Where did yoga come from and its meaning? Interesting facts about the origin of yoga. Philosophy of classical yoga

The Legend of the Origin of Yoga Shri Matsyendra was a fisherman, and one day he was swallowed by a huge fish that hid at the bottom of the ocean, near the place where the Great God Shiva intended to reveal the innermost secret Teachings of Yoga to his wife Parvati. During the transmission of special instructions, Parvati fell asleep, and when Shiva asked if she had received the transmission of the Teaching, Matsyendra chanted “Om” from the belly of the fish. It turned out that he received initiation before the wife of God Shiva herself!

Matsyendra was fascinated by the teachings of yoga. After spending 12 years in the belly of a fish and studying the spiritual practices of yoga all this time, he was liberated (reached enlightenment). Being already an enlightened Master, Matsyendra transmitted this teaching (Dharma) to many living beings for another five hundred years, after which he completely dissolved the elements of his material body in the Clear Light and disappeared.
One way or another, in one of the most important treatises, “Hatha Yoga Pradipika,” Matsyendra is named first after Shiva in the line of transmission of knowledge. One of the most popular asanas of hatha yoga - matsyendrasana - is dedicated to him.

A tablet found during excavations in Harappa with a yogi in a butterfly pose (baddha konasana) - on the right, 3500-2700. BC e.

Historical facts and archaeological evidence

Yoga as a system originated in India in ancient times. This is evidenced by the oldest written monuments of Indian culture that have come down to us, namely the Vedas - a collection of the most ancient scriptures in Sanskrit. The Vedas consist of four parts:

Rig Veda (Veda of Hymns);
Samaveda (Veda of chants);
Yajurveda (Veda of sacrificial formulas);
Atharvavaeda (Veda of Spells).

In the Rig Veda, the creation of which scientists date back to two and a half thousand years BC, yoga is mentioned as a certain set of laws relating to the social, moral and environmental aspects of society.

A number of scientists trace the origin of yoga to the 3rd-2nd millennia BC, based on the fact that during excavations of the cities of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa in the Indus River valley, seals were found depicting people who were in various yoga poses. The first written monuments - the Vedas - appeared, as is commonly believed, after the invasion of Hindustan by Aryan tribes. If the indigenous culture was destroyed by them, then in the ten centuries that passed from this event to the emergence of the Vedas, yoga, as its element, was assimilated by the conquerors. However, there is an alternative point of view according to which Yoga was brought to India by the Aryans.

The first and most revered to this day systematic guide to classical yoga that has come down to us are the Yoga Sutras, their authorship is attributed to the sage Patanjali, who was not only a famous theorist and practitioner of yoga, but also an Ayurvedic doctor. The philosophical principles of yoga and its worldview are described in detail in the ancient treatise “Bhagavad Gita” (there is no exact dating, presumably the 3rd-1st millennium BC). The text of the Gita is a conversation between the god Krishna and the warrior Arjuna before the battle of Kurukshetra, where Krishna teaches Arjuna the science of life.

According to Bhagavad Gita, “Yoga is balance.” The ideal of the Gita is not the ascetic from the cave, immersed in deep meditation, but the ordinary person. A yogi should not leave the world, on the contrary, he should remain in it, not shying away from natural conditions life and everyday life. It is easy to be enlightened by protecting yourself from the influence of the outside world, but maintaining harmony without succumbing to external temptations is much more difficult. The main conditions: systematic practice and non-attachment to material things. It was this interpretation that made yoga extremely popular in Indian society, and the idea that only selfless activity leads to liberation has survived to this day.

There are other yogic texts, the most famous of which are the popular medieval tantric texts on Hatha Yoga, written by in simple language, understandable to the masses. These are the Shiva Samhita and Gheranda Samhita, as well as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

Before the appearance of the mentioned texts (in the 12th century), yoga was known, attributed to a certain Gorakh Nath, who, according to legend, compiled the “Goraksha Shataka”, a thesis statement on Hatha Yoga.

Yoga and other spiritual teachings of the East

Buddhism never denied yoga, but modified its technology to suit its needs. At the same time, Buddhists equally rejected both the teachings of the Vedas and the yogic philosophical “formulation”, but they took a lot from yoga for their spiritual practices.
Tantrism, which assimilated a lot of folk cults and superstitions, most radically changed the classical yoga of Patanjali. Beginning around the 6th century AD, he took leading positions in Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism.

Tantrism argues that in the dark times of Kali Yuga in which we live, all previous traditions, including the Vedas, could not provide enlightenment, in fact, it can only be achieved by turning any everyday actions into a yogic ritual. And today, yoga teachers often say that the real practice begins the moment you roll up your mat after class.

Tantrics, groping for correspondences between the Cosmos and the body, delved deeply into human physiology, as well as into the connection between the body and the psyche.

Tantra believes that perfection can only be achieved in the “divine body”, and therefore one must maintain pristine health for as long as possible. It is impossible to achieve bliss without a completely healthy body, which is why tantriks also practice yoga asanas. If tantric sadhana (implementation of the teaching) implies the rise of Kundalini, then the Nath sect made asanas its religion. Nathas and Sahaja Vaishnavas united countless sects of “folk yoga”.

In some sects, yoga has completely degraded, which is the example of Shaivite ascetics. Unthinkable modifications of it also arose in Tibetan tantric societies, for example, the “Chhod” ritual - the ritual of a yogi sacrificing his mental essence for it to be devoured by demons. Himalayan ascetics worked with internal heat, called “tumo,” and running yogis are also known. In Tibet, the yogic tradition came under the influence of local cults, giving rise to many variations, the most significant of which are the six doctrines of Naropa.

In Japan, the psychotechniques of Buddhism were transformed into Zen, which clearly contains elements of yoga.

Indian yogic practices had a significant influence on the development of Sufism. The ancient Indian text on yoga, “Amritakunda” (“Lake of Nectar”), was translated into Arabic and Persian back in the 11th century. After the Muslim conquest of India, the cultural fusion of Islam with Indian traditions gave rise to the yoga of Sufism. Initially, Muslim yogis were called fakirs to distinguish them from Hindu yogis, Buddhists and followers of Patanjali, then this word was used to describe magicians and sorcerers, single yogis who earned their living by demonstrating “miracles”. Although in the West the concepts of “fakir” and “yogin” are confused, this is incorrect; the difference between them is approximately the same as between wandering ascetic monks and wandering acrobats in the cities of medieval Europe.

An even stronger distinction still exists in India between yogis and "sadhus" - "men of God", many of whom only pretend to be yogis. In fact, most often sadhus are an analogue of our beggars begging for alms.
Now in India and abroad there are a huge number of centers, institutes, schools and ashrams.
In addition to spiritual practice, there is also yoga sports (yoga competitions created to popularize it) and yoga therapy (treatment of diseases with the help of asanas, proper breathing and proper concentration).

What types of yoga are popular today?


This practice was developed by Paramahamsa Swami Satyananda Saraswati (founder of the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger, India, as well as the author of numerous fundamental works on yoga) based on ancient tantric texts about the rituals of nyasa (moving consciousness to different parts of the body with the recitation of the corresponding mantra and visualization) and in-depth versions of shavasana “with the teacher’s voice.” It allows you to release and “dissolve” blocks and tensions hidden deep in the subconscious and creating obstacles for us to deep relaxation, as well as the ability to concentrate and realize our goals. This is achieved through several techniques - “rotation” of consciousness across different parts of the body in a certain sequence; evoking “bodily” memories of different sensations; visualization based on the use of symbolic images that direct consciousness to a state of harmony and meditation.

The practitioner himself composes for himself a “formula of firm determination” (sankalpa) and directs it to his subconscious. With the help of regular practice, it is possible to achieve previously unattainable results in spiritual development, calming the mind, increasing vital energy, healing, etc. The entire practice is performed lying in shavasana.

Kriya yoga

Kriya or kriya (translated from Sanskrit as “kri” (action) and “yya” (awareness) is an ancient teaching. This is a practice aimed at awakening and developing consciousness. This is a purification process, this is execution, deed, action, deed, effort .This is the practice of asanas, mudras and bandhas. It is believed that Kriya, controlled by the mind through the life force, is the most effective way to approach the Infinite. And through Kriya Yoga one can prove the truth that man is not just a body, but an immortal soul.

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is an ancient Indian spiritual practice, the teaching of physical harmony. One of the main goals of hatha yoga is to bring the body to a state of complete health so that it does not become a burden for a person in the search for higher truths. The main practice of hatha yoga consists of performing asanas, static poses in combination with breathing and concentration.

The main aspect of hatha yoga is the development of flexibility and maintaining healthy joints, especially the spine. Each exercise affects a specific part of the body, organ or group of organs.

Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga is not only the “fastest” in achieving results, but also the most difficult and even dangerous of all Indian spiritual practices. Why is this so? Kundalini energy is considered the most powerful energy: a person with awakened Kundalini is transformed at the cellular level, his energy structure changes, the physical body changes, extraordinary abilities appear: intuitive comprehension of truth and clairvoyance, control of gravity and the ability to manifest other actions, the mechanism of which cannot be explained using ideas modern scientific paradigm. Irreversible changes occur in the quality of our perception, the quality of our consciousness. A change of priorities and attachments is possible. According to the ideas of ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda and yoga, in every person this energy from the moment of conception is in a “dormant” state at the base of the spine (muladhara chakra), encouraging throughout life to development and personal growth with the goal of being awakened and fully realized. The process of awakening Kundalini is also called raising the Kundalini energy through all energy centers (chakras) up the spine to the crown (the highest center, sahasrara chakra).

Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga yoga (translated as the eight-step Path to the final Goal) is one of the integral yogas proposed by the Indian rishi Patanjali.

Ashtanga yoga combines previously existing practices and is practiced primarily as a series of transitions from pose to pose. Ashtanga yoga is characterized by strength, while classical yoga, on the contrary, focuses on Special attention breathing, flexibility and relaxation. Ashtanga yoga is good for those who have a restless mind and strong body. During training, you should pay attention to three points: posture, even breathing and the point of concentration. Asanas improve posture, and properly organized inhalations and exhalations contribute to the development of the respiratory system.

Patanjali defined 8 stages of yoga
Yama - self-restraint, self-control. This is the establishment of harmony with the social environment. According to Indian mythology, Yama is the god of death. This is where the meaning of the word is borrowed. In the first stage of yoga, the student must deal the death blow to his vices, wrong behavior and thinking. This stage includes five main sections, compliance with which is mandatory under all circumstances, in all cases of life, regardless of place, time, age and other factors. Niyama, translated as relaxation, is self-discipline, spiritual improvement. The first two stages of yoga include mastering the ethical and psychohygienic rules of life for a spiritual seeker.

There are four very important rules here:
kshama - tolerance towards those who think differently than me;
daya - mercy, kindness;
arjava - simplicity, lack of arrogance;
hri - humility, the absence of a) narcissism, pride because of one’s real successes and b) vanity - self-praise because of one’s imaginary merits.
Asana is translated as a pose, a stable position of the body. If you breathe correctly while performing poses, the body is cleansed of toxins and rejuvenated. Asanas teach concentration and develop the body's energy systems. Systems of asanas are called hatha yoga.
Pranayama (translated as “working with energy”) is properly controlled breathing. During pranayamas, it is the energy of consciousness that moves, but this can be done in time with breathing movements.
Pratyahara (translated as “removal of indriya from objects of the material world”) - detachment from external stimuli. At this stage, one learns to control the “tentacles” of consciousness, called “indriyas” in Sanskrit.
Dharana is maintaining concentration of attention, a manifestation of a person’s complete aspiration towards God, towards Mergence with Him.
Dhyana - meditation leading to Samadhi. At this stage, work is carried out aimed at increasing consciousness and gaining strength in subtlety. Meditation is work aimed at developing consciousness along the path to Perfection.
Samadhi is highest level spiritual achievements. This is complete balance.

Mantra yoga

Mantra yoga is a method of influencing energy through special sound vibrations, in particular the Sanskrit syllables from which mantras are composed. This is the chanting of sacred texts and prayers in Sanskrit. Nowadays it is also called kirtan.

Karma yoga

Karma yoga (Sanskrit) - karma - activity, yoga - connection, activity in accordance with the prescriptions of the Vedas.
Karma yoga can be divided into two types:
Actions performed to satisfy one's own feelings, actions from selfish motives.
Actions performed as an offering to God, without attachment to the fruits of one’s labor.
When practicing karma yoga, a person should not become attached to the result, since it depends only on the Almighty. He must curb his mind and senses and dedicate all the fruits of his activities to God. It is not for nothing that the expression “do it for God’s sake” has been preserved in Rus'. This does not mean that a person must give away everything he receives.

Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga is one of the areas of yoga, which is based on meditative practice, which makes a breakthrough in human consciousness and allows one to achieve the next stage of human evolution.
The key point of Sahaja Yoga is that everyone who wants to practice this direction must undergo a ritual of self-realization. This procedure can be performed anywhere and consists of reciting to yourself some statements addressed to Shri Mataji. The required time for the ritual is 10–15 minutes.
Self-realization. It can be performed several times, which contributes to a more effective rise of Kundalini.
Physical actions. Their goal is to direct attention to the necessary chakras. There are two types of actions - the so-called protocol, which must be performed at the beginning and end of meditation, and chakra cleansing methods, which allow you to clear the path of Kundalini.
Verbal actions - reading mantras. Mantras are spiritual words in the Sanskrit language. They are pronounced out loud or silently to focus attention on one or another aspect of the spiritual body (chakra system). In addition to mantras, you can say prayers in any language.
Direct work with attention. After awakening Kundalini, our attention becomes enlightened and we can direct it to various chakras. During meditation, it is best to keep your attention above your head and should never concentrate in the area of ​​the agnya chakra (in the head).
Photo of Shri Mataji. This photo is necessary to help with meditation.
Music. Can help create the necessary state conducive to meditation.

Integral yoga

All four main yogas are combined into one. It helps a person to completely change his consciousness, transform his body and make his life divine in the material world. Sri Aurobindo finds the source of the material and spiritual in the Absolute. That is, it is the Supermind that unites the material and spiritual into a single whole. All living beings are many small particles of this One Mind. According to the philosophy of integral yoga, the human form of life, overcoming the action of the material world, must go beyond the limits of its ignorance and come to a state of Supermental existence. In fact, the ultimate goal in integral yoga is considered to be the achievement of a person’s Divine life on Earth.

Bhakti yoga

Bhakti yoga (Sanskrit) - bhakti is selfless, continuous loving service to God, yoga is connection.
This is nothing but a method of re-establishing relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead through devotional service to Him. A complete description of this method can only be found in the Vedic scriptures (shastras), especially among followers of Vaishnavism. Bhakti yoga consists of 9 processes:

Sravana - hearing about God;
Kirtanam - invocation of the Holy Name (maha-mantra), description of the forms and qualities of God;
Smaranam - remembrance of God;
Pada-sevana - service to the lotus feet of God according to time, place and circumstances;
Archana - worship of the Deity in the temple;
Vandana - offering prayers to God;
Dasya - consider yourself an eternal servant of God;
Sakhya - establishing friendly relations with God;
Atma-nivedana - complete surrender of oneself to God.
Pure devotional service is very rare and is possible only by the mercy of the devotees, by the mercy of the bona fide spiritual master. It is also impossible without observing 4 regulative principles: abstinence from meat-eating; refusal of intoxicants, including tea and coffee; refusal of gambling; refusal to engage in illicit sex. This is due to the fact that the intelligence is clouded by lust and one goes astray from the path of devotional service.

Jnana yoga

Jnana yoga (Sanskrit) is a process of spiritual awareness through an abstract philosophical search for truth. This is one of the 4 types of yogas described in the Bhagvat-Gita: karma yoga (yoga of activity), dhyana yoga (mystical yoga), jnana yoga (yoga of knowledge) and bhakti yoga (yoga of developing relationship with God through a devotee). service).
The main goal of the practice of jnana yoga is to realize oneself and connect with God through knowledge obtained from the sacred scriptures and instructions of spiritual teachers. It is practiced by those who are not ready to accept the personal aspect of God. Following the path of philosophical reflection, such a person can realize only the impersonal aspect of the Absolute Truth (Brahman) and the main thing for such a person is merger with the Absolute (brahmajyoti).

Dhyana yoga

Dhyana (Sanskrit dhyna - reflection, contemplation, concentration) is the art of gaining control over the mind by entering a yogic trance. Dhyana is a separate, significant part of yoga, based on meditation, practiced to gain power over consciousness.

Meditation in Dhyana Yoga directs the flow of thoughts to a chosen object: be it a visual image, an abstract concept, or your own breath. They begin meditative work by contemplating simple concrete objects, gradually moving on to complex concrete objects and then to abstract ones. All thoughts arising in the human mind related to the object of contemplation are concentrated and gathered together. An object is typed, classified, and compared with other objects. The meditator reflects on the component parts of an object and its connections with the whole, on its functions and qualities. In addition, the practitioner notes all sensations and mental associations that arise when thinking about the object. The meditator turns off extraneous thoughts and sensations, being aware only of the fact of his existence and the object, and in the process of meditation merges with the object.

The technique of Dhyana Yoga is described by Krishna in the sixth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita: “By controlling the mind and senses, controlling the activities of the body and focusing the mental gaze on one point, the yogi should cleanse the heart of material contamination. Keeping the body, neck and head in one line, the yogi should focus his gaze on the tip of the nose. Having calmed and controlled the mind, freed from fear and completely renounced sex life, he should fix his mental gaze on My image in the heart and make Me his highest goal. Keeping the activities of his body and mind under constant control, the mystic yogi finally subjugates the mind to his power and, ceasing material existence, reaches the kingdom of God.”

Japa yoga

The word “japa” itself, translated from Sanskrit, means “repetition” and consists of the long repetition of mantras or names of God on beads. The fact is that while reading japa, a person’s entire consciousness is concentrated on God, and gradually every cell of the person’s body begins to pronounce these names. This is how a person quickly unifies with the Almighty and awakens love for Him. And at the same time, a person does not have to exert great effort. This practice is very simple, despite certain rules: Attention. One of the most important factors. The more carefully and concentrated we are on repeating the mantra, the more effective its effect will be. You should try to use your mind, speech and hearing while chanting. The number of repetitions must be a multiple of 108. The number 108 is a special number in the general series of numbers and has a certain power. There is a lot associated with this number, both spiritually and materially. This is why you can often find rosaries with 108 beads. By repeating 108 times, a person completes one circle. The more such circles he makes, the better. Nowadays, it is recommended to repeat at least 16 such circles, and preferably 64. In terms of time, 16 circles are about 2 hours.

Never jump over the main connecting bead when chanting rounds, as this is God himself. Therefore, having reached it, the rosary must be turned over and read in the opposite direction. The best time for japa meditation is in the morning from 4 to 7 am. However, japa can also be done during the day and in the evening before going to bed.
During japa, you cannot think about material things, ask God for something material. At this time, all attention should be directed to the sound that is formed while pronouncing the mantra. The material from which the rosary is made must be associated with the Deity that the person worships. For example, when worshiping Shiva, you need to read japa on rudraksha beads, and to worship Krishna on tulsi beads.
Rosary beads should always be stored in a clean place, preferably in a special bag. They cannot be given to anyone, no one else should read prayers on them. There are even mantras that must be read before picking up the beads, thereby expressing your respect and reverence for them. And at the end of the japa reading, they should be brought to the forehead.
The rosary should always be at the level of the heart or head while chanting.
Rosary beads should not be taken into a dirty place, such as a toilet or bathtub.
Before chanting japa, one must take a bath.
You can mentally repeat the mantra throughout the day while doing any work.
The rosary should not be touched with the index finger and should be fingered towards you during repetition.

- this is a teaching that originates in the very depths of centuries and came to us according to legend from the inhabitants of the first human civilization of Arctida. It connected Eurasia and America, but after the disaster it disappeared without a trace in the Arctic Ocean.

Time passed, civilizations changed one after another, and the knowledge of yoga spread to India and Ancient Egypt. During excavations of one of the most ancient cultures Mohend-jo-Daro, which existed more than four and a half thousand years ago, archaeologists discovered figurines of yogis.

About three thousand years ago, during the time of the Indo-Aryan culture, Vedas (knowledge)- manuscripts of Indian sages who gave impetus to the development of philosophical thought. A little later, all sorts of explanations began to appear Vedas, from which it followed that yoga is a pious exercise that allows you to control the mind and achieve a state of enlightenment.

The sages believed that man consists of matter and spirit, and yoga is able to separate spirit from matter, making it absolutely pure. Over the centuries, yoga began to view the body as a temple of the immortal spirit, and, therefore, this temple must be preserved as long as possible. It was during this period that a system of practices was born that helped prolong life and rejuvenate the body.

Features and differences of yoga

Yoga is different from traditional yoga physical culture not only methods, but also results. For a person who works or studies a lot, or is engaged in mental activity, it is not always important to have big muscles or run marathon distances. It is more important for him to be healthy, so that nothing hurts during work, and pain in the joints or back does not distract him.

Moreover, it is known that even professional athletes are not always absolutely healthy, because numerous injuries, dislocations, sprains, bruises, etc. sooner or later make themselves felt. Yoga classes are the best way to get rid of various diseases, strengthen the body, and improve mood.

Yoga is the first step to achieving great results; here all classes are smooth and slow, gradually loading the body. It can be used for a variety of purposes: for weight loss, for sharpening attention, for endurance, for stabilizing all body systems.

Types of yoga

Yoga is divided into many various types, each of which is aimed at achieving certain results.

  • Hatha yoga- this is the fundamental teaching, it is from it that all types of yoga that are currently popular come from. The main goal is to achieve unity between the soul, body and environment through relaxation, breathing exercises and meditation.
  • Yoga Iyengar- an ideal look for sedentary people and people with physical limitations. Here the emphasis is placed, first of all, on the correct execution of poses, starting with the simplest and gradually complicating the tasks. In the process of regular exercise, the body becomes stronger and more flexible, the muscles become elastic, and the mind becomes clearer.
  • Ashtanga yoga- the most dynamic type of yoga, which to the uninitiated may seem like aerobics. All exercises of this type are performed at a fairly high speed. Here special attention is paid to breathing. Initially, this type of yoga was intended for classes with hyperactive teenagers in order to teach them to channel excess energy in the right direction. Ashtanga yoga is suitable for people with fairly good physical fitness, ready for powerful physical activity.
  • Bikram yoga- a rather exotic species, also called "hot yoga". Bikram yoga classes take place indoors at an air temperature of 40.5 degrees. Due to increased temperature, muscles become more elastic and easier to stretch. Exercise speeds up metabolism and improves blood supply to all parts of the body. But before practicing this type of yoga, you must consult a doctor about individual tolerance. physical activity at elevated temperatures.
  • Power yoga, or power yoga, very similar to Ashtanga yoga. The difference is that in this case the exercises are performed in a random order and more intensely. This type is ideal for athletes and people leading active image life. The main goal of power yoga is to increase the flexibility of the body and improve the elasticity of tendons and muscles.

Who can do yoga

Yoga is not considered a sport or fitness, so there are no restrictions. It can be done at any age. And you shouldn’t ask the question: “Do I have enough flexibility to do yoga?”, because it was partly created to develop this very flexibility, so it is initially assumed that beginners lack it.

The best time of day to study is considered to be 4 a.m., but this is not important; you can study at any time convenient for you. After all, yoga is an excellent tool not only for combating stress, it also improves overall immunity, clarity of thinking, helps to relax after a long working day, brings the body into good tone and much more.

Yoga will be useful for people with the following diseases:

  • arthrosis, arthritis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, various curvatures, disc herniations, etc.);
  • functional disorders of the respiratory, digestive, excretory, reproductive, endocrine systems;
  • neuroses;
  • hypertension;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is important to remember that before you start practicing yoga, you must notify your trainer of any health concerns.


  • all kinds of mental disorders;
  • borderline mental states;
  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • general severity of the condition, when any exercise is contraindicated;
  • neuroinfections;
  • increased intracranial and intraocular pressure;
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • organic heart lesions (myocardial dystrophy, aortic aneurysm, atrial fibrillation, uncompensated heart defects, etc.);
  • infectious lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • severe uncompensated spinal injuries;
  • recent traumatic brain injuries and surgeries.

Where and how much to do yoga

Yoga can be practiced either in a group or independently or with individual trainer. Group training is the most common, as it is the most convenient and easiest way, in which you are under the watchful supervision of specialists, exercise at a time convenient for you and with the required intensity.

Such training programs are made up of exercises that are useful for any person, in particular for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not have the opportunity to train on their own. If you have health problems that prevent you from attending group classes, personal training may be right for you.

Also, when studying individually, you can adjust the time and duration of classes. If you decide to do it yourself, you will still need a qualified specialist who will develop for you individual program and teach you how to use it.

You can devote as much time to yoga as you want. At group classes 2-3 visits per week are enough, especially if you are a beginner. If you don’t have enough time, you can practice for 10-15 minutes daily at home. Some time later, after several regular classes you will notice that there is still enough time. To achieve more quick results you need to exercise 2-3 times a day for 15-30 minutes.

Some useful tips

  1. If you are a beginner, the best way to get acquainted with yoga is not through videos or books, but through personal communication with an instructor.
  2. Yoga classes in fitness centers should be treated with special caution: if you want to learn yoga for real, if you want to be imbued with ancient philosophy, then it is best to choose not a fitness club, but a specialized yoga school.
  3. Just because you smoke doesn't mean you can't do yoga. On the contrary, after some time after starting regular exercise, you will most likely give up this bad habit.
  4. For pregnant women, individually adapted yoga exercises are recommended, aimed mainly at correct breathing, to strengthen the general condition of the body, to normalize the mental state. These exercises prepare a woman for the most important event of her life - the birth of a baby.

Olga SIPLIVAYA read the bestselling book by American scientific journalist William Broad “Scientific Yoga. Demystification” and realized that when it comes to yoga, nothing is as it seems.

Yoga is practiced by approximately 250,000,000 people worldwide. I'd venture to guess that most of them have no idea what they've gotten themselves into. Today, yoga for beginners is physical education for a stressed-out city dweller, a fashion trend, a successful commercial project, an indispensable attribute of a healthy lifestyle, a reason to post a photo on Instagram, in general, anything other than what yoga was originally - a spiritual practice of marginalized hermits.

Orgasm and inspiration - “ side effects” yoga.

Quote:“In 1970, when I first tried to do headstand, the sexual aspects of the practice were usually whispered in corners. My first yoga teacher mentioned sex in passing, but I never understood what exactly was meant, so I left the topic for later. I started writing this book with the same mindset. Sex didn't seem like the most important topic. Yes, I thought, there is something connected with it in yoga, and I can devote a chapter to it. But I couldn’t even imagine what kind of finds awaited me. … I discovered a small treasure trove of reports and studies that shed light on the topic of sexuality. They said that yoga can actually cause a surge in sex hormones, bursts of brain wave activity, as well as other signs characteristic of sexual arousal - and this was confirmed by clinical evidence. Medical brain scans have shown that experienced practitioners are able to enter a state of ecstasy indistinguishable from that experienced during orgasm. According to medical research, yoga can improve the sex life of both men and women - libido and sexual satisfaction increase, and emotional intimacy between partners increases. … [As for creativity], in 1952, while in India, he [famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin] met Iyengar. He taught him to relax in shavasana - corpse pose. The musician immediately fell into a deep sleep. Subsequent yoga lessons gave Menuhin a feeling of deep renewal, and he began to play the violin better. So Menuhin became an adept of yoga. In 1954, he gave Iyengar an Omega watch with an engraving on the back: “To my best violin teacher.” Soon the musician introduced Iyengar to British, French and Swiss audiences. It was thanks to Menuhin that an unknown yogi became a world celebrity. … This mystery [of how inspiration works] has been facing people for a long time, but in recent decades, quite a lot of evidence has been discovered - both fragmentary and not very convincing, and solid - which indicates that yoga can play a significant role in feeding the creative source" .

Fact:WITH light hand Among the writers of Sex and the City, the word “yogasm” came into use (remember the episode where Samantha signed up for yoga?). In 2009 The New The Yorker published a cartoon of a woman lying in bed with her husband, reading. “Not today, dear,” the caption read. “I already had yogasm in the gym.”

Well, I would like to quote the conclusion of the book in its entirety.

“One thing I know for sure: science cannot even begin to approach most of life’s most interesting mysteries, let alone solve them. It's just one finger on the hand, as the sage said. I appreciate the scientific method because it has given humanity so many clues and discoveries, made our existence easier and improved social life. However, I doubt the value of scientism - the belief that the scientific view of the world is superior to all other interpretations: philosophical and religious, moral and humanistic. ... Many of the truths of yoga, of course, lie beyond rational knowledge. Yoga can look further, and experienced practitioners, as far as I know, can penetrate into those areas of consciousness and spirituality about which science knows nothing at all. Or perhaps it's all nonsense and nonsense. I don't know. I'm an agnostic, but I still do yoga, and I'm increasingly enjoying some aspects of the practice. The path I have taken has forced me to take a closer look not only at the dangers that this discipline conceals, but also at its seemingly invisible effects, including the formation in a person of the ability to appreciate the present.”

Photo: The little volcano


Yoga as a system originated in India approximately 200-300 thousand years ago. This teaching was brought here by two human civilizations that had their colonies in India: Lemuria and Atlantis. At that time, the continent of Lemuria was connected to Hindustan by a land isthmus through Australia and Indonesia. People crossed from Antarctica to the Himalayas overland and brought their knowledge. The Lemurians left here for their descendants a system of teaching Hatha yoga and Tantra yoga. Antaranga yoga came to India from Atlantis. Some Atlanteans fled here from another cataclysm that broke the Atlantic continent into two parts. Laya yoga, Mantra yoga and Kundalini yoga were brought with them by immigrants from the islands of Ruta and Daitya - fragments of the great Atlantis. I refer those readers who are interested in learning how all this happened and how the teachings of yoga got to Lemuria and Atlantis to my book “Alien Civilizations of Atlantis” (Moscow, “Hyperborea” publishing house, 2001).

The most ancient written evidence about yoga that has reached us is the Vedas. In the “Rigveda” (one of the four Vedas, the creation of which material scientists date back to two and a half thousand years BC) yoga is mentioned as a certain set of laws relating to the social, moral and environmental aspects of the life of human society. A number of modern scientists trace the origins of yoga to the civilization of Mohenjodaro and Harappa (three thousand years BC) on the basis that during excavations in the Indus River valley, seals depicting people in yoga poses were found.

Every five thousand years, an Avatar comes to Earth and tells the true story of yoga. However, due to our sinfulness, we all understand the words of the incarnate God differently

If you want to learn on your own, without intermediaries, the true history of earthly humanity and the history of the emergence of yoga on Earth, then I advise you to purchase my book “Conscious exits from the body” (Moscow, “Hyperborea” publishing house, 2002) in the store. There are three quite described there simple ways time travel. I use them when I need to quickly check something or ask eyewitnesses.

HISTORY OF YOGA Yoga as a system arose in India approximately 200-300 thousand years ago. This teaching was brought here by two human civilizations that had their colonies in India: Lemuria and Atlantis. At that time, the continent of Lemuria was connected to Hindustan

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Wanderer Shiva and Kundalini - all the secrets of Indian yoga! (psychology of Indian yoga in Russia) Moscow - 2009 This is addressed to all “esoteric readers” and Russian spiritual seekers - all kinds of yogis, magicians, tantrists, Hare Krishnas... interesting book- read it and

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One of the most significant areas of spiritual enrichment for a modern person, as well as a way to understand the capabilities of one’s body, is yoga.

Only with the help of this true spiritual science will you be able to find inner harmony with yourself and discern the potential of human qualities in other people.

In the new understanding, yoga means a system of certain methods and practices of working with a person’s consciousness and his body.

Basic components of yoga

According to the teachings of the Indian sage Patanjali, yoga consists of eight parts:
1. Niyama - satisfaction with all factors of life, purity of motives, perseverance and desire for, practicality of actions, the ability not to put results in the foreground, but to devote the work done not to one’s needs, but to God, to keep the body in a mortal state.
2. Yama - the ability to control oneself, one’s impulses, whims, the desire for honesty, decency, to place spiritual strength and urges above material wealth, to renounce violence, and not to waste energy unnecessarily.
3. Asana - a specially chosen pose to achieve comfort and stability. With its help, you can focus all your energy on your biofield, as well as protect yourself from unwanted external factors on your body. Asana is also a choice of “yogic bells and whistles”, as well as purposes for meditation in a sitting position.

4. Pranayama - the ability to control your breathing apparatus to ensure harmony and control of your energy. With the help of pranayama, a person acquires a broader perception of his real situation.
5. Dharana - developing the ability to concentrate attention on a specific object or subject.
6. Pratyahara - all a person’s attention goes “inward.” A person is able to completely disconnect from external influences by concentrating his energy within himself.
7. Samadhi – development of ability total immersion into a certain object, direct all your energy to the continuous perception of it, to become one with it.
8. Dhyana is a way of concentrating attention in a continuous stream on a specific object and perceptual reality.

In Indian teaching, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi are the perfect faculties. With the help of the combination of these three parts, a person who is able to concentrate his energy within himself to comprehend new properties of an object will subsequently be able to discover new abilities in himself. For him, real life and its possibilities will open in a new vision.

The most primitive teaching of yoga is the “Yoga Sutras,” which is based on a practical cycle. It is in this source that all the principles that were previously passed on to the student from the teacher exclusively orally are collected. It contains the basic principles of working on consciousness, the worldview of yoga, the stages of meditation, as well as the meaning of yoga practice.

History of the origin of yoga

It was discovered during excavations of the ancient Indian cities of Harrappa, Daro and Mohenjo, when the seal of Pashupati was found with the image of the Horned Deity, the prototype of Shiva, who was sitting in one of the yogic poses. Based on these facts, it should be assumed that such a technique came from more ancient times, approximately 3rd century BC. similar poses are also found during excavations of Latin American civilizations.

Types and directions of yoga

As such, there is no division of the teaching into its component parts, since all components of yoga are closely related to each other. It just exists in life big number schools in which the emphasis is on certain methods and practical teachings. At the Karma Yoga school, practice is aimed at developing skills to rid oneself of negativity, selfish intentions, as well as the ability of non-attachment. At the Kundalini Yoga school, all practical exercises are combined with concentrating energy within oneself.

Yoga directions

Karma yoga is practiced on the broad concepts of good and evil. She calls for renunciation of the results of one’s activities, attachment to any values, as well as for developing a willingness to provide help, generosity and work not for oneself, but for people. The development of such abilities in the future will help a person protect himself from negative shells (laziness, selfishness, greed). This direction teaching often takes on unexpected, sometimes extreme methods. For example, in the 20th century, the Indian saint Sri Babaji forced his disciples, who had pride, greed and arrogance, to carry huge boulders. But it was in this way that the result of spiritual cleansing of the personality and getting rid of all negative factors was achieved.

Kundalini yoga is based on awakening the Kundalini energy, which is initially present in every person.

Kriya yoga. Carrying out special yogic cleansing of a person’s physical shell through meditation and liberation from negative energy of the mind.

Bhakti yoga is based on the deification of the Guru. Only when tested emotional man able to merge with the Divine. A bhakta must sincerely surrender his emotional state to the spiritual realm. Sometimes this state of the body can only be achieved certain rituals, chants and mantras.

Jnana yoga. In this teaching, awareness of the superpowers of your body comes from studying the texts of spiritual sacred teachings - the Upanishads, the Vedas, - the Guru himself. Jnana yoga is based on meditation when reading texts, where only the essence of the story is taken into account, thus moving thoughts towards intuitive insight.

Raja yoga. The teaching exclusively focuses on working with your energy. By achieving the so-called “state of Raja Yoga,” a person opens his energy chakras and channels. By using special exercises under the guidance of the Master himself, the energy of strength and the ability to manage one’s energy is transferred from the teacher himself to the student. A master is considered a person who has successfully studied himself. Only in this way, on a verbal and non-verbal level, is a direct transfer of knowledge and power to the learner possible.

Today, the Hatha yoga technique has become quite widespread. Here great importance has directly . Hatha is capable of adjusting the deteriorated energy of the body, helping to achieve the set goal. Achieving final results is only possible through interaction with the outer shell. People who have been practicing this particular type of yoga for a long time have excellent physical capabilities, good spirits and adequacy in all respects. Through proper practice, a person acquires the ability to control not only his body, but also his mind. It is the ability to work on oneself that helps to achieve that very blissful state of “the pinnacle of raja yoga.”

This type of yoga is different from ordinary yoga. gymnastic exercises focusing directly on consciousness rather than on the body itself. A kind of internal work is being done on oneself. Hatha yoga helps maintain the tone of all ligaments and muscle groups of the body.

People who practice yoga throughout their lives, while in sports, people limit their capabilities after just a few years.

Yoga Sources

This includes quite authoritative treatises such as “Hatha Yoga Pradipika”, “Shiva Samhita”, “Yoga Sutras”, “Gheranda Samhita”. Methods, instructions and techniques for beginners are clearly explained here. The translation is specially selected in an easy, relaxed format.

There are treatises based solely on working with energy channels, the production of internal energy, a cosmogonic view, as well as work with mantras. Such sources include the teachings of Tantra.

Unfortunately, the available texts are not as informative as we would like, because the true foundations of the teachings were transmitted exclusively orally to avoid distortion and contradiction.
A mentor has a big advantage in training. When learning the basics of yoga on your own, misconceptions may arise.

Yoga is a real science of exploring possibilities physical body man and his inner shell capabilities. Only with persistent practice is it possible to achieve the highest goal.