Is there a command to march straight ahead? Memo to the squad commander “Combat review. Typical mistakes when moving in formation steps


25. The commander is obliged:

indicate the place, time, order of formation, uniform and equipment, as well as what weapons and military equipment to have; appoint an observer if necessary;

check and know the presence of subordinates of your unit (military unit) in the ranks, as well as weapons, military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools;

check the appearance of subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and its correct fit;

maintain formation discipline and demand accurate execution by units of commands and signals, and by military personnel of their duties in the formation;

when giving commands on foot, take a combat stance on the spot;

when building units with weapons and military equipment carry out an external inspection of them, as well as check the presence and serviceability of equipment for transporting personnel, the correct fastening of transported (towed) weapons and military equipment and the stowage of military property; remind personnel of safety requirements; When driving, observe the established distances, speeds and traffic rules.

26. A serviceman is obliged:

check the serviceability of the weapons and ammunition assigned to him, weapons and military equipment, personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a friend eliminate any noticed deficiencies;

know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly take it without fuss; while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; do not disable (the machine) without permission;

in the ranks, do not talk or smoke without permission; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, carry them out quickly and accurately, without interfering with others;

transmit orders and commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Chapter 2


1. Drilling techniques and movement without weapons

Drill stand

27. The combat stance (Fig. 1) is taken upon the command “STAND” or “ATILITY”. At this command, stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

The formation stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, when making a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, and also when giving commands.

Rice. 1. Front stand Fig. 2. Removed position


a - caps; b - field caps

cotton; in - hats with earflaps

28. At the command “FREE”, stand freely, loosen your right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk.

At the command “REFUEL”, without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment. If you need to be out of commission, seek permission from your immediate superior.

Before the command “REFUEL” the command “FREE” is given.

29. To remove headwear, the command “Hats (headdress) - REMOVE” is given, and to put them on - “Hats (headdress) - PUT ON.” If necessary, single military personnel remove and put on their headgear without command.

The removed headdress is held in the left freely lowered hand with the cockade facing forward (Fig. 2).

Without a weapon or with a weapon in the “behind the back” position, the headdress is removed and put on with the right hand, and with the weapon in the “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “at the leg” positions - with the left. When removing a headgear with a carabiner in the “shoulder” position, the carabiner is first taken to the leg.

Turns in place

30. Turns on the spot are performed according to the commands: “To the right-VO”, “Half-turn to the right-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Half-turn to the right-VO”, “Cru-GOM”.

Turns around (1/2 circle), left (1/4 circle), half a turn to the left (1/8 circle) are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; to the right and half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe. Turns are performed in two steps: the first step is to turn, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending your knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front standing leg;

second appointment - the shortest route put the other leg on.


31. The movement is performed by walking or running.

The walking movement is carried out at a pace of 110 - 120 steps per minute. Step size - 70 - 80 cm.

The running movement is carried out at a pace of 165 - 180 steps per minute. Step size - 85 - 90 cm.

The step can be combat or marching.

The marching step is used when units pass through a solemn march; when they perform a military salute on the move; when a serviceman approaches his superior and when leaving him; upon failure and return to service, as well as during drill training.

The walking step is used in all other cases.

32. Movement at a marching step begins with the command “Formation step - MARCH” (in the movement “Formation step - MARCH”), and movement at a marching step begins at the command “Step - MARCH”.

Rice. 3. Movement in marching steps

At a preliminary command, move the body forward a little, transfer its weight more to the right leg, maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot in full step.

When moving in a marching step (Fig. 3), bring your leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15 - 20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot.

With your hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements near the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back - to failure in the shoulder joint. Fingers are bent, keep your head straight, look ahead.

When moving at a walking pace, move your leg freely, without pulling your toes, and place it on the ground, as during normal walking; make free movements around the body with your hands.

When moving at a marching pace, on the command “Attention”, switch to a marching step. When moving at a marching pace, on the command “FREE”, walk at a marching pace.

33. The running movement begins with the command “RUN - MARCH”.

When moving from a place, upon a preliminary command, move the body slightly forward, bend the arms halfway, moving the elbows slightly back; on the executive command, start running with your left leg, making free movements with your arms forward and back in time with the running.

To move from a step to a run, at a preliminary command, bend your arms halfway, moving your elbows slightly back. The executive command is given simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your right foot and start running with your left foot.

To switch from running to walking, the command “Step - MARCH” is given. The executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. At this command, take two more steps while running and start walking with your left foot.

Rice. 4. Step in place

34. The designation of a step in place is made using the command “In place, with a step - MARCH” (in motion - “IN PLACE”).

According to this command, a step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15 - 20 cm from the ground and placing it on the entire foot, starting from the toe; make movements with your hands in time with your step (Fig. 4). On the command “STRAIGHT”, given simultaneously with placing your left foot on the ground, take another step with your right foot in place and begin moving with your left foot in a full step. In this case, the first three steps must be combat.

35. A command is given to stop the movement.

For example: "Private Petrov - STOP."

At the executive command given simultaneously with placing the right or left foot on the ground, take another step and, placing the foot, take a combat stance.

36. To change the speed of movement, the following commands are given: “WIDER STEP”, “SHORTER STEP”, “FREQUENT STEP”, “SMARTER STEP”, “HALF STEP”, “FULL STEP”.

37. To move single military personnel a few steps to the side, a command is given.

For example: "Private Petrov. Two steps to the right (left), step - MARCH."

At this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing your foot after each step.

A command is given to move forward or backward several steps.

For example: “Two steps forward (backward), step - MARCH."

At this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot down.

When moving to the right, left and back, there is no movement of the arms.

Turns in motion

38. Turns in motion are performed according to the commands: “To the right-VO”, “Half-turn to the right-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Half-turn to the right-VO”, “Around - MARCH”.

To turn right, half a turn to the right (left, half a turn to the left), the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right (left) foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your left (right) foot, turn on the toe of your left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn in a circle, the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. At this command, take another step with your left foot (a count of one), move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, sharply turning towards your left hand on the toes of both feet (a count of two), continue moving with your left foot in a new direction (in a count of three).

When turning, the movement of the arms is made in time with the step.

25. The commander is obliged:

Indicate the place, time, order of formation, uniform and equipment, as well as what weapons and military equipment to have; appoint an observer if necessary;

Check and know the availability of subordinates of your unit (unit), as well as weapons, military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment and entrenching tools;

Check the appearance of subordinates, as well as the availability of equipment and its correct fit;

Maintain discipline in the formation and demand accurate execution by units of commands and signals, and by military personnel of their duties in the formation;

When giving commands while on foot, take a combat stance on the spot;

When building units with weapons and military equipment, carry out an external inspection of them, as well as check the availability and serviceability of equipment for transporting personnel, the correct fastening of the transported (towed) material and the stowage of property; remind personnel of safety requirements; When driving, observe the established distances, speeds and traffic rules.

26. A serviceman is obliged:

Check the serviceability of your weapon, the weapons and military equipment assigned to it, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

Carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a comrade eliminate any noticed deficiencies;

Know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly take it without fuss; while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; do not disable (the machine) without permission;

While in formation, do not talk or smoke without permission; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, carry them out quickly and accurately, without interfering with others;

Transmit orders and commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Chapter 2. Formation techniques and movement without weapons and with weapons

Drill techniques and movement without weapons

Drill stand (items 27 - 29)

Turns on the spot (item 30)

Movement (items 31 - 37)

Turns while moving (item 38)

Drill stand

27. Front stand ( rice. 1) is accepted by the command “STAND” or “ATILITY”. At this command, stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

The formation stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, during a report, during the performance of the National Anthem Russian Federation, when performing a military greeting, as well as when giving commands.

28. At the command “FREE”, stand freely, loosen your right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk.

At the command “REFUEL”, without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment; If necessary, go out of commission and seek permission to contact your immediate superior.

Before the command “REFUEL” the command “FREE” is given.

29. To remove headwear, the command “Hats (headdress) - REMOVE” is given, and to put them on - “Hats (headdress) - PUT ON.” If necessary, single military personnel remove and put on their headgear without command.

The removed headdress is held in the left freely lowered hand with the star (cockade) forward ( rice. 2).

Without a weapon or with a weapon in the “behind the back” position, the headdress is removed and put on with the right hand, and with the weapon in the “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “at the leg” positions - with the left. When removing a headgear with a carabiner in the “shoulder” position, the carabiner is first taken to the leg.

Turns in place

30. Turns on the spot are performed according to the commands: “Napra-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Cru-GOM”.

Turns around and to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending your knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg;

The second technique is to put the other leg in the shortest way.

Cm.graphic object"Fig. 1. Front stand"

Cm.graphic object"Fig. 2. Position of the removed headgear"


31. The movement is performed by walking or running.

The walking movement is carried out at a pace of 110-120 steps per minute. Step size - 70-80 cm.

The running movement is carried out at a pace of 165-180 steps per minute. Step size - 85-90 cm.

The step can be combat or marching.

The marching step is used when units pass through a solemn march; when they perform a military salute on the move; when a serviceman approaches his superior and when leaving him; upon failure and return to service, as well as during drill training.

The walking step is used in all other cases.

32. Movement at a marching step begins with the command “Formation step - MARCH” (in the movement “Formation step - MARCH”), and movement at a marching step begins at the command “Step - MARCH”.

At a preliminary command, move the body forward a little, transfer its weight more to the right leg, maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot in full step.

When moving at a marching pace ( rice. 3) bring the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot.

With your hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements near the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back - to failure shoulder joint. Fingers are bent, keep your head straight, look ahead.

Cm.graphic object"Fig. 3. Movement in marching steps"

When moving at a walking pace, move your leg freely, without pulling your toes, and place it on the ground, as during normal walking; make free movements around the body with your hands.

When moving at a marching pace, on the command “Attention”, switch to a marching step. When moving at a marching pace, on the command “FREE”, walk at a marching pace.

33. The running movement begins with the command “RUN - MARCH”.

When moving from a place, upon a preliminary command, move the body slightly forward, bend the arms halfway, moving the elbows slightly back; on the executive command, start running with your left leg, making free movements with your arms forward and back in time with the running.

To move from a step to a run, at a preliminary command, bend your arms halfway, moving your elbows slightly back. The executive command is given simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your right foot and start running with your left foot.

To switch from running to walking, the command “Step - MARCH” is given. The executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. At this command, take two more steps while running and start walking with your left foot.

34. The designation of a step in place is made using the command “In place, step - MARCH” (in motion - “IN PLACE”),

According to this command, a step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15-20 cm from the ground and placing it on the entire foot, starting from the toe; make movements with your hands in time with your step ( rice. 4). On the command “STRAIGHT”, given simultaneously with placing your left foot on the ground, take another step with your right foot in place and begin moving with your left foot in a full step. In this case, the first three steps must be combat.

35. A command is given to stop the movement.

For example: "Private Petrov - STOP."

At the executive command given simultaneously with placing the right or left foot on the ground, take another step and, placing the foot, take a combat stance.

Cm.graphic object"Fig. 4. Step in place"

36. To change the speed of movement, the following commands are given: “WIDER STEP”, “SHORTER STEP”, “FREQUENT STEP”, “SMARTER STEP”, “HALF STEP”, “FULL STEP”.

37. To move single military personnel a few steps to the side, a command is given.

For example: "Private Petrov. Two steps to the right (left), step - MARCH."

At this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing your foot after each step.

A command is given to move forward or backward several steps.

For example: “Two steps forward (backward), step - MARCH."

At this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot down.

When moving to the right, left and back, there is no movement of the arms.

Turns in motion

38. Turns in motion are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Round - MARCH”.

To turn right (left), the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right (left) foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your left (right) foot, turn on the toe of your left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn in a circle, the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. At this command, take another step with your left foot (a count of one), move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, sharply turning towards your left hand on the toes of both feet (a count of two), continue moving with your left foot in a new direction (in a count of three).

When turning, the movement of the arms is made in time with the step.

1.Combat step

The marching step is used when units pass through a solemn march; when they perform a military salute on the move; when a serviceman approaches his superior and when leaving him; upon failure and return to service, as well as during drill training.

Movement in marching steps is carried out at a pace of -100–120 steps per minute. Step size – 70 - 80 cm.

Movement in marching steps begins on command “Formation step - MARCH” (in move "For combatants - MARCH" ).

At a preliminary command, move the body forward a little, transfer its weight more to the right leg, maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot in full step.

When moving in a marching step, bring your leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15–20 cm from the ground and place it firmly on the entire foot.

With your hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements near the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back - to failure in the shoulder joint.

Fingers are bent, keep your head straight, look ahead.

When moving at a walking pace on command "SMIRNO" go to a combat step. When moving at a marching pace on command "FREE" walk at a walking pace. During the designation of a step in place on command "DIRECTLY" , served simultaneously with placing the left foot on the ground, take another step with the right foot in place and begin the movement with the left foot in a full step. In this case, the first three steps must be combat.

The sequence of learning to move in marching steps:

  • training in hand movements;
  • training in marking a step on the spot;
  • training in movement in marching steps on four counts;
  • training in movement in a drill step on two counts;
  • training in moving at a marching pace at a slow pace (at a speed of 50–60 steps per minute);
  • training in movement at a drill pace at a set pace according to the markings of the construction site;
  • general training in marching along the parade ground without markings;
  • acceptance of tests.

Methodology for learning a drill technique

Talking about the application marching step, the commander begins to learn it with the squad. Learning to move with a marching step, like every new technique, should begin with an exemplary demonstration and explanation.

Movement in a formation step in four counts: a – position before the start of movement; b – beginning of movement (first step); c – position at the end of the first step

Preparatory exercise - hand movements

For execution preparatory exercise– hand movement gives the command: “Move your hands, do it - ONCE, do it - TWO.”

By account “do it – ONCE” bend right hand at the elbow, moving it from the shoulder near the body so that the hand rises palm-width above the belt buckle and is at a palm-distance from the body; simultaneously left hand pull back until the shoulder joint fails. The fingers should be bent and the elbow of the right hand should be slightly raised.

By account "do - TWO" move your left hand forward, and your right, starting from the shoulder, back to failure.

After each count, the commander delays the position of the students’ hands and corrects the mistakes they made.

Preparatory exercise for arms with a step in place

To perform a preparatory exercise for the arms with a step on the spot, the following commands are given: “On the spot, step - MARCH”, and then - “Move your arms with a step in place, ONE, TWO.”

By account "ONCE" take a step in place with your left foot, lifting it bent at the knee 15-20 cm from the ground and lowering it to the ground, across the entire foot, starting from the toe. Bend your right arm at the elbow, moving it from the shoulder near the body so that the hand rises a palm's width above the belt buckle and is at a palm's distance from the body; At the same time, move your left arm back until the shoulder joint goes to failure. The fingers should be bent and the elbow of the right hand should be slightly raised

By account "TWO" similarly, take a step in place with your right foot.

Preparatory exercise - marching in marching steps in four-count divisions

To perform a preparatory exercise - moving in a formation step in divisions of four counts, the command is given: “Formation step, in divisions into four counts, step - MARCH” . After the command "March" the account is made: "One two three four. One two three four" and so on. Check "once" pronounced loudly.

By prior command "Step by step" move the body forward slightly, transferring the weight of the body more to the right leg and maintaining stability.

By executive command "March" and according to the account "ONCE" start moving with your left foot, in full stride, moving your leg forward with your toe pointed out.

The foot should be parallel to the ground and raised to a height of 15–20 cm. The foot is placed firmly on the ground with the entire foot, at the same time lifting the right leg off the ground and pulling it half a step forward to the heel of the left foot. Simultaneously with the step, move your right hand forward, bend it at the elbow, moving it from the shoulder near the body so that the hand rises a palm's width above the belt buckle and is at a palm's distance from the body; At the same time, move your left arm back until the shoulder joint goes to failure. The fingers should be bent and the elbow of the right hand should be slightly raised. Then stand on your left leg with your arms down, your right leg straight, with your toe almost at the ground.

By account "two three four" make endurance, eliminating the mistakes made at this time.

On the next account "ONCE" repeat the movement with the right leg, and according to the count "two three four" shutter speed again, etc.

Preparatory exercise - movement in marching steps in two-count divisions

To perform a preparatory exercise - moving in a formation step in divisions into two counts, the command is given: “In a marching step, in divisions into two counts, in a step - MARCH” and the calculation is made: “one, two; one, two" etc.

On account "once" take a step forward with your left foot with the movement of your arms and stop on your left leg with your hands lowered at your hips.

On account "two" make a short excerpt to eliminate comments

On the next account "once" Take a full step with your right foot, just like your left, stopping there with your hands at your hips. If mistakes are made during the preparatory exercise for divisions into two counts, you should repeat the exercise again into four counts.

Training in marching movements in general

The training begins with learning to move at a marching pace in general at a pace of 50–60 steps per minute, followed by increasing the pace of movement to 110–120 steps per minute. To correct errors, it is recommended to move from the full tempo of movement in a marching step to movement in divisions of four or two counts.

Then you should move on to training movement in formation steps in the formation of a squad (platoon).

At the end of training in marching, the commander accepts credit from each student.

Typical mistakes when moving in formation:

  • the body is laid back;
  • no coordination in the movement of arms and legs;
  • head down;
  • movement of the arms near the body is made not from the shoulder, but by bending the elbows;
  • lifting the leg from the ground significantly lower (higher) 15 cm;
  • step size is less (more) 70–80 cm;
  • the leg crosses over the leg;
  • movement of the arms forward is carried out significantly below (above) the set height, and when moving backwards, not to the point of failure in the shoulder joint.

When learning to move in formation steps, it is necessary to ensure that the soldiers do not sway from side to side when moving. The reason for the swaying is the incorrect positioning of the legs when moving: instead of placing the legs internal part feet along the axis of movement, place them to the sides, while the center of gravity of the body shifts to the right and then to the left with each step.

If a soldier seems to jump while moving at a marching pace, he must be pointed out to his mistake and demand that he transfer the weight of his body from foot to foot evenly, and not in jerks. When moving, you should not allow one leg to cross over the other.

1.2. Turns while moving. Commands given when making turns

Turns in motion are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “All around - MARCH”.

To turn right (left), the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right (left) foot on the ground. At this command, take a step with your left (right) foot, turn on the toe of your left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, move your right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn in a circle, the executive command is given simultaneously with placing the right foot on the ground. At this command, take another step with your left foot (a count of one), move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, sharply turning towards your left hand on the toes of both feet (a count of two), continue moving with your left foot in a new direction (in a count of three). When turning, the movement of the arms is made in time with the step.

Learning to turn while moving to the right in three-count divisions

To perform a turn while moving to the right in three-count divisions, the command is given: “Turn in traffic to the right, according to divisions; do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE.”

By account “do it – ONCE” take a marching step with your left foot forward, swinging your arms in time with the step, and stop in a position with your arms down.

By account "do - TWO" turn sharply to the right on the toe of your left foot, simultaneously with the turn, bring your right foot forward and take a step in a new direction.

By account “do – THREE” put your left foot down.

On the next account repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Training to turn while moving to the right in four-count divisions

To train a turn while moving to the right in four-count divisions with a movement of three steps forward, the command is given: “Turn to the right in four counts, step - MARCH” and the calculation is made: "one two Three. FOUR".

On account "one two Three» take three marching steps forward along the line of the square.

To a loud score "FOUR" - make a right turn and take a step.

On the next account "one two three four" repeat the exercise.

Learning to turn while moving left in three-count divisions

To perform a turn while moving to the left in three-count divisions, the command is given: “Turn left in traffic, according to divisions; do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE.”

By account “do it – ONCE” take a marching step with your left foot forward, and then with your right, swinging your arms in time with the step, and stop in a position with your arms down.

By account "do - TWO" turn sharply to the left on the toe of your right foot, simultaneously with the turn, bring your left foot forward and take a step in a new direction.

By account “do – THREE” put your left foot down.

On the next account “do – ONCE”, “do – TWO”, “do – THREE” repeat the procedure from the beginning.

Training to turn while moving left in four-count divisions

To train a turn while moving to the left in four-count divisions with movement four steps forward, the command is given: “Turn left while driving by four counts, step – MARCH” and then counting is carried out "One two three four".

On account "One two three four" take four marching steps.

To the next loud score "ONCE" make a turn and step.

On account "two three four" continue moving.

On the next account "One two three four" the exercise is repeated.

Learning to turn while moving in a circle in four-count divisions

To perform a turn while moving in a circle in four-count divisions, the command is given: “Turn in movement around, in divisions; do – ONCE, do – TWO, do – THREE, do – FOUR.”

By account “do it – ONCE”

By account "do - TWO"

By account “do – THREE” bring your left leg forward to a height of 15-20 cm and fix the position in which your right hand is above the waist belt buckle by the width of your palm and at the same distance from the body, the left hand is pulled back to full capacity.

By account "do - FOUR" energetically place your right foot next to your left foot and take a combat stance.

Training to turn while moving in a circle in four-count divisions

To practice turning while moving in a circle in four-count divisions, the following command is given: “Turn in a circle for four counts, step - MARCH” and then counting is carried out "one two three four".

By account "once" take a marching step with your left foot forward, swinging your arms in time with the step.

By account "TWO" move your right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left, moving your arms in time with your step. Simultaneously with placing the toe of your right foot on the ground, move your body slightly forward and, on the toes of both feet, sharply turn in a circle over your left shoulder.

By account "three" bring your left leg forward to a height of 15-20 cm, while the right hand should be above the waist belt buckle by the width of the palm and at the same distance from the body, the left hand should be pulled back to failure.

By account "four" take a step with your right foot.

On the next account "one two three four" the exercise is repeated.

Typical mistakes when making turns while moving:

  • the turn in motion was made untimely;
  • a turn to the right (left), half a turn to the right (left) is not made on the toe of the left (right) foot;
  • the turn in a circle is not made on the toes of both feet;
  • the movement of the arms when turning is not carried out in time with the step.

2. Performing a military salute on the spot and on the move. The procedure for performing a military salute outside the formation

2.1. Performing a military salute on the spot. The procedure for performing a military salute outside the formation

Performing a military salute on the spot outside the formation without headdress

To perform a military greeting in place outside the formation without a headdress, three or four steps before the commander (senior), turn in his direction, take a formation stance and look into his face, turning your head after him.

When the commander (senior) passes the person performing the military salute, put your head straight

Learning a military salute on the spot outside the formation without headdress in two-count divisions

To perform a military greeting in place outside the formation without headdress, a command is given in two-count divisions, for example: “To perform a military greeting on the spot without a headdress, the commander is from the front (right, left, behind), in divisions: “do it ONCE, do it TWO.”

“do it – ONCE” take a drill position, if necessary, turn in his direction, while simultaneously placing your foot, vigorously turn your head with your chin raised towards the boss, look into the boss’s face, turning your head after him.

By account "do - TWO" "at ease".

To perform a military greeting in place outside the formation in a headdress, three or four steps before the commander (senior), turn in his direction, take a formation stance, put your right hand to the headdress in the shortest possible way so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touched the lower edge of the headdress (at the visor), and the elbow was on the line and height of the shoulder and look into his face, turning his head after him. When turning the head towards the boss (senior), the position of the hand at the headdress remains unchanged.

When the chief (senior) passes the person performing the military salute, put your head straight and at the same time lower your hand.

Learning a military salute on the spot out of formation in a headdress in two-count divisions

To perform a military greeting in place outside the formation in a headdress, a command is given in two-count divisions, for example: “To perform a military greeting on the spot in a headdress, the commander is from the front (right, left, behind), in divisions: “do it ONCE, do it TWO.”

When the boss approaches, three or four steps along the count “do it – ONCE” take the position of a combat stance, if necessary, turn in his direction, put your right hand to the headdress in the shortest possible way so that the fingers are together, the palm is straight, the middle finger touches the lower edge of the headdress (at the visor), and the elbow is in line and height shoulder and look into his face, turning his head after him. When turning the head towards the boss (senior), the position of the hand at the headdress remains unchanged.

By account "do - TWO" put their head straight and take the position "at ease".

Typical mistakes when performing a military salute on the spot with and without a headdress

The military salute is completed in less than three to four steps. The hand is not applied correctly to the headdress:

2.2. Performing a military salute while moving. The procedure for performing a military salute outside the formation

Performing a military salute while moving outside formation without headdress

To perform a military greeting while moving out of formation without a headdress, three or four steps before the commander (senior), at the same time as placing your foot, stop moving your arms, turn your head in his direction and, continuing to move, look into his face. After passing the boss (senior), put your head straight and continue moving your hands.

With the second step, put your head straight.

Learning a military salute while moving out of formation without a headdress in divisions of three (four) counts

To perform a military greeting on the spot outside the formation without headdress, in divisions of three (four) counts, the command is given: “Military greeting in motion, chief on the right (left), by division: do - ONE, two, three (four)” .

By account “do it – ONCE” take a step with your left foot, at the same time as placing it on the ground, stop moving your arms and turn your head towards the boss.

By account "two three four)" Continue the movement with your hands pressed and your head turned.

On the next account “do it – ONCE” under your left foot and at the same time as placing your left foot on the ground, place your head straight and continue moving your hands.

By account "two three four)" taking two (three) free steps.

On the next account “do it – ONCE” , repeat the exercise in the same order with a movement pace of 60–70 steps per minute.

When wearing a headdress, simultaneously with placing your foot on the ground, turn your head and put your right hand on the headdress, keep your left hand motionless at the hip; Having passed the boss (senior), at the same time as placing your left foot on the ground, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

When overtaking a superior (senior), perform the military salute with the first step of overtaking.

With the second step, put your head straight and lower your right hand.

Learning a military salute while moving out of formation in a headdress in divisions into six counts

To perform a military salute while moving out of formation in a headdress in divisions of six counts, the command is given: “Military greeting in motion, chief on the right (left), by division: do - ONE, two, three, four, five, six" .

By account “do it – ONCE” take a step with your left foot and, with your foot on the ground, turn your head towards the boss, at the same time put your hand on the headdress; lower your left hand down to your thigh.

By account "two three four" take steps with your right (left) foot; passing the boss one or two steps.

By account "five" At the same time as placing your left foot on the ground, place your head straight and lower your right hand from the headdress down.

By account "six" place your right foot next to your left, and lower your right hand to your thigh.

Performing a military salute when overtaking a boss without a headdress

When overtaking a chief, a military salute without a headdress is given in the following way: in the first step of overtaking with your feet on the ground, stop moving your arms, energetically lower them along your body, and at the same time turn your head with your chin raised towards the boss. On the second step, place your head straight and continue moving your arms in time with the step.

When overtaking a chief, a military greeting in a headdress is given as follows: at the first step of overtaking, placing your foot on the ground, stop moving your arms, energetically lower them along the body, turn your head with your chin raised towards the chief. Simultaneously with turning your head, place your right hand on the headdress and keep your left hand along the body. On the second step, put your head straight, lower your right hand and continue moving your arms in time with the step.
Typical mistakes when performing a military salute in motion with and without a headdress:

  • the military salute is completed in less than three or four steps;
  • the hand is not applied correctly to the headdress:
  • the fingers of the right hand are not together, the palm is bent, the middle finger does not touch the lower edge of the headdress (at the visor);
  • the position of the hand has been changed when turning the head towards the boss;
  • the hand is applied to the headdress not in the shortest way, but through the side;
  • The serviceman did not turn his head towards his superior and did not look him in the face.
  • together with the turn of the head, the body is turned;
  • First they turn their head, and then they put (lower) their hand.

Formation control carried out by commands and orders given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and which are also transmitted using technical and mobile means.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; There can only be executive teams.

Preliminary command is presented clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them. At any preliminary command, military personnel in formation take a formation stance, while moving they move to a formation step, and outside the formation they turn towards the commander and assume a formation stance.

Executive team delivered after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. When an executive command is given, it is carried out immediately and accurately.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is, if necessary, mentioned in the preliminary command. For example: " Platoon (third platoon) - STOP». « Private Petrov, cru-GOM."

To cancel or stop the reception, issue the command “ RESIGN" This command returns to the position that was before the technique was performed.

Responsibilities of military personnel before formation and in the ranks.

Each serviceman is obliged to firmly know, skillfully and conscientiously perform his duties before formation and in the ranks.

Before formation, a serviceman must:

· check the serviceability of your weapon, weapons and military equipment assigned to it, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

· carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, and help a friend eliminate any shortcomings noticed.

While in service, a serviceman is obliged to:

· know your place, be able to quickly take it without fuss;

· while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance;

· comply with safety requirements;

· do not disable (the machine) without permission;

· while in formation, do not talk or smoke without permission;

· be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, carry them out quickly and accurately, without interfering with others;

· transmit orders and commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Construction techniques.

Drill stand is the main element of drill training. She is accepted on command

« BECOME" or " SMYRNO" At this command, you should stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

The formation stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, when making a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, and also when giving commands.

On command " FREE"stand freely, loosen your right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk. At the command " refuel", without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment; If necessary, go out of commission and seek permission to contact your immediate superior. Before the team refuel"The command is given" FREE».

Turns in place are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Half-turn” right-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Half-turn nale-VO”, “Kru-GOM”.

Turns around, to the left, half a turn to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right and half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

· the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending your knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front leg;

· second technique - put the other leg in the shortest way.


In the process of preparing for the lesson and at the beginning of the lesson, students become familiar with the main provisions of the drill regulations within the framework of the issues being studied on the topic of the lesson.

Under the guidance of a teacher, they study and practice drill techniques at the construction site.

Procedure for conducting the training

Drill stand

To learn how to do it correctly COMBAT STAND The leader forms the group in one line and, coming out in front of the middle of the line, begins to work on the educational question, observing the following methodological sequence:

Sequence of training Methodological instructions, actions of the lesson leader and students
I. Introduces students to drill techniques:
Calls a drill Drill stand
Explains where and in what cases this drill technique is used The combat stand is accepted in the following cases:
  • on command;
  • when giving and receiving orders;
  • at the report;
  • during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation;
  • when performing a military salute;
  • when issuing commands.
Conveys the commands by which the drill is performed The combat stance is taken by the commands: “STAND” or “ATILITY”.
Shows exemplary performance of the drill as a whole To demonstrate a drill, the leader commands: “I’m showing. I give myself a command. Look." Gives the command: “At attention” and demonstrates the execution of the drill. Then he turns to the right, takes the position “at ease” and again, at the command “at attention”, takes a combat stance. Consistently turning to the formation with the left and right sides, he displays the formation from all sides. The leader may call the most trained sergeant or soldier of the unit to perform a drill. In this case, the sergeant (soldier) performs a drill at his command.
Finalizes the procedure for performing drill procedures in accordance with the requirements of the Drill Regulations When performing a drill position on the command “Attention” you need to:
  • stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet;
  • straighten your knees, but do not strain them;
  • raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly;
  • pick up the belly;
  • turn your shoulders;
  • lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs;
  • keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin;
  • look straight ahead;
  • be ready for immediate action.
If the combat stance is performed using the command “STAND”, then before performing the above elements you must quickly take your place in the ranks (get into formation).
II. Learns drill technique:
III. Conducts drill drills as part of the unit:
The commander conducts training in performing a technique as part of a unit using the commands “STAND UP”, “ATRICITY”, as well as any other preliminary command. When starting training, he gives the command “DISCOVER”, and then, having designated the place of formation, he commands, for example: “Squad, in one line (in two lines) - STAND UP.” At the preliminary command “Squad”, all trainees immediately turn to face the commander, take the “at attention” position and wait for the next command, ready to quickly and clearly execute it. Military personnel take their place in the ranks according to the executive command “STAND”. Once the formation begins, the commander breaks ranks and monitors the actions of the trainees, paying attention to the speed at which they take their place in the formation, to the interval, alignment and correct execution of the formation. To check whether the drill stance has been taken correctly, the leader orders the servicemen to raise their toes. If the position of the combat stance was taken incorrectly by someone, that is, the body was not moved slightly forward, then this action will be performed easily. To eliminate this mistake, the leader orders the military personnel who made the mistake to rise to failure on their toes, and then, without changing the position of the body, that is, leaving it slightly forward, lower themselves onto the entire foot. If in this case the position of the combat stance is taken correctly, then when the toes are raised again, this action will be impossible to perform. Having eliminated all identified deficiencies, the leader continues drill training in formation, at the command “ATMILITY”, guided by methodological recommendations stated above. The training continues until the drill technique being studied is mastered to the point of automaticity.

"Turns on the spot"

Purpose of the training:

· Improve students’ skills when performing turns in a formation at the command of a leader;

· Check and evaluate the implementation of proven drill techniques.

Class location: Construction site.


Drill training is a subject of training for military personnel, the purpose of which is to develop their drill bearing, smartness and endurance, the ability to correctly and quickly carry out commands, drill techniques with and without weapons, as well as prepare units for coordinated actions in various formations.

Drill training is organized and conducted on the basis of the Drill Regulations of the RF Armed Forces.

The basis of drill training is single drill training, i.e. correct execution of drill techniques by each student.

The order of studying the discipline corresponds to thematic plan teaching students at military departments.

It is closely interconnected with other subjects of military training, for example, with general tactics, fire training, etc.

Simple techniques are learned as a whole, complex ones - in sections, sometimes using preparatory exercises.

Training in performing a technique includes its conscious repetition and consolidation until students acquire strong skills. First you need to train at a slow pace, and then at a normal pace. You can train in pairs, giving commands one by one. Errors must be eliminated during training by addressing Special attention for the statutory performance of techniques.

For the purpose of self-control during training in performing drill techniques, it is advisable to use drill ground equipment, in particular construction site markings and mirrors.

When carrying out independent work and during training, special attention should be paid to the development of muscle memory (automatism) when performing drill techniques.

Chapter 1. Formation techniques and movement without weapons.

1.1.1. Combat stand. Execution of commands: “Stand up”, “Be equal”, “At attention”, “At ease”, “Fuel up”, “Leave aside”, “Hats - take off (put on)”.

The requirements for the combat stance and the order of execution of the commands “Stand up”, “Equal”, “At attention”, “At ease”, “Fuel up”, “Leave aside”, “Hats - take off (put on)” are set out in articles 27, 28, 29 of the Combatant Charter of the Armed Forces.

27. The combat stance (Fig. 1.) is taken on command "BECOME" or "SMIRNO". At this command, stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your toes along the front line, placing them at the width of your feet; straighten your knees, but do not strain them; raise your chest and move your whole body forward slightly; pick up the belly; turn your shoulders; lower your arms so that your hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of your thighs, and your fingers are bent and touching your thighs; keep your head high and straight, without sticking out your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

Rice. 1. Front stand

The formation stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: when giving and receiving an order, when making a report, during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, and also when giving commands.

Rice. 2. Execution of the “FREE” command

28. By command "FREE"(Fig. 2.) stand freely, loosen your right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from your place, do not lose your attention and do not talk.

By command "REFUEL" without leaving your place in the ranks, adjust your weapons, uniforms and equipment. If you need to be out of commission, seek permission from your immediate superior.

Before the team "REFUEL" the command is given "FREE."

29. A command is given to remove hats "Hats(headdress) - TAKE OFF", and for putting on - "Hats(headdress) - PUT ON.” If necessary, single military personnel remove and put on their headgear without command.

Rice. 3. Position of the removed headgear

The removed headdress is held in the left freely lowered hand with the cockade forward (Fig. 3.).

Without a weapon or with a weapon in the “behind the back” position, the headdress is removed and put on with the right hand, and with the weapon in the “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “at the leg” positions - with the left. When removing a headgear with a carabiner in the “shoulder” position, the carabiner is first taken to the leg.

The first preparatory exercise - “unrolling the toes along the front line to the width of the foot” is carried out by the command: “Put your socks together, do it - ONCE, pull your socks apart, do TWO, bring your socks together, do it - ONCE” etc.

The second preparatory exercise is lifting the chest with the body moving slightly forward, tucking the stomach, unfolding the shoulders and lowering the arms in the middle of the thighs.

Learning this preparatory exercise is done by the command “Raise your chest, pick up your stomach, turn your shoulders, move your body forward, do it - ONCE, take the original position, do it - TWO.”

When starting this exercise, you need to take a deep breath and hold it in this position. chest, exhale and continue breathing with your chest raised. Having raised the chest, the body should be slightly forward, tuck the stomach, and turn the shoulders. At the same time, the arms are lowered so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the sides and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are bent and touch the thighs. To check that the body is moving forward correctly, you need to rise on your toes, and then, without changing the tilt of the body, lower your entire foot. With the correct combat stance, the chest is always slightly in front of the chin.

To check the correct position of the head, you need to take a combat stance and, without lowering your head, look down in front of you. At correct position head, the soldier should see the closest point on the parade ground, two to three steps away from himself; any other position of the trainee’s head will be incorrect.

For check correct execution When standing at the front, you need to rise on your toes. If the combat stance was taken correctly, then the command is carried out easily, without bending forward. Those who have taken the correct drill stance will not be able to lift their socks.

Main disadvantages when executing a command "BECOME" or "SMIRNO" are:

The toes of the feet are not turned along the front line and not the width of the foot;

The heels are not placed together;

The hands are not in the middle of the thighs, held with the palms facing back;

The chest is not raised, the stomach is not tucked;

The body is not leaned forward, the head is lowered;

The arms are bent at the elbows.

Training in following commands "At ease" And "Refuel" recommended in general. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that before the command "Refuel" you must always give a command "At ease".

The following disadvantages may occur when executing these commands:

When executing the "FREE" command

The right knee is not weakened or left leg;

The serviceman left his place;

Attention is weakened;

The position of the hands has changed;

Talks in the ranks.

When executing the “REFUEL” command

Deficiencies in appearance have not been eliminated;

A serviceman left the ranks without permission;

Talks or smokes in formation without permission.

Although the technique of removing a headdress is simple in its implementation, it is advisable to first study it in sections, and then as a whole. To learn how to perform a division technique, the command is given “Take off your hats, according to divisions: do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE.”. By account “do it - ONCE” take the headdress with your right hand, counting "do - TWO" remove the headgear and lower it to the level of the waist belt and slightly to the left, top part headdress forward, at the same time with your left hand take the cap, the hat by the side so that four fingers are on the outside, and thumb inside the headdress, according to the count “do - THREE” lower your left hand with the headdress and your right hand at the same time.

Putting on the headgear must also be done first in sections, for which the command is given “Put on hats, according to divisions: do it ONCE, do it TWO, do it THREE.”. By account “do it - ONCE” bring your left hand with the headdress forward to the belt and at the same time transfer it to your right hand. By account "do - TWO" lower your left hand and put the headdress on your head. By account “do - THREE” sharply lower your right hand down.

To errors during execution drill The following points can be noted:

The headdress is removed (put on) by an unidentified hand;

The position of the removed headdress in the hand does not correspond to the picture;

The headdress is not worn correctly.