How to pump up your abs at home. We pump up the lower abs at home. Standing Dumbbell Row

Powerful abs on the stomach look very attractive, and powerful core muscles provide good support to the spine. This is why many instructors recommend starting strength training with exercises for the back and abs.

If the core muscles are poorly developed, working with heavy weights can lead to problems with the spine. Developed torso muscles will help avoid such problems. First of all, for this, of course, you need to work your back, but a strong press won’t hurt either.

In addition, as you know, the body must be developed harmoniously. In this article you will find effective exercises that you can perform without leaving your home.

In order to make beautiful cubes, it is not at all necessary to work out in the gym and use a variety of exercise equipment. Moreover, the best and most effective abdominal exercises require virtually no equipment. All you need is a flat surface on which to lie with your back and desire.

Scientific research

American Council on physical exercise(ACE) commissioned research to identify the most effective ones from the many common ways to pump up the abs. At the Biomechanics Laboratory at the California Institute in Sacramento, Peter Francis and Jennifer Davis identified which loads have the most powerful impact on the abdominal muscles.

The experiment involved 30 healthy men and women aged 20 to 45 years who exercise regularly or occasionally. All abdominal loads were administered to the subjects in a random order.

A total of 13 exercises were studied. Scientists measured electrical activity using an electromyograph muscle fibers when performing each of them. The impact of loads was recorded separately on the rectus abdominis and separately on the oblique abdominal muscles. The degree of associated tension in the thigh muscles was also recorded. The measurement basis (for 100% load) was taken using ordinary twisting. The effectiveness of the others was determined in relation to them.

Exercises for the rectus abdominis muscle Efficiency
1. "Bike " by 148%
2. Exercise machine "Captain's chair" by 112%
3. Crunches on a fitness ball by 39%
4. Crunches with legs up by 29%
5. Exercise machine "Torso Track" by 27%
6. Crunches with arms raised by 19%
7. Reverse crunches by 9%
8. Lying crunches, legs bent, heels resting on the floor by 7%
9. Ab roller by 5%
10. "Plank" by 0%

Exercises with a tourniquet and on the Ab Rocker machine were not included in the table, since they showed lower results than regular crunches.

Sway lateral muscles abdominal crunches with a tourniquet or on the Ab Rocker machine are worse than with traditional crunches. They are not included in the table.

Analysis of electromyography data confirmed the view that each person performs exercises differently. And the same exercise does not work equally well for everyone involved. Therefore, for training with best result Dr. Francis recommends choosing several top options, testing them for yourself and taking those that tightly load your abs.

A selection for beginners


This is the most popular abdominal exercise that most exercisers do incorrectly.

You need to lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Your arms can be folded on your chest or behind your head.

As you inhale, you need to twist your body, lifting your shoulders off the floor and stretching your chest towards your pelvis. As you inhale, you must slowly return to the starting position.

Most of those who try to do this exercise, instead of twisting the body, in which it seems to break in half at the level of the lower ribs, lift the body with a straight back. Don't repeat their mistakes.

Reverse crunches

Unlike the previous exercise, reverse crunches primarily load the lower abdominal muscles. You need to lie on your back, keeping your legs straight and arms extended along your body.

Inhaling, lift your legs straight up. Stay in this position for 1-2 counts. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.


Despite the fact that this exercise is perceived by most athletes as feminine, it allows you to work out the abs very effectively and is great for men.

Starting position: on your back, legs straight on the floor. Raise your legs slightly up and begin to perform horizontal movements that imitate the work of scissors - first, the legs diverge to the sides, then they are brought together so that the right one is above the left.

After this, they move apart again and converge so that the left one goes above the right one. Do 3-5 approaches.

A selection for athletes


Starting position - lying on your back, straight arms extended above your head. Twist your body, raising your arms and legs and bringing them together, hold in this position for 1-2 counts. Return to the starting position.

Lowering your legs

Starting position - lying on your back, arms extended along the body. Raise your straight legs up to an angle of 90-45 degrees, and then lower them down as slowly as possible.

Pelvic lift

Starting position - lying on your back, left leg bent at the knee and standing with the foot on the floor, the right leg thrown over the left so that its shin rests on the thigh of the left leg.

Crunches on the horizontal bar

Starting position - hanging on the horizontal bar with a straight grip. As you exhale, quickly, but without jerking, lift your straight legs up, fix this position for 1-3 counts.

As you inhale, slowly lower your legs to the starting position.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the bar. This static exercise to strengthen the core muscles, which works well not only the back, but also the stomach.

Exist various options planks, but the basic one can be considered one in which the athlete rests on the floor with his feet and hands (beginners can place not only the hand, but the entire forearm on the floor).

You can't get six-pack abs with the plank, but it will help tighten your stomach. As a result, he will look much slimmer.

The bar should definitely be included in training program along with the ab exercises above.

How to draw cubes on the stomach?

Contrary to popular belief, in order to see powerful abs on your stomach, it is not enough to simply pump up your abs.

The above exercises will work the rectus abdominis muscle. But it will still be hidden under a layer of fat, which is deposited primarily in the abdominal area.

Remove these body fat- difficult task. In order to achieve success, you need to normalize your diet and regularly conduct fat burning workouts.


The ideal basis of the diet for those who want to “get dry” while removing belly fat is protein foods (meat and fish), as well as vegetables and cereals. You should exclude fast carbohydrates, foods with a high glycemic index and fatty foods - flour, sweets, sausages and the like.

In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the number of calories consumed during the day exceeds the number of calories consumed with food.

The transition to active image life. In addition, to achieve results faster, you should include fat burning training in your program.


Traditionally as the main combustion method excess fat Cardio training is recommended. In the gym, you can exercise on any of the cardio machines - an exercise bike, treadmill, elliptical or any other.

There are also exercises for home cardio training, which do not require special exercise equipment or sports equipment.

Regularly performing abdominal exercises, normalizing your diet and training aimed at burning fat will definitely bear fruit - your stomach will become toned, and powerful rectus abdominis muscles will appear on it.

The main thing is perseverance, which will help you adhere to all the recommendations given month after month for many years.

We bring to your attention the following video:

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

How to pump up lower press at home? - the question is relevant for both boys and girls, especially on the eve or at the height of the beach season. A pumped-up lower abs will not leave the opposite sex indifferent, because it is really very beautiful!

To successfully and quickly pump up your lower abs at home, you need to adhere to the formula: + training (strength and cardio) = pumped up lower abs. None of the components of the formula can be ignored, otherwise nothing will work. You will pump up your abs if you train hard, but under the layer of fat, unfortunately, no one will notice it if you don’t eat right. Below you will find basic nutrition principles and the best lower abdominal exercises at home.

How to eat to pump up your lower abs

As Tom Cruise says, perfect abs are not made in the gym, but in the kitchen!

  1. 1/3 of the food you eat should be a source of protein and 2/3 a source of carbohydrates. Fats should be healthy, mostly vegetable.
  2. Drink enough water - at least 2 liters per day.
  3. Eat often (6 times a day) in small portions. Be sure to have breakfast.

How to pump up your lower abs at home - exercises

If you periodically pump up your abs, you probably noticed that the lower abs are more difficult to pump up than the upper ones. This is due to the fact that in the lower part of the rectus muscle the fat layer is much thicker, there are fewer nerves there, and the main load in Everyday life and during training falls on the upper part of the muscle. However, if you do special exercises on the lower abs, cubes will also appear there over time. The best exercises for pumping up your lower abs at home are presented below.

1. Reverse crunches

A popular and effective exercise for the lower abs. Lie on the floor, arms along your body. Raise your legs up, perpendicular to your body. Lift your pelvis off the floor and pull your hips toward your chest without bending your legs. Try to lift your pelvis only with the help of your abdominal muscles. Return your legs to the “perpendicular to your body” position. Reverse crunches can also be done with your knees bent. Number of repetitions:2-3 approaches10-20 times. (You can watch this lower abs exercise in the video at the end of the article.)

2. Raising the legs from a lying position.

Another popular exercise for pumping up the lower abs. Lie on the floor with your arms along your body (or behind your head). Raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your body, then slowly lower them, but not all the way. For beginners, it is better to do this exercise with your knees bent to reduce the load on your lower back. Number of repetitions:2-3 approaches10-20 times.

3. Bicycle.

Lying on the floor, clasp your hands behind your head. Alternately reach your right elbow towards your left knee and vice versa. In this case, the free leg should be straightened and parallel to the floor. This is very good exercise, with which you can pump up not only the lower, but also the upper abs and oblique abdominal muscles at home. Number of repetitions: 2-3 approaches10-20 times.

4. Scissors.

An exercise for the lower abs familiar to everyone since childhood. You need to lie on your back, hands along or under your lower back. Raise your legs 10 cm above the floor. Make wide swings with your legs horizontal plane as if you were cutting with scissors. Don't raise your head. Perform the exercise as quickly as possible as many times as you can. Number of repetitions: 2-3 approaches.

5. Raising legs while hanging on the horizontal bar. The best exercise for the lower abs!

To perform this you will need a horizontal bar. The essence of the exercise is to lift the legs (straight or bent) above the level of the pelvis. Remember, the higher you raise your legs, the more you can pump up your lower abs.

So, grab the bar with your hands. With a powerful movement, lift your legs bent at the knees, trying to reach your chest with your knees. Hold for a couple of seconds and slowly lower your legs. Over time, complicate the exercise and raise straight legs. While doing this exercise, try to avoid rocking your body. Number of repetitions: 2-3 approaches.

You can perform all the exercises for the lower abs, or select two or three. Start with training 2 times a week and gradually increase to 3-4 times. Don't forget to also do upper abdominal exercises.

Do cardio to tone your lower abs

In order for the abs to be well developed, you need, in addition to strength exercises described above, perform cardio workouts. Then you will not leave any chance for fat in the lower abdomen. Here . It can be performed, for example, from the morning before breakfast.

Killer lower abs workout at home

In this, both already familiar and quite interesting new ones. Great workout!

We hope that after reading this article, you no longer have a question - how to pump up your lower abs at home, and you will begin to realize your goal. I wish you success!

Beautiful abs(preferably in cubes) is the dream of not only every man, but also every woman. It's beautiful, it gives you self-confidence. And on the beach you are not ashamed to undress, and you feel great with your loved one.

What to do if you have absolutely no time (or money) to visit centers and gyms? Our tips will help you pump up your abs at home.

We pump up the press ourselves

The most important thing in this matter (every athlete will tell you this) is a persistent desire and A complex approach. Set up a gym in your own home. Turn on suitable music, open the window, make sure that no one disturbs you during this half hour.

It is important to have the right fitness tools in your arsenal. Something like this:

  • rug
  • sportswear
  • dumbbells (possibly)
  • special bench (also possible)
  • fitball (for women)

Oh, it was good when mom did gymnastics for babies on a ball with us! And the abs rocked, and there was so much pleasure! And here you will have to work hard. Anyway!

In addition to targeted exercises, accompanying exercises are also necessary, for example, regular warm-up. If it is not there, the muscles will have a hard time, because before the load they should be warmed up.

The ideal option would be to run for 7-10 minutes. But if this is not possible, just do a few squats, bends, swings of your legs and arms. The same advice applies to those cases when.

So, here is a description of the exercises themselves.

1.) Lateral muscles.

We lie on our backs, bend our knees. Need to get up top part body, touching alternately right hand left leg and left hand of the right leg.

2.) Upper press.

We lie on our back, straighten our legs and raise them 90 degrees. Raise your head and upper body at this time. Need to touch with outstretched arms(also 90 degrees) extended legs.

3.) Lower press.

We lie on our backs. Straighten your legs, raise them 90 degrees. We lower our arms along the body and begin to lift the lower body along with the pelvis and legs.

Exercises should be performed until it hurts in the place where you pump your abs. Every day, increase the number of movements by 1-2, leaving the number of approaches unchanged (3-4).

Quantity reps and sets you must choose for yourself. Experts do not recommend overexerting yourself initial stage. Perform no more than two or three sets in the first weeks of training.

After just a month of these simple, but regular training you will see your abs appear in all their glory. So your idea of ​​“pumping up your abs at home” will become real. And for some it will help solve problems, for example.

In the video below you will see all the stages of pumping (upper, lower, side) of the press. Plus - invaluable nutrition tips from the pros:


It is very important for a girl to have a toned tummy, because this is an indicator of slimness and a good figure. Of course, other parts of the body also matter, but in most cases it is flabby belly with sagging sides causes particular inconvenience. Instead of hiding this problem under loose clothing, you can get your abs in order, and it won't take much time. Of course, a lot depends on the initial state and constitution of the body, because there is a type of figure in which fat is located precisely in the abdomen and sides, and there is no waist at all, but, as a rule, it is still easier to pump up abdominal muscles than, say, legs in order. And most importantly, you don’t always need to visit the fitness room for this. All basic exercises are performed at home, without the use of exercise machines or any equipment whatsoever.

There is an opinion that it is much more difficult for a woman to pump up her abs than for a man. In part, this is true, but if you pay attention to the peculiarities of female physiology, it becomes clear that the point here is not at all in the muscles themselves, but in the ability of the female body to store fat, as well as in some purely female problems associated with pregnancy and the cycle .

First of all, the way to perfect abs blocked by the fat layer that accumulates on the woman’s stomach and waist. This is facilitated by women's hormonal background. Nature took care to protect reproductive organs, which, according to her idea, should almost always be involved either in the process of bearing children or in preparation for this process. And fat acts as such protection, which tends to cover the stomach with a dense layer, thereby protecting it from external influences. Therefore, it is not so difficult for girls to build muscles as to lose fat layer so much so that the cubes are truly embossed.

The abs are made up of different muscle groups, each of which should be used in training.

The second problem, relevant specifically for women, is the load on the internal abdominal muscles, which leads to their weakening. They are most injured during pregnancy: stretching and deformation occur. However, even without pregnancy, they are subject to monthly pressure from the female organs, which swell during menstruation. As a result, the internal abdominal muscles gradually lose tone.

And finally, the last problem with the female press is that muscle Girls have fewer nerve endings in the abdominal area than men. Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to endure both pregnancy and menstruation. Meanwhile, the rate of formation muscle corset depends, among other things, on the number of nerve endings. Therefore, a girl will need a little more time to pump up her abs than a man.

For variety, you can include exercises with equipment in your workouts, for example, an abdominal roller

Don't think that in order to get the perfect relief press you will have to make incredible efforts. In fact, subject to regular training and the right approach to their preparation, everything is much simpler than it seems at first glance. You just need to follow two basic rules that will help you overcome physiology and get the desired result:

  • besides power loads, that is, directly exercises to pump up the abdominal muscles, girls should include warm-up exercises in their training that promote fat burning;
  • it is necessary to tighten the internal muscles, for example, using special “vacuum” exercises to retract the abdomen.
  • How long will it take

    To create minimal relief, as a rule, it takes 3-4 weeks of regular training, provided that classes take place every other day. And if the abs were once pumped up, but over time the muscles lost tone, it will take less time to restore them. Therefore, the pumping process itself is not long at all. Another thing is that, most likely, even though the cubes will begin to appear in a month, they will still be hidden under a layer of fat. But the time of its combustion is purely individual and depends on many factors. In particular, from nutrition. The extent to which a girl can limit herself in a diet that promotes fat accumulation, the faster she will see the results of her workouts. And since the love of food, as a rule, overpowers the desire to see the cubes, the latter may not appear for months, or even years. Those who never decide to go on a diet will most likely not have abs at all.

    Using dumbbells speeds up the process of developing abs

    When performing abdominal exercises, you need to monitor your breathing. Raising the upper or lower part of the body should occur while exhaling, and when returning to the original relaxed position, inhale.

    Does the speed at which the desired results appear depend on age and body composition?

    Another factor influencing the speed at which abs appear is the initial weight. Skinny girls, naturally, it will not be difficult to bring the body to perfect shape. Perhaps in a month they will already achieve the planned result. But if there is already a decent layer of fat on the stomach, then the time required to get in shape will take much longer, at least 3-4 months. When the weight exceeds 100 kg, and frank cellulite has already appeared on the stomach, then you need to tune in to long workouts, combined with a diet, and in the near future (about a year) do not expect even a hint of any result.

    Having chosen a couple of exercises for the press (one for the lower and the other for the upper press), you can perform them according to this scheme, and after 11 days change the exercises and start all over again

    Age also affects the effectiveness of training. The older a woman gets, the more fat she deposits in the lower abdominal area. And, accordingly, the more difficult and longer it takes to get rid of it. And another problem that appears starting from the age of 30 is the gradual loss of elasticity by the skin. As a result, even a well-pumped belly will be hidden inside, but not under the fat layer, but under sagging skin. Therefore, on the eve of your thirtieth birthday, you need to get into the habit of regularly using body creams and lotions, and in the process of creating the ideal relief, supplement your workouts and diet with body wraps and massage. If the skin is severely stretched, it will take at least several months to return to normal. And over the years, her ability to recover generally begins to fade.

    How to pump up your lower abs at home

    For girls who want to have a beautiful sculpted tummy, Special attention it is necessary to focus specifically on the lower press. Very often you can observe such a picture when at the top there is something vaguely reminiscent of cubes, and Bottom part the abdomen remains unpumped, and there is even fat fold. This is the result of an incorrect approach to formation beautiful muscles, when only the most primitive exercises are performed, which, as a rule, pump only the upper part of the abs.

    Exercises for pumping

    Be sure to do exercises for the lower abs, training once every 2-3 days.

    "Bicycle" (1 way)

    To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor and press your shoulder blades, lower back and palms tightly against it. Legs are bent at the knees and raised at an angle of 90°. After the starting position is taken, you can begin to reproduce the movements with your legs, as when riding a bicycle. Perform movements using the abdominal muscles for 1 to 10 minutes. Duration depends on physical training and it can be increased over time.

    While performing the “bicycle” exercise, it is important not to lift your lower back off the floor.

    "Bicycle" (2nd method)

    It is performed lying on the floor with your hands behind your head. The legs are bent at the knees and raised, the body is also torn off the floor. Alternately, you need to touch the opposite knee with your left and right elbow. At the same time, the free leg straightens and extends parallel to the floor. This exercise involves not only the lower, but also top part press. It is carried out as long as there is strength to do it.

    Movements when performing the “bicycle” exercise must be performed at the fastest possible pace.

    Leg raise

    Starting position - lying on your back, your lower back pressed tightly to the floor. You need to simultaneously raise both straightened legs until they take a position perpendicular to the body. It is necessary to do 20 - 30 lifts.

    Leg raises are one of the most effective exercises, providing a high load on the rectus abdominis muscle

    When performing exercises that involve raising your legs while your upper body is on the floor, you need to ensure that your lower back never lifts off the floor or forms a sag. Improper exercise can lead to spinal injury.

    Boat pose

    This exercise does not require many repetitions. It is static, and when performing it, it is enough to take the desired position and hold the body in it for as long as possible. From a lying position, the body and legs rise at an angle of 45° relative to the floor. Hands stretch forward. The position is held for at least a minute. Then you can rest a little and do the second approach.

    Boat pose can be performed with legs straight or slightly bent at the knees.

    Reverse crunches

    One of the hardest, but at the same time the most effective exercises. From a lying position, legs slightly bent at the knees are raised up until the knees are at chest level. After this, you need to lift your pelvis off the floor and try to lift it upward. Hold in this position for 2 - 3 seconds. Lower your legs. You need to do at least 20 repetitions.

    By doing reverse crunches it is important that the upper body does not come off the floor

    Video: lower abs training

    Effective exercises for the upper

    The upper press is pumped much easier than the lower one and usually does not create any problems. Exercises for upper press are done in combination with exercises for the lower part. This allows you to achieve results faster.

    In order not to injure the spine, during exercises it is necessary to avoid bending in the lower back

    Exercises for a perfect tummy

    The frequency of training is once every 2-3 days.

    Raising the torso

    The simplest and most common exercise for the upper abs. You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees, and place your arms behind your head or cross your chest. Next, you should raise and lower the body. When lifting, the body should be positioned at an angle of 45° relative to the floor. The exercise is performed 30 times. After a few minutes of rest, you need to do a second approach. Important point: the main tension should not fall on the neck area (this mistake is often found among beginners). The exercise is performed exclusively by the abdominal muscles.

    When lifting your torso, you need to ensure that your neck is straight and your chin does not reach towards your chest.

    Female version of body lift

    This exercise is specifically for women. It is very effective and does not require special effort. You need to stretch out on the floor. Legs are straightened, arms are up. From this position, you need to make small lifts of the upper body so that at the top point it is at an angle of 20° relative to the floor. After this, return to the starting position. The stomach should be pulled in as much as possible all the time. The number of repetitions is at least 40. At first you can do less, but later you must definitely reach this number.

    The peculiarity of this exercise is that due to the elongated position and additionally retracted abdomen, it pumps the internal abdominal muscles well. This is very important for girls.

    Before performing women's sit-ups, you need to stretch out and pull in your stomach as much as possible.


    Everyone's favorite static exercise that trains many muscle groups, and first of all, the rectus abdominis muscle. You need to focus on your forearms, elbows bent, and the tips of your toes so that your body forms a straight line. The longer you can stay in this position, the better. The time spent in the plank should be gradually increased.

    When performing half-lifts, you should not make amplitude movements, only small swings are enough

    Video: upper abs training

    Do girls need side presses?

    The cubes that many girls dream of appearing are formed from the rectus abdominis muscles. The oblique muscles form the lateral press. You can pump it up by performing various twists, when the work occurs specifically at the expense of the lateral area. But girls are not recommended to get involved in such exercises. The load on the muscles contributes to their development, and developed lateral muscles, in turn, expand the waist area. As a result, you can lose the feminine contours of your body.

    At the same time, working out the oblique abdominal muscles helps burn fat deposited on the sides and create clearer waist contours, so you shouldn’t completely ignore exercises designed for the lateral abdominal area. In this case, it would be optimal to minimize them or replace strength exercises with lighter, warming ones. For example, this could be exercises with a hoop or bending to the side from a standing position.

    Girls should not get carried away with exercises designed for the oblique abdominal muscles, otherwise the body may lose its feminine shape

    You can pump up your abs without even going to the gym Abdominal contraction exercises for internal muscles in a couple of weeks they can reduce the volume in the abdominal area

    A flat stomach and six-pack abs are always fashionable and sexy. But men and women do not always have the opportunity to visit a gym or fitness center. The reasons may be very different, but this is not a reason to give up on your figure and health. Pumping up your abs at home is entirely within the capabilities of anyone who is willing to work a little for it.

    Benefits of working out at home

    Abdominal pumping at home has a number of very attractive qualities compared to group classes in the hall. At home, nothing and no one distracts from the main goal, you don’t have to worry about your appearance. At home, you can choose the time and duration of classes yourself, you can interrupt them at will. By studying at home, you can save a lot of time on the tedious journey to gym and back. Finally, abdominal training at home requires minimal cash outlay. Therefore, if you can’t work out in a club, you shouldn’t be upset - you can pump up your abs to six-pack abs at home and improve your appearance.

    We set goals and draw up an action plan for pumping up the abs at home

    When organizing abdominal training at home, as in any other matter, it is important to set the right goal and plan the stages of achieving it. After all, at home there is no schedule of classes and supervision of a trainer. Therefore, internal focus on results, self-organization and discipline are very important. Sometimes it’s not easy to force yourself to start an activity, especially if you want to chat with a friend or lie on the couch. Everyone has their own incentives for self-improvement, it is important to find yours. It can be a good motive positive effect, which will definitely appear after several classes. Since there won’t be a professional trainer nearby, you don’t need to force your training, but increase the load gradually.

    Is it possible to pump up your abs at home without abdominal exercise equipment?

    Of course, training your abs at home means doing exercises without equipment. And this will not at all prevent you from pumping up your abs at home. Next, we will focus on creating a press program at home without exercise equipment, but if you have dumbbells, a horizontal bar or, then this will be an excellent help in your training.

    Approximate press exercise program for abdominal press at home

    If you want to pump up your abs at home, then you should know the basic principles of performing abdominal exercises:

    1. Almost all abdominal exercises are performed while inhaling; we return to the starting position while exhaling.
    2. The number of repetitions varies from 10 to 20 repetitions. If you can do more, use weights or do more challenging exercise variations.
    3. Abdominal training at home for men and women is not fundamentally different, since the anatomy of the abdomen is the same. But women are not recommended to do abdominal exercises "these days"

    In the first week, 8-10 minutes of exercise without any weights is enough. To begin with, you can use a set of exercises as per day at home. Or follow the steps we offer below as a whole or selectively.

    Do alternating side crunches, trying to reach the knee of the opposite side with your elbow.

    Traditional crunches with your hands behind your head are an excellent way to pump up your abs at home.

    This is a more difficult exercise - you need to simultaneously raise your arms and legs up. In the starting position, do not touch the floor with your hands and feet if you want to gain beautiful abs at home.

    Here, lift only your legs up, trying to push the ceiling up.

    Pull your knees towards your chest, do not place your heels on the floor, creating additional tension in your abs.

    You can finish your ab workout at home face down or on your elbows.

    It is useful to add new items to your usual list of exercises from time to time to maintain interest in the exercises.

    Regular exercise, perseverance and self-discipline, combined with proper organization, will allow you to build beautiful abs at home and improve your health even outside the walls of a fitness club.