Hunger 3 days on the water results. The way out of fasting: the right menu. The benefits of a three-week fast


ONE-DAY FASTING (24 hours)
It is best to fast during a full or new moon. A person feels most at ease during the full moon week; the worst time to start fasting is during a bad month (when the moon is waning).
The day before fasting It is advisable not to eat animal food (meat, fish, eggs, as well as cottage cheese and cheese) and especially not to overeat (it is recommended to drink 1 - 2 glasses of kefir in the evening). It happens that before fasting, some people think that they can eat more, because the next day with fasting everything will go away. However, the next day the body adjusts to the volume and composition of food that was eaten the previous day; this is a kind of adaptive reaction. Therefore, if you eat very heavily the day before fasting, then fasting will be very difficult.
They eat nothing a day and drink only water. It is better to use raw, purified or settled, very well thawed, or distilled. The water should be room temperature or warm (not cold). Drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of water. It is better to drink water in small portions - literally a few sips. It is worth limiting its consumption only in case of edema of any origin.
In the evening, on the eve of fasting, and on the day of fasting, you need to give an enema. It is better not to do an enema more than a liter. It is also recommended to do an enema if you get a headache during fasting.
You can't brush your teeth while fasting (so that the enamel does not come off)
The tongue needs to be cleaned daily. During fasting, the body often gets cold, so you need to dress warmer.
Heavily slagged people may experience very unpleasant sensations during their first attempts at fasting. The body, taking the opportunity to free itself from toxins, releases a lot of toxins into the blood at once. Weakness, severe headaches, and palpitations may appear. If palpitations or headaches are very severe (or also when the kidneys cannot cope with the flow of waste), it is permissible to drink half a glass of water with a quarter teaspoon of honey dissolved in it. The release of waste will slow down somewhat.
Exit from fasting.
In order to extend the cleansing for another whole day and get the greatest effect from fasting, this solution is recommended.
Before lunch, drink fruit or vegetable juice. It is better to use juices without sugar, without pulp.
The best juice is tomato, you can use apple, pear, cherry, plum, as well as vegetable juices (cabbage, cucumber, beetroot, pumpkin).
You can’t get out of hunger on orange juices (orange, tangerine, mango, carrot). If there are no juices, you can break the fast with unsalted potato broth (cool and strain the broth before use).
1st dose - 50 g of juice + 150 g of raw water.
2nd dose (after half an hour) - 100 g of juice + 100 g of water.
3rd dose (in an hour) - 150 g of juice + 50 g of water.
4th dose (after an hour) and further - pure juice, without adding water.
You can drink water between juice sessions. You can take different juices at each meal. Stop drinking juices an hour before lunch.
Lunch: raw or boiled pureed vegetables, any except carrots - cabbage, beets, raw potatoes, without salt and sugar (approximately 300 - 500 g).
Dinner: any porridge with water without salt and sugar, you can add a little vegetable oil or butter.
The next day you can eat everything except orange foods, meat, fish, eggs, pickles, and spicy foods. There is a rule: you cannot eat these types of food for as many days as you were starving, plus as long as you came out of starvation.
Short fasts 1 - 3 days are also called cosmetic. Indeed, this is not a major restructuring and cleansing of the body, but, so to speak, a cosmetic renovation. Some waste is removed and work is restored immune system, get a break digestive organs, tone increases nervous system, energy channels are cleaned.
The external cosmetic effect is also very noticeable - pimples, abscesses, and pustules disappear.

A three-day fast is carried out after you have had the opportunity to practice one-day fasting several times.
On the eve of fasting, it is recommended to do an enema; subsequently, enemas are given every day (evening) until the start of the fast.
On the day before fasting, it is advisable to have a light breakfast and eat raw vegetables for lunch, which in themselves are a good cleanser for the intestines. For dinner it is better not to eat anything, or drink 1 - 2 glasses of kefir or yogurt.
On the second day of fasting, you may feel the urge to vomit (especially in the afternoon, as acid is released). In this case, drink 1 - 2 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Vomiting (once a day) can be induced during the subsequent days of fasting. If there is no urge to vomit, there is no need to specifically induce it.
Drink water without restrictions, and if there is no swelling, then the more, the better. On average, drink 1 to 3 liters of water. But if you don’t really want to drink, then, of course, you shouldn’t force yourself.
Breaking a three-day fast.
Taking juice on the first day:
1st - 50 g juice + 150 g raw water.
2nd (after half an hour) - 100 g juice + 100 g water
3rd (in an hour) - 150 g of juice + 50 g of water.
4th (in an hour) and further - pure juice, without adding water.
You can drink 2 - 3 liters of juice per day. Calculate so that the juice drunk per day contains no more than 2200 kcal. (Tomato juice contains 17 kcal per 100 g, apple juice with sugar - 200 - 300 kcal per 100 g).
You can drink water between juice sessions.
Second day
Drink juices before lunch. Lunch and dinner are the same as when leaving a one-day fast.
Third and fourth days
A gentle diet excluding animal foods, confectionery, orange vegetables and fruits, limiting fat and salt.
Fifth and sixth
Predominantly fruit and vegetable diet with the exception of animal foods and confectionery products.
A three-day fast cures all colds, bronchitis and many other diseases (except chronic ones). The functions of the liver, stomach and intestines are significantly restored. The body removes a lot of poisons and gains new strength.
It is recommended to fast every month for three days and another one or two times for one day. This regime ensures the removal of almost all newly received and formed toxins and promotes a gradual, more complete cleansing of the body.

This fast usually lasts 7-10 days. In people who are often hungry, the crisis sometimes occurs on the 5th-6th day and even earlier, in heavily slagged people - on the 10th-12th. The faster the crisis occurs and the more distinct it is, the more effective fasting will be.
Entering fasting
is similar to entering a three-day fast (before a seven-day fast, it is recommended not to eat animal food or overeat for a week). In the evening before fasting and on fasting days, give enemas. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
It is recommended to move more (walk for at least 3 - 4 hours), it is better if fresh air, outdoors, in the forest, by the sea. Can be done physical work(however, heavy lifting is not recommended). It has been noted that if you spend the whole day at home on hunger, your health worsens, weakness and chilliness increase. On the contrary, after walking or working in the fresh air, although physical fatigue may be felt, the mood and well-being are usually good, the person is cheerful and cheerful. It is advisable to shower daily (preferably twice a day). It is very good to swim during fasting, especially in summer in natural reservoirs. It is also recommended to stay in the sun more, exposing your body to the sun's rays.
Starvation continues until the crisis occurs.
After a crisis (it often happens at night), the mood noticeably improves. There may be physical fatigue, but still the person feels obvious relief. A reliable criterion for determining the onset of a crisis is the cessation of rapid weight loss. In order to determine the onset of a crisis, you need to weigh yourself every morning after emptying your bladder. When daily weight loss decreases sharply (for example, it was 600, 700, 500 grams and suddenly - 150 grams), the crisis has arrived. The next morning, or after waiting another day or two, you can start leaving.
When a crisis occurs, the body switches to internal nutrition. The body begins to eat body fat, diseased tissue, malignant and other tumors, sutures, adhesions, creates new healthy tissue.
Breaking out of fasting
First day
Drink diluted juice (half and half with water) all day. They start with 50 - 100 g, then every hour and a half they drink 100 - 150 g of the mixture. For lunch, you can increase the dose to 200 g. Drink in small sips, with pleasure, savoring each serving for a long time.
Second day
In the morning, drink juice with water, then drink pure juice.
The third day
Drink juices all day.
Fourth day
Drink juice before lunch. For lunch there are grated vegetables. For dinner - porridge, no salt or butter. Fifth day
Normal diet, exclude animal foods, orange fruits, confectionery and limit fats.
For a week after fasting, refrain from meat, fish, eggs, limit cottage cheese, cheese, salty and sweet foods.

Prolonged fasting is a very serious matter, therefore, in order to avoid any unwanted consequences, it is best to adhere to the rules for breaking fasting.
Notes 1. When going out, it is very important not to overeat. The way out of hunger is a kind of disease, a restructuring of all systems from internal to external nutrition. There is no need to eat more than the body wants (“mental appetite” after a long period of abstinence has nothing to do with the true, rather modest demands of the body).
2. Chew food thoroughly. Vegetables and fruits are ground for this purpose so that they turn into mush in the mouth.
3. If raw vegetables cause pain, boil them or replace them with liquid oatmeal.

This fasting does not yet cure serious illnesses, but its results are very noticeable. Joints are cleansed, flexibility appears, headaches go away, and sleep is restored. Heart function improves significantly, allergies decrease and often disappear. Many skin diseases, neurodermatitis and neuralgia disappear. Lightness of the body and clarity of thought appear. Energy is renewed, strength increases.

It depends on your age and health status. In general, you can fast from about six months of age until old age, and the older a person is, the more he needs periodic abstinence from food.
Healthy people under 40 years old are recommended to fast until a crisis once a year, from 40 to 50 years old - twice a year, from 50 to 65 years old - three times a year and over 65 years old - 4 times a year.

A sufficient amount of fluid is one of the most important conditions in the fight against extra pounds. Add one water fasting day to your weekly schedule to activate your metabolism and kickstart your weight loss process.

Twenty-four hours on water alone, without food, can solve the problem excess weight much faster and cheaper than “magic” pills of dubious quality and origin. By the way, research has proven that after a short period of fasting, the cells of the human body are renewed.

Therefore, everyone who deliberately limits themselves to food looks younger, slimmer and lives long. A cleansing program can do more harm to the body than good.

Therefore, if you are “unloading” for the first time, be sure to visit specialists to rule out diseases in which refusing to eat even for one meal is impossible and dangerous.

This is diabetes mellitus, any stomach problems, it doesn’t matter gastritis or ulcers.

Unloading rules

To decide whether you need unloading, answer yourself just one question honestly. Do you have excess weight that you need to get rid of? If your answer is yes, then this day will not interfere with you.

So, the basic rules for unloading:

How to spend a fasting day on the water

  1. It is better to start fasting in the evening, so dinner should be light, and after that you should abstain from food for 24 hours and drink clean, still water;
  2. If you really want to lose weight, you need to drink one glass of clean water every 2 hours;
  3. If you feel that weakness does not go away, just add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of warm water. This is completely acceptable;

Various options for fasting days on the water

The main drink for any option is purified water. Calculate the amount of liquid required based on what you have in your this moment weight. On average, you need to drink at least 40 ml per kilogram of your weight. Drink liquid in small doses throughout the day.

What to consider on a fasting day on the water

Drink water throughout the day. A sufficient amount of it - the most important condition for natural cleansing of the body. But not all water is suitable for fasting day. To cleanse the body you need to drink only healthy and the right water.

The one that flows from the tap is out of the question. A bottled product, as a rule, is purified not only of bacteria, but also of important compounds - such liquid only washes away beneficial microelements from the body. Water passed through a stationary carbon filter is best suited.

What to consider on a fasting day on mineral water

There are no bad substances in mineral water, you just need to use table water on a fasting day, and not medicinal water, which contains salts that are ultimately beneficial to health, but not on this day.

Therefore, buying mineral water, study the mineralization level on the label. If the indicator is less than one gram, then the water is from the table category, and you can drink it during unloading.

What to consider on a fasting day on water with honey

What to consider on a fasting day with water and lemon juice

The most common option is mixing water with juice squeezed from lemon.

But before you start drinking this water, consult your doctor: gastritis and stomach ulcers are strict contraindications.

Start drinking water by adding 1 lemon per 1 liter of liquid. Or simply add a lemon wedge or a few drops of juice to a glass of warm water. Drink in small sips. This drink flushes out toxins and waste from the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up metabolism.

What you need to consider on a fasting day with water and green tea

Green tea contains minerals and complex organic compounds that are essential to the human body. When losing weight, this product is almost indispensable. Experts recommend drinking a glass of freshly brewed tea every 2 hours plus two liters of clean water throughout the day.

How often can you have fasting days on the water?

“Unload” for your health, but not more than once or twice a week. If you abuse it, you will easily end up with the same problems that arise with strict food restrictions.

It’s very good to “unload” after your weekend by choosing the first day of the week for this. During this period, give up food and focus on regular still water, which you can drink up to three liters.


It is not advisable for patients diagnosed with diabetes to spend fasting days, and it is also not recommended to refuse food after serious illnesses or for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Fasting day on water for weight loss: how much can you lose?

We are all afraid of the phrase “hungry day”, but we are not afraid of numerous strict diets. But unloading with clean water once a week is the most effective method, in order to get rid of extra pounds and start the weight loss process.

So, depending on your initial weight, you can easily “lose” 1 kilogram. But know that you won’t be able to lose weight if you go on a fasting day on Mondays and don’t deny yourself anything on the rest of the week. A fasting day will help if you change your entire nutrition system.

One of the priorities of people today is taking care of their own health. They are constantly looking for effective methods that can help them improve their well-being several times over and forget about any illnesses for a long time. Fasting, lasting 3 days, is a method that is very popular among adherents healthy image life, since it allows you to eliminate sludge from the body and lose several kilograms.

Benefits of fasting from food

What is a three-day fast and what is its effectiveness? To get rid of accumulated toxins and excess weight, you can refuse food for 3 days, drinking only water. Women often resort to this method when they feel that they are losing shape. If a 3-day fast on water was carried out according to all the rules, during the first month favorable changes in well-being will be observed.

A diet that involves abstaining from food for several days has a complex effect on the body. It contributes to:

  • the functioning of the pituitary gland is improved;
  • Metabolic products are effectively removed;
  • the immune system is strengthened, which makes the course of the existing pathology easier or disappears completely;
  • the intestinal microflora is renewed;
  • vitality increases.

Most doctors try to dissuade their patients from fasting on water, because such a diet, the benefits and harms of which are constantly discussed, is quite radical method in the fight against slagging. However, adherents of alternative medicine are confident that three-day food abstinence helps to naturally rejuvenate the body. The main thing is to be consistent and adhere to certain recommendations.

How to prepare?

Before practicing a three-day fast, you need to master one-day food refusal. For 2-3 months, you should take a break from eating once a week. If the results were positive, you can switch to a longer diet, which is enough to do once a month. There is no need to cancel weekly fasting.

A person who wants to get healthier should know how to fast properly, especially if the technique is used for the first time:

  1. Some recommend starting fasting treatment with a cleansing enema or using a laxative. However, not everyone is allowed to undergo such a procedure. As for drugs with a laxative effect, their use may not be advisable, especially when nutrition was properly organized and one-day fasting was arranged.
  2. The day before the start of the diet is the time when only food of plant origin and low-fat fermented milk products should be present on the table.
  3. If you plan to fast for three days, it is advisable last time eat in the evening. This way, it will be easier to return to your usual rhythm.

Before carrying out a 3-day diet that includes only liquid intake, you need to make sure that the body can normally withstand such a test. Therefore, one-day fasting cannot be avoided.


Beginners should be especially careful when undertaking therapeutic fasting. You should highlight the days most suitable for the diet. As experts advise, you can be at work on the first day, but then it’s better to stay at home. As you get used to it, you will be able to stick to the diet more easily without interrupting your work process.

There is a scheme according to which fasting can initially be water, and then dry. For example:

  • drinking water is allowed on the first and third days;
  • the first day is water fasting, followed by a two-day dry fast;
  • in the first 2 days you cannot eat food and contact with water is not allowed, but on the third day liquid is introduced into the diet.

Important information: three-day dry fasting is beneficial for the body, just like water fasting. The main thing is to take into account contraindications and consult a doctor first.

To get from a water diet desired result, it is necessary to drink fluid in sufficient quantities. Distilled, melted or simply boiled water is suitable. Mineral water can also be used, but due to the content of sodium, potassium and magnesium salts, it is better to dilute it with plain water (1:2). If possible, you can drink well or spring water.


Nothing should be added to the water, otherwise the body’s reaction will be extremely negative.

The recommended volume of liquid is at least 2 liters, and you should drink a glass of water every hour. This is the only way a diet will bring maximum effect. Thanks to the intake of fluid, toxins are actively removed from the body, so if it is not enough, it will not be possible to get rid of slagging.

How to break fasting correctly?

In the process of applying any therapeutic technique, it is important to follow the established rules, otherwise the body may suffer greatly. A three-day water fast is no exception. You need to know not only how to prepare for it, but also how to get out of it. It will take 6 days to return to your normal diet. This is the period when protein foods are temporarily prohibited.

The way out of a 3-day fast includes the following:

  1. With the onset of day 4, preference should be given to juices. At first they need to be diluted, and in the evening you can drink them undiluted. You should drink a glass of liquid at a time.
  2. On day 2, you are allowed to cook buckwheat or oatmeal in water in the afternoon. The porridge is supplemented with boiled fruits and vegetables.
  3. In the following days, you will need to gradually switch to food that is usually on the table.

Some already eat carrot and cabbage salad on the first day. Thanks to such a dish, it is possible to get rid of the toxins remaining in the intestines. Sometimes breaking a three-day fast is accomplished with the help of fermented milk products (on the first day) and cottage cheese (on the second). The choice of option depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Fasting results

The benefits of a 3-day abstinence from food have been repeatedly proven in practice. Thanks to a regular diet, significant changes are observed:

  • the immune system becomes stronger;
  • the body rejuvenates;
  • intestinal microflora improves;
  • skin looks fresh and healthy;
  • manages to overcome harmful addictions.

Research conducted by scientists has confirmed that abstinence from food, even for 72 hours, helps to renew the blood and completely restore the immune system.

How dangerous is fasting?

Fasting must be treated with maximum responsibility. Long-term diets are allowed for healthy people, but for those who have certain diseases, it is better to limit themselves to one-day food refusals. In addition, it is advisable to undergo treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

What can happen to a diet consisting only of water?

  1. Due to a decrease in protein reserves, the development of muscular dystrophy. Protein breakdown occurs on the second day.
  2. When the period allotted for the diet ends, appetite increases, especially if the exit from fasting was carried out with violations. Appetite is controlled by the hormone leptin, the production of which stops during prolonged abstinence from food.
  3. During fasting, glucose deficiency occurs, which causes a lack of insulin. Thus, incomplete oxidation of fat occurs. Therefore, the smell of acetone is felt from the mouth, which indicates intoxication.

Over the course of 3 days, manifestations of a negative nature are possible, which you do not need to be afraid of. A person may encounter:

  • irritability;
  • worsening mood;
  • sleep disorders;
  • sudden loss of 1-2 kg of body weight.

To cope with discomfort, you should go outside and rest more often. Lungs are useful physical exercise. You should be prepared for the fact that at first it will be difficult to force yourself to move, but later the body will get used to the load. If apathy and depression do not disappear, it is better to stop fasting. The diet should not cause excessive discomfort.

Everyone has probably heard that a person, depending on age, consists of 55-90% water. When dehydration occurs, the structure of fluids - blood, lymph and others - is disrupted. They become more viscous and transport essential substances worse.

There is a risk of blood clots, salt deposits, and the appearance of various toxins. After all, water is a universal solvent, and without it it is difficult for the body to remove toxins.

Unfortunately, most people do not have the habit of drinking water regularly. At best, we drink one or two cups of tea or juice, or even harmful sweet soda. And for the normal operation of all systems, ordinary water is needed in sufficient quantities.

It is on the intake of large amounts of water that any water diet is based.

Water diet for 1-3 days: water fasting

This good way improve the health of the body, mobilize its hidden reserves, activate the immune system and metabolism. All this takes place if water fasting is carried out correctly.


Two weeks before the expected water fast, you need to qualitatively change your diet. Exclude:

  • fried, smoked, salted, pickled, semi-finished and canned foods;
  • any products with preservatives, flavors and other chemicals;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, coffee;
  • sugar and sugar-containing products, synthetic sugar substitutes (honey and stevia are fine);
  • yeast products and baked goods made from fine flour (yeast-free bread made from whole grains is allowed);
  • salt (if it’s really hard to live without salt, then at least replace regular salt with sea salt and significantly reduce its use, it’s better to add more herbs, black pepper, and other seasonings);
  • alcohol and cigarettes.

Eat healthy, fresh, natural food, be sure to include plenty of raw vegetables, fruits and greens. Walk a lot, move, visit the steam room and do exercises (or go to the gym).

A week before the water fast, eliminate meat and stop taking any medications. Continue walking, going to the bathhouse, and doing light exercises.

In the evening, before starting a water fast, do a cleansing enema. If the intestines are dirty, you will experience weakness, nausea, there may be rashes and other negative reactions - signs of poisoning of the body with toxins from the intestines.

Direct water fasting

For 1-3 days, do not drink anything other than pure non-carbonated water (spring water is best, but can be magnetized, charged, protium, melted, silicon).

The amount of water per day is calculated as follows: 40 ml per kilogram of body weight. Let’s say if you weigh 70 kg, then you need to drink 2.8 liters per day. Divide this volume into small portions and drink regularly.

Do not drink more than a glass at a time, so as not to stretch your stomach and cause discomfort. The water should be at room temperature.

Try to drink more in the first half of the day, and gradually reduce the volume in the evening so as not to burden your kidneys at night and to avoid swelling in the morning.

On these days, continue to walk, but exclude physical and mental stress. Listen to classical, calm music, be in nature, take baths, relax as much as possible and tune in to a positive result.

Imagine how clean water penetrates every cell of your body, dissolving and washing away everything dirty, unnecessary, and sick. Visualization and self-tuning are very important helpers in any endeavor, and the water diet for weight loss is no exception.

Exit from the water diet-hunger

This is the gradual accustoming of the body to proper nutrition. After cleansing with water, your body will become sensitive to harmful foods, so avoid everything listed in the “Preparation” section.

Your first meal could be like this:

  • half a glass of kefir;
  • a few tablespoons of well-cooked rice without salt and sugar;
  • dried fruit compote without sugar.

Important: we drink liquids either before eating or an hour after, otherwise the gastric juice is diluted and digestion becomes difficult, fermentation processes occur, and toxins are deposited. This rule, by the way, is relevant for absolutely everyone, even if a person is not on any diet.

Results: -3-4 kg in 3 days, and with the preparatory period and exit - up to -15 kg of excess weight lost (if your weight does not exceed the norm by as much as 15 kg, then the losses will be less). In addition to losing weight, you will feel a surge of strength, energy, and inspiration. And you won’t want to go back to your old, unhealthy diet.

Water diet for 7-14 days

This program already provides for the consumption of dietary foods (as in the preparatory stage of the previous version). At the same time, we continue to drink the amount of water calculated using the same formula.

Before this weight loss program, you also need to carry out preparation, but less lengthy than in the previous case: a few days without the harm listed above are enough.

The water diet menu should include:

  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • boiled, stewed, raw vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • flaxseed, olive, sunflower, nut and other oils;
  • sprouted wheat grains or beans;
  • nuts, seeds (not fried);
  • honey, dried fruits;
  • a large amount of greenery;
  • natural spices;
  • optional - not fried fish, boiled eggs.

The daily menu of a water diet for weight loss should be compiled taking into account the minimum required number of calories: for women - 1500, for men - 1700 Kcal with a normal lifestyle. If you sharply reduce calories, metabolic disruptions will follow. In general, try to avoid low-calorie diets.

The weight loss effect must be achieved by eliminating harmful, heavy, and not high-calorie foods, as well as through exercise, massage and baths. Otherwise, you will lose weight at the expense of muscle and tend to gain weight quickly in the future.

It is better to carry out such a diet in the hot summer: a significant amount of liquid will evaporate through the skin, and the kidneys will not experience excessive stress.

You should not drink so much liquid for a long time - it can cause problems with the bladder and kidneys. Two, maximum three weeks - then long break, during which we drink no more than 1.5-2 liters per day. First, try following this diet for 7 days.

Don't know how to get rid of a few centimeters at your waist to fit into a dress? The answer is in the article.

Modern girls are lucky - there are diets based on almost any product, so you can choose a menu that suits you and lose weight tastefully, without thinking about the feeling of hunger. There is an easier option - use plain water to get rid of extra pounds. A water diet designed for 3 days can be strict or gentle, depending on what results you want to achieve. Simplicity, accessibility and quick results make this technique universal for those who do not have the time or funds for a more serious approach.

In this article you will learn about options for a water diet for 3 days, without food and with food, as well as the main results and reviews about water diet for 3 days.

Essence and features

Many people are not used to drinking a lot of water. Increasingly, it is being replaced by tea, coffee, juices, and in the worst case, sodas and energy drinks. However, they cannot fully replenish the body’s need for clean water, so disturbances in vital processes inevitably appear, although this is not directly felt.

A water diet for 3 days promotes weight loss and other positive changes by normalizing the drinking regime. This, in turn, helps speed up metabolic processes, improving intestinal motility, restoring water-salt balance, which eliminates swelling.

An adult needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gas per day, and the exact indicator is determined based on personal weight - it is divided by 25, and the daily fluid requirement in liters is obtained. On a water diet, this figure increases slightly. This temporary measure allows you to eliminate the consequences of long-term violation of the drinking regime. If, after completing the diet, you normalize your daily water intake, then in the future there will be much fewer problems with overweight and well-being.

At the same time, you don’t even have to change your taste preferences - you can eat the same thing as usual, drinking water first to reduce your appetite. It fills the stomach, and the person eats a much smaller amount of food.

Only unhealthy snacks are excluded from the diet. Instead of cookies or a packet of chips, you just need to drink a glass of warm water.

If you want to achieve more pronounced results, then choose the right one diet menu With daily norm calorie content not exceeding 1200 kcal. In this case, the rules for receiving water remain the same.

There is also a more strict version of the diet - complete abstinence from solid food and drinks. For 1-3 days you can drink only water, sometimes adding spices, refreshing herbs or lemon juice to it. Some offer a version of such a diet for 7 days, but this is an unnecessary experiment on your own body that can lead to health problems.


To lose weight using this method, you need to choose the right water. Carbonated mineral water, no matter how healthy it may seem, is not suitable. It is better to use boiled, filtered or spring water. You can buy mineral water, but without gas and flavoring additives.

On a water diet, you must follow the following rules:

  • If a non-strict version of the method is chosen, then you need to drink 1-2 glasses of water, depending on your own health, 15 minutes before meals.
  • After eating, you should not drink water for 2 hours - you need to give the gastrointestinal tract time to digest food calmly.
  • After waking up, you should definitely drink a glass of water; if desired, add honey, lemon or ginger to it. This allows you to awaken digestive system so that she can work more productively after breakfast.
  • The water should be warm, but not hot.
  • The entire amount of remaining water should be evenly divided into several doses per day.
  • It is not recommended to drink a lot of water before bed, so as not to burden the digestive and excretory systems.
  • When preparing dishes, it is advisable to completely avoid using salt. Sugar is excluded without fail.
  • It is not recommended to drink a glass of water in one gulp - it is better to drink little by little, in small sips, like tea or coffee.

A water diet is contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems. Limitations are mental disorders, neurological diseases, pregnancy and period breastfeeding. Strict diet options should not be used for children and adolescents. Until the age of 18, the fluid intake rate is less, so even a non-strict menu must be followed with restrictions.


You won’t be able to lose weight thoroughly in 3 days, even if you are completely starving – you can only get rid of swelling and lose 1-2 kg of excess weight at best. Three-day water diet options are more of a relief for the body, who ate junk food in large quantities for a long time.

If you choose a strict diet option, then for 3 days you can completely forget about cooking - you definitely won’t need solid food. At its core, this is not a diet, but fasting. You can drink water in unlimited quantities, but you shouldn’t overdo it either - this can lead to increased blood pressure, increased swelling and disturbances in the functioning of the excretory system.

During such fasting, the composition of saliva changes - its acidity increases. Because of this, bad breath may appear, so during the three-day fasting period on water, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions - chamomile, sage, mint, etc. People with weak tooth enamel need to additionally rinse their mouth with a slightly alkaline aqueous solution.

If you are not ready for such feats, and you only need to slightly adjust your figure and unload after a series of holidays, then it is better to choose a gentle diet option. The menu for three days looks like this:

  • 1 day - for breakfast 1-2 hard-boiled or soft-boiled chicken eggs, 1-2 diet bread with slices of low-fat hard cheese, for second breakfast a glass of tea or herbal infusion, for lunch a Greek salad with olive oil in half with lemon juice, a piece of boiled chicken skinless breasts, a glass of tea or herbal infusion for afternoon snack, low-fat cottage cheese with pieces of fruit or herbs for dinner;
  • Day 2 – for breakfast low-fat cottage cheese with herbs, 1-2 diet black bread or crackers, for second breakfast tea or herbal decoction, for lunch pureed vegetable soup and steamed low-fat white fish, for an afternoon tea or herbal decoction, for dinner a steam omelette of 2-3 eggs, a salad of red cabbage and carrots;
  • Day 3 – for breakfast oatmeal, boiled in water in half with milk without sugar, salt and butter, for second breakfast tea or herbal decoction, for lunch vegetable soup with lean beef, for afternoon tea or herbal decoction, for dinner fish baked in foil with vegetables.

Before each meal, even before drinking tea, you need to drink 1 or 2 glasses of water.

Dishes on the menu can be replaced with those that suit your taste. The main thing is that all food is low in calories and has a low glycemic index.

If you just want to get rid of the heaviness in your stomach, then you don’t have to do without food or choose a low-calorie menu. It is enough just to reduce the portions of your usual dishes using clean water. If you have enough enthusiasm, you can give up fried and smoked foods for 3 days, and leave the set of products the same.


Despite the fact that the technique does not last long, it is advisable to exit it correctly in order to maintain the result for a long time. If you adhere to a normal diet with an established drinking regime, then such a measure is not necessary - you just need to continue to drink more clean water.

If the diet was gentle or strict, then it is necessary to make a transition to the previous diet within three days.

Important! Every morning, immediately after waking up, you need to drink 1 glass of water with a slice of lemon, if desired, you can add 1 tsp. honey or a little grated ginger root.

For at least three more days, it is necessary to eat fractional meals in small portions 4-6 times a day. This principle allows you to moderate your appetite and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. He no longer has to digest food in large quantities, so unnecessary load is reduced.

Exit menu for a three-day water diet:

  • Day 1 – for breakfast, oatmeal, boiled in water, half and half with milk, with pieces of fruit, berries or nuts, 1-2 diet bread, for second breakfast, 1 apple or grapefruit, for lunch, chicken soup with vegetables, buckwheat steamed with boiling water, for an afternoon snack a handful of prunes or dried apricots, for dinner a salad with vegetables and seafood in half and half olive oil with lemon juice, for the second dinner a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Day 2 – cottage cheese casserole with fruits or herbs for breakfast, 1-2 diet bread, natural yogurt without additives for second breakfast, mushroom soup for lunch, oven-baked zucchini with minced chicken, seaweed salad for afternoon snack, vegetable stew for dinner with beans, low-fat kefir for the second dinner;
  • Day 3 – for breakfast, sandwiches made from black bread and chicken roll, for second breakfast, a handful of any nuts, for lunch, vegetable soup with lean white fish, brown rice boiled in water, for afternoon snack 2 kiwis, for dinner stewed broccoli, for second dinner low-fat kefir .

If gentle options for a three-day water diet are chosen, then during the weight loss itself, as well as during the period of recovery from it, you can engage in physical activity. This will only increase the results achieved through the drinking regime. If you follow a strict diet, then physical activity is prohibited, since the body does not receive calories that provide the body with energy.

Results and reviews

Depending on the chosen option of the water diet, you can lose 1-4 kg in 3 days. However, it is worth considering that this number includes not only body fat, but also fluid stagnation and intestinal contents, so the result on the scale may differ from external changes.

In addition, the magnitude of the plumb line depends on the individual characteristics of a particular organism and the initial state of the figure.

Depending on the results achieved, people have different opinions about the three-day water diet.

For example, the girl Ekaterina writes: “I generally drink a lot, but most often it’s tea or juice. I found out about the water diet and decided to try it. In fact, this is a way for the lazy - you don’t need to cook anything special or exercise. I tried for 3 days to eat more fruits, vegetables and cereals, and drank 3 liters of water a day. I lost 2 kg."

Another girl, Olga, left the following review about the water diet for three days: “At first I was skeptical about the diet, but then I saw the result after the first day (minus 1 kg) and continued in the same spirit. I didn’t set myself the goal of losing weight, I just wanted to cleanse my body. Now this is my way of life - I drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water every day, I feel much better.”


The 3-day water diet is a quick, simple and economical way to get rid of a few extra pounds and feel better, healthier and more beautiful. The technique has no serious contraindications, unless you suffer from chronic diseases in which any changes in diet are prohibited, so it can be called accessible and universal.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"
I have been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.