How to pump up the torso at home. What program to do at home to pump up? A frivolous approach to bodybuilding

Many people, for various reasons, cannot go to the gym. This may be due to a lack of time, money, or simply there is no gym nearby.

This one is for those who want to develop the body at home. And you on the right way- you can pump up at home! Of course, you will not achieve great achievements, but you can easily keep your body in shape! And ours will help you with this.

But I would like to note that it is still better to engage in gym. Here are the biggest arguments:

  1. Atmosphere. In the gym, you are ready to give everything 100%.
  2. A complete set of necessary simulators and shells. Dumbbells, barbells, benches, Smith machine, lots of machines. All these simulators allow you to train with great efficiency and cost a lot of money. In addition, not every house has a place to arrange all this.
  3. Partner. You will always find someone in the gym who will insure or tell you what you are doing wrong.

To practice at home, you will need quite a bit of sports equipment:

  1. Collapsible dumbbells
  2. Horizontal bar
  3. Stool

Let's not forget the main thing - correct technique performance and systematic training.

Do not forget to warm up before training (10 minutes). Prepare the joints and muscles for the load - this is a mandatory requirement for both classes in the gym.

Before getting into the details of how to set up your environment and start building muscle at home, you'll read about some of the benefits and reasons why people choose to work out at home. Training can be very effective. This is where a lot of people start their muscle building journey. There are quite a few benefits of working out at home than at the gym. The main and most obvious advantage of the first method is that it costs almost nothing. It is possible to use your home gym as an initial investment, unlike a large commercial gym where you will need to pay a monthly membership fee. Even if you have a gym membership, it's still a good idea to invest in some exercise equipment for your home. You don't need much to grow muscle mass at home, a workout bench, and a set of dumbbells is all you need to get started. The photo below is an example of a small home gym. Below you will find full list equipment that you can use in your home gym. You don't need to buy all of this equipment when setting up a gym, although a work bench and a set of dumbbells are the most basic. As you progress, you can add more things to the equipment list, such as the ones in the list below.

My home gym has the following equipment

  • Adjustable Workout Bench
  • 11 hex dumbbells (5kg - 30kg)
  • Barbell
  • Curved bar
  • A set of weight pancakes
  • Cross trainer

Why You'll Love Your Home Gym

The reason you like to keep some machines at home is that you can choose to work out whenever you like and not limit yourself to gym time. When you feel like you don't want to go to the gym, then just work out at home. There may also be times when you cannot get to the local gym due to service or holiday closures. Your own equipped home gym offers you a plan B so you never miss your important training days. Long distance can also be a problem for some people. If you have to commute some distance to the nearest gym, then a home gym may be a good investment for you. Traveling several kilometers to the nearest gym can be not only inconvenient, but also costly and unjustified. In addition to your gym membership, you add up your car gas or other travel expenses. Your only problem with homeschooling may be lack of motivation. Great importance has a gym vibe, the people around you, it all makes you work harder. Here are some of the main benefits of having your own home gym:

  • No monthly membership cost
  • Not much equipment needed
  • Setup is simple and inexpensive
  • Your home gym is available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • You can choose your favorite motivational music for different exercises
  • You can spit, scream and make a goofy face on every set of exercises without embarrassment
  • There are no travel expenses
  • Great way to start exercising

Workout plan for building muscle at home

Now you know what you need to set up a home gym, that it won't cost much, and that's why it's a good idea. Below you will find a home workout program that can be done with just a bench, a set of dumbbells and a horizontal bar.

Monday: chest and biceps

Exercises Approaches repetitions
Dumbbell bench press on a flat bench 4 12, 8, 8, 6
Divorce dumbbells on a flat bench 3 10
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 10, 8, 6
Seated Dumbbell Raises 3 10, 8, 6
Incline Dumbbell Raise 3 10, 8, 6
Hammers with dumbbells 2 10

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: back and triceps

Thursday: rest

Friday: Shoulders and Traps

Saturday: rest

Sunday: legs and abs

Absolutely all people at least once in their lives thought about how to transform their body. Someone immediately began to go towards their goal, and someone else for several months, lying on the couch, imagined how he was walking along the beach and playing with his muscles, and all people paid attention to him. All these people have something in common - they want to spend less effort to achieve their goal.

In the case of physical activity, this is the study of the body at home. Today we will talk about it . Your attention will be presented to the most effective exercises for working out the body at home. Go!

How to quickly build muscle at home

To begin with, let's figure out what meaning people put into the word pump up? The answer is simple - people don't have to have too much big muscles, and working weight in exercises. Young people want their arms, back, chest and abs to be well developed. After all, it is these muscles that attract the attention of the fair sex like a magnet.

And girls want to have Beautiful legs , and elastic, appetizing buttocks. After all, this is exactly why the guys can not take their eyes off. Moreover, exercises for the pectoral muscles can make the female breast more toned.

In order to achieve such results, it is not necessary to go to the gym. After all, the majority basic movements we can simulate at home. For this we need:

  1. Your irresistible desire to get a beautiful body.
  2. Horizontal bar.
  3. Bars.
  4. Backpack.
  5. Dumbbells or weights.

Now you might have a question, and why dumbbells are needed, because you can perform exercises with own weight? The answer is simple. In order to pump up a relief body, you first need to gain a certain amount of muscle mass. As you know, to increase muscle volume, approaches in exercises should be heavy. That is, in one set, you should be able to do no more than 12 repetitions. If you could do more, then it's time for you to increase the working weight.

In many exercises, dumbbells and kettlebells will serve as weights for you, for example, so that you can pull up less. But each such pull-up will be much more effective than with your own weight.

So, for a quality study of the body you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with various grips.
  2. Push-ups from the floor with different hand positions.
  3. Vertical and horizontal dumbbell or kettlebell presses.
  4. Flexion and extension of arms with dumbbells.
  5. Squats on one leg.
  6. All kinds of exercises for the press.

Let's talk in more detail about how to pump up at home.

Training program

We will build the training complex according to the following principles:

Without a horizontal bar and without bars, nowhere. If you really want to pump up, then solve this problem. Firstly, in almost every yard there are horizontal bars and bars. Walk around the area and find the most convenient site for you. Secondly, we will need iron. So, do not be stingy, and get a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells. To save on this business, buy shells not in sports stores, but through ads on the Internet.

Surely you now have a question: what to do with the onset of winter? Most the best option- purchase hanging horizontal bars and bars home. Total cost of dumbbells, horizontal bar and bars, will be no more than 5 thousand rubles. This corresponds to the cost of a two-month subscription to gyms in large cities.

Most likely, you do not have such an amount right now.. Therefore, start exercising on the horizontal bar and parallel bars in the spring. Before the onset of autumn, when it will be cold to train outside, you will have about five months. For such a period of time, you can easily save 5 thousand rubles. If you really want to build muscle, then this will not be a problem for you. Remember, achieving any goal requires money.

Now, let's talk directly about the training program:

Day one - training pushing muscle groups:

  1. Dumbbell bench press, lying on chairs - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  2. Standing dumbbell or kettlebell press - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Push-ups on the uneven bars - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  4. Push-ups from the floor with an average setting of hands - 2 sets of 10-12 times.

On this day you pump up your chest, front deltoid muscles, and triceps. It is these muscles that are pushing.

Day two - working out the pulling muscles:

On this day, you pump up all the back muscles, biceps, rear and middle deltas. It is these muscles that tense up when you pull something.

Day three - working out the muscles of the legs:

  1. Single leg squats - 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  2. Lunges with dumbbells - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Raises on socks with dumbbells - 3 sets for a maximum of times.

Strongly increase the muscle volume of the legs at home will not work. After you can squat on one leg more than 12 times, only the relief of the legs will be worked out.

As you noticed, almost all exercises indicate 10-12 reps per set. This means you can't do more reps per set. For example, if you can only pull up 6 times, then do that many. Over time, as you get more than 12 pull-ups, start adding extra weight to keep your reps low.

Rest between sets will be different for everyone. The main thing is that during the break your breathing is fully restored. Only then can you move on to the next approach.

At the end of each workout, you need to download the press. Perform sit-ups and leg raises, 3 sets of each exercise. The number of approaches is not so important here. Key moment- Violent burning in the abdominal muscles. As soon as you feel the burning, you need to do another 15-20 repetitions, then take a break. Rest no more than one minute between sets. Abs love intense training.

At the end of the workout, you need to perform the plank exercise. It looks like this:

It is necessary to stand in this position until failure. When you start shaking and you feel a burning sensation in all the muscles of your body, this is very good. You need to take your will into a fist, and stand until you collapse to the floor. After all, it is in moments like these that real strength is born.

Why do this exercise? The fact is that when exercising in the gym, you perform basic exercises with large weights. In addition to pumping target muscle groups, these exercises also pump stabilizer muscles, and, most importantly, greatly accelerate anabolism. . After all, during the performance of such exercises absolutely all the muscles of your body work, and this is very important for gaining muscle mass.

The plank exercise has about the same effect on your body. The main thing is not to stand too long. When you are able to hold out for more than two minutes, you need to hang a backpack on your back that contains dumbbell discs. You must be very hard. It may sound intimidating, but what results will you achieve! In addition to an excellent body, you will get the strongest moral and volitional qualities!

Every 6-8 weeks, you need to take a week break from training. The body needs rest!

What results can you achieve

I would like to immediately tell the motivated reader that you should not wait quick results. You will be able to observe the first changes in your body in a few weeks. You can count on an increase in all muscles to the desired level only after a year of training.

If you follow a training program offered to you above, then in a year you will achieve the following results:


In conclusion, I would like to say about the benefits of healthy sleep and nutrition. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and lean on protein foods. This will help you improve your health, as well as pump up the body you have been dreaming of for so long!

Most people do not have the opportunity or time to visit fitness centers and gyms, so they prefer to work out at home. Building muscle at home does not mean simply doing exercises to failure in order to allegedly speed up the process.

For those who decide to gain weight, but do not know how to pump up at home, three factors must be taken into account: proper nutrition, training program and rest.

Food. To pump up at home, in addition to a properly selected training program, you need to pay attention to such an important component as proper nutrition. The success of classes and the growth of muscle mass by 50% depend on the balance and regular intake of food. It is important to avoid foods containing fast carbohydrates.

It is necessary to practically eliminate bakery products and sugar from the diet. Replace white bread with gray or black, it is more useful. To saturate the body with energy, it is worth switching to a diet containing slow carbohydrates. In the first half of the day you need to use pasta, different cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal), vegetables and fruits.

You should significantly increase the intake of protein foods (eggs, meat, fish, legumes). The norm of protein for a person is calculated as 0.5 g per 1 kg. In order for muscle mass to grow rapidly, this figure should be tripled. It is very important to take protein shakes.

Workout. Bodybuilders and athletes obsessed with rapid muscle growth are often advised to train to failure. During exercise, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles so that it comes out, you need to take a short rest between exercises.

Experienced bodybuilders take illegal drugs, muscle saturation with acid is not terrible for them, but for amateur athletes, or for those who want to pump up at home, acidification of muscle fibers can lead to loss of muscle volume.

Relaxation. Classes with intense loads should be alternated with rest. During this period, the body recovers and gives the muscles a command to grow. It makes no sense to do several hundred repetitions daily without a break, for the sake of quickly achieving desired result. As a rest, healthy sleep and eating protein foods are implied.

Cons of home workouts

Absence of a coach. Without the coach's supervision, exercises can be performed incorrectly, errors in execution will be made, which will lead to poor results and an increased likelihood of injury or damage.

Situation. It is important to have enough space at your location for convenient training. In a small enclosed space, a person does not feel comfortable, in addition, the limited space does not allow performing amplitude exercises.

During physical activity the body sweats, also the body requires a lot fresh air. The room must be well ventilated. Cardio exercises will be very limited. Full-fledged classes of this type can only be carried out in the yard.

Lack of motivation. For a systematic study exercise At home, motivation is very important. A person must force himself to pull himself together and believe in achieving a positive result. To pump up, you need to have iron force will.

Lack of simulators. This is one of the biggest downsides. self-study at home. Almost everyone can buy a kettlebell, dumbbell or barbell. For pull-ups, you can independently make a crossbar or bars for practicing in the yard.

Also in the sports shop there is an opportunity to purchase similar sports equipment for the room, mounted on walls or doorways. Having decided to pump up at home, you will have to abandon complex and multifunctional simulators.

Distractions. Arriving at the gym, a person is tuned only to classes and nothing distracts him. On the contrary, the desire to engage in increases, the person is completely immersed in the process. At home, there are always distractions.

Warm-up exercises

It is very important before training, and especially at home, to carry out a set of warm-up exercises that will prepare the body for stress in order to pump up.

The warm-up is very important, as a result of its implementation, the body temperature rises, the muscles warm up, the metabolic processes start, muscle fibers filled with energy. The joints and ligaments that will be involved in the training are warmed up.

The body becomes flexible, the risk of injury is reduced:

  1. Head tilts to the side. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. The gaze is directed in front of you. The head is tilted to the left and right. Perform 20 sec. Since the hands are free, along the way you need to stretch your hands. They need to be twisted clockwise, then against.
  2. Head tilts forward. Straight stance, hands on the back of the head. The head is bent forward and slightly pressed on the back of the head. You should feel like your neck muscles are stretching. The voltage is held for 15-20 s.
  3. Shoulder warm-up. Standard straight stand. The left hand should be extended in front of you. The left elbow is pressed to the chest with the right hand. To increase the effect, you need to bend right hand at the elbow and take her by the back of the head. Stretch for 15 seconds for each arm.
  4. Stretching the chest muscles. Standard Rack, hands are raised and spread apart. Bring the shoulder blades together, tilting the arms back. Perform 20 s.
  5. Back muscles. To stretch the spinal muscles, you need to stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, clasp your palms in the lock, straighten your arms and raise them in front of you. The hips should remain motionless, only the back and lower back are rounded. For 15-20 seconds, they stretch their arms forward, stretching the spinal muscles.
  6. Warm up back muscles hips. Perform in a straight stance, legs together. The right leg should be raised in front of you, with both hands take the knee and press it into the body. You should feel the tension in the thigh muscles. Perform the exercise for 20 seconds on each leg.
  7. Quadriceps stretch. Legs should be together. In the rack straight bend left leg in the knee and take it with the left hand. It is necessary to press the foot to the buttock, the tension in the quadriceps should be felt. During execution, the right hand is raised up, the left knee should touch the right. Having created tension on the quadriceps of the left leg, they linger in this position for 20 s. Do the same exercise with the right leg.
  8. Warm-up of the ankle joint. It is performed in a straight stance, the left leg is put forward half a step in front of you and held on weight. The foot is twisted for 20 seconds to the right and left. Do the same with the right ankle.
  9. Run in place. Feet should be together, hands at waist level. You need to run in place, raising your legs high, your knees should touch your hands. Perform 20 s. Then the hands are placed on the buttocks, run in place, touching the palms of the feet. This exercise is performed for 20 s.

Cooldown Exercises

The hitch allows the body to optimally go into a state of rest after exercise. After a cool-down exercise, the body temperature gradually decreases, the pulse rate and the load on the cardiovascular system decrease, the muscle fibers relax, become more elastic, acid is released from the muscles and the effect of post-traumatic pain decreases after intensive loads.

For a training program to bring maximum benefit and contributed to the rapid pumping of muscles at home, it is very important to do exercises after class, which can consolidate the result. It is necessary to perform stretching exercises for the muscles that were involved in the training process. For each muscle group, it is recommended to perform exercises in several sets of 30-50 seconds.

For a hitch, the same exercises that were performed in the warm-up before class are suitable.

Exercises for home workout

It is believed that pumping up at home is unrealistic. But if a person rallied his will and resolutely tuned in, then what the place of his studies will be, it does not matter. Here is a set of exercises for training that should be included in the program of homework.

Back exercises

Leg exercises

Triceps Exercises

  • French bench press. You need two dumbbells or a barbell, a bench or two stools. Starting position - lying on a bench, arms with weights raised up and perpendicular to the floor, palms directed to the face. During the exercise, you need to bend and unbend your arms only at the elbow, the shoulder should be motionless. On the inhale lower the dumbbells, on the exhale raise.
  • Back push-ups. To do this, you will need a bench. You need to turn your back to her, and put your hands on the edge, shoulder-width apart. The legs should be straightened so that the back moves slightly away from the edge of the bench.
  • On inspiration, slowly lower the body, bending the elbows. No need to fall through so that the buttocks touch the ground. The arm at the bent elbow should form an angle of 90 degrees. Then only the strength of the triceps lifts the body up. To avoid injury, do not spread your elbows to the side during lowering. To increase the load, you can put a bench or stool under your feet.
  • Triceps push-ups. To perform, you need to take the starting position as with ordinary push-ups, but the hands should be closer to each other. For the greatest load on the triceps, you need to put your hands as close as possible and press your elbows to the body. The body must be straight, otherwise you can get injured. Brushes must be directed in parallel, otherwise the load will be distributed on pectoral muscles. Perform the exercise smoothly. With each repetition, inhale and exhale. When the arms are bent and the body is as close to the ground as possible, you need to pause, then rise up.
  • Vertical push-ups. At runtime vertical push-ups the main load goes to the deltoid muscles, triceps and trapezium. Take a handstand with your back to the wall. Palms should be taken away from the wall by 10-15 cm, put your hands a little wider than your shoulders. The body should form a straight line. Do not touch the wall with your buttocks. The gaze is directed in front of you. The exercise is performed carefully and without sudden movements. Slowly bend the arms until the head approaches the floor (the head should not touch the floor, if the arms cannot withstand the load, you can get injured). Then they rise to their original position. Thus, do the required number of repetitions. If at first it is difficult to perform push-ups to the full amplitude, you can do half-push-ups.

Biceps Exercises

Exercises for the abs

For the press, you can perform two main exercises that develop the upper, lower and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Starting position - lying on your back, legs slightly bent at the knees, put your hands behind your head. Gently raise the body to the knees and back. So get stronger upper muscles press.

For development lower muscles abdomen, you need to take a prone position, straighten your legs, put your hands along the body. Then, with a smooth movement, raise your legs up vertically. Then lower, repeat the desired number of times.

Exercises for chest muscles

Home Workout Program

How to pump up at home (the training program is described below) is recommended by those who have already achieved certain results. G The main principle is regularity. Systematic exercises will tone the body. Muscles will increase in volume and become embossed. Significantly improved health and physical condition.

To easily pump up at home, use this training program

Do not load the body every day. But in order to achieve good results you can't be lazy. The program consists of three days of training, alternating with a day of rest.

Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

How to increase the effectiveness of home exercises

  1. It is very important to carry out a quality warm-up before each lesson, and after a workout - a hitch.
  2. You need to drink more fluids and eat right. If one of the goals is to lose weight, then you should not switch to low calorie diet. The body will quickly deplete.
  3. A good and productive workout requires the right mindset. You need to set yourself a goal and strive for it.
  4. Do not immediately heavily load the body. The load must be increased gradually. It is very good when there is useful equipment for classes (a kettlebell, several new dumbbells, a barbell).
  5. If possible, exercise in the yard. You can use additional exercises and equipment, do a jog.

Basic exercises for the gym

To achieve good results in terms of muscle building, you need to start training from basic exercises, and only over time move on to the development of specific muscles. It is after performing such exercises that the muscles will be tightened, the figure is embossed and attractive.

Basic exercises intensively develop all muscles, but it is advisable to supplement them with auxiliary exercises. The complex of trainings in the first 3-4 months should consist of 80% of basic exercises. After their implementation, the body quickly gains mass due to the powerful muscles of the back and legs. Next, a set of basic exercises will be given at the rate of training 3 times a week.

Gym workout program

Day #1

Day #2

Day #3

How to quickly gain muscle mass for a girl

It is quite difficult for girls to build muscle mass. Their body is not designed for this. But if it was decided to tighten the body, get muscle relief, and slim figure, then three important rules: training, recovery and nutrition.

To pump up at home, it is important to balance these components. The training program should include a sufficient amount of exercise, but such that the body does not experience overload.

To the complex training process it is important to include basic exercises that involve all the muscles of the body. Healthy sleep is extremely important. The body of women is already fragile, so recovery before next lesson very important. A balanced and regular diet is the key to success. In addition to food, you need to take vitamins and protein complexes.

How to quickly gain muscle mass for a man

For men, it is also important to adhere to the regime of training, nutrition and rest. But despite good nutrition, you still need to take special meals for athletes with a high content of protein and vitamins. Training at first, more than half should consist of basic exercises for intensive pumping of all the muscles of the body.

With each lesson, you need to increase the working weight and the number of repetitions so that the body quickly adapts to the loads and the muscles grow.

It is better to swing in the gym, but you can gain muscle mass at home, if you have the right attitude. Following the principle of regularity, healthy lifestyle life and eating right, you can do it for short term. It is important to choose the optimal training program for pumping up muscles, since overloads increase the risk of injury, and too light loads will not bring results.

Video on how to pump up at home for girls and men

Home workout program:

home program for pumping muscles:

An analysis of the exercises can be found under the program.


  1. Joint warm-up. Tilts and turns of the head, rotation of the shoulders, elbows and wrists, tilts of the body to the sides and forward, rotation of the pelvis, extension of the hip to the side, rotation of the knees and feet. Perform 10 rotations (tilts) in each direction. The entire warm-up will take no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Warm up(performed intensively):
    • Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds;
    • running in place - 30 seconds;
    • jumping rope - 100 times.
  3. Power block:
    • classic push-ups - three sets of 10 times;
    • dumbbell press up - three sets of 15 times;
    • tilt dumbbell row - three sets of 10 times for each hand;
    • squats - three sets of 20 times;
    • lifting the pelvis on one leg - three sets of 10 times on each leg;
    • lifting the body on the press - three sets of 20 times;
    • boat - 3 sets of 10 times;
    • plank classic - hold for 30 seconds, three sets.
  4. Stretching. Do all stretching exercises for 30 seconds.


  1. Joint workout.
  2. Warm up.
  3. Circuit Workout #1. Do exercises at a measured pace, try not to stop and keep rest to a minimum. Perform six rounds of the following exercises:
    • 5 push-ups;
    • 10 body lifts on the press;
    • 15 squats.
  4. Circuit training number 2. This workout is done on time using the Tabata protocol. You do as many exercises as you can in 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. You need to complete six circles. That is, you set a timer for 3 minutes and start.
    • burpee;
    • climber;
    • squats (first try jump squats, if you can’t continue, do regular ones).
  5. Stretching.

Wednesday - rest


  1. Joint warm-up.
  2. Warm up.
  3. Power block:
    • reverse push-ups - three sets of 10 times;
    • lunges - three sets of 10 times on each leg;
    • standing dumbbell swings - three sets of 10 times;
    • lifting the pelvis with support on the bench - three sets of 10 times;
    • breeding dumbbells in an incline - three sets of 10 times;
    • leg raises on the press - three sets of 20 times;
    • boat - three sets of 10 times;
    • classic plank → side plank in right side→ classic plank → side plank to the left side - hold each for 30 seconds.
  4. Stretching.


  1. Joint workout.
  2. Warm up.
  3. Circuit Workout #1. Perform exercises at a measured pace, try not to stop and keep rest to a minimum. Perform six rounds of the following exercises:
    • 5 pushups with wide staging hands;
    • 5 reverse push-ups;
    • 10 squats with jumping;
    • 30 seconds plank + 30 seconds rest.
  4. Circuit training number 2. You do as many exercises as you can in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Do two rounds:
    • burpee;
    • jumping rope;
    • climber;
    • jumping jacks;
    • alternation of legs in a lunge.
  5. Stretching.

Saturday and Sunday

Rest and recover. You can either stretch.

Strength block home workout program

Push ups

it universal exercise for pumping triceps and pectoral muscles. Try to do push-ups right away: elbows are at a 45-degree angle, abs and buttocks are tense, and the body is a straight line.

If you can't do a full push-up while lying down, put your feet on your knees. It happens that it’s difficult for you to do push-ups on your legs, but it’s too easy on your knees. In this case, do as many push-ups as you can in the lying position with, and then go to your knees.

In push-ups with a wide setting of hands, the emphasis is shifted to the pectoral muscles, and the triceps receive less stress.

Reverse push-ups

This exercise also helps to work out the triceps and pectoral muscles. Turn your back on a static support, such as a chair, place your hands on it with your fingers facing you, and do push-ups.

You can bend your legs to 90 degrees or straighten them completely, the latter being more difficult. Try to lower yourself until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. But do not overdo it with depth: this can result in injury.

This exercise allows you to work out the middle deltas. Spread your arms, slightly bend your elbows, do not raise your shoulders.

If you do not have dumbbells (small dumbbells cost about 200-300 rubles, stacked ones are more expensive, but you can buy them by hand), take one and a half or two-liter bottles of water. Of course, this is a small weight, but for a start it is enough.

This exercise engages the posterior deltoids. Take dumbbells or water bottles, bend over so that the body is almost parallel to the floor, bend your elbows slightly and spread your arms.

Take dumbbells or water bottles in your hands, bend your elbows, raise the dumbbells just above shoulder level and turn your palms away from you - this is the starting position. From it, you squeeze the dumbbells up and lower them back.

This exercise works latissimus dorsi back. Take a dumbbell or a water bottle, find a stable and long enough support, for example, two chairs standing side by side.

Take the weight in your right hand, go to the support, put your left leg on it, bent at the knee, and left hand. Lower your hand with weighting down, and then pull it to the belt, feeling how the back muscles tense.

You can not put one foot on the support, but simply lean on your hand. The main thing is to tilt the body well. The closer to the parallel with the floor, the better the latissimus dorsi muscles are loaded. Otherwise, more load goes to the rear deltoid muscles.

Squats work well on the front surface of the thighs and gluteal muscles. Try deep, but at the same time keep your back straight, do not lift your heels off the floor, spread your knees. Turn your toes 45 degrees.

Lunges also work well on the gluteal muscles and quadriceps. At home, it is more convenient to perform them on the spot. Take a step forward, touch the floor with the knee of your back leg and return to the starting position.

The angle at the knee of the forward leg should be 90 degrees. Make sure your knee doesn't go past your toes.

This exercise well loads the gluteal muscles. Lie on the floor on your back, bend one leg at the knee and put it on the heel, straighten the other. Raise and lower the pelvis, feeling how the gluteal muscles tighten. Then switch legs.

Another activation exercise gluteal muscles. Lean your shoulders on a sofa or chair, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Raise your pelvis so that your body is parallel to the floor, and then lower yourself.

It's popular and effective exercise to work out the rectus abdominis. Lie on the floor, put your legs bent at the knees on a raised platform. Adjust the height so that the angle at the knee is 90 degrees. Perform the exercise by raising and lowering the body.

This exercise works lower part rectus abdominis. Lie on the floor on your back, raise your legs and bend them at the knees at an angle of 90 degrees - this is the starting position. Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift your legs up, then lower back to the starting position and repeat.

Stand in an emphasis lying, hands are located strictly under the shoulders. Tighten your abs and buttocks so that the body stretches in one line. Hold this position for the specified amount of time. The photo above shows two positions: on the left - a regular plank, on the right - a side plank. You can combine them.