Exhausting workouts. How to avoid overtraining, or why exhausting yourself in the gym is harmful. rules for effective weight loss without much effort

Before each workout, do a joint warm-up and dynamic stretching to warm up and activate your muscles. After training, also do not forget about, Special attention pay attention to the muscles that worked.

1. Bodyweight training

This workout is suitable for those who do not have access to free weights at all. It helps to work the muscles of the arms and chest, hips and buttocks, and improve endurance.

This seemingly easy complex becomes a real challenge if you perform it many times and do not rest between approaches.

  • Sprint 200 meters.
  • 10 push-ups.
  • 10 “climbing” exercises.

Perform the complex as many times as you can in 15 minutes, try not to rest between exercises.

2. Training to work out the main muscle groups

This is a tough routine that hits your triceps and chest, thighs and core, pumps up your stamina and just leaves you exhausted in a puddle of sweat. Besides push-ups, there are only two exercises in this workout.

  • Burpee
  • Jump Squats

Complex structure

  1. 50 burpees.
  2. 50 jump squats.
  3. 40 push-ups.
  4. 40 jump squats.
  5. 30 burpees.
  6. 30 jump squats.
  7. 20 push-ups.
  8. 20 jump squats.
  9. 10 burpees.
  10. 10 jump squats.

It's okay if you can't do 40 push-ups or jumping jacks in a row. Just do it until your muscles fail, then rest a little and continue. The main thing is not to delay the rest, the complex should be very intense.

3. Training with lunges and pull-ups

If you have a pull-up bar, try this workout. It combines exercises for the upper and lower parts of the body: pull-ups pump up the muscles of the arms and back, and lunges in motion pump up the hips and buttocks.

You can perform pull-ups with any grip, strict or with a swing. If you don't know how to do pull-ups yet, you can use a rubber band or do eccentric pull-ups.

Walk 15 meters with lunges, then do pull-ups. Start with 10 pull-ups and in each subsequent approach reduce their number: lunges for 15 meters → 10 pull-ups → lunges for 15 meters → 9 pull-ups → lunges for 15 meters → 8 pull-ups and so on until one.

If you want to get a better workout on your legs and have access to free weights, you can do lunges with light dumbbells or a barbell plate held overhead.

4. Dumbbell workout

Each of the exercises pumps up several muscle groups at once, so this workout helps keep your whole body toned and doesn’t take much time.

  • Reverse lunges, 10 times on each leg.

  • Squats with dumbbell up press, 10-12 reps.

  • One-arm dumbbell bench press, 10–12 reps per arm.

  • Bent-over dumbbell rows, 10–12 reps.

Perform 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises - no more than 30 seconds.

If you don't have a bench press, do the same exercise on the floor.

5. Second workout with dumbbells

The workout pumps up the muscles of the core, buttocks and back surface hips, back, chest and triceps.

  • Romanian deadlift with dumbbells - 12–15 repetitions.

  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you and to the sides - 12–15 repetitions. Two lifts - one in front, one to the sides - count as one repetition.

  • Dumbbell plank rows - 10–12 reps.

  • Push-ups - until the muscles fail.
  • Lying dumbbell overhead press - 10–12 reps.

Finish by performing a superset of 20 to 30 jump squats or rock climbers, rest for 30 seconds, and then perform as many as you can on one leg or arm.

6. Plyometric training

For this workout you will need dumbbells and a platform. Be sure to warm up before exercise to prepare your body for the plyometric challenge.

  • Dumbbell Step Ups: 4 sets of 4-6 reps on each leg. As a height, you can use a stable chair, a bench in the park, or a cabinet in the gym.

  • Jumping on a high stand (or other hill) - 4 sets of 4 repetitions.
  • Jumping over obstacles - 4 sets of 4 jumps. As an obstacle, you can use buried tires, gym supports, or some other low objects that you can jump over.

Rest two minutes between sets.

7. Training with basic equipment

For this workout you will need basic set equipment that can be found in any gym: barbell, dumbbells and horizontal bar. If you work out at home, you can replace the barbell with dumbbells.

The workout is divided into three parts, in each of which you need to complete three circles.

Part 1

  • Lunges in motion with a barbell on the back, 10 repetitions on each leg.
  • Plyometric push-ups, 5-10 reps.
  • Jumping on a pedestal, 5–10 reps. If there is no elevation, do long jumps.

Part 2

  • Bulgarian split squats with dumbbells, 10 reps on each leg.

  • Burpees, 10 reps.
  • Pull-ups, 5 reps.

Part 3

  • Jumping with alternating legs from a lunge, 10 repetitions on each leg.
  • Romanian deadlift, 10 reps.

Of course, such workouts will not help you build a mountain of muscles, but they are quite suitable for maintaining good health. physical fitness and endurance, muscle tone and cardiovascular health.

This is also a great option for when you need to stay in shape, but there is no opportunity to go to a good gym.

There are many debilitating circuit training from different coaches, but we decided to write about the craziest one. The word insanity is translated from English as madness. This training was a real breakthrough in the world home fitness. Insanity involves a huge amount of jumping, and you simply won't have time to rest.

The emergence of Insanity

The training is truly not easy. Your body becomes as resilient as possible, and your clothes can be wrung out after such exertion. The man who came up with Insanity is called Shaun T, he was a star athletics, received sports education and even taught dancing. Based on his experience and knowledge, Sean has developed the craziest workout, the results of which can motivate anyone. Effective workouts developed for stars quickly went to the people.

People first learned about Insanity exercises in 2009. The training cycle lasts 60 days and includes 6 workouts per week. Yes, after such crazy loads you will only be able to rest for one day. It is in two months that with the help of this program you should make a real transformation of your body.

First month

A daily workout will take you about 30 minutes, but at first many are able to last only 3-4 minutes, because the load is, to put it mildly, intense. In order for the body to withstand the full 30 minutes, it is recommended to add 30 seconds per day. Each week you will have 6 workout options.

The very first day starts with Fit training Test, which can include a huge number of jumps, such as squat jumps, fly jumps, forward lunges and many other variations. Fit Test also complements a huge number of abdominal exercises, most of which include active work legs

In addition, the Insanity complex includes cardio days and, of course, strength training. Cardio training is divided into several types at once; suffice it to say that even after the so-called rehabilitation cardio, all those involved cannot immediately get up from the floor. Power training includes jumping from one leg to the other, various lunges with leg lifts, as well as several static loads.

Between the two months of brutal training, there is also a recovery week, which includes various cardio exercises performed at moderate intensity.

Second month

After the first month, the load increases, and this is logical, because Insanity provides that you will give 100% without reserve. The specifics of the exercises remain the same, however, the daily training time is no longer 30 minutes, but 50-60. In the second month, you can already come across such a workout as the Max Interval Circuit. Shaun T considers her one of the most brutal in the entire complex. Max Interval Circuit consists of many not very difficult exercises, but the intensity with which they need to be performed instills real fear. There is practically no time for rest in this workout.

Hate working out? Are you allergic to gyms and fitness centers? You shouldn't force your body. Just choose one of these types of activities - and lose weight without breaking a sweat!

If you hate any type of physical exercise, perhaps you just haven't found the right one yet - just for you. So leave your workouts alone and just find an activity that will improve your mood and help you stay in shape. Anything but sit: after all, prolonged sitting is associated with a higher risk of death from cancer, coronary disease heart, stroke, diabetes, kidney, lung and liver diseases.

But just because you're sitting too much doesn't mean you need to rush out and buy a gym membership. Do what you like! Here are a few options that you wouldn’t dare call exercises.

Play video games

Almost every popular gaming platform has fitness games that use motion tracking technology. Not only do they get you off the couch and moving, but they also serve as an activity that brings the whole family together.

Set up an obstacle course

This is one of the best types of outdoor activities that has a competitive element and a lot of fun. Find a pre-made site or create your own obstacle course. This may include jumping, balancing and even rock climbing. This fun pastime will take you back to your childhood days and wonderful memories of being carefree. And challenging yourself physically and mentally will help build confidence in overcoming other obstacles in life.

Play rounders

Swinging a bat is a great workout for your upper body, legs, and abs. And if you do this with friends or family members, for several hours physical activity will fly by unnoticed.

Jump rope

If you loved doing this as a child, then why not try it now, even though you are already quite an adult and respectable person? Jumping rope is one of the most effective training for the whole body at any age. In addition, the jump rope does not take up much space, you can take it with you anywhere and practice it whenever you want.

Communicate more with children

If you don't have children of your own yet, go to friends or relatives who do and offer to babysit. You will be very grateful for such an initiative, and you will have a unique chance to be one of the most best workouts. Children are like wind-up toys, they move without stopping. As we get older, we slow down and spend more time without moving at all. Playing outdoor games with your children will help you warm up, exercise your heart, and have a lot of fun.

Join a sports club

When you play a sport that you truly enjoy, you don't focus on the precision and quantity of exercises you do. But that doesn't mean they aren't useful! You can find it in almost every city sports clubs based on interests, often free or for a nominal fee. So whether you're a veteran champion looking to relive the glory days, or just want to have some fun, finding something for your level won't be difficult.

Sign up for a mermaid school

If you've ever wanted to be a mermaid or swim with them, this is great way make childhood dreams come true! This one is new and interesting view swimming appeared quite recently, but it already has a lot of fans. Swimming in a mermaid's tail is beautiful, interesting and good for your figure: such an activity will help you lose weight, reduce your waist and achieve perfect abs. It is suitable for both children and adults. Today there is special schools mermaids, where you can rent a beautiful tail, learn the basics of swimming and sign up for regular training.

Work on your facial muscles

Even on those days when you absolutely don’t feel like moving, you can lie down on the couch and give yourself a workout. How? Start with exercises for facial muscles that will help you look younger. Tension and relaxation of the facial muscles tightens, tones and strengthens the skin. The best thing is that these exercises can be performed anywhere and at any time, sitting or standing.

Exercise in bed

Instead of staring at the ceiling and wondering if it's time to get up, use this time to your advantage. In addition, an elastic bed mattress will relieve the tension in your back that you usually feel when doing exercises on the floor.


One hour of rhythmic movements to music will help burn up to 450 kilocalories. So feel free to play your favorite discs! You can use headphones so as not to disturb anyone, or vice versa, turn up the music louder.

Go ahead

Walking - great exercise. It does not require special equipment, special training or a gym. Using pedometer apps, you discipline yourself and immediately see the number of calories burned. Experts say to stay in shape you need to walk 10,000 steps every day.


Do you like to travel? Try challenging yourself to walk or jog 5km in every new city you visit. The opportunity to explore new places is exciting in itself, and after such a workout you will have the perfect excuse to treat yourself to local cuisine.


Such exercises perfectly relieve tension and aggression, strengthen nervous system and burn calories.

Try Pilates

Pilates will help you stay in shape without extra effort. It perfectly strengthens the abs and buttocks, stretches muscles and shapes beautiful figure.

Earn money

Wouldn't you like to make a little money just for getting off the couch every once in a while? Surprisingly, there are even special applications for this that offer financial rewards every time you complete your workouts.

For example, the Sweatcoin app tracks your outdoor activity using your phone's accelerometer and GPS. Every step you take turns into an internal currency called Sweatcoins, which you can spend on sports gadgets, equipment and fitness classes, or donate your earnings to charity. And with the StepBet app you bet on how many steps you will take. Your money is combined with other players' money, and whoever completes the goal breaks the bank.

At first, going to the gym seems like an unpleasant, routine and burdensome task. But as soon as you get into it, you will understand why people love to play sports so much and you will want to achieve more serious results than before.

Three workouts a week will not be enough for you. You will have the desire to work even harder and with more dedication.

And now you become obsessed with sports and cannot live without it.

You believe that the more often you do exhausting training, the better.

However, you must understand that excessive physical activity does more harm than good.

Today I will talk about 8 negative consequences overtraining and excessive passion for sports.

1. Deterioration of personal relationships

Obsessing over exercise can cause you to isolate yourself from family, friends, and social life.

You don't even insure anyone gym because they are too focused on a rigid set and rep plan.

2. Failures at work or school

Work and study fade into the background on the list of priorities.

Training becomes the main thing in life.

If it were up to you, you would do the exercises in the office or classroom.

You find it difficult to concentrate on professional activities or lectures if you have previously failed at the gym.

An exhausted body is most susceptible to injury.

Excessive and exhausting training can lead to sprained tendons and ligaments, dislocations and fractures.

You will also likely experience frequent pain in your muscles and other parts of your body.

4. Heart failure

Moderate physical exercise strengthens and heals the heart.

But constant fatigue too much training can weaken it.

You will cause even more damage to this vital organ if you do not eat properly.

5. Weakened immune system

As you know, during sleep the body is restored and cells are renewed.

Overtraining interferes with these processes, and exhaustion leads to a weakened immune system.

You become more susceptible to colds, headaches, fevers and other illnesses.

6. Amenorrhea

People who exercise too much end up burning a lot of fat.

When this happens to women, it can result in missing periods for several cycles.

If amenorrhea occurs too often, a woman may become infertile.

7. Insomnia

Moderate physical exercise can improve sleep.

However, if you have insomnia or have trouble falling asleep, then you're probably overdoing it.

During exercise, the body is stressed and cortisol begins to be produced.

This hormone prevents relaxation and deep sleep.

8. Depression

If you abuse training, you become like a drug addict.

You cannot live a normal life because you are literally dependent on them.

Without exercise, your mood drops and you can end up with depression and low self-esteem.

Thus, the meaning of sports is lost, because you do it to be healthy, and not weak and depressed.

If you are experiencing an addiction to exercise, then you need to take certain steps to solve the problem.

Do not wait until your body and psyche suffer from your own actions.

How often do you train?

Do you think it can cause harm?

10 rules effective weight loss without special effort, as well as nutrition for those who do not like to count calories. Efficiency and results.

Every woman dreams of looking slim, fit, and feeling cheerful during the working day. According to experts, to achieve desired result Only the right diet and exercise will help. But what if you have time for sports? there is practically no room, and everyday snacks in fast foods do not allow the dream of thin waist And flat tummy? Weight loss for the lazy is a special program for those who do not have enough time and energy to strict diets, complex fitness programs in gym. All you need is a little effort and 15 minutes of personal time. So let's get started...

"Lazy" charging at home

How does exercise for the lazy differ from regular exercise? The features of “lazy” charging can undoubtedly be called:

  1. Ease of implementation.
  2. A small number of repetitions.
  3. The ability to perform exercises at home, independently.
  4. Possibility to exercise daily (3 times a week is enough).
  5. Enough good results- minus 5 kg. in 3-4 weeks.

Some exercises are performed while lying on the couch and do not require much physical activity. loads and special training. Effective program for weight loss, it uses all muscle groups and takes no more than 15 minutes. in a day.

1. Exercises for losing weight in the legs and abdomen.

2. Exercise for the abs, buttocks, arm and chest muscles.

The exercise is performed while lying on your back on a hard surface. Raise your head, arms along your body. We rest our palms on a hard surface, straining the muscles of the buttocks and abs. We hold this position for as long as possible, then rest for 2 minutes and repeat again.

3. Exercise to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Lying on your back, without looking up from watching your favorite TV show, raise your head and top part torso 45 degrees. Hands along the body. We hold this position for as long as possible, then rest for 2 minutes and perform the approach again. The exercise effectively burns belly fat and perfectly strengthens the abs and back muscles.

4. Exercise to strengthen the thigh muscles.

5. Exercise to tighten your arms and chest.

6. Exercise for legs and abdomen.

7. Exercise for the abs and lateral abdominal muscles.

10 rules for effective weight loss without much effort

1. Walk as much as possible: shopping, going to school to pick up your child, or kindergarten. If you previously preferred to drive your own car or public transport, even if we are talking about several stops, now walk. Walking, according to experts, is more effective than running in dealing with those hated pounds.

2. Walk up the stairs, not the elevator. Several ascents on foot to the 3-5 floor will allow you to get rid of 75-80 kcal. In addition, such walking up will strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and legs.

3. A regular portion of food should be divided into 3 equal parts and only 2 out of 3 parts should be eaten at a time. 1 serving should fit in a glass. You can eat 5-6 such servings per day, drinking 1 glass of clean water without gas before each meal (10 minutes before).

4. Replace alcoholic drinks (beer, cocktails) with non-alcoholic ones. So you will significantly (almost 100 kcal.) reduce your daily norm calories.

5. Clean your house more often. Surprised? Meanwhile, each cleaning for 30-40 minutes allows you to get rid of 100 kcal. This method is not only effective, but also useful.

6. Replace chocolate with candied fruits and dried fruits. This will help improve digestion.

7. Replacing fried foods with stewed or steamed dishes can help avoid almost 100 extra calories.

8. Dance more. Dancing for 20 minutes will not only lift your mood, but also save you another 100 extra calories.

9. Active sex eliminates 150 kcal. Expert sexologists came to this conclusion.

10. And finally, allow yourself to get enough sleep! Healthy sleep (at least 7 hours a day) will help improve your mood, increase your performance, and speed up your metabolism.

Nutrition for those who don't like to count calories

Sticking to a lazy diet is much easier than following a strict diet. complex diet with serious restrictions. If you don't like counting calories, limiting yourself to your favorite foods means the "lazy" diet is for you!

  1. 1. Completely give up sweets.
  2. 2. Drink up to 3 liters. clean water without gas per day (don’t forget about 1 glass before meals). The stomach fills with water, and you eat several times less, feeling full 2 ​​times faster.
  3. 3. Mono-diet. It allows you to eat one type of food without restriction for a certain period of time. Of course, this may not be just any food: preference should be given to boiled skinless chicken and low-fat cottage cheese. You can change the product to another after three to four days.
  4. 4. Raw food diet. This technique also allows you to improve your health. After all, it is in raw vegetables and fruits contain more vitamins and microelements necessary for health. In addition, a raw food diet promotes proper metabolism and better digestion. Weight loss will be noticeable within the first 10 days.
  5. 5. You can eat everything that you ate before, only in small portions, completely giving up dinner. This method will allow you to lose up to 5 kg in 3-4 weeks.