Extreme tourism. Ten most extreme types of tourism The most extreme vacation

Extreme tourism is travel and active species rest, one way or another associated with risk. Modern extreme tourism began to develop at the beginning of the twentieth century, when skydiving, mountaineering, rafting and many other dangerous entertainments became widespread. However, if you look more broadly, then Magellan, Columbus, Marco Polo, James Cook and many other travelers of distant centuries were extreme tourists. Extreme tourism in its current form has existed for 2-3 decades. Despite the fact that almost the entire territory of the Earth has already been explored, lovers of romance and adrenaline find its mysterious corners or, using special equipment, master objects familiar to everyone in an unusual and exciting way.

Extreme tourism requires not only good physical fitness, but also courage, perseverance, and determination. People who have such qualities and are ready to take risks, in return receive incredibly strong sensations, vivid emotions, vivid impressions and liters of adrenaline. Almost every type of extreme recreation requires certain skills, experience and professional training. One of the features that extreme tourism has is the high cost of equipment and overalls. Usually they do not save on them, since the health, and sometimes the life of a tourist, depends on the quality of the equipment.

Extreme tourism has dozens, if not hundreds of varieties - from traditional to exotic. The most popular types include mountaineering, diving, kayaking, rafting, paragliding, industrial and mountain tourism. There are also exotic types of extreme tourism, for example, sandboarding (snowboarding down the sand dunes), spelestology (digging), mountain biking (downhill riding a motorcycle), spearfishing for sharks, and many others. etc. An ultra-modern type of extreme tourism is travel to the earth's orbit. The popularity of extratourism is growing exponentially. If some 20 years ago the number of extreme people around the world numbered in the hundreds of thousands, today it is already tens of millions.


A special increase in popularity is demonstrated by diving - diving in various reservoirs. There are at least 20 million registered divers in the world, many more dive without any official registration. Diving is considered one of the most dangerous species extreme tourism.


Parachute jumping and paragliding are quite popular types of extreme recreation. Due to the relative cheapness (usually a parachute is provided by the flying club), traditional skydiving is especially popular in Ukraine. Those who are professional paragliders acquire personal equipment that allows them to perform difficult jumps. These include group acrobatics, skysurfing (soaring on ascending air currents), base jumping (jumping from rocks and industrial facilities), etc.

Rafting, kayaking and rafting

Rafting is a descent inflatable boats on fast rivers, the boat crew consists of 4 or 6 people. Kayaking is practically the same, only there is only one rower on the boat. In Ukraine, these types of extreme tourism are not very popular, because there are few fast water bodies for adventure rafting in the country. especially developed in Canada, Alaska, Indochina and the Himalayas.


This sport is one of the most extreme. On high altitude climbers face such dangers as glaciers, abysses, cracks, landslides, sudden temperature changes and lack of oxygen. Therefore, mountaineering requires excellent physical and psychological preparation, as well as the possession of special skills. In addition, mountaineering is unthinkable without high quality special equipment.

The concept of extreme tourism

Tourism is one of the most popular forms of recreation. Tourism differs from all other types of recreation in that each person finds in it what he wants. Someone likes to relax in the mountains, someone at the sea, while others overcome their fears by choosing an extreme type of tourism.

Remark 1

Extreme tourism- one of the most promising types of tourism business, which attracts more and more more people. There are new unexplored places for extreme tourism, the proof of this is the emergence of new types of tourism.

Extreme tourism requires not only high-quality physical training, but also courage, perseverance, and determination. People with such qualities can take risks, but in return they will receive unforgettable sensations and a surge of emotions, colorful impressions of nature, mountains, and the sea. All types of extreme tourism require certain skills, appropriate equipment, experience and high professionalism.

The main types of extreme tourism that are used all over the world can be classified (see Fig. 1)

  1. Water tourism

    • Diving - diving under water. This is one of the most dangerous types of tourism.
    • Wakeboarding is a combination of water skiing, surfing, and skateboarding. A sea vessel tows a raider, which stands on a wide board, while accelerating the speed, the boat leaves behind a large wave that the raider uses as a springboard.
    • Water skiing is one of the famous types active rest. Good alternative to skiing.
    • Windsurfing is a device that is lowered onto the water with a sail that is attached to the board.
    • Kayaking is the ability to own a kayak, while you need to feel the water and the boat.
    • Rafting is a descent on special boards along mountain rivers.
  2. Land types of tourism.

    • Mountain biking is mountain biking.
    • Mountain types of tourism.
    • Climbing is climbing to the top.
    • Alpine skiing - skiing in winter time. Skating surfaces can be artificial or real.
    • Snowboarding - descent through the snow from the mountain slopes.
    • Air types of tourism.
    • Parachuting - jumping from an airplane with a parachute.
    • Base jumping - a jump using a special parachute, the fall occurs from a specially fixed height.
    • Freestyle - a skydiver performs complex figures during a free fall.
  3. Exotic types of tourism.

    • Jailo-tourism is the stay of a person in the primitive system, with all aspects of nomadic life.
    • Camping in the trees - spending time on the tops of trees.
    • Volcanoboarding - boarding down the ash of a volcano.
    • Ropejumping - jumping on cables over an abyss.
    • Industrial tourism is gaining more and more momentum among young people. It attracts tourists with the knowledge of abandoned objects, factories, collectors, catacombs.

Types of extreme tourism risks

Risks in extreme tourism can be classified according to their nature:

  • injury risk - may arise from hazardous phenomena in the atmosphere, poor quality equipment;
  • fire hazard;
  • biological impact - the possibility of bites of poisonous animals, infectious diseases;
  • psychological stress - occur during the passage of difficult routes, dangerous sections;
  • specific factors that may arise along the route of the tours.

Remark 2

Extreme tourism in our country is constantly developing. The main task facing the state is to make it less safe and more controllable.

We can say with confidence that life in our time is quite monotonous. Moreover, unlike the rural, pastoral monotony, the melancholy and boredom of cities harms not only the spirit, but also the body. Day after day we do the same job, watch TV or visit social media sometimes we go to gym to keep fit. Over time, all this becomes boring, especially since the life of a successful modern person is not limited only to work and casual leisure. A successful person differs from the rest by the fact that he knows how to use and uses his time with benefit and not without interest. And extreme sports often become part of such people, helping them not only to fully relax and unwind, but also to reveal their potential to 100%!

Are you ready to stand on the same level with those who have already achieved success? What do we conclude from this? Right! We say to extreme sports and recreation - yes! Next, I will tell you about what kind of extreme pastime may suit you, and you read and shake your head, because everything that I tell you is extremely important and interesting.

Types of extreme recreation

So, first of all, I would like to say that an extreme vacation is a vacation at the peak of activity. So, if any recreation is divided into active and passive, then extreme is included in the group of the most active! Often, in order to divide the types of extreme recreation, two categories are distinguished:

  • 1. Extreme tourism - which includes rafting, rock climbing, mountaineering, caving and so on. All of the above is somehow tied to tourism, which will require you to have a certain physical fitness and a lot of time;
  • 2. Extreme sport - this includes crossfit and power extreme. This category differs from tourism in the presence of a competitive element, as well as special requirements for the training of athletes.

We will talk about all these varieties of extreme sports in life further, revealing in detail each of these categories so that everyone can choose exactly what is interesting to him. But first, we want to dwell on another extremely important aspect of extreme recreation, which many underestimate and, subsequently, regret about it.

How to make every day memorable?

Surely you were expecting that now I will tell you about how important it is to enjoy every moment of life and all that ... yes, this is all important, but the advice that I wanted to give you is much simpler: shoot and take pictures! Yes Yes! Constantly, whether you are kayaking or playing lighter tag, turn on your camcorder and record it all. Believe me, your humble servant did a lot of interesting things in his life, but, alas, he did not think of filming at least part of his adventures on camera. Do I regret it? And what do you think? Instead of remembering past exploits while watching them or showing the children in the future what a daredevil I was, I will have to confine myself to a verbal description, and what ... memories tend to fade.

Therefore, so that you do not repeat my mistakes, I want to introduce you to an interesting gopro online store, which you will find at xtreme-sport.ru. Here you can find simply gorgeous cameras for a wide variety of extreme species recreation, as well as a bunch of accessories for them. To be honest, the child in me woke up when I saw a quadcopter in their store ... really!? Having a radio controlled helicopter is a childhood dream of many!

But I will not deviate from the topic and let's get to the point.

So what to do on an extreme vacation?

So, let's go in order, and in the end I will tell you about several more types of extreme pastime that cannot be attributed to either tourism or sports.

  • — Rafting is nothing more than kayaking on rough mountain rivers. Especially common in the south of Russia, as well as in the Urals. This is due to the presence in both of these regions of a large number of mountains and, as a result, mountain rivers. Not suitable for everyone, due to the risk of injury and the need to have a steel character, coupled with an excellent reaction. Otherwise, you will simply be thrown onto the stones, which is not very pleasant.
  • - Rock climbing - everything is clear here: with the help of special equipment (wedges and rope) you climb mountains. Popular is the safe type of rock climbing in specialized clubs, where you will climb a special wall using insurance. By the way, the figure of climbers, both men and women, is truly a model, so if you want to always be in shape, this is great choice just for you!
  • Mountaineering and caving are two sides of the same coin. You either climb mountain peaks or descend into deep caves respectively. Of course, this requires not only experience, but also special physical and psychological preparation. You will need to be patient and always know exactly what to do next.
  • - Power extreme - the sport of real, brutal men who are ready to pull trucks, break chains and bend rebar. Power extreme is, of course, in some way a show, but the show is as real and spectacular as possible. Do you want to become big and at the same time popular? Those who watch the foreign series "Game of Thrones" based on the novel of the same name by George Martin will be surprised when they learn that "The Mountain", one of the key characters of the series, was played by the famous strongman from Iceland, Hafthor Bjornson. Draw your own conclusions.
  • - CrossFit is a more casual version of power extreme, which is suitable for active people. It will make you strong and hardy, preparing you for any adventures and life situations. It is very popular abroad and is gaining momentum in Russia, and all because crossfit ( functional training) is available to everyone, and most importantly, practical and useful!
  • Lighter tag and paintball- types of extreme recreation that simulate combat operations with firearms. In a laser tag, you hit opponents due to the reaction of sensors on your armor to a laser beam from your weapon, and in paintball everything is simpler - balls with paint. This is exactly the kind of vacation during which you will blow off steam and go home will be utterly pacified. Its advantage is that it does not require any preparation, paintball tournaments are arranged even for children.

That's all, my dear readers. I told you as best as I could about all the this moment legal, interesting and safe types of extreme recreation and agree that any of them is better than gatherings in a bar or aimless walks in clubs. Be strong body and spirit, rest properly and remember that best holiday the one after which you want to have a good rest!


Active types of recreation are gaining more and more popularity among ordinary tourists. Extreme tourism is divided into a number of types: air, land, water, mountain and exotic. Let's consider each separately.

Air views. Group acrobatics. This discipline aims to build the maximum number of different figures by a team of several skydivers. The classic number of skydivers in a team is 4 or 8. There are also teams of 16 athletes. A team of four people can build about 30 figures during free fall.

Dome acrobatics consists in building formations from canopies of open parachutists. This is fundamentally different from other types parachuting, where work on the result goes on until the parachute opens (except for jumps for precision landing). When performing figures of dome acrobatics, the parachutes come into direct contact with the parachutes of other athletes, and blockages often occur. Therefore, skydivers involved in dome acrobatics need special equipment. After all the figures are built, there comes a stage when the paratroopers must separate from each other and make a landing approach. This is the most difficult and dangerous part of the exercise. If the canopies are caught on each other, even actuating the canopy release locks may not help and the canopy will not come off. Opening the reserve parachute in such a situation is quite dangerous. This makes dome acrobatics one of the most risky types of skydiving. Flight to hot-air balloon depends on the strength of the wind, with an average wind strength it is 20 - 30 km. The landing site is completely dependent on weather conditions.

Hang gliding is one of the world's fastest growing sports. Today, there are about 90 thousand hang gliders around the world, plus every year about a thousand newly minted hang gliders take to the skies. Modern vehicles are incredibly stable, durable, and flying on them can only be limited by weather conditions and the experience of the pilot himself.

Ground views. The land type of extreme tourism includes a wide range of entertainment such as motorcycle, car and hiking trips, visiting cave complexes, and cycling.

Hiking involves the movement of a group from point A to point B in a certain period of time, and overcoming obstacles. This trip may have a category of difficulty (I.II.III. or IV). Required physical training and some endurance.

Moto and auto travel in extreme travel involves overcoming "impassable" areas (deserts, swamps, mountain slopes) with the help of technology.

Horse travel

They provide for a long stay in the saddle and overcoming difficult sections of the journey, represented by narrow paths.

Cycling is the heaviest of the terrestrial types. This tour is overcoming at least 500 km., which includes both plains and mountain heights, thicket areas. Mountain biking is becoming more and more popular, despite its high cost. To seriously engage in mountain biking, you have to spend a lot of money. So, a bike for a beginner costs from 300 to 500 dollars, there are Mountain bikes with a rear shock absorber up to $10,000. Of course, you need to spend money on ammunition and various spare parts, and this is more than $800. This amount is for a beginner, a professional biker spends much more money.

Hiking, moto and auto, horse riding, as well as cycling are the most popular in this type of extreme tourism.

Speleologists are people who in their free time go to caves with huge backpacks, then this is tourism. But at the same time speleology is a science. Literally: "the science of caves", a section of geology, namely cartography and hydrogeology. And most importantly, the caves are the last white spots on the world map, the last opportunity to go where not only a human foot has not set foot, but also where the eyes of his eyes or cameras have not fallen. Speleologists are engaged in the study of this mysterious underground world. To engage in speleology, one must have serious training, not only physical, but also technical, as well as psychological. Spelestology is a fascinating mixture of tourism and science that studies man-made cavities. In the broad sense of the word, spelestology is the science of artificial underground structures. Spelestology is closely related to speleology, only speleologists are not interested in caves. They are interested in penetrating into any underground urban structures that are inaccessible or not interesting to the rest.

X races are when extreme tourists are so well and universally prepared that they can climb rocks, ride a horse, raft in a kayak or raft along the rapids, rush through the mountains on a bicycle and rappel under a waterfall. These people unite in teams and participate in competitions, the purpose of which is to cover a distance of 3-4 hundreds of kilometers as quickly as possible using their skills. This is called multisport, or extreme (more often even adventure) racing. More than 200 extreme races are held annually in the West. For example, the largest races in the UK, organized by the Extreme Racing Association of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

water sports

Diving is underwater swimming with special equipment. This is a rather expensive kind of extreme tourism. General training and equipment will cost a beginner up to $ 1,000, you will additionally have to pay the cost of a tour package. If you do not buy equipment, then the cost of preparing for the first round will be reduced to $ 250. But still, you will have to pay 30-40 dollars to rent suits, scuba gear and other things necessary at depth. To be a diver, you need to have a set of skills to deal with the vast majority of diving problems (mask fogging, regulator loss, buoyancy control, and so on). These skills and knowledge are acquired during the training process and are confirmed by a certificate from one of the diving associations. Diving people are called divers or scuba divers.

Wakeboarding is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skating and surfing. The boat is towing a raider standing on a short, wide board. Moving at a speed of 30 - 40 km / h with additional ballast on board, the boat leaves behind a wave that the raider uses as a springboard. In the jump, you can perform many different tricks. Wakeboarding began to develop especially dynamically in the early 1990s. He revolutionized water sports just like at one time snowboarding in alpine skiing. From a hobby of a small group of enthusiasts, he turned into popular sport with its own philosophy and culture. A lot of tricks came to wakeboarding from related "board" sports of snowboarding, skateboarding, which gives the wakeboarder the opportunity to progress. all year round. All you need to do is just change the board. The cost of a full set of “wakeboarding” equipment starts from $400. Wakeboarding requires a special boat, but such boats are expensive. Consequently, in our country this type of recreation is not developed due to the high cost of the tourist product.

Water skiing is one of the most famous outdoor activities. This is a worthy replacement for mountain and cross-country skiing. Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when the American Ralph Samuelson, a resident of Minnesota, experimented with conventional winter skiing decided to try them out on the water. He equipped two wide pine boards with fasteners for the legs. After that, the inventor successfully tested skis on the waters of the lake in Lake City. This sport has constantly progressed and today it has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 Olympic Committee Greece recommended to introduce water skiing into the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. True, the IOC did not make a final decision on this issue. Well, for water skiing, you will need four things: the actual water skiing, a life jacket, gloves and a wetsuit.

The cost of skis varies from 120 to 1000 dollars, plus the rest of the equipment (wetsuit, gloves, life jacket) - about 150 dollars. Water skiing is currently actively practiced on the Black Sea coast.

Windsurfing - variety sailing; racing on a special oval carbon fiber board with a rough surface for stability, with stabilizer fins on the bottom plane and a small sail attached to the board. Windsurfing originated in the USA (1968).

Surfing is the same, only without a sail. Actually, windsurfing originated from surfing. With a good wind, you can reach speeds of more than 10-12 m / s. Well, the record for today is more than 70 km / h. The cost of a set of equipment is quite high. Windsurf kit - $1,000, spare sail kit (mast, boom, sail) - $500, wetsuit - $200, total - $1,700.

Kayaking is a popular form of recreation abroad, gaining more and more popularity in Russia. This is a solo sport, although it is not without team spirit. It makes it possible to challenge the elements and stay with her one on one. In modern kayaking, three main directions are developing - rowing slalom, rodeo and rafting.

Slalom kayaking is the ability to maneuver a kayak by feeling the boat and the water.

Rodeo, unlike slalom, is not only a virtuoso technique, but also an element of the game. Freestyle kayak is the performance of various tricks on a boat due to the features of the river relief. You can go on a kayak to water trip along a river of any complexity or to conduct game rafting on a small stretch of a mountain river, choosing individual obstacles in the form of barrels, ramparts and waterfalls and passing them lightly. Naturally, in order to feel confident during rafting, you need to know basic technique slalom and rodeo. The composition of the kayaker's equipment includes: a boat, a helmet, a life jacket, a skirt (prevents water from entering the boat), rubber slippers and an oar.

Rafting is a fascinating descent down a mountain river in a canoe or special rafts. Rafting is one of the most visited tours, completely safe even for the most young tourists. AT last years it is of such great interest on the part of fans of extreme recreation that most of the mountain rivers suitable for this tourism have been mastered by professionals who now offer rafting tours to almost anywhere in the world. Raft tours are mainly of the following types: trips for a day (from 60 to 150 dollars) or half a day (in the region of 25-75 dollars) and multi-day trips. During multi-day tours, tourists get into remote corners of the mountains with untouched nature, set up camp as they pass the river and explore the wild surroundings around the campsites. Minimum cost such raft tours - from 1000-1500 dollars.

mountain views

Mountaineering is a sport and active recreation that originated in the Alps, with the aim of climbing the tops of mountains with the subsequent descent along the ascent path or in another way. Today, mountaineering is a whole industry that is gradually developing and popularizing. As a rule, it is customary to choose summer for climbing, when the weather allows you to reach the intended peak with minimal losses. However, thrill-seekers do not stop even in winter, and difficult weather conditions and avalanches only add to the spice of the trip. People go to the mountains to test themselves, take risks, overcome everything and get to the top. The taste of victory is sweet, even if the climber did not conquer Elbrus, but only a wall at the local climbing wall. Climbing equipment is expensive, a full set of high-quality equipment will cost an extreme tourist $ 1,500-2,000. However, if you just want to climb Elbrus once in your life, you can rent equipment. The cost of such a 10-day tour will be about $ 200.

Ski tourism is a kind of mountain tourism, descent from the mountains along natural snowy slopes or specially prepared ski slopes. Unlike skiing, in ski tourism, the time of descent is not fixed. Over the years, the number of people who want to ski has not decreased, but rather increased. In addition, now the ski service is much better and more diverse than 10 years ago, not to mention the 1980s and 1970s. Almost on any ski resort There are slopes for both professionals and beginners. Equipment - a set: skis, bindings, poles, boots, suit, helmet, mask, gloves will cost an average of 700 - 800 dollars, rent - about 30 - 40 dollars per day.

Snowboarding is a descent through the snow from the mountain slopes on a specially equipped board. This is a more aggressive, active and extreme sport than skiing. Snowboarding as a separate sport appeared in America in the 60s of the XX century. Surfers, who did not want to sit around waiting for summer days, became ardent fans of the newfangled hobby for the most part. In our country, snowboarding gained mass recognition in the mid-1990s.

extreme hobbies associated with skiing and snowboarding can be divided into several groups:

  • 1. Frisking (frisking, or Freddie) - descent along steep unprepared slopes with difficult terrain;
  • 2. Heliskiing - the same, but using a helicopter as a means of delivery to the mountain;
  • 3. Skitour (skitouring) - skitour, mountain tourism using skis and special mounts for climbing uphill;
  • 4. Ski mountaineering - climbing a mountain with the aim of going down on skis or a snowboard (the use of insurance or any additional equipment other than skis on the descent violates the “purity” of such an ascent);
  • 5. "Newschool" - a kind of snowboarding freestyle.

You can relax in different ways: climb mountains, soar into the air, dive under water, walk. There are more and more options for outdoor activities in the summer every year. New modes of transport are available, new tourist spots are available, new horizons are opened up, and there is no limit to exploration. As it turned out, there are plenty of extreme varieties. Our little glossary will help you find a vacation option to your taste.

Extreme in the air:

Paragliding (paragliding)- flying from a mountain or hill on a paraglider (glider with a light double-shell wing). In the Volgograd region, there are enough hilly places where you can catch decent ascending thermals (air currents) from a height. Varieties of such extreme sports can also include motor hang gliding (flying on a motorized ultralight aircraft) and hang gliding (flying on an aircraft with a swept wing).

Bolunning (ballooning)- flight in a hot air balloon. Pleasure, of course, is not cheap, but definitely memorable.

Skydiving, skydiving (skydiving). Probably, perhaps the first association that arises at the mention of the word extreme is skydiving. In our region, you can jump with a parachute in Volgograd, Volzhsky, and in some rural areas. Close relatives of this type of extreme are:

base jumping (base-jumping) - skydiving from fixed objects, base point. Such a point can be mountains, rocks, buildings and other fixed objects.

Skysurfing (skysurfing)- skydiving with skis to perform various figures in free fall.

Swoop (swoop)- parachute jumps with a long span above the ground upon landing.

Blade running (bladerunning)- jumps from a small height with a long span above the ground.

Extreme on the water:

Aquabike (aquabike)- riding on jet skis (aquabikes). Modern jet skis can be standing and sitting and are selected depending on what kind of sport they will be used for - aqua football, racing or freestyle. Standing aquabikes are suitable for everyone who loves speed on the water, but seated ones are designed for performing tricks and jumps on them. In the hot season on the Volga, you can meet many fans of aquabikes.

Wakeboarding (wakeboarding)- (English wake - wave and board - board) a water sport in which an athlete standing on a special board is towed by a boat. The meaning of wakeboarding is that, using the wave from the motor of the boat as a springboard, to make jumps, turns, and other tricks. This kind of extreme is very young. In 1985, surfer Ton Fin (San Diego, USA) invented the "scarfer" - a small surfboard. This was the beginning of wakeboarding. According to professionals, wakeboarding is not a very difficult sport. It is important to learn how to get up out of the water.

Surfing (surfing)- from the almost ritual fun of the Hawaiian rulers, surfing has grown into numerous international sports. Therefore, the question of what surfing is no longer arises for anyone. People who do it have their own style of dress, speech, music. They move from beach to beach, country to country in search of their biggest wave. Of course, the passion for surfing implies the presence of the ocean nearby. In our case, you can do related types of surfing:
Kitesurfing- this is a water type of active recreation, the basis of which is movement on the surface of the water under the action of traction kite. For riding, a special board is used - a kite. All you need is the ability to balance on the water and, of course, to catch the wind.

windsurfing (windsurfing) even more common than kitesurfing. Windsurfing is a water activity that uses a board made of floating material and a sail attached to it. Windsurfers can glide over water or ice for a very long time in the presence of wind.
Bodyboarding (bodyboarding) - skating on a bodyboard (a rectangular piece of foam about 1 meter long with a smooth shape of the corners). They ride the board on the waves lying down, sometimes half-sitting or standing. Fins are used for better control.

Kayaking- this is a relatively young type of active recreation on the water, using a small single, less often double, vessel - a kayak. The world changes when you get on a boat, say the kayakers. From the water level, people, the sun and trees look completely different, and you begin to see Water in a completely new way. There are several types of kayaking:

Sea/touring/recreational kayaking- these are walks and travels on "smooth" water, such as lakes, flat rivers and sea bays, on specialized kayaks, the main quality of which is speed and stability on the course.

Whitewater kayaking(kayaking on stormy, literally "white" water) - its goal is to overcome obstacles in the water stream. It can be a mountain river, and separate rapids and their elements on flat rivers and even on coastal relief in the sea or on an artificially created channel.

Canoeing (canoeing). Here we are usually talking about kayaking trips. The history of the development of kayaking (Eskimo boats - kayaks) and canoes (Indian pies) is rich in large and small events. This story begins many millennia BC - from the time when a person dared to go out onto the water, using a tree, a bunch of branches or a reed as a means of transportation on it. At first, the role of oars and rudder was performed by arms or legs, later by branches. A favorite place for this type of recreation among Volgograd residents are the Buzuluk and Akhtuba rivers.

Rafting (rafting)- it is not in vain that they are classified as extreme types of recreation, because group rafting on an inflatable raft (raft) along stormy rivers with rapids can hardly be called safe. This is by no means a fun, carefree activity. The classic raft can accommodate up to 20 people and has a large margin of stability.

Sailing (sailing), or yachting (yachting) sailing on the sea - what could be better? Stretching out on a wooden deck under the sun and listening to the sound of the waves or watching the sunset reflected in the dark water at night is a real relaxation.

Extreme underwater:

diving (diving)- translated from in English means diving, submersion under water. This word has already firmly entered the Russian language and has become popular among "submariners". Have you ever felt weightless? It is diving that gives a sense of three-dimensional space. On the ground, we can move back and forth, right and left, and under water - even more up and down. Also under water you can do underwater photo and video shooting, capture life marine life. There are several types of diving:

sport diving carried out for the sake of entertainment and enjoyment, the ultimate goal of such dives is to get acquainted with the underwater world and explore the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans.

Night dives– at night you can see amazing animals and fish leading a nocturnal lifestyle. You must have additional equipment with you - lamps, light chemical pencils, stroboscopes.

Underwater speleology- not only getting pleasure, but also a test of willpower. Speleological dives are carried out in confined spaces with the inevitable threat of claustrophobia and difficulties arising from the use of gas mixtures.

Exploration of sunken ships- such dives are carried out primarily for research purposes, to uncover the secrets of the sinking of ships and raising sunken objects, and only occasionally - as entertainment.

spearfishing- an exciting pastime in pursuit of underwater inhabitants. You need to have good skill and attentiveness in order to catch fish and not get entangled in algae.

Snorkeling (snorkelling- derived from English word"snorkeling" - swimming with a breathing tube (snorkel), mask and fins. Under water, all objects appear 25% larger and closer than they actually are. If, floating above the sandy bottom, try to touch it, you will notice that it is a little further than expected.

Extreme on land:

biking (biking)- This type of recreation on bicycles is now gaining momentum. Cycling brings a lot of benefits to our body. There are many varieties of cycling styles. Some of them:

Dirt (DJ - dirt jumping),bmx- ski jumping, with the performance of various tricks in the air.

Freeride- this is a common name for several areas of extreme skiing. In general, “free skating” is movement along unprepared tracks with overcoming obstacles encountered on the way. Classic freeride - cycling down the mountain.

Trial- overcoming obstacles on a bicycle in static, without touching the ground with your feet. It is carried out by sharp jerks after prolonged concentration. The basis is a stance and jumps on the rear wheel.

Cross country (XC)- driving over rough terrain for long distances. This is where endurance is needed. physical strength and willpower.

Uphill (UH) - here you need to climb up the side of the mountain with the highest possible speed (uphill - in English means “up the hill”).

Downhill (DH) or downhill- descend the mountain as quickly as possible.

Riding (horseriding)- horseback riding and riding are becoming more and more popular species outdoor activities both in Volgograd and in the region. It is not surprising, because in horseback riding there is extreme sports, and benefits, and aristocracy, and communication with a smart and kind animal.

Skateboarding- spectacular extreme, which is a skateboarding (skateboard) with overcoming obstacles and performing complex figures. There are several varieties: vert (ramp riding), street (street skating), mini ramp skating and pool skating (pool skating).

Rollersport, freeskating (freeskating)- roller skating. When skating becomes a habit for you, you will do it automatically, but you will get great pleasure and benefit from these activities. Subdivided into:

Speedskating (speedskating)- roller skating.

Freeskating, or fitness (freeskating)- freestyle roller skating. In the ranks of fitness fans, everyone who rides just like that, for the sake of enjoying the very process of riding.

Aggressive skating (aggressiveinlineskating)- aggressive rollerblading. This traumatic view skiing, because thrill-seekers ride on stairs, railings, ramps.

Slalom- skating spectacular and attractive to the audience. Includes combinations of different acrobatic figures, rotations, turns.

Poging (pogostickjumping)- jumps and tricks on the Pogo stick (a device for making jumps, consisting of a spring, a handle, pedals and a main platform). A person presses his feet on the spring, and it gives him a reverse impulse.

Tracking (trekking)- translated from English means hiking over rough terrain without special training participants. On the way, time flies unnoticed, every minute you discover the world of nature, sounds and colors, the life of birds and plants. The time of crossings per day usually varies from 5 to 7 hours.

hiking (hiking)- this term, as a rule, means a simple trip on foot, which may somewhat resemble a regular walking tour.

Boking (boking)- the history of this type began in 2004, when the Austrian inventor Alexander Bock patented his invention, which was then called "a special simulator for running and jumping." It is a spring made of fiberglass attached to a special frame that is fixed on the user's leg, covering it from the foot to the knee.

Freeboarding (freeboarding) — descent from the asphalted slopes on a special projectile freeboard. The freeboard itself arose as a result of crossing a skateboard and a snowboard, but it is longer than a skateboard, it has six instead of four wheels. It was invented as a simulator and a summer snowboarding simulator, but outgrew its educational purpose and became a separate type of extreme.

Digging (urban exploration - it modern look urban (within the city) recreation. Appeared in the 90s of the twentieth century. Translated from English to dig means "dig". People engaged in digging (diggers) explore artificially dug underground spaces: metro, sewer systems, bomb shelters, etc. They are only interested in objects created by man using building materials and tools.

Zorbing (zorbing) originated in the mid-1990s in New Zealand. The process is "just" rolling down a hill covered in grass or even snow inside a plastic ball. If there are no natural hills in the vicinity, artificial zorbing tracks are erected. In addition to traveling by land, water procedures are not excluded.

Extreme in the mountains:

Canyoning (canyoning)- translated from English literally means the passage of canyons. In practice, these are a variety of routes, including both descents on ropes using vertical equipment, and climbing areas, overcoming water obstacles, walking on stone screes, jumping from waterfalls, etc. Canyoning is divided into:

walking, playing(passage through the flooded canyon without the use of special means)

technical(passage through a dry or flooded canyon using climbing equipment).

Mountaineering (mountaineering)- this is an extreme, the main goal of which is to pass a route that runs through a mountain peak. There are several types of mountaineering:

high-altitude mountaineering- these are ascents to the highest peaks of the world with a height of more than six thousand meters above sea level.

Technical mountaineering- these are ascents along difficult routes that require the use of modern equipment, these can be large rock walls or combined routes (ice, rocks, snow).

climbing (rock climbing) originated many centuries ago and naturally developed in the mountains. But gradually some mountain athletes went “inside”, there was a division into mountaineering and rock climbing. At the moment there are two different types sports.

Climbing classes are held on a wall with an artificial relief - a climbing wall (artificial structures that mimic the relief of a rock). They are vertical shields with a variety of colored hooks and loops for insurance.

Climbing - the goal of this extreme is to climb to the top of the wall without the help of anything, you can only use your legs and arms. As a kind of climbing, you can add tree climbing - climbing tall trees.

Speleotourism (cave)- these are journeys through underground caves and overcoming various natural obstacles in them using special equipment. Speleotourism is a vacation for strong and courageous people who, for the sake of new sensations and impressions, are ready to exchange the sun and blue sky for dark, damp corridors of caves. It is quite difficult to move along underground routes, which is associated with a large variety of terrain (wells, blockages, narrow cracks, underground rivers).

snowboarding (snowboarding)- unlike skiers, snowboarders (also called "boarders" or "riders") stand on the board not with their faces, but sideways relative to the direction of travel (borrowed from surfing). The most famous styles of skating:

Freestyle- (eng. freestyle - lit. free style) stunt skating, including jumps, spins, somersaults, grabs, etc. Freestyle is divided into several types

Freeride(English freeride - lit. free route) - skiing on difficult and unsafe mountain slopes.

Freeride backcountry(eng. backcountry - lit. wilderness) - skiing on hard-to-reach, extremely dangerous - and sometimes completely undeveloped - mountain slopes (sometimes snowboarders land on the top from a helicopter, we practice this in Kamchatka), or jibbing (English jibbing) - skiing in snowboard parks where special figures for sliding are installed: rails, “tables”, etc.

Mountainboarding (mountainboarding) - one of the more extreme offshoots of skateboarding. It is a ride on a wheeled board on mountainous or rough terrain. The main difference between a mountainboarding board and a regular skateboard is the use of large, very hard wheels.

Unusual types of extreme recreation:

Survivalism (outdoorsurvival) - Survival in extreme conditions can be a fun and exciting adventure. There are special schools that help to master the wisdom of correct behavior on the border between life and death. Training is often carried out in the field: the group is taken out for several days or weeks to the bosom of the wild nature, to the desert, to the jungle, to the taiga and learn how to survive, and at the same time they are introduced to the experience of indigenous peoples.

jailoo tourism (jailoo)- life in a primitive tribe with all the delights of nomadic life. This fascinating type of recreation is successfully developing in the high mountain pastures of Kyrgyzstan.

Active pastime!