How to make pre-workout at home. The use and preparation of pre-workout complexes: all the pros and cons. Caffeine sodium benzoate

Promotes better concentration during training, increased strength indicators, endurance, pumping. The effects are certainly cool, but there are a number of but.... Now I will describe to you my personal feelings and observations of my friends from the gym.

Cons of pre-workout

1.Quick adaptation to sensations.

At one time I got hooked on them. So, friends, it’s more interesting and effective to work out with a pre-workout, but without it you don’t want to work out at all. You don’t have the same stamina, you don’t have the same drive, you become a lazy sack. You get used to it like a drug.

2. Getting used to dosages.

At first you are inserted from half a scoop, then you move on to one, etc. How many times have I noticed gyms, that the guys interfere with themselves with 2 scoops, because with a smaller dosage they can no longer be inserted.

3. Harm to health.

Listen professional athletes, such as Alexander Kodzoev or Mikhail Prygunov, these guys took it every day for a year, instead of coffee, to be more alert, and then they developed heart problems. They themselves said so in a video interview.

4.Exhaustion nervous system.

My opinion is that all the stimulants included in this supplement give you energy as if on credit. You feel tired, accepted pre-workout, worked out, and the next day you are even more exhausted than you were before the appointment. And as you wanted, the body asks for rest, and you forcibly invigorate it. You have to pay for everything.

5. Problems with sleep due to excessive overstimulation of the central nervous system.

Now I would like to analyze the composition of most pre-workout complexes.

1.Caffeine is the main ingredient of this supplement. Stimulates the nervous system. The price is three kopecks.

2. Creatine – Increases performance. It would be nice if they only put in a transport system, but they manage to put in regular creatine monohydrate, which will start working when you’ve already finished the workout.

3. Arginine – for better pumping of blood into muscles. But even here this supplement is ineffective, you can read the article, I cited a number of studies in it. Personally, I don’t see any point in pumping for natural training at all, the blood came and went. Natural training is work to increase strength indicators, in contrast to training on a course, where pumping and all methods are good.

4.BCAA and Glutamine. Why are they added here at all? There is an insignificant amount of them in the amount of 1-2 grams, this is just for extras for the amount of ingredients listed on the label, but they are of no use.

Let's sum it up

1. Look and read the composition and look for newer and more advanced formulas, with creatine transport systems, etc. Personally, when I want to cheer myself up, I just drink pharmaceutical caffeine and that’s quite enough, and even then you can’t take it all the time.

2.Do not take this supplement on a regular basis. My advice is if you want to take pre-workout, then use it only when training your legs, because... This workout requires the most effort.

3. If you feel that you have no strength, do not take a pre-workout, but rather take a rest from training, otherwise you will drive yourself into overtraining.

Friends, take care of your health, you only have one, but there are many sports pit sellers))))).

No matter how many deny it, but modern views sports are closely related to special nutritional supplements or chemicals that help athletes achieve better results.

If we're talking about natural bodybuilding, then such supplements mean sports nutrition: protein, creatine, gainer, and other supplements that are analogues of natural substances that enter the body along with food.

Surely everyone who practices strength training, have you ever heard of pre-workout supplements? At the same time, many people have little idea what they are and what they are needed for.

In fact, pre-workouts are a necessary thing for anyone who seriously works out in the gym. They may also be useful if you are practicing at home.

Many athletes have already appreciated the help they can provide in their training. Perhaps it's time for you to do the same. From this article you will learn not only what such complexes are, but also how you can make them yourself at home in the kitchen.

What are pre-workout supplements?

A pre-workout complex is a special drink that contains substances that stimulate physical activity. It helps improve strength and endurance.

After consuming a pre-workout, blood flows to the muscles, the muscles themselves become less susceptible to catabolism (destruction) during exercise, and mental concentration increases.

This drink helps you give your best during training, and this, as you know, is the key to rapid growth and impressive results.

Ready-made pre-workout supplements that can be purchased in stores include:

  • Creatine: necessary to supply cells with energy, therefore, taking an additional dose of creatine before training helps muscles work at full capacity;
  • arginine increases muscle strength due to the fact that it enriches the blood with nitrogen, as a result the athlete can work with heavy weights;
  • caffeine: is a strong stimulant of the nervous system, has an activating effect on the body;
  • Tyrosine: an amino acid that is a precursor to many neurotransmitters, taking it before training can increase alertness and improve mood;
  • taurine is an amino acid that is involved in the regulation of muscle function and fluid balance in the body, and also protects cell membranes from damage.

Also, pre-workout complexes may include nootropic drugs, that is, substances that help increase concentration and improve thought processes.

Advantages and disadvantages of ready-made pre-workout supplements

The advantages of purchased pre-workout complexes are obvious - they do not need to be prepared, and at the same time they provide very good effect thanks to the competent selection of components and the correct ratio of their quantities.

The main disadvantage is the price. In addition, ready-made pre-workouts may contain additives, which many athletes who care about healthy way life and healthy eating, will be considered undesirable for consumption.

If you wish, you can easily make a pre-workout complex at home. You can use some products sports nutrition or do without them.

Recipes for making energy drinks at home

Caffeine Pre-Workout

One of the most simple recipes, which is at the same time very effective. You need to take 150 mg of caffeine and 3 tablets of sodium benzoate, which will promote its better absorption.

Caffeine pre-workout - best recipe for those who want to stimulate themselves before training, and also become more collected and concentrated. It is good for those who need to wake up for an early morning workout.

Tea pre-workout complex

Tea also contains a large amount of caffeine. Therefore, you can make the simplest and most inexpensive pre-workout complex from it. All that is required is to brew three tablespoons of black tea in 400 ml of boiling water. You can also add a couple of spoons of sugar. Instead of sugar, you can use 20 tablets of ascorbic acid.

Pre-workout tea with eleutherococcus and BCAA

In order to prepare this energy drink, you will need BCAA powder. To prepare the drink, you need to brew three tea bags in 400 ml of water, add 15 g of eleutherococcus alcohol tincture and 20 glucose tablets (these components can be purchased at the pharmacy). Then add 5 to 10 g of BCAA to it.

Plus, you can experiment on your own to make the perfect pre-workout for yourself. To do this, you can purchase individual pre-workout components from sports nutrition stores - creatine, arginine, caffeine, taurine, tyrosine and others - and mix them in various proportions.

In this case, take one of the ready-made pre-workout complexes as a basis, taking the ratio of active ingredients in it as a base. As a result, you get the same product for less money.

In the voting rating of users of one well-known portal, where visitors were asked to choose the best ready-made pre-workout complex, NO-Xplode from BSN won by a wide margin. In second place was Jack3d from USPlabs, and third was taken by Assault UFC produced by MusclePharm.

The amount of caffeine that athletes receive with most pre-workout supplements is equivalent to the amount that a person would get from drinking a cup of coffee. A typical 230 ml cup of coffee contains between 80 and 175 mg, the same as a similar amount of pre-workout supplement.

Pre-workout complexes - efficient look sports nutrition that can help you take your workouts to the next level. However, it is worth keeping in mind that they are needed by intermediate and especially advanced athletes - there is no point in taking them for beginners.

Do not forget that you should not abuse pre-workouts, especially if we are talking about purchased complexes that contain many different substances. If you use pre-workout supplements wisely and work hard during your workout, the results will follow.

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A pre-workout complex or simply pre-workout is one of the many helpers for both a beginning athlete and a person who has been involved in any sport for quite a long time. This complex is an excellent way out of a situation where a person combines different types activities, in particular work and sports. Very often circumstances simply force training to be carried out in evening time, after a not always easy day at work. It is in such situations that pre-workout comes to the rescue, which can instantly charge you with vivacity, energy, give strength, increase endurance and, most importantly, awaken the desire to go to training and give it your all.

What is pre-workout

Pre-workout complexes are one of the components of sports nutrition that appeared in sports not so long ago, but have become thoroughly entrenched in this branch of human activity, having established themselves as a drug that can take an athlete to a new, higher level of achievement.

Thanks to their specific composition, these substances have a beneficial effect on the body, forcing it to effectively and fully devote itself to training, since their action is aimed, first of all, at increasing performance during regular strength loads and maximizing the restoration of the muscular system after such exercise.

This type of nutrition is used primarily in bodybuilding, since as a result the athlete receives the desired muscle growth, strength and a large boost of energy.

Workouts after using pre-workouts seem easy and bring only pleasure, since all strength loads are performed without stress, effectively and without harm to health.

The main reasons why athletes start taking pre-workouts is the ability of these drugs to:

  • Increase productivity.
  • Develop maximum strength and endurance.
  • Prevent muscle damage during training.
  • Improve protein synthesis.
  • Awaken energy.
  • Concentrate.
  • Increase the rate of fat burning.
  • Normalize the hormonal system.

What are pre-workouts in practice?

Basically, this is a set of certain components, the proportions of which are strictly standardized in order not to cause harm to the body.


Today there are a sufficient number of pre-workout complexes, which allows the athlete to choose exactly the one that suits him. the best way affects the body, but does not harm it in any way. Nevertheless, in their basic composition they practically do not differ from each other. The difference can only be in the dosage of one or another component.

Let's look at the main components of modern pre-workouts:


    Caffeine is one of the main components of pre-workout supplements and is found in most of these drugs. Due to its properties, caffeine is able to stimulate the central nervous system, increase performance, activate mental abilities, increase concentration, develop endurance. physical activity, give a significant boost of vivacity and energy, dull the feeling of fatigue, which contributes to effective training with full display.


    Taurine is considered a strong antioxidant because it is able to control homeostasis in muscle cells. But this is not the only reason why this substance is used in pre-workouts. Taurine is able to reduce muscle microtraumas, due to which muscle tissue last longer, maintaining performance, increase their endurance, promote the development of strength and rapid recovery after training.


    Thanks to the presence of creatine in pre-workout complexes, all other elements contained in the supplement are quickly absorbed. This component also increases endurance, promotes rapid muscle recovery, and develops physical strength, affects the flow of energy.



    This is a complex consisting of three amino acids: valine, isoleucine and leucine. Due to the fact that these substances are able to instantly saturate the body with amino acids after consumption, the possibility of damage muscle fibers during training is reduced to a minimum, which, accordingly, contributes to better endurance, development of strength, rapid recovery after exercise, increased energy and vigor, increased muscle mass, reducing the feeling of fatigue.


    Tyrosine is the main source of adrenaline, which is known to activate the nervous system. This substance is an essential amino acid when it comes to increasing energy levels. Another significant advantage is the almost complete absence of negative effects.


    Arginine is an amino acid that is responsible for the level of nitric oxide in the athlete’s body. It is nitric oxide that ensures the flow of blood into muscular system, dilating blood vessels, as a result of which the feeling of fatigue does not have much manifestation. In addition, this amino acid supplies muscles with nutrients and oxygen, activates the formation of growth hormone, resulting in an increase in muscle mass, affects the process of protein synthesis, and develops endurance.


    Beta-alanine is also an amino acid, the main function of which is to quickly restore muscle condition both between approaches and between workouts, which makes it possible to exercise longer, more effectively, more often, more intensely. This amino acid also helps to awaken a significant amount of energy and develop endurance.

    Vitamins and minerals.

    These components are considered quite important components of pre-workouts, since they main task is to maintain immune system, restoration of spent resources, stabilization of the activity of all body systems.

In addition to the listed main components that can be part of a modern pre-workout complex, there are also a sufficient number of different ingredients that are used as auxiliaries, thereby enhancing and improving the effect of the drug.


Thanks to their specific composition, pre-workout complexes can have a positive effect on the body’s condition during training, as a result of which the athlete receives:

  • Increased muscle strength.
  • Development of endurance.
  • Improving blood flow to muscle tissue.
  • Minimizing damage to muscle fibers during training.
  • Dull feeling of fatigue.
  • Increasing physical activity.
  • Stimulation of the nervous system.
  • Development of muscle mass.
  • Muscle pumping.
  • Ability to quickly recover between workouts.
  • Increased concentration.
  • Exception side effects.
  • A charge of energy and vigor.
  • Great mood.


Depending on the goal that the athlete sets for himself, all pre-workouts can be divided into several types:

  • Pre-workouts, the action of which is aimed at developing strength. Here you need to pay attention to the presence in the pre-workout complex of a significant dose of components such as beta-alanine, betaine, creatine.
  • Pre-workouts that focus on nutritional components.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that such pre-workouts should not contain stimulants.

The development of muscle endurance occurs due to the presence of nutrients, and not due to the influence of stimulants on the central nervous system. Indicators of just such a pre-workout are the presence of tyrosine, taurine, pink radiola, and B vitamins.

Side effects

The use of pre-workout complexes, in addition to positive results, unfortunately, can sometimes have very negative effects. In particular, failure to follow the instructions for taking the drug can lead to an overdose, which can result in headaches and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Athletes who already have heart problems are strictly prohibited from using such drugs.

Using pre-workouts on a regular basis very often leads to addiction, and this situation occurs more on a psychological level than on a physical one.

As a result, an athlete without this stimulant cannot perform even half of that power load which can be easily overcome by taking the drug.

The presence of the beta-alanine component in pre-workouts can be manifested by a slight tingling of the skin.

The consequences of taking a strong stimulant drug are also the inability to sleep at night.

Reception and dosage

Pre-workout complexes, like other drugs, must be taken strictly following the instructions, so as not to cause harm to your body instead of benefit. In this regard, you need to start taking pre-training with small doses (in particular, with half the dose suggested in the instructions). If no side effects have been identified, then you can take the drug according to the instructions.

The less food remains in the stomach, the faster and more effective the drug will act.

Experts do not recommend using such drugs if the body’s fatigue is, so to speak, “on the face.” In this case, it is better to cancel the workout and stop taking any pre-workout medications. The athlete just needs to have a good rest and sleep.

Due to the numerous types of pre-workouts, athletes try to stick to one, already proven drug. This is understandable, since the cost of pre-workout complexes is quite high.

It is necessary to take into account a small nuance: any organism is prone to getting used to the components of a drug used for a long time.

Therefore, many experts involved in sports nutrition recommend not stopping at one pre-workout, but trying and choosing at least three in order to be able to alternate their use. This approach to the use of pre-workout complexes will eliminate the effect of addiction to them.

You should not use pre-workouts on days when training is not planned, since their action is aimed at toning all body systems.

If, after taking the drug, this energy is not spent in full, this, naturally, will not have a very positive effect on well-being and health.

Pre-workout complexes combine well with various supplements, for example, amino acids, mass gainer, creatine, etc. But, in this case, it is important to take into account the fact that if the pre-workout already contains the necessary additive (for example, protein), then it should not be used additionally.

Top 6 best pre-workouts

There are a number of specific drugs that are preferred by most consumers. Among them are:

    NOxtreme from the manufacturer Multipower.

    It is considered a fairly high-quality drug, the peculiarity of which is a highly stimulating and anabolic effect. This pre-workout is filled with quite effective stimulants that help improve blood circulation in the muscles, increase pumping, provide a boost of vigor and energy, reduce the feeling of fatigue and dull muscle pain during training, and promote rapid recovery between classes. In addition to potent components, this pre-workout complex is distinguished by the presence of vitamins, calcium, creatine, protein and amino acids in its composition.

    Cellucor C4 Extreme.

    It has a specific formula, based on which the developers took the well-known creatine. The positive aspect of this pre-workout is the presence of vitamins B and C in its composition, thanks to which recovery processes occur in a more efficient manner. fast pace. Taking this drug allows you to increase the intensity of your workouts, increase their pace and quantity.


    This product is intended for athletes whose goal is to supply the muscles with good blood flow, resulting in high level pumping, getting a fairly strong charge of energy, increasing muscle mass. All these points were made possible thanks to carefully selected ingredients, including terosine, taurine, beta-alanine, arginine, etc.

    NO-Xplode 2.0 BSN.

    It is considered one of the “brand” pre-workout complexes, since over the years it has maintained its product at a high quality level. This pre-workout is quite popular not only among bodybuilders, but also among athletes involved in wrestling, athletics, run. Due to the presence of four types of creatine in the composition of the drug, as well as full complex vitamins of group B, taking this pre-workout provides an increase in all indicators necessary for an athlete.

    Gakic Hardcore by MuscleTech.

    One of the most powerful complexes in its action, although it has a fairly mild effect, so even girls can take it. Very easy to use and has no side effects, of course only if it is not exceeded permissible norm according to the instructions. This drug is a good stimulant, increases the amount of blood flow to muscle tissue, accelerates its growth, and promotes recovery. The biggest advantage of this pre-workout is its anti-inflammatory effect.

    Animal Pump Universal Nutrition.

    This pre-workout complex has been on the sports nutrition market for quite a long time and has proven itself only on the positive side. It consists only of high-quality ingredients: creatine, vitamins, beta-alanine, etc. It is characterized by fast and effective action: a surge of vigor and energy occurs within 15-20 minutes after taking the drug. Its only huge disadvantage is its too high price.

Do-it-yourself pre-workouts

Due to the fact that ready-made pre-workout complexes offered by manufacturers on sports nutrition shelves have quite high prices, many athletes are looking for alternative ways to replace these products that can be made at home. We offer several options for such pre-workouts, the components of which can be found in pharmacies and can be easily made at home.

  1. Eleutherococcus tincture.

This drug can be found in almost any pharmacy and is quite inexpensive. One bottle is enough for 3-4 workouts. Use strictly according to instructions.

  1. Ginseng.

Among all the ginseng options that are available on the market, it is better to give preference to granulated. It is not as easy to find as eleutherococcus tincture, but this product has a strong stimulating effect: the charge of vigor lasts for 3-4 hours.

It can be used not only for sports purposes, but also to prepare for a session, negotiations, and to maintain a state of wakefulness during exams.

You can take from 5 to 20 tablets, depending on the purpose of use.

  1. Green tea with lemon.


  • Green tea 2-3 bags
  • Lemon 1 slice
  • Honey 1 tsp.

Perhaps the lightest and softest to use. Suitable for those athletes who do not need a strong pre-workout, since their body is in good physical fitness: no fatigue or exhaustion.

  1. Caffeine sodium benzoate.

It is this structure of caffeine that has the most significant stimulating effect, since it has a number of advantages compared to caffeine found in regular coffee:

  • Activates the work of the central nervous system.
  • There is no strong feeling of fatigue after taking it.
  • It is quite inexpensive and has a guaranteed result.
  • Can be used before training in the evening, as its effect is easily neutralized by a small amount of valerian.

The only drawback of this component is addiction.

  1. Pre-workout is a home equivalent.


  • Arginine 8 g
  • BCAA 10 g
  • Glutamine 5 g
  • Creatine monohydrate 3 g
  • Ornithine 2 g
  • Lysine 2 g
  • Tyrosine 2 g
  • Taurine 1 g
  • B-Alanine 1 g
  • Vitamin B-3 0.002 g
  • Vitamin B-6 0.002 g
  • Vitamin C 0.001 g
  • Saccharin optional
  • Orange flavor optional

These proportions are calculated for a serving of 34 grams. You should use it very carefully: first try the effect of a small dose and, if there are no side effects, you can increase it. Best recommendation in this case, there will be a consultation with a sports nutrition specialist

  1. Pre-workout substitute No-Xplode

It is, of course, impossible to completely replace the No-Xplode pre-workout complex at home, but if this drug has run out and it is impossible to buy for some reason, then this simple recipe can help:

  • Pentaxifylline 3-4 tablets
  • Caffeine sodium benzoate 200-400 mg
  • L-carnitine 200 mg

Pentaxifylline should be taken 1-1.5 times before training, caffeine sodium benzonate and L-carnitine - half an hour before training.

Pre-workout for female athletes

Today, quite often gyms You can meet women whose goal of training is to build muscle mass and strength. To achieve maximum results from their workouts, they also make extensive use of pre-workout supplements.

In sports nutrition, special preparations have been developed that are intended only for women. In particular, such pre-workouts do not contain strong stimulants that affect the functioning of the nervous system, since there is a significant difference in the functioning of the central nervous system of men and women.

The use of strong stimulants can significantly harm the female body. Therefore, manufacturers of women's pre-workouts pay significant attention to the content of such pre-workout complexes, as a result of which a woman is able to achieve the same results as a man.



Today, there are a significant number of high-quality pre-workout complexes, and choosing one suitable one is not an easy task. But, if you are aimed at achieving a high level in your chosen sport, then these drugs will be for you best helpers, the main thing is to take them wisely so as not to harm your health.

How to make a powerful pre-workout with your own hands at home - 4 main ingredients of the best pre-workout complex.

Pre-workout supplements are big business. Sports nutrition manufacturers combine many ingredients to create products that provide pre-workout energy. But their cost is not always pleasing. However, with the right ingredients, you can make your own pre-workout drink. Below you will find outhow to make a powerful pre-workout with your own hands at home.

DIY Powerful Pre-Workout Recipe

This pre-workout supplement is designed for those who want to increase their energy levels without crashing. In addition, by purchasing individual ingredients rather than a ready-made pre-workout, you will save money. So here's what you need.

1. Caffeine (100–300 mg)

Caffeine will be the main component of your pre-workout.

This stimulant improves concentration, which is especially important for those who exercise in the morning.

Start small (about 100 mg) and increase the dosage only if you feel the need. Never use more than 300 mg - this leads to overexcitation of the central nervous system and, accordingly, insomnia, tachycardia, problems with blood pressure, etc.

Typically, you can buy about 100 tablets containing 100 or 200 mg of caffeine for RUB 500. This is 5 rubles. per tablet.

Useful article:

2. L-arginine (5 g)

L-arginine increases the level of nitric oxide in the bloodstream, which in turn increases blood flow to your muscles. As a result, your endurance will improve and you will be less tired during training. At the same time, the blood vessels dilate, and a more pronounced pumping is felt. 5 g of L-arginine should be enough for you.

250 g of L-arginine can be bought for about 2200 rubles, which corresponds to 44 rubles. in 5 years

3. Creatine (5 g)

Creatine monohydrate is perhaps the most studied substance in sports nutrition.

It improves strength, muscle endurance and muscle recovery after training.

Creatine can be found in many supplements as an auxiliary ingredient. But since it is often seen as a “bonus” supplement, you can’t always be sure of its quality or dosage that works. Therefore, it is best to buy a pure product for pre-workout.

You can easily find 500 g of creatine monohydrate for about RUB 1,200, which is only RUB 12. in 5 years

There is a huge amount sports supplements used by bodybuilders. Some have become widespread, others have not gained popularity. The first include. They are widely in demand among athletes, but, unfortunately, they are quite expensive, and some of the complexes sold on the sports nutrition market are not safe at all, since they contain powerful stimulating, depleting substances.

This has become the main reason that many athletes prepare pre-workouts on their own, but for those who have never done this before, the information presented below will be an excellent guide to action. Overpriced is typical for almost all complexes on sale. This is typical even for those pre-workout supplements that contain substances that can be bought at a pharmacy without any problems, getting a similar effect for less money.

Pre-workout supplements at a low price

Herbal adaptogens quite often become a replacement for pre-workout complexes. Possessing the ability to give a powerful energy charge, they have enough low price. The disadvantage is that each such adaptogen affects different athletes differently. The bodybuilder has to look for the one that will be most effective on his own.

Among the most popular adaptogens of plant origin, the following are the most popular:

  • Eleutherococcus tincture. The product is taken according to the instructions, it is quite powerful, experienced athlete characterized exclusively on the positive side.
  • Ginseng produced in granules. At one time, as a rule, they drink from four to five granules. This is enough to feel energized for two to three hours and conduct a highly effective and efficient workout.
  • Rhodiola rosea. This is a powerful stimulant that increases performance and accelerates recovery processes. Bodybuilders typically use an alcoholic extract of Radiola rosea.

Energy drinks at home, recipes

Athletes who want to find the ideal pre-workout option for themselves experiment, select ingredients and components that best suit and satisfy the individual needs of the body. Most home pre-workout supplements are made with caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant for the nervous system.

No. 1 A teaspoon of natural honey + lemon drop + green tea

This mixture of ingredients increases alertness, gives a boost of energy, and relieves nervous tension. The remedy works, as athletes write, for about two hours. Green tea contains caffeine, which may not have the desired effect when the athlete regularly drinks coffee or any other caffeinated drinks.

No. 2 Ascorbic acid + black tea

The suppressive effect on cortisol production that ascorbic acid has makes this pre-workout an excellent way to increase performance during training. Brew 3 tea bags in 200 milliliters of boiling water, pour the drink into a half-liter bottle, add the missing amount of water, put 20 ascorbic acids of 50 milligrams each, shake until the pills are completely dissolved, place in freezer. You need to take this remedy a few sips during your workout.

#3 Powerful pre-workout

It is prepared according to the same recipe as for black tea with ascorbic acid, but with the addition of 8-10 grams of powder and 15-25 drops of eleutherococcus (tincture). It is also used during training, but in addition to a powerful charge of energy, it has a stimulating effect and suppresses catabolism.

You don't have to limit yourself to these recipes. By experimenting with various components, you can get a pre-workout whose effectiveness will be higher than even that of a store-bought one.