Gymnastic roller for the back. A gymnastic roller is a compact exercise machine for home use. Projectile with one or two wheels

In pursuit of beauty flat tummy We work our abs to the point of exhaustion, but if the results come, they come very slowly. Therefore, the question naturally arises: is it possible to achieve the desired cubes faster? Of course yes.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

By doing abdominal exercises with it, you can get great results in a shorter period than with regular workouts. For this you will not need a lot of time and money, since this projectile costs mere pennies.

But still, if you are a beginner athlete, then it is very important to figure out how to practice it. The technique of performing exercises with a fitness roller, although not complicated, still has several significant nuances, how to properly pump the roller, how to choose the right difficulty of the workout, as well as how much and when is best to do. We will try to answer all these questions in as much detail as possible.

First you need to decide on contraindications - the circumstances under which you cannot roll the apparatus. This is very important, because if you have diseases in which exercise will be dangerous to your health, then you do not need the technique of skating a fitness roller at all.


  • spinal injuries;
  • hernias and protrusions;
  • joint diseases;
  • heat;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • menstruation or pregnancy (for women);
  • high blood pressure.

As you can see, the list is not long, so classes with gymnastic wheel(aka ab roller) are shown to almost everyone. But even if you are already working out with it, then if you are not feeling well, you should wait a little with training. Remember: beautiful belly, does not compensate you for lost health.

If you are absolutely healthy, then before buying a piece of equipment, read the rules on how to choose it correctly, because it depends on whether your training will be effective.

Important points when choosing:

  • wheel diameter - the smaller it is, the harder you will have to work. Therefore, if you are a beginner, take a closer look at the gymnastic wheel with the maximum diameter;
  • safety - for convenient operation, the surface of the wheel and handles must be covered with a protective rubber layer. Its absence can lead to hands slipping during exercise and, as a result, injury;
  • type of implement - for beginners and people with spinal problems (osteochondrosis, for example), it is better to choose a wheel with a return stroke or pedals, as they are the most convenient to use. But classic models should be taken more experienced athletes(you don’t have to buy them, because the design is not complicated and you can make the projectile with your own hands).

Ab roller: reviews and notes

How useful this equipment is can be seen by looking at the results before and after classes. So you can appreciate the colossal positive effect from abdominal roller exercises.

In just a month of training, you get perfectly pumped core muscles, as well as abs - and this is beautiful toned stomach and embossed body. Many athletes also note the high effectiveness of this gymnastics machine in pumping gluteal muscles(which, you see, would be a good bonus). Does it help with weight loss? This is definitely a yes. It is suitable for people with overweight, as it minimizes the damage caused to joints during training.

Its effectiveness is also evidenced by the fact that you will need to do crunches for at least half an hour to work off the same number of calories as the roller burns in 10 minutes.

But before you start training, you should pay attention to the fact that abdominal roller exercises are divided by gender - for men and women. There are also special classes for beginners. This division of training is not at all accidental - by choosing the right type of exercise, you will achieve the desired results faster (and easier).

What muscles are involved in the ab roller exercise?

The gymnastic wheel can rightfully be considered one of the most versatile sports equipment. The reason for this is the huge number of muscles that work when performing the exercise. That is why it is difficult to say what shakes sports video for the press.

Judging by the name, one gets the strong impression that its action is aimed at the stomach. You will, of course, pump up your abs, but in addition to this, your muscles will pump:

  • backs - trapezoid and wings (latissimus);
  • shoulder deltas;
  • gluteal;
  • femoral;
  • arms - biceps and triceps;

As you can see, the action of the video is very extensive and is not focused on the abdominal muscles.

Press roller with return mechanism

The special feature of the gymnastic wheel with a reverse mechanism is that it makes it easier for athletes. It’s easy to exercise and most importantly, it’s impossible to overstrain your muscles during training. With the roller you can pump up your abs without harming your body. A special mechanism (mechanical or electronic) ensures that the roller returns to its original position.

How to use such a video and if there are any special recommendations? Working with a gymnastic circle is the same for all types of this apparatus, so there are simply no exceptional rules for its use. Its uniqueness is not at all in how to do the exercise - it is in the ease of use.

Another visible health benefit of this ab roller is that the return mechanism allows you to remove the load from the spine and at the same time have tremendous efficiency. That is why this simulator is considered the best for people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Another very important question, of interest to beginners - how often do you need to practice to get good result? It’s worth warning right away that the ab roller is not used in intense daily training. All exercises with it involve fairly smooth execution, without sudden movements and accelerations. Misuse sports equipment can cause irreparable harm to the back and joints - so there is no need to rush.

Start with 10-12 repetitions of 3 sets and only then gradually increase your result. If any discomfort occurs, you should stop doing the exercise.

How to do ab roller exercises

Before you start active training with a gymnastics circle, you need to figure out how to use it correctly. It’s not enough to just know how to use it - you need to clearly understand the technique of performing each exercise.

We present to your attention several basic techniques on how to roll a roller correctly:

  1. Lay out a sports mat, kneel on it, straighten your back, lower your hands with the roller to the floor. Start slowly rolling it forward along the floor. Tilt your body and stretch after the projectile until your entire body is in line. At the maximum point, pause a little and begin forward movements back to the starting position. It is important to do everything as smoothly as possible without jerking. Also, do not forget to keep your abdominal muscles constantly toned.
  2. The starting position of this exercise is similar to, only the hands are fixed on the roller. Having taken the desired position, begin to slowly roll the roller towards you, raising your lower back until you are fully on your feet. Then do the opposite movement - bend over and roll the roller until your body is parallel to the floor.
  3. Lie down on the floor, stretch your arms with the apparatus forward. Start rolling the roller towards you, lifting it up as much as possible. top part torso. Return to the starting position by rolling the roller back.
  4. Sit on the floor with your legs spread wide apart. Place the apparatus on the floor and roll it forward as far as your stretch allows. Then also slowly and measuredly make a progressive movement back.
  5. Stand straight next to the roller. Bend over and roll the gymnastic circle until your body is parallel to the floor. Make sure that your back does not sag in the lower back, and that your body is as tense as possible (like a string). Return to the starting position by rolling the roller towards you.

The ab roller is perfect for both girls and men. It is easy to use, not hazardous to health, and is not at all expensive. The gymnastic circle is recommended for beginner girls and guys who want to have a beautiful toned body. It also has a fat-burning effect and will certainly appeal to those who want to lose weight. Therefore, if you want to exercise with maximum results, choose an ab roller and exercise for your own pleasure.

I welcome you all. Glad you stopped by my blog. And today I will show you exercises with a roller for the press for women and men, of course, I will describe them in detail, and you will also receive valuable recommendations. Well, are you ready to gain knowledge? Is that why you came here?

general information

The gymnastic wheel, that is, the roller, is very effective simulator or a projectile, call it what you want - the essence does not change. Thanks to it, you can literally work out your entire body, including not only superficial muscles, but also deep along with the joints. I wrote about this in mine.

The wheel is an excellent addition to, but can also be the main equipment of an entire workout or even a program aimed at developing strength, endurance or gaining muscle mass. Therefore, if you still decide to exercise with this simulator, I am sure that you will achieve success.

Let me note right away that the exercises below (some of them) can only be performed with a roller that has special attachments for the feet. You can’t do this with a regular one (where there are only handles). Therefore, I advise you to purchase it with fasteners. Although the need for invention is cunning. You can purchase at store Activism.

Ab roller exercises for men

1. Rolling forward and backward. Get on your feet, roller in your hands. Lower the wheel to the floor. From this position, straighten the body until it is completely straight. Do not touch the floor with your knees, stomach or chest - support only the wheel and feet. If you can’t do it in the first stages, you can replace it first female exercise until you get into condition.

2. "Swiss knife". The legs are fixed to the roller, the roller stands on the wheel. You should rest your hands on the floor, taking a prone position (only with a roller on your legs). From this position, you need to pull both legs approximately to your chest, bending your spine and torso (tightening your abdominal muscles).

3. "Pike". The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but here you need to bring the roller as close to your hands as possible. Your legs should be straight, your arms too, only your body should bend in the lower back and stomach, thereby working on your abs.

4. Walking on your hands. Again, the starting position is the same as in the two previous exercises (the apparatus is fixed on the legs). Remember how you walked on your hands in physical education classes at school, and your best friend held your legs? The same thing here, only in the role best friend video clip. It is necessary to move with your hands, but at the same time strain your abs.

5. Rolling forward-left and forward-right from your knees. The name of the exercise speaks for itself - we kneel. The roller is initially located near them. You roll forward and to the left, go back, forward and to the right, back. Only the movement of the roller should not be in a straight line, but in an arc.

You may ask, why is there so little exercise? Believe me, these 5 exercises will be enough to pump you up even if you do several approaches of each of them.

Ab roller exercises for women

1. Rolling back and forth from your knees. Yes, this is a somewhat simplified form of the first exercise in the male complex, but no less effective. Roll back and forth from your knees without lying on the floor or touching it with your chest. If the breast big size, put on a sports bra.

2. "Birch". The legs are attached to the handles of a gymnastic wheel. Lie on the floor, arms along your body, palms on the floor. Pull your legs towards your body, rolling the roller along the floor, and then raise your legs into a “birch” position, lifting your pelvis off the floor. Hold for two seconds. Return.

3. Walking on your hands in a semicircle. You continue to stand on your hands and with a wheel on your feet. From this position, begin to move to the left, stepping alternately with your hands, then to the right. In both directions it is necessary to move in a semicircle. The roller in this exercise should not move, it should spin in different directions, but in place.

4. Alternately pulling the legs to the chest. Place both hands on the handles of the wheel and keep your balance. The feet are on their toes. First, pull your right leg toward your chest, tensing your abs. Then left, doing the same.

5. Straight leg raise with a roller behind your back.
Sit on the floor, straighten your legs, pull up your toes, and arch your back. The roller is located behind your back, and you lean on it with both hands. Your task is to raise your straight legs to a height of 50–60 centimeters from the floor, while moving back to a distance of 15–20 centimeters. Don't turn the wheel too far.

In principle, if desired, the female and male complexes can be supplemented with exercises from the opposite complex. I think you'll want to. It is so?


So how? Did you like the selected abdominal roller exercises for men and women? Be sure to write your opinion in the comments - it is very important to me.

On my own behalf I would like to recommend the course " PERFECT PRESS IN 30 DAYS", in which you will find a complete abdominal training program, as well as execution techniques, secrets and recommendations on how to pump up beautiful abs like Hollywood actors.

Find out more about the course »»

All I can do is say “goodbye” to you. Don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates and share this article with your friends on social networks. Bye everyone.

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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In order to pump up muscles, get their beautiful contour or get rid of excess weight, unaesthetic fat deposits, it is necessary to expose the body to properly selected physical activity. Some people go to school for this gym or a fitness center, where they exercise under the supervision of professional trainers; others prefer to perform various exercises at home on their own. However, it will be very useful for both to use a gymnastic roller - this simple, but incredibly effective simulator will help both create muscle relief and remove unnecessary body fat.

Description of the simulator

This projectile in its simplest version consists of only two components - a wheel, which is put on the axis of the handle, but with its help you can influence almost all muscle groups. In modern sports stores you can find many variations of a gymnastic roller - with two, three and even four wheels, with a trimmer cable, with a reverse mechanism. However, even without all these bells and whistles, a gymnastic ab roller is very effective, capable of competing in this regard even with a full-fledged home multi-station for fitness. Not to mention, any exercise without any equipment will not come close to the results that can be achieved with this video.

So, the man decided to purchase such a projectile for himself and for this he came to sporting goods store. If it is a good and large retail outlet, it will have many options for such shells, and this can make it difficult to choose. As a rule, all types of gymnastic roller are built according to the same scheme; only minor details differ:

  1. One or more wheels. Naturally, additional wheels increase the stability of the projectile and are therefore easier to use, especially for beginners who should not be distracted by maintaining balance and overexerting their muscles. But at the same time, one wheel on the roller allows, in addition to muscles, to train the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements. But this is reasonable if the person is in good physical shape or already has some experience with such a video.
  2. The presence or absence of a rubber edging on the wheel. When practicing at home, it is highly desirable to have a gymnastics wheel with a soft rubber rim. This will improve traction on the floor and eliminate slips and falls, and also provide less noise during exercise.
  3. Return mechanism. Some types of rollers have a mechanical or even electronic return mechanism that allows the wheel to move back as you perform the exercise. This significantly reduces the strain on the muscles, so it's great suitable for beginners athletes.
  4. Roller with a shifted center of gravity. In this version of the projectile, the center of gravity of the wheel is shifted, as a result of which it is necessary to apply more effort to scroll it. It is also intended for advanced users.

Reviews of those using one or another type of gymnastic roller vary; while some people are satisfied with a simple apparatus without any problems, others believe that the results of its use are rather meager. According to the latter, a gymnastic roller without additional load or, moreover, with return mechanism- This is only a temporary stage for a person to get used to such exercises.

However, this is not entirely true - if some people want to pump up their muscles and improve their relief with the help of a roller, then others (especially girls) simply need to remove fat deposits and make their figure toned. Therefore, the choice of roller type depends on the initial physical training person and the goals he wants to achieve using it.

An important and frequently asked question regarding the use of this video is the following: what muscles and their groups are involved when exercising with it? In fact, with the right approach, almost all major muscles work, especially in problem areas:

  1. First of all, these are almost all groups of abdominal muscles; it is not for nothing that this apparatus is called an ab roller or an ab wheel.
  2. Muscles of the belt and free upper limb(hands).
  3. Muscles of the back and lower back.
  4. Main muscle groups of the thighs, gluteal muscles.
  5. Calf muscles (when positioned on the toes when performing exercises).

Of course for professional athlete This video still will not replace full-fledged simulators, since the maximum load when using it is limited own weight person. However, reviews confirm the opinion that this equipment will help an athlete who was forced to interrupt his training “not to lose shape”, or can serve as an excellent warm-up option.

For beginner bodybuilders or people who want to keep their body in good physical shape, a gymnastics wheel is perfect. Especially considering the fact how little space it will take up even in the cramped apartment when stored, and to practice on it you only need a couple of square meters of flat space on the floor.

How to exercise with a roller

After the video has been selected and purchased, it is necessary to develop a scheme of exercises on it. Typically, all schemes are divided into classes for beginners, for more experienced ones and for people in very good physical shape. However, practice and reviews show that it is not always correct, for example, for experienced users to do exercises only from their own scheme.

It is better to start with simpler and less strenuous exercises in order to warm up the ligaments and muscles, otherwise there is a risk of getting a serious sprain.

Of course, this advice may not be followed if the exercise on a gymnastic roller is preceded by other warm-up options (running, jumping in place, stretching).

Beginners as well as experienced athletes should use a gymnastic roller as a warm-up while performing the exercise. in the following way. Starting position: standing on the floor on your knees. You need to grab the handles of the gymnastic roller and, keeping your arms straight, slowly roll it forward until your torso is parallel to the floor (but you must not lie down on the floor!). After that, with the same slow movement and with straight arms, you need to pull the wheel towards you, returning to its original position.

In the event that exercises with a gymnastic roller according to the previous description have already become commonplace, you can complicate the exercises. To do this, the roller is grasped by the handles, a person bends down from a standing position and slowly rolls the wheel away from himself until his arms, torso and legs line up in a straight line parallel to the floor. The emphasis should only be on the roller wheel and toes. Then you also slowly need to return to the starting position.

If a person has very good sports uniform, then you can make the exercise even more difficult. To do this, you need to lie on the floor with your arms extended with the wheel forward, and from this position begin to gradually rise until your lower back reaches the top point, and then slowly lower to the starting position.

In addition to a specific exercise regimen, you need to know a few more basic rules for practicing with a gymnastic roller:

  1. Beginners can do 6-9 repetitions in one approach as part of their exercise, that is, rise and fall 6-9 times. According to the second training scheme, you need to do no more than 6 repetitions, and according to the third – no more than 3-4, after which you need to take a break for 5-10 minutes, during which you can jump rope or on the spot. In total, you can do up to 6-8 approaches, but in this matter it is important to listen to your body and not push it to the point of complete exhaustion.
  2. An important factor in the effectiveness of training with a roller, both for the purpose of losing weight and for training muscles, is correct breathing. The best option is to inhale through your nose when lowering your body down and exhale through your mouth when going up. With irregular breathing, the supply of oxygen to working tissues is disrupted, due to this, the breakdown of fats is inhibited, and a lot of lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, which causes sore throat and slows down the growth of new muscle fibers.
  3. It is also important to perform all the exercises described above slowly and evenly. Slow execution guarantees longer muscle tension, which increases the effectiveness of the exercise. And vice versa, fast and, especially jerky, “skating” on a gymnastic roller leads to the fact that almost 70% of the time the muscles are relaxed and do not experience any useful load.

Such daily exercise 15-25 minutes will help maintain excellent physical fitness for both men and women, contribute efficient combustion excess fat deposits. If a man wants to use this apparatus to create a beautiful and uniform muscle definition, then he should alternate such exercises with pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This will additionally stimulate muscle growth in the back and shoulder girdle.

Greetings, dear readers of the sportivs sports blog. Today we will delight you with an article called exercises with a gymnastic roller. You will learn many useful features, the main one of which is practicing at home. How to make a beautiful slim figure using a gymnastic roller at home, read this article.

What is a gymnastics roller for?

This small roller serves as a training device that helps you achieve good athletic results. If you regularly exercise on a gymnastic roller, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles, as well as psoas muscles. This simple but at the same time effective abdominal exercise machine allows you to achieve excellent results. After this brief overview of the gymnastics video, let's look at the main advantages of this little machine.


If you are looking for a machine that you will use at home, and so that it takes up little space, then I recommend paying attention to the gymnastic roller. The exercises that will be described below will involve all the muscles of the body, which will allow you to fully and evenly develop and strengthen the muscles.

  • The first advantage is that you can exercise on the simulator without leaving your home. You don't need to go to the gym; at any time convenient for you, you can work out on a gymnastic roller.
  • Perfect for both men and women.
  • It has a low cost, which is why anyone can purchase a gymnastic roller.
  • The trainer is easy to use. Thanks to this, you will not have any difficulties during the lesson.
  • Thanks to the ab wheel, you can pump up your abs and get rid of extra pounds. During the exercise, all the muscles of your body are tensed, the maximum load is regular classes will bring wonderful results. However, it is worth considering proper nutrition, because no matter what efforts you make, without nutrition you will not achieve maximum results.

Set of exercises

1. Exercise with a gymnastic roller while kneeling. I put this exercise first on the list because it is the simplest and will help prepare for the subsequent ones, which require more effort.

The most standard exercise that you have probably heard about before. While kneeling, grab the wheel handles with both hands and, with your back straight, pull the wheel forward. In the maximally extended phase, you should not touch the floor with your stomach, maintaining tension in the abs and lower back. For beginners, I advise you to do 6-8 times. Over time, you can increase the number of repetitions to 10-12.

2. Exercise with a wheel while standing. This is an alternative but more complex version. While standing, you should lower yourself and straighten up with the wheel on the floor, then return to the starting position. Perform 8-10 times.

3. Lying on your stomach, pull the gymnastic roller towards you, bending as you do so. You should start with your arms outstretched. Pull the roller as close as possible, fixate at the maximum stage for 3-4 seconds. Do it 10 times. The upper and... are developing well.

4. Sitting on the floor with straight legs, place the gymnastic wheel to your side. Place your hands on the wheel and stretch out right side until the chest touches the floor, then repeat the exercise on the other side. Perform 8-10 times on each side. The exercise allows you to stretch well and also pump up your muscles. This will help make your waist thinner and more beautiful.

Don't underestimate such a small machine. Despite its dimensions, with correct use it is very effective. Many large exercise machines that stand in gyms will not be able to provide you with the desired results, unlike a gymnastic roller, which in turn is useful not only for the abs, but also for the back.

The first tip is to warm up thoroughly. It is important before any workout, especially before exercising with a gymnastic wheel. Warm up well and you will warm up your ligaments, bring muscle fibers in tone.

The second tip is proper breathing. If you breathe frequently and in small breaths, the effectiveness of your workout will be reduced to a minimum - breathe deeply and evenly.

Tip number three. Always keep your back straight. If you bend, you can injure your lower back.

To achieve beautiful figure and lose a couple of extra pounds, first of all you need to remove all negative foods and normalize proper nutrition. With regular exercise, proper daily routine and nutrition, you will always be in shape, feel good and healthy.

Dear friends, we looked at the advantages of exercising on a gymnastic roller, I talked about efficient complex exercises, and also gave practical recommendations, following which you will always be in good shape. Finally, watch this interesting video. Have a nice day and positive mood.

Low bow, my dears! Summer is in full swing, but we still can’t calm down and stuff you with notes. Probably already tired of it? :) And yet, today we are waiting for another technical note about the abdominal roller exercise. After reading the article, you will become familiar with its advantages, as well as the technique of implementation. In addition, we will reveal its effectiveness for creating a steel press.

So, make yourself comfortable, I'm giving the third call.

Ab roller exercise. What, why and why?

Believe it or not, it is also possible to shape your figure at home. Of course, there is no need to talk about the pain of muscles, but creating some general elasticity and making the muscles fit is a completely feasible task. Various types of home sports equipment can help with this. We’ll talk about one such fitness device, the ab roller, next.

The first time I met this rolling machine was in a physics lesson when I was still a schoolboy. As usual, the curious Protasov, a student of the 7th grade, went where he shouldn’t have gone, namely, into the physical education teacher’s back room. After rummaging through various rubbish, I found a wheel with handles, which seemed very unusual to me. I had no idea how to use it, so I just rolled it around and then ran after it across the floor. It soon became clear that the principle of operation of the rolling wheel is somewhat different, and it is called an ab roller, designed to strengthen muscles abdominals. Our next meeting with the video took place in a different, more familiar environment, namely in the fitness room of a local club. Both of them were interesting, memorable, and therefore it was decided to dedicate a note to this fitness equipment.

Actually, let's move on to the theoretical and substantive part, let's go.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The ab roller is an inexpensive fitness equipment that is designed to strengthen the core and abdominal muscles. Despite the simplicity of the exercise technique, rolling a roller causes a lot of difficulties due to the weakness of the entire abdominal region of the abdominal muscles, as well as the back areas. The rectus abdominis and obliques actually contract isometrically with slight flexion at the waist under resistance. In the absence of waist flexion, the rectus abdominis and external obliques act as pelvic and waist stabilizers during hip flexion.

The complete muscle ensemble is the following set of muscles:

  • target region – iliopsoas muscle;
  • synergists – tensor fascia lata, sartorius, pectineus, adductor long/short, latissimus muscle back, large round, large (sternal section)/small chest, rear delta, diamond-shaped;
  • stabilizers – rectus abdominis, obliques, triceps, pectoralis major (clavicular region), wrist flexors;
  • dynamic stabilizers – rectus femoris muscle;
  • antagonist-stabilizers – erector spinae muscles.

In the picture version, the muscle atlas looks like this:


By doing the ab roller exercise, you will get the following benefits:

  • development of abdominal muscle strength;
  • creating a lasting muscle corset– strengthening the core muscles;
  • involving a large number of people in the work at once (up to 20 ) muscles;
  • greater activity of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles compared to crunches;
  • increased endurance;
  • improved posture;
  • reduction of back pain, prevention of injuries;
  • increasing working weights in squats;
  • improved muscle coordination;
  • increased muscle mass, increased basal metabolic rate (improved ability to burn calories during periods of inactivity).

Execution technique

The abdominal roller exercise is not without its subtleties and nuances, and therefore it is important to know how to perform it correctly. To figure this out, let's go step by step through the technique of doing it.

Step #0.

Take the roller in your hands and take a position on the floor, standing on all fours. Place the roller on outstretched arms strictly under the shoulders, lock in this position. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Inhaling, slowly begin to roll the roller forward in a straight line, pulling your body along with it and stretching it. Continue moving forward as far as you can without your body touching the floor. After a pause in the stretched position, pull yourself back to the starting position, exhaling to contract (closer). Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, the exercise with a roller looks like this:

In motion like this...

Subtleties and secrets

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips:

  • roll the roller back and forth slowly and under control;
  • keep your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire movement path;
  • stay for 1-2 accounts in an extended position;
  • perform the exercise with your knees on the mat;
  • to develop strength abdominal muscles and create a strong encircling corset, include the exercise along with the bar in your abdominal training;
  • As you progress, also use diagonal roller rolls;
  • do not perform the exercise if you have pain in the lower back and hernias;
  • recommended number of approaches - 2-3 , reps 8-12 .


Besides classic version roller rental (which, by the way, is a rather advanced and complex version of the exercise) note the variations:

  • on fitball;
  • reverse roller ("penknife");
  • rental of barbells with pancakes.

Actually, we’re done with the theoretical part, now let’s look at the practical calculations.

The best exercises for the upper/lower abs, what are they?

In an experiment at the University of Massachusetts Exercise Physiology and Exercise Science, measurements were taken of the electrical activity of the upper and lower abdominal muscles while performing exercises. various exercises. It was found that renting a video in comparison with 5 the most popular abdominal exercises, showed the highest EMG values ​​for two areas - 80% for the top and 85% for bottom, against 70% And 80% , from the nearest pursuer, raise your knees while hanging on the horizontal bar.

Conclusion – one of the best complex exercises on the press is a rolling roller.

Ab roller VS crunches. What's better?

When performing crunches while lying on your back (), the torso is lifted off the floor, the rectus abdominis muscle contracts and the distance between the ribs and hips decreases. When rolling a roller, the rectus abdominis muscle performs isometric, static reduction throughout the entire range of motion. When the wheel approaches, p.m.f. contracts, reducing the distance between the ribs and hips.

Most effective exercises on the press are those in which during movement the use of third-party muscles (hip flexors) minimal. Thus, involving the hip flexors in abdominal exercises reduces their effectiveness. When performing back crunches, the hip flexors remain in place. (because the knees are bent and do not move). When performing the ab roller exercise, the angle at the hips increases and decreases, so the abs receive help from the flexors.

Conclusion. Crunch - more isolated exercise on the press, roller - more complex. They cannot be compared with each other, because... they solve slightly different problems, the first is targeted development of the midsection, the second is the development of strength and the creation of a muscular corset that encircles the waist. Most effective strategy abdominal workout is the use of crunches (and it’s better on a fitball) and a video on one program day.

Ab roller VS plank. Who will win?

No one no one :) ... these exercises have the same “principle of action”, in which the abdominal muscles contract isometrically, which, in turn, means that the muscles work to keep the spine in static position. When a person stands/sits, his abdominal muscles work isometrically to maintain straight posture. The development of isometric strength is important for a person and allows you to keep the spine in correct position for a longer time. In addition, isometrics are important when performing work with a barbell, such as squats.

Conclusion - to build not only the shape of the abs (a.k.a. cubes), but also to develop the strength of the abdominal muscles, use exercises of different “principles of action.”

This was the last information that I would like to convey, now let's summarize.


Today we got acquainted with the abdominal roller exercise, which means that you are one step closer to building the body of your dreams.

So, let’s finish reading the theory and head to the gym for practice, good luck!

PS. And you are skating, how are you doing?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.