The goal is mind control. The remedy is meditative practices.
  3. - Prana yoga. The goal is to control the vital energy Qi. The remedy is breathing practices.
  4. - Ashtanga yoga. A complex of sequential asanas (postures), as well as techniques for concentrating breathing and attention. Consists of eight steps.
  5. - Kundalini yoga. The goal is to awaken divine energy. The remedy is a complex of physical and breathing exercises, meditative practices and mantra reading.
  6. - Iyengar yoga. The goal is to achieve perfect physical form. The remedy is a complex of various asanas using supports.
  7. Antigravity yoga. A modern complex developed several years ago by gymnast and dancer Chris Harrison. The goal is to develop overall body coordination and strengthen all major muscle groups. It has a very indirect relation to the philosophy of yoga. It is a fitness training using yoga elements. Asanas are performed without contact with the floor and walls, in the air, using trapezoidal hammocks (AirSwim) suspended from the ceiling. Due to its unusual format, this area is in great demand today, and in our country the niche of anti-gravity yoga is practically unoccupied due to the need to retrain trainers and specially equipped halls.

When choosing the types of yoga that will be presented in your studio, be sure to conduct marketing research on competitive offers (your direct competitors are already existing yoga centers, and indirect competitors are all kinds of sports studios, fitness clubs and similar organizations offering health services). Study the demand for various types of yoga among the residents of your city and the occupancy of this niche in various areas - this will be the determining factor when choosing a location for the studio. Marketing research can be ordered from a specialized agency, but if you have the skills of a marketer, you can conduct a market analysis yourself to reduce investments in starting a business.

Location and rental

When choosing a studio space, first of all pay attention to the proximity of direct and indirect competitors. If there is an existing yoga center located not far from the location you like, then it will be difficult for you to get the required number of clients, since all interested parties are probably already visitors to this center.

In addition, evaluate the location in terms of attractiveness to potential customers. If the studio is located in the city center or just next to large office centers, then it will be convenient for people to get to it after work (after all, the vast majority prefer to study in the evening hours). Proximity of stops public transport, location on the “first line” with high traffic and additional amenities (parking, convenient entrance, etc.) also increase your competitiveness. But proximity to noisy establishments should be avoided in the same way as proximity to competitors, because yoga requires concentration, huh. This means they are incompatible with extraneous loud sounds.

As for the area of ​​the room, it must be at least 60-80 square meters (this includes a training room, recreation area, shower, toilet and locker room, hall and/or recreation area). An additional bonus will be the availability of free space for a tea room (which will add atmosphere to your studio) and a corner for selling related yoga products - mats, aromatic oils and sticks, incense burners and aroma lamps, tea, related literature, etc. (this will allow you to receive additional income).

No extraneous noise should penetrate into the room; in addition, it is necessary good system ventilation or air conditioning so that stale air does not spoil the impression of classes. In addition, if you are going to do repairs (and in most cases you will have to do them), then pay Special attention on the floor. Typically, yoga is practiced barefoot, so the floor must be warm and non-slippery to provide the necessary grip when performing the asanas. The ideal option in combination of “price and quality” is a wooden covering or a high-quality textured laminate. A more expensive option, but perhaps the most suitable one, is ceramic tiles with a rough surface, combined with a heating system (“warm floor” or “warm ceiling”). When it comes to wall decoration and overall design, you can opt for a neutral, calm interior in muted tones, or add a touch of creativity to the atmosphere and paint the walls with bright patterns in warm colors. The most important rule and criterion is that it is pleasant and comfortable to be within the walls of your center.

On average, renting space for a yoga studio will cost you 35-40,000 rubles (prices may vary depending on the region). If you add to this figure the costs of monthly maintenance of the studio (utilities, purchase of water, paper towels and liquid soap and other “consumables” necessary for the convenience of your visitors), then the costs will increase to 50,000 rubles.


The list of auxiliary equipment for a yoga studio includes:


Qualified trainers are one of the main components of the success of your studio. You should not save money by hiring inexperienced beginners, and if you still decide to go this route, then be prepared to invest in their training (the cost of participation in one training seminar costs about 3,500 thousand per person) or train the staff yourself (this is convenient , if you already master the art of yoga). Often, entrepreneurs who open yoga studios are also trainers themselves and act as teachers themselves - this allows them to save on wages.

The most common option for remunerating a trainer is a percentage of income from each lesson conducted (25-40%). In some cases, trainers act as partners of the entrepreneur, concluding a sublease agreement for the premises. The option with a fixed salary is perhaps the most unfortunate and is beneficial to the employer only if the trainer teaches classes in a large group.

In addition, you will need:

  • Administrator (2 people). Fixed salary.
  • Sales managers. Minimum salary plus a percentage of season ticket sales. For part-time employment – ​​interest without salary.
  • Accountant (remotely). The average salary is 5,000 rubles.
  • Cleaner (part-time).

The function of an advertising manager can be performed by the entrepreneur himself (if not, when writing a business plan, this position should be allocated as a separate position). Also, the studio owner can take on the responsibilities of an administrator.


To make yourself known, advertise your studio opening in friendly fitness centers, beauty salons, or sports stores, distribute flyers to the stands of the area in which the studio is located, or involve promoters in the distribution (so that the person who receives the flyer from the hands of the promoter does not throw it away immediately, let it entitle you to a small discount when paying for your classes). Have a "day" open doors"- this will allow you to introduce those who come to the work and mission of your studio and make some of the guests your potential clients (according to statistics, 30-40% of those who visit free trial classes later purchase a subscription).

Ancillary tools in promoting your business will be a website and groups in in social networks. It is most convenient to focus on maintaining the VKontakte group, since it is this network that has the largest audience. The possibilities for online advertising are very wide - you can “make friends” with other groups of similar topics and mutually repost advertisements, as well as conduct competitions - for example, give away free subscriptions or one-time classes for reposting. Let these competitions become regular ( free lesson once a week or a free subscription once a month) - this will create a lively atmosphere in the group and increase the number of people who will place your advertisement on their profiles for free.

Another tip for running a group on social networks concerns the content itself - remember that your subscribers’ news feed should contain more than just advertising information. The philosophy of yoga provides ample opportunities for interesting content in the community - motivating sayings of the sages, atmospheric photographs and positive pictures, music for training and meditation, advice on proper nutrition and video tutorials. In short, create the same atmosphere in the online community that you would like to see in the studio itself.

Registration of a business entity

The most convenient forms of registration for entrepreneurs are individual entrepreneurship or a limited liability company. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is the least expensive (800 rubles), it does not require either the legal address of the company or authorized capital. However, an individual entrepreneur is responsible for his activities with all his property, while the founders of an LLC (they can be both individuals and legal entities) risk only their parts of the authorized capital. It is convenient to open an LLC if you are starting a business together with partners, or if you want to expand your business to a network of yoga studios in the future. The cost of opening an LLC will be 4,000 rubles, and the list of documents in this case is longer - this includes the decision to create the company, its charter and the constituent documents of this legal entity, while for an individual entrepreneur only the applicant’s passport and his TIN are needed.


According to average estimates, the initial costs of opening a small yoga studio will be about 400-500,000 rubles (this includes the costs of renting and renovating the premises, purchasing the necessary equipment for training and related yoga products for sale, registering a business entity, advertising and unexpected expenses). The payback period for the business is estimated at 12-15 months.

To increase the profitability of the studio, do not allow it to be empty during the daytime hours (most classes are held in the evenings, after the end of the working day). Give discounts on morning and afternoon workouts, conduct creative activities (drawing, singing, etc.) or seminars on proper nutrition and cooking, vegetarianism and raw food, breathing practices, psychology and Vedic culture. There are a great many options - the main thing is that they somehow reflect the general orientation of yoga as life philosophy. Let your studio become not just a place for training, but a “second home” for everyone who seeks spiritual improvement and creative development.

Open Day

This is where you should start. By making good advertising in at least one area, you will attract a lot of people to a free lesson, many of whom will become your regular clients. Practice shows that many people do not go to yoga simply because they lack a reason to go and find out what it is. Free lesson - great incentive try something new.

We often organize Open Days, - shares his experience Almira Muratova, a yoga instructor and owner of a yoga studio in Zhitomir, we are doing something like a marathon: each lesson is an hour long, all, of course, for free. We put new teachers on first so that people can get to know them before they get tired. We also organize an “introduction to yoga” on Saturdays - one free lesson. We rotate instructors.

Seminars and trainings with invited specialists also gather new clients and strengthen relationships with “old” ones.

While the seminar is being advertised, people will also learn about our studio,” says Almira Muratova, - We often hold our own seminars to tell everyone that we don’t have time - about nutrition, breathing, cleansing procedures.

Lectures on health and religion

Even spiritual readings can attract many new clients from the “non-yoga” spheres - that is, people who had not thought about yoga before, but only now came across it by chance, thanks to this lesson in your studio. In this regard, cooperation with various educational organizations is useful. The same Almira Muratova, for example, regularly invites volunteers from the charity organization “Art of Living” to her studio.

They conduct their lectures, traditional satsang (spiritual communication) and purification kriya (exercises), says Almira, - work for free. We provide them with space, and they attract new visitors to the studio. People come to class, leave happy, feel good, and then realize how great it is that there is a yoga studio nearby and they can practice regularly.

Festivals and jams

Any creative activities from dance improvisation to singing and watercolor painting will make the yoga studio not just a training place, but a favorite place where it’s just great to spend your free time. Our consultant Vlad Zyuban has long specialized in holding events of this kind in Kharkov.

We organize drum discos in the yoga studio,” he admits. - If there are people ready to improvise, it turns out to be a meditative jam session. The audience also participates - some knock on a cup with a spoon, some hit their knees with their palms, some simply dance... This is where tea drinking comes in handy. You can invite a tea master or brew it yourself. A great event that makes the studio a second home for both visitors and yourself.

Yoga Day in Russia

Yoga Day is held with the participation of Yoga Journal and annually in September.

Yoga Day is an occasion to invite everyone to get acquainted with the world of yoga. Post information about your yoga center on the Russian Yoga Day website for free. Invite new students.

Read about participation in Yoga Day on the event website.

Tea party

Tea drinking, since we're already on the subject, is generally an indispensable procedure for any yoga studio! Any manager can open a yoga center, even if he has no idea about yoga, but for this place to become a favorite, you need to create a homely atmosphere.

The tea area in the studio is both a “psychologist’s office” and a place where you can exchange experiences, and just a convenient place where you can collapse after a workout and hang out for half an hour, digesting the flow of new sensations. Well, for the studio, this is, of course, additional income.

If there is not enough space, the tea area can be replaced by several pillows and a mat, advises Almira- so that you can drink tea after class, at least on the floor in the hall.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

I did yoga every day for several years, yoga became an integral part of my life. Then I found teaching courses in Poland, went, studied, passed a rigorous selection process and passed the exams. I taught for a while, but then I wanted something more. Because when you work for someone, you are forced to accept their conditions: for example, I was only given an hour for classes, but I believe that during this time very little can be given to the group. I had my own vision of how yoga should be taught, and I decided to open my own studio. This was 8 years ago.

We were the first yoga studio in Kazan - that is, a place specializing only in yoga (before that, the practice existed only as one of the directions in some fitness centers). But the market developed, and with our encouragement, other studios began to open in the city. Many of them did not live to this day. Now 7-10 studios operate stably in Kazan, you can come to them and know for sure that your subscription will not be lost; many studios work for six months and close.

The heroine of our article says that the secret to the longevity of her studio is the correct setting of priorities. You should not, at least immediately, expect big money from this business. We need to find higher and longer-term motives.

But the demand for yoga studio services in cities today is high and there is room for new players. Business demand is growing for many reasons. If 10 years ago yoga classes were popular mainly in the capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg, then in last years the wave also covered cities with a population of over a million. With the development of the Internet, information about yoga and its benefits has become available to people. Many doctors recommend yoga as a good form of exercise. The influence of the religious aspect is also important. In the most successful yoga studios, such as Shanti, classes are filled to capacity 3-5 times a day.

The science of yoga is being actively mastered by Russians: new teaching styles are being studied and seminars are held. So you can find your niche.

Personal experience

We teach only hatha yoga, since I myself am well versed in this area. The manager must understand 80-90% of the areas that exist in his studio, because if visitors have questions or complaints, they will come to him.

The human factor also plays a big role: yoga is a practice in which contact with the teacher is important. Therefore, people are looking for their teacher, who will be close in pace, workload, and simply in appearance.

Who comes to yoga classes? These could be high school students or retirees. Benevolenskaya notes that people interested in yoga are bright personalities. These are representatives of a variety of professions - from a doctor to a chief judge. Yoga - relatively new area knowledge for our country, so it is mainly interested in people with an inquisitive mind, seekers.

Be aware that teaching has its dangers. Most people start doing yoga because they have some kind of health problem. And if the teacher carelessly gives them an asana (yoga pose) that will harm them, then the leader will be held accountable for this. Therefore, both you and your teachers should have a very good understanding of anatomy.

Investment size

How much should you invest in starting a company? It depends on the location and what contingent you will work for.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

I had no money, I had just graduated from college. That’s why I took out a loan - it took about 1 million rubles to start the business. I wasn't targeting rich people. But I didn’t consider any other places except the city center, although rent there is not cheap. 80% of the investment was taken away by rent.

Plus, you need to think about the salary for a good teacher for several months, because you can’t do it alone. It is important to be prepared for the fact that you will work in the red for some time. Now, I think, more investment will be required - in the 8 years that we have been working, the cost of rent has doubled.

Also, part of the funds will be spent on repairs. Fortunately, the yoga studio needs minimal renovation, because the more free space, the better. You don't need mirrors on the walls for yoga. Moreover, they are even harmful because they distract - in yoga it is very important to physically feel the position. You need to purchase inventory. Moreover, Benevolenskaya says that a stingy person pays twice, and advises buying more expensive rugs.

Personal experience

Our mats have not been replaced for 8 years, although people exercise on them every day. Because this is very high quality equipment. Guys I knew decided to save money and bought cheaper rugs, but after three months they were worn out.

The state does not support this area. You can win a grant through the labor exchange, but it is small - a little more than 100 thousand rubles. Therefore, own funds or credits and borrowings remain as a source of investment. Now many banks have good conditions for lending to small businesses.

The current expenses of this type of business are rent, salaries and utilities.

Funds are also spent on improving the qualifications of teachers. Even an experienced specialist periodically needs to update and improve his knowledge at seminars and trainings. It is especially important that the teacher has a good understanding of anatomy, since the main principle in yoga is to do no harm.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

Each of our teachers is trained to provide first aid; we all passed the Red Cross exam. These are also expenses, but they are not monthly. The certificate obtained by passing the Red Cross exam is valid for three years.

Our teachers themselves find courses that interest them, and sometimes I pay them to take them if it is important for me, as a manager, that the employee has these skills. In addition, I periodically bring interesting teachers to Kazan and organize paid seminars that my employees can attend for free.

Step-by-step instruction

As their interest in yoga grows, the people who will practice in your studio will need various related products - a personal mat, clothing, and so on. Therefore, it would be good for you to also establish relationships with suppliers of yoga products.

Personal experience

We ourselves found a company with which we have been cooperating for 8 years. Of course, when you develop, they find you and offer you goods and more favorable conditions, but we did not like the quality of work and delivery times of goods, so we still cooperate with our first suppliers. We also have suppliers - small companies from India.

How to promote the studio? Benevolenskaya advises: more mass events. Free events attract people. But there is a pitfall here: your studio risks attracting a contingent of people who always only go to free events. Therefore, such meetings should be arranged constantly, but not often.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

Every year on the first Sunday of summer we hold a flash mob on Black Lake. Participation is free. All our teachers teach classes. After this, many participants come to our studio and become clients.

We also celebrate our birthday every year - in the fresh air on the site near Kazanka. Participation is also free. Our clients mainly come there to have fun together. We give gifts, subscriptions, discounts. Such events attract many people.

What kind of staff is needed to operate a yoga studio? Doesn't have a good resume of great importance. You need to see how a person works.

Evgenia Benevolenskaya

founder of yoga studio "Shanti"

Then I ask you to also conduct a training session for the staff. We watch how a person teaches, how he explains. Sometimes I make mistakes on purpose and see: will they notice or not? The teachers have been working with me for many years. We attract people with the name of the studio and good attendance, which guarantees a high salary.

The salary of yoga studio employees mainly consists of salary and percentages for the number of visitors and classes. The more in demand a teacher is, the higher his salary. Those who also conduct personal lessons make good money, although they are more complicated. The average salary of a yoga teacher in Kazan is 25-30 thousand rubles.

How to organize a work schedule? Naturally, the main influx of visitors will be during evening time, as well as early in the morning - many people like to do yoga before work.

Personal experience

We work mainly in the morning and evening. During the day we offer yoga for pregnant women and personal classes. The most visited time is after or before work. In the morning, students who study in the second shift or those who work shifts come. At seven in the evening we always have a full house. On weekends in the mornings we spend group classes, and during the day - personal.

Where is the best place to open a yoga studio? In places accessible to the population you are assigned to work with. Young people and students are mainly in the city center, where educational institutions are located. If you are targeting mothers on maternity leave, then you can open a studio in a residential area. There are examples of successful studios that operate in remote areas in the courtyards of houses. If your specialty is children's yoga, open in the area of ​​schools and kindergartens.

The room should have as much free space and air as possible. Avoid columns, twists, and corners. Basement floors not suitable for a yoga studio: no matter what kind of hood you install, fresh air and you won’t have enough light, so it’s better to choose a room higher above the ground.

In a hall of 20 sq. m. can fit 10 people - they will be comfortable doing it.


Opening a yoga studio will not create any particular difficulties when it comes to paperwork. This type of activity is not licensed. It is advised to open an LLC rather than an individual entrepreneur: it is more prestigious and rated; the same counterparties and landlords prefer to work with an LLC than with an individual entrepreneur, because it is easier to close an individual entrepreneur.

P principle 1.: Declare what people are willing to pay for- emotions, problem solving, communication


Yoga is yoga, it is just a tool for something. Some people need to solve specific problems - bad dream, fatigue at work, scoliosis, poor memory, etc. YOU SHOULD NOT OFFER YOGA first of all, but solve the problem using the yoga method

Some people want communication and emotions - they need to offer yoga as something interesting, where there is pleasant company and many more benefits, and yoga itself is easy to do!

Principle 2: Understand who are your clients to a greater extent?: people tired after work; students who want to improve their learning process; mothers with short days who are bored; people with poor health. For these people, write from one to 5 sentences: “fix your spine”, “relieve stress after a working day”, etc.


It is IMPORTANT to understand that such a group of people - your potential clients - can only be those people who have some kind of need for which they are willing to pay. If there is no such obvious need, then no one is ready to pay for “world peace”, except those who “have been looking for people like you for a long time.” They pay for relief in life, for the removal of a burden, or for emotions that improve life.

Principle 3.: Do yoga offers in three to four price categories- from 50-200 rub. for yoga for beginners; further - average amounts for a monthly subscriber, and for any special course on the spine or well-being, etc.; and up to cost personal lessons with a person. (I will tell the group of those with whom we communicate on Skype in more detail).


If you are trying to give high-quality yoga at master classes for 50-200 rubles. - most often you people will appreciate it exactly like that - as “it was cool to do yoga.” Free and cheap classes are needed to get acquainted with yoga and with you as a trainer, but if you don’t offer high-quality but more expensive yoga, you simply won’t give people the opportunity to a) give these classes a really high value, b) treat you as a highly qualified specialist, c) devote a lot of your time to yoga, and therefore health and a calm mind, d) continue to practice, instead of considering it a “get-together when you have time”

There are more principles - but that's enough for now, and even more than that.

If someone has already done this or would like to discuss further steps, write.

Happy yoga progress!

The following principles relate to money

Principle 4:Feel free to charge people for all types of yoga offers(from cheapest to most expensive)!

The simplest way to measure value in people is money, because it is obtained through personal efforts. If a person does not pay, or pays significantly less than he could value the service, oddly enough, even the most useful things will be valued exactly according to the amount of investment.

Cheap costs 5-15$, Average ( basic course) costs $100-300, Advanced product - 300-1000 $, Expensive product - from $1000 minimum. If you do not boldly take money, then you yourself doubt the product - who then should dare to take it? Different people will be willing to accept one of the offered prices - it must be given both to those who want cheap and to those who want expensive and “high quality”

Principle 5:Create lungs and different ways payment. So that a person can pay for the service both in cash and online (via the Internet), and in terminals or on a cell phone (Beeline and Megafon definitely have such a service - you just need to take into account the commission for transferring from a phone number to a card)

A person, as a rule, at some point is ready to pay “right now” (at least in order for the decision to be carried out in this moment and so as not to return to it later) and if there is no way to do it quickly - in the most convenient way - a person may change his mind or delay it for a long time. You yourself often went somewhere only because you had already paid for it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have gone - that’s probably what happened with your first course. Therefore, you need to work out the system of quick payment for an interested client of your yoga as best as possible.

Principle 6: Need to create at least 5 different but interrelated products(more about them later), and be sure to offer at least one of them when purchasing another! For example, your products are Beginning Yoga for 150 rubles, one-time lesson, 3-month subscription “to develop flexibility and relieve stress” for 3,000 per month, Mini-group “Advanced Yoga” for 10,000 per month. and Private yoga lesson for RUB 3,000. (from 30,000 per month).

After the beginner lesson, you can offer a private lesson and a monthly subscription - people themselves will choose what suits them best. And someone will still go to Initial group and once a week bring you 150 rubles.

You need to understand the path along which you will lead the client - healing the back, or developing flexibility, or a stable state of mind, etc. And for this you need to have several yoga products available - and offer them, otherwise the person will never know HOW to do it the path he needs.

Of course, in the process of working with people who respond to yoga, you can offer to study Sudarshan Kriya or take a course"with yoga pranayamas" according to sri sri yoga. It will be unobtrusive, but will work much better for 2 reasons: 1) this person will already know you and he already “knows how” to give you money for the recommended services (in this case, the recommendation will be the IL course), 2) by offering yoga for money, you will already be well able to describe the benefits of Sudarshan Kriya - and You will easily talk about the “bonuses” that kriya gives.

Happy interacting with “yoga clients”!

Possible “yoga” products that can be used in combination in order to recommend others in some classes.

I thought about what yoga products could be made for different types of people.

And this is what happened (read, create, implement):

- Yoga Club:

You should at least just provide the time and place once a week for people to get it all (see points (a) to (d))

- Regular subscription in the general group:

Everything is pretty clear here. But there are nuances. A) The general group works out 2-4 times a week and provides the main benefits to your main Target Audience (for example: stretching, general health prevention and correction, increased productivity, deeper rest, general alignment of posture, etc.). It is clear that if your target audience is athletes, you will give them the benefits of endurance, muscle recovery, quality relaxation after exercise, etc.

B) you make payment rates for a month, for three months (sometimes it is possible for six months or a year) - the longer the period, the greater the discount, but at the same time, so that the price does not fall below the minimum for a lesson (for example, 400 rubles for lesson in a monthly rate, 200 in a semi-annual rate).

C) the group can be really large, since these are general classes - and the main tool for conducting is clear instructions in voice and an example in action.

- Special groups:

Examples: a course for athletes (restoration of the body), a course for pregnant women or those who gave birth (bringing to the original physical fitness and better), a course for growing teenagers (stretching and training muscles and heart), a course for small children (general physical development body), course for pensioners (well-being), etc.

- Mini-groups:

Make an offer for groups of 3 to 7 people (mixed groups, groups based on any criteria, families, etc.) - and conduct classes with them at the price of a regular large group or no cheaper than one individual lesson. You can also sell - just general occupation by subscription, or regular classes.

On your main topic in yoga (general strengthening, stress relief, or recovery from illness, etc.) - record a video course of 5-15 lessons, 2-3 minutes each. Post it publicly on the Internet, or create a subscription page so that people first sign up for your database and then receive video lessons with instructions for action via email.

The objectives of this product are to spread information about you – to introduce people to you as a specialist – to serve instead of a “business card” that spreads itself – to create recognition for you– tell simple but interesting things and show simple ones basic exercises, without going into great detail.

The objectives of the product are to give people the opportunity to practice, even if there is no group for them, or they are in another city - to sell yoga to those who for some reason cannot go to a group and cannot take individual yoga - to give people practice at home, to become more convinced that they need any course.

- Individual yoga

Everything is clear here too. For an individual, you can charge the price for a mini-group or for a general group of 10 people. The objectives of this product are to provide individual benefits, such as personal attention, personal recommendations, a personal set of exercises - against the background of the cost of individual yoga, it is easier to sell group classes - to meet the needs of those people who, for some reason, want to practice personally. In the offer you can also bet on discounts when purchasing a month or a three-month course.

- Individual VIP yoga

You can describe your categories of people for each product.

---Similar things can be done for IL courses(organize Yoga and Individual Life Clubs, collect mass and mini courses - and that’s all there! - it’s just that those who manage to collect such courses, apparently on a whim, know how to show the benefits of such courses for individual clients of Individual Lifestyle, for mass and for mini-group )

Some of the most important principles for attracting yoga clients

Principle 7.

Selling headlines are important! Let's just first say which headlines can be considered selling:

1) if you write an ad with just a headline and a phone number, people will still call on it,

2) the title tells “how to solve any problem”, “secrets” of how to achieve the result desired for a person,

3) direct instructions on what a person should do to solve an important issue for him: “recover your strength after work in 40 minutes and go about your evening affairs with a fresh head,”

4) or it could be a question filtering the client with a specific request: “Are you going to play sports, but you still don’t have enough stretching?”

5) headlines provoking emotions and curiosity “how Natalya Vetlitskaya recovered in 30 minutes after exhausting rehearsals”,

6) numeral headings "5 simple ways get rid of thigh fat"


All other headlines also work, such as “yoga for everyone” or “super duper yoga” - but much weaker, and, as a rule, those who will call are those who have already been looking for a place to work out for a long time, and for some reason they caught their eye your ad. This is often not 10% of the audience that could come with a different approach, more tailored to the needs of ordinary people.

There are no perfect headlines. Even if you wrote a very salesy “delicious” headline, you may be wrong. So this is what you should do: write 10 different ads with different headline options (even if the rest of the text is the same) and when they call you, ask what ad the person is calling for- this will give you an idea of ​​which headline works better and for which target audience.


Principle 8.

List very specific benefits, even if they seem obvious - in every message, ad, video, etc.

Need to remove from your text, inviting to yoga, phrases such as " good vacation", "real relaxation", "feeling of lightness", "positive mind" - these phrases do not communicate anything useful to the client, moreover, the amusement park and doping dealers could have exactly the same text 956985985 ","leave your name in the form below", find out your coupon number by calling 98989898 today", etc. - then, as a rule, very rare people will call on their own initiative.

If you think that “people should be conscious enough to think of calling” - then you will have to become conscious in order to understand that a) modern people have a big mess in their heads from information and b) they don’t owe you anything - so discard pride and call them yourself, lead them “by the hand” to you, so that in the near future, thanks to your smart strategy, they will also get to Kriya.

draw your customer's journey. Where should a person ultimately go after coming to your class? Draw the entire path - from subscribing to a subscription to receiving a 6-month course, to receiving Kriya, to subscribing to individual sessions And so on. Clearly imagine all the steps - so that at every moment of interaction with the client, you know what to offer him next. Otherwise, you risk losing him even before he becomes your regular yoga client.

If you have questions or want to clarify something, write.