Yoga at home and weight loss go hand in hand. The benefits of yoga for weight loss for beginners at home, exercise program for a beautiful figure What kind of yoga is for weight loss

Yoga is an endless source of health. Yoga exercises help not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, strengthen the immune system, and get rid of depression and stress. In this article, we will not dwell on all the benefits of yoga, but will look at simple yoga exercises for weight loss at home.

Types of poses for weight loss


Twisting poses contribute to the entire digestive system and improve metabolism, which helps rid the body of fats and toxins. Twisting poses include: Bharadvajasana, Sage Pose, Ardha Matsyendrasana and others.

Standing poses

Standing poses strengthen the body and improve concentration. Areas of influence of poses: thighs, calves, spine, shoulders, top part back and stomach. Poses of this type must be included in a complex for weight loss through yoga.

Inverted poses

Inverted poses are designed to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, stimulate thyroid gland, organ work abdominal cavity. Again, improving metabolism and digestion, strengthening the muscle corset.


Bending poses can be performed either sitting or standing. Depending on the type of inclination, the necessary areas of the body are worked out. Bends are designed to improve body flexibility, stretch tendons and strengthen muscles.

Relaxation poses

You can end your workouts with relaxation poses. Relaxation poses help calm the mind and body and relieve tension after a working day.

Simple asanas for weight loss at home

Let's look at simple asanas for weight loss. I present to you a description of the asanas, photos and principles of action.

Forward Bend - Uttanasana

The stretching pose strengthens the abdominal and thigh muscles, removes body fat. Ligaments and tendons work great.

Stand straight, raise your arms up, then smoothly lower your arms to the bottom. Try to touch your head to your knees. You can clasp your shins with your hands.

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana pose helps improve digestion and affects the abdominal organs and abdominal muscles. The pose works great on the spine.

You can perform the pose from a lying position. As you inhale, lift yourself off the floor. Keep your arms straight, legs pressed to the floor.

Downward Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana

The pose helps strengthen all parts of the body. The back surface of the body, tendons, spine, and shoulders are stretched. The abdominal muscles are tightened and metabolism improves.

The pose is performed from a standing position on all fours.

Warrior Pose - Virabhadrasana

The warrior pose allows you to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, align the spine, and stretch the perineal area.

To perform warrior pose, stand up straight, lunge forward, clasp your hands together and raise them above your head. Perform a slight backbend and tighten your entire body. Repeat the exercise with a lunge on the other leg.

Triangle Pose - Utthita Trikonasana

Triangle pose works to burn fat in the sides of the body, calms the nervous system and stretches the tendons of the legs.

To perform trikonasana, stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, lower yourself to your left leg. Left hand touches the floor next to the foot, and the right one rises up perpendicular to the floor. Direct your gaze to the fingertips of your right hand. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Tree Pose or Vrikshasana

Vrikshasana strengthens the abs and arms, stretches the tendons and has a beneficial effect on the knees.

To perform the pose, stand up straight and, as you inhale, raise your arms above your head, bringing your palms together. The right leg is bent at the knee, and the foot is placed on the inner surface of the thigh. Freeze in the pose for 60 seconds. Do the pose again, but this time bend left leg.

Chair Pose - Utkatasana

Strengthening your thighs and calves with tree pose is indescribable. The muscles are tensed, endurance is trained, and the abdominal organs are worked out.

To perform the asana, stand straight and, as you exhale, raise your arms up. Place your hands with your palms facing each other and, as you exhale, squat down slightly. Hidden for 30 - 60 seconds in position.

Plank pose is a powerful weapon against fat and cellulite. It is recommended for practice, both as part of a set of exercises for weight loss, and as an independent static load. Plank pose works static load to all areas of the body. You can perform several approaches, gradually increasing the time spent in the pose. Don't forget about even breathing and a straight back.

Wind Release Pose - Pawanmuktasana

The pose is designed to free the body from gas accumulations. Performed for each leg separately and with both legs pressed at the same time. It has a beneficial effect on the abdominal organs, massages the abdomen, and strengthens the muscles of the lower body.

Bow Pose - Dhanurasana

Dhanurasana improves the flexibility of the spine, stretches the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs. Like previous poses for weight loss, the bow pose improves bowel function, corrects back disorders, and also strengthens the collar area.

Press 30 - 60 - 90

As the name says, the pose strengthens the abdominal muscles and burns fat. The pose is performed in this way: Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise your legs 30 degrees. Gradually lower your legs almost to the floor. Hold for a moment, and as you exhale, place your feet on the floor. Repeat the exercise, but this time raise your legs 60 degrees and then 90.

You can perform a set of exercises at home. Simple exercises for weight loss not only burn fat, but also increase endurance, improve the functioning of internal organs and give your body flexibility. Stay always young and beautiful!

How do you cope with overweight?

Yoga classes for weight loss are very popular now. But if for some they turn out to be a panacea and turn into a way of life, then for some reason they do not work for others. What are the components of success and what style of yoga to choose to lose weight?

What is yoga?

Yoga is ancient philosophical doctrine, which came to us from India, preaching a special system of values ​​aimed at achieving a person’s state of spiritual and mental exaltation. You can achieve enlightenment through strengthening your body and spirit with the help of mental and physical practices.

Today, few people go into the philosophical side of the teaching; many take into account only the system physical exercise called asanas. However, yoga classes help you to understand the capabilities of your body, temporarily escape from the bustle of the world and look deep into yourself. By working on his body and breathing, a person trains endurance, concentration, becomes resistant to stress and gradually comes to a change in consciousness and lifestyle.

Physical Health Benefits

Many diseases occur due to stress. Constant nervous tension can lead to hormonal imbalances, nervous disorders, malfunction immune system. That’s why it’s so important to learn to control yourself, switch your consciousness, and tune into a positive mood.

If we talk about the physical aspect of classes, yoga develops endurance, trains flexibility, stretching, and helps to gain harmony.

5 reasons to do yoga for weight loss

People who regularly practice yoga confirm its effectiveness for weight loss. A number of factors contribute to this:

  1. Most asanas are static exercises with a change of positions that require extreme tension of all muscles, including deep ones, to maintain body balance.
  2. A special breathing technique speeds up metabolic processes in the body by almost 30%. This happens due to the saturation of the body with oxygen, which breaks down fatty tissue cells. Food begins to be digested faster, and the feeling of hunger does not arise, but an unprecedented surge of energy is felt.
  3. Yoga teaches you how to cope with stress. Often it is stress that causes the need to “seize” problems.
  4. Yoga classes reduce the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that provokes fat deposits. excess fat, especially in the abdominal area, and surges in blood glucose.
  5. After exercise, sleep normalizes, and for weight loss it is important to get enough sleep.

What results should you expect?

Many are skeptical about yoga as a means of losing weight, citing the fact that an hour-long workout burns an average of one hundred and fifty to two hundred calories, while a similar duration power training will burn from three hundred to five hundred.

Yes, the result will not be quick; the first changes can be noticed after 2-3 months of regular exercise. Scale readings on initial stage many will be disappointed. But weight loss will definitely occur, just not as rapidly as many would like. Even if the weight stays the same, the volume of the body will decrease by several centimeters, and the muscles will gain relief. This means that fat tissue will gradually be replaced by muscle tissue.

This is not only and not so much about burning calories. The meaning of yoga is to achieve harmony between consciousness and the physical state of the body. A person becomes more susceptible to all processes occurring inside his body, and gradually comes to the need to change eating habits, reconsider the system of relationships with people and the way of life in general.

Indications and contraindications for classes

Getting rid of extra pounds, of course, has a positive effect on health. Yoga will help not only lose weight, but also cope with many ailments. These classes will be useful:

  • for problems with the spine;
  • joints;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • digestive disorders;
  • genitourinary diseases;
  • nervous tension against a background of constant stress, including insomnia and chronic fatigue.

You should give up activities completely:

  • for mental disorders;
  • organic lesions of the heart, including defects, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, aortic aneurysm, myocardial dystrophy;
  • blood diseases;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • oncological diseases.

You need to temporarily refrain from doing yoga:

  • when taking medications in large quantities;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • after operations;
  • abnormally low or high body temperature;
  • taking a massage course;
  • after a bath or sauna (you can start classes no earlier than 8 hours later);
  • on a full stomach.

What types of yoga exist and what should beginners choose for weight loss?

The main question that plagues beginners who decide to take up yoga is which direction to choose? Indeed, there are many styles of yoga, and their choice depends on what goals you want to achieve.

If the main goal is weight loss, then Bikram yoga and Ashtanga yoga will be the most effective, although, by and large, all types will ultimately help you lose weight.

  • Bikram yoga (also called “hot” yoga) is a type of hatha yoga and consists of 26 dynamic asanas and 2 breathing exercises that need to be performed in a well-heated room with high humidity. Such workouts can burn up to 700 calories per session. The downside is that not all schools can create the necessary conditions for this, so Bikram yoga is not practiced everywhere.
  • Ashtanga yoga is a tough dynamic practice that allows you to build “dry” muscles. You can burn up to 600 calories in one session. This type of yoga involves following a path consisting of eight steps. Each next level exceeds the previous one in difficulty. Asanas are combined with breathing practice (pranayama) and repetitive movements associated with breathing (vinyasas).
  • Hatha yoga is the initial stage of raja yoga, its purpose is to physically prepare the body for meditation using a set of physical and mental practices that temper the body and spirit. This is a set of static asanas that allow you to deeply work all the muscles and speed up your metabolism.
  • Strength or power yoga was developed in America in the mid-90s. It is based on Ashtanga yoga exercises, but the asanas are not performed in a strict sequence. Power yoga classes train endurance and give fairly quick results. At the initial stage, static hatha yoga exercises are used, while the muscles of the legs, arms, back and hips are well worked out, and muscle imbalances are leveled out. At a more advanced level, when students already have full control of their body, they begin dynamic exercises.
  • Kundalini yoga is a synthesis of static, dynamic, breathing exercises, meditations and mantras. The complex of all these practices allows you to awaken the Kundalini energy, “dormant” at the base of the spine, and raise it step by step energy channels up to the highest chakra sahasrara.

Perform several exercises with kundalini yoga teacher Alexey Vladovsky.

Video: kundalini yoga lesson for weight loss

  • Breathing yoga is a set of special exercises aimed at holding the breath and accumulating carbon dioxide in the body, which helps relax blood vessels. In relaxed vessels, blood circulation is normalized, which increases the overall tone of the whole body. Short hypoxia helps accelerate the synthesis of enzymes that trigger oxidation processes in the body. As a result, metabolism increases and metabolic processes improve.

A video lesson from Karina Kharchinskaya will help you learn more about the principles of breathing.

Video: learning to breathe correctly

  • Yoga for the fingers or mudras is based on the fact that there are acupuncture points associated with various organs on the palms and fingers. Regular exposure to these points helps to cope with stress, improve vision, hearing, speed up metabolism, alleviate many ailments, and also maintain the overall tone of the body.
  • Yoga in hammocks is perfect for people who have traditional exercises causes difficulty for a number of reasons, for example, joint problems or back diseases. Such exercises are useful for obese people and women after childbirth. Classes take place in a special hammock, consisting of a canvas equipped with additional handles and ropes for fastening. Indoors, the device is attached to the ceiling with carabiners, and in the summer you can attach it to a tree or an outdoor horizontal bar to practice outdoors.

What time of day is it best to exercise and what is the optimal duration of exercise?

Indian yogis begin their practices in the morning at dawn, and it is no coincidence. Morning yoga helps you wake up and recharge your batteries for the whole day. It is the morning hours that are considered the best for yoga. Unfortunately, not everyone has time for full-time studies in the morning. Don’t be upset: 20–30 minutes are enough to perform morning asanas to increase blood circulation, start metabolism, warm up joints and muscles, and prepare the whole body for the working day.

Especially for beginners, you need to approach the choice of exercises for morning warm-up wisely - the risk of injury is higher in the morning. For morning complex leisurely stretching exercises that do not require any effort are more suitable. great effort, such as cat pose or butterfly pose. Strength and dynamic loads are best left for evening workouts.

Find out what other exercises to choose for your morning routine from the video.

Video: fifteen-minute complex for awakening from Katerina Buida

The optimal duration of a yoga session is from one and a half to two and a half hours, depending on the level of training. The duration of training time should be increased gradually. You definitely need to exercise regularly, at least 3-4 times a week. At first, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with daily exercises - the body, especially an unprepared one, needs days of rest.

Those who cannot sleep for a long time and feel exhausted in the morning should pay attention to a set of exercises before bed. To avoid problems with falling asleep, the room must be ventilated the night before, and the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.

You can start the complex with the Sirshasana (headstand) exercise, but you need preparation for it: lying on your back, you first need to relax as much as possible, then inhale and exhale smoothly, imagining how the air comes out of all parts of the body. Now you can go to the wall and stand on your head, trying to hold in this position for as long as possible, ideally up to 3 minutes.

The Viparitakarani mudra exercise, which is reminiscent of the familiar “birch tree” exercise, is also good before bed: from a lying position on your back, you need to lift your legs off the floor, with your elbows resting on the floor and your palms on your lower back. You should stay in this position for 2 minutes.

More yoga exercises before bed are in the video tutorial by Katerina Buida.

Video: evening complex “Sweet Dream” from Katerina Buida

What else you need to know about classes

Women often ask whether it is possible to conduct classes on “critical” days? Yes, menstruation is not a contraindication to yoga. For this period, only strength exercises, you should also refrain from twisting and bending back.

Clothing for yoga should be made from natural fabrics, loose and comfortable. You don't need shoes for yoga at all - it's better to practice barefoot, or at least in socks.

You need to train on an empty stomach. In the morning - before breakfast, in the afternoon or evening - 3-4 hours after eating. If you suffer from unbearable hunger, shortly before class you are allowed to drink a glass of juice, milk or tea.

There are no age restrictions for practicing yoga. Children can be taught asanas from the age of 5.

Yoga for weight loss at home

It is better to start yoga classes with an instructor. But if you don't have time to visit gym, you can practice at home with the help of video lessons from experienced experts. Let's look at a few simple exercises for beginners, which will work well on problem areas and help you lose extra pounds.

Getting rid of fat on the stomach and sides

Before performing asanas, a warm-up is always necessary. For this purpose, bending forward and to the sides, turning the body left and right, and rotating the hips are suitable. Now you can begin static asanas.

Paripurna navasana

  1. You need to sit up straight and stretch your legs in front of you, bringing them together. The body and legs should form a right angle.
  2. Then the body must be tilted back 45 degrees, and outstretched legs raise it so that the right angle is maintained.
  3. Extend your arms straight forward to maintain body balance.
  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.


  1. Starting standing position: spread your legs wide and straighten your back.
  2. Pull your kneecaps up and tighten your leg muscles.
  3. Taking a deep breath, simultaneously stretch your arms up and clasp your elbows.
  4. Tilt your body down, trying to reach your legs with your forehead, while your hands should touch the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  5. Hold this position for a count of ten.
  6. Return to starting position.

Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Rdha navasana

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  2. Cross your fingers and place them on the back of your head.
  3. As you exhale, tilt your body back and lift your legs off the floor 40 degrees.
  4. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.

Repeat the asana 5 times.


A relaxation exercise that can be used to complete the complex.

  1. Lie on your back, spread your legs and arms to the sides.
  2. Relax the muscles of the whole body. Remain in this position for 20 minutes.

We work the hips and buttocks

A few simple exercises will help significantly improve the shape of your legs and tighten your buttocks.

"Flying Eagle"

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, put your right leg forward, hands on your belt.
  2. Squat low.
  3. Rise sharply, as if pushing your body up, at the same time bend your right knee, bend your arms slightly at the elbows, while bringing your right back and your left forward.
  4. Hold in this position for up to 10 seconds.
  5. Squat low again.

Repeat the exercise 10 times, alternating legs.

"Swivel chair"

  1. Sit on the floor, put your legs in front of you, bending your knees, rest your feet on the floor, place your hands on your belt.
  2. Raise your legs so that together with your body they form an angle of 45 degrees, while spreading your arms to the sides.
  3. Trying to maintain the angle between your legs and torso, move both arms to the right and legs to the left.
  4. Then, without touching the floor with your feet, turn your legs to the right and your arms over your head to the left.

Perform 10 cycles.

"Winged Feet"

  1. Get on all fours, straighten your back.
  2. Bend your left leg at the knee so that your heel is level with your buttocks.
  3. Slowly straighten your right leg and move it back.
  4. Hold in this position for up to 10 seconds.
  5. Return to starting position.
  6. Repeat the same with changing legs.

Perform 10 cycles.

Take more exercises for your hips and buttocks from American fitness trainer Denise Austin, who combined Ashtanga yoga and Pilates.

Video: a set of exercises for the hips and buttocks

Beautiful hands and a healthy back

Good posture always helps to look young and confident. It is also an indicator of back health. You can achieve beautiful posture at any age, and several simple asanas will help with this.

Child's pose

  1. Get on your knees with your big toes together and your knees shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend your torso, placing it between your knees, while sitting on your heels.
  3. The hands are positioned shoulder-width apart, from the elbows to the palms they are pressed tightly to the floor and stretched as far as possible.
  4. Touch your forehead to the floor.
  5. Without lifting your buttocks from your heels, slowly stretch the sides of your torso.
  6. Breathing should be smooth.

Hold in this position for 1–2 minutes.

Head down dog pose

  1. The previous asana is the starting position.
  2. As you inhale, lift your pelvis up, straighten your knees.
  3. Shift your body weight to your feet, keeping your heels off the floor.
  4. Tighten your thighs, tighten your kneecaps.
  5. The back and arms should form a single line.
  6. The head and neck should be relaxed.
  7. Breathing should be free.

Stay in this pose for 1 minute.

  1. Lying on your stomach, extend your arms straight forward, press your forehead to the floor, and join your legs.
  2. As you inhale, mentally stretch your lower back, pull your buttocks toward your heels.
  3. As you exhale, raise your right arm and left leg.
  4. While inhaling, return to the starting position.
  5. As you exhale, raise your left arm and right leg.
  6. Return to starting position again

Repeat the cycle 3 times.

Now you can rest for a minute and then complicate the task.

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

find out more exercise for the back from Katerina Buida.

Video: fifteen-minute complex for strengthening the back

It will help to work out all muscle groups at home universal complex yoga from American trainer Jillian Michaels.

Video: a set of exercises for all muscle groups

Principles of nutrition combined with exercise

Regular yoga practice can gradually lead to changes in eating habits. Yes, all yogis are vegetarians, but this does not mean that you should immediately adopt vegetarianism. Yoga teaches you to feel your body, and over time you will want to eliminate obviously harmful foods from your diet. If you are not yet ready to radically change your eating behavior, then the consumption of certain foods should be limited and minimized.

Yoga is considered harmful:

  1. Any meat contains many toxic substances that promote premature aging and cause aggression.
  2. Any animal fats, including dairy products, cause atherosclerosis.
  3. Any drugs, including alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, opium, hashish, marijuana and other drugs.
  4. Any sweets, except honey and candied fruits.
  5. Any flour products, especially those made from yeast dough, have a detrimental effect on the intestines.

In yoga it is considered correct when:

  • 60% of the diet consists of natural raw food: fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts;
  • 40% is food that has undergone heat treatment.

By observing this ratio, you can create a healthy menu for every day according to your taste.

  1. Hatha yoga.
  2. Iyengar yoga.
  3. Kundalini yoga.
  4. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

  1. Power yoga (strength).
  2. Fitness yoga.
  3. Bikram yoga (hot).

Sheetali or cooling breathtion.

Asanas for beginners

  • sitting postures;
  • inverted poses;
  • twisting poses;
  • forward bends;
  • backbends;
  • balance poses;
  • relaxation pose.

  1. Execution method. The effect of execution.

  2. Execution method. The effect of execution.
  3. Chair Pose or Utkatasana

    Execution method. The effect of execution.

  4. Tree Pose or Vrikshasana
    Execution method. The effect of execution.

  5. Execution method. The effect of execution.

Execution method.

The effect of execution.

Yoga for Beginners - video

Asana What muscles does it affect?
Cobra pose
Downward facing dog
Locust Pose

Yoga will make you a healthy eater

Feedback on the results of the classes

You can lose weight with yoga, but it is a slow process. And they lose weight there not because they breathe correctly, but because of the load, as elsewhere. Try standing in an asana for a minute, and there may be 80 of these asanas per session... If you follow a diet, you can correct your figure very well. And that’s the only way muscles appear. And in general, I’ve never heard of fat yogis... For example, I practice for an hour a day 3 times a week, and on the remaining days I do two 20-minute sessions in splits. I try to follow all the principles, I work out more to strengthen the body and spirit. Over the year I have gained 2 kg, but due to muscles, the fat percentage has decreased.

Freya F3%E4%E5%F2%FC#.WcO04BTJxP0

I always did gymnastics. I decided to try hot yoga too. I don't need to lose weight too much. Rather, stretch the ligaments more. You know, I pumped up and tightened muscles that you can’t pump up in the gym. I'm very pleased and don't plan to stop. Just don’t forget about contraindications. If there are problems with your heart, then it is better to refuse.

Amine Saridova

A friend of mine went to practice yoga with exercises such as classical gymnastics represented by Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga. These types are considered the most effective for weight loss. And it already has a positive effect.


It gives some results, a diet is really required. And regarding the fact that it is not active, chair pose or warrior pose, search on the Internet and try to do it, and you will understand everything.


Visual results before and after classes: photos of people who have lost weight

Of course, you can lose weight with yoga. But for those who love quick results, this method is not entirely suitable. Overweight go away slowly, but very soon you will feel how your body becomes obedient and flexible. A special feature of the technique is its thorough elaboration deep muscles, so the achieved result lasts much longer. In addition, even older people can practice yoga.

In the modern world, everything happens quickly. We are in a hurry to get somewhere, snack on something on the go, and don’t have enough time to sleep. This is where problems arise with both health and excess weight. To find a sense of harmony with yourself, get your figure in order and improve your health, master yoga. From class to class, positive changes will occur in your body and mind. And perhaps soon yoga will become not only a useful habit for you, but also a lifestyle. Losing weight can be a pleasant bonus; there are many nuances in this matter. let's figure it out?

Will yoga help those who want to lose weight?

I once associated the word yogi with an old, ascetic sage sitting under a tree in the lotus position. But years have passed, and yoga has entered our lives, becoming the most popular area of ​​fitness, and for some, a lifestyle. Modern admirers of this teaching are young-looking and fit people, with well-developed muscle corset. And this is no longer an answer, but a direct statement to the question - is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

For many modern people, yoga is not only a way to look good, it is a lifestyle

But here we need to clarify something. Practicing yoga will not lead to rapid weight loss. This process will proceed slowly, but at the same time inexorably (by the way, the saying goes as slowly as possible, and further reflects the course of events). How quickly the weight will go away will depend on the regularity and intensity of exercise, and most importantly, on the habit of eating right. Simultaneously with the construction of a new body, your consciousness will also be rebuilt. After all, yoga is a whole worldview that helps to establish balance between body and soul.

Yoga suits all ages

Yoga and Pilates

Every person who just comes to the gym to watch Pilates and yoga classes has the feeling that these two systems are very similar to each other. And a logical question arises, what should you choose for yourself or your loved one in order to quickly get your body in order? Well, for starters, at least figure it out and find similarities and differences.

Comparison of two techniques: table

Similarities Differences
The main thing that unites these systemsopportunity to improve your healthAnd strengthenthe body as a whole. In both exercises, classes do not involve numerous approaches and quick movements. The load occurs due to correctly performed static poses. But the result is the same - you lose extra pounds, improve your body contour, and in return gain endurance, peace of mind and high self-esteem. Flexibility of muscles and joints develops. Despite the apparent simplicity of the complexes, it is sometimes difficult for a beginner. And further important point– you should start only under the guidance of a competent trainer. Pilates Pilates is a relatively young system - its history goes back only 100 years. The complex is primarily designed to strengthen the muscles of the body and increase endurance. During classes, additional equipment is often used, starting with elementary ones - balls, elastic bands, and ending with special simulators. Compared to yoga, the exercises can be called dynamic, but they are performed smoothly. There is repetition of exercises. Breathing in Pilates is not of paramount importance. It is aimed at providing muscles with an energy charge. Breathing techniques help control the amount of oxygen that reaches the muscles, relaxing them. Intensive exercise helps you lose weight faster.
Yoga The teaching, which dates back thousands of years, can safely be called not a set of exercises, but a science. The basis of yoga practices is the spirituality, experience and wisdom of more than one generation. Oygic practices help to find a balance between physical and spiritual well-being. Yoga can be called a static system. Asanas maintained over a period of time help to stretch and strengthen the body, making it flexible and obedient. Breathing practices are given Special attention. You should focus on it, sending the flow of breath to that part of the body where you feel tightness or tension. Unlike Pilates, when doing yoga, you must learn to concentrate, relaxing every cell of your body. Yoga is great for relieving stress, lowering blood pressure, developing concentration and balance.

Pilates and yoga help to heal and strengthen the body, but the result is achieved in different ways

Types of practices most often chosen for losing weight at home

There are many types of yoga. There are advanced complexes, and there are ones for beginners. And which one to choose will depend on several factors. Of no small importance at the first stage is, of course, physical training, because the asanas seem easy only at first glance. To begin with, you should visit the hall and carefully observe what is happening. Talk to the coach and draw conclusions. Well, the most popular directions with which they prefer to lose weight are the following.

Many classical yoga teachings help you lose weight and maintain the results achieved.
  1. Hatha yoga. It is considered a classic teaching that combines many practices. Recommended for beginners. Combination different types breathing and special asanas, teaches you to relax and concentrate internally. At the same time, the internal reserves of the body are awakened, allowing one to achieve main goal- physical and spiritual perfection. One of the commandments of hatha yoga is vegetarianism.
  2. Iyengar yoga. One of the varieties of hatha yoga. Ideal for those who like to start something new from the basics. The peculiarity of this system is that during the performance of asanas, much attention is paid to the position of the body. In this system, each asana is described in great detail and an individual approach to each practitioner is provided. The transition from one position to another is performed slowly; to more accurately recreate the pose, additional objects are used - bolsters, blankets, wooden bricks. Thanks to this, Iyengar yoga is suitable for almost any person, even with problematic health. The complex makes the body flexible and strong.
  3. Kundalini yoga. This direction combines special breathing techniques, asanas, meditation and chanting mantras. Training involves holding the asana for a long time, and also includes a large number of bends and lunges. Develops the lungs and gives flexibility to the body. Previously, it was believed that Kundalini yoga was only suitable for women, as it helped maintain youth, beauty and health. But more and more men are discovering this wonderful technique.
  4. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This is one of the varieties of hatha yoga and is suitable for young people who have good physical fitness. Ashtanga is considered one of the most dynamic practices. It is a complex of sequential asanas, the connecting link between which is breathing exercises- Vinyasas. This is a dynamic connection that includes energy locks, concentration and a meditative state of consciousness. Such exercises help develop body flexibility, tighten problem areas and acquire muscle definition.

New directions adapted to the requirements of modern people

  1. Power yoga (strength). A young direction, which is a type of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. Its difference is the lack of consistency in performing asanas. The change of poses occurs very dynamically. Suitable for people who have reached a certain physical level and want to maintain this form at the same advanced level. By exercising in this direction, you can achieve weight loss and acquire beautiful sculpted shapes. Unlike many practices, the spiritual component is relegated to the background, and the main thing is the development of strength and physical endurance.
  2. Fitness yoga. The name itself reveals the essence of this direction. A combination of dynamic exercises that affect certain problem areas of the body with meditative practices. In addition to a slim figure, you will increase the mobility of your joints and give elasticity to your muscles. Very good results This direction gives in combination with diet.
  3. Bikram yoga (hot). The most exotic destination. Consists of 26 classic hatha yoga asanas and breathing practices. A special feature is that the complex is performed in a room heated to 40 0 ​​C. Increased temperature makes muscles and ligaments more elastic. The profuse sweating that occurs during the performance of asanas cleanses the body of toxins and excess weight.
Modern directions, for example, Bikram yoga, are great for helping you lose weight
Before you engage in one of the practices, you must soberly assess the degree of your physical fitness and the condition of the body as a whole. After all, many of the complexes, especially the newfangled ones, require good physical preparation. And Bikram yoga can be practiced only if there are no problems with the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Losing weight with the help of mudras: lessons in the photo

Another unusual way to lose weight is mudra or finger yoga. This ancient practice is suitable for everyone without exception. It consists in correctly composing and holding certain combinations from the fingers. Yogis believe that any changes in our bodies (diseases or excess weight) occur due to energy imbalances. By performing mudras, you correctly redistribute your own energy flow, which entails the normalization of all body systems. By achieving spiritual balance, you bring your physical body back to normal.

To get started, practice a few simple but effective mudras.

Breathing techniques as a basis for weight loss

The basics of yoga - correct breathing. Many types of yoga, such as hatha yoga, contain breathing exercises or Pranayama. Pranayama is translated as breath control. The secret to losing weight using this technique is to activate your metabolism, which helps break down accumulated fat deposits. Thanks to proper breathing, brain activity and work improve of cardio-vascular system, digestion is normalized and body tone is strengthened. Those who exercise this system also note a decrease in the feeling of hunger, which contributes to slimness. To lose excess weight, the following breathing exercises are recommended.

Sheetali or cooling breathtion. Take a position that is comfortable for you. The most suitable poses are Sukhasana, Padmasana and Lotus. If you are just mastering the technique, then any pose will do, as long as you keep your back straight from the base of the spine to the neck. Hands rest calmly on knees. Fingers in jnana mudra.

Before doing breathing practices, you need to master one of the appropriate asanas
Gyana (jnana) mudra is considered one of the most important. It relieves emotional stress, anxiety, helps improve concentration and memory.
  1. Eyes closed, body relaxed.
  2. Stick your tongue out of your mouth as far as possible, but you should not experience any discomfort. Roll your tongue into a tube. Begin to inhale slowly and deeply through your curled tongue.
  3. At the end of a full inhalation, close your mouth. Exhale through your nose.
  4. Inhalation-exhalation is 1 cycle. Beginners can try doing 3 to 5 such cycles. Then you can inhale and exhale up to 9 times. The most advanced ones can practice shitali for up to 10 minutes.
  5. While breathing, you need to concentrate on the feeling of coolness on the tip of your tongue. This type of breathing cools the body, makes the mind clearer, and helps control feelings of hunger and thirst.
In Shitali, inhalation and exhalation are carried out through a folded tongue
The practice is not recommended for people with asthma, low blood pressure, excess mucus in the respiratory tract, bronchitis and chronic constipation.

Bhastrika or bellows breath (fire breath). Those who have not practiced pranayama before should approach this exercise carefully, having first completed the preparation.

  1. Fire breathing is performed in the lotus or half-lotus position. A straight back and the top of the head pointing upward are mandatory conditions.
  2. Place your fingers in jnana mudra and gently lower your hands to your knees.
  3. Close your eyes, keep your body relaxed, but don't forget about your back.
  4. While breathing, focus on the movement of the abdomen, that is, on its inflating and deflating.
  5. Take a deep, smooth breath. Exhale through your nose quickly and forcefully, but without unnecessary tension. Then inhale with the same force.
  6. During exhalation, the abdomen retracts and the diaphragm contracts. When you inhale, the diaphragm comes to a relaxed state, and the stomach inflates like a ball.
  7. In this way you need to take 10 breaths.
  8. After this, relax and, without opening your eyes, bring your breathing back to normal.
This will complete 1 cycle. Over time, the preparatory part should increase to 5 cycles.

Now let's move on to the main part.

  1. Keeping in a comfortable position and raising your right hand, perform nasikagra mudra or nose mudra. Holding your right hand in front of your face, gently place the tips of your index and middle fingers together on your forehead between your eyebrows. Thumb place next to the right nostril, the ring one - next to the left. Pinch and release the right nostril thumb, you control the flow of air through the right nostril. You also control the breathing of the left nostril with the help of your ring finger. For greater convenience, the little finger, which does not take part in the process, can be bent. The elbow looks down during the exercise.
  2. Breathing practice begins with the left nostril. Close your right nostril with your thumb. For 10 counts, inhale and exhale forcefully through your left nostril, making a sound as if you are sniffing something. Help your stomach breathe - rhythmically inflate and deflate it. The chest should remain motionless, as should the shoulders.
  3. After finishing the count, inhale slowly and deeply - this time, inhale not only through your stomach, but also fill your chest. After this, close both nostrils and hold your breath for a few seconds, as comfortable as you feel. Bow your head slightly to your chest. Exhale slowly through the right nostril, raising your head.
  4. Then we begin to breathe through the right nostril, gently closing the left one.
  5. After the final inhalation, hold your breath for a comfortable time, and then take 10 active breaths.

It is advisable to master Bhastrika breathing with a trainer.
Bhastrika is practiced at 3 different tempos: slow, medium and fast. It all depends on your preparation. The number of breaths increases every month by no more than 5 counts. Conduct training only under the guidance of an experienced trainer. Trying to master this technique on your own can cause dizziness, even fainting.

Asanas for beginners

To begin with, it should be recalled that there are a lot of asanas in yoga. All of them are classified depending on the position of the body in space:

  • sitting postures;
  • inverted poses;
  • twisting poses;
  • forward bends;
  • backbends;
  • balance poses;
  • relaxation pose.

In each group you can find simple asanas for beginners and complex ones for those who have reached certain peaks. For those who decide to learn yoga in order to lose weight on their own, you should start with simple and stable asanas performed in sitting and standing positions. Include twisting and deep bending in the list of your achievements a little later, when you learn to maintain balance, correctly place your center of gravity and acquire stretching.

Asanas performed in a lying position

Exercises performed on all fours

Asanas performed sitting and standing

  1. Forward bends from a sitting position - Paschimottanasana
    For beginners practicing yoga, forward bends from a sitting position are best performed after other asanas in order to properly prepare the body. Execution method. Sit comfortably on your exercise mat. Relax your arms and lower them along your body. Find a place for your palms near your pelvis. Stretch your legs in front of you. Take a deep breath and lean forward. As you exhale, try to sort of place your body on your legs. At the same time, your arms should stretch forward as far as possible. If possible, try to clasp your feet with your hands. Make sure your back does not hunch and keep your neck relaxed. Hold this position for 2–3 breaths and return to the starting position. The effect of execution. Works well and strengthens the abdominal muscles and abdominal organs. Makes the muscles of the arms, legs, and back elastic. Holding the asana for a long time helps relieve tension throughout the body.
  2. Stretched Pose or Uttanasana (Easy Method)
    For those suffering from high blood pressure, the stretch pose should be performed with caution. Execution method. Stand straight, arms either freely lowered along the body, or placed at the waist. Inhale and slowly lean forward. Start by touching the floor with your fingers, and then gradually place your open palm on the floor. Don't lower your head, stretch your spine. Take 2 breaths. As you exhale, try to bring your torso as close to your legs as possible. The stomach should be pressed against the upper surface of the thighs, the head should be pressed against the knees. Don't round your back. Hands can be behind the heels or locked under the knees. Take 2 more deep breaths. As you exhale, take the starting position. The effect of execution. Stretches the spinal column and the back of the thigh. Unloads lumbar region and improves performance hip joints. Stimulates blood circulation and digestion.
  3. Chair Pose or Utkatasana
    Chair pose, among other things, helps get rid of flat feet

    Execution method. Stand up straight, lower your arms along your body. Palms lie on hips. The facial muscles are relaxed, and the crown of your head is stretched upward. As you inhale, bend your knees and raise your arms above your head. As you exhale, bend your body forward, while your feet should not leave the floor. You need to move your hips back as if you want to sit down on a chair. While holding the pose, try to keep your knees facing forward and your thighs parallel to the floor. Take 3 to 4 calm breaths. Return to the starting position. The effect of execution. Muscles stretch shoulder girdle, lower back and chest. The legs and spine are strengthened. A sense of balance and good stability are developed. Flat feet are reduced.

  4. Tree Pose or Vrikshasana
    Tree pose is a great exercise for balance training. Execution method. Take the position as for the previous asana, lower your arms along your body. Raise your right leg bent at the knee and turn it so that the knee points to the right. Place your foot on the inner surface of your left thigh, trying to place it as high as possible. To fully open your pelvis, try to move your knee as far to the right as possible. As you inhale, raise your arms up, placing your palms together above your head. With your gaze, try to find a support point and concentrate on it. Perform the asana until the feeling of comfort leaves you. Breathe calmly and deeply. As you exhale, lower your arms down to your sides and place your right foot on the floor. After taking a few calm breaths, repeat the same with your left leg. The effect of execution. Strengthens the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle, legs, feet and improves blood circulation in them. Has a tonic effect on the entire body as a whole, has a beneficial effect on skeletal system. Increases lung capacity. Trains balance. Creates beautiful posture.
  5. Boat Pose or Paripurna Navasana
    Boat pose will help cope with gastrointestinal problems Execution method. Sit comfortably on your exercise mat, with your knees bent towards you. Lift your feet off the floor and draw your knees closer to your chest. Stretch your arms horizontally to the floor, palms facing each other. Try to stretch your legs without collapsing in the lumbar region. The back remains straight. Straighten your shoulders, open your chest. To perform the asana well, you need to tense your abdominal muscles. The toes can be directed away from you or vice versa, towards you. The effect of execution. Digestion improves, stimulates internal organs. Indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Final asana: Shavasana (corpse pose)

The corpse pose in many complexes is the final stage

Execution method. Sit comfortably on the mat. The back is pressed to the floor, there is a natural deflection in the lower back. Spread your legs slightly. Place your hands comfortably at the sides of your body, palms up. The head and spine are on the same line. Close your eyes and relax. This pose is the final one in many complexes. It is simple and complex at the same time. You must learn not to think about anything, completely relaxing your body and mind.

The effect of execution. Helps get rid of headaches. Improves sleep. Relieves anxiety and depression.

Once you have mastered these positions, you can begin small but effective yoga complexes for weight loss.

Yoga for Beginners - video

Exercises using videos at home will help you smoothly and gradually increase your level of training to move to a more advanced level.

Yoga for weight loss with Denise Austin - video

What problem areas of the body are affected by asanas?

Almost all yoga asanas help you achieve slimness, get rid of cellulite and get beautiful body. Each position helps to work a separate muscle group or several at once. The above exercises for beginners have a great effect on muscular system, helping to get rid of excess fat accumulation.

The effect of asanas on muscles: table

Asana What muscles does it affect?
Due to the tension created, it perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles, muscles of the arms, back, and neck.
Cobra pose Involves large gluteal muscles, back of the thigh, triceps.
Downward facing dog When holding the asana, the deltoid and back muscles, gluteus maximus, back of the thigh, and calf muscles are involved.
Locust Pose Helps get rid of fat deposits in the buttocks, thighs, sides (breeches) and torso. Works the back muscles well.
Perfectly strengthens muscles abdominals, neck, hips.
Bend forward from a sitting position Stretches the gluteus maximus, calf and calf muscles back surface hips.
Works the triceps, gluteus medius and thigh muscles.
Works the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves.
All abdominal muscles work to hold the asana.

It should be noted that almost all asanas have modifications that allow, to one degree or another, to complicate the body position and work the muscles even better.

Well-executed asanas help strengthen the muscles of the body, which means a slim body you are guaranteed

Contraindications and precautions

The popularity of yoga as a means of losing weight is gaining more and more fans. Many, as they say, throw themselves into the pool headlong and immediately begin to try on asanas, without at all preparing the body for their implementation. But this is fraught with sprains and even dislocations. In addition, there are contraindications related to health conditions.

  • It is strictly prohibited for people with epilepsy or mental disorders, malignant tumors or organic heart damage. Infectious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, severe spinal injuries, recent traumatic brain injuries and blood diseases are also reasons to refuse classes.
  • Temporary restrictions on yoga classes are allowed in case of severe fatigue, high blood pressure, during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases and when you are forced to take a large number of medications, in the postoperative period.
  • If you are pregnant (it is better to stop exercising after the second month of pregnancy), suffer from hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, varicose veins veins, problems with the digestive system, arthrosis and arthritis, classes should be conducted according to an adapted system.
  • Another problem with such popular classes is incompetent trainers, classes with whom can only harm those who have health problems. Therefore, you need to spend time finding a good mentor. And once you find a trainer, don’t rush to start training. First, talk to him, describing in detail your existing health problems. And if the coach did not pay attention to them, it is better to look for another one.
  • You should not study yoga from numerous literature, especially for those people who previously had no experience at all in it. physical development. You can try to master asanas with the help of video lessons. But before you start, watch the video carefully from start to finish.

Start exercising only after a preliminary warm-up. While holding asanas, you should not experience any discomfort. If your level of physical fitness still leaves much to be desired, then in the first classes it is best to use aids that will help make it easier to stay in the asana.

Before you start yoga, find a trainer who will create an individual program for you

The importance of nutrition during exercise

Well, who among us can easily refuse delicious pastries, chocolate or strong coffee? But if you are determined to lose weight with the help of yoga, you will have to radically reconsider your usual diet. Performing asanas affects not only the muscles, but also the internal organs. They are cleansed of accumulated toxins and waste, and proper functioning is established. Thanks to this, the desire to switch to a healthier diet comes. In addition, breathing practices increase metabolism and dull the feeling of hunger.

Sometimes it’s so difficult to give up the usual unhealthy food, but if you’re determined to lose weight, your diet needs to be reviewed

Basic principles of nutrition in yoga for weight loss

  • Of course, not everyone can afford to eat the foods that grow in India. But yogis adhere to an excellent rule - to eat those foods that grow where you live. And this is an excellent reason to focus on our local fruits and vegetables, which are in no way inferior to exotic ones in terms of benefits.
  • Another rule is to eat only freshly prepared food.
  • You should only eat when you really feel hungry. If you have no appetite, you can replace food with drink. But you only need to drink water.
  • Don't overeat. Heaviness in a full stomach is not a good feeling.
  • You need to eat only in a calm environment, and chew food thoroughly.

Which products should you prefer?

  1. Since many yoga movements practice vegetarianism, meat should be introduced into the diet rarely and only as a source of protein, or completely abandoned. But the transition to vegetarianism should occur gradually and consciously.
  2. When cooking, replace animal fat with vegetable fat.
  3. Honey, berries, fruits and dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sugar.
  4. Yeast dough is also on the list of undesirable products. Yogis prefer flatbreads made from unleavened dough.
  5. Fermented milk products are held in high esteem - they have a great effect on the intestinal microflora. Milk is possible, but in moderation.
  6. Avoid alcohol and coffee completely.

Yoga will make you a healthy eater

Yoga is a way of training your body and spirit, a teaching that promotes a healthy lifestyle, increased tone, body beauty and harmony with your inner world and external phenomena. Yoga exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides let you forget about extra centimeters- this is the right path to a beautiful figure without flaws.

No one has doubted the benefits that yoga brings for several hundred years. It is worth remembering that yoga is not only flexibility, plasticity, physical fitness, but also a philosophy of life, values, teaching that is harmoniously intertwined with the system of physical exercises. The purpose of yoga is personal improvement, harmonious development of a person, finding balance with the world that surrounds each of us. It is recommended to study various yoga asanas with a specialist. Studying yoga on your own may not give the desired effect.

Since, first of all, yoga is a teaching, it is necessary to consider the basic postulates on which this system is based.

The most common causes of excess weight:

  • Health status;
  • Low level of physical activity;
  • Laziness, lack of motivation to change yourself and your figure;
  • Poor nutrition.

All these reasons can be combated with the help of yoga:

  • Through exercise you can improve your health.
  • Yoga provides an optimal level of stress, without which a successful fight against excess weight is impossible.
  • Exercise helps speed up your metabolism, which is necessary for successful weight loss.
  • The training allows you not only to ensure an optimal level of stress, but also to gain skills in proper nutrition and healthy image life.

Complexes of exercises in yoga are aimed at the formation of a harmonious and healthy personality, and each individual complex can perform a specific task. For example, increasing metabolic rate. Special exercises called shatkams - they are aimed at implementing certain functions.

Exercises require proper breathing and combinations with other exercises. Cleansing shakes help normalize the body’s condition and promote weight loss. The maximum amount of oxygen that enters the body helps eliminate harmful substances.

Note! The scale may show a higher number if you undergo high physical activity - this develops muscle mass, while fat is lost. Don’t be alarmed by the fact that your weight has become heavier than before training – the positive changes in your figure are hard to miss.

An important advantage of yoga is the ability to tighten muscles that are difficult to work under normal conditions. To lose weight and improve the body, a set of exercises is used, developed specifically for a specific person, taking into account his individual characteristics. Hatha yoga for weight loss is an opportunity to permanently solve the problem of excess weight and health, provided the right choice exercises. With the help of yoga, fat deposits are eliminated - regular exercises allow you to improve your figure by building muscle mass.

Benefits of doing yoga

  • Development of flexibility and agility thanks to yoga;
  • Possibility of harmonious body development and growth muscle mass;
  • Successful fight against problem areas of the body from which fat deposits are difficult to remove;
  • Toning the whole body;
  • Positive effect on joints.

The right set of yoga exercises will allow you to give up others power loads, get the optimal opportunity to train your legs, abdominal muscles, arms and other parts of the body, and breathe correctly.

Note! One of the most important conditions Successful yoga requires proper nutrition and breathing. Without a well-designed diet, it will be difficult to get 100% of the benefits of exercise.

If you have no desire to build muscle mass, you should focus on exercises that promote stretching and flexibility - they harmoniously develop your figure without significant muscle growth. You can practice at home after consultation with a specialist.

Losing weight with yoga

Since classes are inevitably filled with strength and physical exercises, the elimination of fat deposits is inevitable. You can get great shapes using these tips:

  • You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself: classes should be intense, at the limit of your capabilities - this will allow you to achieve success faster and increase the effectiveness of each lesson. This advice applies to people who have no contraindications or significant health problems.
  • Be sure to consider whether you have health problems - if there are contraindications, you need to make your workouts less intense, do not overload your body. A system of lighter exercises will also provide positive results.
  • It must be taken into account that certain exercises can lead to a significant increase in muscle mass - this is important for those who have a specific goal at the beginning of training: for example, to be slim, to lose weight, but without significant muscle gain.
  • It is worth considering the fact that pain appears - if the pain is not associated with sore throat, you should reconsider your training, since most likely you are doing something wrong.
  • Make sure you are breathing correctly.

Development of a training program for weight loss

The beginning of any yoga workout is a warm-up, simple lessons that help warm up and prepare the body to begin more intensive training. Warm-up should take at least 10-15 minutes - in this case, we can safely continue classes. Without warming up, you cannot move on to sitting poses.

  • Seated poses– for example, twisting – allows you to tone the body, improve digestion, kidney and liver function. Why is it important? The reason is simple - proper functioning of the digestive organs contributes to effective and rapid weight loss.
  • Standing poses are implemented after sitting ones. To correctly perform such poses, strength, energy, and balance are required - a set of exercises is aimed at developing muscles and strengthening the entire body. Reviews suggest that it was thanks to the performance of standing poses that it was possible to obtain good results in weight loss and development beautiful figure. The following poses can be included in the system of exercises for weight loss: Crescent, Triangle, Eagle, Tree, Warrior, Chair. Each asana has a goal - the development of a specific muscle group. Consistent and correct execution of these poses is a guarantee of a positive result in losing weight. For example, the Warrior pose is used to develop the shoulder girdle and abdominal muscles. Crescent - to strengthen the legs and spine.
  • Inverted asanas– exercises that are performed to strengthen the abdominal muscles, stimulate the functioning of internal organs, relieve tension in the body, and eliminate back pain. The versatility of these asanas allows you to successfully use them in exercise for the purpose of losing weight. You definitely need to master the Plow pose. Shoulderstand is also useful. Each of these exercises must be performed for at least a minute. A short break is required between asanas. The most useful poses are Downward-Looking Dog, standing bend, and sitting bend with legs wide apart.
  • Forward bending asanas(sedentary and standing): used to stimulate the functioning of internal organs, stretch and strengthen muscles.
  • Relaxation poses– a mandatory completion of any yoga workout. They promote body relaxation and rest. These asanas are performed for about 15 minutes. The purpose of the exercises is to relieve stress, fatigue, and eliminate excess weight. The most suitable pose is the Child's pose.

Poses used for weight loss

Let's consider yoga poses for combating excess weight separately:

  • : used for stretching, beautiful posture. The asana is performed as a transition between different exercises. The main thing is to breathe correctly, feel all the muscles of the body in good shape.

  • Bend forward (standing)– one of the main asanas for stretching and strengthening the thigh muscles. Perform slowly to keep the muscles tense. It is necessary to strive for ease of performing this exercise.

  • : serves to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, has a beneficial effect on the spine. Asana allows you to improve the tone of the whole body.

  • A dog that looks down– a pose used to strengthen the buttocks, calves, thighs, arms, thanks to which the pose can be called universal. The position must be held for 1 - 3 minutes - this is enough to strengthen the muscles.

Yoga is one of the world's oldest teachings, the purpose of which is to harmonize the relationship between a person, his body, mind and soul and the world around him. Yoga classes restore energy balance, improve well-being, and have a beneficial effect on physical health and mental state, including contributing to weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

Yoga is one of the world's oldest teachings, the purpose of which is to harmonize the relationship between a person, his body, mind and soul and the world around him. Yoga classes restore energy balance, improve well-being, and have a beneficial effect on physical health and mental state.

Yoga is used for various purposes, including staying fit. Like any other physical activity, yoga helps you lose weight and become fitter and slimmer. Home yoga for weight loss is an excellent alternative to usual exercises. Unlike many sports, yoga involves working not only on the body, but also on the inner world. Therefore, yoga exercises for weight loss are chosen by those who want to achieve harmony in their lives at all levels. A person who practices yoga always strives for self-knowledge and development of his abilities.

Do not forget that in yoga, weight loss and figure modeling are problem areas are the result of an integrated approach. Thoughtful nutrition, cleansing procedures, spiritual practices, proper breathing and, of course, refined exercise techniques are the key to success. Mastering yoga for weight loss for beginners should begin by learning how to...

If you feel interested in yoga and want to use it as a way to shape your figure, you don't have to go to group classes with a coach. It is not at all difficult to do yoga at home, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. This is a real way to lose weight!

How does yoga help you lose weight?

Yoga has a beneficial effect on mood and physical condition. At regular classes yoga:

    metabolism improves by reducing the production of stress hormones and accelerating insulin secretion;

    immunity is strengthened;

    sleep quality improves;

    mood and well-being are stabilized;

    you feel a surge of strength and understand your body better;

    the body becomes more plastic, flexible and resilient.

If you decide to do yoga at home to lose weight and are not too familiar with the theoretical part, first of all decide on the type of yoga. If your main goal is to get rid of excess weight, choose dynamic yoga exercises for weight loss, in which the asanas (positions) are not static, but are intertwined with “vinyasas” - special ligaments, without forgetting about proper breathing.

Of all the types of yoga, the exercises that are most effective for losing weight can be found in the syncretic variety of hatha yoga called “.”

If you have never practiced yoga, it is better to master its basics under the guidance of a professional trainer. Due to incorrect technique, when performing exercises at home, you can harm your health. Start training in a group to avoid mistakes and accustom your body to the correct movements, then the chosen yoga exercise for weight loss will give best result, and later you can continue yoga lessons for weight loss at home.

How to do yoga for weight loss at home? How should the training be done, how many times a week should the exercises be performed to lose excess weight with yoga? We will now answer all these questions in detail.

Below is effective complex yoga for weight loss, which will allow you to get the figure you dream of at home. But first, the basic rules! The main thing is regular workouts(3-4 times a week) and correct technique.

As for the time of classes, there are no clear recommendations - choose a convenient one for yourself. Experts advise choosing the morning or evening hours, before going to bed. At this time, classes will be most effective.

Of course, to achieve the goal, one should not forget about proper nutrition. At a minimum, you should avoid high-fat, high-calorie foods and alcohol. It will be easy to get used to a new lifestyle - after all, you are striving to become slimmer, and this is the best motivation!

Yoga classes should take place in a ventilated room. You should also have a special exercise mat. Like any other type physical activity, yoga does not tolerate practicing immediately after eating - it is harmful and difficult for the body. Therefore, it is optimal to do yoga a few hours (at least 3) after eating. A few more tips:

    Before class, you need to prepare your body by doing stretching exercises.

    You should start with simple physical exercises, moving on to more complex ones

    During exercise you should breathe only through your nose

    do not overexert your muscles, your movements should be measured and smooth

    After training, devote 5-10 minutes to relaxation (if you practice meditation, you can meditate)

A mini-set of exercises that will allow you to prepare for class:

    Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms above your head, grasping one thumb behind the other. The whole body should be extended upward, legs straight. Bend alternately in one direction and the other. Tilt - while exhaling, lifting up - while inhaling.

    Interlace your fingers behind your back. Arch your back slightly and stay in this pose for 3-5 seconds. The head should be raised up.

    Extend your arms above your head. Sit on an imaginary chair, legs bent at right angles. The back is straight. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

Also effective, from the point of view of preparing for yoga classes, will be bending down, pulling your knees to your chest, jumping “arms up - legs apart” and others. simple exercises for warming up.

A set of yoga exercises for weight loss

Moving from simple to complex, you should start with easier asanas to perform. And, of course, don’t forget about relaxation after training. Below we present a complex consisting of 10 yoga exercises for weight loss, suitable for beginner yogis. Subsequently, continuing your classes, you can increase the number of asanas or change their set (best of all - under the guidance of a trainer).

Tadasana or Mountain Pose(general body strengthening, improved posture)

Legs are straight, shoulder-width apart, arms are raised up, fingertips are connected. The head is thrown back, the back is arched.

Breathe through your nose, try to feel the main muscles of your body.

Uttanasana - forward bend from a standing position(stretching the thigh muscles)

Legs are straight, stand no wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, you should slowly lean forward and lower yourself as low as possible. It's good if you reach the floor with your hands. If not, clasp your shins with your hands.

Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

The pose also has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, calming and relaxing.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose(strengthening the buttocks, stretching the shoulders, strengthening the spine)

Lie face down on the mat, arms along your body. Raise your body and rest your forearms on the floor. Keep your elbows close to chest. As you exhale, slowly straighten your arms and lift your body as high as possible. The legs remain in the same position, and you bend, raising your head up. Maintain the pose for 30 seconds, after which you can return to the original position.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Looking Dog Pose(stretching the muscles of the thighs and calves, strengthening the arms)

Get on all fours with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, slowly straighten your legs, simultaneously lifting your buttocks up.

This asana requires maintaining the position for 1-3 minutes. If you are a beginner, a minute will be enough. Afterwards you can return to your original position.

Virabhadrasana I, or Warrior Pose I(reduce back pain, stretch hip flexors)

Stand up straight. Lunge forward with your right foot to a distance of 100 cm (approximately). The right leg should gradually bend at the knee until the angle becomes 90 degrees. The left leg remains straight, placing the full foot on the floor.

Hold your arms above your head and maintain the pose for several breaths (up to 5), then repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Utthita Trikonasana, or Triangle(stretching the abdominal muscles, strengthening the back and abdomen)

Place your feet 100 centimeters apart. Rotate your left leg 90 degrees outward and your right leg 45 degrees inward. Keep your arms at your sides, palms facing down. Turning your head to the left, exhale and begin to slowly lean towards your left leg. Continue moving until your body is parallel to the floor. Touch your left hand to your foot. Right hand directed vertically upward. Turn your head to the right and look up the entire length of your right arm.

Breathe calmly and maintain the position for several breathing cycles. Slowly return to the starting position. Do the same on the right side.

Vrksasana or Tree Pose(strengthening legs, improving coordination of movements)

Stand up straight. The feet are located next to each other, the palms are closed at chest level. Shift your body weight to your right leg and, maintaining balance, press your left foot to your right shin. Raise your arms above your head, the position of your arms should resemble the crown of a tree.

Maintain this position for 10 breaths. Then do the same with the other leg.

The exercise develops a sense of balance, and over time you will be able to press your foot higher - towards the inner surface of the thigh.

Ardha Matsyendrasana, andhalf King of Pisces pose(strengthening back and abdominal muscles)

Sit cross-legged on a mat. Then place your right foot with outside left leg. The foot should be as close to the pelvis as possible. Press the elbow of your left hand to the outer surface of your right thigh. Your right hand should be placed on the floor behind you. Slowly turn your head to the right, as if you want to see what is happening behind you. The left hand will help you increase the rotation of your torso in your lower back. Achieve maximum muscle stretch. Stay in this pose for several breathing cycles. Then return to the starting position and do this exercise on the other side of your body.

Salamba Sirsasana - headstand(strengthening abdominal muscles, lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, strengthen the spine)

Beginner yogis are recommended to perform a stand near a wall. Get on your knees and place your elbows on the center of the mat. Lower your head down. Elbows should be located on both sides of the head (the distance between them should not exceed shoulder width), fingers clasped at the back of the head.

You can straighten your legs upward only by making sure that the fulcrum point is the top of your head, resting on the floor, and not the forehead or back of the head.

The pose also helps cleanse the internal organs - liver and kidneys.

Shavasana - relaxation pose

This asana is the final asana for any yoga class. You need to lie on the mat, stretch your arms along your body, palms up. Your legs should be at a comfortable distance from each other - you should not feel any tension. With your eyes closed, try to relax by thinking about your breathing. Breathe measuredly and calmly. You need to spend about 20 minutes in this pose.

Contraindications for yoga

You are free to choose the days and times for doing yoga yourself, but you cannot start doing yoga for weight loss on your own if you have at least one of the following contraindications:

    spinal injuries or diseases;

    diseases of the cardiovascular system;

    recent heart attack/stroke;

    increased intracranial pressure;



    inguinal hernia;

    presence of tumors (benign / malignant);

    postoperative period.

Yoga classes are not recommended for people who have problems with nervous system. You should not do yoga in the first days of the menstrual cycle, or if you are sick (flu, ARVI). Fever is also a contraindication for yoga. In case of pregnancy, yoga classes can be continued during the first three months, and then experts recommend abandoning them.

At correct execution During yoga exercises, you may feel tired, your muscles may “tighten” - these are normal symptoms indicating that your body has worked hard. But if you feel unwell after exercising, you should consult a doctor and also consult a trainer.

In the absence of contraindications, you can not only do yoga for weight loss at home, but also combine it with other types physical activity to achieve the best result.