State coach (by sport). State coach (by sport) What personal qualities should a coach have?

The activity of a trainer is currently one of the most difficult among teaching specialties. There are many reasons for this. Students who intend to become coaches after graduating from a physical education university need to know these reasons, know the problems that await them in their future professional activities, and be ready to overcome them.

One of the main reasons is highest level achievements in modern sports, difficulties and difficulties of training athletes high class- masters of sports, champions and record holders at various levels, from regions, cities to European and world championships, and the Olympic Games.

In this case, we are not talking about recreational sports in factories, enterprises, institutions, and general educational institutions (schools, universities), but about the so-called elite, Olympic, professional sports.

the main objective This sport is the disclosure of the biological reserves of the body, its adaptive capabilities at maximum or sub-limit levels. In this sense, sport is a gigantic laboratory that allows one to reveal the potential reserves of people’s physical, moral and volitional abilities. And in this regard, great results have been achieved. Suffice it to say that almost all the records of the first Olympic Games(1896) fit into the standards of the modern III sports category.

Improved almost every year sports equipment methods of performing motor actions, methods of teaching and training, methods of developing physical abilities and their combinations become more specific and targeted. Process control methods are being improved physical development. In a number of cases, the information that a student of a physical education university received in the 1st or 2nd year becomes significantly outdated by the time the young specialist begins his sports teaching activity.

In other words, one must have a reliable theoretical and methodological base in order to be able to quickly replenish and deepen it with new knowledge in the process of professional activity.

Another reason causing problems in coaching work, is the presence of “competitors” in the sports training activities of athletes.

In fact, training is carried out daily (sometimes up to 2 times a day for several hours in a row). A lot of time is also spent traveling to training. All this together creates a great physical, mental, and emotional burden. Due to such busyness, there is little time left for reading literature, education, cultural events, personal life and everyday life.

At the same time, athletes often think: “What is all this for? Who needs it?”

Indeed, much easier and without special costs physical strength and intellectual abilities to go to a bar, to a disco, to dance, to chat with friends, to sit in front of the TV, to lie on the sofa. Finally, just exercise physical exercise as sports games, running, gymnastics for your own pleasure, without limiting yourself to a certain type, form of organization of classes and their duration, instead of “pulling the burden” of training and competitions for months, years.

The tasks of the coach are to form motives and incentives in young people for selfless, largely pedantic sports activities, to cultivate the need for it, although this is also associated with some elements of asceticism in everyday life and in life.

The duty of a coach is to reveal the romance of sport, the ascent to its heights, the inextinguishable thirst for self-improvement, the delightful “taste” of victory, the prospects of visiting different cities and countries. Not least important is the material side of the matter: provision of sports shoes and clothing, high-class inventory and equipment, scholarships and salaries, prizes and bonuses.

Therefore, it is very important for a coach to instill in athletes the will, perseverance, and ability to “endure” at a distance, on the mat, ring, and court.

Currently, hiring and determining the salary of a trainer are usually carried out on a contract and competitive basis. Therefore, despite the diploma higher education, the best place and higher salaries will be received by those applicants who actually, and not in words, know more and are better able. The basis for this is studying at a university and constant, everyday self-education, improving the methods of the educational and training process.

A sports coach can work in youth sports schools, Olympic reserve schools, in national teams of sports societies, national teams of cities, republics, national teams of Russia, as well as abroad.

Sports are controversial. It not only shapes the noble traits of a person, but also creates “idols”; it fosters a sense of duty, but can strike a person with extreme selfishness. Ambition leads an athlete either to the pinnacle of glory and contributes to the manifestation of his best moral and volitional qualities, or destroys the human personality, developing to the point of vice. And yet, basically, sport is a life filled with struggle and the joy of victory, an affirmation of human dignity, a form of manifestation of moral and physical beauty.

A record holder or champion of a country, Europe, or the world is not a unique person, not a superman or an ordinary person, whose only wealth is the outstanding physical abilities bestowed upon him by nature. This is a pioneer, formed in the process of joint creativity between the coach and himself, from “tomorrow”, who opens a new path or takes a new step towards unknown, mysterious and inexhaustible biological reserves, towards the disclosure of human capabilities in motor activity.

The highest complexity of a teacher’s activity, which requires the manifestation of all his abilities, lies in the ability to reveal and overcome the contradictions of the educational process in the broad sense of the word.

Let's take an example from another field of activity. It happens that a pilot at the age of 35-38 is suspended from flying. One can imagine with what feeling a healthy, strong, experienced pilot, in love with flying, essentially still a very young man, looks at the sky, listening to the roar of the engines, knowing that he will no longer be allowed to fly.

This happens often in sports. A strong and still very young by human standards man thirsting for victory is not able to compete with the younger rivals who have replaced him. He is no longer included in the team in which he played for many years, he is an “old man”. In many sports, an athlete becomes an “old man” long before the age of thirty. Newspapers no longer write about him, don’t talk about him on the radio, don’t show him on TV, fans don’t applaud or bring flowers. And his economic situation, if he has not accumulated money and property, immediately deteriorates sharply. Such blows are of course difficult to withstand. And if the athlete long before the end of his sports career If you are not prepared materially and psychologically, this can all result in severe, dramatic consequences. How to help him overcome this severe psychological trauma.

And here the most effective help can be provided by a coach - mentor and friend. As you accumulate life and professional experience, deepen and expand your special knowledge, constant communication in the field of his profession, the coach constantly climbs the steps of his professional skill and reaches the level when he can already prepare his students at the level of absolute records for each specific period of time, discover and use some new part of the biological reserves of the human body . And sometimes it seems to him that this is the limit. In fact, the true limits of human capabilities in motor activity are far from being exhausted. Therefore, modern records are by no means absolute. This is the romance of searching and securing new discoveries in the work of a trainer.

From time to time, phenomena appear in sports that stun the whole world for a while with their fantastic results. questionable in the opportunity to compete with them on equal terms. Some world records lasted 20-25 years (J. Regulo, D. Owens). However, some time passes and they are replaced by other athletes who show even better results.

Modern trainers are still at the very beginning of the development of virgin soil, the name of which is human capabilities. And the greatness of a teacher’s work lies in the fact that he constantly seeks and finds new ways and methods of improving the physical and spiritual qualities of his students. The future belongs to the union of the coach and science.

A record, for example, is years of search, effort, asceticism, labor, concentration of energy not only of the personality of the teacher and his student, but also of their predecessors and contemporaries, athletes, coaches, and scientists. At the moment of establishing the highest achievement, the physical strength and moral beauty of a person are clearly manifested, in one instant his entire essence is revealed. This moment sums up his aspirations, gives a high assessment of his will, organization, crowns him with the glory of a winner and opens the way to further, more high achievements the athlete himself or his followers and rivals.

The task of a coach is to cultivate in an athlete the ability to always be “charged” to fight, to win over an opponent, over oneself, time, space and even age. In this complex and emotional struggle, a person cannot remain indifferent. The coach must remember that among the driving motives of an athlete’s behavior is not last place takes ambition. It contains the contradictory unity of the consciousness of one’s own superiority in the fight against the enemy, the ineradicable desire to win at any cost and the noble desire to wage this fight within the strict framework of the rules on an honest basis.

A teacher must constantly teach his students to control themselves. The restraining principle in the desire for limitless affirmation and isolation of one’s own personality (sometimes subconsciously opposing it to others) is decency, strength of character, will and self-control, which are also brought up by sports. Therefore, we can say that the forms of a person’s behavior in competitions reflect the degree of his education, composure, and therefore the degree of effectiveness of the teacher’s educational activities in the broad sense of the word.

The whole world knows the outstanding teaching skills of one of the country's leading trainers V.I. Alekseev, who trained dozens of international class masters in various types athletics. Among his students are champions and record holders of the country, Europe, the world, and the Olympic Games in jumping, javelin throwing, shot put, men and women.

Any personality always carries within itself the makings of uniqueness, originality and, in a certain sense of the word, exclusivity. But in order for her individuality to manifest itself, the teacher must create certain conditions for his pupil.

Sport is an area of ​​interesting and intense creativity among scientists, coaches and athletes themselves. Creativity is aimed at creating new techniques, tactics, and training methods.

In the “athlete - coach - science” system, long before the appearance of a record, certain results are planned, a dynamic model of the future record is “constructed” in advance, the time characteristics of the movement of results are determined, etc. During classes physical training the coach acts not only as a teacher, but also as a mathematician and psychologist, an architect and builder of the future of higher education sporting achievement. Inexhaustible creativity allows us to constantly improve sport in all its manifestations: develop original techniques for performing exercises, new designs of equipment, new methods sports training and wrestling tactics.

This is how the world-famous to the sports world Leningrad bar and fiberglass pole, treadmill With artificial turf, plastic poles and skis, the “dolphin” swimming method and the “Fosbury flop” high jump, monofins, freestyle and much more.

A unique feature of sports is that in the process of training and, especially, competitions, a person manifests himself comprehensively, in the complex of all (or almost all) of his strengths and weaknesses. There are few types of activities in which a person would be in such stressful conditions or would solve in a matter of moments many highly complex and important at this moment tasks.

And the position of the coach is also unique. He has the opportunity to see his student in very difficult and responsible conditions, evaluate his behavior, identify his strengths and weak sides and find non-standard solutions, ways of influencing the athlete based on your idea of ​​the characteristics of his character and psyche.

This depends on the experience of the coach, the degree of his education, breadth of outlook, level and nature of knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, intuition and some other reasons.

It is known that the same person will look and act differently in different situations, just like different people in the same situation they can act far differently. And a coach is often more interested in knowing not what unites a given person with another, but what constitutes his individuality, exclusivity. At the same time, the decisive factor in assessing an athlete is not his attitude to sport, but to life in general, to work, activity, and people. His attitude, value orientations, ideals, sense of duty and responsibility for any business he does are also important.

Proper organization of the trainer’s work will save a lot of time and allow you to save more energy. He often has to start his working day very early and finish quite late, work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, often go on business trips.

In this regard, the first condition for the good organization of his work is drawing up a lesson plan during personal and work time and monitoring its implementation, which will streamline work and life, more or less realistically determine the time not only for work, but also for organizing one’s own life, personal life, for family.

It is advisable to think through and plan all educational and training work taking into account the need to hold calendar competitions, friendly and match meetings and other events. In addition, we must always keep in view issues related to material and financial support, timely purchase and repair of sports equipment and equipment, shoes, clothing, and sports uniforms.

The organization of a trainer’s work includes equipping his workplace, providing special literature, attending courses, seminars, and competitions.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that it will be more difficult for current first-year students after graduation than their predecessors to bring their students to the level of world achievements, since this level will be higher than now. But on the other hand, they will probably have more advanced instruments, more reliable methods, and deeper and more extensive knowledge. And in this sense, they will be richer than their predecessors and older comrades. They will have completely new views on human capabilities. And they will be able to convey these views to their students, convince them that all the records set before them are a thing of the past, and they must work for the future.

The activities of a sports coach-teacher differ significantly from the activities of a physical education teacher, primarily because it is aimed at identifying and developing athletic ability schoolchildren and youth, to predict their achievements in sports, the basis of which is the harmonious development and physical improvement of the individual.

A coach-teacher in a sport must perfectly noble b :

Principles, means and methods of the athlete training system;

The theory and methodology of teaching and training in the chosen sport, as well as the methodology of teaching the main types of physical exercises;

Features of the organization of sports work in the conditions of training camps and sports and recreation camps;

Sanitary and hygienic fundamentals of physical education sports activities, measures to prevent injuries during sports;

Design Features sports facility, rules of its operation, rules of use and preservation sports equipment and equipment.

The trainer-teacher must be able to:

Identify common and specific goals sports training, goals and objectives of a specific training session;

Apply modern training methods in the educational and training process, taking into account the age-sex, morphofunctional and individual psychological characteristics of students and their level of physical fitness;

Determine and evaluate the physical development and physique features of students for the purpose of their sports orientation;

Adjust your own activities depending on the results of monitoring the activities of those involved;

Know the methods of sports and pedagogical control using modern metrological equipment, as well as techniques to ensure safety in the classroom and methods of providing first aid;

Organize competitions and take part in them as a judge, team representative;

To instill in students the skills of independent preparation for sports activities;

Conduct career guidance work among students, prepare sports assets capable of assisting in organizing the educational and training process and competitions.

The operating conditions of a youth sports school coach are significantly different from the conditions in which physical education teachers and lecturers work at school. physical education in vocational schools, colleges and universities.

TO specific features The activities of a youth sports school coach include:

1) voluntary choice and attendance of classes by those involved. The voluntary nature of classes at the Youth Sports School significantly influences the nature of the relationship between the students and the coach. Dissatisfaction with these relationships can cause a promising athlete to leave the youth sports school. Only good contact with the coach, trust and respect for him, a sense of responsibility to the coach and the team can keep students from taking such a step;

2) special conditions for communication during training, outside of class, during a training camp, and during competitions. The coach requires great tact towards each student. The behavior and performance results of young athletes largely depend on his behavior;

3) the need to constantly maintain a high level of one’s physical capabilities and technical skills. The physical capabilities of the trainer imply his state of health and ability to perform exercises together with the trainees. Technical skill refers to the ability to perform an exercise technically correctly. Level physical capabilities And technical skill significantly affects the performance of the exercise and, naturally, the authority of the trainer;

4) educational work with students. A coach working with children manages the pedagogical process not only during educational and training sessions - his educational activities continue outside the Youth Sports School. He is a mentor to his students during a very important period of competition for them; has a huge impact on their lifestyle, choices life path, tries to find out all the details of the lives of young athletes; monitors the state of their fitness, organizes a rational regime of exercise and rest;

5) the specifics of a children's sports team. Such a team differs from a regular school team in the complexity of its structure and management. Members of a sports team, as a rule, are simultaneously members of different teams at the place of study. Often their association in a given sports team is of a short-term nature (national team, training camp, etc.). The need to coordinate the influence of two teams (a secondary school and a youth sports school), the inconstancy of the composition of a sports team create great difficulties in the work of a coach;

6) the need to instill in those involved a sustainable interest in practicing their chosen sport. A coach working with novice athletes must constantly remember that they are not yet convinced of the correct choice of sport, and that in the process of monotonous and tedious training they may lose interest in classes. Therefore, the coach of the Youth Sports School must constantly take care of cultivating a sustainable interest in practicing the chosen sport - in order to avoid the departure of capable athletes from the Youth Sports School.

The work of a trainer is difficult to regulate. In addition to the general pedagogical functions - educational and training, educational, organizational, psychological (gnostic), etc. - the coach also performs specific functions - refereeing, seconds, logistics, research, etc. (for more information about the functions of the coach, see book by A. Ya. Korkh “Trainer: activity and personality”).

The pedagogical activity of the coach of club and national teams has particular specificity. The differences in the work of a coach at a youth sports school, sports school and sports school and a coach working with high-class athletes are very significant and are as follows.

Learning function, characteristic of a trainer who works at the stage initial training with children, is not typical for a coach of a national team of a club, city, or republic, who manages already trained athletes. The adjustments made by the coach to the technique and tactics of their preparation can be characterized as expert advisory function.

Educational function team coaching is more aimed at creating a favorable psychological climate and team unity than at establishing basic norms of behavior and forming motives for playing sports - the latter is typical for coaches of children's and youth sports schools.

Success Indicators pedagogical activity coaches working with highly qualified athletes are:

1) stability of sports results of the team and individual athletes;

2) compliance by all team members with the norms of public morality and sports ethics;

3) creation of conditions in the sports team for further progression in sports without compromising the comprehensive development of the athlete’s personality.

The emergence of conflict situations in a team, partial or complete rejection by athletes of the coach’s demands can be considered as indicators of a low level of educational work and an unfavorable psychological climate in the sports team.

The activity of a trainer is currently one of the most difficult among teaching specialties. There are many reasons for this. Students who intend to become coaches after graduating from a physical education university need to know these reasons, know the problems that await them in their future professional activities, and be ready to overcome them.

One of the main reasons is the highest level of achievements in modern sports, the complexity and difficulty of training high-class athletes - masters of sports, champions and record holders at various levels, from regions, cities to European and world championships, and the Olympic Games.

In this case, we are not talking about recreational sports in factories, enterprises, institutions, and general educational institutions (schools, universities), but about the so-called elite, Olympic, professional sports.

The main goal of this sport is to reveal the biological reserves of the body, its adaptive capabilities at maximum or subliminal levels. In this sense, sport is a gigantic laboratory that allows one to reveal the potential reserves of people’s physical, moral and volitional abilities. And in this regard, great results have been achieved. Suffice it to say that almost all the records of the first Olympic Games (1896) fit into the standards of the modern III sports category.

Almost every year, sports techniques, methods of performing motor actions, methods of teaching and training are improved, methods of developing physical abilities and their combinations become more specific and targeted. Methods for monitoring physical development processes are being improved. In a number of cases, the information that a student of a physical education university received in the 1st or 2nd year becomes significantly outdated by the time the young specialist begins his sports teaching activity.

In other words, one must have a reliable theoretical and methodological base in order to be able to quickly replenish and deepen it with new knowledge in the process of professional activity.

Another reason that creates problems in coaching is the presence of “competitors” in the sports training activities of athletes.

In fact, training is carried out daily (sometimes up to 2 times a day for several hours in a row). A lot of time is also spent traveling to training. All this together creates a great physical, mental, and emotional burden. Due to such busyness, there is little time left for reading literature, education, cultural events, personal life and everyday life.

At the same time, athletes often think: “What is all this for? Who needs it?”

Indeed, it is much easier and without much expenditure of physical strength and intellectual abilities to go to a bar, to a disco, to dance, to chat with friends, to sit in front of the TV, or to lie on the sofa. Finally, simply engage in physical exercise in the form of sports games, running, gymnastics for your own pleasure, without limiting yourself to a certain type, form of organization of activities and their duration, instead of “pulling the burden” of training and competitions for months or years.

The tasks of the coach are to form motives and incentives in young people for selfless, largely pedantic sports activities, to cultivate the need for it, although this is also associated with some elements of asceticism in everyday life and in life.

The duty of a coach is to reveal the romance of sport, the ascent to its heights, the inextinguishable thirst for self-improvement, the delightful “taste” of victory, the prospects of visiting different cities and countries. Not least important is the material side of the matter: provision of sports shoes and clothing, high-class inventory and equipment, scholarships and salaries, prizes and bonuses.

Therefore, it is very important for a coach to instill in athletes the will, perseverance, and ability to “endure” at a distance, on the mat, ring, and court.

Currently, hiring and determining the salary of a trainer are usually carried out on a contract and competitive basis. Consequently, regardless of a higher education diploma, the best place and higher salaries will be given to those applicants who actually, and not in words, know more and are better able. The basis for this is studying at a university and constant, everyday self-education, improving the methods of the educational and training process.

A sports coach can work in youth sports schools, Olympic reserve schools, in national teams of sports societies, national teams of cities, republics, national teams of Russia, as well as abroad.

Sports are controversial. It not only shapes the noble traits of a person, but also creates “idols”; it fosters a sense of duty, but can strike a person with extreme selfishness. Ambition leads an athlete either to the pinnacle of glory and contributes to the manifestation of his best moral and volitional qualities, or destroys the human personality, developing to the point of vice. And yet, basically, sport is a life filled with struggle and the joy of victory, an affirmation of human dignity, a form of manifestation of moral and physical beauty.

A record holder or champion of a country, Europe, or the world is not a unique person, not a superman or an ordinary person, whose only wealth is the outstanding physical abilities bestowed upon him by nature. This is a pioneer, formed in the process of joint creativity between the coach and himself, from “tomorrow”, who opens a new path or takes a new step towards unknown, mysterious and inexhaustible biological reserves, towards the disclosure of human capabilities in motor activity.

The highest complexity of a teacher’s activity, which requires the manifestation of all his abilities, lies in the ability to reveal and overcome the contradictions of the educational process in the broad sense of the word.

Let's take an example from another field of activity. It happens that a pilot at the age of 35-38 is suspended from flying. One can imagine with what feeling a healthy, strong, experienced pilot, in love with flying, essentially still a very young man, looks at the sky, listening to the roar of the engines, knowing that he will no longer be allowed to fly.

This happens often in sports. A strong and still very young by human standards man thirsting for victory is not able to compete with the younger rivals who have replaced him. He is no longer included in the team in which he played for many years, he is an “old man”. In many sports, an athlete becomes an “old man” long before the age of thirty. Newspapers no longer write about him, don’t talk about him on the radio, don’t show him on TV, fans don’t applaud or bring flowers. And his economic situation, if he has not accumulated money and property, immediately deteriorates sharply. Such blows are of course difficult to withstand. And if an athlete has not prepared materially and psychologically for this long before the end of his sports career, everything can result in severe, dramatic consequences. How to help him overcome this severe psychological trauma.

And here the most effective help can be provided by a coach - mentor and friend. As he accumulates life and professional experience, deepens and expands his specialized knowledge, and constantly communicates in the field of his profession, the coach constantly climbs the steps of his professional skill and reaches the level where he can train his students at the absolute level for each specific period of time. records, discover and use some new part of the biological reserves of the human body. And sometimes it seems to him that this is the limit. In fact, the true limits of human capabilities in motor activity are far from being exhausted. Therefore, modern records are by no means absolute. This is the romance of searching and securing new discoveries in the work of a trainer.

From time to time, phenomena appear in sports that stun the whole world for a while with their fantastic results and raise doubts about the possibility of competing with them on equal terms. Some world records lasted 20-25 years (J. Regulo, D. Owens). However, some time passes and they are replaced by other athletes who show even better results.

Modern trainers are still at the very beginning of the development of virgin soil, the name of which is human capabilities. And the greatness of a teacher’s work lies in the fact that he constantly seeks and finds new ways and methods of improving the physical and spiritual qualities of his students. The future belongs to the union of the coach and science.

A record, for example, is years of search, effort, asceticism, labor, concentration of energy not only of the personality of the teacher and his student, but also of their predecessors and contemporaries, athletes, coaches, and scientists. At the moment of establishing the highest achievement, the physical strength and moral beauty of a person are clearly manifested, in one instant his entire essence is revealed. This moment sums up his aspirations, gives a high assessment of his will, organization, crowns him with the glory of a winner and opens the way to further, higher achievements of the athlete himself or his followers and rivals.

The task of a coach is to cultivate in an athlete the ability to always be “charged” to fight, to win over an opponent, over oneself, time, space and even age. In this complex and emotional struggle, a person cannot remain indifferent. The coach must remember that among the driving motives of an athlete’s behavior, ambition is not the least important. It contains the contradictory unity of the consciousness of one’s own superiority in the fight against the enemy, the ineradicable desire to win at any cost and the noble desire to wage this fight within the strict framework of the rules on an honest basis.

A teacher must constantly teach his students to control themselves. The restraining principle in the desire for limitless affirmation and isolation of one’s own personality (sometimes subconsciously opposing it to others) is decency, strength of character, will and self-control, which are also brought up by sports. Therefore, we can say that the forms of a person’s behavior in competitions reflect the degree of his education, composure, and therefore the degree of effectiveness of the teacher’s educational activities in the broad sense of the word.

The whole world knows the outstanding teaching skills of one of the country's leading trainers V.I. Alekseev, who trained dozens of international-class masters in various types of athletics. Among his students are champions and record holders of the country, Europe, the world, and the Olympic Games in jumping, javelin throwing, shot put, men and women.

Any personality always carries within itself the makings of uniqueness, originality and, in a certain sense of the word, exclusivity. But in order for her individuality to manifest itself, the teacher must create certain conditions for his pupil.

Sport is an area of ​​interesting and intense creativity among scientists, coaches and athletes themselves. Creativity is aimed at creating new techniques, tactics, and training methods.

In the “athlete - coach - science” system, long before the appearance of a record, certain results are planned, a dynamic model of the future record is “constructed” in advance, the time characteristics of the movement of results are determined, etc. In the process of physical training, the coach acts not only as a teacher, but also as a mathematician and psychologist, an architect and builder of the future highest sports achievement. Inexhaustible creativity allows us to constantly improve sport in all its manifestations: to develop original techniques for performing exercises, new designs of equipment, new methods of sports training and wrestling tactics.

This is how the Leningrad barbell and fiberglass pole, known throughout the sports world, a running track with artificial turf, plastic poles and skis, the “dolphin” swimming method and the “Fosbury flop” high jump, monofins, freestyle and much more, were created.

A unique feature of sports is that in the process of training and, especially, competitions, a person manifests himself comprehensively, in the complex of all (or almost all) of his strengths and weaknesses. There are few types of activities in which a person would be in such stressful conditions or would solve many highly complex and important tasks for a given moment in a matter of moments.

And the position of the coach is also unique. He has the opportunity to see his student in very difficult and responsible conditions, evaluate his behavior, identify his strengths and weaknesses and find non-standard solutions, ways of influencing the athlete based on his idea of ​​the characteristics of his character and psyche.

This depends on the experience of the coach, the degree of his education, breadth of outlook, level and nature of knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, intuition and some other reasons.

It is known that the same person will look and act differently in different situations, just as different people in the same situation may act far from the same. And a coach is often more interested in knowing not what unites a given person with another, but what constitutes his individuality, exclusivity. At the same time, the decisive factor in assessing an athlete is not his attitude to sport, but to life in general, to work, activity, and people. His attitude, value orientations, ideals, sense of duty and responsibility for any business he does are also important.

Proper organization of the trainer’s work will save a lot of time and allow you to save more energy. He often has to start his working day very early and finish quite late, work on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and often go on business trips.

In this regard, the first condition for the good organization of his work is drawing up a lesson plan during personal and work time and monitoring its implementation, which will streamline work and life, more or less realistically determine the time not only for work, but also for organizing one’s own life, personal life, for family.

It is advisable to think through and plan all educational and training work taking into account the need to hold calendar competitions, friendly and match meetings and other events. In addition, we must always keep in view issues related to material and financial support, timely purchase and repair of sports equipment and equipment, shoes, clothing, and sports uniforms.

The organization of a trainer’s work includes equipping his workplace, providing special literature, attending courses, seminars, and competitions.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that it will be more difficult for current first-year students after graduation than their predecessors to bring their students to the level of world achievements, since this level will be higher than now. But on the other hand, they will probably have more advanced instruments, more reliable methods, and deeper and more extensive knowledge. And in this sense, they will be richer than their predecessors and older comrades. They will have completely new views on human capabilities. And they will be able to convey these views to their students, convince them that all the records set before them are a thing of the past, and they must work for the future.

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