Interval running - how to run correctly. What is interval running? Preparing the body for running

There are many ways to burn off excess calories. There are more effective and less effective methods. Today we'll talk about very effective method, which allows you to burn a large amount of calories and fat, and thereby allows you to lose weight very quickly. Name for him: Interval running to burn fat. Now, I will try to talk in more detail about what this type of running is.

What is interval running? What it is?

– this is a type of training that is based on alternating the intensity of loads during training. As with any interval training, the essence of this run is to alternate high-intensity (fast running, or sprint) and low intensity (light jogging, brisk walking) loads. Because of this, this type of running is in a great way in order to lose weight quickly and efficiently, as well as strengthen the muscles of the whole body and the cardiovascular system.

Let's take a closer look at what happens in our body during regular running and during interval running. Moderate running (or as it is also called – jogging) refers to aerobic type load, that is, when the necessary energy is generated through reactions with oxygen. This type of load can be maintained by aerobic metabolism for quite a long time, while energy costs will be minimal. It means that running training, such as jogging, should be very long (1 hour or more). How can you force your body to burn more calories in less time? Interval running for weight loss is ideal in this case!

Because interval running uses sprinting or very fast running (anaerobic type of exercise), then the effectiveness of such running increases several times, and training time can be significantly reduced. Anaerobic exercise differs from aerobic exercise in that anaerobic exercise does not use oxygen, and all energy appears as a result of the very rapid chemical breakdown of fuel substances in the muscles. This method is quite effective, but depletes fuel reserves very quickly (60 - 90 seconds), which is exactly what allows you to waste calories and excess fat faster.

Such interval running training to burn subcutaneous fat allows you to burn more calories and also get rid of excess body fat much faster and more effectively than running at a moderate pace for one hour or a longer period of time (while allowing you to save muscle mass) . Sprint intervals are very effective for this. (accelerated running in segments from 100 to 400 m)

How much and when should you run?

It is worth noting that interval running to burn fat puts a lot of stress on the body, so you need to start training gradually. First, learn to cover distances of several kilometers at a moderate pace, which will be a good base for starting interval running.

I recommend doing interval running training once or twice a week. If you choose between morning and evening running, then I advise you to run in the morning, because in the morning the supply of carbohydrates in the body is very low and the main fuel for the body will be fat. If you don’t have time in the morning, you can run in the evening, but then you’ll have to do it a little longer. You can, for example, increase sprint segments, or add several approaches. On other days, I advise you to do regular running workouts. (steady jogging) or practice other types of cardio exercise.

What are the benefits of interval running?

  • This type of training will allow you to significantly save time, since high-intensity load makes it possible to increase efficiency and reduce the duration of training
  • The method of alternating intensity of loads while running will allow you to burn much more calories than running constantly. During intense (very fast run) intervals, energy consumption almost doubles, while at the stage active rest energy consumption does not decrease immediately
  • ANDinterval running for weight loss will speed up all metabolic processes in your body, which will activate your metabolism. Almost immediately produces a strong metabolic response (one or two runs are enough to feel the result)
  • A good way to strengthen the muscles of the body and the cardiovascular system
  • Perfect for those who want to learn to run faster and become more resilient

What are the disadvantages (cons) of interval running?

Interval running for burning fat has a rather heavy load and for this reason people who suffer from: cardiovascular - vascular diseases, muscle injuries, spinal diseases, etc., this type of training is not recommended

Tips for beginners:

1. If you first started using interval running for weight loss, you should start with two or three small intervals, and then gradually increase the load.

2. It is best to train on fresh air.

3. Fast interval means a section of the distance that needs to be run at a speed of 70 - 80% of the maximum. Don't overdo it, listen to your body.

4. Morning run much more effective than running in the evening.

5. Don't forget to breathe properly. Breathing must be rhythmic to provide sufficient oxygen to the muscles. Try to breathe with your stomach.

6. You don’t need to eat up before running, because with a full belly it will be very difficult for you to exercise, or you will have to postpone your workout altogether. It can also complicate the process of losing weight, due to the fact that you will have to burn additional calories that you just ate. I advise you to eat 2 – 2.5 hours before running.

7. For running, you should choose days free from gym classes.

8. If you are severely obese, have heart problems, high blood pressure, or have sore joints, it is not recommended to use interval running.

10. To speed up the fat burning process, drink a lot of water (after workout, between meals, even during workouts), just drink in small sips.

11. Choose comfortable clothes for the season. Special attention pay attention to the shoes.

Where is the best place to run?

You can run both outside and on a treadmill at home or in the gym. In my opinion, exercising in the fresh air is healthier and more enjoyable than on the track. Although when running on a treadmill, you can accurately track the distance you run, time and other parameters. On the street you can run in a stadium where the distance segments are known, you can also use a heart rate monitor and a stopwatch.

Interval running to burn fat – Schemes:

Scheme for beginners:

2. Five sets of interval running for 15–30 seconds (100–200 meters). Between each such speed interval, you need to do a recovery approach, switch from fast running to fast walking in order to restore breathing and strength.


1. fastest run – 100m / fast walk – 200m;

2. fastest running – 100m / fast walking – 200m;

3. fastest running – 100m / fast walking – 200m;

4. fastest run – 100m / fast walk – 200m;

5. fastest running – 100m / fast walking – 200m;

Intermediate level scheme:

1. 10 minutes of active warm-up. Jumping rope, jogging, and standard exercises for warming up before training are good options.

2. Five sets of interval running for 25–40 seconds (150–300 meters). Between each such speed interval, you need to do a recovery approach, switch from fast running to fast walking in order to restore breathing and strength.

3. At the end of the workout, you can jog for 3 to 5 minutes and do some stretching.


1. The fastest running – 150m / fast walking – 300m;

2. fastest running – 150m / fast walking – 300m;

3. fastest running – 150m / fast walking – 300m;

4. fastest running – 150m / fast walking – 300m;

5. fastest running – 150m / fast walking – 300m;

6. jogging 800–1000 meters.

Scheme for experienced:

1. 10 minutes of active warm-up. Jumping rope, jogging, and standard exercises for warming up before training are good options.

2. Five sets of interval running for 30 – 60 seconds (200 – 300 – 400 meters). Between each such speed interval, you need to do a recovery approach, switch from fast running to fast walking in order to restore breathing and strength.

3. At the end of the workout, you can jog for 3 to 5 minutes and do some stretching.


1. The fastest running – 200m / fast walking: 300 – 400m;

2. fastest running – 200m / fast walking: 300 – 400m;

3. fastest running – 200m / fast walking: 300 – 400m;

4. fastest running – 200m / fast walking: 300 – 400m;

5. fastest running – 200m / fast walking: 300 – 400m;

6. jogging 800–1000 meters.

Alternatively, you can also do this:

fastest running – 200m / fast walking – 200m / jogging – 200m / fastest running – 200m / fast walking – 200m / jogging – 200m, etc.

Interval running for weight loss is a universal method because it is suitable for both men and women. The most important thing is to use it wisely and always listen to your body so as not to push yourself and cause harm to the cardiovascular system, muscles and ligaments.


Many people want to lose weight, stay fit, or simply like to exercise. Often among the types of activities they choose interval running, which helps quick reset weight and muscle growth. But in order to use running effectively, you need to find out how to run correctly, what advantages exist and whether there are contraindications.

What is interval running

Interval running is a physical activity based on a sharp change in intensity: one section must be run slowly and at a relaxed pace, and then, without a break, replace it with high intensity at high speed, and so on one by one. It is believed that this type of training is better than others in helping to quickly get rid of excess fat.

Did you know? Usain Bolt ran the 100m dash in 9.69 seconds in 2008 and set a world record.

The secret of such training is that when running fast the body starts the process of accelerated metabolism and directly burning calories. But when we slow down after a fast pace, these processes continue to function as if it were high intensity. Accordingly, if you alternate fast and slow paces, the body will think that it was a long intense workout, and will burn more calories than during regular jogging.

With such activities, fat is lost evenly from the entire body, so if you want to pump up individual parts of the body, you need to use another sport.

Benefits and contraindications

The popularity of this sport is based on a large number of advantages that attract people. The most significant advantages of interval running are:

  1. Efficiency. You can burn more calories in a short period of time than in a long period of time. long workout.
  2. Doesn't require a lot of time. Today, not everyone can spend even an hour training, so this is very convenient.
  3. Does not require special equipment or equipment.
  4. It does not require a special place - you can go for a run both near your home and office, in a park or any other place.
  5. Improves heart function. Many people suffer from heart disease, which poses a great danger with age. Such exercises strengthen muscles and prevent various diseases.
  6. Suitable for burning fat and promoting the appearance of relief. Diets often lead to the loss of not only fat, but also muscle mass, which, on the contrary, you want to increase and maintain. Unlike diets, running only removes unwanted fat.

Of course, there are also contraindications in which this type of stress should be avoided. This is due to the fact that the body is under some kind of stress, so it is better to be prepared for it. Preparation can be done in advance by spending several weeks doing regular training.

However, there are cases when it is completely impossible to engage in this sport:

  1. Flat feet. Such training can only worsen the course of this disease.
  2. Muscle injuries and the rehabilitation period after them. If an area of ​​the body is damaged, it must be allowed to fully recover before starting new activities.
  3. Acute heart disease. Since running is very intense, in case of acute heart disease there is too much stress on it, which can lead to pain.
  4. Spinal diseases and joint problems. In such cases, it is recommended to engage in exercise therapy, activities such as yoga and Pilates. Running is contraindicated.

If you do not have these ailments, then interval running will be very beneficial for the body if performed regularly and with a properly designed training schedule.


There are several types of interval running, depending on the distance, intensity, pace and other indicators.

The repeated event is a long race of 1–1.5 km at maximum speed. When breathing and strength are already at the limit, you need to slow down and run at low speed. Then repeat everything.
This type trains primarily anaerobic endurance and is more suitable for athletes in medium and long races.

Sprint interval training is training that alternates intensity over short distances. For example, 100 m race fast pace, after - 100 m slow. Alternation ensures faster metabolism, weight loss and muscle definition.
This type can also be used on a treadmill, setting the desired speed and intensity over time.

Important! If the running technique is incorrect, cellulite not only does not go away, but on the contrary, it becomes more obvious due to the accumulation of free radicals during grueling workouts.

The tempo option is considered one of the most difficult, since it requires not slowing down, but rather picking up speed. Such a race may not last long, but it is also extremely effective and trains endurance.
The training scheme for such running can be a certain distance, for example 1 km, and with each subsequent training it is advisable to reduce the time it takes to complete this distance.

Did you know? In 1961, farmer Cliff Young won the marathon, which he ran over 5 days. His secret was that professional athletes made long stops for sleep and food, and the farmer was tending sheep and was accustomed to sleeping and eating little during this period.

Rules and principles

There are several rules that should be followed when doing interval running to avoid injury and fatigue:

  1. Consult your doctor to make sure you have no diseases for which running is contraindicated.
  2. Conduct preparatory training. Since this type of running is very difficult, the body must first be prepared for it.
  3. Be sure to warm up before training.

Also for correct execution It is necessary to follow some principles according to which it is necessary to alternate circles:

Distance and time may vary depending on location, intensity and purpose of training.

Training program

To conduct a full workout, you need to create a training program, or run according to a ready-made plan.

This is necessary in order to train gradually and not overload the body. Most often, programs exist in the form of convenient tables.

For beginners


For more experienced athletes


So, we can conclude that interval running is a convenient way to exercise both for losing weight and maintaining good physical shape. There are rules that must be followed and contraindications. And to improve results, it is recommended to consult a doctor and draw up a program by a trainer.

Every amateur runner wants to improve his personal best at one distance or another, as a result of which he is faced with the desire to run faster, longer and more efficiently. One of the methods that can help in this difficult matter is interval running. For some, interval running will become a method of weight loss and weight loss will be an inevitable result. Which is better, interval running or jogging? In this article we will look at what interval running is, its types and main features.

What is interval running

Interval running is a type of running that is characterized by alternating fast and slow running tempos. Naturally, the concepts of “fast” and “slow” running are relative, and are determined individually based on goals and level physical training runner.

Interval running is widely used in training programs stayers to develop maximum oxygen consumption (). Maximum oxygen consumption is one of the main indicators of the body’s aerobic performance in the aspect of cyclic sports.

Interval running for weight loss is one of the most popular and effective tools.

Interval running video:

Which is better, interval running or jogging? Interval running and jogging are different “tools” in the hands of the amateur runner that can help achieve a different range of goals. The physiological processes that accompany interval running contribute to effective weight loss, splitting and burning subcutaneous fat.

At the same time, jogging can become the “first step” in preparing a novice runner before interval running. Jogging helps develop the heart muscle, prepares the core muscle groups for further loads, as well as the development of the capillary system in muscle tissue. In other words, jogging is an adaptation stage before using more complex and intense interval work.

Interval running for burning fat is one of the main tools when building weight loss programs.

When using interval running, do not forget about jogging as a restorative tool in the training process.

Types and features of interval running

Depending on your goals training process, interval running can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Repeat running is running at a competitive pace over a distance of 1-4 km. After overcoming the high-speed section, it is necessary to reduce the speed until breathing and heart rate are restored to less than 140 beats per minute. After that, we repeat the speed segment again. The number of speed segments should be determined depending on the running goals and general physical fitness of the runner. After getting used to the speed of the “fast” sections, try increasing the speed or distance of the segment. Repeated running develops maximum oxygen consumption by the body.
  2. Interval sprinting is running at alternating fast and slow paces over small sections. It is necessary to overcome the “fast” sections at a maximum running pace, and then switch to jogging to prepare and restore the body for the next high-speed segment. Interval sprinting can be an effective tool in building a weight loss program. This type of interval running also helps develop overall endurance.
  3. Tempo running is one of the most difficult and most effective training methods in preparing stayers. Tempo running is quite effective for losing weight. Tempo running is the completion of a certain number of speed sections at competitive speed, with a possible increase in speed at each subsequent kilometer. This type of running training most effectively develops the maximum oxygen consumption by the body of an amateur runner, and also helps to turn on processes that help burn fat deposits.

Basic principles of interval running

The basic principle of interval running is running at variable speeds.

When running at one, constant pace, the body quickly adapts to physical activity, as a result of which the effectiveness of the workout is significantly reduced. Changing the pace of running helps create conditions under which the body burns more calories, which has a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss and weight loss in general.

  1. Preparatory (basic)

During a long workout, speed up for 1 minute every 6 or 7 minutes. The acceleration pace should be 10 to 20 seconds per kilometer faster than the normal pace of the “slow” portion of your long workout.

  1. Standard

Perform this type of training in a standard athletics stadium. You need to perform 5-7 fast segments of 400 meters at a pace that will be approximately 20-30% slower than the maximum pace. Accelerations are performed through a 400 meter segment, which will be slightly slower than the fast segment, by about 5-10 seconds.

Maximum pace 5 min/km. The fast section should be run at a pace of 5:10 min/km)

Video about fartlek and variable running

If you decide to set ambitious goals for yourself, then you will definitely need to choose a starting point. And a preparation plan for any competition should be an integral part of the path to achieving sports goals.

Running is an accessible sport that allows you to short term tighten your figure and lose extra pounds without using additional equipment or special equipment. When a person covers the same distance every day at his usual rhythm, the body stops accepting the load, and physical activity does not bring the expected effect. Therefore, lovers of cardio training can try interval running for weight loss, which diversifies their sports activities.

What is interval running?

Interval running differs from regular running by alternating a calm and accelerated pace.

There are several types of training.

  1. Repeated run. Used to cover long distances. Running at any pace alternates with periods of rest during which the human body is completely restored.
  2. Interval sprint. The most common type of interval running that can be adopted by people with good physical fitness. Running in at an accelerated pace at the limit of possibilities it is replaced by a light jog. The cycle is repeated several times.
  3. Tempo run. Created for short distances and consists in increasing the pace: each next section must be overcome faster than the previous one. Typically, this technique is used by athletes to practice certain skills (developing endurance, increasing running speed).
  4. Fartlek. This type of training is intended for amateurs. It does not imply any system or program of classes. A person can run at any pace and speed up or rest at will. It doesn't matter how many intervals he does. Such classes are suitable for the most disciplined and purposeful.

Separately, I would like to mention the limits of the human body’s capabilities. For interval running, this is the speed at which your heart rate is 80–85% of your heart rate. The frequency of contractions is calculated using a simple formula: 220 minus the age of the runner. In this case, the increase in heart rate should be short-term. For regular training, it is recommended to purchase a heart rate monitor or sports bracelets, controlling the state of the body.


1. Interval running for burning fat is recognized as one of the best workouts. With its help you can lose up to 1 kg in a week. Naturally, while limiting the caloric content of food and adhering to a diet. Due to the stress that the body experiences when the intensity of the load changes, metabolism accelerates. In this case, glycogen is broken down first, and then fat cells. The effectiveness of training depends on how many acceleration intervals a person does and their duration.

Interval training has another useful feature, helping the body cope with extra pounds. Exchange processes activated at high speed distances. During light running or resting, the normal metabolic rate does not immediately return. The body burns calories even when it is recovering. Therefore, running at speed is more effective than doing calm cardio training.

2. Running with changes in pace helps build muscle mass, and also makes the body slim, sculpted and toned.

3. Regular training in stressful mode, they allow you to increase your usual running speed and develop endurance.

4. Cardio exercises have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

5. Bonus for girls - this type of running is great for fighting cellulite and also improves complexion.

Training program

Depending on the goal and level of preparation, an interval running program is drawn up. The trainee must decide how long he will run at an accelerated pace and how much time he needs to spend recuperating. At the first stage, it is better to turn to schemes that have already been invented and tested in practice.

For clarity, you can create an individual training table indicating time intervals or distance lengths. You can also enter information about the state of the body during exercise, measured heart rate and other auxiliary information. The table will represent a training plan that will allow you to judge your progress. This is especially important if you practice interval running for weight loss, because its effectiveness depends on gradually changing the load.

Below are several standard circuits, where you can start training. The first two programs indicate how long you need to jog and how long you need to speed up. The intervals indicated in the examples should be repeated so that the time speed running was no less than 15 minutes, but no more than 25 minutes. The third and fourth diagrams indicate the lengths of the distances for those who do not want to look at the clock and know exactly how many meters they have covered.

Before each lesson, you need to warm up the entire muscle group, and start running with walking. You should also finish your workout by walking at a moderate pace.

Program 1

Jogging - acceleration

Cycle 1: 1 min – 2 min

The most simple workout. Suitable for people who are just getting acquainted with interval training, but have good physical fitness.

Program 2

Jogging - acceleration

Cycle 1: 1 min – 2 min

Cycle 2: 2 min – 3 min

Cycle 3: 3 min – 3 min

Cycle 4: 2 min – 1 min

Cycle 5: 1 min – 1 min

This scheme can be used by people in very good physical shape, so this program not suitable for amateur athletes.

Program 3

Fast walking – jogging – acceleration

Cycle 1: 150 m – 150 m – 150 m

A simple and effective scheme that beginners will like.

Program 4

Jogging - medium pace - acceleration

Cycle 1: 100 m – 100 m – 100 m

An intensive program for those who want to work on their running speed.

  1. You need to run according to the given schemes no more than 3 times a week. When combined with strength training Cardio training should be done at the end, after performing the exercises.
  2. You should build your workouts individually, focusing on your daily routine and level of preparedness. Some people find it convenient to get up early and get ready for a run, while others prefer evening classes. The intensity should be increased gradually. The important thing is not how many days a person will run according to a certain program, but how he feels. Under no circumstances should you push yourself to the point of overwork and physical exhaustion.
  3. Before training, it is necessary to assess your level of physical fitness, because interval running is a very serious load. First you need to run several kilometers without stopping. Next time you need to run at a speed close to maximum and listen to your own feelings. If everything is in order, then you can gradually move on to training with a change in pace.
  4. High-quality shoes guarantee comfort during movement and reduce the risk of injury.
  5. To avoid fainting from hunger, you need to have a snack an hour and a half before your run. You should not exercise in the morning before breakfast.
  6. Interval running is best done outdoors. Obstacles in the form of uneven terrain will serve as additional stress. But treadmill will also do. Using the simulator, it is convenient to monitor the implementation of the training program.


Interval running for weight loss is not for everyone. It is recommended to stop exercising if you have the following health problems:

When training, you need to remember that playing sports should be fun, not exhausting. Therefore, how much to run and in what way must be decided by the trainee himself, based on the capabilities of his body.

Interval running is one of the best solutions for weight loss and endurance development. The point is to alternate load modes: you run one section of the route at a calm pace, and on the next you speed up as much as possible. This is how not only professional athletes train in preparation for marathons and competitions, but also amateurs like me.

Why do you need interval running?

Interval running has a number of advantages over simply running at a constant speed. Moreover, from the point of view sporting achievements, and from a fitness point of view.

It's the most effective way to improve your performance faster at any distance - from the 60m sprint to the marathon. Depending on the distance you are training for, the length of the intervals and speed will vary.

Interval running burns more calories than regular running. During accelerations (intensive intervals), energy consumption almost doubles, while during the rest stage it does not immediately decrease.

Unusual load (acceleration) is a certain stress for muscles and other body systems. It is not large enough to cause harm. But after such a workout, the muscles intensively spend calories for recovery, drawing them from fat reserves. In other words, interval running speeds up your metabolism.

This workout allows you to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass and even increasing it a little. Sprint intervals (accelerations over segments from 50 to 400 m) are especially good for this.

Who is interval running suitable for?

Accelerations are a serious strain on the heart and blood vessels, as well as muscles and joints. Therefore, interval running is not recommended for beginners. You can switch to it no earlier than six months of regular jogging. There is another criterion: before practicing acceleration, your comfortable speed for a 5-10 km run should be at least 6:30/km - “six thirty per kilometer” ( that is, you should run 1 kilometer in 6 minutes and 30 seconds, no slower) .

If the above sounds like you, then interval running will be very useful for you in two cases:

2. If you want to “sculpt” your figure, make it more prominent (in this case, you will also have to watch your diet: reduce the calorie intake by 200-300 kcal per day and increase the amount of protein to 1.8-2 g per kilogram of body weight ).

This type of training should be done once every 1-2 weeks; on the remaining days, practice calm, steady running or practice other types of fitness.

Because you run faster during an interval session, it will be slightly shorter than a standard run. For those who are just getting acquainted with interval running, the standard time is 30-40 minutes, while speed work takes 20-25 minutes. You can lengthen your workout by running slowly during the cool-down. It will be possible to increase the distance and the number of speed intervals only when the body gets used to it, that is, not earlier than in 2-3 months.

For whom interval running is not suitable?

There are quite a few restrictions, because this is a fairly heavy load. Excess weight more than 7 kg, cardiovascular diseases, muscle injuries, spinal diseases, exacerbation of arthrosis and osteochondrosis, even flat feet - a reason to postpone such training until better times or even forget about it altogether.

The principles of interval running

We start with a traditional warm-up ( slow running) for 5-15 minutes. Then we begin to alternate intervals. In running they are counted in two ways.

By distance . Suitable for those who run in a stadium or in a small circle with a certain length, as well as those who have a GPS heart rate monitor or an application on their phone. The training in this case might look like this: warm-up; acceleration - 1 lap, rest - 2 laps; acceleration - 2 laps, rest - 1 lap; acceleration - 2 laps, rest - 2 laps; acceleration - 1 lap, rest - 2 laps; hitch.

If the distance is known (considering that the length of the treadmill in a standard stadium is 400 m, and in a school one - from 230 to 350 m), then the following lesson option is possible: warm-up; acceleration - 400 m, rest - 800 m; acceleration - 800 m, rest - 400 m; acceleration - 800 m, rest - 800 m; acceleration - 400 m, rest - 800 m; hitch.

Please note, this is the same training, in the second case, scheduled for a standard 400 m stadium. Moreover, the alternation of “1 lap - 2 laps” is completely optional. Each interval can have a different number of laps: say, acceleration is 3 laps, and rest is only 1. This is already determined by the coach depending on your level of training and goals.

By time. This is convenient for those who run around the park with a watch, but have no idea about the length of the route and don’t want to bother with measurements. In general, the training is then built according to the same scheme, but instead of meters, minutes or seconds are counted. For example: warm-up; acceleration - 1 minute, rest 2 minutes; acceleration - 2 minutes, rest - 3 minutes; acceleration - 3 minutes, rest - 3 minutes; acceleration - 2 minutes, rest - 1 minute; acceleration - 1 minute, rest - 1 minute; hitch.

In all the examples, if you notice, the training is built on the principle of a pyramid: accelerations lengthen towards the middle and shorten towards the end of the lesson. The duration of rest also changes accordingly. In the middle of the workout, the rest can be the same time as the acceleration, or shorter. The last option is for very advanced athletes; we do not offer this to you.

Interval running for those who don't like to count

To complete the picture, another type of interval running should be mentioned - fartlek(translated from Swedish - "speed game") For this type of training, no programs are prescribed: you decide for yourself that you will do 5, 10, or as many accelerations as you like. When your soul asks, you speed up; when you get bored, you slow down and rest.

But fartlek has its own nuances.

It is not suitable for the lazy and those who find it difficult to force themselves to accelerate without a clear training plan.

Good for running in areas with lots of uphills and downhills. An interval program written down by minutes or meters may not be suitable: you need to rest, and this is when you get up. Or vice versa: you need to speed up, but you don’t have the strength to do it uphill. Fartlek allows you to choose where to accelerate and where to rest.

Now that everything is clear with the theory, we bring to your attention two interval running programs. One of them is designed for less experienced runners, so the speed is not indicated. An indicator that you have really accelerated is your pulse, and for those who do not have a heart rate monitor, physical sensations (the table indicates which ones). The second program is for more advanced ones, so the load criteria are pulse and/or speed. Both programs can be used both outdoors and on a treadmill in the gym.

Interval running for beginners

Interval distances are indicated in meters and minutes, optional. Use the first or second option, but not both! The total length of the run without a cool-down is 4 km, of which 1.2 km is a fast run (if you run on time, the distance will be slightly different). If you don’t have the strength to run during rest intervals, go to fast walking, and be sure to move your arms as if you were running, and don’t lower them.

Reminder for training: warm-up 1 km (or about 10 min.) - 400 m, rest 400 m (or 3 min., rest 3 min.) - 600 m, rest 400 m (or 3 min., rest 3 min.) - 800 m, rest 400 m (or 4 min., rest 3 min.) - 600 m, rest 400 m (or 3 min., rest 3 min.) - 400 m, rest 400 m (or 3 min., rest 3 min.) - cool down 10-15 min.

Pay attention to your well-being, monitor your sensations so as not to push yourself and harm your cardiovascular system, muscles, ligaments and desire to continue training. Follow an integrated approach: dosed physical exercise, rational moderate nutrition and good sleep. Then interval running will help you quickly get in shape and always keep your body in good shape.

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