This is parental consent to the processing of personal data. Application for testing within the framework of the TRP - sample filling. How to sign up for testing

If you want to pass tests in order to receive an honorary TRP badge (it doesn’t matter why - to get a salary increase or to brag to your friends about your sporting successes), you will have to take care of registering on the official portal. The participant also fills out an application for testing within the framework of the TRP.

The procedure takes a short amount of time. You will need the Internet, an email account and a couple of free minutes. A detailed algorithm of actions is outlined in the next paragraph.

How to sign up for testing

In Russia, every year it becomes more and more more people who want to try their hand at the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex. Cunning manipulations with documents, paperwork and other unpleasant companions of any event will bypass you. The GTO complex is available to everyone. We will announce a specific list of requirements for participation. It's small.

  • The official website has all the necessary information, but first you need to register. We go to the site, click on the “Register” button, and then enter the address Email. You will receive a letter with a special code. Follow the link, come up with a username and password, fill in the empty fields with your first name, last name, patronymic, age and other personal parameters. Your unique identification number (UIN) is located in your personal account. It is unique and assigned to each participant separately.
  • On the same portal you will be able to check your test results in the future.
  • Now it's up to the medical certificate. She is proof of your physical health, readiness for the loads that the GTO complex assumes. You must undergo a medical examination no later than 10 days before the start of passing the standards. A general certificate from a general practitioner authorizing you to engage in sports will do.

Application for testing within the framework of the TRP

After completing the identification procedure on the TRP portal, you can proceed to the main point - filling out an application for testing.

  1. Click on the link to download the application electronically and fill it out on your computer device.
  2. We print it out, fill out the column with the date of testing and the person’s personal signature by hand, using a ballpoint pen.
  3. Your photo should be located in the upper left corner.
  4. We put the sheet with the application in a file and send it to the Testing Center (a single list of participants and protocols are formed there).
  5. Be responsible in meeting testing deadlines. If you do not meet them, all passed standards will be canceled: you will have to take everything again. Neither you nor the event organizers need any extra hassle.
  6. Plan your free time: the TRP includes standards for summer and winter period, so testing in total will take less than six months (usually 4-5 months is enough).

Questions that may arise

  • Minor citizens under 18 years of age can participate in GTO testing only with written permission from their legal representatives (parents or guardians). The application is filled out by them, it is also necessary to provide consent to the processing of personal data.
  • Be careful and attentive when filling out the forms (especially regarding the identification number), otherwise your results will not reach you. They will not appear in your personal account. Haste will lead to wasted work: the standards will need to be retaken.
  • Trained people with a sports rank are required to bring a document certifying this fact: an order or an extract from it with the seal and signature of the responsible person.
  • If you do not send the completed application to the Testing Center, the assessors will not allow you to pass the standards: you simply will not be on the list. You will have to wait for the next deadline and collect the required package of documents again.
  • People who do not own a computer (or are unable to access one) can come to the Center in person and ask for help. Our staff will help you fill out the application and print it out (especially important for older people). You can also bring your application on a flash drive and print it directly at the Testing Center.

Head of the GTO Testing Center

The main purpose of the activity and existence of the TRP Testing Center is to assess the results of citizens, compile detailed lists and protocols that allow monitoring and streamlining the testing procedure. Employees are engaged in preparing and organizing events necessary to test skills in the field physical culture. The testing center monitors the accuracy of the information in each participant’s personal account.

The head of the Testing Center of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex takes care of the conditions for passing the standards, ensures and guarantees fair judging.

His responsibilities also include monitoring the technical component of the physical education and leisure complex. The purchase of equipment, inventory, which cannot be dispensed with during testing, work with the population to create a complex - everything is in the field of view of the manager. Selection and approval of a candidate is carried out in a separate manner.

The GTO Testing Center is a non-profit organization. The main founder is the Russian Ministry of Sports, a regional executive body, as well as a local government body.

After you have received a personal UIN number on the website, you must fill out a personal application.

Copy the application you need from the website and fill it out electronically (i.e. type it on the computer in the Word editor, only the date of completion and the signature are written with a ballpoint pen).

A printed APPLICATION (preferably on one sheet, i.e. on both sides), with a photo pasted in the upper left corner, in a file, is sent to the Testing Center,for the formation of a unified list of participants and the formation of protocols for fulfilling state requirements by type of test.

Pay special attention to the deadline for submitting your APPLICATION!!! Those. During the test the participant must have time to pass all the standards while at this level, otherwise the standards you passed will be canceled and you will have to take everything again, but within the framework of another level. Approximately plan 4-5 months to complete the GTO tests, because it is necessary to combine summer and winter standards.


1. If minors (under 18 years of age) express a desire to undergo the GTO test, the APPLICATION and permission to process personal data are submitted by their legal representatives.

2. If there is no technical capability or an insufficient level of computer literacy, it is possible to submit an application and become a participant in the TRP complex by appearing at the Testing Center, with the help of the Testing Center staff. A citizen’s appearance at the Testing Center allows him to receive additional advice on current issues. Also, if the participant does not have a printer, the APPLICATION is saved to a flash drive and printed at the Testing Center.

3. Fill out your details correctly, otherwise your merits may not reach you. Special attention Please make sure your UIN number is correct in the APPLICATION. Check the correctness of your personal data on the website (you cannot shorten or delete your full name, the gender must be correct, only you and nothing else must be in the photo).

4 . Persons who have not submitted an application to the Testing Center will not be allowed to comply with the standards at this time. T.K. this participant will not be included in the protocols for the implementation of the All-Russian Sports and Sports Complex GTO. This participant will be asked to first complete the documents and later (according to the Test Center schedule) begin performing the GTO complex.

5. Participants with a sports category or sports title together with the APPLICATION they bring the original order or an extract from the order for assignment of rank, certified by the “living” seal and signature of the responsible person.

6. Standard "Tourist hike" can be completed at the annual regional tourist meeting, which takes place annually in July and the Testing Center is present at this meeting. Example: If you want to pass the VFSK GTO standards at the next academic year, then in the summer you need to do a hiking trip at a regional tourist rally.

When registering with the TRP Directorate, the participant enters his personal data into the system, automatically giving consent to their processing and transfer to third parties if necessary. Adult users stop there, because they don’t need any additional documents after registration, but those under 18 are not so lucky.

To become a participant in the GTO physical education standards, consent legal representative the processing of personal data of a minor is mandatory. To do this, a special written consent is filled out, which, among other documents, is submitted for approval to participate in the TRP program.

List of required documents

Consent to the processing of GTO personal data is filled out on a form: the form is standard and printed, you won’t have to write much, but it’s better to have the documents with you:

  1. Passport of the legal representative;
  2. Birth certificate of a minor.

This data will be included in the consent text.

Consent to the processing of personal data at the GTO

As already mentioned, in order to participate in the GTO, consent to the processing of personal data of a minor is given by his official representative. What are you agreeing to?

The participant’s personal data will be collected, systematized with the ability to store, transfer and update.

You can always contact the Directorate in writing and revoke the agreement, but all existing data will be deleted, and the opportunity to participate in physical education and sports events is significantly limited.

What data is taken

All your background information is not needed to participate in the TRP program, but some information will be needed. The system will save the following information:

  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the participant;
  • His gender;
  • Date, month, year of birth;
  • Registration address and actual place of residence;
  • Phone number;
  • Email;
  • Information about the main place of study or work;
  • Availability sports category and sports preferences;
  • Photograph;
  • Results about current and previous tests.

In addition, the TRP system will have access to data about the official representative of the minor participant specified in the text of the official consent. This information is required solely as part of filling out the appropriate form.

The TRP system pays attention to organizational and technical measures that facilitate safe work with confidential data of participants.

Consent to the processing of personal data GTO form 2019

The coordinators of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” project developed a special form for consent from the ward’s official representative to participate in the program. In 2019, the content and appearance of the form have not changed.

The header of the form contains information about the authorizing party: full name, series, passport number, information about place of residence; participant: full name, birth certificate details, information about place of residence.

The text reflects not only the application part, but also states what exactly you agree to. We advise you to pay attention, perhaps some item will not suit you.

At the end, a date and signature with a transcript are affixed.

This document is drawn up in writing for the purpose of further transmission to the coordination centers of cities and districts. Its completion is purely voluntary.

Users of the GTO system often complain about the processing of personal data, noting the complicated registration, during which a form constantly pops up to fill out this information. Perhaps this method is part of the system of technical security methods used by the Directorate, or maybe the developers were simply too clever, adding problems to people.

In any case, the “Be Prepared for Labor and Defense” program enjoys constant success among young people and lovers of physical education who have decided to shake off the old days. The number of activists is growing, encouraging the complex to new rounds of development.

During times Soviet Union the concept of “processing of personal data” did not yet exist, but records and calculations of participants were also kept. What is happening now is not new, but has only been improved taking into account emerging opportunities and technologies to make life easier for both organizers and participants.