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Snowboarding(English) snowboarding from English snow- snow and English board- board) is an Olympic winter sport, the essence of which is to descend from snowy slopes or mountains on a special board - a snowboard.

The International Ski Federation (FIS) (French Fédération Internationale de Ski, FIS) is an international organization that oversees all sports skiing, including snowboarding.

The history of snowboarding

Snowboarding is considered a young sport; it is not yet hundreds of years old. Invented in the 60s by the American Sherman Poppen, the prototype of a modern snowboard was made from two skis glued together. Poppen called his invention “snerfer” (from the English snurfer - a word made up of two others - snow (“snow”) and surf — “surf”). There were no fastenings on the board, and the rider had to hold on to a special rope tied to the nose of the projectile.

The resulting sport began to quickly gain popularity. Dimitri Milovich, Jake Burton (founder of Burton Snowboards), Tom Sims (Sims Snowboards), Mike Olson (Mervin Manufacturing) had a great influence on its development.

In 1979, the first World Snurfing Championship was held. One of the participants in this competition was Jake Burton, who slightly improved his board by adding bindings to it. Because Burton's equipment was different from the rest, he had to compete separately from all the other riders. Being the only participant, he easily won this competition.

In 1982, Suicide Six hosted the first US national slalom competition. In 1983, the first World Halfpipe Championship was held in Soda Springs, California.

In 1988, the first world snowboarding championship was held, and in 1998 snowboarding was recognized Olympic form sports

Today in Olympic program includes three snowboarding disciplines: giant slalom, boardercross and halfpipe.

Disciplines in snowboarding

Let's look at the main disciplines (types) of snowboarding. Parallel slalom was an Olympic discipline until 2014 (excluded in 2015). Two athletes descend along parallel tracks with blue and red flags installed on them. The athlete who completes the distance faster wins.

Giant slalom - olympic discipline since 2002. The snowboarder must overcome the route marked by the gate in the shortest time.

Snowboard cross has been an Olympic discipline since 2006. The snowboarder must go down a long, flat and wide track on which various obstacles (landforms, jumps) are located.

Halfpipe has been an Olympic discipline since 1998. The snowboarder must perform various tricks on a snowboard while flying from the vertical part of a halfpipe (a structure similar to half a pipe).

Slopestyle has been an Olympic discipline since 2014. The snowboarder must go through a track with many equipment to perform acrobatic tricks.

Big Air is included in the program of the 2018 Olympic Games. A long, drawn-out jump from a springboard during which the snowboarder performs a trick.

Quarterpipe - riding on a ramp, which is similar to one, but larger, half of a halfpipe.

Jibbing - snowboarding in specially equipped parks.

Directions in snowboarding

  • Freestyle- a direction of snowboarding, which includes the following techniques: jumping on springboards, riding using various structures, tricks on the surface of slopes, overcoming obstacles. Freestyle is used in snowboard cross, halfpipe, slopestyle, big air, jibbing.
  • Freeride - a direction of snowboarding that involves free skiing, not limited to prepared slopes or parks, without rigidly defined routes, goals or rules.
  • Hard snowboard- a direction based on technical descent from the mountain.

Snowboarding equipment

Snowboard(bord) - the most important element equipment for snowboarding. The snowboard is a multi-layer structure with a metal edging around the perimeter of the lower part.

Boots- the second most important element of snowboarding equipment. The boots are designed to provide a stable foot position and protection from injury.

Fastenings- an element of a snowboarder’s basic equipment, matched to boots.

Helmet- an optional, but very important element of a snowboarder’s equipment. Protects the rider from serious injury.

Gloves- an optional but important piece of equipment that protects the snowboarder’s hands from injury and cold.

Snowboarding mask- an optional element of equipment designed to provide eye protection from ultraviolet radiation and in no case should impair the rider’s visibility.

Snowboard clothing should be warm, waterproof and ventilated from the outside, multifunctional and beautiful.

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Those who exercise regularly know that each type of workout affects all muscle groups differently. But few people know that sport exercises directly affect our brain, activating its various centers and helping to better cope with assigned tasks.

We are in website decided to find out how to use various types Sports can effectively improve your mental abilities and become not only stronger, but also much more successful. We are sure that now no one will speak disparagingly about the mental abilities of athletes!

1. Tennis

Did you know that tennis is called “chess in motion”? In addition to endurance, tennis players have excellent skills in predicting an opponent’s actions, and are also able to understand and evaluate the trajectory of the ball in a split second.

2. Team sports

3. Long distance running and golf

It seems that there is nothing in common between these two sports, but this is only at first glance. Both stayer running and “retirement” golf contribute to the active development of strategic thinking. Otherwise, how else can you endure a journey of several tens of kilometers or get into “that very” hole?

By the way, Bill Gates is an avid golfer.

4. Yoga

The main benefit of yoga, beloved by many, is the harmonization of thoughts and emotions, the ability to focus on the main thing and discard the unnecessary, which turns out to be an extremely useful skill in our turbulent world. And peace of mind is undoubtedly the key to success in any business.

5. Rock climbing

All exercises where you need to move and think at the same time are excellent training, which allows you to quickly use the information received.

6. Swimming, cycling and other cardio workouts

Obvious benefit cycling, swimming and other similar types physical exercise are endurance training and muscle development of almost the entire body.

In addition, during these sports, the speed of blood flow in the body increases, resulting in blood rich in oxygen, hormones and nutrients reaching the brain faster.

Any aerobic exercise perfectly stimulates all areas of the brain and promotes memory development.

7. Strength training

Strength training is considered the prerogative of men, but this is a serious misconception.

Any power training stimulates the work of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for complex thinking, the ability to multitask, the ability to find the right arguments and defend one’s position.

That is why deadlift and others power loads Almost everyone should include it in their workouts now.

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Sport games in institutes physical culture represent a special educational subject, which includes: history, theory, teaching methods, practical development of certain types of games and the development of pedagogical skills.

Sports games are an important means physical education. In our country, the most popular and widespread are: football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, tennis, table tennis, rugby.

Sports games have uniform rules regulating the number of teams, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory for the game. The Uniform Rules of the Game are the official guidelines for the competition. Competitions in sports games are wrestling and require a lot of effort and willpower from the participants.

Along with active sports games, there are also less active, intellectual games. These include: chess, checkers, and so on. These Board games are also widespread and are an integral part sports life countries. Competitions are also held in these sports, the winners of which are high level receive bonuses.

The main task is to develop the intelligence of athletes.

They develop memory and attention, ingenuity and mathematical abilities, logic and imagination, cultivate will, resourcefulness, character, perseverance, and promote healthy image life. It is also important to note that they contribute to the development of personality, teach them to think logically and plan their actions, and develop concentration. In the process of intellectual games, many features of the human personality appear, so they are sometimes used as a model scientific research in psychology and pedagogy.


Chess (from the Persian checkmate - “the ruler is dead”), a game with special pieces on a 64-cell board for 2 partners; reproduces the actions of forces fighting (according to certain rules), organically combines the features of art, science and sports. Playing Chess promotes the development of logic of thinking, concentration, the ability to quickly and accurately calculate possible continuations (a series of moves for oneself and the opponent), fostering the will to win and other moral qualities. When playing Chess, a person’s character traits and abilities are clearly revealed; Therefore, Chess is used for various psychological tests, in cybernetics - to study the capabilities of computers. Chess theory studies the principles of strategy and tactics of the game, the location and interaction of pieces, typical techniques, and schemes for playing the initial and final stages of chess games. A special area of ​​art and sports that has developed on the basis of chess is chess composition.

The game involves 8 pieces on each side (a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops and a knight) and 8 pawns.

Historical reference. India is considered the birthplace of chess, where no later than the 5th century. The oldest form of Chess, chaturanga, was formed - a game of destroying enemy pieces. Later (presumably in the region of the Kushan kingdom or the Hephthalite state), the goal of the game became checkmate. In Iran, Chess was called “chatrang” (shatrang), in the countries of the Arab East - shatranj. In shatranj, the bishop (Arabic alfil) moved diagonally across one square, but could jump over pieces, like a knight. The queen (Arabic firzan - advisor) stepped only one square diagonally. In the 8th--9th centuries. Shatranj spread to the countries of the Arab Caliphate; The first form of recording games and theoretical developments arose. In the caliphate, the Shatranjists were divided into five classes; The highest were the alii - grandmasters. Many aliyas also became famous as authors of chess treatises (for example, the Tajik Abul Fatah, 12th century).

The peoples of Central Asia became acquainted with chess no later than the 7th-8th centuries. The first mentions of chess in Georgia and Armenia date back to the 12th century.

In Western Europe, chess was first mentioned at the beginning of the 11th century, but there is evidence that it appeared back in the 9th and 10th centuries. from Arab countries, mainly through Spain (possibly also through Italy). Scandinavia and the British Isles were introduced to chess by the Vikings (Normans). By the 13th--14th centuries. Chess was one of the common pastimes of the feudal nobility, mentioned in a number of literary works (“The Song of Roland”, “Tristan and Isolde”, etc.), and was part of the knightly education program. In Western Europe, the board for playing Chess became two-colored (in the East it was one-colored); special literature about Chess appeared - edifying works (the so-called morality books), in which Chess was used as a means of moral teaching.

Development of the theory of the game of Chess. The first theorist of modern Chess should be considered the best chess player in Spain in the 16th century. R. Lopez de Seguru (“Book of the Ingenuity and Art of Playing Chess”, 1561). At the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. The Italian school of Chess has developed, the main provisions of which are: an attack on the opponent’s king from the beginning of the game, regardless of losses; main figure-- queen. The Italian school developed combinations that were original in concept and developed the aesthetic side of Chess. Its most famous representatives are G. Leonardo, P. Boi, G. Polerio, A. Salvio, P. Carrera, G. Greco (1600--34), whose work was considered the best guide to Chess for almost a hundred years.

From the 18th century France became the center of chess life. In the book of F. Stamma (Paris, 1737), algebraic chess notation appeared, improved at the end of the 19th century. The French school of chess arose, headed by F.A. Philidor, author of the book “Analysis of the Chess Game” (1749). The basis of Philidor's theory is the leading role of pawns and pawn structure in capturing space, attacking and defending. Philidor posed the problem overall assessment positions, analyzed a number of endgame positions and developed principles for playing them; at the beginning of the 19th century some of his ideas were developed by A.D. Petrov. In 1836, the first chess magazine “Palamed” began to be published in Paris. P. Morphy made a great contribution to the theory of play in open positions of Chess . His work organically combined strategic formations and tactical strikes; his combinations and attacks were built on a solid positional foundation. He developed the general theory of positional play in the 80s. 19th century V. Steinitz . The game plan, according to Steinitz, should follow from a general assessment of the position. The essence of positional play is the accumulation of small advantages, mastery of the center of the board, open lines, points, achieving an advantage in development, etc.; the one who has achieved an advantage is obliged to attack. M.I. spoke out against some dogmatic aspects of this theory. Chigorin , proved that general principles cannot replace a specific calculation of options.

The first international tournament took place in London in 1851 (Andersen won); in 1879-1914, every 2 years international chess tournaments were held by the German Chess Union; major chess competitions were also timed to coincide with industrial exhibitions (London, 1862; Paris, 1867 and 1900; Vienna, 1873; Prague, 1908, etc.). In the 70s-80s. Chess societies and clubs that have arisen in many cities also organize international tournaments (Vienna, 1882 and 1903; London, 1883 and 1899; New York, 1889; Hastings, 1895; St. Petersburg, 1896, 1909, 1914). Since the beginning of the 20th century. a number of competitions are held at resorts (Monte Carlo, 1901--04; Cambridge Springs, 1904; Ostend, 1905--07; Karlovy Vary, 1907, 1911, 1923, 1929; San Sebastian, 1911 and 1912; San Sebastian Remo, 1911, 1930, etc.). In 1920--39 about 50 largest international tournaments, including in Moscow (1925, 1935, 1936). Since 1919, annually - traditional tournaments in Hastings; in 1927-39 - 8 “tournaments of nations”. During this period, Euwe, E. Grunfeld, S.M. emerged among the strongest. Flor, M.M. Botvinnik, S. Reshevsky , R. Fain, P.P. Keres , G. Shtalberg, V.V. Ragozin, G.Ya. Levenfish, P.A. Romanovsky, R. Shpilman, M. Vidmar and others. After the 2nd World War 1939-45 in socialist countries, chess became an organic part of culture. Chess is spreading in Asia and Africa. There is further development of chess theory and organization, and a restructuring of national chess associations.

Chess in the USSR The names of the chess pieces (queen, bishop), the game itself, as well as archaeological finds show that chess appeared in Rus' from the East, probably through Khorezm and Khazaria, no later than the 9th-10th centuries. (chess pieces were found during excavations in Novgorod, Kyiv, Grodno, Minsk, Vyshgorod and other cities); in the 12th-14th centuries. Chess was already common in Rus'; it is mentioned in epics about Russian heroes. Foreigners who visited Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries reported the popularity of chess among the population. The eastern name for the figure “rukh” was replaced by the term “rook”, which is closer in meaning to Russians.

In the 18th - early 19th centuries. Chess was mainly a game of nobles and intellectuals. Sources report playing Chess at assemblies with the participation of Peter I; there are known statements about Chess by A.S. Pushkina, N.G. Chernyshevsky, I.S. Turgeneva, L.N. Tolstoy and other prominent figures of Russian culture. The first chess textbook was published in 1821 by I. Butrimov; The first chess club was opened in St. Petersburg in 1853. Prominent chess players Ser. 19th century -- Petrov, K.A. Janish, I.S. Shumov, S.S. and D.S. Urusovs. Since the 70s 19th century The strongest Russian chess player, propagandist of Chess and organizer of the chess movement was Chigorin - the founder of the Russian school of Chess. At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. a number of international and All-Russian tournaments, where Russian chess players E.S. successfully performed. Schiffers, S.Z. Alapin, G.S. Salve, F.I. Duz-Khotimirsky, Rubinstein, O.S. Bernstein, Alekhine, Nimzowitsch and others. In the USSR, Chess became folk game(in 1976 there were over 3 million qualified chess players).


Checkers , a game for two partners on a multi-cell, usually square board (the squares-fields are alternately painted in dark and light colors) with special, usually round checker pieces; like chess, it reproduces the actions of forces fighting according to certain rules. Initial information about Checkers is available in the monuments of Ancient Egypt; Checkers were known to the peoples inhabiting the modern territory of the USSR back in the 3rd century. There are different types of games in terms of the number of cells, checkers on the board and rules. The most famous are Russian, English, German, Spanish Checkers (12 checkers on a 64-cell board), French, Polish (20 on a 100-cell board), Canadian (30 on a 144-cell board). In the 19th century National Checkers championships began to be held (in Russia since 1896, the first and permanent champion S.A. Vorontsov, repeated winners A.I. and V.I. Shoshin, N.A. Kukuev, etc.), became widespread in many countries 100-cell French Checkers, which later became international. According to the rules of the game, checkers move along dark squares forward in any direction one square diagonally. You can hit enemy checkers forward and backward, moving through them to free fields. A checker brought to the last horizontal line of the board becomes a “king”, which has the right to move to any distance. The goal of the game is to destroy the opponent's checkers or create a position in which they have no move. Three rules in international 100-square Checkers create great opportunities for complex positional maneuvers and combinations:

b obligatory capture of the majority of checkers in the presence of several combat options;

b a checker that ends up on the last rank as a result of the battle receives the right to “king” only from the next move;

b in case of obligatory further capture of the opponent’s checkers, it does not become a “king”.

In the USSR, Russian championships have been held since 1924 and international Checkers championships since 1954; the USSR Checkers Federation dates back to 1924 (an independent all-Union federation since 1960); in 1961, the title of Grandmaster of the USSR in Checkers was established (14 grandmasters in 1977). Repeated champions of the USSR in Russian Checkers were V.A. Sokov, Z.I. Tsirik, V. Medkov, V.R. Gabrielyan, A.M. Plakhin; for international Checkers - Andreyko, Kuperman, Shchegolev; among women - I.V. Spasskaya, E.K. Mikhailovskaya, E.V. Sorkina (Russian Checkers), L.G. Travina (international checkers).

In 1977, the USSR Drafts Federation united about 3 million people, including about 900 masters of sports and over 1.7 million discharge athletes. All-Union championships in Russian and international Checkers among youth are held annually, team competition republics, sports societies for the Cup, tournaments and games of pioneers and schoolchildren “Miracle Checkers” and “Big Checkers”, etc. An independent region of Checkers is a checkers composition.


Radiosport , technical view sports, including various complex competitions using receiving and transmitting radio equipment in combination with general physical exercises. IN modern program Radio sports: competitions in radio communications on HF and VHF, high-speed reception and transmission of radiograms, “fox hunting” (search using direction finder receivers for 3-5 low-power short-wave and ultra-short-wave camouflaged radio transmitters - “foxes”), all-around radio operators (reception and transmission of radiograms, orienteering on the highway, exchange of radiograms in a radio network of 3 radio stations).

HF radio competitions began to be held regularly after the creation of the International Amateur Radio Union in 1925 (in the USA, Great Britain, France, Scandinavian countries; in the USSR - since 1927). The first competitions in VHF radio communications in the USSR were held in 1931, in high-speed reception and transmission of radiograms - in 1940 (abroad - after the 2nd World War 1939-45). All-around radio operators originated in Poland in the late 50s. and in the USSR in 1961, “fox hunting” - in the USA in the 40s. and in the USSR in 1957. The largest international competitions in radio: the world championships in radio communications on HF (since 1925) and the European championships in radio communications on VHF (since 1956, annually), the European championship in “fox hunting” (since 1961, 1 time at 2 years). Competitions in receiving and transmitting radiograms and all-around competitions are organized only in socialist countries. The Federation of the Russian Federation of the USSR was created in 1959, and in 1962 it joined the International Amateur Radio Union. Since 1958, R. has been included in the program of All-Union Spartakiads in military-technical sports, and since 1967 - in the program of Spartakiads of the peoples of the USSR. Since 1962, the Republic has been included in the United All-Union sports classification, from this year national championships are regularly held; Championships of the Union republics, various departments and sports societies are held annually.

Development of R. in the USSR in the 20-40s. associated with the activities of OSOAVIAKHIM, since the 50s. -- DOSAAF USSR, as well as with the names of E.T. Krenkel, I.T. . Peresypkin, radio athletes F.V. Roslyakova, Yu.N. Prozorovsky, I.V. Zavedeeva, N.M. Tartakovsky, G.A. Rassadina, A.F. Kamalyagin, A.I. Grechikhina (4-time European champion in fox hunting), L.V. Zorina, V.I. Semenova (world champion in short-wave radio communications), L.M. Labutina, I.M. Martynova and others.

In 1974 in the USSR there were 173 radio clubs in DOSAAF radio engineering schools (Central Radio Club in Moscow, founded in 1946) and about 800 Radiosports sections in sports and technical clubs; Over 400 thousand people were involved in radio sports, including over 1 thousand masters of sports. The teams of Soviet radio clubs in Donetsk, Riga, and Chelyabinsk were world champions (1963, 1968, 1970).

Abroad, the greatest development of Radiosports (especially competitions in radio communications on HF and VHF) was in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, Sweden.

Among the world and European champions are T. Stewart (USA), D. White ( New Zealand), D. Frico (Brazil), V.D. Wadsworth (Canada), R. Spenzeli (Virgin Islands), P. Kinman, G. Swenson (Sweden), R. Stevens (Great Britain), B. Machnusek, K. Soucek, J. Horski (Czechoslovakia), A. Gedroits, E. Masayada (Poland).

Sports bridge

Perhaps no entertainment in the entire human history has aroused such interest, on the one hand, and the same number of malicious attacks, prohibitions and curses, on the other, as playing cards .

The cards, according to some experts, were born in Egypt or somewhere nearby; according to others, in China. However, everyone agrees on one thing - cards first appeared as a tool for fortune telling and fortune telling, which has come down to us in the form of Tarot cards. Accurate information about the appearance of playing cards is hidden from us by time forever, just as the invention of backgammon, chess, billiards, darts and many other games is hidden from us. Legends remain.

One of these legends says that playing cards appeared in Europe in 1392 and were drawn for the entertainment of the mentally ill French king Charles VI by his jester and court painter Jacquemin Grengonner. They say that the game attracted the king so much that it practically cured him of a terrible illness.

In Russia, the first known mention of playing cards dates back to 1649. According to the Code of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, card games are punished as severely as theft, robbery and tearing off hats. In the Senate Decree of 1761, we find the chapter “On the prohibition of gambling and the permission to play in noble houses to pass time and not for large sums at ombre and other things.” similar games"But from the end of the 18th century, a card boom began in Russia. Literally the entire Russian society of that time abused cards. For example, the entire “golden age” of Russian poetry, starting with Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin, who lived mainly in the first years of his stay in St. Petersburg with the money he won at cards, he literally raved about cards. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was listed in the Gendarmerie Directorate as a well-known banker in Moscow. This list can be continued almost endlessly.

By the end of the 19th century, cards penetrated almost all levels of society. And if the screw, which replaced the ombre mentioned in the Senate Decree of 1761 (in memory of this now completely forgotten game, we still call the card table - ombre), remains the prerogative of the upper strata of society, then in the middle and lower strata their own numbers appear grows like a snowball. Almost all games have a lot of variant rules, because “how they play, how they deal” is passed down by word of mouth and is almost never written down.

When Winston Churchill was Foreign Secretary, there was a special staff position in his ministry - "bridge partner for Sir Winston Churchill." Being a great politician and a lover of bridge, he was intolerable as a partner. Once, even before the introduction of this position, he was paired with the British Ambassador to Brazil and after one of the hands, he screamed heart-rendingly at his partner for fifteen minutes, despite the officials and ladies present. But his “official bridge partner” was forced to silently endure claims like: “If I were you, even a donkey would have played an eight instead of a nine.” Once Churchill had finished shouting, his partner, paid for by the British taxpayer, would respond with a subdued smile, and British foreign policy would flourish.

Margaret Thatcher, by contrast, did not need any paid partners. Everyone considered it an honor to play bridge with her. Since the “iron lady” was not only generous to her partners, but also played the game brilliantly. Playing out the most complex contracts, she showed miracles of resourcefulness. The speed of her play amazed experts. Surely many of her hats were paid for through bridge victories.

Bridge (English "bridge" - literally - bridge), a type of card game in which competing pairs (teams) play the same series of card layouts in parallel.

It supposedly arose in Constantinople (in 1870), according to other sources - in Russia (in the 1880s). The most common sports version of the bridge.

Sports bridge is a widespread intellectual sport. The World Bridge Federation (WBF) unites sports bridge federations from 94 countries. The total number of federation members is about one million, and tens of millions of people take part in sports bridge competitions in the world.

Victory in sports bridge is achieved solely through skill and, to a much lesser extent than in many other sports, is determined by random factors.

Automobile sport

This is the view technical sports, including the creation of car models and their road testing on special tracks. In Europe A. s. appeared in the 40s. 20th century, in the USSR originated in 1956, when the Central Laboratory of Automotive Modeling was created; in May 1957, the country's first car model competitions took place in Moscow, Kharkov, Riga and Leningrad. Since the fall of 1957, All-Union competitions in Automotive sports have been held annually, since 1960 - competitions to set records in Automobile sports for racing models, since 1964 - All-Union competitions among students. The following types of models are distinguished: with an internal combustion engine, an electric motor, a rubber engine and radio-controlled. Models with an internal combustion engine are divided into groups: racing, with a propeller, and replica models - smaller copies of production cars.

Internal combustion engines have a cylinder displacement of 1.5; 2.5; 5.0 and 10.0 cm3 . Models reach speeds of up to 250 km/h (as of 1968). Car racing competitions are held on a cordodrome - a concrete ring with a diameter of about 20 m , models move in a circle on a cord thread. Test distance - 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 m .

Among Soviet athletes, the most famous masters of sports are V. Yakubovich, O. Maslov, V. Solovyov, B. Efimov, and others. In 1968, A. S. About 100 thousand people were engaged. In 1979, the World Automotive Sports Organization (WMAS) was founded in the early 90s. united 11 countries. European Championships since 1949, World Championships since 1980.

Qualification of car models:

b replica cars with an electric motor;

b cord car models;

b radio-controlled models with an electric motor;

ь radio-controlled models with an internal combustion engine

Ship modeling sport

A technical sport involving the design and construction of models of ships and vessels for sports competitions. Sports models are divided into 36 classes (the division is based on the principle of classification of ships of the naval and merchant fleets). Self-propelled models use rubber-mechanical, inertial, steam, internal combustion, and electric micromotors; sail. There are bench competitions - competitions for tabletop and some existing models (the elegance of manufacturing and compliance with the drawings and prototype are assessed) and running competitions (for speed, course stability, maneuverability, etc.) - self-propelled models of surface vessels and ships (including hydrofoils) and submarines; high-speed cord models (of arbitrary design); controlled models (via wireless communication); cool races of sailing yacht models.

Shipbuilding sport emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. on the basis of experimental ship modeling, when the first exhibitions of tabletop ship models were held in certain European cities (including Russia). In the USSR since the late 20s. exhibitions, as well as competitions of sailing and rubber-motor models, began to be periodically held in many cities. In 1940, the first all-Union correspondence competitions for ship modelers were held; since 1949 all-Union competitions in S. p. are held regularly. The formation of ship modeling sport is associated with the activities of masters of sports A.S. Tselovalnikova, P.F. Tarasova, A.N. Pavlova, P.A. Lachugina, V.V. Nagurny and others. In 1963 S. p. included in the Unified All-Union Sports Classification . In 1964, the All-Union Federation of Socialist Workers was created. (works under the leadership of the Central Committee of DOSAAF USSR), which since 1966 has been a member of the European Association of Ship Modeling and S.S. -- NAVIGA (founded in 1959). Every year in the USSR over 4 thousand various competitions in ship modeling were held, in which about 200 thousand people with qualifications took part. sports categories. Since 1955, Soviet athletes have been participating in international competitions in Ship Modeling, European Champions were G.V. Samarin, V.F. Dyachikhin, Yu.N. Nikolenko, K.V. Pachkoria, M.A. Papudzhyan and others. In 1975, there were over 1 thousand laboratories of ship modeling sports in DOSAAF organizations of the USSR, in many educational institutions and non-school institutions. The Central Marine Laboratory of the USSR operates under the Central Maritime Club of DOSAAF USSR. (founded 1964).

chess checkers bridge game


Intellectual sports(English) Mind Sports) is an established system of organizing competitions and specific preparation for them in logic games, which have undergone institutionalization of the Anglo-Saxon model in the form of the creation of a global network of international sports federations with a hierarchical management structure. As a result of such transformations of intellectual games, the first international sports federations were established: chess (FIDE, 1924), checkers (FMJD, 1947), bridge (WBF, 1958), go (IGF, 1982), shogi (FESA, 1985) renju (RIF, 1989) and Xiangqi (WXF, 1993).

Having traced the history of the development of the listed intellectual sports and their place in the present tense, we can conclude that many of them from the very beginning became widespread and famous in various parts of the world. For example, chess currently occupies one of the leading places among intellectual games throughout the world.

Intellectual sports are often called “mind sports”, they have a developed infrastructure and enjoy wide approval in society, since they are considered not only an alternative to gambling, but also a good trainer for the mind. Recently, there has been a tendency towards the expansion of intellectual sports, due to the sportization of other board (logical) games, including:

ь backgammon, poker;

b Russian checkers, shogi, renju.

Intellectual sports undoubtedly has a positive effect on the human body, but we should not forget about physical development person.


1. Averbakh Yu.L. In search of truth. M.: 1992

2. Linder I.M. Chess in Rus'. M.: 1964

3. Linder I.M. At the origins of chess culture. M.: 1967

4. Musikhin A.K., “Logic or Fortune?” L.: Sots.-com. firm "Man", 1990.

5. Chess. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: 1990

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    lecture, added 03/06/2014

    The history of the emergence and development of floorball as a team sport from the hockey family. Inventory, equipment of players and rules of playing indoor hockey. Description of stick and ball handling techniques in floorball. Physical training teams and the philosophy of their game.

    abstract, added 06/24/2015

    Chess is a historically established intellectual game. The history of its origin, the rules of the game. The initial position of the pieces on the chessboard, analysis of the rules of movement and situations of ending the game. Museum of chess, its diversity and classification of the game.

    presentation, added 12/21/2011

    Chess as a form of intellectual sport. The importance of the International Chess Federation for its popularization. The history of the emergence and development of the game. Description existing rules and characteristics of each figure and field. Tasks posed to players.

    abstract, added 12/08/2015

    Rules of the game and chess competitions. The history of the emergence and development of the game. A "chess clock" is a clock with two dials connected to each other so that only one of them can work this moment. International Chess Federation.

    abstract, added 01/28/2010

    Sports games like effective remedy physical education in a wide age range. The essence and features of volleyball. Description of playing techniques for a volleyball team in defense. Methods for teaching throwing the ball with your hands from behind the sideline in football.

    test, added 11/12/2010

    Volleyball is a non-contact, combination sport; history and current state, outstanding athletes. Specialization of team players, rules of the game, technique and tactics, modern changes; site arrangement. Development of volleyball in the USSR and Russia.

    abstract, added 12/05/2010

    Winter sport as a set of sports played on snow or ice. Characteristics of the main winter species sports in the program of the Winter Olympic Games. Features of the game of badminton and related sports. Competitions in summer species sports

Mind Sports) is an established system of organizing competitions and specific preparation for them in logic games, which have undergone institutionalization of the Anglo-Saxon model in the form of the creation of a global network of international sports federations with a hierarchical management structure. As a result of such transformations of intellectual games, the first international sports federations of chess (FIDE, 1924), checkers (FMJD, 1947), bridge (WBF, 1958), go (IGF, 1982), renju (RIF, 1989) and xiangqi (WXF) were established. , 1993).

Mind sports are often called “mind sports”, they have a developed infrastructure and are widely accepted in society, as they are considered not only an alternative to gambling, but also fitness for the mind. Recently, there has been a tendency towards the specific expansion of intellectual sports, due to the sportization of other board (logical) games, including backgammon, poker, Xiangqi and various ethnocultural types that have a local distribution (Russian checkers, shogi, renju).

Sportization of intellectual games

The sportization of intellectual games is a process of reinstitutionalization of logic games within the framework of the Anglo-Saxon sports model with the formation of a hierarchy of public organizations (local, national, continental, international), as well as the introduction of a system of competitions and the institutions of judging, equipment, specific preparation in the form of training, which provide it. calculating results in the form of ratings of players and teams. The sportization of intellectual games as a sociocultural phenomenon arose in the modern era and is due to the global spread of Western civilization.

Mind games

The term “intellectual games” has now come to be used as a general name to refer to all types of logical, board, computer and gambling games. This happened largely due to the widespread use of the terms “mind sports” and “mind sports”.

The highest form of organization of intellectual games has become those conducted by the International Intellectual Sports Association (IMSA) with the aim of making them in the foreseeable future Olympic status- Intellympic Games (Intelympic / Mindlympic Games), which the Paralympic, Deaflympic and Special Olympic Games already have.

see also



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  • Intelligent oil field
  • Intellectual Olympiads

See what “Intellectual sports” are in other dictionaries:

    International Mind Sports Association- (MAIS), English. International Mind Sports Association (IMSA) is an international organization formed on April 19, 2005 by four international sports federations that are part of the General Association of International Sports ... ... Wikipedia

    World Mind Games- World Intellectual Games, or Intelliads (eng. World Mind Sports Games, WMSG) complex competitions in intellectual sports. The first World Mind Games were held in Beijing, from October 3 to October 18... ... Wikipedia

    Sport- This term has other meanings, see Sports (meanings). Utagawa ... Wikipedia

    Chinese Weiqi Association- Sport Go Founded 1973 Country Beijing, China Website Chinese Weiqi Association (Chinese tr. 中國圍棋協會, exercise 中国围棋协会, pinyin: Zhōngguó Weíqí Xíehuì, pal.: Zhongguo Weiqi with ... Wikipedia

    Fedorova, Natalia Yurievna- Natalia Fedorova Personal information Full name: Natalia Yuryevna Fedorova Original name: Natalia Lebedeva Citizenship ... Wikipedia - Game is a type of activity aimed at satisfying the needs for entertainment, pleasure, stress relief, as well as the development of certain skills and abilities. A game is also called a form of free self-expression of a person, not related to... ... Wikipedia

    Games on paper- Game is an activity aimed at satisfying the needs for entertainment, pleasure, stress relief, as well as the development of certain skills and abilities. A game is also called a form of free self-expression of a person, not related to... ... Wikipedia

Those who are friends with sports know that different types of training have different effects on muscle groups. But few people know that sports exercises directly affect our brain, activating its various centers and helping us better cope with assigned tasks.

We decided to find out how, with the help of various sports, you can effectively improve your mental abilities and become not only stronger, but also much more successful. We are sure that now no one will speak disparagingly about the mental abilities of athletes!

1. Tennis
Did you know that tennis is called “chess in motion”? In addition to endurance, tennis players have excellent skills in predicting an opponent’s actions, and are also able to understand and evaluate the trajectory of the ball in a split second.

2. Team sports

All team events Sports contribute to the development of analytical thinking and reaction speed, and also improve teamwork skills.

And due to the fact that the game requires complex coordination of movements, concentration skills also increase.

3. Running long distances and golf

It seems that there is nothing in common between these two sports, but this is only at first glance. Both stayer running and “retirement” golf contribute to the active development of strategic thinking. Otherwise, how else can you endure a journey of several tens of kilometers or get into “that very” hole?

By the way, Bill Gates is an avid golfer.

4. Yoga

The main benefit of yoga, beloved by many, is the harmonization of thoughts and emotions, the ability to focus on the main thing and discard the unnecessary, which turns out to be an extremely useful skill in our turbulent world. And peace of mind is undoubtedly the key to success in any business.

5. Rock climbing

All exercises where you need to move and think at the same time perfectly train your working memory, which allows you to quickly use the information received.

6. Swimming, cycling and other cardio workouts

The obvious benefits of cycling, swimming and other similar types of exercise are endurance training and muscle development in almost the entire body.

In addition, during these sports, the speed of blood flow in the body increases, resulting in blood rich in oxygen, hormones and nutrients reaching the brain faster.

Any aerobic exercise perfectly stimulates all areas of the brain and promotes memory development.

7. Strength training

Strength training is considered the prerogative of men, but this is a serious misconception.

Any strength training stimulates the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for complex thinking, the ability to multitask, the ability to find the right arguments and defend one’s position.

This is why almost everyone should include deadlifts and other strength training in their workouts now.