How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles with push-ups. Head press down. Exercises with available equipment

Greetings, dear fans of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Surely many of you are wondering, how to pump up pectoral muscles at home, without using barbells and dumbbells. It turns out that this can be done, but first you need to decide what you want to see. After a couple of months of training, you want to see pecs like Arnold's in the mirror, in his best years? Or you want to see beautifully defined muscles that will attract attention when you go to the beach.

If you want breasts like Iron Arnie, then we hasten to disappoint you and ask you to leave the page. To have such breasts you need to: have good genetics, use steroids and bench press a barbell with an incredible amount of twenty-five kilogram weights on it. If you don't want this, continue reading the article. After studying all the exercises that we offer, at the end of the article you will find a training program for your chest at home.

How to pump up your breasts at home

So, what do you need to pump up? nursing homes. Firstly, this proper nutrition, which will promote the growth of your muscles and will not allow the number to increase subcutaneous fat in your body. If we allow fat to take over our body, then you will not be able to see your defined pectoral muscles. So, start eating right.

Secondly, you need constant training, 2 – 3 times a week, which will include a variety of push-ups to pump up the upper and lower chest. This is very important, because after pumping bottom part breasts, you will have a disproportion, and the breasts will not look very aesthetically pleasing. So, we include all the exercises described below in our program.

Push-ups on books

The first version of push-ups will work mainly the middle part of the chest. Look at the picture below.

For push-ups we will need 8 books (sheets, 500 each). We place them at a distance of 60 - 70 centimeters, or whatever is more convenient for you, and begin to slowly do push-ups. We go down as far as possible. You should feel a pleasant stretch in your muscles. Spend 6 – 8 seconds lowering. Do 4 sets of 15 reps. The most important thing in the exercise is speed, do everything slowly.

Push-ups with a stop

For the second exercise we don't need books. These will be simple push-ups, but with one nuance. Having dropped halfway down, stop and stay in this moment for 2 - 3 seconds. Then lower yourself all the way down and hold in this position again for 2 to 3 seconds. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

Explosive push-ups

Enough difficult exercise which requires training. Once you master it, feel free to include it in your program. Lower yourself down, preferably slowly, starting to rise to the starting position as best you can, push off the floor so that your palms come off the floor. You can do a clap, but it is difficult and you don’t have to do it at first.

Do this exercise last, perform 2 sets with as many repetitions as you can handle.

Strengthening the upper pectoral muscles

The most difficult part of the pectoral muscles to train. It is very difficult to pump it up at home, but it is possible. There is only one exercise for this, but we can constantly make it more difficult.

Incline push-ups

The point of these push-ups is to get your legs higher than your body, but otherwise they're just regular push-ups. But we don’t need regular push-ups, so we’ll make it more complicated. The first option is push-ups with a pause in the middle lowest point stop for 2 - 3 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The second option is push-ups on books. Well, the third option is explosive incline push-ups.

Perform 4 sets of 15–20 repetitions in various variations.

How to pump up your lower chest

To pump up the lower pectoral muscles, we will use everyone’s favorite dips. I think it won’t be difficult for you to go to the nearest sports ground and devote half an hour to training. And if you have beams at home, then this is very wonderful.


Simple push-ups on parallel bars. Everyone knows how to do them, everyone was taught at school. We complicate the parallel bars push-ups by stopping at the bottom point for 2-3 seconds. We perform 4 sets of 15–20 repetitions.

This exercise can be made more difficult by using a weighted vest.

Program for training the pectoral muscles

The article would not be an article if we did not provide a training program consisting of all the exercises that we described. See table.

*If you cannot do the number of repetitions written in the table, do as many as you can. Don't put yourself in a box.

The rest between sets should be 45 – 60 seconds. Always monitor the speed of your push-ups, try to feel your muscles and do push-ups as slowly as possible. The p90x program has a great chest and triceps workout.

We've looked at several types of push-ups that will let your pecs explode. Try not to skip training and you will succeed.
P.S. While the author was writing the article, he did 80 push-ups.

No time for the gym, but dreams of sculpted muscles breasts do not leave you? Train at home and you will be amazed at the results you can achieve with push-ups!

Chair push-ups

Try pumping up by standing on some elevation. For this purpose, you can use chairs, a coffee table or anything else. The main idea of ​​this exercise is that you will bend even lower. Try to increase as much as possible, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the exercise. To achieve the best result, hold for a second at the bottom point, and only after a short pause return to the starting position.


You can pump up your breasts very effectively using. If you don't have access to this machine, use two chairs with high, sturdy backs. During the exercise, your legs should not touch the floor; to do this, you need to bend them. How to pump up your chest muscles with these push-ups:

  • rest your palms on the bars (the backs of chairs), hang on straight, outstretched arms;
  • go down as far as you can, then go up;
  • perform the exercise for 4-5 approaches with the maximum number of repetitions.

Do not linger at the top point - this reduces work efficiency.

But don't limit yourself to just chest push-ups, try using them to further stimulate muscle growth and maintain your physical fitness.

Supplements for chest push-ups

Weider | BCAA?

It is advisable to drink 3 tablets before training with water.

Intense training exhausts the body. It is Weider BCAA that will help optimally saturate the muscles with the necessary amino acids, which, when absorbed by the body, contribute to the effective building of muscle mass.

Gaspari Nutrition | MyoFusion Pro ?

Add 1-2 scoops of powder to 180-240 ml of water and shake thoroughly.

Gaspari Nutrition MyoFusion® Pro is a powerful source of protein, which includes concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates various types proteins. This is the reason for the wide popularity of this product; its effect spreads throughout the day.

For achievement best results alternate exercises with each other and do not forget about rest. After each set, take a minute break; after working out for a day, take the second one. It is equally important not to exhaust the muscles with overloads; control the quantity and quality of the approaches performed. At the same time, strictly adhere to the daily routine and diet, keep healthy image life and you will ensure that your chest muscles become beautiful and sculpted. Don't stop there!

How can a man attract the admiring glances of women? How can a girl make others jealous of her high bust? Sport will help both of them! Namely, exercises to develop the pectoral muscles. A few months regular training- and athletic forms are guaranteed.

Anatomy lessons

The chest muscles are one of the largest muscles in the body. There are several of them, but for bodybuilders, two of them are of greatest interest: the pectoralis major and minor muscles. The pectoralis major muscle is shaped like a fan and is “woven” into shoulder muscles, she is a worker, participates in many movements. The pectoralis minor muscle is located under the major muscle and is more of a stabilizing muscle and works less frequently.

Also, the pectoral muscles are conventionally divided into 3 levels: upper, middle and lower. And if the middle one is used under any load, then the upper and lower levels can only be pumped special exercises for the chest.

Is it possible to pump up the pectoral muscles at home?

“Pumping up your chest” at home is quite difficult: for this you will need parallel bars, rings, dumbbells and a barbell. You can use bars and horizontal bars in the courtyards, but in winter this is problematic.

If you still decide to seriously engage in training to develop the pectoral muscles, you should at least buy dumbbells (the best ones are collapsible: their weight can be reduced or increased as necessary). Also, if possible, purchase a barbell and weights for it. different weights. The horizontal bar can be strengthened between door jambs or in a narrow corridor.

NOTE Until you purchase necessary equipment, you can replace it with improvised means: dumbbells - bottles of different sizes filled with water, a barbell - a mop stick with the same bottles of sand attached to it. You can also use a good old weight (remember if your father’s equipment is in the garage), but with caution, since the weight is dangerous.

The effectiveness of training depends on its intensity and correctness. The optimal number of classes for a beginner is no more than 2–3 per week. During this time, the muscles have time to recover. With such a program, the first results will be noticeable within a month or two.

When working out at home, remember that if you train incorrectly with heavy dumbbells, there is a danger of damaging the joints and ligaments of your hands, and training with a barbell without an instructor or backup increases the risk of injury.

Home workout program

It must be remembered that before starting a lesson, a warm-up is required (working out the joints, warming up the muscles: running, jumping rope, etc.), and then a cool-down (stretching).

To warm up the chest muscles, shoulder turns, “mill”, rowing movements, and light dumbbell swings are suitable.

The workout consists of 2-4 sets of each exercise, taking from 2 to 5 minutes. Rest between sets should be at least 50 seconds.

Between workouts, it is necessary to take breaks sufficient for muscle recovery (2-3 days).

Exercises to develop the pectoral muscles

One of the basic exercises for “pumping up” is push-ups. But without other training they are ineffective. Horizontal bar, rings, barbell and dumbbells - here best friends relief pectoral muscles.

Push ups

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms. As you inhale, lower your body as low as possible (almost touching the floor with your chest), then as you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform 2–4 sets starting with 15 repetitions, gradually increasing their number. The exercise can be complicated: do push-ups with fists, one-arm push-ups, push-ups with clapping, push-ups with a fitball, etc.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Straight pull-ups. Hang on the bar, hands with palms facing away from you, wide grip. As you inhale, lift your body, as you exhale, lower it. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking, 2-3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions (it’s better to start with 10).

Reverse pull-ups. Grab the bar with a medium grip, palms facing away from you. Rise to the highest point (horizontal bar at chest level) and lower yourself smoothly, without “throwing” your body down. Then rise again and repeat. 2 sets of 10–15 repetitions.

Ring exercises

To develop the pectoral muscles, you can do ring push-ups. Take the starting position: emphasis on the rings with straight arms. Then gradually lower yourself until the bend angle at the elbows is 90 degrees. Torso and rib cage remain upright. Then you need to rise, straightening your arms and pressing on the rings. The push-up is considered completed only if you were able to fix the body at the extreme points. Perform 2-3 approaches 4-6 times.

Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbell Bench Press. On a straight bench, place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of your head parallel to the floor (dumbbells parallel to your arms). Slowly raise them as you inhale, bringing them together above the body in straight arms and lower them as you exhale. Perform 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Dumbbell cheats. Lying on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees (head up), place the dumbbells perpendicular to your arms. Raise your arms with dumbbells 10 times per approach. Perform 3-4 approaches.

Barbell exercises

Bench press. The correct starting position is the head, shoulders and buttocks pressed against the bench. Feet are wider than shoulder-width apart and resting on the floor. On a count of 1–2, raise the barbell above your chest, on a count of 3, fix the position, and on a count of 4–6, lower it. The elbows should not be straight and the bar should not touch the chest. Perform 3-4 approaches 3-5 times.

Useful tips

  • In order for the result to be noticeable faster and the relief to appear better, you can dry out a little: consume more protein, eliminate unhealthy and sweet foods (you can read more).
  • To maintain fast metabolism and efficient combustion Fat should be eaten frequently - 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  • You need to calculate your daily norm water consumption and stick to it (formula for men: weight * 35, for women: weight * 31).
  • You should not train only one muscle group, forgetting about developing the others. Walk, run, and exercise other muscles while your pecs rest after your workout. This will allow you to maintain body harmony.

If you want and try, you can pump up your pectoral muscles at home. But we must remember that in gym, especially under the supervision of an experienced instructor, training will be safer and most likely more effective. The gyms of the Gold’s Gym fitness club network have all the necessary equipment for efficient pumping pectoral muscles. Specialist instructors will compose individual program workouts that are right for you. Practice with us!

If you set yourself the task of pumping up your pectoral muscles as much as possible, then a visit seems to be the best option. The presence of special equipment, qualified instructors - all this will help you achieve the desired results. But often a situation arises when regular visits to the gym are impossible. In this case, they can serve as an alternative to the gym.

If you want to focus on swaying, then you need to take into account that they consist of several symmetrical groups, including:

  • pectoralis major muscle
  • pectoralis minor muscle
  • anterior serratus.

Do not forget that when training the pectoral muscles, the body spends a huge amount of energy, which has a beneficial effect on burning fat tissue.

The modern life rhythm of many people nowadays is such that it is often very difficult to find time to regularly visit the gym. Training process at home can be considered as an adequate replacement for the gym. The desire of the student to achieve his goal should come first.

First of all, you need to decide on the number of classes per week. Many beginners mistakenly believe that daily exercise can lead to desired result in a minimum amount of time. But the characteristics of the pectoral muscles are such that when active work, muscles receive multiple microtraumas and after each session time is needed for their complete recovery. Therefore on initial stage the number of training sessions should not exceed two sessions per week.

You should also adhere to a certain dosage in the number of approaches for exercises to develop the chest muscles. Depending on individual physical training their number should be from four to eight approaches per workout. For those who are just starting out the best option There will be one or two exercises of two or three approaches. And remember, excessive overload of the pectoral muscles does not give good results. To achieve the desired result, create a training program and try to stick to it on a regular basis.

Exercises for training

The simplest and universal exercise, accessible to anyone starting to develop their body, are simple push-ups. If we take a closer look at the mechanism of the push-up process, we will see that this is a kind of variation of the bench press. In addition, push-ups are an optimal general developmental exercise. When doing push-ups, the muscles of the arms are also involved, which ensures uniform development of the muscles of the upper body. In addition, there is an active effect on the abdominal muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. The leg muscles are used to a lesser extent, but they also receive a small share of the load.

The simplest and most universal exercise available to anyone starting to engage in the process of developing their body is simple push-ups. If we take a closer look at the mechanism of the push-up process, we will see that this is a kind of variation of the bench press. In addition, push-ups are an optimal general development exercise that affects a huge number of muscles. When doing push-ups, the muscles of the arms are involved, which ensures uniform development of the muscles of the upper body. In addition, there is an active effect on the abdominal muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. The leg muscles are used to a lesser extent, but they also receive a small share of the load.

Like many physical exercise There are different variations of push-ups, using which you will load different groups of pectoral muscles.

One such option is narrow push-ups. The difference between narrow push-ups and regular push-ups is the width of your arms. In case of narrow push-ups The hands are placed in such a way that the fingers of both hands are turned inward and touch each other. When lowering, you need to touch your chest with your hands and maintain a second pause in this position. When performing this exercise, you should pay attention Special attention on straight position backs. The push-up movements are smooth, without jerking, without delays.

The next push-up option is push-ups on stools. Two stools are placed shoulder-width apart, and a sofa or chair is used as a footrest. Starting position is the same as for a regular push-up. The main difference is that in this variation of push-ups the depth of lowering the body increases. Also in this exercise it is possible to work with weights, for example, you can use a backpack with books as an additional load.

Bend push-up

The point of this exercise is to keep your legs higher than your head. You need to put your feet on some kind of elevation and do the usual. This exercise will involve the upper chest, as well as the main muscle groups of the arms. When performing this exercise, pay attention to correct positioning elbows. If possible, try to move them apart to provide maximum load to the chest muscles.

Having regular dumbbells will allow you to significantly diversify your program. training sessions. The most universal exercise is the following: take the starting position lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, and stretch your arms with dumbbells up. Then, as you inhale, slowly lower your arms until your elbows touch the floor. Try not to rush, do it this exercise at a smooth, even pace. Significantly diversify similar exercises with dumbbells you can use a regular folding athletic bench, which you can buy at any sports store.

Remember that nothing is impossible. With a certain amount of desire, even at home you can achieve excellent results. Find for yourself an additional incentive for regular exercise, allocate free time, and the results you will receive will pleasantly please you.

Training the pectoral muscles at home - Video

There is a widespread belief that training certain muscle groups is impossible without specific sports equipment, which is found exclusively in specialized establishments such as a fitness center.

However, all this fully applies to professional athletes who work on special programs with heavy weights. But if you just want to have a beautiful, fit, harmonious developed body or you can’t train in the gym for one reason or another, training at home - good decision allowing you to achieve a visible effect.

The pectoral muscles are divided into 3 groups - major, minor and serratus anterior. In addition, there is a classification by departments. According to it, there are 3 of them in total - upper, middle and lower. And if the average is worked out in almost any exercise, then others must be trained with emphasis, otherwise there will be no results. Standing apart is the so-called inner part breasts It also requires special training.

Note that exercises for working the pectoral muscles help reduce the volume of adipose tissue due to the high energy consumption during their implementation, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Home workouts

Many people are desperate for free time. Someone has a difficult schedule or work itself. There are those who, due to their character, cannot bring themselves to be in a large group of strangers. Perhaps your budget does not allow you to spend money on a gym. In all these cases, deal better at home. Yes, the effect of training will not appear quickly. Yes, it is impossible to develop muscle definition to the level inherent in bodybuilders at home. But it’s still better to be fit, athletic build than nothing at all, isn't it?

Below we will describe in detail the process of how to pump up the pectoral muscles at home, but first I would like to remind you that you must have motivation, otherwise you will not be able to achieve serious success.

Training mode

First let's deal with this important issue, like a training schedule. The most important rule is that you cannot train every day. This way you will only exhaust yourself, because during training the muscles are heavily loaded, and this inevitably leads to microtraumas. By exercising daily, you will not give your muscles rest (and they grow just during it), microtraumas will accumulate and one day turn into a full-fledged injury.

It is likely that after your first workout you will experience pain. It is important not to practice until they disappear. So it's better to train twice a week. For beginners, it is advisable to perform 1 or 2 exercises in 2 or 3 approaches, then this number (meaning both exercises and approaches) should be increased.

Classic push-ups

Great alternative basic exercise bench press This exercise also loads the pectoral muscles, arms, shoulder girdle and partially - the lats and abs.

With due persistence and regular classes It is possible to pump up your chest at home with push-ups alone, although it will take a lot of time.

Narrow push-ups

The technique is similar to classic push-ups, but during this exercise the palms are not shoulder-width apart, but next to each other - so that thumbs touched. When lowering to the lower position, you need to touch your chest with your palms, then pause for 1 second, and only then return to the starting position (IP). The exercise is aimed mainly at training the inner chest.

Push-ups on stools

To perform this exercise, you will need 2 strong, stable stools, preferably with a hard, non-slip top. They are placed at the width of your shoulders, and then you take the IP like a regular push-up, the only difference being that your palms are on the stools and your feet are on the headboard (or anywhere else; the main thing is that your feet should be located above the shoulder line). Hands should be placed slightly wider than shoulders.

You need to go as low as possible, and the optimal number of approaches is 3 or 4, with 10-12 repetitions. Over time, we may feel that the exercise has become too simple, but the number of repetitions and/or reps should not be increased. Better use weights; in particular, a backpack filled to capacity with books is perfect for this purpose.

Forward Bend Push-Ups

It is the same as the exercise described above, only performed without stools. The legs should again be above the shoulder line, they should be placed on some level and stable piece of furniture. Because of this position of the legs, the main load falls not on the middle, but on the top part chest muscles. In addition, the triceps and deltoid muscles are actively involved in the work.

Dumbbell floor press

If you don't have dumbbells, you should definitely get them, as this exercise is a great way to work your chest muscles. If we talk about the gym, then there it is performed on a bench; at home you will train on the floor.

Starting position: take dumbbells and lie on the floor, legs should be bent at the knees. Then stretch your arms upward with the dumbbells held in them and smoothly lower them to the sides until your elbows touch the floor (as you inhale). Next, wait 1-2 seconds. and return to IP (as you exhale). It is important to follow 2 rules: keep your elbows apart so that the pectoral muscles are fully loaded, and when lowering your arms, you must not allow your elbows to hit the floor.


Also suitable for pumping up the pectoral muscles at home are exercises such as lying hands with dumbbells, pullovers and reverse push-ups. If finances allow, buy a folding athletic bench. It will not take up much space when stored, but will greatly increase the efficiency of the dumbbell press.

Program for pumping the pectoral muscles at home

  1. Push ups wide grip 3 sets of 30 reps
  2. Push ups narrow grip 3 sets of 20 reps
  3. Dumbbell floor press 3 sets of 15 reps
  4. Lying dumbbell curls 3 sets of 15 reps
  5. Pullover 3 sets of 20 reps