Yoga at home for weight loss. Yoga for weight loss: simple exercises for beginners at home. How to get maximum effect

Hello, my dear readers! Our topic today is yoga for weight loss at home for beginners . Where to start, how to organize the process and what to expect (or not to expect) from losing weight through spiritual practice.

Since we have decided to lose weight with the help of yoga, we will deal with everything thoroughly.

It’s always not easy for a beginner, you must admit, and then there’s this yoga with its asanas, mantras, chakras. How to understand it correctly and even understand how all this will help you lose weight?

Losing weight with the power of thought

We have already talked about what yoga is and whether it is possible to lose weight using a system of self-improvement based not so much on the physical as on the spiritual component in the article about

In which they found out that losing weight in the case of this ancient practice is not a goal, but a result. It’s just that in the process of training, you change your consciousness and yourself in such a way, influence muscle groups in such a way that you ultimately rebuild the work of your body in the right way, teach it not to store fat by gaining weight, but, on the contrary, to get rid of extra pounds.

Or rather, everything that is unnecessary - negative thoughts, depression, excessive love for material things, addiction to heavy food (like meat) - goes away, and positive thinking, cleansing of the mind and body, and long-awaited harmony come.

The Beginner's Path

Where to begin?

Enlightenment and purification

Some advise first to start mastering the spiritual and moral stages, of which there are two – Yama and Niyama. They instill principles of morality, non-violence, self-discipline and other positive qualities.

Others talk about the need to first engage in cleansing techniques, which are called shatkarmas. This helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the mind, and generally contributes to the health of the body.

Still others say that you don’t have to do any of this, but go straight to the point about the first exercises. And everything else will gradually come on its own.

We sing mantras

Gradually learn to read mantras. Mantra - this is not a prayer or a spell, as the ignorant might think. Yes, they originate in the Vedas - texts scripture Hindus and consist mainly of the names of deities.

But this is a kind of tool with which the practitioner tries to influence himself, his body, his mind and, as a result, indirectly changes his life.

The most famous mantra, so to speak, the basic one, is aoum or aum, which when pronounced resembles “om”. In Sanskrit, this is one sign symbolizing the divine triad - Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. In fact, there are many more symbols here, and all because the number 3 is special in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

To pronounce, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and try to pronounce sounds, without pauses, in one breath, pausing only to inhale. For beginners, 3-6 repetitions are enough, but in general their number is 108. This helps prepare for meditation - a state of immersion in oneself, finding peace and self-satisfaction.

Meat – to eat or not to eat?

The next step is vegetarianism. True Yogis are very scrupulous in this matter, being confident that proper nutrition, avoiding animal foods, is very important.

At the same time, even the most convinced followers of the teaching do not insist on immediately giving up meat. Everyone is simply sure that once you start practicing yoga, you will sooner or later come to the conclusion that eating killed animals and products made from them is bad.

First exercises

Yoga is not at all gymnastics , and the exercises in it are special - asanas . There are a huge number of them. There are static ones, those in which they remain in one position for a long time, aimed at stretching the spine and strengthening the muscles.

And dynamic ones designed to warm up joints and muscles and accelerate blood circulation. Each asana corresponds correct breathing. For beginners, the main thing to know is the following:

  • Asanas are performed from simple to complex. Start with minimal loads, the easiest asana options and a low level of flexibility.
  • Asanas should be alternated - here the correct sequence is very important. If you have done an exercise with a forward bend, then you definitely need to perform asanas with a compensating pose, bending forward.
  • Discomfort during exercise is minimal. You don't have to do anything to the best of your ability. Don't be a hero. This will protect you from injury.
  • Regularity is the basis of success. Let on 15 minutes per day, but there must be classes. It is better if it takes about an hour and a half.
  • Concentrate on what you are doing. Don’t wander your thoughts into unknown distances. Think about the exercise you are performing, read mantras to yourself, turn off the TV, radio, protect yourself from extraneous noise. There is only you and the yoga practice.
  • Don't ignore relaxation exercises. By skipping them, you deprive your body of much-needed relaxation, its joints, ligaments, muscles and internal organs.

Learning to breathe

Pranayama- This breathing exercises, which help fill the body with the life-giving energy of the Universe - prana. This is a very powerful technique that is directly related to the ability to meditate.

It takes a lot of time to master it, and experienced yogis do not recommend learning it on your own - inept actions can harm your health.

Pleasant changes

According to reviews, after just a couple of months, those involved note favorable changes, both physical and psychological:

  • improves mood and well-being
  • the body's endurance and resistance to diseases increases
  • posture improves
  • muscles are strengthened
  • increased flexibility

First steps

So, after the preliminary course, so to speak, the theory of yoga, let’s begin practice. What is needed to effectively exercise at home? Nothing at all.

  • Hungry stomach. Yes all classes strictly before meals.
  • A mat or towel to practice on.
  • Comfortable, loose (“breathable”) clothing.
  • A ventilated room with a pleasant body temperature.
  • Solitude (choose a time when you are alone Houses , or warn your family not to disturb you for a while).
  • Relaxing music in the background (or recording lessons).

Which yoga to choose?

Most adherents advise gaining first experience by practicing hatha yoga. It is considered a classical teaching and has virtually no age or health restrictions.

And, first of all, it is intended to restore physical health, develop flexibility, strengthen joints and spine, calm the nervous system, increase immunity and master the principles of proper breathing.

This video contains hatha yoga exercises for beginners

Sit in a pose

Experts advise starting with the “Surya Namaskar” asana complex - in other words, “Salutations to the Sun” (at least, I came across a lot of advice in lessons for beginners to start their path to practice with this complex).

It is believed that it is best performed in the morning, at sunrise, facing it. Another option is in the evening, before dinner, since this unique ritual of sun worship promotes good digestion.

In short, it looks like this picture - you do a sequence of 12 asanas, starting and ending with the “praying pose”.

And here it is short video, where a girl performs Surya Namaskar.

It is recommended to repeat this complex from 3 to 12 times. Three cycles are enough for me to wake myself up in the morning and stretch all my muscles.

Beginners will benefit from a detailed analysis of the complex. In this video, its author talks in detail about what happens to the body at each specific moment of performing asanas, and even provides interactive explanations.

And here we look at the mistakes that beginners often make.

How useful is the material? Someone has already done these exercises?

Meanwhile, I have an excellent one especially for you yoga complex for weight loss , aimed at beginners.

And especially for those who are interested in this topic, but are still not very sure how to deal with it themselves, I can recommend the book “Yoga for beginners. Guide for independent studies» - an excellent guide based on scientific approach for yoga classes. With the help of this publication, you will be able to organize your studies and avoid mistakes common to beginners.

Yoga and Pilates – twin brothers?

Those who are at least a little familiar with such a fitness system as Pilates , probably noticed that it is very similar to yoga. Meanwhile, this similarity is only external, so to speak. In fact, there are more differences than it seems, and the most important thing is that yoga has its own philosophy, which has been created over thousands of years, but Pilates has no philosophy.

Yes, both types of fitness (somehow it’s hard to call yoga that way, isn’t it?) are positioned as aimed at training the mind and body, but that’s just not the case. Pilates is, first of all, just a healing system.

But yoga teaches you to work on yourself spiritually, gives you knowledge about how to manage your emotions and strengths, how to achieve peace in your soul. They say, by the way, that often those who start doing yoga simply as fitness, then come to yoga philosophy.

What to remember

So, what have we learned today about how to do yoga for beginners and still lose weight?

  • There are no special asanas specifically for weight loss.
  • To lose weight with yoga, you just need to start doing it.
  • You need to start practicing with the simplest asanas, gradually increasing the load and duration of the session.
  • You should feel comfortable performing a particular pose. Avoid heavy loads and you will avoid injury.
  • Exercises should be regular, preferably an hour every day, at least 2-3 times a week.
  • You shouldn’t force yourself and immediately give up food of animal origin - everything will come gradually with immersion in practice.
  • Don't expect fast losing weight with yoga - this path may take a long time, but weight lost almost guaranteed to never return.

And that's all I have for today. I look forward to your comments and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates!

Yoga is one of the world's oldest teachings, the purpose of which is to harmonize the relationship between a person, his body, mind and soul and the world around him. Yoga classes restore energy balance, improve well-being, have a beneficial effect on physical health and mental well-being, and, among other things, promote weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

Yoga is one of the world's oldest teachings, the purpose of which is to harmonize the relationship between a person, his body, mind and soul and the world around him. Yoga classes restore energy balance, improve well-being, and have a beneficial effect on physical health and mental state.

Yoga is used for various purposes, including staying fit. Like any other physical activity, yoga helps you lose weight. excess weight, become more fit and slender. Home yoga for weight loss is an excellent alternative to usual exercises. Unlike many sports, yoga involves working not only on the body, but also on the inner world. Therefore, yoga exercises for weight loss are chosen by those who want to achieve harmony in their lives at all levels. A person who practices yoga always strives for self-knowledge and development of his abilities.

Do not forget that in yoga, weight loss and body modeling in problem areas are the result integrated approach. Thoughtful nutrition, cleansing procedures, spiritual practices, proper breathing and, of course, refined exercise techniques are the key to success. Mastering yoga for weight loss for beginners should begin by learning how to...

If you feel interested in yoga and want to use it as a way to shape your figure, you don't have to go to group classes with a coach. It is not at all difficult to do yoga at home, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. This is a real way to lose weight!

How does yoga help you lose weight?

Yoga has a beneficial effect on mood and physical condition. At regular classes yoga:

    metabolism improves by reducing the production of stress hormones and accelerating insulin secretion;

    immunity is strengthened;

    sleep quality improves;

    mood and well-being are stabilized;

    you feel a surge of strength and understand your body better;

    the body becomes more plastic, flexible and resilient.

If you decide to do yoga at home to lose weight and are not too familiar with the theoretical part, first of all decide on the type of yoga. If your main goal is to get rid of excess weight, choose dynamic yoga exercises for weight loss, in which asanas (positions) are not static, but are intertwined with “vinyasas” - special ligaments, without forgetting about proper breathing.

Of all the types of yoga, the exercises that are most effective for losing weight can be found in the syncretic variety of hatha yoga called "".

If you have never practiced yoga, it is better to learn its basics under the guidance of a professional trainer. Due to incorrect technique, when performing exercises at home, you can harm your health. Start training in a group to avoid mistakes and accustom your body to the correct movements, then the chosen yoga exercise for weight loss will give best result, and later you can continue yoga lessons for weight loss at home.

How to do yoga for weight loss at home? How should the training be done, how many times a week should the exercises be performed to lose excess weight with yoga? We will now answer all these questions in detail.

Below is effective complex yoga for weight loss, which will allow you to get the figure you dream of at home. But first, the basic rules! The main thing is regular training (3-4 times a week) and correct technique.

As for the time of classes, there are no clear recommendations - choose a convenient one for yourself. Experts advise choosing the morning or evening hours, before going to bed. At this time, classes will be most effective.

Of course, to achieve the goal, one should not forget about proper nutrition. At a minimum, you should avoid high-fat, high-calorie foods and alcohol. It will be easy to get used to a new lifestyle - after all, you are striving to become slimmer, and this is the best motivation!

Yoga classes should take place in a ventilated room. You should also have a special exercise mat. Like any other type of physical activity, yoga does not tolerate practicing immediately after eating - it is harmful and difficult for the body. Therefore, it is optimal to do yoga a few hours (at least 3) after eating. A few more tips:

    Before class, you need to prepare your body by doing stretching exercises.

    it's worth starting with simple ones physical exercise, moving on to more complex

    During exercise you should breathe only through your nose

    do not overexert your muscles, your movements should be measured and smooth

    After training, devote 5-10 minutes to relaxation (if you practice meditation, you can meditate)

A mini-set of exercises that will allow you to prepare for class:

    Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms above your head, grab hold of one thumb after another. The whole body should be extended upward, legs straight. Bend alternately in one direction and the other. Tilt - while exhaling, lifting up - while inhaling.

    Interlace your fingers behind your back. Arch your back slightly and stay in this pose for 3-5 seconds. The head should be raised up.

    Extend your arms above your head. Sit on an imaginary chair, legs bent at right angles. The back is straight. Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

Also effective, from the point of view of preparing for yoga classes, will be bending down, pulling your knees to your chest, jumping “arms up - legs apart” and others. difficult exercises for warming up.

A set of yoga exercises for weight loss

Moving from simple to complex, you should start with easier asanas to perform. And, of course, don’t forget about relaxation after training. Below we present a complex consisting of 10 yoga exercises for weight loss, suitable for beginner yogis. Subsequently, continuing your classes, you can increase the number of asanas or change their set (best of all - under the guidance of a trainer).

Tadasana or Mountain Pose(general body strengthening, improved posture)

Legs are straight, shoulder-width apart, arms are raised up, fingertips are connected. The head is thrown back, the back is arched.

Breathe through your nose, try to feel the main muscles of your body.

Uttanasana - forward bend from a standing position(stretching the thigh muscles)

Legs are straight, stand no wider than shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, you should slowly lean forward and lower yourself as low as possible. It's good if you reach the floor with your hands. If not, clasp your shins with your hands.

Maintain this position for 30 seconds.

The pose also has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, calming and relaxing.

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose(strengthening the buttocks, stretching the shoulders, strengthening the spine)

Lie face down on the mat, arms along your body. Raise your body and rest your forearms on the floor. Keep your elbows close to your chest. As you exhale, slowly straighten your arms and lift your body as high as possible. The legs remain in the same position, and you bend, raising your head up. Maintain the pose for 30 seconds, after which you can return to the original position.

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Looking Dog Pose(stretching the muscles of the thighs and calves, strengthening the arms)

Get on all fours with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, slowly straighten your legs, simultaneously lifting your buttocks up.

This asana requires maintaining the position for 1-3 minutes. If you are a beginner, a minute will be enough. Afterwards you can return to your original position.

Virabhadrasana I, or Warrior Pose I(reduce back pain, stretch hip flexors)

Stand up straight. Lunge forward with your right foot to a distance of 100 cm (approximately). The right leg should gradually bend at the knee until the angle becomes 90 degrees. The left leg remains straight, placing the full foot on the floor.

Hold your arms above your head and maintain the pose for several breaths (up to 5), then repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Utthita Trikonasana, or Triangle(stretching the abdominal muscles, strengthening the back and abdomen)

Place your feet 100 centimeters apart. Expand left leg 90 degrees outward, and the right one 45 degrees inward. Keep your arms at your sides, palms facing down. Turning your head to the left, exhale and begin to slowly lean towards your left leg. Continue moving until your body is parallel to the floor. Touch your left hand to your foot. The right hand is directed vertically upward. Turn your head to the right and look up the entire length of your right arm.

Breathe calmly and maintain the position for several breathing cycles. Slowly return to the starting position. Do the same on the right side.

Vrksasana or Tree Pose(strengthening legs, improving coordination of movements)

Stand up straight. The feet are located next to each other, the palms are closed at chest level. Shift your body weight to your right leg and, maintaining balance, press your left foot to your right shin. Raise your arms above your head, the position of your arms should resemble the crown of a tree.

Maintain this position for 10 breaths. Then do the same with the other leg.

The exercise develops a sense of balance, and over time you will be able to press your foot higher - towards the inner surface of the thigh.

Ardha Matsyendrasana, andhalf King of Pisces pose(strengthening back and abdominal muscles)

Sit cross-legged on a mat. Then place your right foot with outside left leg. The foot should be as close to the pelvis as possible. Press the elbow of your left hand to the outer surface of your right thigh. Your right hand should be placed on the floor behind you. Slowly turn your head to the right, as if you want to see what is happening behind you. Left hand will help you increase the rotation of your torso in your lower back. Achieve maximum muscle stretch. Stay in this pose for several breathing cycles. Then return to the starting position and do this exercise on the other side of your body.

Salamba Sirsasana - headstand(strengthening abdominal muscles, lower blood pressure, slow heart rate, strengthen the spine)

Beginner yogis are recommended to perform a stand near a wall. Get on your knees and place your elbows on the center of the mat. Lower your head down. Elbows should be located on both sides of the head (the distance between them should not exceed shoulder width), fingers clasped at the back of the head.

You can straighten your legs upward only by making sure that the fulcrum point is the top of your head, resting on the floor, and not the forehead or back of the head.

The pose also helps cleanse the internal organs - liver and kidneys.

Shavasana - relaxation pose

This asana is the final asana for any yoga class. You need to lie on the mat, stretch your arms along your body, palms up. Your legs should be at a comfortable distance from each other - you should not feel any tension. With your eyes closed, try to relax by thinking about your breathing. Breathe measuredly and calmly. You need to spend about 20 minutes in this pose.

Contraindications for yoga

You are free to choose the days and times for doing yoga yourself, but you cannot start doing yoga for weight loss on your own if you have at least one of the following contraindications:

    spinal injuries or diseases;

    diseases of cardio-vascular system;

    recent heart attack/stroke;

    increased intracranial pressure;



    inguinal hernia;

    presence of tumors (benign / malignant);

    postoperative period.

Yoga classes are not recommended for people who have problems with the nervous system. You should not do yoga in the first days of the menstrual cycle, or if you are sick (flu, ARVI). Fever is also a contraindication for yoga. In case of pregnancy, yoga classes can be continued during the first three months, and then experts recommend abandoning them.

At correct execution During yoga exercises, you may feel tired, your muscles may “tighten” - these are normal symptoms indicating that your body has worked hard. But if you feel unwell after exercising, you should consult a doctor and also consult a trainer.

In the absence of contraindications, you can not only do yoga for weight loss at home, but also combine it with other types physical activity to achieve the best result.

Yoga has been considered effective since ancient times health system, which restores not only a person’s physical problems, but also leads to harmony in the spiritual and mental state. Yoga classes are very popular today.

Using a set of exercises based on yoga teachings, you can correct your posture, develop flexibility, relieve stress, and also lose excess weight.

Yoga is, first of all, a complex teaching. Starting to use the practice for the purpose of losing weight, a person receives the necessary physical activity, which helps burn calories, improve metabolism and normalize proper nutrition.

Exercises used for weight loss are called “shatkarmas”. They help improve the functioning of the digestive system and saturate the body with oxygen. During classes, a special breathing technique is used, which is gradually used in a person’s everyday life.

In the process of performing yoga exercises, most of the muscles of the whole body are worked out. And after just a few months of training, you can notice how slender and attractive the body becomes, as well as flexibility and lightness.

You can start yoga classes at any level of training. For beginners, it is recommended to use individual or group training with a trainer who will develop a special program taking into account problem areas. When the experience of knowledge accumulates, then you can perform yoga exercises for weight loss on your own at home.

If you have any illnesses, you must inform the instructor about them so that he can select the optimal program for your classes.

You should be careful when practicing yoga for diseases such as sciatica, nervous system, heart disease, blood disease, oncology, vertebral or umbilical hernia.

Rules for doing yoga

  • Exercises should be performed regularly.
  • The first training sessions should not last long.
  • It is advisable to exercise on an empty stomach.
  • The exercises must be performed on a mat.
  • Before classes, you should ventilate the room.
  • Use correct technique breathing.
  • Before class, be sure to warm up.
  • If pain occurs, you should stop doing the exercises. You need to start gradually, you should not take on complex exercises right away.

Types of yoga

It is difficult to say for sure which type of yoga is most suitable for weight loss; it all depends on the person’s goals and his problems. Let's look at the main types of yoga:

Hatha yoga is considered the most widespread type of yoga. This teaching is based on the physical preparation of the body for meditation and helps strengthen the spirit and body.

Practice helps to reduce excess weight, saturates the body with oxygen, normalizes metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on vision. This teaching is suitable for people who have problems with joints and spine.

Iyengar yoga. Special attention The training focuses on the exact position of the body, where muscles that are little used in everyday life are involved, because of this, excess weight loss occurs.

Ashtanga. This type of yoga is based on proper breathing, and asanas are performed using ligaments without stopping.

Exercises for weight loss

There are a wide variety of yoga exercises for weight loss that help not only lose weight, but also improve your health. Let's look at some exercises that are most often used for such purposes.

Warrior Pose

This exercise helps burn excess fat.

Twisting poses

These exercises help cleanse internal organs, improve the functioning of the digestive system and have a positive effect on overall human health. There are many twisting poses. Let's look at the general twisting pose in yoga.

Execution: lie on your back, extend your arms at shoulder level on both sides, palms should look down, bend your knees as you inhale, lower them as you exhale bent legs to the left and turn your face to the right. Then repeat everything, only in the other direction.

Uttanasana pose

This pose helps stretch the thigh muscles and has a good effect on the human body.

Execution: you need to stand up straight, spread your legs, take a breath and calmly bend forward as low as possible, reach with your hands to the floor and clasp your shins with them, remain in this position for at least 30 seconds, and then rise.

Boat Pose or Navasana

This pose helps strengthen muscles and is good for digestion.

Execution: accept sitting position, straighten your legs and put them together, straighten your back, lower your arms along your body. Next, take a deep breath, lower your body back so that your back and legs are straight, raise your legs above the floor, maintaining the angle between your legs and torso. Then you need to raise your arms and stretch them forward.

Shavasana pose

The exercise is performed for relaxation. Helps the body relax and relieve tension.

Execution: you need to lie on your back or on the mat, turn your feet out, and your hands should not touch your body. You first need to concentrate on your feet, feel which of them is tense, and try to relax this place.

After the feet relax, you need to smoothly switch your attention higher - to your ankles and shins, now you need to relax this part of the body. Next, move your attention even higher. And so you need to gradually relax every part of the body up to the head.

Dog pose

This exercise is considered basic in yoga, helps to stretch many muscles, and has a good effect on the digestive system.

Execution: you need to spread your legs, put your hands on the floor, while your palms and feet should be on the same line, the body in this position should resemble a triangle. After completing the exercise, you should relax.

If we talk about losing weight, then yoga is great way reset overweight. But to achieve noticeable results, it is recommended to exercise at least 2 times a week, as well as eat right and exercise healthy image life.

It should be remembered that yoga is, first of all, a system that includes a set of actions aimed at solving specific problems. And if you follow the system strictly, you can achieve excellent results. A beautiful figure will become a reality, not a dream!

Photos of yoga for weight loss

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


They tighten the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and other problem areas, improve flexibility, strengthen the immune system - this is why yoga exercises for weight loss are useful, especially for beginners in this area. A significant decrease in body weight is observed already in the first weeks after the start of training. In addition to stabilizing your physical condition, classes help achieve mental balance. The latter is no less important, because the emotional component also affects the weight loss process. You will learn more about what yoga exercises to do for weight loss and how to do them from the information below.

The benefits of yoga for the figure

Classes help solve several problems related to overweight. The main benefit is the expenditure of a large number of calories. The exact number depends on the reps and sets. Answering the question, what are the benefits of yoga, in addition to wasting energy, we can note:

  • stimulation metabolic processes;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks;
  • developing the habit of eating right;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • increasing body flexibility;
  • normalization of work thyroid gland, which produces hormones necessary for burning fat;
  • warming up the muscles, which burns fat faster;
  • relaxation and improved mood.

How to do yoga for weight loss

Before you begin the classes themselves, it is worth studying a few important recommendations. They relate to the time and duration of training, as well as equipment and clothing. You can exercise in the morning instead of exercising. If you don’t have time at this time, then postpone your training to 7-8 pm. The main condition is to practice regularly. This is the only way you can achieve results. Yoga for weight loss at home is not suitable for women during menstruation. It is better to skip the first three days, and after that return to training. Other training tips:

  1. Cloth. It is more convenient to perform asanas in a loose sports suit. A lightweight knit material will also work. Sneakers and sneakers are not required for classes. You can train barefoot or in socks.
  2. Inventory. You can only get a mat or a special yoga mat. A belt and a support block will be useful during classes.
  3. Warm-up. It is important to prepare before performing the exercises. This could be light stretching or a few simple squats.
  4. Time. It is better to perform asanas two hours after eating or on an empty stomach. Start with a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration to 1-1.5 hours.

For waist and belly

One of the most problematic areas for many women is the stomach. It may be excessively round or sagging after childbirth. In this case there are several effective exercises, the results of which will be visible in 1-2 weeks. Before starting, be sure to do a warm-up. Yoga for losing belly fat involves performing exercises with fixation for a minute. There should be at least 2 approaches. More effective for creating flat stomach positions:

  1. Uttanasana. Stand up straight, while exhaling, raise your arms, stretching your spine, and then smoothly bend down towards your feet, as if folding in half. Fix the position, then, while inhaling, carefully return to the starting position.
  2. Boat. To do this, you need to sit on the mat, straighten your legs, and then begin to lift them, while simultaneously tilting your back back about 60 degrees. Toes should be at eye level, and arms should be extended parallel to the floor.
  3. Staff or bottom stop. This asana resembles a regular plank. To do this, you need to take a lying position, leaning on your elbows, palms and toes, and stretch out in a straight line. After fixing the position, you can smoothly exit the asana.

For weight loss

Any yoga for weight loss is very effective. Each type is aimed at working the muscles in a certain way. You can choose one of the following yoga techniques:

  • Ashtanga– quick change of positions in a certain sequence while observing breathing;
  • respiratory– a complex for the development of breathing, which brings the state of your body closer to harmony4
  • kundalini– in addition to performing asanas, it involves cleansing the chakras through meditation and singing;
  • power– designed for those with more endurance and resembles a combination of Ashtanga and aerobics;
  • hot– is represented by a combination of 26 positions that replace each other in conditions of elevated air temperature.

For legs and thighs

Exercises help to cope with all problem areas, including the hips. In addition to reducing their volume, it has an excellent effect on their inner side. This area is especially difficult to train. Without development inner part thighs become flabby. In addition, cellulite appears. Yoga for losing weight on legs and thighs is very effective in this case. The following asanas are considered the most effective:

  1. Chair. Stand up straight, place your feet next to each other. Inhaling, gradually raise your arms up, placing your palms together. As you exhale, carefully sit down, but not until right angle in the knees. Then slowly return to the starting position.
  2. Bridge. Take a lying position on the floor, bend your legs. As you exhale, raise your pelvis so that the angle at your knees is 90 degrees. At the same time, pull your buttocks in, and tense your arms and neck. After a minute of fixing the position of the thigh, you can lower it to the floor.
  3. Warrior or virabhadrasana. It is necessary to lunge forward on each leg one by one, lock in this position and, as you exhale, straighten your arms up, folding them with your palms facing each other. Gradually return to a standing position.

For hands

There are yoga exercises for losing weight in your arms. Some of them are difficult, so it is better to start such asanas not immediately, but after some time regular training. Yoga for losing weight in your arms is represented by the following exercises:

  1. Kumbhakasana. Take the position of a classic plank with emphasis on your elbows, but connect your palms and not place them parallel. The abs should be retracted. This position must be held for 10 to 30 seconds.
  2. Chaturanga dandasana. Place emphasis on your arms, pressing your elbows to your body, and on your toes. Lower your chest as low as possible to the floor. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Asanas for weight loss

It is impossible to definitively answer the question of which type of yoga will be more effective for weight loss. A specific type is selected taking into account several criteria. One of them is what yoga exercises for weight loss are aimed at. It is important which problem area they correct. Overall stand out different types and poses:

  1. Hatha yoga. The most popular direction, giving rise to all other varieties of this Indian culture. The practice is aimed at maintaining balance, concentration, relaxation and proper breathing. Particularly useful for problems with joints and spine.
  2. Iyengar. A special feature of this option is the static performance of a set of exercises for weight loss with supports. In this case, even those muscles that are rarely involved in normal movements become tense.
  3. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. This type consists of asanas that smoothly flow into each other using ligaments. The entire activity takes place almost non-stop. This workout is close to cardio classes, so it trains not only muscle corset, but also breathing.

The weight loss poses themselves are divided according to the type of load and the position itself. There are standing asanas that involve more legs, bottom part back, stomach Inverted poses help strengthen the muscles of the neck and back and work out the organs. abdominal cavity. Inclines are designed to improve flexibility. You can end your classes with relaxation, which will calm your mind and body.


A standard workout begins with a warm-up for 5-10 minutes, after which you can perform twisting asanas. They help cleanse the kidneys and liver, stimulate digestion and metabolism. These include:

  1. Bharadvajasana. You need to sit down with your legs tucked under you, then lean slightly onto your left thigh. Turn to the left and with your left hand grab the back of your right elbow, the palm of which should lie on your left thigh. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  2. Sage Pose. You need to take the same position as for a side plank. If you rely on right hand, then you need to place your left foot in front of you. Then push your pelvis up and reach down with your other hand.


They increase concentration, strengthen the muscles of the hips, back, abdomen and shoulders, train balance - this is how standing asanas work, including crescent, mountain or triangle. Some exercises additionally help improve digestion and stretch the body. Of these asanas, the most effective are:

  1. Tadasana or Mountain. Stand up straight, place your arms along your body, with your palms facing forward. At the same time, pull in the tailbone, tense the muscles of the buttocks, try to reach for the sky, and after a few breaths relax.
  2. Triangle or uttihita. You need to stand up straight, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, and straighten your arms to the sides. Next, bend to the right or left, maintaining the position of your arms.

Inverted poses

Inverted asanas help stimulate the abdominal organs. They also affect the functioning of the thyroid gland. Your training program should include inverted poses, of which the following are very effective:

  1. Plow or halasana. Lying on your back, inhale, hold your breath and raise your straight legs vertically. Then gradually bring them behind the head, tearing off the pelvis and chest from the floor. You can remain in this position as long as you like.
  2. Fish or matsiasana. Also lie on your back, place your palms under your buttocks. Next, arch your chest, throwing your head back. Hold the position for 15 inhalations and exhalations.

Forward bends

The following asanas can be performed both sitting and standing. Bends work specific areas of the body depending on the type of exercise. In general, they improve the flexibility of the body, stretch tendons, strengthen muscles and reduce the effect of stress on the body. Of these asanas you should perform:

  1. Forward lean. You just need to stand up straight, then bend over, trying to bend almost in half and clasp your legs with your hands.
  2. Dog looking down. Get on all fours, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, then bend over and place your hands on the floor. Next, gradually shift your weight to the front of your foot. Straighten your legs, lift your buttocks up, hold for 1-3 minutes.

For flexibility and stretching

Stretching asanas help you relax physically and spiritually and relieve tension. They play the role of a cool-down, because any workout should not be ended abruptly. These exercises can be done:

  1. Balasana. Get on all fours, knees together, sit on your heels. Next, place your torso on your hips and stretch your arms back. The forehead should touch the floor. Close your eyes and lie there for a couple of minutes.
  2. . The most convenient and simple position. You just need to lie down, stretch out your arms and legs, and relax them. You can relax like this for about 15 minutes.

Power yoga

The emphasis of power yoga is precisely on burning fat and working out muscles. At the same time, asanas are performed continuously, connecting them with continuous links. As a result, endurance is also trained. Power yoga for weight loss has a number of basic exercises:

  1. Sumo pose. Helps against cellulite. To do this, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your feet, and fold your arms on your chest, then slowly squat down to a 90-degree angle at your knees.
  2. Cobra. For training the shoulders, spine, buttocks. Lie on your stomach, then lean on your palms, arch and throw your head back.

Exercises for beginners at home

If you are just starting to exercise, then you should not immediately perform complex exercises. There are a number of simpler asanas that even a beginner can do. You can choose a yoga exercise for beginners from the following:

  • tadasana or mountain;
  • vrikasana or tree;
  • adho mukha svanasana or downward-facing dog;
  • urdhva mukha svanasana or upward-facing dog;
  • virabhadrasana I or warrior I;
  • virabhadrasana II or warrior II;
  • utthita trikonasana or extended triangle;
  • dandasana or staff;
  • baddha konasana or butterflies.

Breathing exercises

Not only are they effective for weight loss strength exercises, but also respiratory. This type of gymnastics is called Pranayama. In other words, it sounds like breathing control; it helps to enhance the fat burning process, improves well-being and improves the overall tone of the body. Shitali pranayama is very effective for obese people. These breathing exercises for weight loss are performed as follows:

  • take a comfortable position, for example, a lotus;
  • stick out your tongue rolled into a tube;
  • inhale slowly through this tube;
  • then retract your tongue and close your mouth;
  • inhale through your nose, making a sound as if the wind is howling;
  • perform 3 to 5 cycles.


Even with the undoubted benefits of the exercises, they have a number of contraindications. If there are problems with the spine, then you should consult a doctor, because with some injuries or diseases you cannot perform asanas. Answering the question of who should not do yoga, we can note the following:

  • inguinal hernia;
  • heart attack or stroke;
  • recent surgery;
  • oncology;
  • hypertension;
  • increased body temperature;
  • influenza and ARVI.

One of the main health problems in modern people is overweight. In the United States, for example, obesity affects about 60% of the population. In our country the situation is, of course, better, but the number of people suffering from excess weight problems is still very large.

This state of affairs is caused by poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, most people do not have enough time to do physical exercise, which, against the background of poor ecology and consumption of high-calorie foods, leads to sad results.

Today, more and more people are embarking on the path to combat excess weight. Some sit on strict diet, others are recorded in GYM's, while some prefer to study at home.

The methods by which people regain their good health also vary. physical fitness– these could be classes with own weight, training on simulators, massages, etc. Today we will tell you about one of the ways to combat excess weight, which has recently become increasingly popular - yoga.

Some may be puzzled by the question of how you can lose weight with yoga. Let us immediately note that quickly get rid of extra pounds It will not work by doing asanas.

Weight loss in yoga is achieved not through the active burning of fat deposits, but through a qualitative restructuring of your body and its improvement. Losing extra pounds will be a pleasant consequence of the changes that will occur in your body with regular yoga practice.

There is also a special power yoga for weight loss, the exercises of which are aimed specifically at combating excess weight.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga for weight loss has a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish it from other methods of combating excess weight:

Yoga classes have virtually no contraindications and are suitable for people of any level physical training and health.

The only reasons why it is better to refrain from practicing yoga may be spinal ailments, blood diseases, and cancer. You should also refrain from exercising during infectious diseases, influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.

In each individual case, the best way out of the situation would be consult an experienced doctor.

Basic rules of yoga

To achieve the maximum effect from yoga, you must strictly follow the following rules:

Women should remember that during menstruation only relaxing exercises can be performed, and during pregnancy only light practices are allowed.

Yoga video lessons

Especially for you, dear readers, we have selected yoga lessons with videos for beginners, which describe weight loss exercises that you can perform at home.

Yoga for weight loss in 30 minutes

This lesson presents a set of yoga exercises for beginners, ideal for performing in morning time.

The exercises are selected in such a way that all muscle groups are involved, which is especially important for effective weight loss. All exercises are as simple as possible and can be done by people of any level of training.

Expert review:

Calm and simple complex effective exercises, aimed at strengthening the body and burning fat deposits throughout the body.

Perform it in the morning, try to follow the speaker’s recommendations as closely as possible. The calm atmosphere created by the music will help you concentrate on doing the exercises.

Yoga exercises for weight loss

This video presents a simple set of hatha yoga exercises suitable for beginners. Yulia Lemeshko, an experienced hatha yoga teacher, shows all the intricacies of performing the exercises, explaining each of her actions.

Expert review:

This set of exercises is designed to normalize metabolism, which, subject to compliance proper diet will help you quickly lose weight, as well as remove harmful substances accumulated in it from the body.

Yoga for weight loss from Denise Austin

This video presents a set of exercises aimed specifically at losing weight with the help of yoga. Its author, Denise Austin, accompanies the implementation of the complex with detailed explanations, and the duplication of movements by her two assistants allows you to consider all the intricacies of performing the exercises.

Expert review:

Denise Austin's set of exercises is good because all the exercises in it are selected to combat excess weight.

The training program is divided into 4 parts: burning fat, strengthening the leg muscles to make them slim, working out the abdominal area and relaxing exercises to complete the workout. This combination provides maximum fat burning effect.

Yoga for beginners from Ekaterina Buida

In this video, famous yoga teacher Katerina Buida demonstrates a set of exercises for beginners. The exercises of the complex are aimed at overall strengthening of all muscle groups of the body, including the abdominal and leg areas, which has a beneficial effect on burning fat deposits in this area.

Expert review:

The main notability of this video is that it contains the “sun salutation” exercise - one of the most useful yoga classes for beginners, since its implementation involves almost all muscle groups, which has a positive effect on the tone of the whole body.

Yoga for Beginners

An excellent video for those who are just starting to practice yoga. Simple exercises, demonstrated in it, are accompanied by a detailed explanation of all actions.

Expert review:

A good complex for working out the basics muscle groups. Relatively short fixation of asanas is aimed at developing flexibility and improving control of your body. Detailed description each movement makes the complex understandable to perform.

We have selected for you the easiest sets of yoga exercises to perform, which can be performed even by a person who has never exercised before. You can also read the article “Yoga for Beginners at Home”

If you want to get acquainted with a large number of yoga complexes for beginners, pay attention to the lessons of such teachers as Olga Bulanova, Andrei Sidersky, Karina Kharchinskaya and Ravi Kumar. For women starting to practice yoga, the advice of teacher Tatyana Borodaenko will also be useful.

Do you think it’s possible to get rid of extra pounds with the help of yoga? Maybe you practice yoga for other purposes? Tell us about it in the comments!