How to eat after the Maggi diet. Maggi Diet (Egg Diet) - “difficult, but possible! even with errors, I lost a lot of weight. Flour and pasta

The Maggi diet owes its origin to the famous Englishwoman Margaret Thatcher. The nutrition system, developed specifically for her, over time was transformed into one of the varieties of egg diets, which our women successfully use.

What is the essence of the Maggi diet?

The new egg diet offers a menu designed for exactly 4 weeks, during which you can lose weight, gain slim forms and feel unprecedented lightness in the body. It is interesting that such nutrition is not based on a decrease in the daily calorie intake, but on a certain order of chemical reactions of digestion associated with the alternation of protein and vitamins.

pros egg diet:

  • the body receives an abundance of protein with a low carbohydrate content;
  • the diet is available at any age, excluding small children;
  • long-term weight retention after weight loss is supported.

The Maggi diet menu is based on chicken eggs and citrus fruits. Eggs, in addition to important protein, contain a huge amount of microelements necessary for the body. Citrus fruits act as a supplier of the daily dose of vitamins; the acids they contain actively break down excess fats.

Disadvantages of the Maggi diet:

  • can only be used once a year;
  • not suitable for pregnant and lactating women;
  • should not be used by people with allergies to citrus fruits;
  • Contraindicated in those taking medications to lower blood pressure.

Like any nutrition system, the egg diet includes its own rules, the observance of which guarantees a positive result. You must strictly adhere to the product norm indicated in the menu; you cannot swap breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

Important to remember! For more effective weight loss It is useful to exercise while dieting. yours slim figure this will add smartness and youth.

Maggi diet - menu for 4 weeks (every day)

It is necessary to observe the order of the weeks and not change them in places. If the menu does not indicate the norm of a product, it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. When eating meat, only lamb should be excluded.

Week No. 1 of the Maggi diet

The breakfast menu for the first week of nutrition includes half a citrus fruit (can be an orange or grapefruit), as well as 1-2 boiled chicken eggs. The second and third meals differ from day to day. Let's consider a consistent menu for every day.

  • Daily dishes - fruits in any quantity.
  • In the evening – boiled (fried) meat.
  • Daily dishes - boiled or fried chicken.
  • Evening – two boiled eggs, salad, toast, orange.
  • Daily dishes - low-fat cheese, toast, tomatoes.
  • In the evening - boiled (fried) meat.
  • Daily dishes - favorite fruits.
  • Evening - boiled or fried meat.
  • Daily dishes - two boiled eggs, boiled vegetables.
  • In the evening – boiled (fried) fish, salad, grapefruit.
  • Daily dishes – fruits optional.
  • Evening - boiled (fried) meat.
  • Daily dishes - boiled chicken meat, boiled vegetables, one tomato, orange.
  • In the evening – boiled vegetables.

Week No. 2 of the Maggi diet

Breakfast for the second week of nutrition includes half a citrus fruit and a couple of boiled eggs. Menu on next days various.

  • Lunch basket – boiled or fried meat, salad.
  • Evening meal – two boiled eggs, an orange.
  • Lunch set – boiled (fried) meat, salad.
  • Evening food - two boiled eggs, one grapefruit.
  • Lunch basket – boiled (fried) meat, salad.
  • Evening food – two boiled eggs, an orange.
  • Lunch set - two boiled eggs, low-fat hard cheese, boiled vegetables.
  • Evening meal – two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch basket – boiled or fried fish.
  • Evening food – two boiled eggs.
  • Lunch basket – boiled (fried) meat, tomato, orange.
  • Evening meal - fruit.
  • Lunch set - boiled chicken meat, boiled vegetables, one tomato, orange.
  • Evening food - boiled chicken, boiled vegetables, tomato, grapefruit.

If you take a break during the diet or mix up the days, you will have to start all over again, as the weight loss program will be disrupted.

Week No. 3 of the Maggi diet

The peculiarity of the third week is that these foods should be eaten during the day at your own discretion, without restrictions in quantity.

The menu for each day looks like this:

  • 1st - as much fruit as you want, but not high-calorie (banana, figs, etc. exclude).
  • 2nd – fresh or boiled vegetables, but not potatoes.
  • 3rd – fruit or vegetable dishes – as much as you want, whenever you want.
  • 4th – boiled fish, vegetables of any preparation.
  • 5th – boiled (fried) meat, vegetables.
  • 6th and 7th – choose your favorite fruit, eat only it in the desired quantity all day long.

Week No. 4 of the Maggi diet

During the fourth week, you can eat at any time, however, the norm of these products must be observed daily.

  • boiled poultry - quartered
  • boiled (fried meat) - 4 small pieces
  • cucumbers – 4 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • canned fish – 1 can
  • toast and orange
  • boiled (fried) meat - 200 g
  • fresh cucumbers – 4-5 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • toast and orange (apple)
  • curd mass, 0% fat – 1 table. spoon
  • boiled vegetables - 1 plate
  • fresh cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • toast and grapefruit.
  • boiled chicken - half
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.
  • orange and any other fruit, except high-calorie ones
  • two boiled eggs
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • salad - one serving
  • grapefruit
  • two boiled chicken fillets
  • feta cheese – 130 g
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.
  • orange and toast
  • curdled milk
  • curd mass - 1 table. spoon
  • low-fat canned fish – 1 jar
  • boiled vegetables - one serving
  • cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.
  • toast and grapefruit

Common questions about the egg diet

Is drinking alcohol acceptable on the Maggi diet?

Alcohol and the egg diet are categorically incompatible; the body is cleansed and rebuilt; it has absolutely no use for the extra load on the liver and increased appetite.

Is it possible to add soy sauce to foods?

You can add a little soy sauce, especially to vegetable salads. Its quantity will not spoil the main picture of the menu, not to mention the usefulness of this product. The use of vegetable oil is prohibited.

Can you use salt in the egg diet?

Salt is allowed in small quantities if you absolutely cannot bear to eat bland food. A large amount of liquid neutralizes it, drink to cleanse the body.

Is it possible to cook pumpkin for Maggi?

Pumpkin is a completely permitted product; you can also cook beets, carrots, and zucchini in vegetable methods, whichever suits your taste best. Only potatoes are unacceptable; the starch they contain in large quantities does not in any way contribute to weight loss.

If you want to remove the feeling of hunger, you can eat one carrot or fresh cucumber two hours after eating according to the schedule.

Does the egg diet allow you to eat honey?

Those with a sweet tooth who like to drink coffee or tea only with sugar are allowed to put a teaspoon of honey in a cup, just do not overuse it.

Is it possible to drink kefir on the Maggi diet?

You can drink kefir, only low-fat, especially when cottage cheese or yogurt is on the menu, but do not allow more than one glass of this drink per day.

Is it acceptable to replace meat with chicken on the menu?

Meat can be replaced with chicken or any other meat by-products; variety is included in the menu so that you don’t get tired of chicken. But fish cannot be replaced with chicken and vice versa; this will disrupt the entire nutritional pattern of the egg diet.

The Maggi diet is one of the most interesting weight loss programs. The secret is that you can lose a lot in just a month extra pounds, while the range of products is very diverse, and the time of their consumption is practically not tied to a strict schedule. Losing weight is easy and tasty!

The Maggi diet for weight loss, in its modern interpretation represented by an egg and curd diet, is a very effective method of freeing the human body from excess volume and fat mass.

The official website of sports Wikipedia classifies this method of weight loss as protein And low carb diets with a strictly prescribed daily menu and clear rules for its adherence. The mechanism of action of the Maggi diet is not based on a “strict” restriction of the calorie content of food taken, but on the activation of certain biochemical reactions that take place in the body when a certain combination of foods is consumed.

According to many nutritionists, it is thanks to such natural chemical processes that restructuring occurs. metabolism, which begins to work to burn excessively accumulated fat and cleansing the body from various toxins And slag. This proper weight loss usually proceeds without serious stress for human body and in the case of strict adherence to the nutritional regime, it ultimately leads to a loss of an average of 8-10 kilograms per month, and for some especially obese people it helps to get rid of 12-15 kilograms.

It’s worth saying right away that the Maggi diet has nothing to do with the Maggi brand, which produces instant soups and food seasonings. According to the most popular version, the origin of this dietary regime is attributed to the world famous Margaret Thatcher, who ruled Great Britain with an iron fist as Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990.

After the resignation of the “Iron Lady” from her post, a group of historians sorting through the archive of the former head of state, among other documents, discovered her diary for 1979 with a piece of typewritten text attached to it containing a description of the menu of a certain nutritional regime for 1 week.

Diet menu from Margaret Thatcher's diary

Based on the mark on the sheet, it was assumed that a daily dietary plan for a week was compiled individually for Margaret Thatcher by specialists from the famous American Mayo Clinic (Mayo), which is a this moment one of the leading medical centers around the world. Naturally, it was impossible to ignore such a find, thanks to which it was possible for the “Iron Lady” herself to maintain herself in excellent shape, as a result of which the Maggi diet (a transformed abbreviation for Margaret) named after Thatcher scattered across the entire planet almost overnight.

According to eyewitnesses, in addition to the text of the menu itself, the leaflet with it also contained some instructions on its observance, among which was a limitation on the duration of the diet for 2 weeks, and a ban on drinking alcoholic beverages, with the caveat of the possibility of drinking a small amount of whiskey on those days of the diet when it is allowed meat dishes.

Currently, the authenticity of the menu itself, as well as the recommendations regarding the duration of the diet and the question of whether alcohol is allowed while following it, is being questioned. The Maggi diet in its current interpretation is scheduled for 4 weeks and includes two main diets with the use of chicken eggs or low-fat cottage cheese as the main product, and the permissibility of taking any alcohol throughout the diet is completely excluded.

Having decided to try Maggi’s weight loss regimen on yourself, you need to familiarize yourself in detail and then strictly adhere to all the following rules of diet and nutrition for the entire 4 weeks:

  • You can only eat foods from the list of foods allowed for the diet.
  • The prescribed diet regimen should be followed very strictly, without changing meals (for example, dinner for lunch) and/or recommended food products (the exception is the permissible replacement of the main ingredient of the diet - chicken eggs with low-fat cottage cheese, in case of individual aversion to eating large amounts of the first product or allergy to it).
  • In the absence of quantitative restrictions on the dishes you eat, you can consume them in any volume, otherwise never exceed their servings.
  • Pure water, as well as other diet drinks, including carbonated ones, can be drunk and even necessary in any volume (at least 1.5 liters per 24 hours).
  • Allowed hot drinks (coffee, tea) should be drunk without sugar or its substitutes.
  • Alcohol must be eliminated completely.
  • Foods allowed for the diet should be prepared by baking or boiling in water, but eating any broth is prohibited.
  • It is permissible to add onions and garlic, as well as other similar seasonings, to the prepared food without restrictions.
  • It is not prohibited to salt the food you eat, but it is best to use salt to a minimum.
  • It is necessary to remove all fats and oils from a nutritious diet (the exception is a small amount of olive oil used to prepare some dishes).
  • If you feel unbearably hungry, you can allow yourself to eat one carrot, cucumber or a salad made from them, but not earlier than 120 minutes after your next meal.
  • Dinner should be completed at least 3 hours before expected bedtime.
  • Throughout the entire diet, you should be active in physically way of life, without practicing constant heavy physical activity.
  • Every morning after visiting the toilet, you need to control your own weight using scales.
  • In case of a breakdown or any violation of the diet, you need to stop the diet cycle you are following and start the entire diet again from the first day of 1 week.
  • If it is necessary to extend the diet for another 14 days, you should repeat the nutritious diet of its first week, and then immediately switch to the regimen of the fourth week.
  • Additionally, it is not necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes.

This method of losing weight can be divided into the original diet, the menu of which was discovered during the analysis of the archives in the Palace of Westminster, and its modern analogues, represented by egg and curd diets.

The original diet, supposedly created for Margaret Thatcher herself, by nutritionists from the Mayo Clinic (Mayo) and not yet collectively called Maggi, should be followed for a maximum of 14 days with a repeating menu clearly scheduled for 1 week.

This dietary regimen was based on the principle of daily intake of two food products - chicken eggs and grapefruits, thanks to the properties of which the weight loss effect was achieved, and supplementing them with other dishes that maintain the balance of nutrients in the body.

Among the features of this diet, one can highlight the permissibility of drinking a small amount of whiskey (indications for this particular alcoholic drink were present in the found document) together with the recommended meat products. Reviews from nutritionists researching the effectiveness of such a nutritious diet indicated an estimated weight loss of around 5-7 kilograms in 2 weeks.

The classic egg version of the Maggi diet, which appeared after the original diet, as the name implies, is also based on chicken eggs, which act as the main ingredient of this diet menu for 4 weeks. In addition to them, the nutritious diet includes other protein foods (fish, meat), as well as various vegetables and fruits, with the obligatory intake of grapefruit or orange for breakfast during the first 2 weeks.

The full cycle of such a diet takes 28 days, but in case of early achievement desired result for weight loss can be stopped after 14 days. Reviews about the effectiveness of such weight loss most often vary between minus 8-10 kilograms per month, and in some cases they note a more significant weight loss - up to 15 kilograms for very obese people.

The curd version of the Maggi diet was created somewhat later than its egg counterpart and was intended for people who, for some reason (allergies, vegetarianism, etc.) cannot or do not want to eat chicken eggs.

During this type of dietary regimen, you can replace eggs with low-fat cottage cheese only partially or completely switch to consuming this fermented milk product. The calculation of such a replacement for the main ingredient of the diet should be carried out on the basis that 1 egg is equal to 100 grams of cottage cheese.

The rest of the diet, although undergoing minor changes, remains largely the same. The duration of the Maggi diet on cottage cheese is a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 28 days, during which people who lost weight in this way also lost an average of 8-10 kilograms.

The list of food products acceptable for consumption while following the egg and curd versions of the Maggi diet is similar and compiled by nutritionists taking into account the intake of virtually all the macro- and micronutrients needed by the human body.

Basic diet ingredients:

  • chicken eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5% fat content);
  • grapefruits.

Low-fat dairy products:

  • curdled milk;
  • white cheese (up to 20% fat);
  • kefir.
  • tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • garlic, radish, onion;
  • cabbage (garden cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.);
  • lettuce and other greens;
  • green beans.

Berries and fruits:

  • sour berries, watermelons, melons;
  • pineapples, grapefruits, kiwis, oranges;
  • persimmons, peaches, plums, apricots;
  • apples, pears.

Lean meat products:

  • rabbit, beef;
  • chicken, partridge, turkey.

Low-fat seafood:

  • hake, haddock, pollock, shrimp.

Bread products:

  • toast/bread made from rye or whole grain flour.
  • cereal bran.


  • salt (minimum);
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • ginger, etc.

Soft drinks

  • purified/mineral water (including slightly carbonated water);
  • chicory;
  • herbal/green tea, high quality coffee.

Vegetables and greens

eggplants 1,20,14,524 zucchini 0,60,34,624 cabbage 1,80,14,727 cilantro 2,10,51,923 green onions 1,30,04,619 onions 1,40,010,441 carrots 1,30,16,932 cucumbers 0,80,12,815 salad peppers 1,30,0 5.327 parsley 3.70, 47,647 radishes 1,20,13,419 lettuce 1,20,31,312 celery 0,90,12,112 tomatoes 0,60,24,220 dill 2,50,56,338 zucchini 1,50,23,016 garlic 6,50,529,9143 spinach 2,90,32,022


apricots0.90.110.841pineapples0.40.210.649oranges0.90.28.136watermelon0.60.15.825grapefruit0.70.26.529pears0.40.310.942melon0.60.37.433kiwi1.00.610.348lemons0.90 ,13,016peaches0,90,111,346plums0,80,39,642persimmons0,50,315,366apples0, 40,49,847


lingonberry0,70,59,643 cranberry0,50,06,826currant1,00,47,543blueberry1,10,47,644

Bakery products

rye bread6,61,234,2165whole grain bread10,12,357,1295

Raw materials and seasonings

seasonings7,01,926,0149ginger1,80,815,880salt0,00,00,0-balsamic vinegar0,50,017,088chicory1,70,24,121


kefir 1% fermented baked milk 1% yogurt 1%

Cheeses and cottage cheese

Oltermani cheese29,017,00,0270ricotta cheese11,013,03,0174chechil cheese19,522,81,9313cottage cheese 2%18,02,03,3103cottage cheese 5%17,25,01,8121

Meat products





chicken eggs 12.710.90.7157 hard-boiled chicken eggs 12.911.60.8160

Fish and seafood

shrimp22,01,00,097 pollock15,90,90,072haddock17,20,20,071cod17,70,7-78tuna23,01,0-101hake16,62,20,086

Oils and fats

olive oil0.099.80.0898

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0.00.00.0-black coffee0.20.00.32 instant chicory0.10.02.811green tea0.00.00.0-black tea20.05.16.9152

Fully or partially limited products

Throughout any type of Maggi diet, you should refrain from eating any unhealthy foods (salted, smoked, pickled, fried, etc.), as well as the following foods.

Fatty dairy products:

  • all cheeses with a fat content of more than 20%;
  • cottage cheese with a fat content of more than 9%;
  • milk of any fat content.
  • beets, potatoes, corn;
  • beans and similar legumes;
  • canned vegetables.

Berries and fruits:

  • mango, fig, avocado, dates;
  • grapes, bananas, cherries;
  • dried fruits.

Fatty meat products:

  • lamb, pork, lard;
  • goose, duck.

Bread and flour products:

  • all bread and other baked goods;
  • pasta and confectionery products.


  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • soy sauce;
  • mayonnaise/ketchup.
  • sweet nectars, compotes and juices;
  • sweet sodas;
  • all drinks including alcohol.

Vegetables and greens

canned vegetables1,50,25,530beans6,00,18,557peas6,00,09,060potatoes2,00,418,180corn3,52,815,6101beets1,50,18,840soybeans34,917,317,3381beans7,80,521,5123


avocado 2,020,07,4208 bananas 1,50,221,895 cherry 0,80,511,352 mango 0,50,311,567




dried mushrooms 20,56,533,0270 fried mushrooms 4,611,510,7210 pickled mushrooms 2,20,40,020

Nuts and dried fruits

dried fruits 2,30,668,2286 dried figs 3,10,857,9257 dates 2,50,569,2274 prunes 2,30,757,5231


potato chips5,530,053,0520caramel popcorn5,38,776,1401cheese popcorn5,830,850,1506

Cereals and porridges

porridge with water3,00,618,591porridge with milk3,32,917,4105

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,21,274,9342pasta10,41,169,7337noodles12,03,760,1322ravioli15,58,029,7245spaghetti10,41,171,5344pasta10,01,171,5344dumplings7,62,318,7155pancakes6,3 7,351,4294 dumplings11,912,429,0275

Bakery products



jam0.30.263.0263ganache4.934.552.5542jam0.30.156.0238marshmallow0.80.078.5304sweets4.319.867.5453marshmallow0.50.080.8310cookies7.511.874.9417cake3.822.6 47.0397 jam gingerbread 5.86.571.6364 halva 11.629.754.0523

Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189





Raw materials and seasonings

adjika 1,03,75,859 vanilla 1,20,112,5287 ketchup 1,81,022,293 mayonnaise 2,467,03,9627 molasses 0,00,378,3296 sugar 0,00,099,7398 soy sauce 3,50,011,058


milk condensed milk 7.28.556.0320 soy milk baked milk cream 2.820.03.7205 sour cream 2.820.03.2206

Cheeses and cottage cheese

Gouda cheese 25,027,02,0356 Dutch cheese 26,026,80,0352 Parmesan cheese 33,028,00,0392 Poshekhonsky cheese 26,026,50,0350 Russian cheese 24,129,50,3363 Cheddar cheese 23,032,00,0392 cottage cheese 18% (fat) 14 ,018, 02.8232

Meat products

pork 16,021,60,0259 lard 2,489,00,0797 lamb 15,616,30,0209 bacon 23,045,00,0500 ham 22,620,90,0279 meat pate 16,423,30,4277 cutlets 16,620,011,8282 beefsteak 27, 829.61.7384


Boiled sausage 113.722.80.0260 Kolbas in/smoked28,227.50.0360 KOMENAYA P/smoked16,244,60,046666666666666666kholbas C/drilled 24,138,31,0455555555555555555555555555555555COUSS COME9,963,20,3608LBAS LIVERNA14,428., 2326blood sausage9,019,514,5274sausages10,131,61,9332sausages12,325,30,0277spices10,033,00,0337



Fish and seafood

dried fish17,54,60,0139smoked fish26,89,90,0196salted fish19,22,00,0190

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0.099.00.0899butter0.582.50.8748animal fat0.099.70.0897cooking fat0.099.70.0897

Alcoholic drinks


Non-alcoholic drinks

cola0,00,010,442pepsi0,00,08,738sprite0,10,07,029fanta0,00,011,748energy drink0,00,011,345

Juices and compotes

cherry nectar0,10,012,050jelly0,20,016,768nectarine nectar0,10,012,853peach nectar0,20,09,038

* data is per 100 g of product

Maggi Diet Menu (Meal Routine)

The original Maggi diet

The menu of Margaret Thatcher's original diet is detailed for the week and involves repeating the 7-day diet cycle twice. Each new day of such a diet should be started by eating only basic ingredients - chicken eggs and grapefruits, and at lunch and dinner you should supplement your diet with other prescribed dishes.

Due to the consumption of a large number of chicken eggs, this diet is classified as protein diets, the observance of which requires the consumption of 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Below is an adapted translation of the original diet for 7 days.

Breakfast(every new day is the same) – one grapefruit; 1-2 eggs; a cup of black coffee or pure (without additives) tea.

Dinner Dinner
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • one grapefruit.
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • mixed vegetable salad;
  • one toasted toast;
  • one grapefruit;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • beef steak;
  • any amount of raw tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and olives;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • any amount of spinach;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • 2 lamb chops;
  • a cup of pure (no additives) tea.
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • any amount of spinach;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • one toasted toast;
  • any amount of cabbage.
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • any amount of spinach;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • combined salad with vegetables and fish;
  • well done toast;
  • one grapefruit.
  • any amount of combined fruit salad.
  • as many beef steaks as you like;
  • any number of tomatoes, celery and cucumbers;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • boiled chicken meat;
  • any amount of carrots, tomatoes and cabbage;
  • one grapefruit;
  • a cup of black coffee.
  • cold boiled chicken;
  • any number of raw tomatoes;
  • one grapefruit.

The later egg version of the Maggi diet is also based on chicken eggs, which must be consumed during the first two weeks of the diet for all breakfasts, supplemented with half a grapefruit or a large orange.

A detailed menu for the remaining meals is strictly planned for the entire duration of the diet regimen, which in the full version lasts 28 days. As in the previous case, it is advisable to drink a lot of water (about 1-2 liters) every day of such a diet.

The Maggi diet with cottage cheese differs from the egg variety only in the main ingredient, which in this case is cottage cheese with a maximum fat content of 5%. Otherwise detailed menu The cottage cheese version of the diet almost completely repeats the previous diet with minor changes that do not significantly affect the overall course and effectiveness of weight loss.

Below is a table of the Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks, including egg and curd options for a similar dietary regimen.

Second week

Egg option
Breakfast Dinner Dinner
  • half a grapefruit or large orange.
  • 250 g of any baked/boiled lean meat;
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of bell pepper, tomato, lettuce, carrot and cucumber salad.
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 200 g of any baked/boiled lean meat;
  • any amount of fresh cucumbers (without overeating).
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 150 g white low-fat cheese;
  • 200 g of baked/boiled lean fish (pollock/hake) or boiled shrimp.
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs.
  • 200 g of any baked/boiled lean meat;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 150 g of any acceptable boiled vegetables;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
Curd option
Breakfast Dinner Dinner
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • any amount of acceptable fruit (without overeating).
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 g baked/boiled low-fat fish (pollock/hake);
  • 150 g of any acceptable raw vegetables;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 200 g of any baked/boiled lean meat;
  • 150 g of any acceptable raw vegetables.
  • 150 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 g of any baked/boiled lean meat;
  • 250 g of any acceptable boiled vegetables.
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 g of any acceptable fruit.
  • 200 g of white low-fat cheese;
  • 250 g of any acceptable raw vegetables.
  • 200 g of baked lean fish (pollock/hake) or meat;
  • 150 g of any acceptable boiled vegetables.
  • 250 g of baked/boiled lean fish (pollock/hake) or boiled shrimp;
  • 200 g of any acceptable raw vegetables.
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 g of any acceptable fruit.
  • 200 g of any lean meat, baked or boiled;
  • 3 medium tomatoes;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 250 g of any acceptable fruit.
  • 150 g of any acceptable boiled vegetables;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 250 g baked/boiled lean chicken;
  • 200 g of any acceptable boiled vegetables;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.

Third week

Egg option
All day
  • any amount of baked/boiled lean fish (without overeating);
  • any amount of boiled vegetables allowed (without overeating).
Curd option
All day
  • any amount of fresh fruit from the list of acceptable ones (without overeating).
  • any number of raw and stewed vegetables from the list of acceptable ones (without overeating).
  • any amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and stewed, from the list of acceptable ones (without overeating).
  • any amount of baked/boiled lean fish or boiled shrimp (without overeating);
  • any amount of raw coleslaw and lettuce (without overeating);
  • any amount of boiled vegetables allowed (without overeating).
  • any amount of boiled lean meat (without overeating);
  • any amount of boiled vegetables allowed (without overeating).
  • any amount of one type of fruit (without overeating).

Fourth week

Egg option
All day
  • 250 g baked/boiled lean chicken;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 200 g of any baked/boiled lean meat;
  • 3 medium tomatoes and 4 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • 150 g of white low-fat cheese or a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • 3 medium tomatoes and 1 raw lettuce leaf;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 250 g baked/boiled lean chicken;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • 150 ml yogurt;
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 150 g canned tuna meat without oil;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • 150 g of allowed boiled vegetables;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • one grapefruit or large orange.
Curd option
All day
  • 150 g baked/boiled lean chicken;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • 150 g canned tuna meat without oil;
  • one fruit from the list of acceptable ones (preferably citrus).
  • 200 g baked/boiled lean chicken;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • one fruit from the list of acceptable ones (preferably citrus).
  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • 200 g of allowed boiled vegetables;
  • one fruit from the list of acceptable ones (preferably citrus).
  • half a baked or boiled chicken carcass (preferably lean pieces of meat without skin);
  • 3 medium tomatoes and 1 medium cucumber, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • one fruit from the list of acceptable ones (preferably citrus).
  • 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • any amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw and stewed, from the list of acceptable ones (without overeating).
  • 200 g baked/boiled lean chicken;
  • 125 g low-fat cottage cheese or feta cheese;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • 150 ml yogurt;
  • any amount of fresh fruit from the list of acceptable ones (without overeating).
  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 150 g canned tuna meat without oil;
  • 2 medium tomatoes and 2 medium cucumbers, raw;
  • 150 g of allowed boiled vegetables;
  • dried slice of rye or whole grain bread (25 g);
  • any amount of fresh fruit from the list of acceptable ones (without overeating).

Dish recipes

The process of losing weight with any diet should, if possible, proceed calmly and not be accompanied by various strong stress for the human body, among which are not last place takes into account the quality and taste of the dishes consumed.

Thanks to its thoughtful and quite varied menu, the Maggi diet is exactly the kind of diet that you can follow to effectively lose weight and at the same time eat quite satisfyingly and nutritiously. Below are some recipes for low-calorie and tasty dishes that can be consumed at one or another stage of the Maggi diet without violating its basic rules and recommendations.

Stuffed eggs

Required ingredients:

  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Boil chicken eggs hard, cut them lengthwise into two equal halves and remove the yolks. In a separate bowl, carefully combine the egg yolks, cottage cheese, chopped garlic and dill, adding a minimal amount of salt and pepper. Fill half of the egg whites with the dense mass thus obtained and decorate them with the same dill.

Tomatoes with cheese

Required ingredients:

  • fresh tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • hard low-fat cheese – 60 g;
  • rye bread – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 1 tooth;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Wash the tomatoes, cut them in half and remove 2/3 of the pulp. Crumble the rye bread into one bowl and finely grate the cheese and garlic using a grater. Add a minimum amount of spices and thoroughly mix all the crushed ingredients. Fill the tomato halves with the resulting mass and place them in the oven for about 5 minutes (until the cheese melts). Decorate the finished dish with fresh dill.

Vegetable stew

Required ingredients:

  • fresh tomatoes – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini – 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • eggplant – 0.5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 tooth;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Grate the carrots using a large mesh grater and place them in a non-stick frying pan. Add eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini, chopped garlic, spices, cut into small pieces and mix. Pour some purified water into the pan and simmer the vegetables under the lid. A couple of minutes before the dish is ready, add your chosen herbs.

Stuffed pepper

Required ingredients:

  • bell pepper – 6 pcs.;
  • fresh tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • white cabbage – 200 g;
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Rinse the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skins from them and grind through a fine sieve until you obtain a kind of tomato paste. Remove the inner membranes and all seeds from the peppers. Grate the carrots on a large mesh grater, finely chop the onion and finely chop the cabbage.

Mix everything until minced vegetables are formed and tightly stuff the peeled peppers with it. Place the peppers in a suitable container and cook them in a water bath or in a double boiler for about 20 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of the cooking process, pour the previously prepared tomato paste over the peppers.

Chicken casserole

Required ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 170 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • broccoli – 150 g;
  • garlic – 2 teeth;
  • onions – 0.5 pcs.;
  • mixed greens - to taste;
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Peel the chicken fillet from the films, cut into thin slices, beat them with a kitchen hammer and season with spices, as well as 1/3 of the herb mixture. Blend all the pre-chopped vegetables and cabbage inflorescences, along with the second third of the greens, in a blender to a smooth, thick puree.

Line a suitable baking sheet with parchment and place the poultry fillet and puree on it in layers (the bottom and top layers should be meat). Sprinkle the rest of the greens on top and bake in the oven (200°C) for half an hour.

Rabbit roll

Required ingredients:

  • rabbit meat – 500 g;
  • garlic – 2 teeth;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • parsley/dill - to taste;
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Grind the rabbit meat along with the onion using a blender or meat grinder. Break a chicken egg into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. On cling film Place a layer of minced meat about 2 cm thick and sprinkle it with chopped garlic and herbs.

Roll the minced meat into a roll, wrap it in food foil and place on a suitable baking sheet. Place the roll in the oven (200°C) for 20 minutes, then open the foil and bake the dish for another 10 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

Required ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 120 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • large apple - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 0.5 tsp. (for greasing molds);
  • salt/pepper – to a minimum.

Break the chicken egg into the cottage cheese and thoroughly grind both ingredients using a simple fork, adding a little salt along the way.

Peel the apple from the peel and seeds, grate it on a medium grater, add to the curd mass and thoroughly mix everything together.

Grease small ceramic ramekins with olive oil and fill them with the curd-apple mixture. Depending on the size of the molds, bake the dish in the oven (190°C) for 15-25 minutes.

In the event of any violation of the nutritional regime of the Maggi diet, including even rearranging meals among themselves and/or replacing some recommended foods with others, there is no point in following the dietary cycle further. Such a diet must be interrupted and started again from the very first day.

In order to successfully consolidate the achieved result of losing weight in any of the Maggi diet options, as well as to prevent a rapid rollback of body weight to its previous positions, you should practice a gradual and fairly long exit from this dietary regime.

In dietetics, there are several universal nutrition systems that tell in detail how to properly exit any diet and provide a detailed menu for the required period, however, in general terms, the exit plan for the Maggi diet looks like the one described below.

At the end of the Maggi diet, people who have lost weight on it should in no case immediately “pounce” on previously prohibited foods (potatoes, cereals, pasta, sweets, etc.), but at first they must do without them in principle.

At least for the entire week following the diet, you must continue to eat, consistent with the principles of the previously observed dietary regimen, gradually changing it towards reducing the consumption of main products (eggs, citrus fruits, cottage cheese) and increasing the portions and number of meals of additional dishes (lean beef, fruits, meat poultry, vegetables).

In the second week, you can supplement your diet with cereals for breakfast and light soups for lunch, choosing foods with a low content of carbohydrates and fats for their preparation. Vegetable salads can be seasoned with a moderate amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), but still avoid various ketchups, mayonnaise and similar sauces. Sugar should be used to a minimum, and ideally replaced with honey or other natural sweeteners.

The diet of the third week can be diversified with bread and previously prohibited dairy products, vegetables and fruits, consuming them in small portions and at the same time constantly monitoring your weight readings. It is preferable to leave flour, butter and confectionery products for later, and it is best to completely forget about their existence.

The menu of the fourth week is recommended to be compiled according to a healthy nutrition plan, adhering to all its rules for daily routine and diet, which throughout the rest of your life should become fundamental and mandatory. Otherwise, the resulting weight loss results will not last long and the lost excess weight will soon return.

Contraindications to following the Maggi diet are mostly standard for most diets for weight loss and include:

  • individual allergies to basic or additional products nutrition;
  • pregnancy/lactation;
  • depressive and stressful conditions;
  • all infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • serious chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • severe pathologists kidney And liver;
  • severe gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • diabetes;
  • adolescence and old age.

Even taking into account the fairly well-thought-out balance of the nutritional diet of the Maggi diet, its menu is still considered high-protein and low-carbohydrate, which will not benefit a young and growing body. It is for this reason that children and adolescents under 18 years of age are not recommended to adhere to this diet.

Due to the predominance of protein foods in the diet, as well as due to the rather significant duration of the Magic diet, a ban was introduced on its observance pregnant And nursing women.

  • chicken eggs need to be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes;
  • the best fat content of the cottage cheese used is 3-5%;
  • fruits and vegetables must be exclusively fresh;
  • Meat and fish are best baked or boiled; in extreme cases, you can fry them in a non-stick frying pan without adding any oil or fat;
  • fruit and vegetable salads should be consumed only in their own juice without any dressing;
  • hot vegetable dishes must be prepared by steaming or boiling in a small amount of water;
  • You can add a little salt and/or aromatic spices to the prepared dishes, while avoiding the use of hot seasonings that stimulate the appetite;
  • even if there are no restrictions on the serving size of the recommended dish, try to consume it in a reasonable amount (without overeating);
  • if you have an irresistible desire to eat something forbidden, occupy yourself with some work that requires scrupulous execution;
  • Monitor your weight daily during the main stage of the diet and when leaving it;
  • Be patient and use all your willpower, in this case the result of losing weight on the Maggi diet will certainly please you.

Traditionally, reviews of people who have lost weight on the Maggi diet, some of whom are presented in the article below, as well as professional nutritionists, really note its high effectiveness in terms of weight loss and volume reduction, although not as colossal as some forums for losing weight advertise.

Photos before and after the Maggi egg diet

Photos before and after cottage cheese diet Maggi

On average, egg and curd varieties of this dietary regimen are capable of ridding the body of 8-10 kilograms in a month of strict adherence, and only in some cases, initially excessively excess body weight from 12-15 kilograms.

Photos of the results of the original Maggi diet

Diet price

Depending on the stage of the dietary regimen, as well as the food products used, the cost of one day of following any of the Maggi diet options can vary between 100-300 rubles.

Excess weight can rightfully be called the scourge of modern society. Women are more concerned about this problem and take steps to combat excess weight. different ways, for example, they go on diets. One of the most popular and sensational of them is the Maggi diet. What is it and why should you not get carried away with this diet?

Table of contents: Basic principles of the Maggi diet Maggi diet - daily menu Exit from the diet Contraindications Benefits and harms of the Maggi diet

It is not known for certain who created this diet. However, there is a legend that the diet received its name in honor of Margaret Thatcher herself, or “Maggie” for short. The Maggi diet is based on the features of the “Iron Lady” diet. However, the current Maggi diet, by and large, has little in common with Lady Thatcher's diet. Who came up with the Maggi diet, whether the author had a medical education - these are unanswered questions.

The Maggi diet is essentially a protein diet with severe carbohydrate restriction. Its peculiarity is also that the main ingredients are eggs or low-fat cottage cheese (1 egg = 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese). Eggs have high energy value and contain proteins and fats. That is, it is assumed that eggs can provide a feeling of satiety with a very meager diet. But it is also worth remembering that eggs contain cholesterol.

The Maggi diet also involves the use of citrus fruits, in particular grapefruit. This fruit has an antioxidant effect and also reduces cholesterol levels. Grapefruit can be replaced with orange if desired.

The Maggi diet requires strict adherence to the following rules:

  1. Duration of the diet is two (four) weeks;
  2. The optimal portion of meat is 200-250 grams, fish - 150 grams, vegetables - 100-150 grams;
  3. You cannot redo the daily menu or replace products;
  4. Main meals should not be interchanged;
  5. You should drink enough fluid (regular drinking water);
  6. You can drink coffee and tea, but only without sugar or milk;
  7. Vegetables should be cooked in plain water without meat broth or oil;
  8. The use of salt and spices is allowed;
  9. Salads cannot be dressed;
  10. In case of severe hunger, a vegetable snack is allowed, but only two hours after the main meal;
  11. If the course was interrupted, you must start again;
  12. Prohibited foods: potatoes, bananas, grapes, mangoes, figs, dates, cereals, pasta, flour products, baked goods, lamb, pork.

We can conclude that this is enough strict diet. Most likely, it will be quite difficult to follow it, since with such a low-calorie diet, the feeling of hunger will become a faithful companion. Of course, the weight will decrease after such a diet, but at what cost?

The Maggi diet comes in two- and four-week durations. Still, staying on a low-carb diet for so long is very dangerous - we’ll look at this below. Below is a daily menu to help you understand what it is. this diet. This information should not be taken as a guide to action.

For first week breakfasts are absolutely the same. These are two boiled chicken eggs and one grapefruit, coffee and tea are allowed. So, the first week of the Maggi diet looks like this:

Breakfast second week I’m already familiar with it: the same two eggs and one grapefruit. The second week’s menu significantly increases the number of chicken eggs.

On third week habitual breakfasts are disappearing. It may be noted that this week’s diet has a very limited amount of meat, while fruits and vegetables are included in abundance.

On fourth week The usual breakfasts are also absent. Throughout the day, you can eat any allowed product in any quantity.

The Maggi diet allows you to lose a few extra pounds, but in order to maintain the weight at the desired level, you need to exit the diet gradually. In the first week after completing the course, the diet should contain those foods that were used during the diet. This includes poultry, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits. You should continue to avoid fried potatoes, pasta, flour, and confectionery products.

Meals should be split: three main meals and two snacks. You definitely need to have a hearty breakfast, because it depends on whether you will be tormented by hunger throughout the day or not. The last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime. If you are very worried about hunger in the evening, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese or fermented baked milk.

Such a strict diet will be a real test for many and it is impossible for all people to follow it without exception. First of all, it is worth remembering that many people are allergic to eggs and citrus fruits. Therefore, the Maggi diet is contraindicated for people with such food allergies. Due to the excess of citrus fruits in the diet, this diet should also be forgotten by people with diseases of the digestive tract, in particular with hyperacid gastritis.

The Maggi diet is low in calories and is not suitable for pregnant or lactating women. During this period of life, a woman should eat healthily and nutritiously.

The benefit of the Maggi diet can be considered to be getting rid of several extra pounds. The weight will come off, but at what cost? The Maggi diet belongs to the low-carbohydrate category. After just a few days of such nutrition, the body will be sorely lacking carbohydrates. Subjectively, this will be expressed in a feeling of hunger, depressed mood, decreased performance and even apathy. How can you work and do your usual things in such a state?

The basis of the Maggi diet is chicken eggs. Eggs are known to contain high amounts of cholesterol. The accumulation of this substance in the body leads to the development of atherosclerosis. In general, a healthy person can safely eat no more than one or two pieces a day.

In addition, such protein diets place significant stress on the kidneys. Protein breaks down into purines, and those in turn into urates and uric acid salts. With a protein diet, the kidneys have to work harder to remove the formed metabolites from the body. With this diet, all existing kidney problems “pop up”.

Considering the difficulty of tolerating the Maggi diet and the potential harm from such a diet, it becomes completely unclear why you should mock yourself like that? There is no need to reinvent the wheel, because the principles healthy weight loss have long been developed by doctors and trainers. A complete and varied diet, active exercise stress- will soon lead to weight normalization and will not harm your health.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

The Maggi diet is a variation of the egg diet. It belongs to the protein low-carbohydrate diets. The popularity of this weight loss system was brought about by a move away from constant calorie counting and fasting, which is present in almost all other diets. In addition to the fact that in four weeks of following the Maggi diet you can lose up to 20 kilograms overweight, a person will feel quite nourished and comfortable all this time. A competent exit from the diet and compliance with all its rules will help maintain the results obtained.

The basis of the Maggi diet is based on a specially selected diet, which, if followed, takes place in the body certain chemical reactions that lead to the burning of fat deposits and the elimination of decay products, poisons and toxins. This diet requires strict and strict adherence to the meal schedule and the specified menu, otherwise the whole process will not make any sense. It is strictly forbidden to swap lunch and breakfast or replace some products with others, even if in your opinion they are identical.

As a last resort, you can remove any product from the diet, but you cannot replace it. If you eat foods that are not on the menu, the diet will not bring the desired result, and after a while you will have to start over. Drinking regime here too important factor. The recommended volume of clean drinking water per day is 2 liters. This is necessary to avoid constipation and dehydration. It is also allowed to drink coffee without sugar or tea.

  • Principles of the Maggi Diet
  • What can you eat?
  • What can't you eat?
  • Maggi diet menu for the week
  • Is alcohol allowed on the Maggi diet?
  • Interesting recipes for the Maggi diet
  • Pros and cons of the Maggi diet
  • Contraindications
  • Possible side effects
  • Frequently Asked Questions about the Maggi Diet

It is allowed to add onions, garlic, various seasonings and salt to food, but alcohol, meat broths, mayonnaise, oils and fats should be completely excluded from the diet. Recommended fruits are citrus fruits, apples, pears, watermelon, melon. Fish and meat dishes are steamed, boiled or baked without the use of oil. The basis of the Maggi diet is a combination of citrus fruits and eggs. Eggs are a rich source of microelements necessary for the body to function normally.

Citrus fruits contain many vitamins that help activate metabolism and break down fats. The rest of the diet is selected to stimulate chemical reactions that accelerate the processing of fat cells. People who are not accustomed to eating a lot of fruits and vegetables are not recommended to immediately go on the Maggi diet; first, they should prepare their body a little. Otherwise, a sudden change in diet can lead to intestinal upset. This is especially true for people who are quite mature and elderly.

You need to get out of this weight loss system gradually, gradually increasing the number of calories in food, this will help maintain the achieved result. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to lose weight on the eve of the holidays, since on such days there is the greatest likelihood of breaking the diet. If you suffer from heart disease, kidney disease, vascular disease or an egg allergy, you should consult your doctor before using the Maggi diet.

The Maggi diet consists of 4 stages, each of which includes 7 days. A person losing weight will need to change his diet depending on what stage he is at.

    First stage. At this time, the body adapts to changes in the diet, electrolyte balance returns to normal, and energy leaves the cells. excess liquid. Fat deposits begin to break down from 4-5 days. In the first seven days of the diet, you can lose 2-4 kg.

    Second phase. The body gets used to the changed diet. At this time, a person needs to consume more eggs.

    Third stage. This week the weight continues to come off, but more slowly. Therefore, the body needs a shake-up. However, this stage is quite easy to endure.

    Fourth stage. It is necessary in order to properly complete the diet and consolidate the achieved results.

Foods that can be eaten on the Maggi diet:

    Raw, boiled, baked, stewed or steamed vegetables. There are no prohibitions on them; you can eat carrots, broccoli, zucchini, beans, etc. Frozen vegetable mixtures are also not included in the list of excluded foods. If necessary, vegetables can be seasoned, but only with those seasonings that are not prohibited. Vegetables cannot be fried.

    Fruits and berries. Be sure to enrich the menu with citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, grapefruits. Kiwis, apples, persimmons, cherries, etc. should also be present on the table.

    Dairy products. The maximum fat content of cottage cheese is 9%, cheese – 20%. Kefir and yogurt are allowed to be included in the diet only at the fourth stage of the diet.

    Low-fat fish: sole, haddock, pollock, and seafood.

    Eggs, skinless poultry, offal.

    Low-fat meat in boiled, stewed and baked form. Sometimes the menu can be diversified with 2 pieces of kebab.

    Bread made from rye flour, whole grain bread, or crispbread or bran. The maximum daily allowance is 30 g.

    Salt and pepper, soy sauce, garlic and onion, lemon, gelatin, ginger, balsamic vinegar, starch- and sugar-free seasonings.

    Unsweetened tea and coffee. Milk should not be added to drinks. You are allowed to drink a glass of Diet Coca-Cola once a day.

    Sometimes you can afford sugar-free lollipops. Sugar is replaced with stevia or agave syrup.

On the list of prohibited products:

    All canned products. Including corn, green peas, etc.

    Fried foods.

    Sweets, including jam, honey, sorbitol, fructose.

  • Potatoes and legumes.

    Bananas, avocados, figs, grapes, mangoes, dried fruits.

    All oil, all fat.

  • Alcohol.

    Chewing gum.

Days of the week

Meal time

III week


mono-diet - fruit day. Low-calorie fruits in any quantity.

foods during the day (at any time): orange, can of tuna without oil, 4 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, toast, 4 pieces of meat (boiled)

allowed fruits in any quantity (apples, apricots, pears)

salad, boiled meat

boiled meat in pieces (lean)

grapefruit, salad, 2 eggs

half a grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet - vegetable day. Any vegetables other than potatoes

food for the day: one type of fruit, toast, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, boiled meat - 200 g

chicken fillet cooked without salt

salad, meat

toast, vegetable salad, 2 boiled eggs, orange

orange, 2 eggs

half a grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – fruit or vegetable day (boiled vegetables)

products for the day: grapefruit, boiled vegetables, toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, low-fat white cheese, a little cottage cheese

2 tomatoes, whole grain toast, low fat cheese

cucumbers with meat

boiled meat

grapefruit, 2 eggs

half a grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

fish day + leafy vegetable salad, boiled vegetables

products for the day: orange, toast, 3 tomatoes, cucumber, half boiled chicken

non-forbidden fruits – 1st type (as much as you like)

low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables, a couple of boiled eggs

salad and boiled meat

half a grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – boiled chicken, boiled vegetables

products for the day: grapefruit, salad, 3 tomatoes, a couple of boiled eggs

vegetable salad and two boiled eggs

boiled fish

grapefruit, salad, boiled fish

a couple of boiled eggs

half a grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

products for the day: an orange, a couple of boiled chicken breasts, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, a little feta cheese or cottage cheese, yogurt

allowed fruits 1st in any quantity

Tomatoes, orange, meat

salad and boiled meat (lean)

fruit salad (tangerines, melons, peaches)


half a grapefruit or orange, 2 boiled eggs

boiled eggs – 2 pcs., half a grapefruit or orange

mono-diet – fruit day (one type of fruit to choose from)

food for the day: 1 grapefruit, boiled vegetables, 1 toast, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, a little cottage cheese or a can of tuna

orange, tomato, boiled vegetables, skinless chicken

grapefruit, boiled vegetables, tomatoes, boiled chicken

boiled vegetables

orange, boiled chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables

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As has been said many times, the Maggi diet is designed to stimulate chemical reactions in the body that promote fat burning. Alcohol contains alcohol, which changes these reactions, so drinking alcohol on this diet is strictly prohibited. For people who are unable to abstain from alcohol, other diets with a different diet have been developed. Smoking, by the way, is also not encouraged: it speeds up blood circulation, as a result of which chemical reactions also change.

Delicious salad “Red Trio”

To prepare the dish you will need the following food set:

    Cherry tomatoes – 20 pcs.

    One large red bell pepper.

    Head of red onion.

  • Parsley and cilantro.

    Salt, lemon juice, ground black pepper. Lemon juice can be replaced with wine vinegar. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed and will act as a salad dressing.

The pepper must be baked in the oven until its skin is charred. Then the skin of the pepper is removed and the pulp is cut into cubes. The onion is cut into half rings, the cherry tomatoes are divided into 2 halves. The greens are chopped. All components are mixed and filled with dressing. The salad is kept in the refrigerator for about a quarter of an hour and served.

Cocktail "Green"

    Two fresh cucumbers.

    A bunch of parsley.

    50 ml mineral water.

Cucumbers are passed through a blender and added to the resulting mass. mineral water and finely chopped parsley. The cocktail is cooled before serving.

Chicken with vegetables in the oven

To prepare the dish you need the following products:

    Chicken wings and legs – 0.5 kg.

    One bell pepper.

    One carrot.

    0.1 kg pumpkin.

    0.2 kg zucchini.

    Pepper and salt to taste.

Pumpkin and peppers are cut into cubes, carrots and zucchini are cut into rings, and onions are chopped into half rings. Place the chicken and vegetables in a mold, add a little water, salt and pepper and put it in the oven. While the chicken is cooking, you will need to baste it three times with the juices released.

Tomatoes with curd filling

    0.1 kg cottage cheese;

  • Garlic clove;

    A tablespoon of chopped greens;

    Sea salt.

Garlic is crushed using a press, ground with herbs and cottage cheese. The resulting mass is salted. The tops of the tomatoes are cut off, all the pulp is removed and filled with curd filling. The dish is ready.

Salad with cucumbers and chicken

To prepare the salad you will need the following products:

    Boiled chicken breast.

    Two fresh cucumbers.

    Hard cheese – 50 g.

    Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.

    Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Chicken breast is boiled, cooled, cut into thin strips. Vegetables are cut into strips, cheese is grated on a coarse grater. All components are mixed, seasoned with lemon juice and soy sauce.

Baked shrimp

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

    800 g boiled shrimp;

    Lemon juice – 80 ml

    2 tablespoons olive oil.

    3 cloves of garlic.

    A tablespoon of lemon zest.

    A little red pepper.


Grease a baking sheet with a tablespoon of olive oil and place shrimp on it. Separately prepare a sauce from lemon juice, zest, garlic and pepper and pour it over the shrimp. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and bake for 10 minutes. The finished shrimp are sprinkled with parsley and served warm.

Zucchini puree soup

To prepare it you will need the following products:

    One zucchini and one egg.

    0.2 liters of water.

The zucchini is cut into rings without peeling, the core is cut out. Place the vegetables in a saucepan and add water, boil for half an hour. The finished zucchini is crushed using a blender, added some salt and served, with a boiled chicken egg placed on top of the puree.

The following advantages of the Maggi diet can be highlighted:

    The diet allows you to saturate the body with nutrients, so the diet can be called almost balanced. During the weight loss process, you can refuse to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Experts recommend using only Omega-3 as an additional food supplement.

    The diet can be practiced at almost any age.

    The diet is not starvation. A person who is losing weight will not need to count kilocalories.

    Dishes are prepared very quickly and simply.

    If you exit the diet correctly, the results will last for a long time.

Disadvantages of the Maggi diet:

    The diet is quite long - it will take a whole month.

    During the weight loss process, you need to eat a lot of eggs.

    You must adhere to the diet very strictly.

Contraindications to the Maggi diet:



    Kidney diseases.

    Stomach ulcer, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.

    Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

    Taking medications that are aimed at lowering blood pressure.

    High blood cholesterol levels.

    Allergy to cottage cheese and eggs.

When following the Maggi diet, the following may occur: side effects:

    During the breakdown of proteins and fats, toxic compounds are formed. The kidneys and liver are most involved in this process. When too much protein comes from food, and body fat melt too quickly, the load on these organs increases, which negatively affects their functioning.

    During a diet, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases. Accordingly, the risk of developing cardiac ischemia, atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack increases.

    There may be difficulties with bowel movements, namely, the frequency of constipation increases. Therefore, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases.

    Since the body receives few polyunsaturated fatty acids, this can negatively affect the vascular walls, which become more fragile.

    Due to insufficient intake of carbohydrates into the body, a person may experience headaches. He may become more nervous and irritable.

    The condition of the skin worsens.

    It is possible that the immune system is weakened and the central nervous system malfunctions.

In the first week the weight came off very quickly, but in the second week it jumped off. What is the reason? Since a person eats vegetables and fruits for weeks 2 and 3, the body begins to retain fluid. Therefore, one day it is possible to reduce weight by 300 g, and the next day the increase on the scales will be half a kilo. This is normal, the body is trying to prevent dehydration in this way. There is no need to worry, weight loss will continue. Starting from the fourth week, weight will decrease more steadily.

I'm really tired of eating eggs, can I replace them with some other products? It is strongly recommended not to deviate from the proposed nutrition plan. However, if a person feels that he will soon lose his temper, then it is best to allow himself a little relaxation in the menu. Some eggs can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese. It contains a sufficient amount of protein and is able to strengthen bone tissue. To replace 1 egg, you need to eat 60 g of cottage cheese.

Is it possible to eat fried foods, barbecue, etc.? You can prepare dishes in any way, the main thing is not to fry them using oil. You can even fry food in a frying pan, but it must be dry.

Are snacks acceptable while dieting? If you are hungry, then 2 hours after the main meal you can eat a vegetable: carrots, cucumber or cabbage.

What is allowed to be used as salad dressing? You can use lemon juice, soy sauce without added sugar, vinegar (wine and apple), low-fat kefir and yogurt. Ideally, it is better not to dress salads at all. When the dish is prepared in advance, the vegetables release their juice, so you can skip the additional dressing.

What kind of cheese can be used in food? What can be used to replace it? It is allowed to eat low-fat cheese - up to 20% fat content. Finding it on sale can sometimes be difficult, so cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese (0-9% fat). Brands of cheese that can be used when creating a menu: Russian 17%, Domashny grained Karat 4%, Valio Oltermanni 17%, Amber 10%.

Is it acceptable to eat honey, cream and milk? These products are absolutely prohibited, and in any quantities.

Is it possible to include sauerkraut in the menu? Sauerkraut is on the list of prohibited foods because it contains too much salt.

Is it possible to eat canned and pickled foods while on a diet? Pickled foods and canned food are not recommended for consumption during the Maggi diet.

For 4 decades in the TOP best systems listed for weight loss protein diet Maggi, presented in two versions - egg (classic) and curd. Websites and scientific treatises are dedicated to it; on the Internet you can find a lot of reviews from those who tried to lose weight using this technique. Some praise her, others scold her, and this applies not only to ordinary people, but also to nutritionists.

On the one hand, there is a lot of information about it, on the other hand, there are too many conflicting questions, the answers to which need to be found even before you decide to lose weight in this way. In any case, until you try it yourself, doubts about its effectiveness will never be resolved. Therefore, we understand the nuances - and get rid of extra pounds with the help of eggs and cottage cheese!

The basic principles of the Maggi diet are its foundation, which precisely helps to get rid of excess weight. If you modify them, it will be a different weight loss system. They need to be learned in order to ultimately achieve the desired results.

  1. This is a protein diet.
  2. The carbohydrate content in products is minimal.
  3. The main product is eggs or low-fat cottage cheese (depending on the option chosen).
  4. Additional product - grapefruit.
  5. The duration of the Maggi diet is either 2 or 4 weeks.
  6. The first 2 weeks of the hunger strike - strict adherence to the nutrition schedule. The second 2 weeks - free flight, an arbitrary number of servings, any convenient time for eating... BUT! A very meager diet, a strict restriction on the menu according to the list of products.

It is unknown who developed this weight loss system, but this is correct weight loss from the point of view of physiology and medicine. An unusual tandem of protein products with citrus fruits gives an incredible effect in the fight against extra pounds. And all this is scientifically explainable.

History of creation. The name of the diet was given by the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, the well-known Iron Lady Margaret (abbreviated as Maggi) Thatcher. The nutrition system, which included 2 eggs with grapefruit for breakfast, was found in her old diary from 1979. Since then she has gained such popularity.

The Maggi diet, depending on the chosen option (egg or curd), rebuilds the body’s functioning in a new way. Moreover, this happens gradually, over 2 or 4 weeks.

The result is long-awaited weight loss. And if you understand how this is achieved, you will be able to control the entire process from start to finish, thereby increasing the degree of effectiveness of the fight against overweight.

Here's how the functioning of your organs will change:

  • metabolism will speed up;
  • carbohydrates and fats will begin to be intensively burned;
  • fatty acids will be decomposed;
  • proteins, thanks to biotin (a component of the yolk), will be completely absorbed;
  • the egg will give you a feeling of fullness that will last long enough so that you will not suffer from hunger;
  • a grapefruit eaten for breakfast along with an egg will prolong it, so that until lunch you will not be drawn to refrigerators and fast foods;
  • the body will spend a lot of energy digesting eggs (it lasts about 4 hours);
  • By eating an additional 1 orange daily, you can increase the number of kilograms you lose.

Other processes that will be affected by the egg-curd diet will be a pleasant bonus:

  • calcium will improve the condition of skin, hair, teeth, bones;
  • there will be no fatigue and irritation syndrome, since calcium is a source of energy;
  • muscle mass, despite losing weight, will remain, so that your body will acquire not only harmony, but also beautiful, prominent outlines;
  • the nervous system will work as before and even better, thanks to the same calcium: irritation, Bad mood and depression will not bother you.

Over the course of 4 weeks, you will feel how your body is transforming from the inside, and you will be able to observe the results in the mirror.

  • 1 Week

The most difficult and stressful for the body, which will have to seriously adapt due to the new diet. You may experience slight dizziness and nausea during the day, which should go away after a glass of clean, cool water.

  • 2 week

More calm because internal systems The body is already accustomed to working in the new mode. Here the protein attack is intensified and even more eggs and cottage cheese are introduced into the diet. There may be problems with stool, which can be solved by drinking herbal laxative drinks.

  • 3 week

Humbling and encouraging at the same time. The body submits new system fasting, does not react to it with side effects, and for this you cancel a strict eating schedule and delight your empty stomach with food at any time convenient for you. The week will be difficult not so much for the body as for the person losing weight, since it is at this stage that you want to give up everything and go back to your usual way of life. But the results already visible on the scales force many to go to the bitter end.

  • 4 week

Everything should be in harmony. Those losing weight are satisfied with the results and expect the end of the hunger strike. The body works without interruption.

The Maggi protein diet has been studied thoroughly by specialists, all its variants have been studied, so there can be no doubt about its effectiveness. If all its principles and rules are strictly followed, there will be no failures, and at the finish line you can be truly proud of yourself.

Keep in mind. To lose weight on the Maggi diet, it is useless to use eggs that are more than a week old, since the amino acids from them disappear after this period.

When deciding on any diet, a woman should see the end result she is striving for. The specific figure that nutritionists and other beauties who have lost weight in this way promise is: great incentive, forcing you to go to the bitter end, no matter how difficult the path may be.

If this is a real Maggi diet (curd or egg, and not other pseudo-options with the addition of shrimp, vinegar and other strange products), then the results can be the most promising:

  • 1 week - loss of 2-3 kg;
  • 2 week - 3-5 kg ​​are lost;
  • 3 week - up to 8 kg;
  • The Maggi diet for 4 weeks can give a result of 10-12 kg.

There is something to strive for! And if the weight does not go away, contrary to this schedule, although you follow all the rules and diet, the problem may lie in a more serious reason for excess weight.

This may be heredity, a malfunction in the hormonal system, or a metabolic disorder. In these cases, you need to contact doctors who will first put your health in order, and only then you will resume the fight against excess weight.

Impressive! Adrien Brody (Hollywood actor) used the Maggi diet (egg version) and lost 14 kg to play in the film “The Pianist”. This role became an Oscar-winning role for him.

In general, it is better to contact doctors before starting an egg or cottage cheese fast. A feature of the Maggi diet is the consumption of protein foods for too long. This could make a big difference for some people. internal organs, and if they initially functioned incorrectly, sad consequences will not be long in coming.

Most often this is an exacerbation of chronic diseases and all kinds of stomach problems. What are the contraindications for the Maggi diet?

  • Food allergies to basic foods (eggs, citrus fruits, cottage cheese).
  • Pressure surges in any direction (i.e., both hypertension and hypotension).
  • During pregnancy, the Maggi diet is prohibited, as well as during breastfeeding, since it is narrowly focused: if there is an excess of protein in the body, there will be a lack of carbohydrates and fats, while all three components of a balanced diet are important for the formation of the fetus and the development of the baby in the first year of life.
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies (especially the Maggi diet is harmful for constipation, since protein foods contribute to it).
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.

So it’s better to play it safe once again and get examined a week before starting fasting on the Maggi diet. This will allow you to objectively assess the state of your own health and its readiness for such long-term and serious stress. But you will definitely know that there are no contraindications, which will have a positive effect on the final result of a 2- or 4-week trial.

Be careful! If during the Maggi diet you begin to burp rotten eggs more often or have an unpleasant taste in your mouth, you should stop and find another way to lose weight.

Despite the fact that the Maggi diet involves increasing protein in the diet and reducing carbohydrates, it reflects proper nutrition and is based on its principles.

You can see this for yourself by studying the rules of its observance:

  1. Daily water consumption is 2 liters.
  2. Limiting salt.
  3. Any snacks in the first 2 weeks are prohibited.
  4. Daily stay on fresh air from half an hour or more.
  5. Walking for at least an hour, or cycling as an option.
  6. Do not achieve a feeling of satiety. This is especially dangerous in the third week, when you are allowed to eat as much as you want. It is better to finish each meal with a feeling of slight (!) hunger.
  7. Dinner should be 3-4 hours before going to bed.
  8. The first week of the Maggi diet is considered the most difficult: if you feel unwell, it is better to stop the hunger strike.
  9. Any sports activities are required.
  10. The intake of any medications should be limited to a minimum.
  11. Provide the body with a gradual exit from the Maggi diet: carbohydrates and fats after 4 weeks of protein fasting should be included in the diet in small portions.

If you have no contraindications for health reasons, and you are satisfied with the basic rules of following the Maggi diet, print out the lists of allowed and prohibited foods along with an indicative menu - and lose weight for your health!

Helpful advice. For the Maggi diet, try to buy small eggs: they contain much more useful substances, which gradually evaporate from large eggs, because there are a lot of microcracks in their shells.

When choosing the Maggi diet as a way to lose weight, you need to understand that for a whole month you will have to eat mainly the same foods. Yes, this is not a mono-diet, and menu diversity is often mentioned among its advantages. In fact, the diet is repeated day after day, and only in your power to make it more saturated by choosing new dietary dishes each time.

But to do this, you will have to rely on the following table, which details permitted and prohibited products.

Everything sweet and floury, as well as any cereals (buckwheat and rice, including) are prohibited as part of the Maggi diet. Allowed fruits deserve special attention: for the cottage cheese version, they are useful for adding to the cottage cheese in the morning, but for the egg menu, grapefruit is required for breakfast, and orange during the day.

All dishes must be properly cooked: you can lose weight only if they are steamed, boiled, stewed or baked in the oven.

Starting from the 4th week of the hunger strike, it is allowed to lightly fry the meat subject to the following conditions:

  • no oil;
  • in a non-stick frying pan or grill;
  • no more than once every 3 days;
  • in small quantities.

Despite such strict restrictions, this will allow you to diversify your diet and create a fairly rich menu for every day that will not become torture for you.

Don't make things up! Some women who dream of losing weight, wanting to get the most out of the Maggi diet, use quail eggs, which are considered healthier than chicken eggs. But not in losing weight. After all, they do not contain lutein and so many essential amino acids involved in metabolism.

It is very difficult to independently create a menu within the Maggi diet for each day of the 4 upcoming weeks. Therefore, it will be easier and more correct to use ready-made ones.

Of course, they are estimates only and are subject to variations and adjustments based on your circumstances and individual preferences. For example, someone doesn’t like tomatoes, but can replace them with cucumbers. Others may be allergic to shrimp, but you can always eat any fish instead.

Therefore, determine the duration of the diet (2 or 4 weeks), the option (egg or cottage cheese) - and select a menu that suits you to the maximum. Usually they are very conveniently and compactly placed in a table by day of the week.

The menu table below for 4 weeks is convenient for use at any stage of the Maggi diet. This is an egg version, considered classic, but you can always transform it into cottage cheese by replacing 1 egg with 100 grams of cottage cheese. Otherwise, these diets are no different.

This is proper diet Maggi for 4 weeks with instructions full list products for every day. You can prepare any dietary dishes from them if their ingredients allow you to fit within these limits. Your hands will be especially free for 4 weeks, when the diet expands significantly, thanks to which you can create good recipes from permitted products.

The menu of this weight loss system for 2 weeks is much stricter and more difficult.

If you choose a shortened version of the Maggi diet, when you need to lose weight faster than in a month, this will help you sample menu for 2 weeks, which is also conveniently presented in the table. Classic version with eggs it is easy to turn into cottage cheese by replacing 1 egg with 100 grams of cottage cheese.

If you need a more precise Maggi diet menu indicating portions in grams, you can contact a nutritionist, since a lot depends on the initial weight from which you begin to lose weight. For the 3rd and 4th weeks of such a fast, these indicators are generally unimportant, since permitted foods can be consumed in any quantity. As for the first and second weeks, focus on the following numbers:

  • breakfast: 2 eggs / 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • lunch: 350 g - the total volume of all foods eaten;
  • dinner: 300 g - total weight for all recommended dishes.

Don’t forget to add a cup of coffee to your main diet in the morning, green tea with lemon at lunch, and a calming herbal drink in the evening.

By adhering to such recommendations, you can easily create a fairly accurate Maggi diet menu for every day, regardless of what duration of the fast you have chosen. Concerning dietary dishes, which you can use to diversify your diet these days, you will find the most delicious recipes for every day here.

Having mastered the recipes for the first week of the Maggi diet, you can then repeat them throughout the entire month of the hunger strike. Since they are quite filling and have excellent taste, you are unlikely to complain about the monotony of your menu.



  • 250 g beef;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • chopped head of garlic;
  • chopped parsley (20 g).


  1. Grind a lean piece of beef until minced.
  2. Chop the onion.
  3. Mix the resulting minced meat with the egg.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Stir in garlic and herbs.
  6. Roll the mixture into a roll.
  7. Pack in foil.
  8. Bake at high temperature.

Chicken cutlets


  • 250 g chicken (loin);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 20 g chopped parsley;
  • 1 tomato.


  1. Make minced chicken from the chicken loin.
  2. Mix it with eggs.
  3. Chop the onion and add to the minced meat.
  4. Do the same with garlic and parsley.
  5. Place on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes at 220°C.
  7. Decorate with tomato slices.

Vegetable pizza


  • 100 g zucchini;
  • 50 g tomato;
  • 50 g broccoli;
  • 50 grams of lettuce;
  • 3 eggs.


  1. Cut vegetables into strips or circles.
  2. Place in a frying pan.
  3. Pour over eggs.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 150°C.

Fish roll


  • 200 grams of any low-fat sea fish;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion.


  1. Make minced fish.
  2. Add egg and chopped onion.
  3. Roll the rolls.
  4. Wrap them in foil and cling film.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.

These mouthwatering recipes show how varied and delicious the Maggi diet can be. So don’t be afraid of a boring diet: you can always come up with something new, experiment with the list of allowed foods, exchange tips on forums with those who are losing weight in the same way.

And finally, the final block “Questions and Answers” ​​will leave no room for doubt and will help you make the final decision whether to go on the Maggi diet or not.

On a note. After 4 weeks you can start to hate eggs. Especially if you don’t bother with the variety of dishes made from this product. So don't be lazy and use the rich collection of recipes that will allow you to enjoy the true taste of eggs for a long time.

Here we have tried to answer the most pressing and frequently asked questions regarding the Maggi diet.

Can the Maggi diet be used while breastfeeding?

No. The child will not have enough carbohydrates and fats in the milk, which he needs for normal development.

What are the disadvantages of the Maggi diet?

  • Exact adherence to the menu;
  • Duration;
  • After the Maggi diet, weight returns quickly;
  • Absence of the slightest indulgence, even in the form of honey.

Why doesn't the weight come off?

Check with your doctor: perhaps the cause of excess weight in your case is heredity, hormonal disorders or improper metabolism. You should get treatment first.

Is it possible to drink alcohol?

Even light alcoholic drinks are prohibited as part of the Maggi diet.

How often can you repeat?

Is it possible to have buckwheat on the Maggi diet?

No, since it is a carbohydrate that is contraindicated for the protein weight loss system.

Can I have cabbage on the Maggi diet?

If it's broccoli, yes. White cabbage in combination with proteins will have too negative an effect on the functioning of the stomach. You will simply be tormented by flatulence.

Why is the Maggi diet dangerous?

First of all, the Maggi diet is harmful for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who cannot tolerate egg whites. Otherwise, it does not pose a danger to a healthy body.

What kind of meat can you eat on the Maggi diet?

Beef and rabbit. Poultry - chicken, turkey and partridge.

What to replace toast with?

Whole grain bread or diet cracker.

What can you drink on the Maggi diet?

Coffee and tea without sugar and milk, as well as any infusions and decoctions of herbs.

What can you snack on during the Maggi diet?

Snacks are prohibited in the first 2 weeks. The rest of the time - allowed fruits.

What is the portion in the Maggi diet?

Breakfast: 2 eggs / 200 g of cottage cheese. Lunch: 350 gr. Dinner: 300 gr.

How much weight can you lose?

In 2 weeks - up to about 5 kg, in 4 weeks - about 10.

Is it possible to replace fish with seafood?

The Maggi protein diet is a weight loss system that, despite its apparent simplicity, is not suitable for everyone. This system has some controversial points, but in general it is based on proper nutrition and principles healthy image life. So, subject to contraindications and basic rules, it can bring nothing but benefit.

You need to understand that it is not the diet itself that always causes harm, but people who do not know how to use it correctly. Don't have the willpower not to eat a piece of cake before bed? On the third day of your hunger strike, can you no longer look at eggs? In this case, this system is definitely not for you. But those who safely reach the finish line will probably leave the most enthusiastic reviews about this diet when they see the desired numbers on the scales.

Maggi Diet! Everyone who is on it! Lots of clarifications!
Girls, a few days ago, I created a post on the Maggi (Egg) diet

Despite the fact that each of the 30 days of the diet has its own menu, questions continue to arise, and I decided to make some clarifications and give answers to frequently asked questions!

This diet is based not on the calorie content of food, but on the chemical reactions occurring in the body. And therefore, this regime must be strictly observed without any changes, otherwise there will be no benefit in this diet. If you decide to remove a product in this mode, then under no circumstances put another in its place.
If the regimen does not indicate the amount of any product, then you can take it in any quantity, up to saturation.
Important Notes:

You should drink more water;
- Vegetables are boiled in water without any addition of broth, you can add salt, pepper, seasoning, onion, garlic;
- Do not add oils and fats;
- You can drink a glass of soda at any time, as well as a can or two of carbonated drinks (diet);
- It is allowed to drink tea or coffee at any time without sugar or milk, or with a sugar substitute;
- If you feel hungry, you can eat cucumbers or carrots or salad, but respect the time (2 hours) after the prescribed food;
- It is necessary to strictly observe this regimen with the same products and quantities, and not change lunch with dinner and vice versa;
- If you want to monitor your weight loss, weigh yourself once a day in the morning after using the toilet;
- You cannot stop at a certain period of the regime and resume it from the same moment; you need to return to the beginning. The same goes if a mistake was made;
- Sports activities are preferred;
- After the regime, you will have a feeling of quickly filling your stomach, even if the food was small; this will help you monitor your weight for several months, but with the condition of moderate intake of high-calorie foods and sugar;
- If there is a desire to repeat the regimen again, then it is preferable to repeat the first and fourth week twice.

What is the word salad?
Regarding the salad: if it is indicated in parentheses what you need to eat, then we eat what is written, if not, then we mean lettuce leaves.

What is toast?
Toast is a toasted piece of any bread (black or for toast, without raisins).

What kind of low-fat cheese is this?
The cheese is better than Oltermani 17%. Those who don’t like cheese these days can eat low-fat cottage cheese (up to 5%).
Here are the types of cheeses and cottage cheese that girls buy:
- cottage cheese 0% “President” is for those who live in Ukraine
- Low-fat cheese “Svalya”
- “Home” 4% or “Valio” 2%-17%
- Dietary 17%, Count 17%
- “Russian” 17% (Russian ones come in different fat contents)
- feta cheese 15% Agroproduct and homemade cottage cheese Foodmaster 0% (for Kazakhstan)
- low-fat cheese (up to 9%) or “Fitness” cheese, it contains about 15%
- mozzarella 8-10% fat, there are cheeses 0.1% fat (for Germany)
- Polar cheese 5%
- From low-fat cottage cheese 0-0.1-0.2% edible “House in the Village”. And the most delicious “Savushkin product” (Belarusian)
- fromage frais cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat 0%, sold in Auchan.

I need to eat fish tomorrow, I have a question, which is better and who cooked it???

Fish is better than pollock or sole; fish can be replaced with seafood. Shrimp give good plumb lines. It is better to cook with spices and herbs.

What can hurt with this diet?
Kidneys. Since a large number of eggs can affect their performance.

Contraindications to the egg diet?
This diet is absolutely not suitable for allergy sufferers, as well as people with impaired renal function and those with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is also worth weighing everything for those who suffer from intestinal dysbiosis: during the decomposition of proteins in the intestines, a lot of gases are released, and their decomposition disrupts the natural microflora.
In order for the egg to be quickly (within an hour or two) and completely digested, it is better to soft-boil it.
The downside of the egg diet is that eggs increase the level of “bad” cholesterol. True, egg cholesterol is considered the least harmful, since it enters the body along with lecithin; in addition, the consumption of vegetables and fruits, which contain natural antioxidants and plant fiber, can be considered a plus of this diet. As well as green or herbal tea.

What can you replace eggs with?
Eggs can be replaced with cottage cheese. In proportion, a pack of cottage cheese = 2 eggs.
I’ll clarify 1 egg = 100 grams of cottage cheese

What can replace meat?
Meat can be replaced with chicken and any meat by-products.

Is it possible to replace meat with fish or fish with meat?
No. You can't replace it that way.

Is it possible to chew gum while on a diet?
It is possible without sugar, but it stimulates the appetite. You can have sugar-free lollipops.

And with this diet you can do fasting days, and then continue further?
Unloading is not provided on this diet.

Why are there no plumb lines?
The body gets used to the new weight, then settles at the new weight, and then down again.

How does weight on a testicle behave?
Good plumb lines in the first week, some water comes out in the first days, notice that you are starting to run to the toilet more often. WITH heavy weight up to 5 kg goes away in the first week, a maximum of 12.5 kg went off in 1 month, but the girl’s weight was 110 kg and she fanatically followed the menu of this diet... In the third week, the weight either stands still or very small plumbs, the volume goes away.

What to do after the Egg Diet?
You need to get out of it carefully (fatty, spicy, and don’t eat too much at once!, don’t indulge in all seriousness). Weight, as after most diets, needs to be maintained for at least a couple of weeks. Afterwards, the testicles go either to counting calories, or to -60, or to separate meals.

Can I have some corn?
You can't do this diet at all.

I didn’t break anything, but the weight increased. Why?
There could be a lot of reasons, here are some:
constipation, the onset of CD, you even know what else happens, seriously - the waxing or waning moon has an effect. Water is retained, weight is lost, but after them there is a good plumb line. We don’t worry and continue the diet!

Shish kebab is basically fried meat - and what can it be (for example, the first week is the first day)?
Shish kebab is also fried meat. The main difference is that you will eat little boiled (even with salt) meat, but much more kebab.

Are grilled chicken and oven-baked meat included in the diet?
Only chicken without skin, and the meat is not fatty.

Is it possible to eat after 18.00?
Can! You should limit your diet 3 hours before bedtime.

Is it possible to use canned peas instead of boiled vegetables?
No, canned vegetables are prohibited

Is it possible to salt food?
It is possible, but within reasonable limits, salt retains water; if we want good plumb lines, then we do not abuse salt.

When is the best time to start a diet?
In the first clean days after menstruation, there will be maximum weight loss.

When does fat start to melt?
The first breakdown of fat occurs on the fifth day of diet.

I lose 1-2 kg on the first day, is this normal???
Normally, excess fluid is removed from the body. don’t be alarmed, soon the plumb lines will stabilize at 200-300 grams per day

I don't feel hungry, what's wrong with me???
The body has become accustomed to eating a diet, the stomach has decreased in volume and now you eat less food.

Is it possible to add a sweetener to tea or coffee while on a diet?
You can, just make sure it contains 0 kcal.

A huge number of women and even men are thinking about how to keep their bodies in excellent condition. Among the many methods used for this, various diets and dietary restrictions are in particular demand. Most people who plan to follow some kind of diet at a certain time are interested in the question: is it compatible with certain types of alcoholic beverages?

This question arises quite reasonably and logically, because the effect of alcohol on the body, which may not receive certain nutrients, can be quite strong and even dangerous. What do experts say about this? Are diet and alcohol compatible? What about certain types of diets?

The question of whether diet and alcohol are compatible is quite controversial and there is a lot of discussion and reasoning around it. Disputes arise because each diet is individual, so whether drinking alcohol is safe or not is a very unique question.

In most cases, alcohol while on a diet is not only not recommended, but also strictly contraindicated. But if the diet involves reducing calories in the diet, then the correct consumption of certain alcoholic beverages will be quite appropriate.

In some countries, it is customary to end a meal with a glass of wine, which promotes faster and more efficient digestion and absorption of food. Nutritionists point out Special attention on choleretic substances, which are contained in many types of wines. Drinking wine is great way speed up the digestion process, therefore, in some diets, this drink is not only not prohibited, but is also welcomed.

White wine contains a huge amount of useful substances and salts that promote the active absorption of iron contained in some foods and dishes. A sufficient amount of iron has a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood, also helps to speed up metabolism and provides the human body with a sufficient amount of energy, which is especially necessary when following a diet.

German nutritionists conducted an interesting experiment, which found that a group of subjects who drank 200 ml of dry white wine while on a diet achieved more effective results in the fight against excess weight than those who did not combine alcohol and diet.

Basic rules to consider when drinking alcohol and following a diet include the following factors:

  • Alcohol should be consumed slowly, in small sips;
  • Every day you are allowed to consume no more than 50 grams of pure alcohol, which, translated into specific alcoholic drinks, means 2 glasses of dry wine, 1 liter of beer or 120 grams of strong alcohol;
  • Preference should be given to weak and light alcoholic drinks, so in order to reduce the rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the body, you should dilute it with soda and gin with tonic.

Dukan diet and alcohol

One of the common diets that a huge number of men and women adhere to is the Dukan diet. Is drinking alcohol compatible while following this diet?

Although many experts are categorically against drinking alcohol during this diet, with the right approach, alcohol still has a place in this case. The Dukan diet involves the process of proper preparation of various dishes and sauces that are prepared thermally. When using alcoholic drinks during cooking, it is worth considering that alcohol evaporates when alcohol reaches a certain temperature, so it will not have any effect on the body, and the aroma and taste of certain types of alcohol can add piquancy to some dishes. If you remove all the alcohol from an alcoholic drink by heating it, the Dukan Diet can include drinking alcohol.

Maggi diet and alcohol

Is it possible to drink light or strong alcoholic drinks while following the Maggi diet? In a nutshell, with this diet, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. While following the Maggi diet, the body is cleansed and rebuilt, so at this stage, the load on the liver and heart is not only undesirable, but also dangerous.

Anyone who drinks alcohol while following this diet prevents the stimulation of natural chemical processes, which means fat burning will slow down and the effect of the diet will be minimal.

So, in most cases, a person decides for himself whether to drink alcohol or not to drink alcohol while following a diet. But following a diet will often be more effective if you at least temporarily restrain yourself and give up alcohol.