How to learn to dive with pike. Correct long diving is a short way to beautiful swimming. Push from support

There are two ways to dive: the first is to jump or push off from something, the second is to dive under the water while already in it (without pushing).

In addition, diving has its own characteristics (1) in the pool, (2) in open water. Let's look below at how to learn to dive using all these methods.

If you are standing on the surface and can dive into the pool, then there are four options for such a dive, described below (note that not all pools allow this).

Simple head first jump

We stand on the edge of the edge of the pool, bring our feet together, and wrap our toes around the edge of the edge. Stretch your arms forward, then tilt your body, bend your legs slightly, push off from the side, and smoothly enter the water.

Place your arms forward so that your head is parallel to your arms. Place your hands so that they are directed forward and do not go beyond the line of projection of the head and neck.

Dive from the cabinet

It is used to start in the pool from a stand for subsequent swimming in sports styles. This is an option used by professional swimmers:

  1. We place the supporting leg forward, fixing the position with the tips of the fingers.
  2. We move the second leg back and place it on the end of the cabinet.
  3. We tilt our body and grab the cabinet with our hands.
  4. We shift the body a little back, as if to accelerate, and push forward standing foot, immediately putting back leg To her.
  5. After you swing your arms, they should be in front of you and before you dive headfirst, your arms should cut through the water.

This technique is shown step by step here:

When flying, the body should be level; you should not enter the water deeper than 110 cm.

This option is also shown schematically in this illustration:
Jump from the pedestal

This method of jumping has a clear advantage and is the most optimal for performing a quick start. This method of starting in swimming is also called athletics.

Jumping feet into the water

We stand on the edge of the board, press our hands to our torso along the body, take a step forward with one leg, then lift the second one from the surface and quickly attach it.

Be sure to pull off your socks, we do this for good water cutting.

Push from support

This option is used when you are already in the water and can push off from something, a classic example is from the wall in the pool.

To do this, take air into your lungs and group yourself so that your knees are bent. While in a horizontal position, you push strongly off the wall of the pool with your feet, at this time you put your hands forward, as shown in the picture:

Push from the side

At the moment of the push, you need to dive under the water and then slide under the water, possibly using your legs. Usually butterfly style kicking is used, but it is possible to use both crawl and breaststroke.

How to learn?

First of all, you need to decide which of the above methods is right for you and start practicing it. The more practice you have, the faster and better you will learn.

Dive into water without support

If you are already in the water - in the sea, other open water or in the pool, then you will need to dive from an unsupported position.

Such immersion in water without support can be performed three different ways:

Upside down

In order to dive headfirst, you need to group your body, take in enough air, put your head in the water and to start moving towards the bottom you should connect your legs.

It looks like this in the following way:
Diving upside down without support

For greater effect and faster promotion you can connect your arms in breaststroke style. When surfacing, you again need to group your body and use the breaststroke style to swim to the surface.

In this case, beginners or amateurs often cover their nose with their hand to prevent water from getting into it. However, in this case it is inconvenient to swim, so instead it is recommended not to raise your nose up - then air will not come out of it and water will not get into it, or exhale through your nose - in this case, again, water will not get into it.

Upside down

In another way, this option is called “soldier”.

We take a vertical position and draw air into our lungs. Next, using the movement of the hands, starting from the pelvis and continuing stroke from bottom to top, we dive into the depths.

We get out with the help of quick movements of the arms and legs in the breaststroke style.

Long dive

Using fast and rhythmic crawl style footwork, at the moment when one arm is outstretched in front, we make a sharp stroke with the other hand and enter the water in a horizontal position.

Your legs work like a crawl, and you control with your hands: you either dive lower or emerge from the water.

What to do if your glasses fall off?

Glasses - “glasses”

Generally, competitive swimming- swimming with goggles:

  1. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the water in the pool is disinfected with chlorine or other non-chlorine-containing preparations that can cause eye irritation.
  2. Secondly, swimming (and especially diving) involves immersing your head in the water - and few people know how to be under water with their eyes open.

However, a problem immediately arises here: if you jump from a support, then when you enter the water, the impact will knock your glasses off your head. In the pool this disrupts further swimming, and in an open body of water it threatens their loss.

This problem cannot be completely eliminated, but you can do the following:

  1. Wear goggles under your swimming cap. At the very least, they definitely won’t go anywhere from the head, this will significantly increase their “perseverance” before our eyes during the jump.
  2. Tighten the rubber bands as much as possible from glasses. But keep in mind that this option is only suitable for jumping, but not suitable for long swimming - the glasses will put pressure on your face.
  3. Try glasses - "glass"(without silicone seal). According to reviews, they fly off less (although for normal swimming they can let more water through - but this is strictly individual and depends on the model).

Safety precautions are very important when diving. Be sure to read these recommendations before you take action:

  • Deciding to learn how to hold your breath underwater for a long time, you must be able to float on water(about teaching this skill and swimming in general), conduct regular workouts and most importantly, remember - you need to start small.

    Under no circumstances should you exhaust yourself by sitting without air under water, gasping for breath in order to survive the cherished seconds or minutes. This issue should be approached gradually.

    You can start even with a couple of seconds of being under water without air, gradually increasing your time. The main thing is to work not for speed, but for results. Patience, hard training - and soon you will be able to conquer the underwater surface.

  • Make sure that when you surface the wave did not cover- Is it dangerous.
  • When diving into the depths, do not overdo it, as if you go too deep, you may feel a lot water pressure on ears.
  • In open water, before diving, you should pay great attention to inspecting the bottom. Check Is the depth sufficient? in order to dive without damaging your head or any other part of your body. You should also see so that there are no logs, sticks and other things that could cause bodily harm to you.
  • Regarding the pool - in the pool bowl, maybe in some place chip off tile, and when pushing away from the edge of the pool, you can easily slip and injure your leg, because The edges of the pool may be slippery - so you need to carefully monitor this point.
  • Before you learn to dive in open water, train your nose because when diving Water may get into your nostrils and cause very unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx.
  • If you are diving in the sea or any other body of water where there are waves, dive under them.
  • If you are diving in a body of water where there is a current, start diving from the shore and do not go further than waist-deep. So that you can confidently stand at the bottom, and have complete confidence that the current will not carry you away.
  • Categorically forbidden dive underwater in places where is the boat berth located?.

For those who like summer holidays on bodies of water, simple swimming and playing on the water are not enough. It's great to run up and jump into the water. The greater the height of the springboard, the scarier and this makes it more interesting to dive into the water. Diving into the water at reservoirs is a kind of water park, only free :) Afterwards you are left with a lot of pleasant emotions, impressions and a great feeling of satisfaction from the day you lived. Well, we will tell you how to jump into the water correctly in this article.

Basically, if you are not going to get carried away with diving on a sports car, professional level, there is nothing complicated here, you just have to remember some rules.

Jumping upside down

  1. Firstly, you need to start with not high altitude, up to 3 meters. Be sure to thoroughly study the bottom of the reservoir where you are going to land. Even if everything looks fine there, be sure to check it again for snags.
  2. The depth of the landing site should be at least twice your height.
  3. To learn how to group correctly and take a vertical shape during a flight, you can practice at home, just stand against the wall, on your hands, upside down.
  4. First, jump into the water without a running start, standing straight at the cliff.
  5. Hands should be connected, directly above your head and first touch the surface of the water
  6. Before you decide to dive, just swim for a while, stretch your leg muscles and drink plenty of water. Even if you are a good swimmer, being underwater can cause a spasm. calf muscle, which in turn will make it difficult for you to float to the surface.
  7. Hence one more rule. Decide to dive into the water only when there are people nearby who are watching and watching you.

Jump upside down

This element is much safer, but still study the bottom, don’t jump from a great height right away, stretch your muscles and drink plenty of fluids.

Unless, of course, the height is very high, then there are plenty of options for landing. Here you can use a bomb, a pinwheel and a soldier. All the ways that will make you feel joyful and cheerful.

How to learn to jump into water from a great height correctly

Jump from high heights only if you have already mastered jumping from low heights.

Even when jumping upside down, remember safety precautions. Hitting the water when jumping from 5 meters and hitting the water from 10 meters are completely different things. Hitting the water when jumping from 15 meters can be fatal.

  1. The depth of the landing site must be at least 5 meters
  2. The surface of the water should be smooth. Even a passing newspaper or piece of paper can add weight to your impact and become a cement slab.
  3. Don't jump if you're very nervous. There must be enough oxygen in your blood, so before jumping, take a few deep breaths and calm your heart rate.
  4. During the flight, spread your legs and arms to the side, you should enter straight, like a soldier.
  5. Stretch your legs like ballerinas, your toes should be the first to touch the water.

Once again, remember that safety comes first. In addition to diving, there are many more interesting ways to spend the summer, and don’t forget that your loved ones are waiting for you at home.

Oh yes. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will hear this advice, but do not dive into the water while drunk. Naturally, the sea is hot for a drunk, but try to maintain sound thinking and jump into the water only when sober.

In order to learn to swim underwater, you need to learn to hold your breath, dive and, perhaps most importantly, be able to swim underwater correct technique.

Let's look at each of these points in more detail.

Breathing training

Holding your breath is not an easy task!

First of all, you need to train your breathing - learn to hold it under water.

Lungs begin to develop on land. Moreover, you can start even at home - train while you are in the shower, watching a movie or washing the dishes.

Before the delay, enrich your blood with oxygen - take a deep breath. The inhalations and exhalations themselves should be deeper, longer and more rhythmic than usual.

First do 4-6 reps per moderate pace(inhale for three counts, exhale for another three counts), then the same number of maximally smooth ones.

Exercise for training in the pool:

  • Sit down, take a breath.
  • Push off the side with your feet in the following position: arms extended forward, head between them, face down, body extended “in a string.”
  • Slide along the surface while holding your breath.
  • Movements with the arms and legs, as in breaststroke, are performed alternately: stroke - pause - kick - pause - and so on in a circle.
  • Gradually increase the time, while being sure to monitor your well-being.

This exercise can also be done statically, that is, motionless: holding the side, lie down on the water, also holding your breath. You can also additionally work only with your legs, as when swimming crawl.


After breathing training, you need to learn how to dive. This can be done from a support (side, stand, tower, springboard) or directly in the water.

For scuba diving, it is better to even start diving while immediately in the water - this way you will quickly get used to the new sensations and understand how to dive correctly. After this, you can complicate the task by jumping into the water.

To dive, lower your arms and head down, legs tucked, as before a breaststroke stroke. From the outside it looks like it's not a complete somersault. When your pelvis is higher than your head, straighten your legs.

Option for the pool: jump up, submerge, bend your legs and push off from the wall of the pool. Then you stretch your arms forward and row down with effort.

If you dive from a jump, consider the following rules:

  • the angle of entry into the water is from 45 to 90 degrees.
  • Head between hands, chin pressed to chest.
  • The arms are extended forward, palms down, fingertips pointing at the target point on the surface.
  • Push off with your feet so as not to hit your stomach on the water.
We also have a separate article on how to dive correctly - we recommend you read it!

Technique and how to learn

If you want to move quickly and correctly after a dive, then the only option is to move in correct technique(even if you use fins).

Swimming underwater is based on various modifications breaststroke and front crawl, although it can also use elements of butterfly swimming.

Combined methods are also common, in which the legs work in one of these styles, and the arms in another; we will look at them below.

It makes sense for you to try each of these options and choose the option (or options) that suits you best than the others.

Underwater breaststroke

In contrast of classical technique– strokes are made long to the hips, followed by sliding. The legs work like in classic breaststroke.

This option can be seen in this video:

There is another option in which only the breaststroke legs work - and the arms are extended in an arrow, as in the “Torpedo” option described below:

Crawl on chest

Differences from the classic crawl on the surface:

  • the legs are moved upward more;
  • raising your arms to the top is not done.
  • This option is shown very clearly in the video below (see starting from the second minute):

Underwater torpedo

The name of this option speaks for itself: a person swims like a “torpedo” with his arms extended forward - that is, his arms do not work. The legs work like a crawl.

A modified version - the arms are extended forward, the body and legs work as in the butterfly (see below for more on this).

Arms – breaststroke, legs – crawl

This is the first of the above mentioned combination options. In it, sliding is performed at the moment of moving forward, as shown in the illustration below:

An additional modification to this variation is that the arms make an extended movement up to the hips, and the legs make movements after the stroke is completed. Sliding in this version occurs when the arms are positioned along the body.

Arms - butterfly, legs breaststroke

In this variant, the arms do not work as in the classic butterfly, but linger at the body, after which there is a slide and only then the next stroke.

Dolphin swimming technique underwater

Another possible way is to swim underwater in the butterfly style (“dolphin”).

You can see what it looks like in the middle of this video. The technique with a monofin is demonstrated there, but it looks exactly the same without it:

As you can see, the arms need to be stretched forward in an arrow direction, and the body should make wave-like movements that start from the very top, pass through the lower back and abs (their muscles should be especially involved) and end with swings of the legs.

The legs are connected, their movements are a continuation of the work of the torso.

You can also additionally connect your arms to your dolphin legs in the breaststroke style - then, as mentioned above, you make an extended stroke up to the hips and remain near the body at the moment of sliding.

If you would like to learn more about how to properly work with your feet and hands in these styles, we recommend that you refer to our thematic articles:

  1. Swimming as a “dolphin” looks very graceful. However, the swimmer spends more energy and, accordingly, depletes his oxygen supply faster.

    In addition, it takes him longer to study. To begin with, you should master the breaststroke and crawl techniques. Once you have mastered basic scuba diving skills, you can choose the stroke combination that suits you best.

  2. If you dive with fins, it is better to use your legs in a crawl style. And if in a monofin, then “dolphin”.
  3. To maneuver underwater, you change the position of your upper body. To turn, bend your body in the desired direction and make a powerful stroke with the opposite hand (left - to correct the course to the right, right - to the left).

    If you want to dive deeper, lower your head and outstretched arms down. To return to the surface, arch upward from your lower back to your toes.

  4. The best way to ascend is using the breaststroke technique. If possible, push off from the bottom.

Basic skills and safety


Despite the fact that diving is possible, necessary and interesting in open waters, it is strongly recommended that the training phase be carried out in a pool. You need:

Open water

When you have mastered all of the above, then you can move to open waters. But remember about safety there too:

  • Never jump into water without seeing the bottom.
  • Make sure in advance that the depth is sufficient for a safe dive.
  • Do not dive more than 3-5 meters, even if you are already experienced.

    Only trained athletes can dive deeper than 3-5 meters. To do this, you need to be able to equalize the pressure, hold your breath longer, and spend more time getting up.

  • Calculate your strength. Always leave a supply of oxygen for ascent.
  • Save energy. All movements are smooth and calm.
  • Don't dive in while exhaling. Only on inhalation.
  • Don't dive alone. There should be someone nearby who can back you up, pull you out himself or call for help.
  • If you seriously decide to take up freediving, go down to a depth of more than 5 meters, or become an extreme sports enthusiast, even at the amateur level, then a lesson with a trainer is a must. If you swim for your own pleasure, then you can study on your own. It will be faster and clearer with an instructor, but more expensive, and it’s not always possible to find good specialist. It's up to you here.

Additional materials

In addition to this article, as stated above, we recommend that you read the related articles on how to learn to hold your breath and how to dive correctly.

How to learn to dive headfirst into water

Oh, I wish I could run away from the shore or from a pier by the sea, so beautifully, dive into the water and emerge with a beautiful shell or sea crab in my hands, causing delight among the rest of the vacationers. But this is still a saying; for it to become a fairy tale in reality, you need to learn to dive. But this science is not given at the first try; if you know how to swim, then everything will work out.

The factor that slows down your desire to master a skill is simple fear. There is nothing supernatural about it. You are not afraid of monsters lurking in the depths of the water, but of the possibility of liquid getting into the respiratory tract. Man is accustomed by nature to breathe air. Water environment alien to him, and sometimes hostile. Until you overcome your fear, you will not be able to dive headlong into the water.

Having overcome the psychological barrier, you begin practical exercises. It is advisable that the pond where you will train should initially be of shallow depth: this will make it easier for you to get used to the change in environment.

At shallow depths, near the shore, you go underwater. At first, without diving, just diving.

At the first stage - with your eyes closed.

After you are no longer afraid, you open your eyes under water. Moisture, even sea moisture, does not cause discomfort to the eyeballs. This shouldn't bother you. You get used to looking at objects on your own hand: hold it in front of your eyes, move it around and examine it.

Now you are ready to dive headfirst into the water. You take more air into your lungs. You start from a low bank. The main difficulty that threatens you is that your legs will be on the bottom. It’s more familiar to the body. You make strokes with your arms forward and down. Try to keep your legs on top. If successful, the body will sink deeper under its own weight.

When diving, it is important for you to maintain a reference point. They will be close to the shore or noticeable objects at the bottom.

You can practice collection with objects by throwing them to the bottom in advance, and then diving, finding and collecting them. It is advisable to choose “equipment” that is heavy (so that it does not float up), bright (so that it stands out among the bottom landscape).

From lesson to lesson, and they should be done daily, you complicate the diving task. First, instead of one object, you catch several, then scatter them over a greater distance. You feel that you are coping, you raise the starting bar. The shore is steeper, the water level is deeper. Just make complications gradually.

Another important point– correct grouping when entering the water. Inexperienced divers suffer painful impacts on the surface of the water when they are afraid to dive head first.

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How to learn to dive? |

07.07.2015 | 1512

Topics: Active leisure

If you already know how to swim at least a little, it's time to learn how to dive into the water. I'll tell you how to do this.

At the age of 7, my parents sent me to the diving section. Then I didn’t know how to swim yet, but I wasn’t afraid of water if I felt the bottom under my feet. So I was sure that, even if I couldn’t swim even a meter, I would be able to get back on my feet at any moment.

However, during diving classes, different tactics were used to teach kids to swim. In general, they didn’t teach us this there. They simply put small rubber circles around our waists and, using a long stick, pushed us away from the side almost into the center of a 5-meter pool.

If the child somehow instinctively rowed his arms and legs towards the side, then at the next lesson he was already taught to jump into the water from the side. For now, of course, with a life preserver, but quite independently. In this case, the jumper had to hold his breath for several seconds.

Why am I telling this? And besides, learning to hold your breath underwater and dive is much easier than swimming: you don’t need to apply a large amount of physical strength. So, even if you can currently swim no more than 3 meters on your own, and only like a dog, try to learn how to dive underwater.

Learning to hold your breath

First, while on land, take a deep breath and try not to breathe for as long as possible. When you feel that you have very little air left, begin to slowly exhale it through your mouth. If you do everything correctly, you will make a hissing sound at this time.

After you've practiced on land, try doing the same in the water. Don't dive yet, just put your face in the water.

Remember: exhalation should be gradual. This will extend your time under water and will not affect your breathing. And try to hold the air not behind your cheeks (as inexperienced beginners often do), but in your lungs. Otherwise, you will not be able to stay under water for more than a few seconds.

It is better to immediately learn to dive with your eyes open, so purchase swimming goggles in advance. And don't be afraid to open your eyes to them. Even if a little water from a pool, sea or lake gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, nothing bad will happen. People with less sensitive eyes swim underwater without glasses at all.

Learning to dive into the water

When you have learned to hold your breath, go into the water about chest deep and throw some sinking object, such as a stone or toy, to the bottom of the pool or reservoir. The main thing is that it is easy for you to notice this thing. Now try to get it from the bottom. See, it's not that difficult!

Do this exercise several times, and then try to dive for this object upside down. To do this, lie down on the water as if you were going to swim, and, making a downward and forward stroke with your arms, lower your head into the water so that it is below the level of your feet.

At this stage, difficulties may arise at first. The water will try to push you to the surface, so it will take some effort to get to the bottom.

The most convenient way to swim underwater is breaststroke (“frog style”). This way it will be easy for you to stroke with your hands, and your body will float in the right direction.

When you get an object from the bottom, make a stroke towards the surface of the water - and you will quickly emerge.

Then complicate the exercise: again throw the object to the bottom, move away from it a few meters and, immersed in the water, try to swim to it. At the same time, remember that you need to swim not “by touch”, but with your eyes open.

When you manage to complete this exercise, you can consider that you have learned to dive. All that remains is to improve your skills.

Gradually complicate the exercises: during one dive, try to get several objects from the bottom. And after that you can learn to dive into the water from a low side.

But remember that the depth in the pool or reservoir should be no less than your height, and the bottom should be spotlessly clean.

When jumping from the side, don’t be afraid to dive headfirst while stretching your arms forward. At such a moment, many people become cowards and “fly” forward with their whole body, hitting the surface of the water. It really hurts. And when you gently dive head down, you will carefully enter the water and will not feel any discomfort, only pleasure.

Learn to swim and dive, because the underwater world, for example, in the sea is so interesting!

How to learn to dive? - Children's online encyclopedia “I want to know everything”

Many of us already know how to swim very well, but are still afraid to dive. It’s very cool and exciting to teach how to dive like a fish. You know that many lives were saved thanks to this very skill. Therefore, it is very useful for everyone who already knows how to swim to learn and dive, especially since it is not so difficult.

So, let's begin:

1. The first thing we need to learn is not to close our eyes when we are under water.

Here's a simple exercise for this: try to go underwater, then move your hand in front of your eyes and try to see your fingers. Anticipating the question about the eyes, I immediately want to dispel fears: you shouldn’t be afraid that the water will sting your eyes, because even salty water sea ​​water, as a rule, will not cause discomfort or irritation.

2. When you are confident that underwater you can easily not close your eyes and look at everything calmly, then you can try to dive to the bottom shallow pool or, for example, a lake, try to lift some thing from the bottom, for example a toy, a coin, a piece of chalk.

3. Next, you can use this option: lean forward as much as possible, and stretch your legs up, diving head first, try to get the object from the bottom. At first glance, this method may seem difficult and complicated, but a few attempts and everything will certainly work out.

4. The next step is to swim a few meters away from our desired object and try to dive for it from the surface of the water. At first, it may be difficult to submerge your torso, but as soon as you raise your legs underwater, your torso will be pulled down by its own weight.

5. Now you need to determine how long you can stay under water. This may seem surprising, but swimming underwater is practically no different from swimming on the surface of the water. Although, no, it’s different; swimming underwater is perhaps even more interesting.

You may encounter several difficulties!

One of them is buoyant force. But the secret is simple: to ensure that the water does not push you up, just keep your legs above your head, and let each of your strokes be directed first forward, then down.

The second difficulty you will encounter is when you dive to maintain a straight course. Of course, it is clear that under water there are absolutely no convenient landmarks, but, for example, on a river you can try to navigate by the trees.

Well, here we come to the main thing. When you feel like a confident swimmer, it’s time to learn how to gracefully and beautifully enter the water, that is, dive head first correctly and safely. In practice, most beginners are afraid to dive headfirst and simply flop into the water, of course, hitting this water noticeably.

7. Go out onto the side of the pool or the bank of a river, where the depth is very shallow, and lean forward, arms above your head, they should practically touch the surface of the water, and gently slide into the water like a fish. Practice this exercise well.

8. Then try jumping into the water from a short run. Evaluate how far the jump is. First from a low height, then from a higher one. Adjust the height according to your training and your abilities.

9. Let’s imagine that you have already learned how to dive decently from 3 meters; a height of 6 or even 10 meters will no longer frighten and alarm you. On the contrary, you will begin to get incredible pleasure from this short flight.

But the nice thing is that you will no longer fall into the water, but the water will happily rise and meet you.

VIDEO: How to learn how to effectively jump into the pool

The ability to correctly and effectively jump into the pool from the side will help you gain speed from the start and avoid an unpleasant impact on the water. Master the technique and become a pool star!

So, when jumping into the water, there are two key stages: overcoming fear and a calm, collected start.

Overcome fear. Often the fear of jumping into the water head first overtakes the swimmer at the moment of the jump. Then you get an awkward splash instead of a beautiful entry into the water. Train to trust the water element at shallow depths: while in the water, fall forward and backward, allowing yourself to be “caught” by the water. Relax and make sure that the water does not threaten your life, you can swim to the surface any time you want.

Don't rush at the start. No need to fly into the pool. Before diving into the water from the side or stand, take a correct position and proceed according to plan:

  1. Learn to dive into the water from a sitting position on the side.
  2. Master the jump from a position with support on one knee (left if you are right-handed).
  3. Jump into the water from a standing position.

The technique for any of these jumps will be the same:

  • take the starting position;
  • extend your arms up and join your palms;
  • pull in your stomach and tuck your chin;
  • bending down, point your hands into the water and, pushing off slightly with your right foot, dive.

To understand the details, be sure to watch the video.

After mastering these basic skills, it will not be difficult for you to jump from a bedside table, from a springboard, and maybe you even dare to jump from a tower. The main thing is to start.

How to dive into water, diving underwater?

The most important rule when diving is to have at least one buddy. Ideally, it is better to have several dives and a group of people to look after them and be able to help at any time.

If your diving experience is not great, then there must be a professional in the diving group. His many years of experience will help you respond in a timely manner to changing conditions.

You should not dive in unknown places, or where there have been previous deaths, especially if the cause has not been established.

If any object of unknown origin appears in your field of vision, it is best to immediately leave this place and get on a ship or land as quickly as possible. There are times when an unidentified object appears suddenly and the scuba diver cannot react sharply to this phenomenon. In such cases, there are specially developed conditioned signals carried out by movements of the hands and head. Using these gestures, you must show your group that it is necessary to urgently leave the area, as there is a threat to life.

Under no circumstances try to get closer to the object in order to examine it in more detail. This could cost you your life or loss of health. Also, you should not try to catch up with an unidentified object floating away from you, as this, again, can be very dangerous.

Cases of encounters with unidentified objects underwater are not as frequent as on land, but also occur in ufology. Therefore, you should not let your guard down when diving. You must always be prepared to encounter something inexplicable and dangerous.

How to dive into the water correctly


Simple dive

    Start about a meter and a half from the end of the board if you're a teenager or adult, or further than that if you're taking long strides.

    When you're ready to do your first set, take three large steps while swinging your arms.

    After taking three steps, lift one leg up, then squat at the end of the springboard.

    As you perform this movement, keep your leg and neck straight, looking forward.

    Following the jump to the edge of the springboard, make a large circle with your arms counterclockwise and push off the surface of the springboard with your feet as hard as possible.

    You should rush straight up, and then, having gained maximum height, bend at the waist.

    Straighten your arms up, pressing them tightly to your ears.

    Press your hands tightly together and look up at your hands.

    Keep your legs straight with your toes pointed out.

How to dive into the water at a swimming competition

    Clear your mind of fear. The fear of diving lives only in your head, especially if you are also pathologically afraid of heights. Clear your mind of unreasonable fear and move forward.

    Stand on the edge of the pool, leaning forward and gripping the edge of the pool support post with your toes.

    Take a half-sitting position, pointing your chin towards your chest. Keep your arms straight and at your sides.

    When you hear the whistle, push strongly forward with your feet and knees. Try not to move your head. Point your arms up, extending them in a straight line along your head.

    • Don't bend your legs. Straighten them behind you as you jump into the water.
  1. Once you enter the water, continue to maintain a straight body line to glide smoothly forward like an “arrow” or “torpedo.” As a rule, you should slide in this way for about 5 seconds, but it all depends on the strength of your initial push from the side.

    Start swimming in the required style as quickly as possible.

  • If you don’t quite succeed, then try bending your knees more than usual before diving, which will make the task easier because visually you will not be so far from the water.
  • If you want to jump off the diving board, then follow the same steps - bend your knees, straighten your arms, keep your head straight, but before you enter the water, extend your legs and arch your back, and slightly press your chin to your chest.
  • Make sure the water is deep enough to dive in to avoid injury.
  • Once you have mastered this diving technique, try pushing off earlier and tuck yourself in the air, which will allow you to jump higher and make a more graceful dive.
  • It will be far from easy to master the technique of entering the water without much splashing, but the secret lies in trying to dive in a position more perpendicular to the surface of the water.
  • If you are diving with bent knees, then do not try to do a somersault while jumping.
  • Sometimes it is much easier to fall into the water. Remember that the most important thing is to get a good feeling from diving, so don’t be too upset if you don’t succeed in the first stages.
  • Do not be afraid. If you are diving in a proven place, then simply push off well from the diving board, arch your back, straighten your legs and enjoy the process.


  • Do not dive from bridges or other dangerous structures.
  • Consult professional ski jumpers.
  • If you don't know how to dive properly, don't attempt a somersault as you risk pulling a muscle or getting injured.
  • Be careful when diving from smooth surfaces as they can be slippery.
  • Dive only where you are not afraid to swim and you are familiar with all the surprises of the current.
  • You should not put on swimming goggles before diving, as they will fall off anyway.
  • Avoid jumping into the water on your stomach as you risk causing serious injury to yourself. swipe on the surface of the abdomen and internal organs.
  • Tighten the elastic of your swim shorts as they may fall off as you enter the water.
  • Always make sure the water depth is safe for diving. Ignore signs that say it is safe to dive, always check the depth yourself before diving.

What you will need

  • Bathing suit;
  • Pool filled with water;
  • Springboard.

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Before learning how to dive into the water, train your nose, because when you jump into the water, water can enter your nose and cause very unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx.

What should I do for this? The right exercise I showed it in mine breaststroke course. Today I will show it in more detail.

Nose training

Starting position: stand waist-deep in water. We inhale through our mouths and gently squat with our heads under the water, immediately starting to exhale through our nose and mouth.

An important point: you need to start exhaling through your nose before immersing your face in the water!

Underwater, count to three and begin to rise gently. As you rise to the surface, continue to exhale through your nose. This will protect your nose from water.

Do the exercise slowly at first, and then jump. Once you master it, move on to the next one.

Why can’t you learn to jump into the water from the side and the bedside table?

If you don’t know how to dive yet, then don’t learn to jump from a side or a bedside table right away, because you can turn over on your back, fall on the water with your stomach, chest, or hit internal organs, and it happens - and damage. Another option is to “stick” your head into the bottom of the pool.

To prevent this from happening, first learn to jump in water while standing in it waist-deep.

Exercise "Arrow"

Just before jumping learning to do the “Arrow” exercise.

Starting position: arms extended forward, lying on the water. Inhale, lower your face into the water, immediately exhaling slightly through your nose and mouth. As soon as you lie down with your chest and face on the water, pull your other leg up to the side and push off from it with both legs.

Your entire body at the moment of sliding in the water should be positioned as horizontally as possible: your head between your hands, and your face looking straight down, in no case forward!

If there is no side behind your back, then you need to push off with your feet from the bottom, while the whole sequence of movements is the same as in the pool.

Mini jump in water

Once you have mastered the “Strelochka”, move on to the mini-jump into the water.

Starting position: standing waist-deep in water, keep your arms extended above the water. Next - inhale through your mouth, jump up a little and, as soon as your body goes under the water, quickly pull your legs towards the side and push off from it.

Important! When immersing your face in the water, be sure to exhale through your nose and press your chin to your chest.

Jumping from the edge of the pool from a sitting position

Stand on the edge of the pool, hook your toes onto the edge of the pool, and squat down. After this, stretch your arms forward and mentally mark a point in the water (between your arms). Remember it.

After this, inhale, tilt your head and press your chin to your chest, and push with your legs.

First, your fingers should go into the water - exactly at the point that you have outlined. The head should come next, not the chest or stomach. This is a very important point, which is why it is so necessary to keep your chin pressed to your chest while pushing with your legs and subsequent sliding. Under no circumstances look forward at the water and don’t forget to breathe out through your nose!

The push with your legs must be strong, otherwise you will simply fall onto the water on your stomach and chest.

Jumping from the edge of the pool and from the bedside table from the classic position

As soon as you begin to jump confidently from a sitting position, gradually rise on your feet and jump from bent legs, straightening them more and more. Gradually you will come to the position that is considered optimal when jumping into the water:

The arms are straightened and laid back at an angle of approximately 45 ° relative to the back or the arms are straightened and lowered down, holding the edge of the side with them;

At the moment of pushing with your legs, you need to sharply throw your arms forward and place your head between your arms, tilting it towards your chest.

When the jump from the side is well practiced, move on to the jump from the bedside table. The principles of jumping from it are the same as from the side. Just don’t try to immediately jump as beautifully as possible - learn to jump technically and beauty will come!

The main thing is to enter the water tangentially, creating as little resistance as possible in the water. That’s why it’s so important to keep your body stretched out into an arrow, and your head between your arms, with your face down and your chin pressed to your chest.

Take care of yourself! How to dive into water.

The Internet is full of tips on how to learn to dive into water. You can often read something like this: “Take a running jump into the water!”

To put it mildly, these people are not very knowledgeable about diving and they don’t care about your health. If you run along the side and take a running jump, you can jump successfully 100 times, but on the 101st you slip and hit your head on the edge of the pool. The consequences can be the most tragic.

Never jump into the water if you don’t see or know the bottom! According to statistics, about 10,000 people every year in Russia become disabled after jumping in an unfamiliar place and hitting their heads on invisible objects. It is especially dangerous to dive in bodies of water with a current: in a few hours the bottom topography changes, the water can drag snags, stones, construction debris with it, and the place where you dived yesterday will be dangerous today.

Have fun with proper diving and jumping. And how to dive under the water as a “little mermaid” or “dolphin”, I will tell you in my butterfly training course. And with that, I say goodbye for now, see you later, and - be healthy!