Making reliable squat racks. How to make a bench press with your own hands, useful recommendations Do-it-yourself dumbbell stand for home

This time I decided to make a rack for weight plates. Since I don’t have many pancakes, I needed the most compact option. I found a lot of racks online for every taste. After looking through them, I settled on this one.

Then I sat for a while over the drawing. The challenge was to make the rack as small as possible, but still fit all the pancakes and still have room in case I bought a few more pancakes. Of course, I would not be able to weld such a beautiful bent stand as in the picture, so the drawing was developed based on real possibilities. Here he is.

I bought metal that was well known to me from previous work: a rusty 30 mm pipe and a 30x30 mm profile, as well as a 16 mm rod. It cost 7 euros.

This time I welded the entire structure semi-automatically. This turned out much faster than a manual arc. My skill has improved significantly compared to the first time, so the seams turned out quite nice.

At home I made four rubber pads so that the stand would not scratch the floor or rattle. I also made small square plugs from wood. I bought round ones in a store (1 euro per pack).

I decided to paint it with two colors. I decided to cover the pipes on which the pancakes would hang with black paint so as not to stain or scratch the white paint. And now, the stand is ready. Taking into account the paint, the stand cost me ~10 euros.

It is unlikely that there is anything incomprehensible here for someone who wants to make such a stand for themselves, but just in case, I am posting a drawing with explanations.

The red lines in the drawing are places of welded joints. Below sizes:

1. 150 mm (profile 30x30 mm - 1 piece)
2. 350 mm (profile 30x30 mm - 1 piece)
3. 250 mm (profile 30x30 mm - 2 pieces)
4. 210 mm (profile 30x30 mm - 4 pieces)
5. 150 mm (profile 30x30 mm - 2 pieces)
6. 150 mm (30 mm pipe - 2 pieces)
7. 200 mm (30 mm pipe - 2 pieces)
8. 70x70 mm (2 mm sheet - 1 piece)
9. 150 mm (16 mm rod - 1 piece)

The bench press bench is a very common piece of sports training equipment that is very popular among many athletes. Visit to Gym impossible without training using a bench press bench.

There is such a bench in every gym. It should be as convenient and practical as possible, so that the athlete will be comfortable practicing on it and performing specific training exercises.

You don’t have to buy a special bench for the bench press; you can make it yourself. By building a bench press bench yourself, you can play sports at home and safely organize any training process at a convenient time.

Bench press bench sizes have their own characteristics. A bench press bench must meet certain parameters. The back of the bench should be easily adjustable, have strong locks, and the angle reaches a maximum value of 90 degrees.

Special retractable racks can be used for squats.

There are many ways to create a bench press bench, but in general, many benches may be outdated in design.

Let's try to figure out a simple option for creating a bench for the bench press with your own hands.

You can make a standard bench press bench, consisting of 4 supports with a regular board in a horizontal position. Such benches can be found in many gyms.

You can easily take measurements from such a bench right in the gym. However, having analyzed the design of this version of the bench, it becomes clear that the bench of four supports is quite voluminous, has heavy weight.

We offer a bench option with three supports. It will consist of two supports at the back and one at the front. This version of the bench will be the most optimal for creating it yourself.

Of course, if the bench press is heavy or bulky, it will not be worse than light and small. But, one way or another, many of its details are unnecessary and superfluous. This also needs to be taken into account when assembling such a sports bench yourself.

In gyms you can see such a picture when you are close to the press at an angle standing bench with a special inclined board. This method will be perfect for buildings where there is a lot of free space.

For home use, this option will not be entirely appropriate, since it will take up a lot of space. Therefore, it is very important to think in advance about the compactness of the future bench.

Therefore, we will try to create a light and reliable bench.

Bench press drawing with dimensions

To build a bench press bench yourself, you need to understand the drawing and dimensions. Therefore, we will analyze the bench press bench drawing with dimensions.

The frame of the future bench press should look like this:

The frame structure is created from a special profile pipe and has the following dimensions: 4x4 cm.

The elements of the barbell racks are created using a strip of metal, the optimal width of which is 4cm.

At the final stage, it will be enough to secure narrow plywood, which should be approximately 30 cm wide.

Bench press drawing:

It is fashionable to easily build a bench equipped with a very ordinary adjustable backrest.

It is necessary to select another support profile pipe 4x4cm with thicker parameters, for example, 5x5cm, this is necessary in order to make an attachment.

For subsequent explanations in the photo illustration, I will use this method of bench press, namely, with a support profile pipe with parameters of 5x5 cm.

You can use a more simplified version of the bench, which is described above, if you do not want to create an additional attachment for the legs.

To create a backrest with an adjustable function, you will have to attach a metal ring to the frame of the bench using a welding machine.

Since the board will be installed to an adjustable metal structure, in this case there is no need to create three holes in the bench.

We make a special frame using a profile pipe with dimensions of 2x2 cm.

In the tilt position, the bench has a backrest that rests on a metal beam, its diameter is approximately 20 cm.

It is installed in a pre-prepared hole, which is located in the bench posts (as shown in the photo illustration above).

The required number of such special holes should be four, the diameter of the holes should be 24 mm. To ensure that the holes match, it is recommended to drill them separately from different sides, but not all the way through!

As a result of all actions, four holes should be formed in one rack, on 2 sides there are eight holes each, on the second there are exactly the same number, for a total of 16.

It is very easy to make such special holes using a simple drill, this is in the case when a drilling machine is not available.

It may immediately become unclear to many why such a back is called simple. The fact is that it is characterized by only five provisions. The design features of the backrest allow a maximum tilt of 45 degrees.

You can make an inclined bench with an adjustable back and also racks.

In order for the backrest to be as functional as possible, a special structure should be installed in its middle part. Such a structure will be able to rest on bottom part benches.

In this case, there is no need to make holes all the way through.

The special design made has many more holes. It is possible to select the required angle of inclination using a pin. The position of the support can be changed, as a result the angle of inclination will increase.

Incline bench for bench press drawing with dimensions

The design of an ordinary bench with an incline is fixed with a pin; closed or simple nuts are used for fixation.

Bench back frame, drawing:

We will need the following fasteners:

1. Wide washers 2 pcs.

2. Closed nuts 6 pcs.

3. Pin 2 pcs.

4. Small pin 1 pc.

5. piece of protective pipe 1 pc.

We make retractable racks.

Retractable racks are a required design. Retractable racks are created from a profile pipe with a dimension of 3x3 cm.

To ensure that the racks are as practical and reliable as possible and do not wobble, it is recommended to purchase a professional pipe.

Back upholstery

It is necessary to prepare the plywood and cover it with leatherette. The plywood should be approximately 10mm thick.

Board drawing:

Leatherette should be cut using scissors. For small plywood, it is recommended to make a piece measuring 44x32cm, for larger plywood - 92cm is enough, the width of one side should be 29cm, and on the wide side - 33cm.

Using a knife or blade, you need to cut the foam rubber to the same size as the plywood.

The height of the foam rubber should be 2 cm. Foam rubber can be purchased at any hardware store or on the market.

We install nuts with teeth into the holes, then cover the plywood with glue.

Difficulties may arise during the process of covering corners. In fact, this process is very easy. It is necessary to do it sequentially: turn one side of the corner and punch it, and only then the other.

Sheathing the plywood will take about five minutes. Based on the results of our work, we get these soft and comfortable backs:

This homemade bench press bench will allow you to exercise comfortably at home and give excellent athletic results.

Advantageous features of the bench press bench

The bench press bench has a number of advantageous features:





Reliability of the design;

Can be used for various strength training processes.

It is very important that the bench press bench is made of durable, high-quality and reliable materials and fastening mechanisms. Only then is it like this sports facility will be characterized by a long service life.

RDimensions of bench press for powerlifting

The dimensions of a powerlifting bench press should be similar to the following :

The length of the bench should be no less 1.22 meters; width up to 30 centimeters; height is about 45 centimeters, and the height of the racks 100 centimeters. The width between the posts must be minimum 1.1 m.

It should be noted that an exercise such as the bench press is the second exercise in training process in powerlifting.

Performing the bench press exercise in powerlifting has distinctive features and its own specifics. So, in powerlifting, this exercise is competitive, but not auxiliary. In powerlifting the main task is to lift as much weight as possible.

The puddle bench press in powerlifting must be made of durable materials and meet the standards.

Probably each of us dreams of having beautiful figures. Repeatedly in my life I used the necessary training to pump up my abs.

Without special sports equipment Many achievements in sports are extremely difficult, sometimes even impossible. Many athletes use a bench press bench to perform a range of strength exercises.

For powerlifting, the use of such a special bench is extremely important and necessary.

Squat racks are a necessary attribute for safe and convenient work with a barbell in the gym or even at home!

Typically, the most commonly used device is the barbell squat. It will be enough to add a bench to the racks in order to get a full-fledged sports bench for performing bench presses, however, the supports in this case should have a small height so that it is convenient to remove the apparatus during the exercise.

In addition, the design can be used to perform " military press"and other variations of the bench press in a standing, lying position. In general, racks can be called a universal training device, moreover, which you can make yourself.

Types of racks

To perform strength exercises, as a rule, two main design options are used:

  • squat racks;
  • safety racks.

The first option consists of two frames connected to each other. The long side of each of them is equipped with several stops that hold the neck of the projectile. If difficulties arise while lifting with weights, the athlete can use the limiters at the bottom of the frames.

Squat racks are identical to the design described above, with one difference - they are not as high and are more suitable for squats with the apparatus on the shoulders.

A variant of racks with separated frames without a connecting element is used, although not so often. This option is not the most successful due to the increased instability of the structure. When working with such a device, it is important to ensure that when the projectile returns to the starting point, the frames are symmetrical with respect to each other.

Moreover, a base that is too light can lead to the projectile falling and, as a result, injury. The only solution in this case may be to strengthen the racks - using bolts with which the structure will be screwed to the floor.

In order to avoid problems when working with racks, it is better to make them in the form of a solid structure based on the telescopic racks themselves of a relatively small height. The main disadvantage of the device may be the proximity of the connecting beam to the athlete’s legs in a position where he needs to remove the apparatus from the racks. Therefore, if you plan to make the structure yourself, place the cross beam a little further.

Approximate diagram for making racks

Before you start making a reliable, practical and convenient design, choose the option that suits you in the gym and take the dimensions from it. Prepare your supplies and begin the manufacturing process.

Connect the profile pipe to the channel (use a welding tool) without using bolts. The welded structure will be more durable and reliable. As for the number of holes in the frames, you can make them based on personal preferences - along the entire length, for example. The last hole should be at your height.

To make projectile holders, you can use a metal strip of a convenient width: from 4 cm to 8 cm or more. Its thickness is about 3 - 4 mm. The optimal width of the strip is 6 cm. Cut the strip to the required dimensions according to the drawings, and then clamp it in a metal vice so that its upper part protrudes by 10 cm.

When choosing a profile pipe, try to choose products with the thickest walls possible. The best option is a pipe with a thickness of 3.2 - 4 mm. Due to this, it will be possible to reduce the backlash, the racks will be more stable. Keep in mind that the thickness of the profile pipe affects its cost.

In order to make barbell squat racks, you will need the following materials:

  1. Channel length 2.4 m (8x4 cm)
  2. Profile pipe 1.8 m (5x5 cm)
  3. Another type of profile pipe with dimensions 4 x 4 cm, length 2.4 m
  4. Metal strip 0.4 m
  5. Pins 0.5 m long

To insure yourself against shortages of materials in the process of making racks, round off the above dimensions by a few centimeters, working with a margin. If you have the opportunity and desire, in addition to racks for squats with a barbell, to make several more useful structures for training, then purchase more profile pipe - it is this that is the basis for most homemade structures in strength training. The same power frame is made on the basis of a profile pipe.

Please note that squatting with a barbell on racks without depth stops can cause injury! That is why we strongly recommend making structures with side bars or pins at the height of the simulator for safety.

It is worth considering additional design options for squats with a barbell - with supports in front, on which you can sit down without being able to stand up, and put the barbell down. Improving the design in this way is not difficult at all. It will be enough to weld two profile

pipes of the letter “L” in front on each side.

If possible, try to get access to basic rack drawings, which you can try to get from a machine builder or even do it yourself. Having basic drawings at hand, you can easily change and improve the design depending on your personal needs.

Let us add that by modifying the devices in this way, you will make it universal and be able to provide it with the functions that a power frame performs. But remember that homemade squat racks, even the best ones, can never become a worthy alternative to a cage. That is why it would be much more logical to spend time and energy on making a high-quality power rack, with the help of which, in addition to squats, you can safely work on a number of exercises.

Sometimes there is a need to exercise at home without going to the gym. You love sports, but you can’t afford a subscription because you: are not satisfied with the price, are irritated by the constant crowd of people with their “bacteria”, equipment is always busy during rush hours after work, you live far from the “center of the economy”, travel time exceeds acceptable standards, there is no fitness center in your locality at all. If you are in this situation, then it is better to think about your own exercise machine. By following your own anti-crisis program, you can stay in shape and perform strength exercises on homemade exercise machines. One of the instructions on the site already described the process of making a bench press. Today I’ll tell you about its main accessory - the barbell rack.

Thanks to this step-by-step instructions, you will be able to make a barbell rack consisting of two modules and made from available materials - wood. Let me make a reservation right away that this instruction is for informational purposes only, the quality of the final assembly, as well as the maximum permissible weight of the rod are under your responsibility. In my experience: I didn’t put more than 45 kilos on it, I don’t have that many “pancakes” and I don’t have a direct goal of becoming a pro bodybuilder. But the design turned out to be quite rigid, thanks to the cruciform shape - rolling and swaying are minimal.

Materials and tools:

From left to right:

Step 1: Cutting wood with a jigsaw.

Having bought a 40mm square beam of standard length at a hardware store, we hasten to cut it into the blanks indicated above. Next, the ends of four 40x40x500mm blanks need to be rolled on both sides. To do this, take a compass or any cylinder with a diameter of 40 mm and apply it to the end of the workpiece, trace it with a pencil.

Next, it is necessary to make additional reinforcing ribs of the structure, two for each beam. To do this, take two untouched blanks 40x40x1000mm and cut them in half, only at an angle of 45 degrees for future ergonomics.

Step 2: Making the cross groove.

It's time to make 40x20mm grooves in the center of four rolled 40x40x500mm blanks. We need this so that the cross-shaped base of each of the racks is as stable as possible. Mark with a pencil the location of the future groove.

Using a jigsaw, make two cuts to the center of the block.

Using a chisel and a rubber mallet, hollow out the groove:

Then we screw two blanks with a beveled angle of 45 degrees to this rack - our stiffening ribs, so that a cross is formed in cross-section.

Having thus obtained the base, we attach it to the lower end of our rack:

Follow the same steps to assemble the second stand. We put the barbell down, hang the weights, and see what happens in the end.

A good barbell rack is very important for all kinds of exercises: weighted squats, seated squats, calf raises, holding weights, and so on. For those who don't really like to study gyms, performing all kinds of exercises becomes problematic. The main problem is the barbell rack. It is this equipment that is often so lacking to conduct effective home workouts. But if it is so important, then why not do it yourself with your own hands.

Why do you need to make a stand yourself?

Why do you need to make a stand yourself if you can find a decent stand that will be of high quality and practical in online stores or? First of all, a manufactured stand will cost three or even four times less than a store-bought one. All you need is to have all the tools and be able to use them.

Secondly, your own stand will suit all personal parameters. There will be nothing superfluous in it, and the design can suit any conditions of your own apartment.

Safety precautions

Safety first! This is exactly what you need to remember when operating a welding machine, drill and everything else. The design must first of all be reliable so that if something happens it can withstand a huge load. The stand should not have sharp corners that could get caught and cause something to fall over. It’s better to think everything through so you don’t have to fix it later.


So, the decision has been made - the barbell stand will be homemade. Before starting work, you need to think through everything carefully. For greater accuracy, it is best to make a drawing. The barbell stand must be proportional. Load-bearing structures must support the entire weight; for this, everything must be calculated and plotted on the drawing. In addition, the drawing will help you avoid buying too much. Since materials are usually bought by eye with a reserve, and this is all money. What is important for a homemade stand - low price. So it is better to first draw up a plan in which the future stand should be described.

What a DIY barbell rack should look like

The rack must be practical and compact to suit the “harsh” living space conditions. That is why the described projectile has so many devices and amenities. The secret is to have the rack also serve as parallel bars. All this should be foldable and adjustable in length and height. It is thanks to these features that a conventional barbell rack turns into

What about the bench?

It takes a lot of effort to create a barbell rack. There is a lot of fiddling around with a bench, so this design does not include a special bench. As a last resort, you can buy it at any specialized store. By the way, it will be good decision, since most likely the purchased lounger will be equipped with devices for pumping the abs. The bench and barbell rack will take up a lot of space, so it’s best to assemble them separately.

Materials for work

You don't need a lot of materials for a stand. It will still be cheaper than in the store. So, for work, first of all, you will need two types of profile shapes (types of rolled metal). In order to change the height and width of the rack itself, you need to insert one pipe into another, so one must be smaller than the other. The mechanism is simple: another protrudes from one pipe, and its position can be adjusted, thereby lowering or raising the level of the rod.

In order for the structure to withstand the entire load, one type of 40 by 40 millimeters and a cross section of 2 millimeters will be enough. Its length is 5 meters. The second (retractable pipe) should be 30 by 30 millimeters, 2 millimeters in cross section and 3 meters long.

Another important part is the neck holder. It will require two 6-mm sheets of steel 50 by 200 millimeters.

To make the bars, you will need a small pipe measuring 30 centimeters. Since there will be two handles, it is best to take two pipes of 15 centimeters each.

You will need a couple more bolts (act as the regulator itself). They should not be too thin, otherwise the heavy weight will simply bite them. The most optimal thickness of such bolts is 8 millimeters. Since the entire structure is made of metal, it will seriously scratch the floor and rattle. To cause less damage to the apartment and not disturb the neighbors, you need to stock up on rubber stands. These are pieces of rubber 5 millimeters thick. This device makes the entire structure more stable and, therefore, reliable.

Closer to the point, or How to make a foundation

Almost the entire load goes to the base. It must be very strong and stable. It should also be collapsible so that it takes up less space in the apartment. So, let's start making the base of the future rack. The first step is to cut the metal profile into the required length bars. The base is the part into which a smaller (30 by 30) profile will then be inserted, which will hold the bar. It will look like a big T.

First you need to prepare all the tools. The base will need two bars 700 and 300 millimeters long. To do this, you will need a thicker profile (40 by 40). Two bars need to be welded in the same letter “T” so that 15 centimeters remain from the middle of the longer one in both directions. This design will ensure maximum stability. A hole for a bolt is drilled in a 30-centimeter block - it will adjust the width.

You need to mark the middle of the letter "T". It is there that the next block 850 millimeters long should be welded. From this bar there will be another one, on which the bar will lie. But under a heavy load, the block can bend, so you need to weld an additional block 550 millimeters long from the base to the middle of the rack. It will serve as additional support. It is welded at an angle so that it connects the vertical and horizontal bars. At the end of the vertical one you need to make a hole for the bolt. It should be no smaller in diameter than the bolt itself.

A similar design is made using the same principle.

How to do the rest

Before welding, you need to bend the sheets of steel so that they look like a hook. The “hooks” are welded to bars (30 by 30) 900 mm long. It turns out 2 long bars with a hook at the end. The pipe joint is welded behind the hook - future beams. The same is done with another profile.

Every 5 cm a hole with a diameter of a bolt is drilled. Thanks to these holes, the barbell rack can adjust its height.

The height can already be adjusted, but how to change the width? To do this you will need a profile (30 by 30) with a length of 1100 millimeters. Holes are also drilled on it with a center-to-center value of 5 centimeters. Its place is in a larger profile (40 by 40), namely in the small block of the base of the letter “T”. Moving out from the base, it can adjust the width of the rack or bars.

“The process of how to make a bench press bench with a stand for a 2-in-1 barbell at home has already been described in detail. That is, the stand itself (stand) and the bench press are one whole. This is the simplest option, not taking into account the possibility of not doing a rack at all and putting the barbell on the floor between approaches, which is very inconvenient and difficult, especially without a partner.

Here we will consider another option for what a homemade bench press can be. This time we will show you how to make barbell racks with adjustable height and separate from the bench. Plus, this bench press bench according to the drawing will be equipped with a leg grip tube, which will make it possible to use it for various other exercises, for example, pumping the abs or performing triceps extensions.

In principle, everything can be freely combined and your homemade bench press bench can be either one whole with a stand (2 in 1) with adjustable height, or, on the contrary, separate parts with a fixed and non-replaceable height. It can also contain a tube for gripping with legs, or be without it. But it’s up to you to decide, but now look at what should happen in this version (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Homemade bench press bench and barbell rack with adjustable height

Homemade Bench Press Bench

Rice. 2. Drawing of a homemade bench for bench press

In the figure, the upper number indicates the part number in the table, and the lower number indicates the number of such parts. Of course, the covers for the pipes here are far from the best necessary part and it is quite possible to do without them.

This homemade bench requires approximately 3.2 m of square profile steel pipe - this is its most expensive part. The fastenings with which the board is attached can be made simpler (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Simplification of fastening

This simplified mount simply needs to be attached through the 2 middle holes to the pipe, having also drilled it beforehand accordingly. Now, let's move on to how to make a homemade bench press barbell rack with adjustable height (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Drawing of a homemade barbell stand

It’s similar here - the top number denotes the part itself, and the bottom number to which it is attached. As for the rectangular profile pipes, which are shown in the figure, it will be much easier to find them with a metal thickness of exactly 2 or 3 mm than 2.6. It is advisable to use 3 mm for reliability; the difference in price will be approximately 1 USD. more expensive per meter, but you need less than 1.5 m of them for both homemade rod racks. The main load will still fall on square pipes, and it is worth trying to find them with a metal thickness of more than 4 mm, although they are more often found with a thickness of 3.

Holes for wedges can be drilled according to the drawing below for each of the pipes (Fig. 5 and 6).

Rice. 5. Holes in outer pipe

Rice. 6. Holes in the inner tube

As you can see, only 2 holes are made in the outer pipe (40 x 40mm), and 8 in the inner one. But their diameter, as well as the distance between them, is no longer so significant. Here it is already possible to do it differently (fewer holes in the inner pipe or a larger diameter), but it is important that the diameter of the holes for reliability is not less than that in the drawing. And if, for simplicity, we fix the height of the rod stands with one wedge on each, then it is desirable that the thickness of the holes, like the wedges, be at least 2 times greater. In this case, of course, it is not necessary to make 2 holes in the outer pipes.

Rice. 7. Wedge drawing

The wedges, of course, for convenience, can be made thicker and one for each rack, and not 2, as in the drawing. But if you make them from a nail, which is probably the easiest way, then you can choose 200 weave. There will be a thickness of 6 mm, as in the drawing, and the length will be enough. But in this case, it is better that each homemade barbell rack contains 2 such wedges. If you want to use one at a time, then choose something thicker.

As for the holders, you can make them as in the drawing (Fig. 8). But for simplicity, you can replace them with stags welded from thick steel reinforcement in the form of the letters “Y” or “U”. But if you have a sheet from which you can cut, of course, it’s easier to do so.

Rice. 8. Drawing of a rod holder.

Making a bench press rack is quite simple, it is a simple design, and there are many drawings on the Internet.

The catch is that almost all of these drawings of barbell racks are designed for the use of welding, and its use at home is very problematic.

But, a bench press rack can also be assembled from wooden boards and timber purchased at the nearest construction market. You can take a tape measure with you and, having marked the cutting areas, ask for the timber to be cut right at the place of purchase. Usually this service is free on the construction market.

After reading this article, you can make your own barbell press rack right in your room.

Materials for making a barbell stand

To make a homemade stand you will need:

3 meters of 60x30 timber, cut into meter pieces

3.32 meters of 50x150 cut boards in the following way: 1220 mm – on the bottom of the rack, 2 vertical racks 1100 mm long.

4 corners for connecting timber measuring 50x50.

3.8x32 - 8 pcs for attaching the angle to the cross beam

3.8x45 – 16 pcs for attaching the corner to the board

4.2x75 – 12 pcs for attaching the corner to the bottom board and the beam lying underneath, as well as sewing the beam and board together.

Tools for assembly: screwdriver or screwdriver, tape measure, preferably a drill 1.5-2 mm in diameter.

Barbell press rack drawings

The picture above shows an assembly drawing of a homemade bench press rack. Using it you can easily assemble such a stand with your own hands.

How to make a barbell rack with your own hands

So, the board and timber are cut, the screws are prepared, the screwdriver is loaded and all that remains is to assemble the structure.

To prevent the screws from splitting the wood, it is advisable to drill holes with a 1.5-2 mm drill before screwing, but in 90% of cases few people bother with this. It is also worth noting that the corner must be secured with 4 screws, and not with 2, as careless workers usually do.

It is advisable to treat the boards with sandpaper or a sander so that the stand can be varnished or painted in the future.

You need to start from the bottom bars. Mark the midpoints of the lengths of the bars and the midpoint of the end side of a board 1220 mm long.

We lay them at a distance of 1100 mm (1 meter 10 cm) from each other, place a 1220 mm board on them and align the marking lines.

We drill holes for the connecting screws (in the future I will not write about drilling, just keep this in mind), screw in 2 connecting screws 4.2x75.

We measure 60 mm from the end of the board and draw a line. We install a corner to this line clearly in the center of the board and screw it with 4 4.2x75 screws.

We repeat the same on the other side.

We screw the corners onto the cross beam along the edges with 3.8x32 screws.

Before installing vertical posts on their upper part, you need to make triangular cuts under the bar, cut width 75 mm, depth 30 mm.

We place the vertical posts and screw them with 3.8x45 screws to the base, then fasten the cross beam at a distance of 340 mm from the bottom board using 3.8x45 screws

That's all, the homemade barbell bench press rack is ready, you can bring the barbell and start training.

Look at the photos of a homemade barbell rack assembled using this technology.

In the future, you can paint the stand with wood paint or varnish; this homemade barbell stand will serve you for many years!

Men or guys want to look good, but this requires spending time and money. Wasting time to improve physical fitness- this is completely normal, and you can avoid spending your own money on this if you make sports equipment with your own hands.

Barbell for sports

A sports barbell is one of the most important items that is useful for a variety of exercises. The barbell is also the main object, which makes it possible to exercise with heavy weight, and this, in turn, will give results from sports activities. And this result will be much better than from other sports equipment, although other sports items are also very important.

If a person wants to exercise at home, but does not have the equipment for this, then you can make a barbell at home with your own hands and start exercising with barbell exercises.

Making a rod

If the decision to make a barbell has been made, you need to decide on the material that will be the basis for the barbell - this is the most important point. The base for the bar must be strong; you can use metal or wood.

A metal bar will add extra weight; if this is not desired, a wooden bar base can be used. It is important that the diameter of the bar is at least 4 centimeters, otherwise it will be difficult to grasp the barbell.

Material options for a homemade barbell

There are two most simple options materials for the neck, it is iron or wood. It’s easy to decide on a wooden base for the bar, since you can use, for example, an old wooden rake. The advantage of this option is that the tree will not add excess weight barbell if not needed.

To turn a rake into a suitable form for a projectile, you need to remove its handle with any in a suitable way, the main thing is that there is one stick left from them, which will be used as a basis for pancakes. We’ll look at what else you can use to make a barbell and weight plates below.

Another option for the bar could be, for example, a metal rod if you are planning classes with a weight of more than 50 kilograms.

The length of the rod should be 2 meters, and the cross-sectional diameter should be 35 millimeters; these are the optimal requirements for comfortable playing sports. You can also use a metal pipe with a diameter of 4 centimeters, but it is not suitable for the heavy weight of the pancakes.

Making weight plates

Making pancakes for the bar is not a difficult task, since even ordinary ones are suitable for pancakes. plastic bottles. These bottles need to be filled with something heavy, it can be cement, sand and stones, and even plain water. What the bottles will be filled with depends only on how much weight is needed, large or not.

You can use 1.5 liter bottles, as well as 2 liter bottles, it all depends on the desired weight. To make such pancakes, just fill them with the desired contents, and then put them on the ends of the bar and securely attach them with tape.

Cement pancakes

Here you need more time and patience, you need to find a large container where the cement will be poured, then pour it there and insert the bar at one end. It is advisable to use paint cans. True, the weight of such a barbell is difficult to predict, so this option is suitable only for those who are confident in their abilities and can lift a lot of weight.

When the cement is poured into the container and the bar is inserted into it, you need to create a support for the bar and wait for the cement to completely harden. Optimal time waiting four days. Everything that was written above was best ideas how to make a barbell, as well as these options are easy to implement.

An important element are the racks for the barbell. They are needed to make it more convenient to use. How to make a barbell and a barbell rack with your own hands will be described below point by point.

Materials for making rods and stands

  • Wooden or iron base for the fingerboard.
  • Plastic bottles for making pancakes.
  • Any bottle filler.
  • Cement if you need a lot of weight.

To specifically see a homemade barbell, you need to go to any website and look at photos of homemade barbells, this will help you better understand the process of working on the design.

Bar racks

Racks are needed to make it easier to use the barbell, easier to pick it up and put it in place. You can use drawings and dimensions for the bar to understand how much space the entire structure, including the bar racks, can take up.



You can find many options for materials for the bar and barbell, as well as many options for how to make weight plates, but there are the most simple ways make it happen.

To understand how to do this, just read the instructions on how to make a barbell with your own hands and start working on the design.

It is important to decide on the desires and goals that are set, since this will determine your approach to work. And what materials may be useful.

Photo of a barbell with your own hands



Many people want to have beautiful body With prominent muscles. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a gym where special equipment is available. Exercises on homemade exercise equipment, such as a do-it-yourself bench press bench, will help keep your body in good shape - making one yourself is not at all difficult. It is intended for training different groups muscles, and even among professional athletes it is considered an effective sports equipment.

Bench benches are divided into two types: horizontal and adjustable. They differ both visually and functionally. Horizontal bench for bench press on four fixed supports - the simplest basic design. She only means supine position user during training. Such Sports Equipment low-functional and suitable mainly for elaboration pectoral muscles, as well as frontal deltoid.

In a three-post design, two posts are used to mount various equipment and barbell petals. Most often it is equipped with the following sports equipment:

  • leg block – designed for performing exercises on the thighs, calves, buttocks, as well as crunches to work the abs;
  • additional handrails – will allow you to effectively train your lower abs;
  • retractable racks – make it possible to perform exercises with a barbell without additional insurance.
  • parallel bars - for push-ups.

These and other devices significantly expand the functionality of the horizontal bench.

Another view sports equipment for bench presses – an adjustable bench. In it, the lounger (back) can be adjusted in height. The package includes racks with various accessories: brackets, stoppers, clamps. Exercises on such a bench can be carried out both sitting and lying down, using equipment for dumbbells and barbells. With this machine you can perform bench presses at different angles, pumping up many muscle groups. This adjustable bench is most convenient for installation in an apartment and does not require the use of other exercise equipment, as it performs many functions.

A simple horizontal design is quite easy to make. However, if you want to independently supplement such a bench with the devices described above and an adjustable lounger, you will need a lot more more effort and dexterity.

With three supports



Do-it-yourself bench presses can be made in two versions:

  • all-welded construction;
  • dismountable with bolts.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. An all-welded bench is a monoblock that is manufactured by welding parts. Its main advantages are stability and reliability, since the fastening method used will not allow the seams to come apart even under heavy loads. Such a horizontal design is bulky, its installation is impossible in small rooms, which is especially important in a small apartment. Its functionality is also low, since it does not allow the use of additional devices. Such weight bench It is structurally simple, which makes it durable. It is not difficult to make it if you have the skills to work with a welding machine.

The collapsible transforming bench is the best option installations in the house. It is compact and does not take up much space. Its functionality is higher than that of a candy bar. If you add it with an adjustable backrest, you get an inclined bench. This will allow you to perform various exercises into muscle groups of the legs, arms, shoulders and buttocks, which provides comprehensive development of the entire muscle mass human body. It can be installed and disassembled in a matter of minutes. Assembling a transformer requires skill in using various tools, such as an angle grinder, a drill and others. It is more difficult to manufacture than an all-welded model.

Dismountable with bolts

All-welded construction

Materials and tools

The main material of the bench frame for a do-it-yourself bench press is a professional pipe measuring 4 x 4 cm. You need to take a profile with walls no thinner than 2 mm. For petal holders under the bar, you need a strip of steel at least 4 cm wide and 5 cm thick.

In order for the frame to withstand heavy weight, the material must be particularly strong.

To assemble the sun lounger you will need the following materials:

  • steel sheets 2 mm thick;
  • polished board;
  • foam rubber 2 cm thick;
  • durable textiles with water-repellent impregnation or leatherette;
  • universal glue.

The fastenings are bolts and nuts, as well as a door hinge that attaches the adjustable lounger to the base. To make a bench you will need the following tools:

  • vice;
  • drill;
  • stapler;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian.

Profiled pipe

Steel sheets

Sanded board

Foam rubber

Upholstery fabric

Tools for work

Measurement of design parameters will be carried out with a tape measure. If you have the skills to work with the above tools, then making a bench press bench with your own hands will not be difficult. In addition to the profile, the frame can be assembled from wooden parts. Materials that will be required to assemble such a structure:

  • wooden blocks of three sizes: 2.5 x 5 x 9, 5 x 5 x 25, 10 x 10 x 250 cm;
  • plywood panel measuring 30 x 2 x 120 cm;
  • bolts and nuts (M5 x 200 mm; M4 x 80 mm; M5 x 300 mm) – 4 pieces;
  • nylon washers M5 – 8 pieces, body washers M5 – 14 pieces;
  • self-tapping screws 80 mm – 4 pieces;
  • rubber pad for racks.

For finishing, you will need impregnation that increases moisture resistance, and varnish for painting the finished bench. To make your homemade structure more durable, you can use glue along with the fasteners. Necessary tools when assembling the product:

  • circular apparatus;
  • saw or jigsaw;
  • chisel;
  • spanners;
  • drill;

If you choose unsanded wooden blocks, you will need a sanding machine.

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, but not durable enough. In terms of stability, it is significantly inferior to the profile, since it is much lighter. The service life of a structure made of wooden bars is limited, so it would be more advisable to use metal ones - they are more functional.

Wooden blocks

Finishing agents

Assembly tools


The standard bench press dimensions are as follows:

  • support length – from 97 to 122 cm;
  • the height of the stand in the front of the bench is 83 cm;
  • rear stand height – 34 cm;
  • width between the front pillars – 52 cm;
  • the length of the stands for the front supports is 22 cm, for the rear ones – 30 cm;
  • the length of the lounger (in the design of the adjustable bench) in the front part is 94 cm, in the rear part – 16 cm;
  • the length of the inclined structure lounger is 20 cm longer than the horizontal one;
  • The width of the bench for bench press is from 29 to 32 cm.

The height of the structure above the floor level is determined by the size of the lower arm of the leg lever. To be safe, it is advisable to leave a margin of about 10 centimeters. To choose the optimal length, you need to take into account the athlete’s height.

Dimensions vary based on the area of ​​the room where the exercise machine will be located, as well as the athlete’s build. But for ease of use, make the bench narrower than standard sizes, Not recommended. The width of the lounger should not be less than generally accepted standards, since this parameter affects the work of the muscles and, ultimately, the result of the workout.

Create a drawing

The manufacture of any bench press model begins with the completion of a drawing. The picture should indicate everything design features future simulator and its dimensions. You can find a ready-made scheme on specialized resources, where all the nuances are described in detail. However, in this case, you need to take into account that the proposed dimensions may not coincide with those that are necessary. To achieve desired result, you just need to replace the original parameters. If you have experience training on a professional bench press in the gym and performing exercises on it effectively, then you can take the dimensions of this apparatus and make drawings based on them yourself.

Step-by-step production of an inclined bench from profile pipes

In order to independently assemble an inclined sports bench for bench press with three supports at home, you need to prepare the materials and tools described above. Making a bench takes place in two stages: constructing the frame and the deck chair. Before starting work, it is worth practicing the skills in using the necessary tools.


Algorithm for assembling a metal frame:

  1. Two 83 cm long sections are cut from the pipe, which will serve as frame racks, as well as support for the rod.
  2. At a distance of 34 cm from the bottom edge of the rack, a mark is placed that indicates the location of the connection of the elements with the next part.
  3. The third part of the profile, 52 cm long, is cut off, which will connect the legs, and the fourth part, 34 cm long, is cut for the stand on the opposite side of the bench, at the legs.
  4. To connect the front and rear legs of the bench, an element 97 cm long is cut off - this will be the support. It is welded to the rear pillar from above, while to the front pillar - from the side. Self-tapping screws can be used to connect parts.
  5. Specially prepared petals are attached to the profile pipe-racks on top or on the side. They are made from strips of steel that are bent into a "J" shape with a vice. The long side of this part should be 7 cm, and the short side should be 2-3 cm.
  6. Holes with a diameter of 1 cm are drilled to the crossbar connecting the front pillars. They are necessary for attaching reinforcing rods 30 cm long that regulate the height of the lounger.

In order not to spoil the floor covering by the racks pressing into it, special devices are installed on them - expanders. The connection is also made by welding.

Cut pipes the right size

Mark the joints of the parts

Cut support

Weld the support to the rear pillar from above, to the front pillar - from the side

Attach prepared petals from steel strips to the posts

Sun lounger

The adjustable workout bench design's bed should consist of two parts that are different in size. Assembly algorithm:

  1. The short sheet is fixed in the legs, and it should protrude 5-10 cm beyond the end of the stand.
  2. A long sheet is installed at the head of the bench. It is attached with a door hinge, then welded to the frame and to the base of the lounger.
  3. WITH bottom side of a larger steel sheet, reinforced rods are attached at a distance of 10 cm from the edge. Their purpose is to lift the lounger for training. different types muscles.
  4. A sanded board is attached to the steel sheets, the width of which should exceed the size of the first by 5 mm. The connection of two elements is made with self-tapping screws. At the junction of metal sheets, the wooden board should be 1 cm shorter on both sides.

Using universal glue, foam rubber is fixed to the prepared board. It must be pre-measured, leaving 5 cm for allowance. The lounger is covered with thick fabric using a construction stapler.

Cut corners and drill holes to attach the board

Weld the fasteners to the support in three places

Install the sunbed using self-tapping screws


The parts of the bench frame for the home are connected by welding. Small parts are attached using bolts and nuts. The joints between wood and metal are also fixed with self-tapping screws, which should not come out of the structure. Welding work to connect parts must be carried out with special care so that the seams do not come apart under high loads and vibrations.

Attach the seat to a metal piece

Install the backrest and lounger

Screw on the adjustment foot

Finished bench

How to make simple equipment from wood

The algorithm for making a simple two-support bench structure made of wood is as follows:

  1. Grooves are cut out in the longest beam that will serve as the base, and the racks are secured in them using fasteners and glue.
  2. Short bars are attached to the bottom of the posts. Grooves are also cut out in the expanders, and racks are inserted into them. These details will give the structure stability.
  3. Smaller diameter bars are attached to the side of the main crossbar to form the necessary parts responsible for adjusting the lifting height. Nylon washers are used at the junction of the base and moving elements, which will avoid abrasion of the wood during operation of the bench.
  4. The plywood sheet, which will serve as a sunbed, is mounted on the moving parts, and is also attached to the support using a door hinge.
  5. Narrow grooves are cut out on the base. A bolt-nut will subsequently be inserted into them to adjust the lifting height of the lounger.
  6. For the legs, a smaller plywood sheet is mounted at the end of the bench.
  7. An inclined bench for bench press made of wood is coated with a composition that increases moisture resistance and varnish.

When manufacturing, the classic standard for the size of such products should be taken as a basis.

Designing a bench press bench with your own hands is not at all difficult. You don't have to be a jack of all trades to do this. Armed with the necessary tools, the right drawing and patience, anyone can make one. universal equipment for training. Moreover, once a simple model is assembled, it can be modified at your own discretion.