Gymnastics for a child 1 year 4 months. Gymnastics for newborns and infants. Back muscle training

The difficult first year of your baby's life is over.
It would seem that it should be easier. But new questions for further development arise. After a year, a child begins to move a lot and actively. As a rule, the baby has already learned to walk and it is almost impossible to keep the little fidget in place. Now he needs help acquiring new movement skills. And to do this, you should devote a few minutes a day to gymnastics, which will strengthen the child’s still weak muscles. Because those parts of the body whose work is associated with upright posture experience an unusually large load. To prevent skeletal deformation, adapt the musculoskeletal system to new loads, train and strengthen muscles, children's strengthening massage and gymnastics are performed. However, no matter how confident parents are in the need for baby massage, it is extremely difficult for the baby to provide convincing arguments. After all, there are so many interesting things around! Yes, and you need to redo a lot of things: see what’s new in the kitchen cabinet, don’t forget to call your grandmother, check that the TV is working: And you can’t count it all! How can you sit calmly, much less lie still? All parents can do is get their child interested in the game. And unbeknownst to him, do strengthening and developmental exercises. But if you are sure that the baby will calmly accept the massage sessions, then we can work with him. After all, the usefulness of baby massage has long been proven.
The best time to do gymnastics is a walk, and the first necessary exercise is walking. If your baby cannot walk on his own yet, offer to carry his own stroller, pushing it in front of him. You can invite the child to move towards some goal: “Let's go to that tree,” “Let's get to mommy,” or use a toy on a long stick that the baby rolls in front of him. Children whose mobility is not limited by sitting in a stroller and constant tugging learn to walk and run faster and develop better.
When the baby already walks well enough, he has a need to master other methods of movement. Often a 1.5-3 year old child runs more willingly than walks, and even frequent falls do not distract him from this exciting activity. At the moment when the child has learned to run, you can begin to teach him to jump.
There are 2 types of jumps: the first - to overcome fear (for example, to jump from some height into your arms), the second - in which the child simply learns to jump. To teach your child to jump, jump off the step yourself, and then, placing the child on the same step, stand facing him, take him by the hands, invite him to sit down a little and jump towards you. When your baby begins to jump with complete confidence, hold him by one hand and then let him jump on his own. Later, children learn to jump in place on two or one leg.
For a child who has learned to walk and run well, it is interesting and very useful to learn other types of walking: moving with an extended step, walking on toes and heels, walking on the outer surface of the foot. All these exercises are good prevention of flat feet. Children enjoy imitating various animals, and this is also good for training. various movements, balance and coordination of speech and motor skills (the ability to move and speak at the same time). Here is an example of some such exercises:
Bunny - a child jumps on two legs, pressing his hands and ears to his head.
Horse - a child is skipping.
Bear - walking on the outer surface of the foot.
Frog - a child squats, resting his hands on the floor, then says “kwa!” and jumps forward, straightening up and raising his arms up, then squats down again.
Heron - walks through the swamp, raising his legs high.
Following useful activity on a walk - climbing. Teach your child to climb over a fallen tree, a small bench, and climb first onto an inclined ladder and then onto a vertical ladder. At the same time, try not to hold, but simply secure it. When teaching your child to climb over, first show your child how to do it. (To do this, you need to climb over, not step over, the obstacle). And then invite the child to do this, if possible only by prompting, and not helping him. Once your child has learned to climb over an obstacle, repeat this exercise as often as possible while walking.
And, of course, than older child, the more important it is to include role-playing outdoor games and exercises on various equipment (horizontal bars, ladders) into your walk. Ball games, activities various types sports Various games with throwing and pushing a ball can be started at the age of 1.5-2 years. Teach your child to throw a ball from behind his head, from his chest, with his right and left hand, and to catch it. At first, simply pass the ball, gradually increasing the distance between you and the child.
A child aged 2-2.5 years can be taught to ski. At first, it is better to teach your child how to ski without poles so that his legs are parallel. Then you can learn to walk with a sliding step, offer to slide down a small hill. Ski poles It is not recommended to give to children, since most of the load will be placed on fragile hands.
In general, a child over 2.5 years old can be taught almost any sport. But activities make sense only when they bring joy to both you and your child. By the way, children from whom the proper result is required (it doesn’t matter: to kick a ball or stay on their skis) are, as a rule, less successful than those who are praised for even the slightest success. Remember: it is difficult for a child to control his body. Yours the main task- help him learn this. What is a small thing for you is a big event for your baby. Therefore, it is very important that your child trusts you.
Of course, a walk is not the only place for sports activities. It would be nice if the baby had the opportunity to practice at home.
Probably, almost every young mother, sitting at home with her baby, experiences fatigue, irritation and a constant desire to be left alone and just allowed to sit. However, having calmed down and sorted out your thoughts, you can find the support that you lack right now. From a husband who, despite the latest showdown, still loves you very much. From your child, who just recently was a little screaming lump, and a year later turns into an increasingly understanding creature, trying to crawl into your lap or get under your blanket in the middle of the night. Try to look at what is happening from the other, positive side. For example, you can arrange exciting games. Something like a home fitness club. It will be fun for you and it will bring joy to your baby.
Physical exercises and games for a child of the second and third year of life must be selected taking into account his motor skills, characteristics of physical and mental development. The basis of physical activity should be walking, climbing, overcoming obstacles, various ball games, gymnastic stick and other toys. The most effective form activities with a two- or three-year-old child - a game.
To begin with, these can be simple and interesting tasks: come and look what is hidden in my hand, behind my back, behind the pillow, behind the chair. The baby, looking for his favorite toy, will try to overcome obstacles located in his path. For example, climbs over a pillow, crawls under a low table, etc. Gradually, the games become more difficult. Since children at this age are very receptive and prone to imitation, show the exercises yourself and compare them with the movements of animals and characters from fairy tales. It is necessary to complicate tasks gradually, only after the child has mastered more simple movements. Every class should have movements for everyone. muscle groups(hands shoulder girdle, legs and feet, abdominals, backs), and they should be alternated. And if the child is tired and does not want to do any exercise, do not insist, let him rest. Children younger age characterized by increased fatigue. Therefore, gymnastics classes should not be too long (5-6 exercises) and include rest breaks.
We recommend the following exercises, from which you can create a small complex yourself:
Exercises for teaching proper walking.
Walking along the "narrow path". On the floor, mark a path 30 cm wide with chalk (ropes, sticks). In the future, the path should be gradually narrowed to 20-10 cm. Invite the child to walk along it independently, maintaining balance.
Possible exercise options:
a) Walk along the “path”, placing one foot after another.
b) Having reached the end of the “path”, turn around and go back.
c) Raise one leg and stand there for a few seconds.
Pay attention to the position of your feet when walking: the line of support should pass through the heel and second toe, the inner edge of the foot is slightly raised.
Walking sideways. Walk sideways along the “narrow path” with small extended steps. Teach your baby to move well on both the right and left sides.
Balance exercises.
Walking on an inclined bench. Strengthen a gymnastic bench or long board by lifting one end to a height of 20-25 cm. Invite the child to walk up the bench, turn around and go down. At first, help the baby by holding his hand.
Slip. Place one end of the bench on a windowsill or special stand. Invite your child to slide down on the bench.
Game "Pet the Bear". Place a bear or other favorite animal at the top of the “slide”. Invite your child to go upstairs and bend down to stroke the toy.
Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle.
"Boxing". The child stands with his feet shoulder-width apart. He bends his arms at chest level and then alternately moves his arms forward and toward the middle, as if boxing.
"Show me your palms." The baby stands straight, legs slightly apart, feet parallel, arms down. Ask him to stretch both arms forward, palms up - “Show your palms”, then hide them behind his back - “Hide your palms”.
"Grow big." The child stands straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. Reaches up, raising his arms.
"Sweep the floor." The child walks, leaning slightly forward, and makes movements with his hands that imitate sweeping the floor.
Leg exercises.
"Became small." The child stands straight, legs slightly apart, feet parallel, arms down. Squats low - “became small”, then stands up - “became big”.
"Hide and seek." The child crouches (“hides”) and straightens up, holding onto the back of a small chair.
"Wiggle your leg." The child stands holding the back of the chair with one hand. Swings the leg (farthest from the chair) back and forth. He turns and swings his other leg.
"Run, and I'll catch up." The baby runs around the room, and you pretend to catch him.
Exercises for the torso.
"Swaying Trees" Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Lean to the right, then to the left, arms relaxed.
"Airplane". The baby stands with his legs slightly apart and his arms down. Raises his arms to the sides, palms up. Turns to the sides without lowering his arms.
"Lift your legs." Independently raises straight legs and tries to reach the toy with his feet.
"Sitting down." The baby is lying on his back. Holding his legs, ask the child to sit down. To begin with, you can help by supporting one or the other handle.
"Martin". The child lies on his stomach, arms spread to the sides. Bending slightly, he raises his head and arms. To begin with, you can help the baby by supporting him with his arms out to the sides.
"Fish" The child lies on his stomach, arms bent under the chest. Arches his back, straightens his arms, raises his head and chest.
Exercises with the ball.
"Look at the ball." The child stands straight, legs apart, holding a ball in front of him in his lowered hands. Raises the ball above his head and looks at it.
"Squatting with a ball." Stand straight, feet parallel, hold the ball in your lowered hands. Squat down, touch the ball to the floor, then straighten up.
"Push the ball with your hands." The baby stands straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. Stand opposite and, holding the ball in one hand, invite your child to push it.
We hope that our recommendations will help you spend time with your baby fun and useful.
Morning exercises
Theoretical part
In children, physical and mental development are closely linked. It is important not only to train his memory, but also his muscles. Gymnastics will help your baby become stronger and more flexible. It will be beneficial if you do it daily and with pleasure.
The moment of play is very important for kids, so try to play out any exercise cheerfully, captivating the baby with your own example. For example, instead of boring bending, invite your child to collect flowers.
Morning exercises prepare the child’s body for the upcoming day’s stress. It should be carried out from the end of the second year of life in the form of a game. Include introductory walking, several special exercises and a final run followed by walking. It is necessary to take into account the following sequence of exercises: first, exercises for the shoulder girdle such as breathing, for example, raising your arms to the sides and lowering them forward and to the sides or clapping your palms at chest level and behind your back. Then exercises for the muscles of the back and abdomen, developing the flexibility of the spine, for example, squatting with a slight tilt of the head forward or bending the body forward. In this case, the hands touch the shins, then the torso straightens, the arms are moved behind the back. These exercises are more challenging and should be followed by easier ones (breathing exercises). Then again exercises to promote expansion chest, for example, raising your arms to the sides to shoulder level and lowering them.
Exercises with a higher load (squats, bends) are repeated no more than 2-3 times, and with a lower load (for the shoulder girdle) - up to 5-6 times. Then a short (10-15 seconds) run or jumping is required. You should finish your morning exercises by walking.
It is necessary to achieve correct execution Each exercise, when walking, make sure that the child stands straight, shoulders back, without lowering his head, moves his arms freely, without tension, and breathes through his nose. It’s good if morning exercises are performed to music and together with parents.
Breathing exercises
The following are recommended breathing exercises, they can be carried out during morning exercises and again for a walk.
The porridge is boiling. Starting position: sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in your stomach and drawing air into your lungs - inhale, lowering your chest (exhaling air) and sticking out your stomach - exhale. When exhaling, pronounce the sound “f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 3-4 times.
Watch. Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say “tick-tock.” Repeat 10-12 times.
Trumpeter. Starting position: sitting, hands clenched into a tube, raised up. Exhale slowly while pronouncing the sound “p-f-f-f-f” loudly. Repeat 4-5 times.
Cockerel. Stand straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides and then slap them on your thighs. As you exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku.”
Little engine. Walk around the room, making alternating movements with your hands and saying: “chuh-chuh-chuh.” Duration 20 - 30 seconds.
Grow big. Stand straight, legs together, raise your arms up, stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your arms down, lower your entire foot - exhale. Say "u-h-h-h"! Repeat 4-5 times.
Geese are flying. Slowly walking around the room. When you inhale, raise your arms to the sides, when you exhale, lower them down, pronouncing a long sound “g-u-u-u”. Duration - one to two minutes.
Let's throw the ball. Starting position: standing, hands with the ball raised up. Throw the ball forward from the chest, while exhaling a long “ooh-h-h.” Repeat 5-6 times.
Physical education classes are pursued specific goals: strengthen muscle corset baby, providing him with full mental and physical development. The sooner “steps towards health” are taken, the stronger your baby will grow! In order for a child to be harmoniously developed, it is impossible to strengthen the abs or legs separately. This approach leaves weak spots, more sensitive to physical stress.
We are offering to you various exercises for individual parts of the body. Take several exercises from each subsection, depending on the age of your baby and the degree of difficulty available to him. And combine them, the choice is yours!
Back, exercise!
1. “Swallow” (starting position - standing straight): slowly raise your arms up, while simultaneously moving your straight leg back. Stand for a few seconds and repeat with the other leg. Perform 4-5 times.
2. For this exercise, a small bag filled with something loose (salt, cereal, etc.) is useful. The child puts it on his head and walks around the perimeter of the room for 2-3 minutes so that it does not fall.
3. “Fish” (starting position - lying on your stomach, hands under the chin): maintaining the middle position of the spine, move your arms straight back. At the same time, raise your legs slightly straightened at the knees. Hold this for 5-6 seconds (2-3 times).
4. “Basket” (starting position - lying on your stomach): stretch your whole body up and make a lock with your arms and legs behind your back (5-6 sec., 2-3 times).
5. “Bicycle” (starting position - lying on your back, hands under your head, elbows pressed to the floor): perform circular movements feet forward 7-8 times.
6. “Scissors” (starting position - lying on your back with the lumbar part of the spine pressed to the support): lift and cross your straight legs. Perform 3-4 times.
7. “Cat” (starting position - standing on all fours): on the count of 1-2, arch your back up, lower your head down; On the count of 3-4, bend your back and raise your head. Breathing is voluntary. The exercise develops vertebral mobility well; it should be performed 5-6 times.
8. Starting position: lying on your back, arms along your body. The child stretches his legs one at a time towards the object that the mother is holding. We must try to reach it with our heels. We ask the baby to show how big he will grow.
9. Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight. When you get up, you need to take the ball from your mother. The mother stands on the side, leaning down less and less each time and inviting the child to reach up more and more towards the ball.
10. Starting position: sitting on the floor facing each other, hold hands. Mom and baby bend back and forth, taking turns bending their knees. Adjust the load on the back. You and your baby are two strong men engaged in a tug of war.
11. "High-speed plane." Starting position - standing. Place your feet together, and spread your arms to the sides and raise them to shoulder height. These will be the wings of a fighter. And now - take flight! You can’t lower your arms (after all, the plane doesn’t flap its wings), but you can tilt to the right and left. To make the winged car look like a real one, the baby can hum during the “flight”. This exercise strengthens the back muscles and lateral muscles, as well as arms and legs.
12. "Earthworm." An earthworm has neither arms nor legs, but it moves very quickly. Because it makes wave-like movements with the whole body. The baby will be able to crawl in the same way. The toddler needs to lie on his back, press his arms tightly to his body, and straighten his legs. Then let the baby move forward on his buttocks, back and shoulders. Just don’t help yourself with your hands or feet. The exercise perfectly trains the muscles of the shoulder girdle and buttocks.
13. "Locomotive". The baby will easily repeat the movements of the locomotive. To do this you need to get on all fours. Then bend your arms and almost lie with your chest on the floor. It is important to hold this position for a few seconds. But now you can get up and sit on your heels.
14. The mother holds the baby by the legs, and he walks, leaning on his hands. This is exactly how a gardener rolls a cart in front of him. A more difficult option is to move along a winding path or along a path with obstacles made of soft small objects (we step over them with our palms).
15. The baby sits on his mother’s lap with his back to her. Small toys are scattered on the floor. Bending over, the child collects each item separately and places it in any container. Help your baby get up. This way the baby strengthens the muscles of the lower back.
16. Let the baby, standing on all fours, pretend to be a cat. Affectionate (bend your back in an arc downwards, chin raised, arms straight) and angry (bend your back in an arc up, chin pressed to your chest, arms straight). This good exercise to relieve tension from the back muscles.
In the morning the butterfly woke up
smiled, stretched
once - she washed herself with dew
two - gracefully twirled
three - bent over and sat down
at four - flew away

Physical education for a child aged one to three years
Morning exercises.
Morning exercises prepare the child’s body for the future physical and emotional stress of the day. It should be carried out from the end of the second year of life in the form of an entertaining game, not forgetting to include walking, several special exercises and a final run with the transition to walking. The following sequence of exercises must be taken into account:
breathing exercises for the shoulder girdle, for example, raising your arms to the sides and lowering them forward or striking with your palms at chest level and behind your back;
exercises for the muscles of the back and abdomen, developing flexibility of the spine, for example, squats with a slight tilt of the head forward or bending the body forward. In this case, the hands touch the shins, then the body straightens, the hands are moved behind the back. These exercises give a greater load and should follow easier ones (breathing);
again, exercises to help expand the chest, such as raising your arms out to the sides to shoulder level and lowering them.
Exercises with a heavy load (squats, bends) are repeated no more than two to three times, and with a lower load (for the shoulder girdle) - up to five to six times.
Then a short (ten to fifteen seconds) running or jumping is required. You need to finish your morning exercises by walking in place.
It is necessary to try to perform each exercise correctly; when walking, make sure that the child stands straight, shoulders are straightened, the head does not droop, the arms move freely, without tension, and breathe through the nose. It’s good if morning exercises are performed to music and together with parents.
Breathing exercises.
The following breathing exercises are recommended, which you can perform during morning exercises and again while walking.
1. Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms down. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, recite a little rhyme or simply “tick-tock.” Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.
2. Starting position: sitting, hands squeezed into a tube and raised up. Exhale slowly with a loud sound: “p-f-f-f-f-f-f.” Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides, and then hit them on your thighs (imitating a cockerel). Exhaling, say: “ku-ka-re-ku.” Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
4. starting position: sitting, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in your stomach and drawing air into your lungs - inhale, lowering your chest (exhaling air) and sticking out your stomach - exhale. As you exhale, pronounce the sound “f-f-f-f-f” loudly. Consider your stomach to be a pot in which porridge boils. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.
5. Train: walk around the room, making alternating movements with your hands, and say: “choo-choo-choo-choo.” The duration of the exercise is 20-30 seconds.
6. On the horizontal bar. Starting position: standing, legs together, hold in both hands in front of you gymnastic stick. Raise the stick up, stand on your toes - inhale, lower the stick back onto your shoulder blades - long exhale while pronouncing the sound: “f-f-f-f-f”.
Physical exercise.
Children preschool age You can’t force them to do exercises or force them to do anything they don’t want to do. Activities should take the form of a game at home or during a walk. It’s a good idea to organize a place in the apartment for a “mini-stadium” and create conditions for the child’s active movements.
Special gymnastics classes should be carried out daily or every other day, 30-40 minutes after breakfast or immediately after a nap for 10-12 minutes. Dress code: shorts, T-shirt, barefoot. The exercises should be performed on the carpet with the window open.
For classes you will need a rope or jump rope, a stick 1-1.5 meters long, 2 cm in diameter, a hoop with a diameter of 45-50 cm, skittles, cubes.
During physical education, it is necessary to alternate exercises for all muscle groups. It is better to start with easy exercises and gradually increase their complexity. Each lesson must include exercises to develop and improve walking, running, jumping, crawling, and coordination of movements. Make sure your child performs the exercises correctly. You should move on to the next set of exercises only after the previous one has been well mastered. At two years old, gradually, from lesson to lesson, increase the load, including running at different paces in the set of exercises performed. You need to start and end classes by walking in place and breathing exercises.
Classes should be intense with a sufficient degree of load; at the end of the lesson, the child should show signs of slight fatigue in the form of accelerated breathing, a slight blush on the cheeks and sweating, but there should be no complaints; general health is good, movements are vigorous.
If signs of severe fatigue are evident, the degree of load and duration of exercise should be reduced.
An approximate set of exercises for children aged 1 year to 1 year and 2 months.
1. Walking. An adult stands in front of the child and beckons him towards him with a bright toy, encouraging him with affectionate words.
2. Squats. Squats (3-4 times) supported by a hoop with both hands to strengthen the muscles of the torso, legs and shoulder girdle. The child grasps the hoop from above with both hands, the adult holds it on the other side and, with the words: “let’s squat,” squats down with the child. The hoop goes down, then with the words: “get up,” both straighten up, raising the hoop up.
3. Crawling. Crawling (1-2 times) under a stick, followed by straightening the body (to strengthen the muscles of the body, arms, legs, hands, develop coordination, attention, ingenuity). The child crawls for a toy under a stick raised to a height of 30-35 cm from the floor. Then the toy is placed on a stool 45 cm high, the baby must stand up to take it.
4. Crawling. Crawling (1-2 times) through a hoop followed by straightening the body. An adult holds a hoop, a bright toy is placed on the floor in front of the child, which is gradually moved away, thus inviting the child to crawl through the hoop placed in front of him again. Then the toy is placed on a stool (chair) 45 cm high at a distance of 1-2 meters from the hoop. The baby must stand up to pick it up.
An approximate set of exercises for children aged 1 year and 2 months to 1 year and 6 months.
1. The game “Run to me” (2-3 times) serves to increase the child’s emotional tone. An adult stands at a distance of 2-6 meters from the child (depending on his ability to run) and calls the baby to him, and when he runs up, he picks him up in his arms and throws him up. Then he quickly moves to another place and the exercise is repeated.
2. Walking (1-2 times) on a mat (2 m long, 35 cm wide) lying on the floor. Exercise helps the baby develop a sense of balance and attention. In the future, the width of the rug can be reduced to 25 cm. A toy is placed near the other end of the rug and the child is invited to bring it, walking along the path at an extra step or a normal step. You can also walk the child along the mat, supporting him by the hand.
3. Stepping over a stick lying on the floor (2-3 times). Exercise is necessary to develop a sense of balance, coordination of movements, attention, and the ability to step over (raise your legs to a certain height). It is necessary to put a stick on the floor and show how to step over it. If this is still difficult for your baby at first, help him.
An approximate set of exercises for children aged 1 year and 6 months to 2 years.
1. The game “Catch the Dog” (2-3 times) serves to increase the child’s emotional tone. An adult holds a large toy dog ​​(or any other large toy: a cat, a bear, etc.) in his hands and runs, inviting the baby to catch up with him (20-25 seconds), then starts walking calmly.
2. Walking with your arms spread to the sides on an inclined board develops a sense of balance when walking, the ability to stick to the direction, coordinate your movements, and develops courage. A board 2 m long, 25 cm wide at one end is raised above the floor level by 20-25 cm (this can be achieved by placing it, for example, on a bedside table). The child, with his arms spread to the sides, climbs the board onto the bedside table, then returns down.
3. Crawling on all fours on a bench (1-2 times) helps strengthen the muscles of the torso, develop coordination of movements of the arms and legs, and attention. The baby crawls along the entire length of the gymnastics bench, then performs some task to straighten the body, for example, takes a cube from the table and puts it in a box.
General set of exercises.
Starting position - legs together. Walking, side step - left, right one step at a time. The pace is average. The movements can be accompanied by clapping to the music.
Breathing exercise.
Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are on the belt or spread to the sides and follow the body as it turns. We begin to turn the body left and right, and then return to the starting position. Perform slowly, 2 sets of 8 times.
Breathing exercise.
Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Stretch your arms up, standing on your toes. Return to starting position. Perform 2 sets of 8 times. After this, stretch your arms forward. Also perform 2 sets of 8 times.
Exercise for general development.
Starting position - standing. On the count of “one” - sit down, on the count of “two” - stand up. Hands forward. Perform the exercise in 2 sets of 8 times.
Exercise for general development.
Starting position - legs together. Lunge forward, obligatory resting your hands on your knees. Place your foot, turn in the other direction (180°), repeat the same with the other foot. Perform 2 sets of 8 times on each leg.
Exercise for the back.
Starting position - lying on your stomach. Bend your legs, tighten your body, reach your shin with your hands and stretch. Return to starting position. Perform 1-2 approaches 3 times.
Exercise for the back and hips.
Starting position - support on your knees and hands (elbows are possible). Straighten the leg back one at a time. Perform 1-2 approaches 6-8 times. Repeat the exercise the specified number of times on each leg.
Exercise for the chest and arm muscles.
For boys. Starting position - rest on your knees or feet (complicated version) and on your hands. Push-ups from the floor. Perform 1-2 approaches - as much as you can.
For girls. Starting position: sitting, palms together at chest level. Pressing on your palms, strain your arms. Perform 1-2 approaches 6-8 times.
Exercise for the abdominal muscles.
For boys. Starting position - sitting on the floor, legs extended forward. On the count of “one”, slightly raise the body while bending your knees. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Perform 1-2 approaches 5-8 times.
For girls. Starting position - lying on your side. The legs lie as comfortably as possible. One hand forward, the other behind the head. Lifting the body with a small amplitude and returning to the starting position. Perform 1-2 approaches 5-6 times on each side.
Stretching exercise.
Starting position - sitting, one leg straight, the other bent. It is necessary to hold the bent leg in this position for 1-3 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat once for each leg.
Leg stretching.
Starting position - sitting, legs together, extended forward. Reach your feet with your hands and hold in this position for 1-3 seconds. Return to starting position. Connect your feet, bend your knees and spread them apart. Rest your elbows on your knees, slightly bend forward and stay in this position for 1-3 seconds. Repeat several times.
Exercise for the back.
Starting position - standing, right hand on the belt, left extended forward, right leg forward, on the toe. On the count of “one,” we simultaneously put our leg back and place our hand behind our back; on the count of “two,” we return to the starting position. Execute in at a slow pace 2 sets of 8 times in each direction.
Exercise for the shoulder girdle and muscles between the shoulder blades.
Starting position - main stance. On the count of “one”, raise your shoulders up, arms freely lowered, on the count of “two”, lower your shoulders. Perform the exercise 10 times.
Starting position - standing, legs apart as wide as possible, knees slightly bent. On the count of “one” - bend forward slightly, back straight. On the count of “two,” the elbows move as far back as possible, while the arms are bent. If it is difficult for a child to keep his back straight when tilted, then the back position can be vertical and movements can only be made with his hands. Perform 2 sets of 3-5 times.
Exercise for the lower back muscles.
Starting position - standing, one leg stretched forward, bent at the knee, the other leg laid back, supporting the hand on bent knee, back straight, other arm freely lowered. According to the count, we move the bent arm as far back as possible and at the same time raise the shoulder. Perform 2 sets of 3-5 times.
Exercise for the development of the chest and lungs.
Starting position - standing, hands in a “lock” above your head. On the count of “one”, we move our hands forward to the chest, the back is round, the legs can be slightly bent at the knees. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Perform 2 sets of 5-10 times.
Exercise for the back muscles.
Starting position - lying on your stomach. On the count of “one” - get it right hand left leg, on the count of “two” - change leg and arm. Perform 5 times in each direction.
Exercise for the abdominal muscles.
After doing the back exercises, you need to do a few exercises for the abdominal muscles. Starting position - sitting, head on knees, legs bent. On the count of “one” - leaning your hands on the floor, we move your body back, bend your legs in a hanging position at the knee, but not completely. On the count of “two” we return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets, repetitions - as much as you have enough strength.
Stretching exercise.
At the end of the complex, the child needs to perform the following exercise: standing, bend forward, back round, and stand in this position for 10 seconds. It is also very useful for a child to hang on the horizontal bar by his hands. Starting position - lying on your stomach. On the count of “one” - take the child by the arms (legs) and slowly pull, but not upward, but towards you and hold for 10 seconds in this position. On the count of two, lower slowly. Perform 2-3 approaches 5 times.

The long-awaited miracle is quietly snoring in the crib, and you cannot believe that what you dreamed about has happened. Every parent already has an idea of ​​who their baby will grow up to be and what it will be like. Dreams are good, but in order for them to come true, we adults need to help the little man achieve his goal. Gymnastics for a child at 1 month of age will be a start in his physical and psychological development.

Many will say: how is gymnastics already, since he is still so small? Yes, dear parents, put fear aside and start taking care of your child. Of course, we do not give the load as for a professional gymnast, but some kind of passive gymnastic exercises will help the work of the small body.

Let's look at everything in detail to understand the whole principle of the benefits of gymnastics at such a young age.

Why do you need gymnastics at 1 month of life?

Disputes among experts have long divided opinions into two parts: some argue that massage and gymnastics should begin at 1.5 months, others argue that classes should begin immediately after birth. I will say one thing, exercise has never harmed anyone! Judge for yourself, we adults cannot be in the same position for a long time, and the little lump is not yet able to change positions on its own, what is it like for him? Of course, you can’t do heavy loads, but passive exercises will help your baby develop his psychomotor status.

Gymnastics helps the child in the functioning of many biochemical processes in the body, improves blood supply, lymph flow, immunity, and has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems.

The great physiologist Sechenov wrote: “Movement is life!”

In the first months of a child’s life, gymnastics will not last long due to the short period of wakefulness, but with age this period increases.

How to do gymnastics at 1 month

Before you overcome your uncertainty, read the article carefully and prepare everything you need for this:

  • the room must be clean and ventilated, Fresh air needed not only by adults, but also by children’s bodies;
  • the air temperature should be +22-+23°C, relative humidity 50-70%;
  • the surface where you are going to do gymnastic exercises should not be soft or too hard;
  • It is better to do gymnastics in a good mood, both for the baby and for the mother;
  • communicate with the baby during classes, this helps the child in the development of psychological status, despite his young age;
  • mothers, do not forget to keep your hands clean, because the baby is very susceptible to bacteria;
  • can't do sudden movements;
  • gymnastics must be done before feeding, but if the baby has eaten, wait 30 minutes and start exercising;
  • the duration should be several minutes, the child may not be able to stand it any longer;
  • It is better to do gymnastics a month before swimming, this will help your baby relax and get maximum pleasure from water procedures.

What not to do

To avoid mistakes, you need to know what not to do during gymnastics.

  • You can’t do gymnastics when something is bothering your baby.
  • In case of high body temperature.
  • If your baby suffers from persistent convulsive syndrome in the acute period, gymnastics should be postponed.
  • If the baby was born ahead of schedule, then gymnastics and massage classes are postponed to a period of stable condition, after consultation with a doctor.
  • You should not overcool your baby; it is known that during the first month of life, the baby’s thermoregulation is not yet perfect, so hypothermia can very easily develop. If you notice that the color of the skin has changed, the arms and legs have become cold, hiccups have appeared, then it’s time to finish the gymnastics classes and urgently warm up the baby.
  • Children at this age retain physiological hypertonicity of the limbs, so do not make sudden movements that can lead to injury and negative emotions for the baby.
  • You cannot leave your baby unattended, even for a few seconds!
  • Don’t skip daily gymnastics; 5 minutes will add the foundation for proper development to your child’s life.

Several gymnastic exercises per month

We lay the child on his back, straighten his legs, then gently bend him at the knees and bring him to his stomach. We straighten our legs. We repeat this 2-3 times. This movement helps the baby with gas stagnation in the intestines, thereby relieving pain.

The baby is lying on his back, the left leg is straightened, and the right leg is bent at the knee, leading to the tummy. Then we repeat the exercise on the other leg. We do it 2-3 times. This gymnastic exercise is reminiscent of taking long steps.

The baby, lying on his back, straighten his arms to the sides, then bring them to the chest, slightly crossing them, the movement resembles “scissors”. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercise 4

It is a variation of the previous exercise, the difference is that the arms are not spread to the sides, but the right one up, the left down, changing the movement. Repeat 2-3 times.

Place the baby on his stomach, the right leg is straightened, the left leg is bent at the knee and hip joint, then change the legs. The movement is reminiscent of a rock climber. Repeat 2-3 times.

As children grow older, there are more exercises, with varying degrees of difficulty. However, I hasten to warn you, before you start doing gymnastic exercises, discuss this issue with your doctor. He will advise which movements are useful for the child, and which ones he should not do yet.

Each baby is individual, so the approach to him physical education should be a separate story. The vastness of the World Wide Web provides a lot of information; many people think why contact a specialist if you can figure everything out yourself.

Make no mistakes, a small body requires special attention and approach. A child is not a toy! Responsibility for his health and life falls on you, dear parents. Be healthy!

Let's try to make sure that the morning exercise for children, and sports in general, have become an integral part of our children’s lives, like the need to brush their teeth in the morning...

Children's exercises

If from the very early age The baby will start the day with a 10-minute warm-up; this will become familiar, natural and completely unburdensome for him. At first he will study with mom or dad and under their guidance, and later he will begin to do the exercises on his own.

In order to strengthen your desire to engage with your baby, it would be useful to remember the enormous benefits that such activities will bring. Movement for a child is life. Scientists have long noticed a direct connection between human motor activity and those metabolic processes that occur in his body. If the baby moves enough, his metabolism improves, his respiratory, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems work more productively. immune system. This means, in general, he will become stronger and healthier. Simple exercises morning chargers for children are not aimed at training any serious sports skills and abilities, they do not overtire the baby, but maintain the body in good tone, help it general development and strengthening, improve sleep, appetite, accelerate growth. Even the name itself – “charging” – carries a special meaning. She will charge our little nimble kids with health, strength, endurance and good mood!

But that's not all! Morning exercises are also a wonderful developmental activity for the baby. The baby will learn to understand the adult’s tasks, repeat them correctly, and at the same time develop not only muscles and ligaments, but also speech, thinking, attention, and memory.

Certainly, exercise for children It is better to practice in the morning, immediately after waking up. Because one of its tasks is to help the body wake up, start all those processes that slow down at night, stretch the “stagnant” joints of the arms, legs, and spine, giving them the opportunity to gently and without overexertion join the daily rhythm of life. It is better to perform exercises on an empty stomach, in a well-ventilated room, and in the warm season - with an open window. Dress your little athlete in clothes that do not restrict movement.

And it’s best to practice in panties, a T-shirt and barefoot.

Young children do not yet know how to maintain attention on one activity for a long time. If you exercise them for too long, they will lose all interest in the exercises. Therefore, with a 1–2 year old child, it is enough to exercise only 5–7 minutes a day. By the age of 3, the time of morning exercises can be increased to 10–15 minutes.

If for some reason you are unable to work with your child immediately after waking up, this is not a reason to refuse classes altogether. Find a little time in the morning when your baby has good mood, and do a little warm-up. It will still be very useful!

Sometimes parents complain that the baby categorically refuses to do exercises. This usually happens when we turn what should be a fun and joyful game into a boring chore. Is there such a kid in the world who refuses to do what gives him pleasure? Hardly. This means you need to do exercises with fun and enthusiasm! The baby will very quickly get tired of the tedious: arms forward, to the sides, up, forward, to the sides, up... He will not yet be able to understand that all this is being done for the sake of his health. That’s why every exercise needs to be turned into a fun one. educational game: flying on an airplane, washing the cat, bunny dance, frog jumping, etc. Suitable thematic rhymes are welcome! They will help bring a certain meaning to the exercises, set the rhythm, and will additionally contribute to the development of the child’s speech. And, of course, mom or dad should encourage the child to practice by their own example!

You can come up with some special ritual with which you will start charging. Maybe the baby’s favorite song will serve as a signal to start each time. Or some short poem that you and your little gym teacher will recite while cheerfully marching around the room.

To make exercise more interesting, use balls in exercises. different sizes, a hoop (for example, you can crawl through it, jump into it and jump out), ribbons (a path on the floor that you need to walk along). Kids usually love exercises with fitballs. But dumbbells and other weights cannot be used yet.

Charging in 1 year

Now let's get down to charging. If your baby is 1 year old or a little older, try these simple but very useful exercises with him. They are not yet very similar to full-fledged exercises, but they help the baby improve walking skills and develop coordination of movements.

As a warm-up, walk around the room with your baby, holding him by the hand. In this case you can say:

Stomp with one foot, stomp with another,
I'm already big
And they walk on their own
Feet straight to mom.

They stomped their feet:
Hands clapped:
Sit down! Get up! Sit down again!
And then they ate all the porridge!

In the words “sit down and stand up,” squat with your baby, get up and squat again. Repeat the entire exercise game from the beginning.

Place small “obstacles” on the floor at some distance from each other: a path of cubes, sticks, a jump rope, etc. Walk with your baby across the room, stepping over the obstacles with him.

We walk along the path.
Top-top, legs, top!
We step over everything.
Top-top, legs, top!
Hey kids!
Hey guys!

Place a chair in front of the baby and place a toy on the floor on the other side. Help your child crawl under the chair to the toy. When the baby understands what is required of him, he himself will happily crawl back and forth under the chair.

Oh-oh-oh, ah-ah-ah,
Crawl through the hole
Crawl through the hole
And get out of the hole!

Give it to the baby big ball(preferably an inflatable beach one), let him throw it on the floor, then pick it up and throw it again.

The ball doesn't whine or cry,
Just jumping, jumping, jumping.
Often together with the ball
Fathers, mothers and children are jumping.

(Yu. Kasparova)

Five minutes and five useful exercises For children's exercises! That's it, you can rest...

Children's exercises at one year and 6

The baby has grown a little. This means that charging can be a little more complicated. Show the exercises to your baby, saying: “Do as mom does.” Let him try to repeat after you. After each successful attempt, be sure to praise your little smart guy.

Breathing exercise. Stand opposite the baby, spread your arms to the sides at shoulder height. Inhale through your nose. Quickly cross your arms in front of your chest so that your palms slap your shoulder blades, as if you were hugging yourself. Noisy exhalation through the mouth. Then smoothly return your hands to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times. Of course, the baby will not be able to breathe correctly right away. But over time he will definitely learn. To begin with, let him simply move his hands apart and bring them together.

Let's spread our arms to the sides,
And then we’ll hug ourselves!
Let the sun hear,
How our nose breathes, breathes...

(Yu. Kasparova)

Walking. We walk around the room with the baby, alternating fast and slow walking. And then we'll run a little. You can stomp along to a nursery rhyme song about a bunny:

Bunny, walk around,
Gray, go!
Like this, like this!
Like this, like this!
Bunny, go for a run,
Gray, go for a run!
This way, this way, go for a run!
This way, this way, go for a run!

Bend forward. Place a cube or ball on the floor. The baby should bend down, pick up the toy from the floor, straighten up, lift it high above his head, and then put it back on the floor. We repeat several times. At the same time, we imagine that we are little gnomes picking mushrooms.

In the morning the gnomes went into the forest,
On the way we found a mushroom
And behind him, one, two, three,
Three more showed up!

(E. Karelskaya)

Tilts from side to side. Now let’s put the handles on the belt and try to bend from side to side:

Ding dong, ding dong,
The gnomes are building a new house,
Paint the walls, roof, floor,
They clean everything up.

(E. Karelskaya)

Small birds. The baby raises his arms to the sides and flaps them like wings. Any nursery rhyme about birds is suitable for this exercise:

Birds, birds have flown,
They sat on the head.
We sat down, sat down, sat down,
We flew again...

Instead of birds, you can depict an airplane. The boys will surely love this. If you don't know the right rhyme, try to come up with something on the fly. Poems for exercise do not have to be poetic masterpieces. It is much more important that they are foldable, rhythmic and understandable to the baby... For example, like this:

I'm a pilot, I'm a pilot!
I'm flying my plane
The plane is flying,
The plane is humming...

We raise our legs. The baby lies on his back, arms to the sides. Raise the legs up, then place them on the floor. We perform the exercise 4–5 times.

Legs, legs, rise up,
Stretch straight towards the sun...

Now we raise the straight legs, then bend them, press them to the stomach and clasp them with our hands. We repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

All! Well done! Let's rest.
Two years? Let's recharge!

Children's exercises at 2 years old

Two-year-old children already understand a lot and can do a lot. For such children, exercises with rhymes and imitation of the movements of different animals are best suited. Such is the “beast animal”. It would be nice to perform it to cheerful music. But you shouldn’t forget about the previous exercises. They are still relevant.

Cow and calf. We depict how slowly and importantly the cow walks and how the small curious calf runs. We repeat the poem several times, alternating between walking and running.

The cow walks sternly by,
And she doesn’t know us and doesn’t want to know us!
And the little calf runs and stops:
He really wants to meet you!

(E. Moshkovskaya)

horse. We gallop like a horse, trying to raise our knees higher. On the command “whoa,” the baby should freeze in place. Then we repeat the poem and “jump” further.

- But! - we said to the horse
And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind.
Here is the house. Horse, whoa!

(V. Berestov)

Owl. Gently stretch your neck, turning your head left and right. Then we make slow rotations of the head in one direction and the other.

Owl-owl, big head,
She sat on an oak tree, turned her head,
Wings flap-flop!
Legs stomp stomp!

Bear. We tell the baby a rhyme and perform the necessary movements together. There are two ways to spin. First: the baby spins on the spot on his own. Second: baby and mother hold hands and spin.

Bear, raise your paws,
Bear, put your paws down,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, spin around,
And then touch the ground
And rub your tummy
One, two, three, one, two, three!

Toads. Hands on the belt, we jump in place on two legs to a poem about toads. When your baby learns to confidently jump in place, you can try jumping forward.

The toads came out into the meadow,
The toads all stood in a circle.
Here they clapped their hands,
Here we jumped a little,
Let's gallop, gallop...
Oh, tired, oh, tired...

Dolphin. If you have a hoop, have your child pretend that he is a dolphin jumping through the hoop. The child takes the hoop with his hands, steps over it first with one leg, then with the other, then lifts it up along the body, lowers it down and steps back. We repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

Our little dolphin is a champion,
He dives the best!
And also to envy you
Loves to jump on the waves!

(Yu. Kasparova)

When your baby remembers the rhymes, let him tell you the words.

Charging for children aged 3 years

Despite the fact that three-year-old children are very serious little people who strive to argue with their mother shouting “I do it myself!”, they will still be happy to do exercises accompanied by funny rhymes. But now one verse can contain several consecutive movements that are performed one after another. Tell the poems slowly so that the baby has time to figure out what he needs to do. And, of course, show the baby the movements. Each verse can be repeated several times. Surely some of them will become your baby’s favorite...

We have a nice posture
We squeezed our shoulder blades together.
We walk on our toes
And then on your heels.
Let's go softly, like little foxes,
Well, if you get tired of it,
Then let's all go clubbing,
How bears go into the forest.

In the morning the butterfly woke up
She smiled and stretched.
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - bent down and sat down,
At four, it flew away.

Knows everything in the world. (we wave our hands above our heads)
He knows how the frog sings:
"Kwa-kwa-kwa." (squat and jump)
Knows how a shell makes noise:
“Shu-shu-shu.” (cup your palms and bring them to your right and then to your left ear)
He knows how the crow screams:
"Kar-kar-kar." (we wave our arms like wings)
He knows how a cow mooes:
"Moo-moo-moo". (clap our hands)
And how the clock goes:
“Tick-tock, tick-tock” (put your hands on your belt, bend to the sides),
And how the legs run into the forest:
“Top-top-top, top-top-top...” (running in place)
And finally, let’s stretch properly: we alternate between raising our arms up and squats.

Up to the sky, down to the grass.
Spun around, spin around
And they fell to the ground...

And exercise can also be thematic. For a three-year-old child, you can conduct an exercise-game on a specific topic. It is no longer necessary to use rhymes here, but each exercise should still be played out. For example, tell your baby that you are taking the train and going to the forest. Here's your first warm-up exercise: walking around the room at different paces simulating riding a train:

Chuk-chuk-chu, puff-chu, grunt-chu.
I don't want to stand still.
I'm turning my wheels, I'm turning them,
The wheels are knocking, knocking.
Sit down quickly, I'll give you a ride!
Chu! Chu! Chu!

We arrived in the forest. We walk along the path. Suddenly, shoo-hoo... the bird flew (we waved our “wings”, stretched our arms), and there a bunny jumped behind a stump, and there a clubfooted bear hobbled... And who is this? A fleet-footed deer runs, raising its legs high. Oh, and here a snake is crawling... A strong wind blew, the trees swayed (we tilt left and right). And here is a clearing where the strawberries are ripe (we do bends and squats, as if we were picking strawberries). There can be a lot of options for the game - imagine with your baby.

Charging: mother and baby

Starting to do morning routine exercises with a child, we, of course, think first of all about the health of our son or daughter. But don't forget about yourself! Do the exercises with your baby - it will be a good daily warm-up. You can also come up with exercises that will be a good physical activity for the mother and a wonderful fun game for the baby. For example, effective exercise for the press. Lie on the floor on your back, place or sit the child on the shins of your legs bent at the knees and begin, holding the baby, swinging your legs up and down. Mom strengthens her abs, and the baby swings like on a swing. And then the mother will train the muscles of the arms and chest, and the baby will “fly.” We lift the baby up outstretched arms, then press it to your chest and up again. The lighter the child, the greater the number of repetitions that can be done. And at the end of the training, the baby “jumps”, and the mother squats, while holding the baby in her arms.

Child development– this is pure creativity! It is appropriate even when we are just talking about morning exercises. Try to come up with your own set of exercises, “tuning” it to the interests of your little athlete. To do this, we find it in a book, magazine or the Internet. approximate complex exercises suitable for child by age, and we put into each exercise some understandable and interesting for a child meaning. Does your little son really like cars? We come up with a “car” charger. Does your daughter love horses? We compose “horse” gymnastics. Let's add thematic poems to the exercises, and a complex morning exercises ready!

Surely, the baby will enjoy doing the exercises! How else? After all, this is mom’s exclusive! And only for him, the best, the most beloved.

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At the age of two or three, children love to imitate adults. Use this quality for useful purposes. You will have to do the exercises together. Just show your child a good example, and he will definitely do everything like mom or dad. “Do as we do, do better than us”! - let these words become the motto of your family.

Gymnastics for kids should not turn into difficult strength exercises, push-ups, abdominal swings or acrobatic tricks. It must be carried out for 5-10 minutes, and only in a playful way. Otherwise it won't work. At this age, it is difficult to keep a child’s attention; he needs to be captivated by something. Use and play on topics that are close and understandable to the baby. Don't give all the exercises at once. Two or three are enough for the baby to play and at the same time learn some new motor skills.


Get some sunshine. Tell your baby that the sun is shining directly above his head (you can hold a yellow one in your hands balloon). Ask him to get the sun. He will stretch his arms up and rise on his toes. Here's exercise number 1.

On toes and heels. Ask your child: how can he walk on his toes and heels? Show me how to do it. Let your doll or favorite soft toy take part and show off their skills.

Squats. How to teach a child to squat? Scatter different objects (or toys) around the room and ask your baby to bring them to you one at a time and put them, for example, in a box. The conditions of the game will “force” him to squat.

Bridge. This bridge is different from an adult one because it is performed in reverse. The baby should stand on his hands and feet, but not with his stomach, but with his back up. Make sure he straightens his knees. Look into the baby’s face and ask: “Who became our bridge?”

Engine. Let the child get down on all fours and show how the locomotive rides. You can accompany the movements with the sounds: “chug-chug.” Mark the trajectory of the “locomotive” and let it try to reverse.

Airplane. Spread your arms out to the sides and fly around the room. Accompany your movements with the sounds of a flying airplane: “oo-oo-oo.”

Scissors. This is a classic exercise that we all know well. A child’s abdominal muscles are not yet strong enough to support their legs for a long time. He will have his own “scissors”. The main thing is effort!

Kitty. Have your baby get on all fours and arch his back up and down, like a cat. Don't forget to purr!

Teddy Bear. Ask your child: “How does the bear walk?” Let him show. Demonstrate the clumsy movements of a clubfoot.

Running and jumping. Sprint running for a two-year-old toddler, it will most likely end in a fall. Learn running fast gradually. For good coordination of movements and balance, invite your baby to run between placed objects. After running, do some jumping. This won’t be too difficult: ask your child to show how a hare jumps.

PREVENTION OF FLAT FOOT. To prevent flat feet, do foot exercises.

◈ Sit your baby on the floor and invite him to be a monkey. Scatter various (small) objects around and ask the baby to collect them with his toes. Show me how to do it. The task will not be easy!

◈ Sit on the floor (on a soft surface) opposite each other, hold a towel (or clothing) between your legs and play tug of war.

◈ Sit on the floor, pass the ball to each other, pushing it with your feet.

◈ Let the baby raise his arms up, stand on his toes and walk several circles around the room. This exercise trains the muscles of the lower leg and foot well.

Let's move to the songs

If desired, any children's song can be used as musical accompaniment, as well as prompts for action when performing exercises. For example, this one:

Ah, in Africa the mountains are so high (we raise our hands up)

Ah, in Africa the rivers are this wide (we raise our arms to the sides)

Ahh, crocodiles, hippos, (clap our hands)

Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh, and a green parrot (we wave our arms like birds).

We clap our hands, clap, clap
clapping overhead
We stomp our feet, stomp, stomp
raise your knees high
Shaking our heads
move your head forward back
We raise our hands, we lower our hands
hands up, hands down
We squat low and we stand up straight
sit down and jump

Hands down, on your side,
Clamp it into a fist.
Hands up and into a fist,
Unfold it to the side.
Get up on your toes,
Squat down and straighten up.
Feet together, feet apart.

One, two - head up.
Three, four - arms, legs wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly.

Once - they waved their hands up,
And at the same time we sighed,
Two or three bent down and reached for the floor.
And four - stood up straight and repeat first.
We breathe in a lot of air.
When bending, exhale in a friendly manner,
But you don't need to bend your knees.
So that your hands don't get tired,
We'll put them on our belts.
We jump like balls
Girls and boys.

There is a forest on the mountain
circular movements with hands
He is neither short nor tall.
sit down, stand up, hands up
An amazing bird gives us a voice.
eyes and hands up, stretch
Two tourists along the path
We walked home from afar
walking in place
They say: “We have never heard such a whistle before.”
raise your shoulders

Let's raise our hands up - once
Above the nose, above the eyes.
Hold your hands straight up
Don't sway, don't tremble.
Three - put your hands down,
Stay where you are, don't move around.
Up one, two, three, four, down!
We repeat, don’t be lazy!
We will make turns.
Do everything willingly.
Once - turn left,
Two is now the other way around.
So, without any haste,
Repeat 8 times.
Hands on the belt, legs wider!

One - get up, pull yourself up
Two - bend over, straighten up
Three - three claps of hands, three nods of the head.
Four - wider legs.
Five - wave your arms.
Six - sit down quietly at the table.

Five merry brownies
On a festive night
We partied too much.
Standing on tiptoes
One spun in a waltz
And the second one tripped and bloodied his nose.
The third jumped to the skies
I picked stars from the sky.
And the fourth stomped like a clubfooted bear
The fifth sang until he was hoarse
Song after song.
That night the brownies had a lot of fun.

Winter evening in the blue sky
get up from the table
The blue stars are lit
stand on your toes, stretch
The branches are pouring blue frost
shaking your hands, slowly sit down
On the snow-covered snow.

Exercises physical activity- for a child of the second and third year of life, it is necessary to select it taking into account the individual characteristics of his physical and mental development. Motor activity is based on: walking, various games with a ball, flags, and other toys, as well as climbing and overcoming obstacles. Of course, the most effective form of doing gymnastics with a young child is a game.

To begin with, these can be simple and interesting tasks: come and look what is hidden in my hand, behind my back, behind the pillow, behind the chair. The baby, looking for his favorite toy, will try to overcome obstacles located in his path. For example, climbs over a pillow, crawls under a low table, etc. Gradually, the games become more difficult. Since children at this age are very receptive and prone to imitation, show the exercises yourself and compare them with the movements of animals and characters from fairy tales. It is necessary to complicate tasks gradually, only after the baby masters simpler movements.

Children should not be forced to do gymnastics. So try turn gymnastics into an exciting game, which you can play both at home and while walking. It’s good to do exercises with music to make it more fun. In a playful way, give your baby interesting tasks: “look what’s hidden in my hand (behind the chair, under the table). And the baby, looking for a surprise, overcomes various obstacles located in his way. For example, crawls under a low table, climbs over a pillow, etc.. Gradually, the games need to be made more complicated. Since children at this age try to imitate adults, show the exercises yourself, draw parallels with the movements of animals and characters from fairy tales.

We know when to stop

Conduct classes daily or once every two days, 30-40 minutes after breakfast or immediately after a nap for 10-12 minutes. Young children get tired quickly. Therefore, let the gymnastics classes not be very long (5-6 exercises - each repeated 3-5 times) and be sure to include short rest breaks.

Keep an eye on correct breathing during gymnastics: so that the child breathes through his nose and does not hold his breath.

Getting ready for gymnastics

Wear loose, light clothing made from natural fabrics for your baby; if you are at home, wear only socks on your feet. Do the exercises with the window open (in summer) or in a ventilated room (in winter).

Before you start some fun gymnastics, prepare everything you need.

You will need: funny toys, a hoop, a large ball, a stick or board, a box, a rug.

Gymnastics for a healthy child from 1 to 3 years old

We invite you to familiarize yourself with common exercises for children from 1 to 3 years old. You can create your own set of exercises, focusing specifically on your child. What will he like best? What can he do, and what is it too early for him?... Feel your child’s capabilities, select exercises - according to your intuition, but do not forget that there is no need to overtire the baby.

Exercises to improve walking

Improving walking

You are standing on the floor, and the baby is holding on to some object, furniture. Lure the child with a bright toy, either bringing it closer or moving it away from the baby. Repeat 2-4 times. If he has already learned to walk, then change the direction of the child’s walking, moving first to one side, then to the other, this will improve his orientation in space.

1) Walking along a “narrow path”.

On the floor, mark a path (30 cm wide) with chalk (with ropes, sticks, or a carpet pattern). In the future, focusing on the child’s capabilities, gradually narrow the path to 20-10 cm.
Invite your child to walk along it independently, maintaining balance.

Pay attention to the position of your feet when walking: the line of support should pass through the heel and second toe, the inner edge of the foot is slightly raised.

2) Walking on an inclined plane (with support)

Strengthen the gymnastic bench or board by lifting one end to a height of 20-25 cm. Invite the child to walk up the bench, turn around and go down. Help your baby by holding his hand.

3) Walking sideways

Teach your child to walk sideways on a path, board, or gymnastic bench. Let him learn to walk sideways equally well, both to the right and to the left.

4) Walking (and running) at different paces

First, let's prepare the child to complete the task. Place your baby in front of you and ask him to show his legs. When he does this, say: “Your legs are small, but they run fast!”

Little feet

ran along the path!

And the elephant - big feet, and he walks heavily, slowly.

Big feet,

walked along the road! "

Invite your baby to play - having received images of light and fast, heavy and slow movement - children usually take over the game with pleasure, walking and running in accordance with the words and rhythms of the choruses.

5) Stepping over obstacles

Teach your baby to walk by raising his legs high:

How tall is the grass?

Now nettle, now sedge,

Raise your legs higher

After all, you are not walking on the road!

Invite the child to step over a low object (10-15 cm); if the exercise is performed well, place several obstacles on the floor.

During a walk, make sure that the child lifts his legs well, does not shuffle his feet, teach him to step over low bumps and stones - the result will be the pleasant fact that broken knees will appear much less often!

6) Game "on a level path"

"On a level path

Our legs were running. (baby walks at normal pace)

By the pebbles, by the pebbles (steps over imaginary pebbles, raising his legs high)

And into the hole behind a friend." (crouches)

Then he gets up and walks again:

"We got back on our feet

on a level path"

Exercises to develop a sense of balance

Exercise 2 in the previous block of classes - also helps develop a sense of balance.

7) Rocking

Place your baby on a toy rocking horse and a swing. While securing him, swing him. During such fun game, the baby will learn to maintain balance, which will help him consolidate his walking skills. Outdoors - push your baby on swings and carousels.

8) Ball from the hill

A child on a walk climbs a low hill and turns around, rolls the ball down and runs after it.

9) Climbing onto an object (box, sofa)

First, invite the baby to climb onto a box 10-15 cm high, and then onto a sofa 40 cm high. To do this, offer him game: "Find the bear". Hide his favorite toy, such as a teddy bear, behind the back of the chair so that it is not completely visible to the child. "Where is the bear?" Seeing him, the baby will happily try to climb onto the chair - and he will definitely succeed! If the chair is too high for him, place a pillow or other auxiliary object under his feet.

Climbing exercises

Previous exercise 9- also great as a climbing exercise.

If your baby has already learned to climb onto sofas and armchairs, it’s time to install a small wall bars or a ladder. Encourage your child to climb at least a few steps, and then climb down. It is useful to teach your child to climb an inclined board ladder.

10) Climb through the window

You hold a hoop through which the child can see a toy that attracts his attention. The baby climbs through the hoop and straightens up. Place the toy higher up so that your baby has to reach for it.

Or you can build this activity in the form of a game:

"Cockerel cockerel!

Golden comb!

Look out the window -

I'll give you some peas!"

11) Climbing over a bench

Teach your child to climb over an obstacle (bench) correctly. Have the child stand sideways to the bench, put his hands on it and climb over, as shown in the picture on the right.

Repeat the exercise several times in both directions.

Crawling exercises

If your child did not crawl on all fours in the first year of life, then it is not too late to teach him this. Crawling well strengthens the muscles of the entire torso, arms, legs, and develops coordination of movements.

12) Dog, bull, goat

Let the child crawl on all fours while feeding the dog. Then, in the same way - but turning his head to the right and left, like a butting bull. You can say “Moo-moo!” at the same time. Then - moving in small steps, and saying “me-e-e! me-e-e!” Who is this? Goat!

13) Crawling on a bench

Let the baby walk on all fours on the bench, maintaining balance.

Don't forget to back him up.

14) Crawl under an obstacle (stick or board, low table)

Place the obstacle at a height of 30-50 cm. After crawling, let the baby stand up and take out a toy placed, for example, on the table.

General strengthening exercises

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

15) Butterfly

Starting position: The child stands, his arms are freely lowered along the body. Then he raises his arms to the sides
and waves his hands - “the butterfly flutters.”

Then he bends his arms at shoulder level and touches his shoulders with his fingers - “the butterfly folded its wings.”

So you can walk around the room, waving your hands with straight arms raised to the sides - “a butterfly flies.”

16) “Show your palms”

The baby stands straight, legs slightly apart, feet parallel to each other, arms
omitted. Ask him to extend both arms forward, palms up -
“Show your palms,” then hide them behind your back - “Hide your palms.”

17) “Watch”
The child stands, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. Waving
with both hands forward - “tick”, back - “tock”.

18) “Wind the thread”
The child stands straight, legs apart. Hands bent in front of chest, fingers clenched
into your fists. We need to show him how to make circular movements with the brushes, as if winding a thread around a ball.

20) Grow big!

The child stands straight, legs slightly apart, arms down along the body. , Raises his hands and reaches up.

The baby stands straight, arms down, feet shoulder-width apart.

Makes circular movements with straight arms forward, up and back. And in the opposite direction.

21) "Airplane"
The child stands with his feet shoulder-width apart. Raises his arms to the sides and tilts
the torso now to the right, now to the left, makes large swings of its arms. Picture on the right.

22) “Migratory Bird”
The child walks and runs around the room, waving his arms like a bird.

23) "Drummer"
Give your child a drum (hang it around his neck), let him walk around the room and drum his heart out with sweeping movements.

24) “We help mom - “sweep the floor””
The baby walks slightly leaning forward and makes sweeping movements with his arms,
simulating floor sweeping. Or - give him a broom in his hands, and he himself will show you how to sweep!)

25) "Locomotive"
The baby runs around the room, making alternating circular movements while bent
hands back and forth and saying: “Chuh-chukh-chukh!”

26) Game “Sawing wood”
Stand with your baby facing each other, or sit on the floor and hold hands. Feet slightly apart, one hand in front. Alternately bend and straighten your arms, saying “vzhzhik-vzhzhik.” Movements should be rhythmic and smooth. You can hold on to the rings.

Leg exercises

27) Squat (with hoop)

The child holds with both hands the hoop that is in your hands. At the command “Sit down!” the child squats without letting go of the hoop. Squat with him.

28) Squatting for a toy

Place 2-3 toys at different ends of the room. Encourage your child to squat to pick up toys. Repeat 2-3 times.

29) "Became small, became big"

The child stands straight, legs slightly apart, feet parallel,
hands down. Squats low - “became small”, then stands up -
"became big."
You can help your baby do this exercise by supporting him
for a stick

30) Collecting mushrooms

The baby walks around the room and bends down, squats - collecting mushrooms.

31) “Wiggle your leg.”

The baby stands holding the back of the chair with one hand. Swings the leg (farthest from the chair) back and forth. He turns and swings his other leg.

32) "Catching up."

The baby runs around the room, and you catch him.

33) "The flowers have bloomed"

Explain to your child that some flowers fold their petals at night, and in the morning, when the sun rises, they open. invite him to play: when you say “night”, the flower (that is, he) must sit down and curl the petals (hands). and when you say: “Day,” the flower rises and opens its petals.

Exercises for the torso

34) Flexion and extension of the torso

Place your child on your lap. Press your thighs against his shins. Flex and extend the baby's torso. Repeat 3-4 times.

35) “Bends with straight legs”

First, help your baby: put him with his back to you and hold him
knees, preventing them from bending. The child bends over for a toy
then straightens up.
Later, the baby bends over on his own, without bending his knees, trying to
get a toy or socks.

36) "Bicycle"
The child lies on his back with his legs slightly bent. Alternately bends and
extends legs, imitating riding a bicycle

37) "Hedgehog"
The baby lies on his back, wraps his arms around his knees and presses bent legs to the chest.

Here the hedgehog is curled up into a ball,
Because he was cold.
Then he lies down on his back again, stretches, arms straightened
up, behind the head.
The hedgehog's ray touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

38) "Turns to the sides"
The baby is on his knees. Ask him to take the toy from one.
sides and, turning the body, place it on the other side., for example, you can do it with a pyramid and rings to it

39) "Swallow"
The child lies on his stomach, arms spread to the sides. Bending slightly, he raises his head and arms.
Support him by his arms out to the sides using gymnastic rings.

40) "Fish"
The child lies on his stomach, arms bent under the chest. Straightening his arms, bends
back, raises head and chest.

41) "Kitty"
The child gets on all fours. Lowers his head, arches his back upward, like
pussy. Then he raises his head and arches his back, stretching.

42) “The turtle hid”
The child lies on his back, arms extended along the body. It shrinks into a ball, attracting
hands knees to chest and tries to touch forehead to knees. Rocks back and forth in this position

43) “Log”
The baby lies on his back, arms extended upward, behind his head. Turns on its side, without bending either the torso, legs, or arms, then turns onto its stomach. Roll around like a log on the floor.

44) Wheelbarrow

Help your child move on his hands on the floor - as shown in the picture!

Ball exercises

All children love to play with a ball - and this is an excellent physical development, development of manual dexterity and general locomotor skills.

45) Rolling the ball

Sit with your child on the floor opposite each other, legs wide apart. Roll the large ball in any given direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

46) Ball throwing

The child stands without support, holding a large ball with both hands. Have him throw the ball with both hands in any direction or to a larger target. Do not set difficult tasks for your child.

The proposals in this article, a system of gymnastic exercises, are based on the methods of famous St. Petersburg pediatricians: K. D. Gubert, M. G. Ryss, A. F. Tour, which have been used for a long time and with great success in children's health and medical institutions.