How to pump up your forearms at home. How to pump up your forearms: techniques, exercises, nuances Physical exercises for the muscles of the arms and forearm

Not many people know that you should strengthen your forearms with exactly the same intensity as your legs. Why? Arm strength is not only important experienced athletes, but also for those who prefer strength training to a greater extent, as well as for those who have suffered serious injuries. There are a large number of exercises to strengthen your forearms. Having picked up the right exercise, you can increase the strength of your forearms, make them thicker and more flexible. Between workouts, you can strengthen your forearms using an expander.

Anatomical features of the muscles of the forearm

The function of the wrist is to move the hand in different directions. The wrist consists of 8 small bones, arranged in two rows and fixed joints, which ensure the strength of the wrist. You can train your wrist with any type of grip. The wrist muscles are divided into 2 groups: flexors and extensors.

The first group includes the following muscles:

  • flexor carpi radialis - responsible for flexion and abduction of the wrist
  • flexor carpi ulnaris - responsible for adduction and flexion of the wrist
  • long palmaris muscle- responsible for flexing the wrist

The second group includes the following muscles:

  • extensor carpi - adduction and extension of the hand, elbow joint
  • extensor radialis (short) - adduction and abduction of the hand
  • extensor radialis (long) - function similar to the previous one

The muscles of the forearm are divided into brachialis and brachyradialis. Together with the biceps, they are responsible for flexing the forearm. The brachialis, brachyradialis, extensor radialis (longus), and coracoid muscles are the large muscles of the forearm.

Each of them performs its specific function:

  • brachialis - flexion of the elbow regardless of the position of the hand
  • brachyradialis - flexion of the elbow and rotation of the forearm
  • extensor radialis - moves the wrist

Forearm training program

To increase forearm strength, isolation exercises are needed. You can make your forearms stronger with the help of strength exercises. Before you start training, you need to warm up. Don't forget that consistency is important here. Pre-strength warm-up will help avoid serious injuries and also reduce muscle fatigue. Let's consider a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the forearm.

Barbell Wrist Curl

This exercise allows you to perfectly pump the muscles of the forearm, strengthen and increase the volume of the wrist. Take the barbell in your hands reverse grip and sit on the bench (it should go between your legs). Lean forward, place your hands on the bench so that your wrists do not touch it. Use your wrists to lift sports equipment. Number of times - 10, approaches - 3.

How to pump up your forearms with plate squeezing

The exercise is aimed at pumping up the forearms, strengthening the wrist and increasing grip strength. If you don't have pancakes on hand, you can use any heavy weight (for example, a thick book). We take 2 pancakes in our hands and raise them to shoulder level, that is, we hold them perpendicular to the floor for up to 10 seconds. Hands should be kept strictly straight. The exercise is performed with alternating hands - 3 sets of 12-15 times.

Forearm pumping with fist push-ups

This exercise strengthens not only your wrists, but also your forearms. The workout should be done at a slow pace, keep your forearms straight, and do not arch your back. For beginners, it is enough to perform 2-3 approaches 7-8 times.

Expander for forearm training

It is important to exercise with an expander every day. To get a positive result, 3-5 approaches 2-3 times a day are enough. The tool is not expensive and does not take up much space, so you can carry it with you everywhere.

How to pump up your forearms on the horizontal bar

Exercises on the crossbar simultaneously work the muscles of the forearm. But among them there are exercises where the emphasis falls directly on the muscles of the forearm:

  • fingertip pull-ups (or just hanging)
  • hanging at the top with a forward and reverse grip (to perform this exercise, pull yourself up on the bar as high as possible and hang in this position)

How to pump up your forearm muscles using a rope

Climbing a rope or a thickened pipe with relaxed legs is an exercise for the forearm muscles, where the main load falls on the forearms themselves.

How to pump up your forearms with push-ups

It is better to do push-ups from the floor on your fingertips, this is provided that you have excellent physical training. Otherwise, you may be seriously injured. Suitable for beginners classic push-up from the floor with emphasis on your knees, and subsequently with emphasis on your toes. As soon as you feel the strength in your hands, you can safely switch to more serious exercises.

How to pump up your forearms with dumbbells and barbells

When working with a barbell or dumbbells, you should not use too much weight, as you can seriously damage the tendons.

Exercises with dumbbells on the forearm will consist of the following: you need to pick up a barbell or dumbbells, kneel down and rest your elbows on the bench, while your hands should hang in the air. From this position, you need to lift the sports equipment towards you until it stops.

There are 2 options for pumping up the forearm in this way - first, perform the upper grip of the projectile, and then the lower one, but at the same time, the elbows remain motionless, only the wrists work. When performing exercises, it is important to remember one rule: the wrist extensors are many times weaker than the flexors, and accordingly, the load for them should be chosen to be small.

Exercises for forearms at home

Today there are many options on how to pump up your forearms at home and make them durable. Let's consider a list of exercises, thanks to which the first results will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks:

  • pick up dumbbells weighing no more than 12 kg and do circular rotations 10 times 2-3 approaches
  • lift your hands with a barbell (weight about 40 kg) with your palms facing up - 7-8 repetitions, 2 approaches (a similar exercise only with your palms down)
  • fingertip push-ups - as many times as possible
  • expander press until it burns
  • hang on the bar on your fingers
  • curling arms on a Scott board with a barbell - 2-3 sets of 7-9 reps
  • snatch and clean exercise with kettlebell
  • lowering and raising arms with dumbbells (up to 70 kg) while sitting on a bench - 4 sets of 15 times

In addition to the basic exercises, and also to speed up the process, you can add the following loads:

  • rope climbing without using legs - at least 3 climbs
  • fingering a heavy pancake
  • fingerstand
  • holding a large mass in the hands
  • rope pull
  • forearm stretch

An excellent exercise for the forearms is the barbell wrist curl - this is a barbell row with your hands on a bench. If the weight of the projectile is moderate, then the barbell can be pulled back to the fingertips. This is a kind of rolling a barbell across the palm, starting from the wrist and ending with the fingertips. It is not recommended to lift a barbell of more than 50 kg at first, so as not to injure the muscles, which subsequently require long-term recovery.

In training for the forearms, Denis uses super-series, that is, he suggests training the arms as intensely as possible with minimal pauses between approaches. This allows you to get to the deep muscles and work out the relief.

Lifting the barbell with your hands with your elbows bent is an exercise that covers a large group of muscles, including the forearm. If you experience discomfort during the exercise, then you can simplify the task - perform the exercise on outstretched arms. It is worth exercising 12-15 times without long rest.

In the arm bending exercise, it is not the technique that is important, but the dynamics. When fatigue appears in your hands, you should immediately switch to kickbacks without pausing. Then immediately start doing push-ups. And again return to the first exercise - bending the arms. This set of arm exercises should be performed 3-4 times a week, 4 sets at a time.

To develop arm muscles, you should resort to variety of workouts, but before performing them it is important to warm up thoroughly so as not to get injured. Universal exercises are push-ups and pull-ups on the bar. They strengthen not only the hands, but also the arms in general.

  • stretching - play a big role in strength training. This exercise is relevant for those who have “weak” forearms.
  • curling arms with a projectile - regular curling helps to increase the muscles of the forearms
  • crunches - help restore and strengthen damaged wrists
  • reverse stretching - this exercise reduces the risk of injury and muscle soreness
  • flexion and extension of arms with a barbell
  • squeezing pancakes
  • winding a rope with a weight onto the bar
  • push-ups with fists

Note: remember that the load should be gradual; choose a sports equipment that you can lift at least 10 times. As soon as you learn to easily “pass” this number, then you can safely move on to a heavier projectile.

Hello friends. Today we will talk about a very controversial but interesting topic - how to pump up your forearms. The material turned out to be very practical, I tried not to pour a lot of water. If you're ready, let's go)

I strongly advise you to first read the recent article. There are many important points that will intersect with today's information.

How to pump up your forearms. About training small muscle groups

Many people, especially those who have just become acquainted with iron sports and have embarked on the path of improving their physical appearance, make one very serious mistake - they focus on training small muscle groups, losing sight of large ones.

It would seem that in order to pump up your forearms or biceps, you need to pump them up as often as possible. But it's not that simple, friends.

Training such small muscle groups often does not provide adequate stress and a strong release of anabolic hormones necessary for subsequent growth.

Of course, when you see Sylvester Stallone in an action movie in a shirt with rolled up sleeves and are stunned by his forearms, then you want to get the same arms as quickly as possible.

Only man misses one important point– THE REST OF SYLVESTER STALONE!

Look at his other muscle groups! THEY ARE ALL DEVELOPED!!!

You will not meet a single person with developed forearms, but completely undeveloped in everything else.

All this happens for one simple reason: when you train muscle groups such as legs, back or chest, the stress on the body is much greater (since there are more fibers working), so you have to release much more anabolic hormones into the blood.

This excess amount of hormones is more than enough for the development of small muscle groups too.

Conclusion: If you are a complete beginner, then there is NO SENSE in a separate forearm workout!

Train large muscle groups first at the very beginning of your training journey.

How often should you train your forearms?

I have often heard the opinion that the forearms need to be trained often, because... they are very durable due to the fact that they are constantly used throughout the day.

I don't agree with this.

All the movements we perform with our forearms every day are very low volume and low intensity.

Well, let’s say, hold a spoon, click on the keyboard, carry packages from the store. Actually, that's all.

For such movements, it is quite possible to use cheaper methods of energy supply, which is what our body does.

When we begin to specifically train our forearms with apparatus in the gym, our load turns into a narrowly focused one, unfamiliar to our forearm muscles.

I don't see any special program for training the muscles of the forearms. They also obey the same rules of growth as other muscles:

  1. LOAD PROGRESSION(training volume must increase). Perhaps the main rule, because THERE IS NO SENSE FOR MUSCLES TO INCREASE IF THE LOAD DOES NOT INCREASE.
  2. (need to learn that you want to develop).
  3. NECESSARY RESTORATION(fractional meals 6-12 times a day + sleep 8-10 hours).

The forearms are smaller than all other muscle groups, so they can recover a little faster, in theory. But in practice, no one trains the forearms more often than all other muscles.

Most professionals don't train their forearms at all, because... they get enough exercise on biceps training day.

Conclusion: We train the forearms with the same frequency as all other muscle groups. More often it’s not worth it, less often it’s possible.

The number of repetitions for the forearms should be slightly higher than for other muscle groups, because the AMPLITUDE OF MOVEMENT is much smaller!

Compare the range of motion when doing squats (roughly speaking, half of the body needs to bend) and when doing barbell curls. The difference is huge!

The number of repetitions is not as important as the time the muscle is under load.

Forearm - small muscle group, the training of which many neglect. This is wrong, because a developed forearm not only makes the body more harmonious, but also increases the athlete’s ability to exercise other muscle groups. Today we will figure out what exercises forearm training consists of, and what all this is needed for.

Why train your forearm?

The lion's share of athletes do not include forearm training in their training schedule. Usually the focus is on broad shoulders, wide chest, massive quadriceps and, of course, biceps. However, experienced bodybuilders know that without training small muscles, the body will not look harmonious. In addition to the forearms, small muscles include the calves, biceps hips and hindquarters deltoids. Proper training strengthening the forearm and other small muscles allows you to make the body not only more harmonious, but also stronger.

The forearm is responsible for all hand movements and grips. Consequently, if it is not sufficiently developed, then almost any exercise in which weights are taken by hand will be ineffective. The reason for this is simple - the forearm will tire faster than the target muscle. This feature of the forearm has another side - it develops when performing any exercises with weights. This is why many people neglect this muscle group, in the hope that it will receive stimulation from working other muscles. There is some truth in this, but there will be no special development of the forearm with this approach. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate separate time for it. forearms should be thought out with the same care as the plan for working out large muscle groups. Only with sufficient intensity of exercise and use of a wide range of angles can the forearm grow.

An excursion into anatomy

Surprisingly, such a small muscle group includes many small muscles with various functions. The forearm consists of:

  1. Brachialis ( brachialis muscle) and brachioradialis They are responsible for flexion of the elbow and stabilize the position of the forearm during flexion.
  2. Pronator teres. This muscle supports the forearm during elbow flexion and rotation.
  3. Palmaris longus, flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris. Responsible for clenching the palm.
  4. Extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi radialis brevis. Unclench your palm.

Thus, training the muscles of the forearm should include working out all of the muscles listed. Now it's time to look at specific exercises.

Wrist flexion

This exercise can be performed with a barbell, dumbbells, or even a block. The advantage of dumbbells in this case is that they are more accessible to home workout enthusiasts. In addition, with dumbbells there will be the easier it is, for whom rotation of the wrist is unacceptable for any reason, and the use straight neck causes discomfort.

So let's get started. First you need to take the projectile with a reverse grip (palms facing the body). Your hands should be approximately shoulder-width apart. Now you need to place your forearm on the bench or on your hips so that the hand hangs freely. It should remain motionless throughout the entire exercise.

The movement is quite simple: lower your hands down, raise them back, while trying to achieve maximum height and good muscle contraction. As you can see, the amplitude of movement is very small. However, if you jerk or swing the load, you can injure your hands. Therefore, it is worth performing the exercise carefully and as controlled as possible.

Option “Behind”

If working your forearms on a bench or thighs brings discomfort, then you can try doing wrist curls while standing, with the apparatus behind your back. In this case, it will be more convenient to work with a barbell. Since your hands will be behind your back, to do curls with a reverse grip, your hands will have to be turned in elbow joint, therefore, the actual grip will look like a straight one.

To keep the target muscle motionless, it must be pressed against the body. The work is done exclusively with brushes. You need to lift the projectile until maximum muscle contraction occurs. By performing the exercise in this variation, you can relieve yourself of the pain that sometimes accompanies athletes when performing the classic bends described above.

Reverse grip wrist curls

This exercise is performed in the same way as the first, only this time the palms are facing down (direct grip). This engages the other side of the forearm. Taking dumbbells, a barbell or the handles of a block with your palms facing down, you need to allow the load to stretch the muscles well, then move upward to maximize their contraction. Throughout the entire range of movement, you should control the load and avoid any swinging.

To make the exercise even more effective, you can try holding the weight at the top point for a couple of seconds. You can even reduce the weight of the projectile to make this possible.

Hammer curls

This exercise is usually used to work the biceps, but it also serves as an excellent addition to a forearm training program. Hammer curls, due to the specific location of the hand, in addition to the biceps, the brachialis and brachioradialis are involved in the work. Thus, they allow you to sharpen the top of the biceps and enlarge the forearm.

Starting position: standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, palms facing the body. Without supinating your forearms, you need to bend your arms, lifting the load towards your shoulder. After holding the dumbbells at the top for a couple of seconds, you can slowly lower them. The movement is reminiscent of working with a hammer, which is why the exercise got its name. The exercise can be done either standing or sitting on a bench or chair.

Cross hammer curls

This exercise, according to many athletes, is more effective than the previous one. Its only difference is that the arms are bent not from the side, but from the front. That is, the projectile moves parallel to the torso towards the opposite shoulder. If the previous exercise could be performed with both hands at the same time, then this is done exclusively alternately.

Forearm training at home, in the basic version, always includes the exercises described above. Now let's look at a few more specific training options.

Straight Grip Arm Curl

A good alternative to the hammer curl is the overhand barbell curl. This exercise is inconvenient to perform with dumbbells, so it is usually included in your routine. training plan those who have a barbell. The exercise is simple but with a straight grip (hands pointing down). Hands should hold the bar approximately shoulder width apart. In this exercise, it is important to keep an eye on correct technique and not allow sudden movements. There is no point in chasing too heavy weights.

To make forearm training as isolated as possible, it is recommended to perform this exercise on a Scott bench. In this case, the movement will be most comfortable, and the muscles will receive maximum load. The load should be distributed wisely. It is simply impossible to lift a barbell that is too heavy with an overhand grip.

Zottman Curls

A good exercise for those who are more suited to training their forearm with dumbbells. It allows you not only to work on the brachiaradialis, but also to strengthen your grip and improve neural connections. The starting position is the same as for hammer curls: level stance with dumbbells, arms turned towards the body. Then you need to turn your wrists so that your palms are facing forward, and with an exhalation, do a simple biceps curl. At the top point all the fun begins. After a short pause, you need to turn your hands with your palms down, and in this position, slowly lower the dumbbells. Thus, in the first phase of the movement the biceps works, and in the second - the brachioradialis muscle.

Grip training

Forearm training not only helps you make them bigger muscle mass, but also strengthen your grip. The easiest way to achieve this is after each set of wrist curls, pause at the point of maximum muscle contraction for 5 minutes, while strongly squeezing the neck of the projectile.

Forearm training also includes working with an expander. When working with them, it is worth considering the following principles:

  1. The tougher the simulator, the greater the effect it can achieve.
  2. Before working with a hard expander, you need to warm up with a soft one.
  3. Recovery between workouts should take 3 to 5 days.

Training hands and forearms using an expander looks like in the following way. First you need to squeeze the expander a number of times equal to 2/3 of your maximum. Then, after a 3-minute break, repeat the exercise. The second exercise is identical to the first, with the only exception that instead of resting, you need to keep the projectile in a compressed state. Well, in the third exercise you just need to squeeze the expander and not let go until your fingers open on their own. Exercises can be done in 3-7 approaches, depending on your strength and the rigidity of the expander.

In this article you will learn why it is so important to pump up your forearms; we will look at a number of exercises that will help you increase the muscles of your forearms, regardless of genetic characteristics.

Massive forearms are one of the signs of a harmoniously developed bodybuilder and the strength of an athlete. Indeed, large forearms give the impression of titanic strength, and in functional terms, they enable the bodybuilder to comfortably work with large weights.

The forearms will increase your grip strength, allowing you to handle heavier weights in deadlift exercises.

In order to pump up large forearms, you need a complex special exercises. However, it is not uncommon for athletes to have huge forearms without special exercises. This suggests that large forearms are often the result of a genetic predisposition.

Considering the anatomy of the forearm muscles (flexors, extensors of the hand...), exercises are needed that are aimed at completely contracting the target muscle.

In my experience, it is optimal to pump the forearm after working with the biceps, twice a week. In addition to isolated ones, exercises with a wide range of coverage that involve the forearm are necessary.

Why train your forearms?

Aesthetic reasons

The forearms are pumped up to look bigger and stronger. Big muscles the forearms give the impression of great physical strength.

Show off. Often, when an athlete is dressed, only the neck and forearms are visible.....also a reason.

Symmetry. Another reason is to look harmonious. Lee Priest is considered the most symmetrical and harmoniously developed bodybuilder. Look at his forearms.

For security reasons. Grip strength

Strong forearms expand the athlete's range, allowing him to do difficult exercises, which were not previously available. Often, the forearms can be the weak link that limits a bodybuilder. For example, training your back with weighted pull-ups and bench rows. Without a strong grip, these exercises are impossible.

The athlete can afford to work with heavy weights and thanks to strong hands, such exercises will be more or less safe.

The best exercises for the forearms

The forearm consists of the following muscle groups: flexors, extensors and brachioradialis.
For maximum results, it is best to train each of these groups. Below we will consider exercises covering all the muscles of the forearm.

Wrist extensors

As the name suggests, a group of muscles extends the wrist.
Exercises for this group:

- Extension of the arms at the wrists with a barbell;

- Curling arms with dumbbells with a reverse grip.

On forearm day, you can use one of these exercises for the extensor group. From workout to workout, it is better to alternate these exercises for progress and variety. Pay attention to the execution technique, palms are constantly facing down. Forearms can be placed on your knees or on a bench. Achieve full contraction of the muscles, do not bend halfway.

Wrist flexors

Flexors occupy inner part and are the most massive and visible muscle group of the forearm. Exercises aimed at this group:

- Wrist curls with a barbell;

- Bending the arms at the wrists block simulator;

- Wrist curls with dumbbells.

When performing exercises, the forearms can be fixed in the knee area or on a bench.

Brachioradialis muscle

Upper, outer part forearms. Exercises for this muscle:

- Arm curls with a barbell with a reverse grip;

- Curling your arms on a block machine with a reverse grip;

- Curling arms with dumbbells (hammer).

A few more ways to enlarge your forearms

Use a special rubber bracelet on your wrists

This will increase the resistance when flexing and extending the wrist during exercise.

Work with a thick bar

This will create additional stress on the hand.

Wrist roller

This is a roller with a rope attached in the middle on which a load is suspended. Twisting back and forth will provide a great workout for the entire forearm.

Carpal expander

An excellent trainer for developing hand strength, grip and forearm volume.


Working on a punching bag, especially with weighted gloves, gives good load on the flexors.

Jumping on a weighted rope

Great cardio exercise. After 20 minutes of jumping rope, load the entire outer surface forearms.

Programs aimed at growing forearm muscles

As often happens - not just with the forearms, progress may stop and you will need to force further growth of this muscle group. To do this, you will need to change the exercises in the program and the pace of their implementation.

A separate question is how often to train your forearms. Twice a week is optimal. It’s better after working on the biceps, and a separate, dominant day on the forearms.

Program number one

Barbell wrist curls: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Dumbbell Curl (Hammer): 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Wrist roller: 2 approaches, both ways.

Program number two

Reverse grip dumbbell curl: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Wrist curls with dumbbells: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Reverse grip barbell curls: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Program number three

Wrist extension with barbell: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Wrist curls on a block machine: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Curling your arms on a block machine with a reverse grip: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

I hope this article encourages you to include forearm exercises in your workout plan, and the massive arms you get from the workout will help you achieve your goals.

Personal trainer David Robson.

The forearm is the section of the arm from the elbow to the wrist. This is one of weak points amateur athletes and even some professionals. The anatomy of the forearm muscle is such that all exercises in which the apparatus is held in the hands partially affect this section. But there always comes a period when the indirect load from exercise becomes insufficient. Solve the problem isolated exercises on the forearms, thanks to which you can increase the working weight in training the legs, arms, back, and chest. All exercises for the forearms with dumbbells or a barbell do not require much time and energy, but good training will make your arms stronger and contribute to the harmonious development of muscles.

Simply holding a weight in your hands works well for your forearms: the larger the training equipment, the higher the load on them. It would seem that it is enough to increase the weight in biceps training, and your forearms will tighten up. But after for long years When playing sports, increasing the number of weights on the barbell becomes not so easy, and every additional kilogram is a real miracle.

When progress slows or stops, the athlete begins to look for everything possible options to move forward. The ice will break if you start training bottom part hands. Whether you use a machine or free forearm weights, your grip strength will increase, allowing you to:

If you are studying in gym If you are smart and have good genetics, then you won’t need advice like “how to pump up your forearm.” They will not be useful for those who often do pull-ups on the bar: most pull-up fans have excellently developed “grasping” muscles, and some of them know first-hand what a pumped-up forearm is. But if you constantly carry iron, and your grip strength is low and there is an imbalance in the development of your arm muscles, then exercises will solve your problem. The movements are simple, and everyone can train even at home. You will only need free weights: kettlebell, barbell, dumbbells.

What forearm muscles need to be trained?

The lower part of the limb consists of numerous muscles, differing in structure and variety of functions. According to their position, they are divided into three groups:

There are more than ten muscles in this small area, but in training the emphasis is only on:

  • brachioradialis (brachyradialis)– the largest muscle in this area, on which the volume of the forearm depends;
  • flexors(palmaris longus muscle and flexor radialis wrists) - help rotate the palm down and inward;
  • extensors(short and long radial extensors of the wrist) - turn the palm up.

The muscles that move the hand and fingers are also located in this part of the arm. Therefore, in order to fully pump up the forearm, you will also have to train the flexors and extensors of the fingers.

Basic and isolation exercises for the forearm

Listed below dynamic exercises based on the movements of the projectile in the palm and bend in the wrist joint.



  1. Wrist curls with a barbell or dumbbell. Sitting on a bench, take the apparatus with an underhand grip. Place your forearms on your thighs so that your hands hang over the edge. Lift the barbell using only your wrist. The exercise develops the wrist flexors and trains the forearms on the biceps side. It is performed similarly with dumbbells (the only difference is convenience). A special rubber bracelet on the wrists helps increase resistance.
  2. Wrist extensions. Performed like the previous exercise, but with an overhand grip (palms facing the floor). The exercise perfectly works the forearm from the elbow side.
  3. Wrist curl with barbell behind back. Wrist curls are performed while standing with the apparatus behind your back. The result is no more than from regular bending, but the movement causes discomfort for many. This exercise and all subsequent ones are less popular among men.
  4. . Place your forearm sideways on your legs. The hand hangs down, and the lateral part of the forearm is trained by moving it to the sides. Arm wrestlers do a specific and highly targeted exercise.

For everyday training you can use the extra hard hand expander. Do 3-7 sets of 90 to 100 compressions each. One approach should take 1–1.5 minutes. After each approach, rest for 5 minutes. Despite the simplicity of the design, the exercise machine develops strength well.

The following will help to additionally load your forearms:

Forearms are difficult to train. Their strengthening and development is a long and labor-intensive process.. With these exercises you can work them anywhere: at home, in the gym, on the street. Just don't forget about warming up and correct technique, which training videos from professionals will help you master.

Use the optimal working weight and do not neglect supersets (sequential performance of two or more exercises in one approach) and drop sets (reducing the weight in each subsequent approach and working to failure). Lead training diary and make a table to record the results.

When and how much to pump your forearms?

For high-quality pumping of the forearm, it is important to consider the following points:

The universal and simplest complex looks like this:

Exercise Approaches Reps per set
Barbell curl (overhand grip)3–4 8–10
Wrist curls15–20
Wrist extensions

By properly loading your forearms, you will improve your performance in sports, your health and appearance. After a few months, sculpted, venous arms will become your pride, will delight others and attract the gaze of women!