Interactive game simulator for preschoolers. The use of simulators in physical education and health work with preschool children. Physical activity for children under seven years of age

Treadmill children's DFC VT-2300

Physical activity for children under seven years of age

Our body is formed from birth, and it is important at some point to give it additional stress so that the skeleton becomes strong and the body becomes resistant to diseases. The sports equipment offered in the assortment of our online store will help you achieve this goal.
Exercise machines for kids perform the following functions:

  • Develop muscle mass of the whole body. The child, over time, will achieve special results in sports due to pumped up muscles.
  • Promote enrichment bone tissue. During strength exercises The bones of a person of any age are saturated with calcium much better than in a low-active state. If you strengthen the bones of children aged early years, the risk of fracture will be reduced.
  • They make the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle strong and resistant to serious stress.
  • Cardio training for preschoolers helps develop the capabilities of the respiratory organs. Pumped lungs will be able to withstand long-distance running.
  • Functioning improves internal organs due to accelerated blood circulation and nutrient exchange in cells.

Type of devices

The catalog equipment differs in a variety of models with individual design features and additional housing elements:

  • The versatility of steppers for preschool children is designed for the development of leg muscles. Skiing, walking on steps, moving smoothly as if on waves have a positive effect on the muscles of the inner and outer thighs, the kneecap, the calf and the ankle joint.
  • An exercise bike for children, like a treadmill, provide good cardio load, which improves not only the condition of the muscles, but also the functioning of the respiratory tract, heart and vascular system.
  • Rowing machines develop muscle tissue shoulder area, forearms, shoulder blades, lower back and abdomen. The principle of use is similar to steering a boat on the water; your small child can imagine himself as a pirate sailing to his treasure island.
  • The Twister model exercise machine for children is good for strengthening the abdominal area and lateral areas of the abdomen. The device has a stand with handles to maintain balance.

At preschool age, most kids are very active and don’t know what to do with their energy other than running around the house in all directions and tormenting pets. Therefore, buying exercise equipment for a preschool child will be an excellent decision; most of the attention will be paid to the sports complex.

Installation, Maintenance and Safety

  • Fresh air is as important for preschoolers as physiotherapy. If possible, it is better to install the equipment outdoors or in a room where the space is well ventilated.
  • The instruction manual will help you assemble the simulators, which also contains safety rules. Parents or entertainment center staff should review each item.
  • Children's development is not complete without communication with other kids. In cases where the equipment is used by several children, it is recommended to treat the surface with hygiene products.
  • Children weighing up to 50 kg can exercise on exercise equipment for children. If the device is used by an adult, the case may be bent or the internal mechanism may break.
  • The workload of children for preschool development should correspond to their capabilities. Do not immediately set the device to the maximum resistance force.
  • At the preschool age, it is important to monitor posture; it is necessary to control the position of the child’s body at each training session.


Children's fitness equipment in kindergarten

"Strong Kids"

One of the pressing social issues at present is the protection and promotion of health of the younger generation. Both for an individual and for society as a whole, the most valuable wealth is health. Health is based on the body’s ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The foundation of health and body formation is laid already in preschool age. The purposeful development of the functional capabilities of the child’s body ensures an increase in its resistance to adverse influences.

It is well known that the foundations of human health are laid in childhood, therefore the essence of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions is to choose the appropriate form of physical activity for each preschool child.After all, it is precisely this that is the main factor determining the level metabolic processes in the body and, accordingly, the state of the muscular and cardiovascular systems.

The main goal physical education in a preschool institution is to satisfy the natural biological need of children to move, achieve an optimal level of health and comprehensive motor development. And achieving this goal is impossible without a constant search for new effective and diverse forms of physical education and health work.

Rapidly developing technologies, modern living and educational conditions place high demands on the level of psychophysical state of preschool children, on their general cultural readiness, especially during the period of preparation for schooling. In this regard, the search for new effective approaches to the health, education and development of children through physical education is intensifying, which could not only increase physical fitness, but also simultaneously develop mental cognitive abilities.

Therefore, one of the effective and modern forms of physical education and health work in a preschool institution is classes using exercise equipment. Both simple simulators and complex simulators are used.

Modern children's exercise equipment is an effective and multifunctional assistant in solving not only a number of tasks aimed at strengthening physical development, but also the correction of existing violations in pupils of a special (correctional) institution. Since poor posture and the degree of its severity are largely due to the presence of various visual diagnoses and poor development of oculomotor functions, when performing exercises on simulators, the child involuntarily concentrates and traces the trajectory of movement, thereby activating visual functions and training the oculomotor muscles. Thus, the versatility, accessibility, and innovation of training equipment determine the necessity and effectiveness of its practical use in a special (correctional) institution.

The most appropriate and useful exercises using simulators are for children of older preschool age. By this time, children have a fairly good command of complex types of movements and methods of performing them. At this age, the musculoskeletal system intensively develops, and the adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to physical activity increase. Older preschoolers have a good ability to adapt to physical activity of a different nature, which has a training effect. At the same time, the physical activity tolerated should be in the zone of “moderate stress.” The age period under consideration in the life of children 5-7 years old is most favorable for the development of coordination and speed-strength abilities, strength, endurance and flexibility.

Training on simulators allows you to solve the following problems :

    Development of motor qualities;

    Training of basic motor actions;

    Development and improvement of coordination of movements and balance;

    Strengthening muscle corset, skill creation correct posture;

    Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;

    Normalization of work nervous system, stimulation of neuropsychic development;

    Improving blood supply to the spine, joints and internal organs, eliminating venous stagnation;

    Improving communication and emotional-volitional sphere;

    Stimulation of the development of analytical systems, proprioceptive sensitivity;

    Development fine motor skills and speech;

Purpose of the program:

    maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, creating conditions to satisfy their natural need for movement and dosing physical activity, taking into account the state of health and functional capabilities of the child’s body.

Tasks programs:

    Provide training of all systems and functions of the child’s body (cardiovascular and respiratory systems, metabolic and thermoregulatory processes) through specially organized physical activity that is optimal for a given age.

    Strengthen muscle tone in motor activity.

    Strengthen the child’s muscle tone by intensifying his physical activity and gradually increasing physical activity on the skeletal muscles.

    Satisfy the child's natural need for different forms motor activity.

    Development general endurance the child's body and his physical qualities.

    Teach children certain motor skills and abilities, as well as safety techniques when working with exercise equipment.

Conditions for the program:

The program is designed taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers with visual impairments, their level of knowledge and skills.

When implementing the program, the problems of training the cardiovascular, respiratory and visual systems must be solved, and therefore give the desired effect in strengthening the health of each individual. It is necessary to abandon the rigid methodology of conducting physical education classes and their monotony. Physical fitness standards should take into account the level of physical development of children, their reserve of strength, and health status.

Basic principles of the program:

    Taking into account the individual characteristics of children, indicators of their development, level of development of physical qualities, recommendations of doctors;

    Classes are structured with a gradual reduction in load by reducing the dosage and intensity of work on the simulators;

    Classes are systematic (conducted once a week);

    The simulators are adjustable, which allows them to be used with children of different sizes. physical training.

Expected results of the program:

    Conscious attitude towards your own health

    Mastering available ways to strengthen it

    Formation of the need for daily physical activity

    Development of coordination, agility, speed, flexibility, strength, general endurance.

The entire period of training preschoolers to work on simulators can be divided intothree stages:

At the first stage training includes familiarization with simulators, as well as initial learning of exercises with them. This is necessary in order to create in children a correct understanding of movement in general and on the simulator in particular. For this purpose, demonstration, explanation and practical testing of the simulator by the children themselves are used.

Thus, children form a connection between the visual image, words denoting the technique of performing the movement, and muscle sensations.

At the second stage The exercise on the simulator is learned in depth - attention is paid to the technique of performing the exercise.

On the third stage, the skill of performing exercises on simulators is consolidated and the technique is improved.

The program involves one lesson per week and is used in organizing group work. Total training sessions per year – 28. Total duration of classes physical culture on simulators is 30-35 minutes. The basis for organizing physical education classes with simulators is an individually differentiated approach to children (conducted in subgroups).

Program structure:

Topic, content








General developmentexercises


Relaxation exercises


Includes exercisescarried out between simulators and at the endclasses

Outdoor games


Work on simulators


Exercise bike

Air walk



Magic path






Support bars

The approximate number of hours is calculated for 28 lessons lasting up to 30 minutes.

Class structure

The introductory part is a warm-up, the purpose of which is to prepare the child’s body for more intense work in the main part of the lesson. Its content corresponds to the content of a traditional physical education lesson: different kinds walking, running, corrective exercises, etc. She is given up to 3-5 minutes.

The main part includes a set of general developmental exercises, exercises on simulators and outdoor games. After completing general developmental exercises, preschoolers begin performing exercises directly on the simulators. The way to organize children is circuit training, which is quite effective for this type of activity. For circuit training so-called stations are organized - several groups of simulators ranging from 4 to 8 and the total number of simulators on them in accordance with the number of children in the group. The essence of circular training is that each child exercises sequentially on each type of exercise equipment, and the complexity of the movements and the degree of load are offered to each child depending on his individual characteristics and physical capabilities, i.e. it is proposed to perform a certain number of repetitions of the exercise or a time corridor is given to complete this task. From lesson to lesson, the number of repetitions increases, and the time corridor lengthens. So, in the first lesson, children perform the exercise a minimum number of times and a minimum time of 1 minute, and in each subsequent lesson the execution time increases and is brought up to 2 minutes at each “station” - the simulator. At a signal, the children simultaneously begin the exercises in their places. After a certain time, upon a signal, the children proceed to change “stations,” thereby determining the time duration of the exercise being performed.

At the end of each task at the “stations”, in order to avoid overwork, all children perform breathing exercises, elements of visual gymnastics, self-massage, finger gymnastics, psycho-gymnastic studies, as well as relaxation exercises that were learned in previous classes and therefore are already well known to children and can be carried out by them independently.

Exercises to relieve tension and fatigue

    I. p. - standing. Tense outstretched arms rest againstinto an imaginary glass. Fingers spread, pressing on obstacleswiggle with effort until you feel a slight trembling from overexertion.Next comes a sharp relaxation.

    I. p. - sitting on a chair. Feet on toes, toes pressed forcefully into the floor (or: lifting heels with force, toes notjump off the floor). Next comes a sharp relaxation.

    "Asters". The instructor invites the children to hold handsso that you get a circle, and then squat down. He goes on to say, “Imagine that you are asters growing in a flower bed.” After this, the guys do exercises with textconducting:

We are asters, asters, asters

We grow in a flowerbed.

(Children slowly rise from their squat positions, then raise hands.)

They love us not in vain,

When we blossom.

(Walk in a circle, holding hands.)

We are beautiful flowers

We are cheerful flowers.

(Swing your arms back and forth, 2-3 times.)

4. "Locust." I. p. - lying on your back, legs together, handspulled behind the head.

    Pull your toes, pull your fingers;

    I. p.

Perform 3-4 times for 8 seconds. As you inhale, stretch outnight light, relax as you exhale.

5. "Worm." Sitting on your heels, hands on your knees.

1 - spread your knees to the sides, bend your arms at the elbows; 2 -put your elbows on the floor, tilt your head;

3-4 - and. P.

Repeat 2-3 times. Palms of hands parallel, head on the floordon't lower it.

6 . "Turtle". Sitting on your heels, arms down along your bodythings.

    Stretch your arms forward and place them on your knees;

    Lower your head to your knees;3-4 - and. P.

Repeat 2-3 times. Do not lift your torso from your heels. Backround.

    "Tree". Stand straight, feet together, arms down.Raise your arms up, palms facing each other. stretchwhole body up. Back straight, chin raised, bellypulled in. After 10-15 seconds, turning your palms to the sides,calmly put your hands down. This exercise promotes growthbenka.

    "In the puppet theater."

Instructor. Bom, bom, bom! This is a magical watch. Whenthey will strike twelve times, the dolls will come to life. It's bright hereblow out the candles and place them on the table. Stand in a circle away from each other so as not to disturb each other. Show me howThe hands on the magic clock are moving. Bend your elbowsin front of. Arrow hands move in one direction, thento another. Tick-tock, tick-tock, bom, bom! Do you hear? The clock is striking! YesLet's count to twelve together. The dolls were the first to come to lifebibabo. I will put a cheerful Parsley on everyone’s hand(generally affected). Play with your fingers so that your arms and headPetrushka's started to move. What a cheerful Petrushka!

And now you yourself have become bibabo dolls. Bow your headsay hello like Parsley. Imagine bendingand your finger straightens when the doll's head is placed on it. Spread your arms out to the sides. Arms straight, tense. Clapthose clap. Parsley is dancing! Bow to the audience, as Petrushka does: arms and head hung, relaxed.

9. “Meeting with Thumbelina.”

Instructor. Look to the right: is there anyone there?And now to the left: first up - onto the tree branches, then down -on the grass. Did something rustle? Hide, retract your neck. Let'sLet's look out again and see: who is there? Nobody! Come out,Don't be afraid - it's the wind playing with the leaves. What a mischief-maker! Relaxlift your neck and roll your head over your shoulders. The neck is like a thread:dangles, light-light. Tired of straining and peeking out from behind a bush.

And here is the windowsill on which he sleeps in a nutshellThumbelina. Imagine being as small as you arelike Thumbelina, and sleep in a walnut shell. Lodgessit on the mats. The shell is so cramped - bend your legs, armsPlace your palms under your cheeks. You won’t sleep like that for long: legs and armswill become numb. Stretch well, again and again. Straighten stiff legs, arms, and back. Get up! Stop sleeping! shellThumbelina and our shells swayed. Come in pairshold your hands as if you were a cradle and rock. Legs spread. The cradle sometimes rocks quietly, sometimes violently. She's so strongswayed that she even started spinning in one place: then in onespins one way, then the other. On the windowsill behind ThumbelinaWhoa the cockchafer has arrived. F-f-f. He rolled over onto his back.

He lies and moves his paws, but cannot turn over. But herethe beetle managed to turn over and flew. Easy, freetit beetle, buzzing loudly.

10. “Kittens go on a trip.” Instructor. Now I will touch everyone, cast a magic spell, and you will turn into little kittens.I see you are ready to travel. There is a fence ahead, through itbefore jumping over. Just so quiet that the mother cat doesn’t hearwas naughty and didn’t leave us at home. And behind the fence there is a stream. Kittens don't like water. Let's cross it over the stones. Follow me. Be careful! Only step on pebbles. That's it, we're on the other side. The kittens were happy that they crossed the stream. Relaxed your tired legs and back. Whateverdots, paws hanging, back relaxed, shoulders down. Horowow, nice! Have you rested? And on the road again! And there's a big one on the waymountain. What to do? I see a narrow passage. You sucked in your tummies, youwe pulled ourselves together and squeezed sideways into the narrow passage.I will go first, and you will follow me. How well done you are, kittens! Everyone crossed to the other side of the mountain! What awaits us here? We must be careful! Let's stand on all fours and underwe sneak towards the bush: the paws are soft, the backs are bent. Lookon the sides: what is there? Curious kittens, they all knowinteresting! Some rustle! Who's in the bushes? Listen, deputyRite, stretch your necks, prick up your ears. Ts-ts-ts! Looks like Nikoth. Let's listen again. Kwa-kwa-kwa! Yes it's bigtoad! The kittens got scared and hid under a bush. curled upcurled up in a ball, nose hidden in paws, barely breathing. Let's see: did the toad gallop away or not? Phew, she finally galloped awayyou can relax and calmly look around

Children continue to move from one exercise on simulators (“stations”) to another, moving in a circle, thus performing all the exercises proposed by the teacher.

After completing the circuit training, an outdoor game is organized, which is selected taking into account the degree of load received by the children, as well as taking into account their wishes.Outdoor games for children with visual impairments are of great importance not only as a means of maintaining functions, spatial orientation skills, and improving movements. In the process of playing, the child learns to achieve success and to subordinate his desires to the rules of the game. Effective solving of game problems helps to overcome vision defects and compensate for it. There are no special outdoor games for children with eye pathologies. But you need to take into account a number of contraindications for performing certain movements and exercises, which were noted above

The third and final part of the exercise session takes no more than 3-4 minutes. It includes elements of visual and breathing exercises, self-massage, relaxation exercises, play exercises to form correct posture, strengthen the arch of the foot, games and exercises to develop children’s creative abilities.

In addition to circular training, the lesson uses traditional ways of organizing preschoolers to perform basic movements in a physical education lesson: frontal and flow, which involve performing one movement or exercise by all children at the same time or alternately performing several movements one after another.

Contents of working with children

The content of the program includes seven blocks. The division into blocks is due to the fact that from block to block there is a gradual complication of exercises on simulators - from the simplest to the more complex. At the same time, the types of movements are diversifying due to the introduction of new simulators and the time spent working on them. Each block includes four lessons. During the first two lessons of each block, childrenintroduce with four new exercises in each lesson; on the thirdimprove skills to perform all eight exercises, in the fourth lessonsecure performing the entire set of exercises.



Contents of classes





Varieties of walking and running. Jumping on two legs over medicine balls.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Sorcerers"

Low mobility game “Shapes”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Find your color"

Low mobility game "Entertainers"

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise"Locomotive"

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Relay race with hoops.

Slow running. Walking.

Visual gymnastics

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “Crawl swimmer”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Oink, pig, grunt"

Visual gymnastics



Contents of classes





Work on simulatorscircuit training method. Outdoor game "Crows and nests".

Walking around the hall. Posture correction exercises.

Low mobility game. Game "Owl". Breathing exercise to restore breathing.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

Walking around the hall. Muscle relaxation exercises on a fitball.

Varieties of walking and running. Jumping on two legs with forward movement: small (bunnies) and long (kangaroo) Breathing exercise.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Hares and Bear"

Walking around the hall. Relaxation exercises eye muscles

Varieties of walking. Outdoor game “Carousel” Breathing exercise “Breathe with one nostril”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Trap with ribbons”

Walking around the hall. Easy running.

Oculomotor exercises



Contents of classes





Varieties of walking and running. Jumping over the cord on two legs left and right. Breathing exercise.

Work on simulators using the circular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Disco with fitball”

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “Ball”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Tag with a ball”

Walking is normal. Self-massage of feet.

Visual gymnastics

Game exercise“Coil” Breathing exercise.

Work on simulatorscircular method

Game-exercise “Wearing hats.” Self-massage of feet

Varieties of walking and running. Jumping on two legs while moving forward is a breathing exercise.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout.

Varieties of walking and running.

Visual gymnastics



Contents of classes





Varieties of walking and running. Jumping on one leg (right, left), moving forward. Breathing exercises.

Work on simulatorscircuit training method. Outdoor game “Fitball-fun game”

Walking around the hall. Relaxation exercise

Varieties of walking and running. Ball tasks. Breathing exercise while walking around the hall.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Frost-Red Nose”

Walking around the hall in all directions. Walking.

Oculomotor exercises

Varieties of walking and running. Jump alternately on the right and left leg. Breathing exercise.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Fishing Rod"

Game exercise “Two and Three”

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Sly Fox"

Game exercise “Bug on the back”

Relaxation for the eyes



Contents of classes





Game task “Spiders and flies”. Game "Recognize by Voice"

Work on simulatorscircuit training method. Outdoor game "Wolf in the Moat"

Removal exercisevoltage andfatigue "Worm"

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “Swimmers”

Work on simulatorscircular method

Relaxation exercise. Game exercise “Nose-floor-ceiling” (for eyes)

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Fishermen and fishes”

Walking randomly around the hall between fitballs. Muscle relaxation exercise on a fitball.

Varieties of walking and running.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Airplanes"

Walking is normal.

Self-massage of eyes

Self-massage of feet.



Contents of classes





Varieties of walking and running.Breathing exercises.

Work on simulatorscircuit training method. Outdoor game “Trap with ribbons”

Removal exercisevoltage andfatigue "Kittenssent tojourney"

Walking, running. Breathing exercise “Crawl swimmer” Distributionchildren on exercise equipment.

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Find yourself a partner”

Exercise to relieve tension and fatigue “Tree”.

Oculomotor exercises

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “Lost”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys”

Low mobility game "Vorotsa"

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “The cat wants to play with us”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game

Game exercise “Ballerina”

Exercise for the eyes



Contents of classes





Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “Grow Big”Distribution of children among simulators.

Work on simulatorscircuit training method.Outdoor game “We are funny guys”

Removal exercisetension and fatigue"Turtle".

Oculomotor muscle training

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise "Let's go by car"

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”

Removal exercisevoltage andfatigue

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “The porridge is boiling”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Water, water..."

Relaxation “Meeting withThumbelina"

Varieties of walking and running. Breathing exercise “The rose is blooming”

Work on simulatorscircular methodworkout. Outdoor game "Crucian carp and pike"

An exercise to relieve eye strain and fatigue.

Thematic plan

Tasks for each number of any block:

1st lesson:

    Introduce the first four exercises of a certain complex

    Introduce the technique of performing exercises on certain machines using the circuit training method

2nd lesson:

    Introduce the following four exercises of the complex

    Learn the exercises on the simulators you worked with in the previous lesson.

3rd lesson:

    Strengthen the skills of performing the entire set of exercises

    Strengthen the skill of performing exercises on simulators

4th lesson:

    Improve the ability to perform a set of exercises.

    Improve the skill of performing exercises on simulators

In addition, each lesson also implements general tasks, such as improving the musculoskeletal system, the functionality of all organs and systems, developing thinking and eye muscles. imagination, development of positive moral qualities and relationships.

Air Walk

Children's simulator Air Walk is designed to strengthen the leg muscles and develop a sense of balance. Movement occurs by swinging your legs, as if you were walking. It helps and improves the child's balance and coordination, also ideal for children with poor motor skills.
Goals and objectives
Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Strengthening the muscles of the back and legs.
Development of coordination of movements, flexibility and mobility of joints.

Types of exercises
The child stands with his feet on the platforms, his hands are fixed on the holders.
He begins to swing his right leg back and forth, stops, then his left leg.
Swings both legs: left leg forward, right - back.
Duration - from 3 to 5 minutes, after every minute children are offered a rest for 30-40 seconds.
The lesson is divided into three parts.
At the beginning of the lesson, a short warm-up is carried out, with a total duration of 5 minutes: - walking at different paces, turning into running, - continuous running for no more than two minutes.
The main part includes exercises on simulators lasting from 3 to 5 minutes; after every minute, children are offered a rest for 30 to 40 seconds. If there are several types of simulators (3 or more), after one minute of exercises on one simulator in a circle, children move on to others.
At the end of the lesson, children are given a set of relaxation exercises, during which children perform movements: relaxed lifting, spreading, straightening arms from different positions, swinging in at a slow pace, rotation of the hands; bending the body forward, to the sides; rotations, squats, etc.
Trainer weight 9.3 kg
Dimensions of the simulator: 78 x 65 x 80 cm

Magic Path

Exercise machine for children Magic Track - the child creates movements and speed with his feet. and the display shows the running time, distance and amount of energy spent. The simulator is intended for children to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to develop coordination of movements, to strengthen different muscles legs, endurance development. To start the lesson, the child stands on the path. The adult invites him to first follow the tracks and then run.
The simulator is intended for children to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to develop coordination of movements, to strengthen various leg muscles, and to develop endurance. To start the lesson, the child stands on the path. The adult invites him to first follow the tracks and then run. The recommended duration is from 3 to 5 minutes; after every minute, children are offered a rest for 30 to 40 seconds.
On one side of the simulator there is running belt, with another built-in health disk. Soft handrails are easy to grip and reliably protect the child from falling.
The small monitor displays the following data:

Features of the simulator
The simulator is intended for children from 4 to 8 years old to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to develop coordination of movements, to strengthen various leg muscles, and to develop endurance.
The child stands on the path. The adult invites him to first follow the tracks and then run.

Exercise bike for children Malyavka

The children's exercise bike Malyavka is a simulator that allows you to train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and promotes the development of endurance. The model is designed only for children 3-8 years old. The simulator works exactly the same as the adult version!
The Malyavka exercise bike is a simulator that allows you to train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and promotes the development of endurance. The model is designed only for children 3-8 years old.
The trainer works exactly like the adult version, but with more fun!
Children's Mechanical Exercise Bike allows you to train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, promotes the development of endurance. The exercise bike provides maximum comfort thanks to the ergonomic design of the seat, handles and pedals. This exercise bike has a very low starting resistance.
- Made in attractive design and colors.
-Stepless mechanical switch provides uniform resistance, making the machine run smooth and silent.
-Has a comfortable, height-adjustable seat.
-The simulator can be successfully used both at home and in any children's institutions, recreation rooms.
A small display shows:
- class time from 00:00 to 59:59 min.
- speed from 0.00 to 99.99 km/h
- distance traveled from 0.000 to 9.999 km
- number of calories burned from 0.00 to 99.99 kcal
- automatic change of display of indicators
Features of the simulator
The children's exercise bike is intended for children from 3 to 8 years old to strengthen leg muscles and develop endurance.
Working on an exercise bike is carried out by simulating cycling for a duration of 3 to 5 minutes; after every minute, children are offered a rest for 30 to 40 seconds.
The load on it is created by alternately raising and lowering the pedals, as they rotate, under own weight engaged.
Specifications: Suitable for children aged 3-8 years; weight of the simulator is 6.7 kg. The size of the simulator is 54*34*50 cm. Weight Limit user 65 kg.

Exercise machine for children Stepper

The children's Stepper exercise machine is designed so that children have fun while training! This exercise machine is equipped with a load regulator. This machine is great for gymnastics.
Goals and objectives
General improvement of the body.

Formation of a strong habit of physical education and sports in children.
The lesson is divided into three parts.

For children aged 4-11 years
Trainer weight 8.2 kg
Dimensions of the simulator: 38 x 30 x 88 cm
Maximum user weight 65 kg

Exercise machine for children Scissors

The children's Scissors simulator combines simultaneous training of legs and arms. By pressing the steering wheel, the child simultaneously moves his legs. The device has a soft seat and a soft steering wheel. Helps with coordination and improves arm muscles. In appearance, the simulator is a simple design like scissors. One part has a seat and leg support, the other part serves as a fixed stand for the exercise machine, plus handles. It looks very simple, but the effect exceeds all expectations. The principle of operation of this simulator is that the child alternately squeezes and unclenches the “scissors” with the efforts of his arms and legs.
In appearance, the simulator is a simple design like scissors. One part has a seat and leg support, the other part serves as a fixed stand for the exercise machine, plus handles. It looks very simple, but the effect exceeds all expectations. The principle of operation of this simulator is that the child alternately squeezes and unclenches the “scissors”

with the efforts of the arms and legs.
The device has a soft seat and a soft steering wheel. Improves the child's coordination of movements and strengthens the muscles of the arms and legs.
The Scissors trainer develops coordination, balance and muscle development in the child's upper body.
Trainer weight 6.7 kg
Dimensions of the simulator: 75 x 38 x 90 cm
Maximum user weight 65 kg

Children's exercise machine Boat

The Boat exercise machine for children is equipped with straps that hold the legs in place to prevent them from slipping during exercise. This is a children's simulator for training in a playful way. It strengthens cardiovascular system, allows you to actively develop the muscles of the back, legs, shoulder girdle and the press. Multi-colored coloring will attract children's attention and make sports activities fun and exciting.
This is a children's simulator for training in a playful way. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, allows you to actively develop the muscles of the back, legs, shoulder girdle and abs. Multi-colored coloring will attract children's attention and make sports activities fun and exciting.
The handle has an adjustable load scale. This machine is great for gymnastics.
Suitable for children aged 3-8 years
Trainer weight 7.6 kg
Dimensions of the simulator: 94 x 34 x 37 cm
Maximum user weight 65 kg

Exercise machine for children Vertelka

The children's skewer simulator is used like this: the legs are placed on a round disk at an equal distance. Hands are placed on the handles. After this, the body turns 90 degrees to the left and right from the starting position.
Goals and objectives
General improvement of the body.
Strengthening the muscles of the torso and legs.
Development of movement coordination.
Vestibular apparatus training.
Formation of a strong habit of physical education and sports in children.
The lesson is divided into three parts.
At the beginning of the lesson, a short warm-up is carried out, lasting no more than 3 minutes. It includes walking at different paces, gradually turning into running (the duration of continuous running is 1.5 minutes), and breathing exercises.
The main part includes exercises on a simulator lasting from 3 to 5 minutes; after every minute, children are offered a rest for 30 to 40 seconds.
At the end of the lesson, children are given a set of relaxation exercises, during which children perform movements: relaxed lifting, spreading, straightening their arms from different positions, swinging at a slow pace, rotating their hands; bending the body forward, to the sides; rotations, squats, etc.
Types of exercises
Starting position: stand on the disc, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the handles. We begin to move our legs left and right.
Starting position: stand with one foot on the disc (the other is bent or on the floor). We begin to perform rotational movements left and right.
Starting position: stand on all fours on the disk, rest your hands on the frame of the machine. Start rotating left and right.
Starting position: stand on the disk with both feet. Push off from the handle and begin to rotate in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
Number of repetitions: 7 - 10 times.
Trainer weight 12.9 kg
Dimensions of the simulator: 86 x 58 x 23 cm
Maximum user weight 65 kg

Exercise machine for children Kayak

The children's kayak simulator is a simulator for training in a playful way. It strengthens the cardiovascular system, allows you to actively develop the muscles of the back, legs, shoulder girdle and abs. Multi-colored coloring will attract children's attention and make sports activities fun and exciting. The kayak trainer for children has independent handles and a comfortable sliding seat. Each handle has a separate setting and is covered with soft upholstery. The display shows the training time, distance traveled and amount of energy expended.
The kayak has independent handles and a comfortable sliding seat. Each handle has a separate setting and is covered with soft upholstery. The display shows time, distance traveled and amount of energy spent.
Suitable for children aged 6-11 years
Machine weight 12.9 kg Machine dimensions 86 x 58 x 23 cm
Maximum user weight 65 kg

Control of program implementation

Pedagogical analysis of children's knowledge and skills (diagnostics) is carried out 2 times a year: introductory - in September, final - in May.

Certain motor qualities and abilities of the child, such as agility (coordination abilities), flexibility, and strength qualities, are used as indicators of physical fitness. The level of development of motor qualities is assessed using diagnostic tests for physical fitness.

Tests to determine speed and strength qualities

Standing long jump

This test can be performed in gym on a foam mat with markings every 10 cm. Testing is carried out by two people. The first explains the task and makes sure that the child takes the starting position for the jump, gives the command “jump”; the second uses a measuring tape to measure the length of the jump.

The child stands at the starting line, pushes off with both legs, makes an intense swing of his arms, and jumps to the maximum distance. When landing, do not lean on your back with your hands. The teacher measures the distance from the start line to the heel of the “nearest foot” with an accuracy of 1 cm. Two attempts are made and entered into the protocol. best result. A qualitative assessment of the jump should be given based on the main elements of the movement: starting position, energetic push-off with the legs, swing of the arms during push-off, grouping during flight, soft landing with a roll from the heel to the entire foot. If the child falls or takes a step back after landing, the attempt is counted and the result that is noted at the moment of placing his feet on the support is recorded.

To increase the activity and interest of children, it is advisable to place several bright toys at a distance of 15-20 cm behind the mat and invite the child to jump to the farthest one.

Throw medicine ball weighing 1 kg from behind the head with two hands while standing

This test can also be used to assess the level of physical development of children, their indicative reactions and coordination abilities.

The child stands at the control line, takes the ball and throws it from behind his head as far as possible. In this case, one leg is in front, the other is behind. When throwing the ball, the child's feet should not leave the floor. Two throws are made in a row and the best result is recorded.

Tests to determine dexterity and coordination abilities

Shuttle run 3 times 10 m

This test helps determine the ability to quickly and accurately adjust your actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing environment.

The child stands at the control line, at the signal “march” (at this moment the teacher turns on the stopwatch) three times covers a 10-meter distance, along which the cubes (5 pieces) are located in a straight line. The child runs around each cube without touching it. The total running time is recorded.

Coordination test

Maintaining balance The child stands in a stance (toes behind standing leg adjacent to the heel of the leg in front) and tries to maintain balance. The child completes the task with his eyes open. Hold Time

Flexibility test

Bend forward from a standing position

The test characterizes the mobility of all parts of the musculoskeletal system, the elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

The child stands on a gymnastics bench (the surface of the bench corresponds to the zero mark). The task is given to bend down, trying not to bend your knees (if necessary, the teacher can hold them). The second teacher, using a ruler installed perpendicular to the bench, records the level to which the child reached with his fingertips. If the child does not reach the zero mark (bench surface), then the result is counted with a minus sign. While performing this test, you can use the “get the toy” game moment.

Resource support:

    Vlasenko N.E. Fitness in kindergarten - Praleska, 2006, No. 7.

    Vlasenko N.E. Friendship with physical education - Praleska, 2008, No. 3.

    Vlasenko N.E. Fitness for preschoolers - Promotion, 2008.

    Golitsyna N.S. Non-traditional physical education classes in a preschool educational institution - “Scriptorium Publishing House 2003”, 2006.

    Ermak N.N. Physical education classes in kindergarten: creative school for preschool children - Phoenix, 2004.

    Zheleznyak N.Ch. Physical education for older preschoolers: we play, train, develop: a manual for teachers and heads of institutions providing preschool education - Bely Veter Publishing House LLC, 2008.

    Zhukova L. Classes with simulators - Preschool education, 2007, No. 1.

    Runova M.A. Using simulators in kindergarten (methodological manual), 2005.

    All-Russian public fund"Social development of Russia."

    Checheta M.V. Fitball - gymnastics in kindergarten, 2003.

"The use of children's simulators as effective remedy development of physical qualities"

MKDOU kindergarten No. 12

Physical education instructor

Milenaya Elena Ivanovna

Physical qualities

Flexibility- a person’s ability to perform exercises with a large amplitude. Also, flexibility is the absolute range of motion in a joint or series of joints, which is achieved in an instantaneous force.

Rapidity- a person’s ability to perform a motor action in a minimum period of time for given conditions with a certain frequency and impulsiveness: the main forms of manifestation.

Dexterity- this is the ability to quickly coordinate movements in accordance with the changing game situation.

Force- this is the ability to overcome a certain resistance or counteract it due to muscle activity.

Endurance is the ability to resist physical fatigue during muscle activity.

From the history of simulators

The first simulators for the formation of motor skills appeared in ancient times. Even then, people sought to speed up learning using various devices. For example, in Ancient Rome gladiators practiced attack and defense techniques using a structure consisting of several continuously rotating double-edged balls. In the Middle Ages, knights learned to wield a spear by attacking a target, which, if hit accurately, would fall, and if hit inaccurately, would hit the knight. swipe on the back. In the 19th century, springs and rubber tensile devices were invented and preserved in various modifications to the present day.

Modern simulators

can be divided into physical education and health, sports, medical and production and technical. In kindergarten we use physical education and health training equipment, which, when used systematically, is a reliable means of preventing physical inactivity and hypokinesia in children. Depending on the design of the simulator and, consequently, on the structure and nature of the movement itself, it turns out to be possible to develop predominantly one or another motor quality. A clear target orientation of the exercises on the simulator, the choice of the nature and method of their implementation allows you to manage training process, avoiding overload and complications, which is very important for the physical education of children.

The use of simulators makes it possible to ensure that children develop correct ideas about the technique of complex motor actions. In addition, it ensures the preliminary development of motor qualities that determine the success of their implementation. Simulators are of great importance in classes and in individual work with lagging children, as well as for increasing the motor activity of children in their independent activities, which accounts for about 70% of the time spent in a preschool institution.

Now in kindergartens Sport halls are actively provided with various simulators. Under development special complexes exercises on them depending on the purpose of the exercise. This helps to diversify physical education classes and enhance the child’s motor activity.

Main tasks in the organization educational activities

· development of psychophysical qualities: strength, endurance, speed; · help strengthen muscles and maintain overall body tone; · nurturing self-control, organization and independence; · support interest in physical culture, instill style healthy image life.

Types of simulators used in working with preschoolers: simple simulators and complex devices. The simplest exercise machines are easy to use: they do not take up much space and can be moved from one room to another.

The simplest type of simulators:

· Gymnastic roller.

· Health disk.

· Children's dumbbells, weights.

· Massage mat.

· Children's expander.

· Hummingbird massager.

· Small ball – massager.

· Big ball– massager.

· Rubber ring.

· Gymnastic balls.

Complex device simulators:

Exercise bike


· Mini twist.

· Mini stepper.

· Mini-trampoline.

· Strength trainer.

· Running on the waves.

· Rowing.

· Rider.

· Treadmill.

· Bench.

· Top pull.

· Lower rod.

· Leg press (machine).

· Support bars.

exercise bike

A children's exercise bike is an excellent opportunity to train the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and develop endurance in children.

The children's trampoline exercise machine brings a lot of joy to children and at the same time develops all muscle groups, as well as the vestibular apparatus, improves blood circulation, and increases immunity.

Balance trainers

These exercise machines develop a sense of balance, promote dexterity and strength. Such simulators, as a rule, consist of a block on which the child sits or stands. The block is mobile due to which the child needs to make an effort to maintain his balance. There are various models for children of the most different ages. Adding pedals to these machines makes it more difficult sports load, demanding from the child great effort. The simplest of these simulators are discs - plates, which are distinguished by their compactness and reasonable price.

Stepper trainer

Exercises on the stepper simultaneously strengthen your legs and improve your overall coordination. The pedals, independent of each other, simulate climbing stairs.


The simulator is designed to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, to develop movement coordination, to strengthen various leg muscles, and to develop endurance.

Rider trainer.

Children's aerobic exercise machine for training in a playful way. Strengthens the cardiovascular system, allows you to actively develop the muscles of the back (from the neck to the lower back), legs, shoulder girdle and abs.

Contraindications for using exercise equipment:

Almost all children attending preschool educational institutions are allowed to participate in health training exercises. Absolute contraindications for training using exercise equipment are:

· Chronic and acute diseases of the kidneys and respiratory organs.

· Most heart defects, significant myopia with changes in the fundus.

1. Exercise machines can be used in basic organized activities and in independent motor activities of children, taking into account the level of their physical fitness and individual capabilities.

2. When starting exercises on simulators, you should gradually move from the simplest to more complex exercises.

3. It is important to alternate exercises so that the load in movements following each other does not fall on the same muscle groups.

4. During the exercises, it is necessary to monitor the children’s state of health and avoid overload. Choose the dosage of exercises based on the degree of fitness of the body.

5. In order to foster independence and activity, it is advisable to invite children to invent exercises on the simulator themselves, based on their physical capabilities and level of motor skills.

thanks for

Attention !

Presentation. Mathematics for children 5-7 years old “Forest School” Simulator game

Author: Likhovskikh Ruzigul Gardulloevna teacher KGKOU orphanage 18 p. Otradnoye, Vyazemsky district, Khabarovsk Territory.
I bring to your attention a training game in mathematics for children 5-7 years old
"Forest School" using a PowerPoint presentation.
The use of multimedia accompaniments makes the lessons emotionally charged, attractive, arouses a keen interest in learning in the child, and serves as a visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good performance of the lesson.
The material will be useful to preschool teachers, additional education teachers, and primary school teachers.
1. Summarize the knowledge gained. Strengthen skills in the material covered: quantity and counting within 5; distinguish geometric shapes.
2. Develop children's perceptions and ideas through the accumulation and expansion of sensory experience. Develop visually effective and visually imaginative thinking by teaching methods of mental action (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, establishing cause-and-effect relationships).
3. Cultivate an interest in mathematics and a desire to work in a team.
1. Fix direct counting within 5, knowledge of numbers within 5, denoting the number of objects with a number.
2. Continue to form spatial concepts and the ability to navigate on the screen.
3. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).
4. Consolidate knowledge on the composition of numbers.
5. Develop logical thinking, attention, memory.
6. Hardware and software:
A computer with PowerPoint 2010 installed;
Explanatory note: Enable “slide show”, “from the beginning”.
By clicking on any area of ​​the screen, the answer to the question appears.
Let's start the game.
Block 1: Repeat the numbers.
How many suns are there behind a cloud,
How many refills are there in a fountain pen?
How many noses does an elephant have?
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have?
And the sapper's attempts,
He knows and is proud of himself,
Column figure... (unit)

How many ears are there on the top of the head?
How many legs does a half-frog have?
How many mustaches does a catfish have?
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves are there in total?
In a pair of brand new shoes,
And the front paws of a lion
Only the number knows... (two)

How many months are there in winter?
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have?
Baz on the baseball field
at the sports sword
And the stripes on our flag,
No matter what anyone tells us,
The number knows the truth... (three)

... How many legs does a mongoose have?
Petals in a cabbage flower,
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And all the sides in the world
And the oceans in the world,
The number knows... (four)

How many fingers are there on a hand?
And a penny in the pocket,
The starfish has rays,
Five rooks have beaks,
Blades of maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion,
Tell me about it all
The number will help us... (five)

Butterflies and birds were the first to fly to the clearing!
How many butterflies and how many birds have arrived? (five butterflies and 5 birds)

Then the bunnies came galloping
How many rabbits are there in the clearing? (4 bunnies)

Next came the hedgehogs
How many people live in the clearing? (5 hedgehogs)

Little frogs and little mice galloped after them
How many frogs and mice are there in the clearing? (3 frogs and 2 mice)

And last came the fox and the bear
How many foxes and bears are there in the clearing? (1 bear and 1 fox)

Block 2: geometric shapes
I am a figure - no matter where,
Always very smooth
All angles in me are equal
And four sides.
Kubik is my beloved brother,
Because I'm a square.

My canvas is not square
It's rectangular!
I'll draw on it
Various shapes!

I'm under the triangular roof
I'll hide from the rain.
The roof is triangular,
Hide me quickly!

Round ball and sun disk
Round shape too!
Roll the ball across the clearing,
And the circle can roll!

The circle fell from a height.
It’s no longer a circle – it’s an oval!
It's oval, like a bug
He looks like a zucchini
On the eyes and on the potatoes,
And it also looks like a spoon,
On a nut and on an egg,
For an oval face!

What figures lie on the road? (oval, triangle, rectangle, square)

The little animals came and took the figurines
What figures did the animals take?

And they built themselves a house!
What shapes is the house made of?

And the last task:
Find 10 differences in the picture.

Well done boys.
"Forest School"

Presentation "Forest School" math training game for children 5-7 years old