Fitness for girls 11 years old. Gym for teenagers: features of classes. Exercises using a gymnastic stick

Children at the age of 11 need proper physical development, since prolonged sitting at a school desk and increased fatigue can negatively affect their posture and muscle tone. You need to exercise to improve blood circulation and reduce stress levels. Let's talk about what sports are useful for 11-year-old children in more detail.

Studies have shown that children who are physically active do better in school. Playing sports has a positive effect not only on academic performance, but also on improving the health of the child.

Gymnastics for children 11 years old

Gymnastics is great way relieve tension, develop dexterity and correct posture. Gymnastics classes are especially relevant for girls aged 11: they develop plasticity, help to form beautiful figure. During classes, children perform gymnastic and acrobatic elements and stretching. Typically, gymnastics lasts about 60 minutes, so children have time for other hobbies.
Gymnastic exercises look like this:

Charging for children 11 years old

Exercise is an essential part of every child’s daily routine. Exercises are performed for children 11 years old for the purpose of general strengthening of the body and for weight loss. You can do it at home, about 30 minutes every day. You need to choose good music, tune in to the positive and do exercises with your child.
Exercises for children 11 years old will help develop endurance and flexibility in the child and correct problems with overweight, If there are any.
The set of classes can be arbitrary and include:

  • jumping and stretching;
  • walking in place;
  • lunges and push-ups;
  • squats, exercises with small dumbbells.

During classes, exercise equipment can also be used, for example, a bicycle or walking exercise machine. But it’s best to do the exercises together and without using additional equipment - this way you’ll get an excellent boost of energy and good mood all day.

What clubs and sections are there for girls and boys aged 11?

Where to send a child: a boy or a girl at 11 years old? Which clubs and sections are most suitable for children at this age?
You need to know that there are different age groups children have their own standards for physical activity. For schoolchildren aged 11, the norm is 20,000 steps per day, that is, children should move about 6 hours every day. Lack of mobility can lead to negative consequences: it poses a real threat to your child’s health.
So which sport should you choose? Remember, it all depends on what your child wants, on his desires and aspirations. If you want to enroll him in a circle just for general development, select swimming, gymnastics, rock climbing, weight-lifting. If your child is determined to achieve success in sports, you can sign him up for bobsleigh, biathlon, or powerlifting. You also need to focus on the characteristics of the child’s temperament, his level physical development, flexibility and speed of response.

Remember that if you have any chronic diseases, you can sign up for a sports section only after consulting a doctor. Some sports aggravate the course of a particular disease. So, swimming can worsen sinusitis, and winter sports- allergies to cold or asthma.

When choosing sports sections Be guided by the wishes of your child and common sense. Be sure to develop your child, and he will not have problems with mental and physical health.

More and more teenagers - boys and girls - as they age, want to start doing fitness at home or in the gym to pump up their muscles. muscle mass. This goal is mainly pursued by boys. Girls want to tighten up their figure, just take the first step towards its transformation and start working out at home to improve their health, achieving a beautiful physique.

Sports lifestyle since school- this is a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an incorrectly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries, if the set of exercises is incorrectly composed in terms of loads, repetitions and nutrition.

Age for fitness training at home and in the gym

For everyone who starts playing sports, different ages. Someone starts studying with early years. Basically, all teenagers begin to engage actively, pursuing specific goal, at the age of 11-17 years, getting involved in sports (fitness, exercises with barbells, dumbbells and other fitness equipment that transforms the figure). It can also be a home universal fitness trainer in a block format, where you can perform many exercises at once. different groups muscles (for example, back, legs, triceps, biceps, abs). Main– know the correct approach to such simulators, and then you can replace dumbbells and barbells with a universal simulator.

But it’s not always possible to do everything on it, since there are different exercises, which include one muscle group (basic), while others include more than two or three muscle groups (isolated). Mainly on universal simulators You can perform up to 30 exercises, depending on the design of the simulator and its block levers.

Workout with barbell and dumbbells for boys and girls aged 11-17 years

Why do all teenagers buy dumbbells and barbells for home workouts?

The answer is simple: you can do much more with dumbbells and a barbell more exercise(up to 100 exercises, having in the arsenal a collapsible barbell up to 50 kg, a barbell rack). In order not to disturb your neighbors and avoid noise, you should also purchase rubberized mats, which soften the impact when weights and weights fall. You also need prefabricated dumbbells up to 40 kg and a bench so that you can perform a number of exercises in sitting positions with dumbbells or lying down with a barbell. Don't forget about safety precautions.

To avoid being crushed by the barbell, it is always better to use a lighter weight with which you can confidently perform an approach with a certain number of repetitions (up to 10 - 15 times).

Mistakes in the gym and at home when performing the Bench Press exercise

Typically, unsuccessful approaches occur when the weight on the bar exceeds your maximum possible. Then the “dancing” begins with the barbell, which you want to throw off yourself as quickly as possible. There is a danger when performing any exercise, but the bench press always requires a partner, since you are working with heavy scales. The muscles work at maximum capacity, and when they fail, there will be no strength. The barbell may fall onto your chest when bench pressing.

Your partner will always help you raise it. And if it is not there, then there is always one way - either roll it along the body down to the legs, or dump the barbell on one side to remove the load from chest. The worst thing is when the barbell ends up on your throat. Then you need to move the barbell to the side and try to get out in the opposite direction from the one where you removed the weight of the barbell. Then you need to lift one side of the bar with the least weight to get out. And this will be a lesson to you that the bench press should always be performed with a partner who will help you!

Mistakes when performing a training program

Any fitness program for classes physical exercise implies a load that is measured in sets and repetitions. But many people forget about such a rule as a sense of proportion, since any organism has its own strength and endurance. In the scientific community this is called physiology.

It's always easier to do exercises at home with dumbbells

If you can't perform a set of dumbbells on the bench press, you can always move them to the sides. There is no need to throw them on your chest or head if you were unable to lift them. This can lead to injury because if the muscles fail, the weight of the dumbbell 10, 20, 30 kg can harm you if you drop them on your body where there are no muscles. Only professional athletes sometimes put dumbbells on themselves to complete the last reps. But they already know from experience their strength and endurance potential after years of training with iron, regardless of where they train their muscles - at home or in the gym.

Sports lifestyle from school– a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an incorrectly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries.

How to gain muscle mass as a teenager

Before starting your workout you should do joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes without a break to prepare the body for the load.

The training program is designed to cover all the basic muscle groups(chest, abs, legs, biceps, triceps, back) taking into account an understanding of how to correctly perform exercises from a technical point of view.

How to calculate the load correctly?

In each approach where there is a certain number of repetitions, you should leave a reserve of no more than 3 repetitions. If the margin is greater, then it is necessary to increase the load to a margin of three repetitions. If these are squats, then you need to pick up dumbbells and perform the exercise.

Example of a training program (set of exercises) for boys

1 and 3 weeks



  • Classic squats 2-3 sets 20-30 reps

Friday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets

2 and 4 weeks

Monday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Standing dumbbell raises to the side 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Wednesday– day of legs, quadriceps, biceps, thighs, buttocks, abs and back

  • Classic squats 2-3 sets with dumbbells 8-10 reps
  • Lunges with leg lifts with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Friday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

3 week

Tuesday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Bench press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 6-8 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell bench press up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Overhead arm extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Friday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

Training program for girls at home and in the gym

If boys want to develop all muscle groups and pump up their muscle mass, then girls want to pump up their legs, abs, back, because Strong arms And broad shoulders they don't need it. This training program is just for those who want to pump up their legs, buttocks, abs, and back.

Training program for a month (two to three times a week). Before starting the workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes (without a break) to prepare the body for the load.

After a month of training, you will notice that your muscles have become more resilient and stronger. You shouldn’t do a lot of exercises at once; it’s a beginner’s mistake to do a lot of exercises on the same muscle group at once. To pump them up, you need a measure of load. Then the result will undoubtedly be, you just have to start training.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 week


  • Kneeling push-ups on a mat 8-15 reps 3 sets
  • Classic squats 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Lunges with dumbbells in place 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing deadlift with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Plank 3 sets 30-50 seconds
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Thursday– day of legs, buttocks, abs, back

  • Lunges in place with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Leg abduction to the side on the buttock (leg straight) 3 sets 20-30 times
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 3 sets 10 reps
  • Plank press 3 sets 30-60 seconds
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Trainer for teenagers(boys and girls) aged 11-17 years

If you want to send your child to work out with a personal trainer-gym instructor, in any fitness club in Moscow there will be a professional in his field with higher education. He knows how to properly train children and teenagers in the gym or children's room, so as not to harm the child, but to professionally lead him to results (strengthen his posture, muscle corset).

Exercises with dumbbells and barbells for boys and girls (video)

Stretching and flexibility exercises at home

Abs workout in 10 minutes

Regular sports will help a teenager develop faster, feel more confident and strong. However, not all children know how to properly structure their activities, which can result in serious injuries.

To prevent this from happening, parents should enroll their child in a gym for teenagers so that a professional trainer can supervise training process, which has many features. A set of exercises for a teenager should be selected taking into account his age.

Features of gym classes for teenagers

Starting from the age of 10-12, children’s bodies undergo dramatic changes: the skeleton actively stretches, the muscles cannot keep up with its growth, the load on the heart and blood vessels increases, the genitourinary system moves to another level, and hormonal changes occur.

Therefore, at this age, children are not in the best physical and psychological condition.

They will help correct the situation correct activities in the gym for teenagers. After regular training coordination of movements improves, physical form, self-confidence increases.

Important! The coach must explain to the teenager that the main objective classes are not about pumping up huge muscles, but about strengthening the body, accelerating its growth, and building a beautiful physique. Competent training in the gym will help prepare a teenager’s body for more serious loads (if he wants it).

If a teenager does not want to play sports, then it would not be a bad idea to tell him about the consequences of a passive lifestyle. This list includes excess weight, weakening muscles, dysfunction of cardio-vascular system, curvature of the spinal column, etc. If a teenager is dissatisfied with his body, then active activities exercise in the gym will help solve this problem, make him more confident, sociable, and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

In order for training to bring only benefits, a teenager must follow these recommendations:

  • from 10 to 16 years old it is prohibited to perform exercises with additional equipment. During this age period, the child’s body is actively growing, and excessive physical exercise may disrupt development. For this reason, children under 16 years of age should avoid deadlifts, squats, military press etc. Sports elements With own weight will be quite enough;
  • at the age of 12-15, it is prohibited to perform movements during which the spine is compressed and twisted: various variations of the bench press, squats with a barbell, dumbbell biceps curls, etc. This is due to the fact that the spinal column is forming, so the risk of injury or slowdown in natural growth is high;
  • from 16-17 years old you can supplement the complex with exercises with sports equipment. The main thing is to start with a minimum weight, which does not exceed 10 kg;
  • Any workout in the gym should begin with a warm-up, which will help warm up the body before training. If you exercise on cold muscles and ligaments, then the risk of injury is high;
  • At first, the teenager should focus on the technique of performing the exercises. Once the body remembers how to move correctly, it will be possible to increase the load and pace;
  • if training is aimed at increasing weight, then you need to move smoothly; for losing weight, a fast pace is more suitable (but not above average);
  • the range of motion must be increased gradually to avoid injury and increase the effectiveness of exercise in the gym;
  • It is important to learn to feel the tension of the muscle group being worked. The load should be especially high at the top or bottom point;
  • a teenager must be able to fix his body and distribute the load on certain muscle groups;

Attention! For gym classes to be effective, a teenager must learn to breathe correctly. You need to take a deep breath and exhale while performing one repetition. Holding your breath is dangerous because it affects your blood pressure.

  • the workout should not last longer than 60 minutes. Longer sessions can lead to exhaustion, decreased performance, risk of injury due to fatigue, and decreased alertness.

It is also important to choose the most suitable sports for a teenager, taking into account the characteristics of his physique, character, and health status. For example, weightlifting is allowed only from 16-17 years old; up to this age it is allowed to do movements with own weight.

Aerobic exercises (cardio) can be performed from 10 years of age. In the gym you can exercise on a treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike, in addition, the trainer will be able to select effective exercises to strengthen muscles and improve the health of the body. Girls can choose step aerobics - this is a lightweight discipline that will help you lose weight, strengthen muscles, develop coordination and grace.

Be sure to check out:

A set of exercises for early adolescence

Children 10-14 years old can perform basic exercises with their own weight, they are also allowed cardio exercises.

Carefully! A child from 11 years of age can use additional weight during exercise in the gym, but only under the supervision of a trainer and after the permission of a pediatrician who will assess his physiological condition.

The following complex for younger teenagers will help strengthen muscles, develop dexterity, coordination of movements, and increase endurance. It is recommended to carry out training 3 times a week with breaks so that the child’s body has time to recover. At the same time, 2 complexes are lighter, and one is heavier.

A set of exercises for teenagers 10-14 years old:

  1. Lesson No. 1 (easy):
  • warm up on a treadmill - from 5 to 7 minutes;
  • jump rope for 60 seconds three times;
  • then do push-ups, pull-ups and squats 10 times with your body weight. Perform the complex 4 times with a break of 1.5-2 minutes. All exercises in the set must be performed without rest or with minimal break;
  • raise your legs on the horizontal bar or do abdominal crunches – 8 to 10 times.
  1. Workout No. 2 (difficult):
  • do a warm-up as in lesson No. 1;
  • do burpees (jumping up from a lying position with a clap above your head), crunches, squats 10 times for 5 sets. One approach should be performed without breaks or with minimal pause;
  • jump on the pedestal, do 9 push-ups, do 9 shuttle runs. Repeat the complex three times;
  • execute reverse push-ups from the bench the maximum number of times in 3 approaches;
  • stand in the plank for 30-45 seconds three times.

  1. Lesson No. 3 (easy):
  • warm-up as in previous workouts;
  • do push-ups, pull-ups, squats 10 times for 4 sets;
  • raise your legs on the horizontal bar – 10 times;
  • stand in the plank – 45 minutes three times.

Each gym session should end with stretching for 5 minutes. A teenager should do static exercises to allow the body to calm down and cool down.

Program option for late adolescence

Starting at the age of 16, teenagers can use additional weights during training, but they should not sacrifice technique and risk their health. It is important to start with minimal weights and gradually increase their weight.

Training program for teenagers 15-19 years old:

  1. Perform bench press 12 times three times.
  2. Do 14 dips for 3 sets.
  3. Do 10 pull-ups three times.
  4. Squat the barbell 12 times in 3 sets.
  5. Raise your legs while hanging on the horizontal bar 12 times three times.

This complex allows you to work out your entire body in 1 day. You need to perform all the elements in 1 set without a break or with a minimal pause. After completing each set, you can rest for 2 minutes. Trainings are carried out three times a week with breaks of 1-2 days.

Teenagers can also study using the split system:

  1. Lesson No. 1 – pumping up the chest and biceps:
  • bench press the barbell – 8 times three times. Before each set, perform several repetitions with minimal weight;
  • press dumbbells on an incline bench 8 times in 3 sets;
  • do push-ups ( wide grip) – from 10 times three times;
  • raise your legs while hanging on the bar - from 10 times for 3 sets;
  • lift the barbell onto your biceps 8 times three times;
  • Bend your arms on the Scott bench 8 times in 3 sets.
  1. Lesson No. 2 (pumping the back and triceps):
  • perform a deadlift or Romanian cravings 10 times three times (2 warm-up sets);
  • pull up 10 times four times;
  • shrug your shoulders with a barbell in your hands (shrugs) – 10 times for 3 sets;
  • do push-ups on the uneven bars - 10 times three times;
  • execute French press with a barbell 8 times in 3 approaches.
  1. Lesson No. 3 (working the legs and shoulders):
  • squat with weights 10 times three times;
  • perform the “Donkey Kick” exercise in the Smith machine – 15 times three times;
  • press dumbbells while sitting – 10 times for 3 sets;
  • press the barbell while standing – 10 times 3 sets;
  • twist the body on the press - from 12 times three times.

Experienced bodybuilders and professional trainers claim that the easiest way to make your body athletic and muscular is to adolescence.From 13 to 18 years, the concentration of hormones that are responsible for muscle development is maximum. During this age period, guys' bone growth zones open up, making it easier for them to broaden their shoulders and strengthen their core.

However, according to professionals, weightlifting is too early age dangerous for health. This is due to the fact that heavy projectiles can cause injury to the spine, joints, and disrupt overall growth. To prevent this from happening, strength training in the gym should be carried out no earlier than at the age of 16, and always under the guidance of a qualified trainer.

To increase the effectiveness of training in the gym, a teenager must eat right, follow a daily routine and not develop bad habits.

Boris Krasnov, coach

A professional trainer claims that before the age of 16 it is better to perform basic elements without sports equipment. Such training will help strengthen the body, develop coordination of movements, increase endurance, and lay the foundation for further development.

From the age of 16, a teenager can perform strength exercises, but you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Practice the technique of performing fitness elements until it becomes automatic. And to do this, you need to contact a trainer who will tell you how to perform the exercise correctly and, if necessary, correct mistakes.
  2. Don't rush to increase the load. If the movement works, then it is better to consolidate the result at the next training, and only after that increase the load. Otherwise, injury may occur.
  3. Before performing the complex in the gym, be sure to warm up to warm up your muscles and ligaments.
  4. Watch your diet. 2 hours before going to the gym, it is recommended to eat, for example, porridge or muesli. After training, the teenager should eat for 40 minutes. For this purpose, foods rich in proteins (poultry, dairy products) and complex carbohydrates(whole grain products).

B. Krasnov advises not to get carried away sports supplements, which are useless for beginner athletes. Teenagers get enough nutrients from food.

Anna Moroz, trainer

According to an experienced trainer, almost all strength exercises that are performed with sports equipment (barbell, weights, dumbbells) place a strong load on the not yet fully formed spine and bone joints.

Then the risk of bending or deformation of bone structures increases. Therefore, the specialist does not recommend performing deadlifts or squats with a barbell before the age of 16. Teenagers in the gym can do exercises without additional weight or use special machines.

Teenagers under 16 years of age are recommended to visit the pool to strengthen the body and prepare it for further stress. You can start training in the gym no earlier than 16 years old and always under the supervision of a trainer. It is better to start performing power elements with dumbbells. You can start full-fledged training using a barbell when you are 18 years old.

Irina Markina, coach

A fitness specialist claims that the main goal of a teenager working out in the gym is to strengthen the body and accelerate its growth. To do this, you need to perform basic elements that help develop several muscle groups at once. Isolated movements can be used to supplement the main loads.

Until the age of 16, the most natural exercises are the ones performed with your own weight. They harmoniously load the entire body without singling out individual muscle groups.

Weightlifting will be effective for a teenager only after his skeleton gets stronger and his body’s growth stops. If a teenager does strength training before the age of 16, the risk of injury to the spine and joints increases.

If a teenager wants to lose weight, then basic exercises need to be supplemented with cardio exercises. In addition, it is necessary to follow a diet that should include proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fiber, and some healthy fats. From fast food, fatty, fried foods, sweets and others harmful products should be refused.

Useful video

Main conclusions

In order for a teenager to benefit from gym classes, his parents and he himself must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Until the age of 16, a teenager should train without using additional weight. When using sports equipment, the risk of slow growth and injury to the spine or joints increases.
  2. After 16 years of age, a teenager can include movements using sports equipment in the complex.
  3. Classes in the gym should be supervised by a professional trainer.
  4. Before performing the complex, a warm-up is required, and after it is completed, stretching is required.
  5. Training can be done 2-3 times a week with a break of 1-2 days to restore the body.
  6. It is important to immediately master the technique and then increase the load.
  7. Movements should be performed smoothly, and the tension of the target muscles should be felt.
  8. The amplitude must be increased gradually.
  9. While working out in the gym, you need to breathe properly.
  10. The training cannot last longer than 60 minutes.
  11. Choice decision suitable type sports and complex are hosted by the coach together with the teenager, as well as his parents.

By following these rules, your child will be able to develop harmoniously, avoid injury and prepare the body for higher loads.

Strength training for correct positioning technology strengthen children's skeleton, speed up metabolism, develop endurance and strength.

As a result, performance in sports disciplines (dancing, martial arts, boxing, Athletics, team games, etc.).

Strength training for children

A child is a small person whose musculoskeletal system has not yet fully formed, rapid growth and development of muscles and bones occurs, and uncontrollable energy “boils”.

How and when to exercise

Approach to children's training, including strength training, is built taking into account the psychophysical development of a particular child.

There is no point in chasing “Olympic” performance. It is better to focus on the correct technique of performing exercises, on quality rather than quantity.

Classes are conducted taking into account physical capabilities little athlete. Each child goes through certain stages in his development, because what is good for a 6 year old child, not quite suitable for a 13 year old.

Experts recommend building strength training into your training schedule. 2-3 times a week. Classes are already possible from 3-5 years. Simple exercises with weights own body(push-ups, leg raises, body raises, pull-ups). IN 6-9 years children exercise with small sports equipment. Schoolchildren are more prepared, and their training includes exercises with dumbbells (with light weight), gymnastic stick.

Safe training for children

The main risks when doing strength training with children are injury. During exercise it is necessary presence of a trained and qualified trainer. Children should not be left alone for a minute.

Correct technique performing loads will protect you from possible dangers. Only after making sure that the child is doing everything correctly do they move on to progressive training.

Moreover, such progression will be minimal. Because you still can’t build up muscles before puberty. At the same time, excessive load is fraught with tendon ruptures and muscle strains.

Strength training for children is aimed at long-term results. Therefore, in such loads the main thing is systematicity and regularity. It is necessary to structure activities so that the child’s interest in them does not fade away.

Strength training for teenagers

Puberty is a special stage in the development of a child. Appears powerful hormonal background which affects life young man, including the results of the training. Thus, due to the predominance of testosterone, young men can already purposefully train to achieve relief.

Basic Rules

The realities of school life are such that 100% healthy children are not enough. Most have one problem or another. This is especially pronounced on the back: curvature of posture and stoop have become frequent diagnoses in schoolchildren’s medical records. Therefore, at the first stage of strength training for a teenager, it is worth paying attention to strengthening the back muscles. The priority is swimming, exercises on the horizontal bar (pull-ups, hanging).

Attention! You can switch to full-fledged strength exercises on machines or with impressive weights only when growth has already stopped. On average this happens by 18-20 years. Until this point, there are a number of requirements and rules in teenage strength training.

Then exercises that use your own weight are gradually added: push-ups, leg pull-ups, etc. And at the end, connect the “heavy artillery” in the form of a small weight (at most half the weight of the training athlete).

Photo 1. The process of push-ups for schoolchildren. There are special blocks on the floor that teenagers must touch with their chests.

When selecting a load, it is worth considering that if you can easily perform an exercise with weight more than 15 times, which means it should be increased. If you do the exercise 15 times hard, then reduce weight.

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Up to 16 years old It is useful to go swimming and use exercises using body weight in training. A after 16th birthday, add a barbell and dumbbells, but with weight no more than 50% from your own.

Heavy classical loads such as deadlift, biceps curls, standing barbell presses are not recommended until the age of 17.

Focused and thoughtful exercise at a moderate, medium pace brings much greater benefits to a teenager than incorrectly hastily done training.

Lesson plan for a child from 6 to 9 years old

The predominant activity of the younger schoolchild is play. That's why it is worth including game combinations And competitive moments V training program. Monotonous activities will be too tiring for a young, fragile body. Duration of training 40-45 minutes.

First, you should prepare your child for active exercise: warm-up 5-10 minutes. It includes easy jogging And brisk walking, as well as jumping rope.

Photo 2. An example of a warm-up for a child before performing strength training. In total, the warm-up complex includes 13 exercises.

The main part of the training will be exercises with equipment(with a gymnastic stick or ball), to improve balance, and only after that - strength. Lifting and lowering, turning and bending with a ball or gymnastic stick trains the arms, shoulders, chest, legs, and abdomen. Circular movements Hands, elbows and legs are able to work out joints, and also develop a sense of balance and improve range of motion.

Exercises using your own body weight, such as push-ups and light pull-ups. Push-ups are done from the knees or from a bench, pull-ups are done with emphasis on the bar or with support.

Squats, lifting legs and torso from a lying position, push-ups and pull-ups are done according to 10-15 times. Other exercises are performed in 2-6 approaches, 6-12 times.

There is a cool down at the end of the workout.. Several are running simple exercises for stretching.

Methods of strength training for schoolchildren

Child 10-17 years old already concentrates on repeating the exercise many times. Power load carried out, including in the yard, using simulators such as bars, horizontal bar, crossbars, ropes And so on. Such preparation is carried out in physical education lessons.


Fundamental Goal physical training for schoolchildren - general health.

Besides, regular classes strength training help consolidate the results obtained, involve schoolchildren in active and useful activities.


Methodology strength training high school students solve the following problems:

  • harmoniously develop muscles musculoskeletal system;
  • acquire vital skills and abilities, as well as diversify strength abilities;
  • create a “base” for further growth in a specific area of ​​sports activity.

A set of exercises to develop muscles of the whole body

At the beginning of the lesson, it is advisable to “warm up” and stretch all muscle groups. Warm-up lasts 5-20 minutes.

Exercise 1

Walking in place with arms waving.

Note: perform the exercise for 30-50 s.

Exercise 2

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

Walking in place with high lifting hips.

Note: perform the exercise for 30-50 s.

Exercise 3

Starting position: standing, legs together, hands on shoulders (Fig. 3).

1. Circular rotations elbows forward and backward while simultaneously bringing the shoulder blades together 10-15 times.

2. Pause 10-20 s.

3. Lower your hands and shake them.

Note: perform rotations with a gradual increase in the amplitude of movements.

Figure 3. Exercise 3

Exercise 4

1. While inhaling, stretch, at the same time spread your arms to the sides and bend your back thoracic region spine.

2. As you exhale, take the starting position.

Note: repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

Exercise 5

Starting position: standing, legs wide apart, hands on the belt.

1. Arch your back, raising your arms up.

2. Lean forward without bending your legs and reach the floor.

Note: repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

Exercise 6

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Make a “swallow”.

2. Sit down, tuck your chin to your chest and clasp your shoulders with your arms.

Note: repeat the exercise 6-10 times.

Exercise 7

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1. Raise one hand sharply up and look at it. Take the starting position. Raise your other hand sharply and look at it. Repeat all 10-15 times.

2. Do the same with your eyes closed 10-15 times.

3. Tilt your head forward, then throw it back - 6-10 times.

4. Rotate your head left and right at a moderate pace 6-10 times.

Note: Perform head movements without jerking, at a moderate pace.

Exercise 8

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Lean to the right, while right hand slides down along the body, and the left one slides up.

3. Do everything in the other direction.

Note: repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 9

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Jumping on one leg, while the arms and other leg are relaxed. Perform for 30 s -1 min.

2. Take deep breaths several times and walk at a slow pace.

3. Repeat jumping on the other leg.

4. Take deep breaths several times and walk at a slow pace.

Note: performing the exercise once is enough.

Exercise 10

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Squat on two legs.

2. Squats on the right and left legs alternately.

Note: repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 11

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows.

1. Imitate hand movements when running.

2. Running in place with your hands supporting the wall with increasing tempo, at a moderate pace, at fast pace and slowing down for 5-6 s, then quickly again - 3-5 s.

Note: repeat the exercise 2 times.

Exercise 12

Starting position: horizontally with support on parallel palms outstretched arms and toes.

1. Bend your arms at a right angle and at the same time raise your right leg.

2. Take the starting position.

3. Bend your arms at a right angle and at the same time raise your left leg.

4. Take the starting position.

Note: repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

Exercise 13

Starting position: lying on your back, legs straight, arms along the body.

1. Raise and lower your legs alternately up at right angles 10-15 times.

2. Raise both legs up and pretend to ride a bicycle for 20-30 seconds (Fig. 4).

Note: after performing the exercise, lie down for 10-15 seconds in a calm state.

Figure 4. Exercise 13

Exercise 14

Starting position: sitting on a chair, hands on your belt, feet under a sofa or bench.

1. As you exhale, bend forward.

2. While inhaling, lean back.

Note: repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

Exercise 15

Starting position: standing, legs together, holding the crossbar, edge of a table or window sill with one hand.

1. Bend your torso forward 10-12 times with a spring.

2. Take the starting position, straighten your shoulders and stand for 5-10 seconds.

Note: perform the exercise 1-2 times.

This gymnastics gives greater effect in combination with running, swimming, outdoor sports games fresh air. If you have very underdeveloped muscles shoulder girdle or legs, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions of these exercises. To strengthen the leg muscles and train the cardiovascular system, and therefore strength and endurance, running is recommended. The main thing is to exercise regularly and follow all recommendations. You should also adjust your diet. For good development muscles and skeletal growth, it should contain the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates corresponding to the physiological norms for boys of a certain age.