The photographs of horses of different breeds are very beautiful. The most beautiful horse in the world is the black stallion Friedrich the Great. Exotic guest from India - Marwari

People domesticated horses many years ago, and during this time many new, beautiful and unusual breeds of these creatures were developed. From the very moment they are born, horses amaze us with their incredible beauty, grace and intelligence. Bringing benefits to their owners, horses quickly made people understand their importance and indispensability, both in the household and as a means of transportation. Their popularity came in the Middle Ages and became less relevant with the development of industry and the advent of the first machines in the nineteenth century. But in addition to the undeniable benefits, horses, especially purebred breeds, have always been pleasing to the eye. A gorgeous mane, a majestic figure and incredible speed glorified their breed, making it in demand today. So, the top 10 most beautiful horse breeds. Enjoy reading!

The oldest breed on Earth. These draft horses are the largest, strongest and heaviest horses. Since the twelfth century, the English government has been concerned about the preservation of these horses, which were called “great”. When Henry VIII was in power, he issued laws that did not allow the breeding of individuals shorter than 1m 54 cm. Work to improve the breed was carried out constantly, even records dating back more than a thousand years have been preserved. Thanks to the mixing of blood and through selection, today the Shires look exactly like this - powerful and beautiful! The height of this heavy truck reaches 185 cm, weight reaches about 1200 kg. He has a large head, a short but strong neck, powerful back, strong pumped up legs with beautiful friezes, strong hooves. The most common breeds are bay, black, and karak. There is a white stripe on the muzzle; friezes are white. Now the shires are the national treasure of Great Britain and are a symbol of England. And their remarkable strength is demonstrated only at holidays and shows.

A very ancient breed with unique qualities, bred by the warlike Rathore clan of Rajputs. Strict selection rules have given the world an amazing horse that can survive in desert areas, is unpretentious in food, can tolerate thirst, heat and cold, and with all these qualities can cover long distances very quickly. Long graceful legs help to move easily on the sand, and even if the horse falls through, it will not touch the hot surface with its belly. They have excellent orientation, remember where their home is, and there are cases when Marwaris helped lost riders. A feature of the Marwar horse is the unusual shape of its ears, curved inward, so that their tips are connected. Maybe that’s why Marwaris have very sensitive hearing, which also helps in dangerous moments. Marwaris, on average, grow up to 163 cm, sometimes 173 cm, they have a thin neck, a large head, and a straight profile. A very beautiful and elegant breed. In the thirties of the twentieth century, the Marwar horse almost disappeared, but the Indian government was seriously involved in preserving this breed, and today the number of livestock has increased significantly. Many Russians dream of having such a beauty, but acquiring it is not so easy.

A well-known sporting breed with a breeding history that dates back many centuries. They were originally used as war horses, these were massive, very strong horses, they easily carried knights in heavy armor. Later, the need for these qualities of the Hanoverians disappeared, and in the eighteenth century, George II founded a state stud farm, where they began to breed a strong and large horse not only for war, but also for agricultural work. In the next century, the blood of English riding horses appeared in the veins of the Hanoverian horse. Next, the breeders began to purposefully consolidate useful riding qualities, since due to the development of mechanization of agriculture, the demand for them has sharply dropped. Today Hannover is in the top three in eventing, traveling and jumping competitions. Only horses with a balanced temperament are allowed for breeding. That is, “upbringing” among the Hanoverians at the genetic level. Externally, a very beautiful breed, tall (up to 175 cm), with a long graceful neck, large expressive eyes, and a strong muscular body. They are also very loyal and devoted friends.

7. Donchak (Don horse)

One of the oldest Russian breeds, it was bred by the Don Cossacks in the 18th and 19th centuries. The “source material” was the horses of the Cossacks from the Don, which they took from nomadic tribes, and then bred them in a herd, where they found trophy horses of different breeds: Persian, Turkmen, Persian, etc. And later, to improve the breed for Don fillies, only purebred stallions (Arabian, Streltsy breeds) were “attracted”. Donchak dogs have a calm disposition, they get along well with children, they are often used in horse riding training, they have good health, they are hardy (they cover up to 300 km per day), unpretentious and strong. The height of the donchak reaches 165 cm, rib cage wide, straight back, golden-red color, there are markings on the head and legs. Perfect for show jumping amateur sports. Now this handsome man is a real decoration of the Russian cavalry!

This horse is the embodiment of true nobility. After all, they were the faithful companions of knights and warriors from time immemorial. From time immemorial, these noble beauties have always been close to all European thrones. Caesar highly valued these horses. Horses in ancient Greek depictions of military battles and campaigns very much resemble this famous breed. Iberians are brave, balanced and intelligent, very kind and love their owners. They come from the Iberian Peninsula. The average height is 162 cm, there are taller individuals, Long neck, straight or hooked nose, and, most importantly, beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Their mane and tail are very long, strong legs, have excellent balance. The elegant and incredibly flexible Iberian can often be found at all kinds of shows, performances, screenings, and bullfights. Nowadays there are three subtypes. The color depends on the subtype and can be from gray to dark bay. Representatives of this breed took part in the creation of all breeds of riding horses, although now it is not the most famous breed.

They were the most popular in Germany for many centuries. They worked on developing just such a breed for many years, starting around the 13th century. Initially, this peasant horse was appreciated by farmers for its strength, calm disposition, and reliability, and only then was appreciated by the military for its intelligence, abilities and courage. In those days, Holsteins had a lot of different bloods mixed in them: Spanish, German, Asian. Thoroughbred English stallions were actively used in breeding in order to achieve desired result. In the eighteenth century, crossbreeding (with the Yorkshire horse) resulted in improved carriage and disposition of the Holstein. Today this breed is unique sporty look, which, thanks to selection, perform well on Olympic Games and achieve high awards there. They are particularly successful in show jumping and dressage. Externally, it is a large animal, height reaches 172 cm, with a strong back, broad chest, well-developed muscles, light or dark bay, maybe gray or karak. They can rightfully be called the property of the German people, for their qualities and abilities.

4. Friesian horse (Friesian)

This “black pearl” was bred in Friesland (northern province of Friesland, the Netherlands). An amazing beauty was born back in the 16th - 17th centuries, after crossing the Spanish horse and a heavy “cold-blooded” breed. A very unusual, beautiful, graceful and good-natured breed. Individuals of this species are quite tall: at the withers 1 m 50 cm - 1 m 65 cm, only black, large, massive, with high legs, with a long back, big head and long, but strict ears. The hooves are black and large, onto which long, lush brushes fall, framing strong legs. Frieza’s “calling card” has always been and is a long and thick mane and tail.

3. Oryol trotter (Oryol trotter)

The pride and main symbol of domestic horse breeding is the Orlov Trotter. Its uniqueness and value lies in the fact that it is bred only in Russia, as it has a limited gene pool. This horse belongs to the breed of light draft horses and is distinguished by the high agility of a lynx, which is transmitted genetically. The most famous Russian horse breed was bred at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries under the direct leadership of Count A.G. Orlov. and is still an example of competent selection. Orlovtsy are obedient and attached to people, self-possessed, but at the same time quite purposeful, courageous and temperamental. Oryol trotters are among the largest individuals. Their height reaches 170 cm. They have a lean physique, proud posture and gracefulness in movement. Common colors are light gray or dapple gray, bay, black, less often - red and roan color. The most thoroughbred horses have repeatedly become winners or prize-winners at status competitions. Oryol residents are recognized at international horse auctions.

They belong to a beautiful and ancient breed. The first representatives appeared on the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries. This breed is always recognizable for its spectacular exterior - a small head with expressive eyes, a long neck with a graceful curve, a high tail, which the horses raise up during fast run. Their mannerisms and graceful movements always fascinate. Arabians are short in stature - no more than 1.53 cm at the withers, but at the same time they are extremely hardy, therefore they often participate in horse races on long distances, lasting up to six days. They are very smart, have excellent memory and are well versed in the area. They are famous for their loyalty, humility and friendliness. Arabian horses are also famous for their good health and longevity. They usually live up to thirty years, and mares retain reproductive function even in old age. They are found mainly in gray colors of all shades, a little less often - bay, red, and less often black.

The horse breed comes from Turkmenistan and was bred about five thousand years ago. This is not only one of the oldest breeds of horses that have survived to this day, but also quite rare, and, therefore, very expensive. Akhal-Teke people are also famous for their incredible beauty. Due to its slender build and tall height (approximately 160 cm), this breed is called the “supermodel” of horses. Horses of this breed have the finest skin and short hair with a characteristic metallic tint. The colors are very different - from the common - bay, black, red and gray to the rare - nightingale, dun, karak. It is especially worth highlighting the gorgeous Akhal-Teke beauty of Isabella color. In addition to their spectacular appearance, these animals are also distinguished by their working qualities. Their endurance is surprising, they are not picky about the quantity and quality of food, and adapt well to dry climates. Akhal-Teke people have a fiery temperament. They are proud and rarely allow strangers to approach them. They require a subtle approach. They do not accept rudeness and neglect, but if you manage to earn the trust of these handsome men, you will receive a faithful and devoted friend. In addition, these horses are very smart and very obedient to their owners.

Only experts know what the most beautiful horses in the world are, although all animals, of course, are beautiful in their own way. However, the selected beauties are the most unique. They are more stately, noble, powerful, strong and have an extraordinary color and features unique to them. At the same time, they are still the same kind and friendly creatures.

Only experts know what the most beautiful horses in the world are, although all animals, of course, are beautiful in their own way.

It’s difficult to give out places among handsome people, because they all deserve to be first.

The most beautiful horses in the world (video)

Arabian horses

These are truly the most beautiful horses in the world. They amazed with their unique beauty back in ancient times and have not yet lost their mesmerizing power. They are characterized by very expressive Arabic features, which contain not only their beauty, but also the individuality inherent only to them. Their head has a “pike-like” appearance, and their eyes are almond-shaped, rounded and dark in color. I want to plunge into this fabulous abyss of goodness, where you can discover an amazing world. Their body is moderately muscular and moderately powerful. Their equine grace is mesmerizing, their every movement is smooth and graceful.

The history of this breed is shrouded in a veil of secrets and mysteries. It is generally accepted that such the most beautiful horses in the world are a priceless gift from Allah. In them he combined all the best: the speed of a powerful wind, extraordinary beauty and a smooth curve of the back, which is comfortable for the rider. The forehead of these horses has a slight convexity; Muslims associate this feature with the fact that the Almighty himself blessed them. This unique breed has a high tail, which has been believed since ancient times to be a sign of special nobility.

Arabian horses still retain the purest blood, because even in ancient times their development was given careful and due attention. Reproduction of individuals of this breed took place in isolation to avoid admixtures of blood from other types of horses. And such strict rules are still followed. They do not prevent the emergence of new breeds, but only try to preserve one in its original form, so that it does not disappear and become beautiful story. However, this does not mean that representatives of Arabian horses are completely closed from external interference. It is known that sometimes they are still used to improve other breeds of horses.

Even the ancient Arabs valued such horses. A mare of Arabian color was considered a particularly important and worthy gift. And these fabulous animals still find their owners at auctions. Because such horses cannot lose their power. On the contrary, the fact that they arose in ancient times proves their highest superiority.

Arabian horses

Akhal-Teke: features

Another most beautiful breed that appeared on Earth in ancient times. They are the real pride of Turkmen horse breeders. And if you try to find out from them who is the most beautiful horse in the world, they will no doubt name the Akhal-Teke.

Mythology gave us Pegasus and Unicorns. And when a person domesticated a horse, he hardly thought about the beauty of this hardy and strong creature. However, both horses and people went a long way together, and these faithful four-legged friends began to be valued not only for physical strength, but also for grace and becoming.

Today we will show you photos of the most beautiful horses in the world and we'll tell you Interesting Facts about each of the breeds.

This beautiful horse breed, developed by the Nez Perce Indians in the United States, is known for its leopard spots. Moreover, they are not only on the fur, like others forelock horses, but also on the skin, on some parts of the body, such as the muzzle and areas near the eyes and thighs.

This breed is also called the purebred Spanish Royal Horse or Pura Raza Espanola. The favorite horses of the Spanish nobility have features that distinguish them from their relatives - elegant, lush manes and tails.

And the Spanish royal horses are easily recognized by their very high neck with a developed crest; it gives these beautiful animals a special majesty.

Another beautiful and unusual breed of horse with a wide variety of markings. There are also leopard and saddleback and marbled and trout Knabstruppers. With its spots, this breed is similar to Appaloosa horses, however, Knabstruppers were bred not in the USA, but in Denmark. And, unlike the Appaloosa, where the spots are limited to one part of the body, Great Danes have spots all over.

The kind disposition and obedience of the Knabstrupper breed makes its representatives ideal candidates for circus performances or equestrian sports.

Some of the most beautiful horses were bred by gypsies who traveled through England and Ireland. These robust, unpretentious and phlegmatic animals usually have luxuriant tufts of hair on the lower parts of their legs, which gives them a very cute appearance.

Gypsy draft horses still used in the British Army Mounted Regiment, under saddle for drummers.

As the name of this breed suggests, it was developed in the Black Forest, or Black Forest, region of Germany. Strong, good-natured heavy-duty horses helped German lumberjacks carry huge logs.

“I’m listening to you carefully,” the Marwar horse seems to be telling us. A characteristic feature of this breed is the inwardly curved tips of the ears, which are raised and alert.

For a long time, these beauties were prohibited from being exported outside the country, but since 2008, the Indian government has made a relaxation and is issuing visas in small quantities that allow the export of Marwaris abroad.

These pony horses are bred in the mountains of Western Norway. Despite their small stature, Fjord horses are very strong, because they were once fighting companions of the Vikings. And now they are equally good under saddle and in harness.

The docile and friendly nature of these “yellow horses” allows them to be actively involved in hippotherapy and in children's equestrian schools.

One of them looks very elegant, despite its massive size. He has a very strong, muscular body, a beautiful and thick mane and tail, and thick hair (fries) on his lower legs. The most beautiful horse of this breed is named Frederick the Great in honor of the King of Prussia.

Due to its completely black color, the Friesian horse has earned the nickname “black pearl”.

These little “sun horses,” so named for their beautiful golden color, have a strong build and can carry very heavy loads. They are also very hardy and are able to travel for long periods along winding mountain paths. The lush white mane and beautiful tail look very impressive and immediately distinguish Halflinger horses from their not so beautiful counterparts.

This is the most numerous half-bred breed in Europe. Representatives of the breed can be seen at the Olympic Games and other equestrian competitions. The Hanoverian is an elegant, strong and robust breed for dressage, circus performances, hunting and riding.

Hanoverian foals are marked with a special mark to show that they belong to this breed.

Purebred Arabian horses are one of the most ancient and noble eastern horse breeds. According to one legend, they were created from the wind by the Almighty himself.

Arabian horses are distinguished by their lean build, long curved neck, long straight croup and high tail. They are known to be very sensitive, intelligent and energetic animals.

Most modern horse breeds have an Arabian horse as one of their ancestors.

Mustangs are often called wild horses, but since their ancestors are domesticated horses, they are classified as feral domestic horses. These proud horses have a hot temperament, are fast and very hardy. Books have been written about them, films and cartoons have been made, for example the stories “The Headless Horseman”, “Mustang Pacer” and the animated film “Spirit: Soul of the Prairie”.

The pride of Russian horse breeding is named after Count Alexei Orlov, who selected for the creation of this breed the best horses from several breeds, including Arabian, Dutch and Danish. Oryol trotters are hardy, graceful, very intelligent and versatile in use. They are distinguished by their hereditary ability to run at a fast, steady trot.

The famous Russian horse breed was developed by the Don Cossacks in the 18th century. Its ancestors were steppe horses, which were crossed with Turkmen, Turkish and Persian stallions.

Slender and long-legged Donetsk dogs cannot boast the same lush mane or friezes as their foreign counterparts. However, in terms of speed, they will give a head start to most other breeds.

Looking at photos and videos of some of the most beautiful horses in the world, you can confuse them with Arabian horses due to the graceful structure of Russian horses. These large and stately animals actually have Arabian blood, as well as English (from a purebred horse), Trakehner and Akhal-Teke blood. And the Russian horseman took all the best from all his ancestors, distinguished by his good manners and beautiful, easy movements.

One of the young Russian breeds received official recognition only in 1948. The exterior of Terek horses is similar to Arabian horses, but Terek horses are longer and larger animals.

Light gray color with a beautiful silver tint, smooth movements, beautiful figure and exceptional good morals - that’s character traits most representatives of the Terek breed.

A French breed of horse that is distinguished by its power and speed. Horseback riding on a Percheron is a pleasure, as these tall beauties walk very smoothly.

Fun fact: Most of the horses at Disneyland Paris are Percherons.

The smallest and perhaps the cutest horses in the world. This breed was developed in Argentina and named after the Falabella family, which dedicated long years breeding miniature horses. Of course, you won’t be able to ride such a horse (the largest representative of the breed is only 75 cm tall and weighs 60 kg). Falabellas are used as pets and decorative horses; they are easy to train, obedient and playful.

Although the Icelandic horse looks like a pony, it does not belong to this subspecies. This small horse with a beautiful and long mane has a friendly and calm disposition. In the 9th-10th centuries AD, the Icelandic horse was brought to the island by the Vikings, and since there was little space on the longships, preference was given only to short, “compact” animals.

In Iceland there is a law that states that when an Icelandic horse is sent to another country, it is not allowed to return. This is done to prevent diseases.

This is a breed of horse developed in Missouri. It is characterized by a muscular body, strong physique and the ability to walk with a special gait - “fox trot” or “foxtrot”, while the horse’s front legs move at a walk, and the hind legs move at a trot.

One of the earliest horse breeds developed in the United States. Its representatives are valued because they can learn easily different types gait The Morgan horse has a muscular, compact body with a well arched neck and neat head, as well as a high tail.

The first horse of this color was called "Figure", and since he belonged to a man named Justin Morgan, the breed was given his name.

These majestic horses have thick white hair on the undersides of their legs that develops beautifully as they run. Especially when the Clydesdale runs in harness.

Initially, this breed could not be called very beautiful, because it was bred for agricultural work, and the creators valued strength and endurance more than external qualities.

However, over time, Oldenburg horses have become more elegant and can now become a decoration for any stable.

Large, powerful Andravids have long been bred in Greece, but the origins of this breed are shrouded in mystery, given the limited local horse resources. Andravidian horses were widely used in the Greek army and also for agricultural work.

Nowadays, representatives of the breed participate in equestrian sports and equestrian tourism. They are obedient, good-natured and excellent for beginners learning the basics of handling horses.

A pitch-black stallion rears up - this is the kind of monument that could be erected to the Menoran horse, a child of the island of Menorca. These proud, graceful animals were never used for agricultural labor; the Balearic donkey did this thankless job instead.

Strong, hardy children of the local Norman breed and the “alien” English purebred and half-bred are good for their versatility. They are suitable for a saddle, good for harness, and suitable for carriage.

And these four-legged ladies were bred in England and were originally called English racing horses. Their agility is admired by everyone who is interested in horse racing. For this breed, the norm is to gallop at a speed of 1 kilometer per minute.

American Paint Horse is translated from English as “American painted horse.” And indeed, if you look at the photos of some of the most beautiful horses, you might think that they were painted by some playful spirit of nature. A distinctive feature of the American Paint Horse is its piebald coat of any type.

These are the tallest horses related to ponies. And at the same time the only national breed of Ireland. According to legend, Connemara ponies are the fruit of love between the horses transported by the Spanish Invincible Armada, which sank off the coast of Connemara in 1588, and local wild ponies. The long, thick tail and soft, shiny mane of these beautiful creatures are especially beautiful.

These are the most beautiful horses in the world, also known as “golden horses” due to their unusual and brilliant color. For 5 thousand years, Akhal-Teke horses have not crossed with other breeds and are still the standard of the riding horse.

In addition to its metallic sheen, this horse breed is known for its intelligence, speed and endurance, as well as its ability to adapt to almost any weather. Due to their extreme leanness, the noble Akhal-Teke is compared to greyhounds and cheetahs.

Akhal-Teke horse- the pride of Turkmenistan and is even present on the state emblem of this country.

1. Akhal-Teke horse, or (Turkmen: Ahal-teke aty)

The Akhal-Teke horse is known for its incredible coat, which has a metallic sheen. Due to its lean body, this breed is called the “super model” of horses. This hardy breed was bred in Turkmenistan.

Photo: Olga_i

Photo: Penella22

The beautiful mane of this breed resembles a poodle, which is especially beautiful in winter time. The Bashkir horse comes in different colors. Some scientists claim that this breed is hypoallergenic and that most people with allergies can handle this breed.

Photo: Lindsayanne

3. Black Forest horse

The luxuriant mane and tail perfectly complement the muscular body of the Black Forest Horse. The breed is known for its dark chestnut color and light mane.

Photo: Monika Dobry, Rickenbach

4. Camargue (Fr. camargue)

The Camargue is considered one of the oldest breeds in the world. Today they are bred in semi-feral conditions under strict supervision.

Photo: Neil Burton

5. Exmoor pony(English) Exmoor pony)


Another very rare breed that lives in semi-feral conditions. These small horses are native to the British Isles. During World War II, this breed was used as food for soldiers, which led to a decrease in the population.

photo: Julia Livesey

6. Falabella

Photo: Alexia Khrushcheva

The Falabella is one of the smallest horses in the world. The breed was developed in Argentina in the mid-1800s. They perform in the circus and can pull carts and even give rides to very small children.

Photo: Olga_Phoenix

7. Norwegian Fjord

Photo: Ron Rowan Photography

The Norwegian Fjord has a lovely grayish-brown coat with a two-tone mane. It is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

photo: docentjoyce

8. Gypsy Vanner

photo:Elizabeth Sescilla

The breed is known for its beautiful black and white coloring (there are different colors), and hairy legs below the knees.

For a long time people argued about which a beautiful horse in the world. Undoubtedly, every nation has its favorites. The most beautiful horses appear on the covers of glossy publications and are known all over the world. So who is the best horse, considered the standard of beauty?

The most beautiful horse breeds in the world

The most beautiful horses in the world are selected in each country separately. But the whole world unanimously agreed and recognized the following breeds.

Turkmenistan is considered its homeland. They have a magnificent appearance; some horses have heavenly-colored eyes. Predominant color: black, gray with chocolate shades, chestnut, silver, milky cream. Available gloss with various options led to the emergence of another name - golden horse. The breed is famous not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for its speed, intelligence and intelligence. Horse breeders who breed this breed are located in Russia and some other countries. Akhal-Teke horses are often used as a gift, thereby showing their respect; they are given not only in eastern countries, but also in territories all over the world.

The breed was bred on the Arabian Peninsula. Its ancestors are 4,500 years old. The horse has excellent external characteristics, the head has a wide frontal part and large eyes. The animals are elegant, graceful, their legs are strong. Predominant color: black, gray, chestnut. It is noted that the Arabian horse quickly learns jumping and dressage. They often compete in competitions and tournaments, taking first places. Horses know their worth, so they are treated only with respect.

They belong to the original Dutch breed, which has survived to this day. Representatives of these horses have a silky mane that reaches the knees. Most of the animals are black in color, without interspersed with other shades. In addition to its external beauty, the animal is tall, so looking at it, one gets the impression of not only a superbly built horse, but also one can see its strength and strength.

It is noted that twice the Friesian horse breed was on the verge of extinction. But they were restored by Dutch breeders. These animals have gained popularity in the film industry, starring in films such as “The Chronicles of Narnia”, “Clash of the Titans”, “The Mask of Zorro” and others no less. famous works. The animals have a good character and are easy to handle during the trip. That's why they were loved all over the world.

Vanner horse

These horses were considered gypsy for about 60 years. But their homeland is England. For several decades, the gypsies have been crossbreeding to obtain a beautiful and strong horse for their travels. The animals have strong bones and a thick, curly mane and tail. Besides characteristic feature These horses are characterized by the presence of fringe in the knee area. The color is black and white and brown and white. The animal is graceful. At the moment of the jump, the mane develops in the wind, creating an indescribable picture.

Andalusian horse breed

It is considered Spanish because in 1964, until that moment, leaving the country was impossible. Animals of this breed were used for the royal motorcade. Because they had special beauty and grace. In addition, they are strong and resilient, they were used in military battles. The predominant color is gray and brown. Currently, these horses are participating in Spanish bullfight, as well as at exhibitions.

The breed was bred in India, in a place called Marwar. The animals spread from India in small numbers. Those horses that have a gray or motley color are especially valued. A characteristic difference is the ears turned inward, which touch each other and can intersect. Thanks to this feature, animals have an unusual appearance.

At world exhibitions, everyone appreciated the Oryol Trotter horse breed. The whole world saw it for the first time in the 18-19th century. The horse received its name in honor of Count Orlov, who sponsored the breeding of this breed, which he really liked. Animals are distinguished by their beautiful appearance, graceful movements, and rapid speed. The Oryol trotter was depicted on many canvases of famous artists. In addition, he could often be seen in films. Unfortunately, by the end of the 90s, the enterprise that bred Oryol trotters went bankrupt.

Breeders sent purebred horses to slaughterhouses. Fortunately, the horse breeding association “Commonwealth” came to the aid of the horses and attracted the interest of producers from France. Today, this breed of horses is available at auctions all over the world. In addition, they are also distributed among private horse breeders. Training techniques and proper care of animals are being revived. But today the Orlov Trotter is on the verge of extinction, since the breed has not yet fully recovered.

Russian Donskaya

The Cossacks influenced the appearance of this breed. The animals are red in color with a golden tint. Horse breeders, both amateurs and professionals, have been breeding horses all over the world for a long time. The animals are unpretentious and easy to train. They quickly get used to their owner and are distinguished by their calm disposition and friendliness.


The Akhal-Teke mare is famous for its beauty. She often appears in photo reports in famous magazines.

Purebred English stallion – Gypsy Hernando.

Won 7 races in world competitions. Entered the top ten list several times fast horses peace.
The appearance of these horses is captivating. One can’t help but wonder how nature was able to create such impeccably beautiful animals. Thanks to the fact that these animals receive good care and can continue to reproduce, today we can contemplate their beauty.