Yoga classes for home. Yoga exercises for beginners at home: safe and effective. Positive effects of yoga lessons on the body

Yoga is attractive because with the help of simple exercises you can easily achieve amazing effects: harmony of mind and body, well-being, weight loss. For beginners, it is enough to perform a complex of 10 asanas once a day. Poses can be very different. The main thing is to do them regularly and with pleasure.


Yoga: Top 10 Asanas for Beginners...and More

What is beautiful about Indian practice is that during exercises that seem simple, you can get both easy and intense load. Each asana has simplifications for beginners and continuations for experienced ones. Therefore, even the coolest yogis do not disdain performing basic poses. First, they can dose the load. Second, duration matters. Try to spend at least half an hour in the butterfly asana!

The 10 easiest yoga exercises are the key to harmony, flexibility and weight loss. You need to perform them at the limit of your strength, but without allowing excessive stress, pain or tremor. If the asana seems too easy, move on to complications, or expand the complex.

Bidalasana or cat pose

Bidalasana or cat pose

This is a pose on all fours. It is so simple and useful that it is available not only for beginners, but also for pregnant women. The technique for its implementation is simple, but you need to make sure that the arms and legs are strictly perpendicular to the floor. In this position, begin to arch your back with an inhalation. The movement of the spine is slow and undulating, consistent with breathing. As you exhale, arch your back. This pose is useful not only for weight loss. It strengthens the back muscles and increases the flexibility of the spine. If badalasana seems too simple for you, add a movement with your foot: while inhaling, try to touch the crown of your heel, while exhaling, reach your nose with your knee. Then repeat in the mirror version.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog

From bidalasana, straighten your knees. Keep your feet firmly pressed to the floor, push off with your hands so that the body moves back, knees straight. Ideally, when performing such exercises, uddiyana bandha should involuntarily arise - the stomach, as it were, falls inward. If this happens, then you are in great shape, and you do not need any weight loss. Experienced yogis use adho mukha svanasana for relaxation. Its usefulness is that it is somewhat inverted. Blood rushes to the brain, its cells are renewed, the complexion improves, and the abdominal walls perform a kind of massage for digestive organs. You can complicate this pose by alternately raising your legs.

Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose

From adho mukha svanasana step with one foot between the hands. Rise up with your back straight. Hands can be joined above the head. Then it will be virabhadrasana I. Or you can spread them parallel to the legs. Then it will be virabhadrasana II. Holding this pose helps to make the legs strong. In addition, it is good for losing weight in the pelvic area. If the pose seems too simple for you, you can complicate the complex. To do this, you need to tear off one leg and straighten the body parallel to the floor, standing on the supporting foot. The pose requires execution both on the left and on the right side.

Trikonasana or triangle pose

From Virabhadrasana II, tilt the body towards the front leg. Palm on the floor next to the foot of the same name. The second hand continues the line of the first. Trikonasana aids digestion and stretches the lower back muscles. For beginners, it is important to rebuild the position of the feet. The back foot should be at a 45 degree angle to the front foot. This complex should also be performed twice, symmetrically on the right and left legs. If the exercise becomes easy, try reaching for your left leg with your right hand. You will get a twisted pose, useful for losing weight. It is called parivrita trikonasana - inverted triangle.

Tadasana or mountain pose

Tadasana or mountain pose

For beginners, this pose will be the easiest. It's just a standing position. The back is straight, the stomach is tucked up, the feet are firmly pressed to the floor, the chin is parallel to the floor. The weight is evenly distributed over the feet. Tadasana tones the muscles and forms the posture; almost any complex of asanas begins with it. For complication, you can go to the simplest poses for balance. To do this, you need to rise on your toes and try to stand like this, keeping your balance.

Vrikshasana or tree pose

rikshasana or tree pose

The most popular yoga asana, after the lotus. To perform it, you need to stand in tadasana, raise one of the legs and press the foot to the inside of the thigh of the opposite leg. Vrikshasana helps to increase lung capacity and trains the vestibular apparatus. For beginners, it may be a secret that balance depends on the aspiration of the gaze. When we look at one point, our body is more stable. Yogis say: is it difficult to keep balance? Look at the floor. Has it become easier? Look ahead. Dealt with it? Turn your eyes up. If you stand still, close your eyes.

Camel riding. This is a dynamic complex

Camel riding - dynamic complex

Starting position - sitting on your knees and heels, or in Turkish. Arch your back as you exhale, arch your back as you inhale. The complex helps to activate the movement of energy in the main channel of the body, located along the spine. It also increases the flexibility of the back, while massaging the internal organs, which is good for losing weight. If the complex does not give the same effect, try doing it faster. At the same time, yoga uses the breath of fire - a quick intense exhalation through the nose, an arbitrary breath.

Baddhakonasana or Closed Angle Pose

In the people - a butterfly. Sitting, join the feet and bring them closer to the perineum. Now it's up to stretching. But don't need sudden movements and willpower. For beginners, the pose is mastered only by a long hold. It is good to find at least 10 minutes for baddhakonsana every day. It not only promotes stretching, which is useful for yoga later, but also has a good effect on the genitourinary system. The pose is useful for pregnant women. If the stomach does not allow you to sit comfortably in this asana, you can lie on your back without changing the position of the legs.

Pashchimotanasana or Western Stretch

Yogis represent a person facing east. The western part of the body is the back. Sitting, you need to bend over to straightened legs. The knees are straight, the back, if possible, is not rounded. The pose is good for varicose veins, it removes toxins from the body and is indispensable for losing weight. For complication, you can take hold of the feet and forcefully pull yourself down.

Purvotanasana, eastern body stretch

For beginners, it is important to perform it after the previous one, this will be compensation. From pashchimotanasana, you need to rise up, place your palms at the buttocks with your fingers forward, and then raise the pelvis up without bending your knees. Purvotanasana strengthens the wrists, ankles and abs and increases lung capacity.

These 10 asanas can be performed sequentially as a complex, or can be included in various other classes. For fast weight loss turn on intense breathing, and to relax, on the contrary, slow down the work of the lungs. After mastering these poses, you can move on to the main complex of yoga - salutation to the sun.

The art of yoga has been inscribed as an intangible heritage at the initiative of UNESCO. The birthplace of this ancient practice is India. In Europe, this teaching spread thanks to Arthur Schopenhauer.

The German philosopher was the first to study ancient Indian treatises. Now yoga exercises for beginners can be performed by anyone (except for Muslims, for them this art is prohibited).

Yoga includes not only asanas, but also spiritual practices combined with meditation. Therefore, the benefits of exercise can be divided into several categories.

The benefits of yoga in terms of physiology:

  • The muscles of the body become elastic.
  • leaving overweight.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Yoga helps to shape posture - this allows you to strengthen the supporting muscles of the spine and overcome its curvature.
  • Decreases fragility of bones.
  • The work of the following systems is normalized: blood circulation, lymphatic, cardiovascular, immune.
  • Pressure indicators are stabilized.
  • Improves the work of the digestive tract.
  • Asanas prevent diabetes.
  • The body regulates the level of stress hormones produced.

Yoga exercises for beginners, in addition to physiological advantages, have a number of psychological advantages:

  • Yoga helps fight depression or apathy.
  • Increases confidence and self-esteem.
  • Practice allows you to realize and accept your destiny, to find new goals in life.
  • Uplifts mood, gives vivacity and enthusiasm.
  • Increases contact and makes people more open.
  • Allows you to increase self-control over yourself, your emotions.

Yoga should be seen as more than just a series of exercises. For beginners in this practice, this teaching should not only become physical training for the body, but also internal for one's own "I-concept".


Yoga exercises for beginners, as well as more complex asanas, have a number of contraindications that prohibit this practice.

The time limits are:

  • Purulent or serous otitis.
  • SARS at any stage.
  • The period of rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system, operations in the abdomen and chest.
  • Chronic diseases during their exacerbation.
  • 3 months postpartum.
  • Overwork.
  • Increased ocular and intracranial pressure, which is temporary.
  • Postponed heart attack or stroke. You should wait at least six months, and then consult a doctor.

Permanent contraindications that prohibit yoga:

  • Retinal disinsertion.
  • Chronic hypertension.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Severe forms of damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Infections occurring in the head and spinal cord.
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • Mental illness. Applies only to complex diagnoses. For example, epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychosis.
  • Serious disorders in the work of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, spine.
  • Inguinal hernia.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications for certain periods of the state of the body:

Period name Allowed Forbidden
Pregnancy Soft asanas that relax the body. You can use poses that are beneficial for the joints in combination with breathing techniques. Any exercise that can harm the health of the child or his mother.

Inverted asanas, bodily twists.

Menstruation You can engage in a practice that does not allow overstrain.
Depression or chronic fatigue syndrome Relaxing soft asanas combined with breathing practices. Asanas requiring great physical activity.
Vegetative-vascular dystonia Perform relaxation asanas soft. Do each exercise slowly. Inverted asanas (sometimes allowed, but with caution)
Phlebeurysm Perform asanas with support (a wall, for example). Standing poses should be done slowly and carefully. Great physical exertion lower limbs. Avoid performing asanas with emphasis on the legs.
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract You can do light yoga. Asanas that require twisting.

There are a number of narrow diseases, in the presence of which the performance of asanas of any complexity is prohibited. If you have health problems, you should consult with your doctor.

What Not to Do While Practicing Yoga

During yoga, you can not:

  • Drink water.
  • Use a mobile phone. The gadget should be put on silent mode.
  • Start performing complex asanas, skipping the initial stage.

In addition, etiquette should be observed during mass classes. If during group yoga practice you need to leave before the end of the session, you should warn the instructor about this in advance.

Rules for beginners

Yoga exercises for beginners require compliance with a number of rules that will help you quickly become familiar with the practice without harm to health.

Also, beginners are forbidden to start the technique of complex asanas. Such haste can lead to injury to the spine or ligaments. Any injury-prone exercise should be done very carefully.

For the beginners dangerous exercises in yoga are:

  • Asanas that open the pelvis (splits).
  • Stands on the shoulder joints, head and other inverted positions.
  • Asanas with backbends.

Beginners should avoid the following asanas:

  • Trikonasana is an elongated triangle technique.
  • Halasana - plow pose.
  • Sirshasana - headstand.
  • Bhujangasana - Cobra pose.
  • Padmasana is the lotus position.

Exceptions may be for people whose physical qualities exceed the average figures. For example, it will be easier for gymnasts to master yoga than for an ordinary person.

Breathing while exercising

During yoga practice, breathing should involve the abdominal cavity. With superficial air capture, only the collarbone and chest work, which means that oxygen does not completely fill the lungs.

First stage allows you to master a special breathing technique that will help free your mind from unnecessary thoughts.

Breathing algorithm:

  1. It is worth taking a recumbent or sitting position.
  2. The stomach should be pulled in as much as possible, and then exhale all the air and try to relax as much as possible.
  3. Take a slow breath, first filling the lower abdomen with oxygen, gradually filling it with air chest.
  4. After the breath fills all the lungs with oxygen, the breath should be held for a few seconds.
  5. You need to exhale slowly. Consistently release the chest from the air, then the middle region of the abdomen and then its bottom.
  6. After that, you need to draw in your stomach and hold your breath.

During yoga, breathing is carried out through the nose.

Warm-up: proper body preparation

Training will bring positive effect if you do a warm-up first.

The preparatory stage can be:

  • General. Suitable for warming up the general condition of the body. During the warm-up, cardio loads lasting from 15 to 25 minutes are used.
  • Passive. The body is toned up with a bath or a hot bath session. The advantage of this type of warm-up is the complete relaxation of the muscles.
  • special. The warm-up includes performing dynamic asanas.

The workout cannot be ignored. It allows you to avoid injuries to muscles and joints during training. The risk of their anguish is minimized.

Simple asanas step by step for beginners

Yoga exercises for beginners should start with simple asanas. It is unreasonable to embark on complex yoga practices, because an unprepared body will not be able to perform many techniques.

Easy Sukhasana Pose

The Sukhasana pose is meant for meditation. During its implementation, the hips, ankles and knee joints are trained. Due to the position of the body, the blood circulation of the small pelvis, abdominal cavity and lower back improves.

Sukhasana is starting position, for the development of subsequent asanas - Siddhasana and Padmasana. But in the practice of meditation, only this position can be used. The stability of the position will promote spiritual peace, while maintaining the tone of the body.

Sukhasana is performed like this:

  • You should sit on the floor in such a way that the legs are intertwined with each other: the foot of the right leg is under the knee of the left, and the left foot is under the right.
  • The outer side of the feet should lie on the floor, without resting on it. The legs are crossed with each other, the knees are placed at an equal height from the surface.
  • The back is kept straight.
  • The palms are placed on the hips or knees, but without pressure on them.
  • The shoulder blades are moved to open the chest as much as possible.
  • In this position are from 1 to 2 minutes. After that, the legs can be crossed in another position.

Spinal injuries are contraindications for this position. People with varicose veins should reduce their time in this position.

Bidalasana or cat pose

Bidalasana allows you to coordinate breathing and bodily movements. The cat pose helps to improve the flexibility of the spine and its gentle stretching.


  • Starting position - stand on knee joints. The legs are spaced hip-width apart. The back of the feet lies on the floor. Straightened arms are located perpendicular to the surface. The fingers are spread and point forward.
  • On exhalation, the back arches gradually - from the lowest to the upper spine. First you need to lower the coccyx, then the sacrum. Alternately arching sections of the back, tilt the head.
  • On inspiration, the back is arched in the same sequence as arching.

Perform the cat pose rhythmically, keeping breathing technique. Repeat Bidalasana 10 to 20 times. If you feel discomfort when resting on your knees, you can put a soft towel under them.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose

Downward facing dog pose promotes the rejuvenating effect of yoga and also works to stretch the spine. Adho Mukha Svanasana has a beneficial effect on muscle stretching, improving blood circulation throughout the body (especially in the brain and pelvic organs), and the shoulder girdle.

Regular performance of this technique is a kind of prevention of intervertebral hernia. Helps Adho Mukha Svanasana in strengthening the heart muscle, improving bone density.

Instruction for beginners: the correct implementation of the yoga exercise Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Algorithm for performing the downward facing dog pose:

  1. Starting position - the body lies belly down on the floor. Feet are shoulder width apart.
  2. The palms are smoothly moved to the level of the shoulder joints, and then rest their hands on the floor. The toes are close to the floor surface and widely splayed. The gaze looks ahead.
  3. On exhalation, you need to push off from the floor surface, straighten your elbows, and lower your head down, raise the pelvic part of the body up.
  4. Inhale. As you exhale, pushing off the surface with your hands, we bend in the lower back. Each part of the body (back, neck and arms) should line up.
  5. With each subsequent exhalation, you need to straighten your knees until your heels touch the floor. The coccyx should only look up.

Perform asana up to 6 cycles. Long exhalations alternate with short inhalations.

Virabhadrasana or warrior pose

The warrior pose works on the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. As a result of practice, stiffness leaves the body, tone comes. Thanks to Virabhadrasana, gait and posture improve, digestion improves.

There are 3 varieties of Virabhadrasama. For beginners in this matter, it is recommended to start with Warrior Pose No. 1, and only then move on to more difficult positions.

Algorithm for performing Virabhadrasama I:

  1. Starting position - asana Tadasana. Standing, hands are placed along the body, pressing inner part palms to hips. The neck and facial muscles are relaxed.
  2. Hands slowly raise up, connecting the back sides of the palms above the head.
  3. Take a deep breath and jump spread your legs up to a width of 130 cm.
  4. The muscles in the left knee tense and stretch the leg.
  5. Stretch your back up and raise your head. The gaze should fall on the palms closed at the top. In this position, you need to freeze for 20-30 seconds.
  6. After that, steps 4-6 are repeated, but on the other side.
  7. After performing these movements, they return to their original position by jumping on the exhale.

As soon as the Virabhadrasama pose is mastered, you can proceed to its more complex varieties.

Trikonasana or triangle

Trikonasana affects the muscles of the hip joint, improves their mobility and elasticity. Regular performance of this asana allows you to improve the gluteal area and the back of the thighs.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Exhaling, the legs are spread to a width of up to 120 cm. The feet are parallel to each other.
  2. Extend arms out to the sides with palms on the floor.
  3. The body is pulled up.
  4. Work with the right foot: the toe is lifted up, the heel is pressed to the ground. The leg and thigh are rotated 90° to the right.
  5. The left foot should be turned to the right by 45-60°. The heels of both feet should be on the same line.
  6. On exhalation, the body is pulled to the right side. Bend over with the body from the hip joint.
  7. The right hand is slowly lowered to the floor - the left up. The position of the legs does not change.
  8. The body of the body is slowly turned to the left.
  9. The right hand should be placed on the shin or ankle (with a good stretch on the floor) in a position parallel to the outside of the foot.
  10. Left hand looks and stretches up, opening the chest.
  11. The gaze looks directly or at the left palm.
  12. Freeze in the asana for 3-5 breath cycles.
  13. Exhaling, we return to the starting position moving behind the left hand.
  14. The algorithm is now repeated in the other direction.

Beginners can do this asana standing next to a wall. The heels in this position will rest against the plinth, which will avoid many mistakes when performing the triangle pose.

Tadasana or mountain

Allows you to relieve muscle tension, calms the mind, and also helps to restore breathing.

Execution algorithm:

  • Hands are lowered along the body, the crown looks up, the face is relaxed.
  • You need to fix your gaze on something ahead and freeze for 1 minute.
  • The feet are in contact with the inner ribs, the body weight is evenly distributed over them.
  • The kneecaps need to be tightened - this will allow the muscles of the thighs to be involved.
  • The stomach is pulled up, without bending in the lower back and without twisting the coccyx down.
  • On inspiration, the chest opens, the shoulders are retracted, and the shoulder blades are connected.
  • The cervical vertebrae are pulled up.
  • The palms are slowly turned back to the hips.
  • Breathing is even - the chest opens on inhalation, closes on exhalation.
  • We maintain this position for 5-7 respiratory periods.

Beginners can practice this pose in front of a mirror so that they can track their body position.

Vrikshasana or tree

In the tree pose, body coordination increases, the nervous system strengthens, and muscle function improves. shoulder joint, lumbar and hips.

Algorithm for performing Vrikshasana:

  1. Starting position - Tadasana.
  2. The right leg is slowly bent at the knee, grabbing the ankle with the right hand from the inside.
  3. The foot is placed on the left thigh from its inner side. The kneecap of the leg in the bend should look to the side.
  4. By straining the press, raise your arms up without bending them at the elbows. The palms above the head are in contact with each other with their inner sides.
  5. In this position are up to 1 min. After that, they return to their original position and perform the asana for the left leg.

Beginners, in the absence of proper balance, can perform this asana with support.

Camel riding

The dynamic asana riding a camel works out the spinal column. Regular practice of this position helps to stimulate the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, strengthen the digestive organs.

Technique for Performing Easy Camel Ride Pose:

  1. Starting position - sitting on the floor. The legs are extended forward.
  2. Cross your legs and straighten your back.
  3. Hands need to take hold of the ankles.
  4. Now you should bend your back forward. This should be done while inhaling. The chin should be pressed against the neck.
  5. On exhalation, the back bends again, but already back. The head must be kept still.

Asana riding a camel is part of the practice of Kundalini Yoga. It is performed 5-6 times during one session.

Baddhakonasana or closed angle

Baddhakonasana allows you to work out the hip joints and stretch the tendons around them. Also, this position improves blood circulation in the pelvis and its organs.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position of Dandasana or Kakasana.
  2. The knees are spread apart, and the feet are connected.
  3. If stretching allows, the shins are pressed to the floor. In a simplified version, you can sit against the wall, which allows you to keep your back straight, although your legs do not fully adhere to the surface.
  4. Big toes are clasped with hands.
  5. The back is straightened in a slight tilt back. In this position, you need to hold out for up to 1 minute.

Perform Baddhakosana 1 time, increasing only the time spent in it.

Utthita Parsvakonasana or Right Side Angle

Utthita Parsvakonasana relieves pain in arthritis, and also helps to reduce body weight in the hips and waist. Regular performance of this asana develops physical endurance, stretches the muscles of the chest, back and shoulder area. The work of the digestive organs is getting better.

Action algorithm:

  1. Starting position - Tadasana. The legs on exhalation are placed at a width of more than 1 m. The toe of the right limb is turned 90 ° inward, the left one by 14-20 °.
  2. The right leg is bent at the knee by 90 °, the left leg forms a straight line at an angle.
  3. Exhaling, the body is tilted to the right leg, while lowering the hand of the same name to the foot. The left arm is extended above the head. The upper body is tilted so that the side of the right side touches the thigh of the same side. The back is extended, and the stomach is retracted.
  4. The gaze is directed upwards, the left hand is extended behind the ear. Ideal - the leg and arm of the same name form a straight line.
  5. Return to the starting position and work on the other side of the asana.

Perform 6 sets in 1 cycle.

Paschimotanasana for the western part of the body

Pashchimotanasana promotes:

  • Improving the flexibility of the spine.
  • Improving the work of the digestive tract and blood circulation.
  • Relieve irritability.
  • Fight insomnia.
  • Decrease in pressure.
  • Stretching the tendons under the kneecaps.
  • Increase the elasticity of muscles such as semimembranosus, calf, semitendinosus on the thighs.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position of Dandasana.
  2. The legs are extended forward with the heels.
  3. The right buttock is pushed back with the left hand. They do the same with the other side, changing only the limbs. The knees and hips are pressed to the floor.
  4. We put our palms on the floor on both sides of the pelvis.
  5. Pulling the chest up, push off the floor.
  6. Take a long breath, and as you exhale, stretching from the pelvis, you need to lean forward.
  7. Pulling the body forward, you need to lower your stomach to your hips and take your hands on your feet, lowering your chest and head to your feet.
  8. With each breath, you should slightly lift the body and try to make a greater forward lean. In the maximum lunge, you need to hold out from 1 to 3 minutes.
  9. You need to come out of the asana by slowly lifting the body up.

Repeat this pose 3-4 times.

Purvotanasana for the eastern part of the body

Purvotanasana for the eastern part of the body strengthens the joints of the shoulders, legs and arms. The muscles of the whole body become more resilient, posture improves. The chest opens up, allowing the body to rest from previous forward bends (if any).

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - Dandasana. The legs are extended in front of you, the hands are moved behind the back, resting their palms on the floor (directed towards the feet).
  2. Pressing the feet to the floor - the legs are bent at the knees.
  3. As you exhale, raise the pelvis resting on the floor with your hands. Only the palms and feet should be tense. Draw in the belly.
  4. The legs and body are parallel to the floor, the arms are perpendicular to the surface.
  5. Stretch the neck and tilt the head back. The body is straightened to the maximum, while keeping the feet firmly pressed to the floor. Breathing remains calm.
  6. Maintain the asana in this position for several 2-3 breathing periods.
  7. Return to the starting position occurs by bending the arms at the elbows and legs at the knees.

You need to perform asana 3 times in 1 yoga session.

Bandha Sarvangasana or bridge

Benefits of Bandha Sarvangasana are as follows:

  • Processes are normalized thyroid gland, lungs, abdominal organs.
  • Back pain and headaches are reduced.
  • Reduces fatigue and increased anxiety.
  • Legs come into tone, tension is removed from them.
  • Promotes the opening of the chest and the retraction of the spine with the cervical region.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knees, the heels rest against the pelvis.
  2. The hips are lifted up, leaving the feet motionless on the floor.
  3. The arms are extended along the body and fit snugly to the surface. Under the pelvis, the fingers are connected in a "lock".
  4. Tighten your thigh muscles. Freeze in this position for up to 5 breathing periods and then return to the starting position.

Perform Bandha Sarvangasana asana 2 times in 1 session.

Badha Konasana or Shoemaker's Pose

Badha Konasana strengthens the muscle groups of the back, abs, buttocks, sides and thighs. Regular performance of the asana carefully opens the back, shoulders, and hips.

Action algorithm:

  1. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs forward.
  2. While inhaling, pull the feet towards you, bending them at the knees.
  3. The connected feet should be pulled as close to you as possible so that their outer side is pressed against the surface.
  4. Hands wrap around the feet, and lower my knees to the surface.
  5. In this position, you need to hold out for 20 seconds.
  6. After that, the arms are relaxed, and the knees are raised.

Exercise should be performed up to 8 times.

Savasana or dead man's pose

Savasana is performed at the end of a yoga class. Beginners in this practice can do it before starting a session. This will contribute to relaxation and spiritual mood for the upcoming workshop.

The benefits of this asana are as follows:

  • It relieves stiffness from the muscles of the spine, and also improves blood flow to it.
  • The work of the heart is normalized, the pressure is stabilized.
  • Helps with insomnia and stress.
  • Improves posture.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor with your back down.
  2. The spine should fit snugly on the floor. For this, the legs are bent at the knees and the buttocks are opened. After that, the legs are slowly extended.
  3. The legs are slightly spread apart, the feet are not clamped.
  4. Place your hands on the floor without touching the body.
  5. The muscles of the body are strained as much as possible, hold them in this position for several seconds and relax. You need to do this several times. This is the only way to achieve relaxation of every cell of the body.
  6. The exit from the asana is as follows: the fingers and toes move, turn on their side, twist into the fetal position and gently rise.

Perform Savasana 1 time for up to 10 minutes.

Malasana or garland

Malasanda helps fight menstrual disorders in women, improves the functioning of the abdominal organs, activates the work of the abdominal muscles, which helps to reduce body weight.

Execution algorithm for beginners:

  1. Starting position - Tadasana.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees and sit down so that the pelvis is pressed to the floor. The feet are at the width of the buttocks and look in different directions. Heels should be firmly pressed to the floor.
  3. Elbows rest on inside knees and close hands. The coccyx should always be pulled down.
  4. The body should be stretched up, arms and knees tense.
  5. Freeze in this position for 1 minute, then relax your arms and rise. To restore strength, sit on the floor and straighten your legs, relaxing them.

Perform 3-4 approaches at a time.

Ardha Uttanasana

Asana helps to strengthen the calf and thigh muscles, stabilizes the liver and kidneys. It also has a beneficial effect on the mind, relieves stress and depression.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - Tadasana.
  2. On exhalation, they lean forward, making an extract from the pelvis.
  3. The body is slowly lowered, slightly moving forward from the groin.
  4. If stretching allows, then the tips of the fingers are located on the sides of the feet. If the body is not so flexible, then the torso can be lowered by bending the legs. Hands are lowered to the floor in front of you.
  5. Heels rest on the floor.
  6. With each breath, you need to tilt the body forward.
  7. In the maximum slope freeze from 30 to 60 seconds.
  8. They come out of the asana slowly, placing their hands on their hips. When inhaling, they rise to their full height.

Perform Ardha Uttanasana 3-4 times in 1 session.

Ardha Matsyendrasanaya or Lord of the Fish Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasanaya improves blood circulation in the body, has a beneficial effect on work internal organs and musculoskeletal system. Regular practice of this asana has a therapeutic effect and makes the spine stronger.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - Dandasana.
  2. The right leg is bent at the knee, then the left.
  3. The left leg is placed behind the right so that its heel fits snugly against its buttock.
  4. The right foot is moved to outer part left thigh.
  5. The right leg is clasped with the left hand, and the palm is placed on her thigh.
  6. Behind the back, palm down, the right hand is taken away.
  7. Focusing on the right palm, the body body is turned as far as it will go.
  8. The head is also turned to the limit to the right.
  9. You need to stay in this position for 3-5 breathing periods.
  10. After that, they return to their original position and perform the asana on the other side.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, Ardha Matsyendrasanaya must be performed daily at a certain time.

Parsvottanasana or Pyramid

The benefits of doing Parsvottonasana are as follows:

  • Stretches the spine.
  • Engages the muscle groups of the legs and pelvis, improving their blood circulation.
  • cleans up excess weight in the waist area.
  • It is the prevention of osteochondrosis.
  • Improves pelvic flexibility.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - Tadasana. Legs on exhalation are placed at a width of 1 m.
  2. The palms of the hands are placed on the hips. The right leg is rotated 90°, the left - from 45 to 60°. The heels are on the same line. The hips are compressed and the kneecaps are retracted. The right hip is rotated outside so that the knee looks to the right.
  3. On inspiration, open the chest, bend back. Stretch your arms behind your back and close your palms together so that they are opposite the shoulder blades. The little fingers of the fingers look at the back, the remaining fingers look up.
  4. The elbows are pulled back, squeezing the palms to the limit. Breathing is carried out with an open chest.
  5. Exhaling, the body is turned to the right at the level of the pelvis.
  6. The foot of the right limb is pressed to the surface, and the hips are turned inward. The palms remain behind the back.
  7. Exhale as you lean forward, keeping your back straight and hands behind your back. The emphasis of the body should fall on the leg standing in front. Ideally, the chin should touch her knee.
  8. Gradually, the body is pulled forward, pushing the hips back.
  9. Stay in this position for 20 seconds. Keep breathing even.
  10. In reverse order, they return to the asana and repeat it, but on the other side.

Asana can be performed both single and in combination with other positions.

Utkatasana or chair

Utkatasana works out the muscles of the legs, strengthening them and preventing deformation. Also, the performance of this asana has a beneficial effect on the work of the abdominal organs, opens the chest.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position - Tadasana.
  2. Raise your hands up to the ceiling while inhaling. At the maximum point, the palms close.
  3. On exhalation, the pelvis is lowered down, bending the legs at the knees.
  4. The legs are stretched from the knee to the pelvis.
  5. Then the body is lifted as high as possible, lifting the chest.
  6. Stay in this position for up to 1 minute. Breathing is calm and even.
  7. On inspiration, the body is pulled to the arms, the legs are straightened and come out of the pose.
  8. I put my hands down and return to the starting position.

Asasna is performed 3-4 times.

Sarvangasana or candle

Sarvangasana or a candle works on the back of the head, the area of ​​​​the shoulders, neck. In addition, this exercise helps to remove negative emotions and raise the tone, rejuvenates the reproductive system.

Execution algorithm:

  1. Lying on your back, straighten your legs and connect the feet. Hands are pressed on its two sides. The palms are pressed to the floor.
  2. The legs are lifted up, keeping them straight.
  3. Gradually raise the pelvis, lower back, back. The emphasis is on lying hands.
  4. Hands support the body in the lumbar region. To do this, they are bent at the elbows.
  5. As you exhale, open your chest and stretch your body up. At the maximum stand, freeze for any comfortable period of time.

Yoga is necessary for a person to maintain a healthy body. Body transformation and improvement physical form- this is not all the benefits that you can get by doing yoga. If you are a complete beginner, then you first need to learn what yoga is and why it is needed in principle, and only then proceed to practical exercises. Yoga is a system of exercises for improving the body, mind, thoughts and spiritual strength.

Interesting fact! People who practice yoga generally feel better good mood and a large supply of virtually inexhaustible energy. This article has compiled a set of yoga exercises at home so that you do not have to go anywhere; a house or apartment is enough to start practicing, and you can learn yoga more deeply at any time at specialized courses and trainings.

What is yoga and why does everyone need it

So, yoga is a set of health measures aimed at cleansing the physical body, developing willpower, transforming the mind and feelings. However, you should not take yoga very seriously, because no activity can be a “whole world” in which you can drown at the first opportunity. A complex of interests, where yoga is only part of a synonymous series among other interests, makes a person's life full. You can't just do yoga and do nothing else.

It is worth saying that yoga must be practiced correctly, without fanaticism. Trying to understand what yoga is and draw conclusions for themselves why it is needed, many theorists and practitioners simply go astray from the path of knowledge, and, as it were, get hung up on something that does not have such a strong meaning as they attach to it. If we consider the issue from the point of view of the physical body, then, for example, how yoga is useful for women, it is obvious that classes will help maintain a beautiful female body for many years.

How to do yoga at home on your own

To understand yoga, you need to watch video lessons and practice yourself. Before concluding that you have correctly understood yoga and started practicing it at home, understand the rule of regularity of classes - this is the law of cycles and repetitions. It is not so important how long you will practice yoga on one particular day, even if it is 10 hours. Much more important is the number of such days, the regularity of the classes.

It is better to practice 45 minutes a day every day than on weekends from morning to evening. Let not 45 minutes, but 10 or 15. This is the acquisition of a useful habit. It is always difficult to develop, sometimes you don’t want to and you don’t have the strength. It is worth remembering that it is only easy to degrade, for this you can not apply special efforts. Doing something, just trying, even if it looks stupid, inappropriate and ridiculous, it will benefit you personally, and let others treat you as they want.

Better to try and fail than to do nothing. When you do nothing, the result is always the same. And as soon as you start making attempts, tails immediately appear on the eagle in this coin of fate, which the Gods tossed for you. How you know God: with the help of positive thinking and yoga, or aggression and anger will lead you to awakening - for the Universe there is no difference, you just have to accept your actions in the form of consequences.

3 easy yoga exercises for beginners

Any actions must be conscious, there must be a clear plan and understanding of what needs to be done. If you have no experience in yoga, it is better to sign up with an instructor. But if you have firmly decided that you will study at home, then learn these rules of proper breathing, concentration and thinking. Start with this, and then it will become clearer how to do yoga on your own or with a teacher.

Exercise 1 - Breathwork

It is important to breathe correctly - that says it all. A person without air cannot live even a couple of minutes. As soon as oxygen to the brain ceases to flow, the cells immediately begin to die. Work on your breath - what does it mean? Train the ability to breathe and not breathe - hold your breath. Many researchers visited insights at the very moment of holding their breath, either due to the lack of oxygen, or they really caught a connection with the Universe.

By holding the breath, a person slows down the processes in the body. At the same time, the practitioner feels reality more subtly, and even, at the moment of holding his breath, is able to see. The meaning of the exercise is as follows:

  • breathe less;
  • the heart makes fewer beats;
  • life resource increases.

The heart is designed for a certain number of beats. If a person makes the heart work very fast, then his life is likely to be short-lived. WITH increased speed the heart will work in athletes, overweight people, under the influence of drugs, etc. Therefore, the heart must be protected, the vessels must be trained to withstand pressure since childhood, while the body is growing. In an adult, everything is already formed, the thickness of the walls of the vessels is determined. If you give a large load, for example, during some asana, then the vessel may not withstand and burst.

Breathing correctly when doing yoga is very important. There is a large number breathing exercises and practitioners, but they all come down to certain cycles, which consist of inhalation, delays breathing and exhalation. For example, inhale for 10 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, exhale for 7 seconds; or in another ratio. This is not even more important, but that you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When breathing, the cycles of inhalation-hold-exhalation should be stretched as much as possible, increased to several minutes. For example, so that one breath cycle takes 1 minute.

Exercise 2 - concentration and attention

The simplest yoga exercises that are suitable for beginners include concentration. When doing the concentration exercise, you can both concentrate on objects, events and people, and not think about anything, which is a more correct option. For full meditation, you need to stop the mental dialogue that goes on in your head 24 hours a day. Stop thinking, do not think about anything, and then the picture of the universe will become clear.

Exercise 3 - Positive Thinking

A necessary skill in yoga is the training of a positive perception of the world. This does not mean that such a yogi will be 100% peaceful and incapable of harming another person. Side effect yoga is strengthening the muscles of the body, because otherwise some exercises will not work, because there will be no physical strength to perform them. Train positive thinking, but do not wallow in illusions, and do not forget about the other polarity of manifestation of yourself, but in the negative.

Together, negative and positive - is a kind of battery. For such a battery to work, both polarities must be used, and not just "+". Therefore, train and "-". It is necessary to understand what kind of world we live in, and how much negativity can be observed here in order to feed on this negativity.

For yoga beginners - 4 poses at home

cow pose

So that you do not have to stand for hours in a cow pose, we recommend starting with a simple one - the correct stance. List useful exercises beginner yoga:

  1. Stand against the wall so that the surfaces touch your heels, pelvis, shoulders and back of the head. For your back, this is an even posture. The spine wears out very quickly. Make sure that your ridge at each moment of time takes a vertical position in space. When squatting, you should not bend over, it is necessary, as it were, to fall to your feet and stand up, while your back is vertical, it does not fall to the side. General good exercise for yoga, if done every day. The main point of use is to accustom yourself to walk straight and keep your back upright.
  2. Strengthen your hands. Go to the horizontal bars, sign up for gym, and train your hands. Climb like a lizard on the floor on your hands and feet. Stand, walk on your hands. Learn to do push-ups while standing on your hands. Push the unpushed, pull the unmovable. Hands are balanced when walking and running. These unconscious hand movements to the sides - people do not think about them. With the help of yoga, you can develop a natural pendulum and use it at home and at work.
  3. The best of poses- is to squat. A lot of diseases can develop from the fact that a person does not sit correctly. Moreover, with the advent of toilet bowls, people have almost completely forgotten about the squatting position. But this is very important - as it was, so it is, including from the point of view of yoga.
  4. With the help of the following pose, those who do not know how to start doing yoga at home from scratch on their own can do it for free - classic lotus. Again, physical data, such as stretching the legs and other ligaments, greatly affect the quality of life. And in general, if a yogi slips on people, he will not tear his ligaments, because he has elastic ones.

Pull the tendons, activate all the muscles, and you will be happy. In a healthy body healthy mind This is where your transformation will begin. Focus increased attention on the abdominal muscles - that's what Bruce Lee said. Let this not be a yogi, but he understood something in the development of physical abilities, and in particular muscles and tendons.

The best yoga poses for two children - couples and individual classes

Yoga poses for two children should be selected by a specialist. If we are not talking about in-depth yoga, then you can experiment. Children's ligaments are rubbery enough to take almost any shape, especially in girls. Children can easily assume those poses that are inaccessible to untrained adults. Instead of yoga, children are encouraged to do classic exercises from physical education classes. A simple warm-up to disperse the blood sleeping in the morning. A short morning run before warming up is preferable.

Yoga for adults - 10 exercises for classes

Now let's talk seriously about yoga, but to simplify the meaning in simple words. The following is a list of serious yoga exercises, the development and practice of which even experienced practitioners take a relatively long time.

This exercise belongs to the standing type. One leg is straight, and the other is bent at the knee at 90 degrees. A bend is made on a bent leg. With the help of Utthita Parshvakonasana, you can correct the shape of the muscles of the legs (calves, thighs) in a short time. Also, the specificity lies in squeezing out fat deposits from the abdomen. Features of the exercise - thigh bent leg parallel to the floor. Bottom part legs should be oriented strictly perpendicular to the floor and thigh. Try to do as shown in the picture.

With this exercise, yoga can improve digestion, supply an abundance of blood to the intervertebral discs and, in general, recharge extra energy. Features - the chest is fully revealed. Ardha Matsyendrasana helps to lengthen the hips, back, shoulders and neck. This is an intense twisting asana. The pose is also called “Half Pose of the King of Fishes”.

The so-called Warrior Pose II trains balance and endurance. Fat in the waist just hides from this position. The muscles of the back, legs and abdomen, if you regularly train the Virabhadrasana II yoga exercise, will gradually become stronger. Feature - the shoulders should be deployed as much as possible. A straight line should form, perpendicular to the position of the pelvis.

This pose may seem too confusing, but it is not. With a little practice, you can take the position of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I in a matter of seconds. Further, it will be possible to train relaxation in this position during yoga. A yogi who takes this pose visually resembles a dove. Therefore, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I is also called the pigeon pose. Features - requires mobility hip joints and muscle softness. After regular yoga practices in this position, the silhouette of the practitioner's figure becomes very beautiful, especially in women.

This pose can be performed by people with cerebral palsy, but with a little help from the instructor. The so-called pose of the inverted triangle Parivritta Trikonasana is able to strengthen the abdominal cavity of the yogi, which is very important for his health. Feature - when exercising, blood circulation in the back improves, pain in the lumbar region decreases, thoracic and shoulder blades. To get the pose right, the spine should be kept as straight as possible, and the feet should not be torn off the floor.

Another name for this position is camel pose. This universal exercise, which suits absolutely everyone, is suitable as a pose for two children. Feature - strengthening the arms, shoulders, back, hips, abs and chest. For women, yoga in this position is very relevant, because with the help of this exercise can increase the flexibility of the back. Ushtrasana is recommended for practice for those who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system and are clearly experiencing disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Indicator correct execution- the head is not thrown back, there is no strong support on the hands.

An ideal pose for short meditation practices. Another name for Balasana is the child's pose; relaxes the whole body. Features - influence on the functioning of the nervous system, calming, reducing chronic fatigue and stress. Practice this posture and your brain will soon work noticeably more intensively. Other effects include stretching the thigh muscles, lengthening the ankle muscles, and reducing fat accumulation in the abdomen.

8 - Halasana

An alternative name is the plow pose. Halasana is a type of inverted yoga posture. With the help of this position, each of the spinal sections can be cured of osteochondrosis. The peculiarity is the abundance of blood flow to the brain, due to which the intensity of brain impulses increases. The plow pose promotes the development of thinking and memory, and also gives a rest to the human heart system.

This pose is also inverted. Chakrasana tones the abdominal organs. Due to the blood supply to the spine, practitioners experience rejuvenation of the spinal system. An alternative name is wheel pose. Chakrasana is recommended to practice to improve the functioning of the liver, as well as to enhance positive well-being. Yogi women who practice the wheel pose usually feel fresh and light, such people are open to communication and acceptance of the new.

If you have digestive problems, be sure to train the grasshopper pose - Shalabhasana. Your back muscles will be strengthened, you will become even more flexible, pain in the lower back and sacrum will stop. Grasshopper yoga pose is believed to help improve the health of the prostate gland and bladder.

Contraindications for yoga

It is very important to understand who should not practice yoga and even classes are contraindicated. Let's single out a few simple rules to identify people who are permanently or temporarily discouraged from doing exercises from the yoga system:

  • It is completely impossible to practice yoga for those who have heart and blood diseases. And also for those who are mentally ill or who have epilepsy. People with serious injury spine - do not harm yourself even more. It is also impossible to practice the above exercises for those who have a clear infectious nature of the disease of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Those who have chronic diseases in the relapse stage can count on a temporary ban; it is better to wait with yoga until a stable remission occurs. The same applies to elevated body temperature and a condition in which eye pressure is elevated. With strong intracranial pressure, it is also recommended to refrain from yoga practices. Of course, the temporary ban applies to the postoperative period.
  • The body during yoga can be harmed if you have recently eaten and immediately began to practice; It is recommended that at least 2 hours pass after eating. In an overtired state, bad mood, during periods of depression and excessive physical exertion, there can be no talk of any yoga.

Yoga classes for pregnant women should be adapted in a special way, taking into account the position of the woman, her displaced center of mass and the psychological characteristics of behavior during the period of bearing a child. For pregnant women, you can be advised to find an instructor and load your body with classes in the easiest and most relaxed form.


This article looked at simple yoga exercises for beginners as well as experienced practitioners. Showing best poses for homework, as well as warnings against misuse of techniques and methods. With the help of yoga, you can improve your health physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

Yoga is an endless source of health. Yoga exercises help not only lose weight, but also strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, strengthen immunity, get rid of depression and stress. In this article, we will not dwell on all the benefits of yoga, but will consider simple yoga exercises for weight loss at home.

Types of postures for weight loss


Twisting poses contribute to the functioning of the entire digestive system, improve metabolism, which helps to rid the body of fats and toxins. Twisting poses include: Bharadvajasana, Sage Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana and others.

standing postures

Standing postures strengthen the body and improve concentration. Areas of influence of the poses: hips, calves, spine, shoulders, upper back and abdomen. Postures of this type must be included in the complex for weight loss with the help of yoga.

Inverted poses

Inverted poses are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, stimulate the thyroid gland, and work out the abdominal organs. Again, improving metabolism and digestion, strengthening the muscle corset.


Bent postures can be done either sitting or standing. Depending on the type of inclination, the necessary parts of the body are worked out. Inclines are designed to improve body flexibility, stretch tendons, and strengthen muscles.

Relaxation postures

Relaxation postures can finish your workout. Relaxation poses help to calm the mind and body, relieve tension after a working day.

Simple asanas for weight loss at home

Consider simple asanas for weight loss. I present to you a description of asanas, photos and the principle of action.

Forward bend - Uttanasana

The stretch pose strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, removes body fat. Ligaments and tendons work great.

Stand straight, raise your hands up, then slowly lower your hands to the bottom. Try to touch your head to your knees. You can grab your shins with your hands.

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

The Bhujangasana pose improves digestion, affects the abdominal organs and abdominal muscles. The pose works great on the spine.

You can perform the pose from a lying position. On an inhale, lift yourself off the floor. Keep your arms straight, feet pressed to the floor.

Downward facing dog pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana

The posture helps to strengthen all parts of the body. Stretched rear surface body, tendons, spine, shoulders. The abdominal muscles are tightened, metabolism improves.

The pose is performed from a standing position on all fours.

Warrior Pose - Virabhadrasana

The warrior pose allows you to strengthen the muscles in your arms and legs, align your spine, and stretch your perineum.

To perform the warrior pose, stand straight, lunge forward, join your hands with your palms and raise them above your head. Perform a slight backbend and stretch the whole body. Repeat the exercise with a lunge on the other leg.

Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana

The triangle pose works to burn fat in the lateral parts of the body, soothes nervous system and stretches the tendons of the legs.

To perform trikonasana, stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. As you exhale, lower yourself to your left leg. The left hand touches the floor next to the foot, and the right hand rises perpendicular to the floor. Direct your gaze to your fingertips right hand. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana strengthens the abs and arms, stretches the tendons and has a beneficial effect on the knees.

To perform the pose, stand up straight and while inhaling, raise your arms up above your head, joining your palms. The right leg is bent at the knee, and the foot is attached to the inner surface of the thigh. Freeze in the pose for 60 seconds. Do the pose again, but this time bend left leg.

Chair Pose - Utkatasana

Strengthening the thighs and calves with tree pose is indescribable. Muscles are tensed, endurance is trained, the organs of the abdominal region are being worked out.

To perform the asana, stand straight and raise your arms up as you exhale. Bring your hands together with palms facing each other and squat down as you exhale. We hid for 30 - 60 seconds in position.

The plank pose is a powerful weapon against fat and cellulite. It is recommended for practice, both in a complex of exercises for weight loss, and as an independent static load. Plank Pose Works static load to all parts of the body. You can perform several approaches, gradually increasing the time spent in the pose. Remember to breathe evenly and keep your back straight.

Wind Release Pose - Pawanmuktasana

The pose is designed to free the body from accumulations of gases. It is performed for each leg separately and with pressing both legs at the same time. Favorably affects the organs of the abdominal region, massages the stomach, strengthens the muscles of the lower body.

Bow pose - Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana improves the flexibility of the spine, stretches the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs. Like the previous weight loss poses, the bow pose improves bowel function, corrects back disorders, and also strengthens the collar area.

Press 30 - 60 - 90

As the name says, the pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and burns fat. The pose is performed in this way: Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise your legs 30 degrees. Gradually lower your legs almost to the floor. Hold for a while, as you exhale, place your feet on the floor. Repeat the exercise, but this time lift your legs 60 degrees and then 90.

You can perform a set of exercises at home. Simple exercises for weight loss not only burn fat, but also increase stamina, improve the functioning of internal organs and give your body flexibility. Stay always young and beautiful!

How do you deal with being overweight?

Many people do not know how to start yoga, and the conditions do not allow visiting a teacher or a group in a fitness center. You have to start learning everything on your own at home. In this case, numerous yoga courses for beginners, recorded on cassettes, videos or in the form of printed publications, can help. On the Internet, you can also find many sites dedicated to homework, which describe in detail the sequence of actions at home. You can find lessons in sports literature.

There are specialized television channels dedicated to sports at home. At a certain time, yoga lessons are transmitted to them, intended for specific people - children, adults, pregnant women, and so on. They are especially good for their profiling, as most beginners find it difficult to navigate the many types of exercises. They describe in detail, and most importantly, demonstrate how to practice yoga correctly.

What do you need to practice?

Independent performance of asanas requires a minimum set of accessories. First of all, for the lessons you need a special polyurethane foam mat, it is quite soft, elastic, it is convenient to practice on it and it does not slip on any type of floor covering. To practice yoga at home, you need loose and light clothes, it is best to choose natural fabrics or special sportswear made from modern high-tech fabrics. It evaporates excess moisture, it is impossible to overheat in it, and you can often wash such a sports uniform without harming the appearance and quality.

A beginner for lessons at home needs to choose a suitable program. No need to immediately try to "embrace the immensity" - no one has yet mastered yoga in 10 days, this is not a competition for survival, but a spiritual practice combined with body improvement. It is worth starting with the simplest exercises, devoting more time to proper breathing and meditation, which allows you to achieve a relaxed state.

Yoga at home is convenient because you are not tied to the place and time of the lesson, but choose it yourself. If you start practicing regularly, then even for beginners, yoga will quickly show the benefits of lessons at home.

Yoga room

Yoga should be practiced in a well-ventilated and clean room with a pleasant air temperature. It is very good if it is a shady quiet room. This is especially important for beginners, because harsh sounds and bright lights distract from self-immersion and proper exercise.

If the yoga practitioner knows all the exercises from the lesson, then relaxing quiet music or recordings with the sound of the surf, sounds of the forest, birdsong and similar natural sounds can be used as a background. Classes on disks or on a computer are already accompanied by music.

Yoga at home involves privacy. Close the doors and warn your family not to be disturbed for a while, or choose a time when no one is home.

A set of exercises for practicing at home

A yoga lesson helps to cope not only with physical problems, but also stabilizes the psyche, teaches you to listen to your body, improves well-being, increases endurance and resistance to various diseases. A yoga practitioner improves not only his body, but also his spirit, learning to control attention, distribute strength and endure pain.

Exercise is the best way to get started. It consists of twelve sequentially changing asanas and works out not only all areas of the body, but also affects the mind. All asanas are accompanied by proper breathing. This complex is very well suited for beginners, as it is relatively light and at the same time multifunctional.

Surya Namaskar - Salutation to the Sun

  • Samasthiti - Greetings. Standing straight, put your feet together, feet parallel to one another. The back is straight, the neck is extended, the crown is looking at the ceiling. Fold your hands in front of you palm to palm at chest level, pick up your stomach, straighten your ribs. Fix your gaze in front of you. Breathing is calm, measured and deep.
  • Tadasana - Hands up. While inhaling, raise your arms, stretching your spine and looking up. The chest should be open, breathing is stable.
  • Utthanasana - Hand to foot. As you exhale, slowly and gently begin to lean forward and go down, stretching your back, neck and arms in one line. The knees should be bent and soft, the whole body relaxed. No need to round your back, you need to hang upside down without straining any muscle. Touch the floor with your hands, if it still doesn’t work out, leave your hands hanging like whips. Rise up gradually, lining up one vertebra after one in a line, starting from the pelvis and moving towards the neck. The head is aligned last.
  • Ashwa Sanchalanasana - Horseman. As you inhale, move your left leg back, lower your knee to the floor. Bend the knee of the right leg, forming a right angle. The foot is strictly under the knee. Rest your hands on the floor, stretching your back and keeping your head upright.
  • Adhomukha Svanasana - Mountain. As you exhale, place your feet hip-width apart and your hands shoulder-width apart. Start raising your buttocks so that the tailbone looks up, leaning on your hands. Pull your chest towards your hips, forming a straight line with your arms and back. Press your heels into the floor - this helps stretch the back of the thigh and lower leg, which is especially important for beginners. Neck muscles are relaxed.
  • Ashtanga Namaskara - Eight members. From the previous one, we smoothly move on to the next asana. We touch the floor with our knees, and then we lower ourselves onto it so as to touch it with eight points - thumbs legs, knees and chest, arms and chin. We fix and smoothly move on to the next exercise.
  • Bhujangasana - Cobra. Inhale to raise upper part body, leaning on straight arms. Stretch the back, pressing the elbows to the body, the head looks up. Don't tilt your head back and don't strain your neck!
  • Consistently repeat the following asanas - Mountain, Rider. Hand to foot, Hands up and Salute. This is the end of a cycle that can be started anew. For beginners to practice yoga at home, these 12 exercises may be enough for the first time.
  • Complete the cycle with Shavasana - Corpse Pose. Lying on the mat, put your hands freely along the body with palms down, legs slightly apart. Close your eyes, breathing is calm and even. Relax the whole body gradually, starting from the tips of the fingers and toes and moving towards the heart and head. It is necessary to engage in relaxation at the end of each exercise cycle.

Even practicing at home, you can achieve significant progress if you do yoga lessons regularly and thoughtfully. Moving from simple to complex, gradually add new asanas or move on to more serious sets of exercises, not forgetting about meditation and correct breathing. Your reward will be a healthy body and a strong spirit.