Effective exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides. Fitness for quick weight loss Fitness at home for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Fitness for losing belly fat helps remove fat folds in this area. There is always no shame in showing off a toned, beautiful belly on the beach. But in order for abs to appear instead of a fat ball, you need to work a little. The most common exercises for the abdominal muscles are supine torso raises and leg raises. But experts say that these exercises are least likely to contribute to weight loss, since they are aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, and not at burning fat.

In order to get rid of one kilogram of excess weight, you need to perform the upper body lifting exercise two thousand times. Therefore, to lose weight around the waist, you need to do other exercises. By strengthening your abdominal muscles, you can make your figure appear slimmer, as the abdominal muscles will support and slightly tighten the internal organs.

Fitness for losing belly fat

Exercises for the abdominal muscles are best performed no more than 25 repetitions, sincemore times is meaningless and ineffective. If it's easy for you to do this many times, then it's best to increase the load with additional weight.

The most effective way to lose weight and dry out the abdomen and get rid of fat deposits in this area is an exercise with leg swings. It affects all abdominal muscles. Thus, if you perform this exercise systematically for several years, your abdominal muscles will become not just elastic, but hard. Therefore, aerobic exercises such as running, swimming, jumping rope, and spinning a hoop promote weight loss better than grueling physical exercises aimed at strengthening and developing muscle tissue in the abdominal area. Aerobic exercises are much more effective when done outdoors.

Fitness for losing belly fat video

When doing fitness, you need to pay attention to the sequence of exercises. It is not recommended to perform coordination exercises first and then endurance exercises. Also, you should not slow down the pace during training, or simplify the complexity of the exercise. If you reduce the load or pace, this will negatively affect the heart. Thus, if after executing aerobic exercise performed at a high pace and begin to exercise on the simulator, then you can cause harm to the cardiovascular system.

Fitness for losing belly fat

After finishing an intense workout, you need to give your muscles a chance to rest. To do this, you need to relax all muscle groups for at least five minutes and breathe slowly and deeply. After this, you can take a warm shower. This will help avoid creatures and other unpleasant moments.

There are several reasons for the appearance of fatty deposits. This could be genetic inheritance, a very weak metabolism, or underdeveloped abdominal muscles. If a person has a good metabolism, then he can eat a lot of sweets, but not gain weight. If you sit with a curved back, then as a result, over time, a saggy tummy may appear. Therefore, watch your posture.

Even the thinnest waist can be ruined by unsightly ridges that appear after childbirth or sudden weight gain. To get rid of them, you need to do special exercises for the sides and abdomen, which will help tighten ligaments and skin.

Fitness exercises without equipment

At home, it is not always possible to use special dumbbells or barbells to eliminate fat accumulations, but even without them there are quite effective exercises from the sides.

The most simple option are bending from side to side. You need to place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and extend your arms across your body. Take turns bending in different directions, while raising your free hand (which is not at an angle of inclination). The main thing is not to bend over too quickly; the muscles should tense during flexion and extension. Repeat as many times as possible, in two approaches.

In order to quickly remove fat sides, you need to combine several types of this exercise in one approach, as if creating an easy super-set. After finishing simple tilts, you need to start to slopes with turns. They will help warm up the oblique muscles.

Photo - tilts

Next, let's proceed to press. There are many options on how to pump up your stomach at home and thereby eliminate the roller. For example, you can lift one by one upper press and lower. Some celebrities even do both at the same time.

Photo - Side press

How to properly pump up abs for women:

  1. You need to lay an exercise mat on the floor - it will provide the necessary surface rigidity. Depending on the structure of your spine, you may need to place a pillow under your lower back;
  2. We put our hands behind our heads and begin to lift our abs;
  3. We repeat the maximum number of times, then immediately begin to raise the torso. In this case, heated ligaments give the greatest impact;
  4. Many athletes recommend doing crunches to tighten the oblique muscles of the torso and reduce the waist. It should be noted that they are not suitable for girls who want to reduce their sides. Theoretically, of course, the fat will go away, but instead you will become the owner of enough broad muscles, which will still visually burden the waist.

Photo – Press on lateral muscles

But at the same time, crunches are the best exercise for quickly burning excess fat on the sides. Only girls need to do them a little differently. When you lift your body, at the end point you need to tense your abs even more than they are tense at this moment. Then slowly release it and lower yourself.

For flat stomach and round sides just need to be done leg crunches. This complex exercise, which also helps tighten the pelvis after childbirth and strengthen the front of the thigh. Starting position: on the floor with a ball or bottle sandwiched between your legs. The knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Tilt them to the sides along with the ball, trying to touch the surface of the mat.

Photo - Twisting

Since many exercises for the lateral muscles require bending and twisting, mill combines all options. This perfect way for feminine rounding of the sides. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms in different directions, they should be straight, as should both knees. Bend over and start swinging your palms to the sides. Do as much as you can.

Photo – Mill

Bodyflex exercises for slimming sides and lower press Also easy to do at home. For example, the most effective of this technique is the following. You need to sit in the basic breathing position, knees bent and tucked under you, hands free. Inhale and release left hand to the right side, as you exhale, you need to reach the maximum point of inclination and stay a little in this position. Do the same with the other hand. In addition to a slim waist, this exercise guarantees increased flexibility in the back and legs.

This whole set of exercises for the sides will help you complete training for gymnastic ball or fitball. She will remove all excess from the lower tummy and waist. You need to lift your body on it, jump, do push-ups. Also this great way quick warm-up of the body before classes.

Photo - On a gymnastic ball

Video: side exercises

Exercises in the fitness room

Of course, doing it at home is simple and pleasant, but the most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides are performed in gym. This is explained by the huge number of different exercise machines and dumbbells. Used to quickly reduce the abdomen and sides roman chair. This simulator is designed to pump up the abs and gives much greater results than simple lifting of the body from the floor.

Photo - On a Roman chair

You need to sit on a chair and put your legs under the bolsters, while your hands hold your head so that your neck muscles do not sway instead of your abs. Begin to lift your body, making sure that the load does not transfer to the front of the thigh. Do as much as you can.

Most women have simply excellent exercises for the waist and abs with dumbbells. They help provide some weight during exercise. You can start with the smallest ones - from a kilogram to two, but you don’t need to dwell on them. Take the dumbbells in your hands and bring them to your head, they should be at ear level. To strengthen your abs and remove creases, you can swing on a Roman chair or just from a straight bench. Holding the dumbbells near your ears, lift your body up.

A good exercise that will help you get rid of fat on your sides, stomach and tighten your back muscles is vertical bends with dumbbells. The main difference between this option and classical traction dumbbells, which helps to increase the deltoids, is that it has a very small amplitude of execution. You need to take dumbbells and carry them on straight arms above your head, then bend from side to side as many times as possible.

Photo - Bent-overs with dumbbells

It is worth noting that the press is involved in almost all exercise machines and devices. Eg, squats will help comprehensively tighten the muscles of the body. They will get rid of ears, sides and sagging legs. How to squat with a barbell:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, it is recommended to place mats under the heels;
  2. The vulture lies on shoulder muscles, while inhaling we squat - while exhaling we stand up;
  3. It is very important to ensure that your knees point in different directions;
  4. Keep your back straight at all times, do not bend it, otherwise this exercise can cause harm.

Photos after squats convince that the girls did not become jocks, but acquired more sinewy and prominent muscles. it's the same a good option for removing deposits in large areas gluteal muscle.

Photo - Turns with a stick

Likewise bench press can be used not only for tightening pectoral muscles, but also for the development of abdominal ligaments. Lie down on a bench, your feet should be on the floor, resting on it. As you inhale, remove the barbell from the holders and lower it to your chest, while exhaling, lift it up. Repeat up to 15 times.

And the very last exercise to restore back flexibility, thin waist and a flat tummy is deadlift. This is a rather complicated but effective option to get rid of fat folds. Barbell on the floor or lower mounts, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We lower the barbell as we inhale until it hits the floor, and raise it as we exhale. This is also a great activity for back surface thighs and buttocks.

Are you having trouble fitting into the jeans you wore a few years ago? Do you feel like you are losing confidence due to belly fat? Know that you are not the only woman in the world with this problem. Almost 50-60% of women around the world are dissatisfied with their appearance and are looking for ways and means to reduce their waist size. If you want to beautiful abs If you dream of a perfectly flat stomach and narrow waist, do our exercises for losing belly and sides at home and be ready to make lifestyle changes. This combination will give an impressive effect in the shortest possible time and will stay with you for a long time.

If you are obese, you will find it difficult to get rid of belly fat and get a flat belly. But, if you are determined, then you will have to completely give up your favorite cupcakes, burgers, pizza and ice cream, and instead focus on green leafy vegetables, as well as foods that are high in fiber. This is the only way you can reduce your waist size.

Best ways to purchase slim figure is a combination proper nutrition and complex physical exercise. Balanced diet will help reduce your calorie intake and create a deficit, and playing sports will help burn calories and tone your muscles. We have prepared a complex that you can perform at home every day in order to quickly see the result in the mirror.

A small amount of body fat is normal as it serves to protect bones and internal organs. But excess amounts should be a matter of serious concern. You can lose excess weight through exercise and a low-carb diet. But first, let's look at the reasons:

1. Poor metabolism

With age, metabolism slows down, and this leads to active weight gain. Women are more predisposed to this than men. You might have wondered why some of your friends eat fried foods and sweets, but most of the time have a flat stomach, while you always accumulate fat in this area. The main reason is that your friends have more high level metabolism compared to yours.

2. Genetics

It has been proven that fat cells in the body depend on your genes, or rather their number. If your grandparents or parents are overweight, then you will have the same problem. There are 2 types of body structure: pear-shaped and apple-shaped. If your body is pear-shaped, then weight accumulates in the lower part of the body, such as the buttocks. If your body is apple-shaped, then fat accumulates in the abdominal area.

3. Sedentary lifestyle

If you are driving sedentary image life and do not exercise, spending most of your time watching TV or computer, you will inevitably gain excess weight over the next few years.

4. Overeating

If you eat more than you should, you will definitely gain weight. If overeating is combined with a sedentary lifestyle, then you will become fat in no time, and you will easily gain weight.

5. Incorrect posture when sitting

If you do not maintain correct posture and always slouch when sitting, then be sure that you will accumulate body fat in the abdominal area. You should always sit with your back straight.

6. Stress and illness

Stress is one of the main reasons for the accumulation of fat around the waist. Stress increases cortisol levels in the body, which leads to extra centimeters. Diseases such as breast cancer, sleep apnea, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in women lead to the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

7. Weak muscles

If the muscles abdominals flabby, then you will easily accumulate excess in this area.

8. Hormonal changes

As a woman approaches middle age, the amount of body fat begins to increase in proportion to her body weight. The risk of fat accumulation around the waist increases during menopause. In women, hormones play an important role in regulating body fat levels.

The most effective exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with photos

This the best complex exercises that will help you get a flat stomach at home, because it consists not only of abdominal crunches, but also includes intense exercises that help rapid combustion fat not only on the stomach. But you need to clearly understand that the effect will be stronger and more noticeable the more effort you apply and the more comprehensively you approach the issue of fat burning. This means that along with exercise, you will maintain proper nutrition and will not rush to extremes, for example, resort to low-calorie diets, which compare to a hunger strike.

1. Crunches

There is no more popular movement than crunches. It's not the most effective, but it will help you strengthen your core muscles if you combine it with proper diet, and for short term you will see the results.

  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Take a deep breath and tear away top part bodies from the floor. Exhale as you rise.
  • Inhale as you lower back to the starting position. Inhale as you lower your body to the floor.
  • Do 10 reps and then repeat for 2-3 sets.

2. Reverse crunches

  • Lie face up on the mat. Bend your knees, with the entire surface of your feet on the floor.
  • Lower your arms along your body.
  • Raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Raise your lower back so that your knees move toward your chest.
  • Inhale as you place your feet on the floor. Exhale as you lift your back off the floor and bring your knees toward your chest.
  • Do 10 reps in 3 sets.

The movement is very similar to a regular crunch, but here you will have to rotate one shoulder towards the other.

  • Lie down on the mat, place your hands behind your head.
  • Bend your knees so that your feet do not touch the floor.
  • Raise your upper body as you would for a regular crunch, while rotating right shoulder towards the left. The left side of the body should be on the floor.
  • Repeat the movement for the other side. Turn your left shoulder towards your right, without lifting the right side of your body from the floor.
  • Do 10-12 reps.

4. Crunches with legs raised

  • Lie face up on the mat. Stretch your legs up and cross them.
  • Make the same movements as when performing regular crunches.
  • Inhale as you lower your torso and cross your legs. Exhale as you rise.
  • Do 10-15 reps for 3 sets in a row.

It is very similar to side crunches. The only difference is that here you have to lift your right leg as you move your left shoulder towards your right and vice versa. Do 10-12 reps on each side for 2 sets in a row.

  • Lie down on the floor or mat. Keep your hands with your left and right side heads accordingly.
  • Raise your legs and bend your knees.
  • Pull your right knee towards your chest. As you raise your right knee, you should try to reach your left elbow with it.
  • Extend your right leg and pull your left knee toward your chest. Raise your upper body and make sure your right elbow touches your left knee.
  • Do 10-12 reps on both sides in 2 sets in a row.

This movement focuses on working your lower back, thighs, and abs.

  • Get into a plank position on the floor or mat with your knees and elbows on the floor.
  • The gaze is directed forward, and the neck and spine are lined up.
  • Lift your knees off the floor and place your feet on your toes.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds. Make sure you breathe normally while exercising.
  • Now alternate between moving into a side plank position on each side of your body for 30 seconds.

  • Lie on the floor on your side.
  • Shift your body weight to your right elbow or arm and right leg. Make sure that right hand bent at a right angle.
  • Place your left leg on top of your right. Keep your legs straight. Raise your hips.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds. If you have experience with this movement, you can hold the position for 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

If you're just starting out with abdominal training, you should first try lunges with a torso rotation.

  • Take a step forward with your left leg and bend it at the knee. You will feel a stretch in the back of your right thigh.
  • Raise your arms forward parallel to the floor.
  • Take a big step forward with your left foot and squat down as if sitting in an imaginary chair. The right leg should remain behind and be placed on the toe.
  • Make sure your back is straight.
  • Lunge with your other leg.
  • Do 15 reps.

  • Stand straight with your feet together. Raise your arms above your head and place them together.
  • Bend your torso to the left as much as possible so that you feel a stretch in the right side of your body. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise on the right side of the body. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  • Once you feel comfortable holding the position for 15 seconds, you can increase this time to 30 seconds or more.

10. Exercise vacuum

Great for strengthening muscles abdominal cavity and focuses mainly on breathing.

  • Get on all fours, supporting your body on your knees and elbows.
  • Take a deep breath. The press should be relaxed.
  • Exhale. As you exhale, tighten and draw in your stomach.
  • Hold this position for about 15-30 seconds
  • Do 15 reps for 2-3 sets per day.

  • Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back.
  • Place your arms at your sides, palms down. Take a deep breath.
  • Exhale and then raise your knees so that they are close to your chest.
  • Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Do not round your back or lean forward when your knees are at your chest.
  • Lower your feet to the floor. Do 15 reps.

12. Walking

Walking is another one good exercise for beginners. You must do it if you want to get rid of belly fat, it burns fat deposits throughout the body. Walking briskly for 30 minutes a day at least 5 times a week will allow you to see gradual changes in your weight. This low intensity exercise will give you good load your heart and will help boost your metabolism.

13. Jogging

Once you have mastered brisk walking, you can switch to jogging, which will help you easily burn extra calories in your body. Jogging will help you maintain physical fitness, stay healthy and fight excess weight.

14. Running

If you want to diversify the daily monotony of doing the same workouts, you can try running 2-3 days a week. Running will get your heart pumping, which will help you burn more calories than walking or jogging.

15. Cardio workout

Cardio exercise is one of the best ways to burn a lot of calories and also get rid of excess fat around your waist. Do them for 30 minutes a day at least 4-5 times a week and you can also reduce stress levels, increase lung capacity, support heart health and improve sleep.

16. Swimming

Swimming is a very good exercise that allows you to keep your entire body in good shape. Swimming will also improve the effects of your cardio workout. You must choose the optimal training pace that will allow you to burn more calories. On initial stage It's best to swim at least 1-2 times a week.

Video complex of 5 effective exercises for a flat stomach

The following program for more fast weight loss in the abdominal area, it consists of advanced level exercises and is not suitable for everyone. But if you are able to master it, then in a short time after starting training, you will see impressive changes in your body.

Delicious foods for weight loss

If you think that you are overweight, then you need to immediately reduce your intake of carbohydrates, fatty foods and start eating foods rich in fiber. Below are the products that the best way will help you lose weight.

  1. Apples: You can consume them 3-4 times a day as a replacement for high carbohydrate foods.
  1. Almond: Rich in vitamin E and high in fiber, which promotes a feeling of fullness and reduces hunger.
  1. Green leafy vegetables: Rich in fiber and very low in calories. They will help prevent water retention in the body.
  1. Avocado: High in fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids that help break down fatty acid for energy and water.
  1. Cucumber: Has high water content and very low calories.
  1. Watermelon: 80% water and very few calories. Watermelon will help you achieve your desired waistline.
  1. Beans: Helps in improving digestion and also strengthens muscles, reduces hunger and prevents overeating.

Along with consuming these foods, it is very important to do certain exercises that will help you get rid of excess fat on your sides. You must combine exercise and diet to burn fat effectively. It's important to include them in your schedule so you can always stay in better shape.

With an integrated approach, combining proper nutrition and exercise, you will see results within a few weeks. You can do these exercises at home on your own or with the guidance of a professional trainer. If you have the willpower and determination to put in a lot of effort to lose belly fat, then you can easily achieve it on your own. Remember that without effort there are no results, and getting rid of extra pounds This is no exception. To speed up weight loss due to excess fat, try to avoid foods rich in fast foods and increase your calorie consumption every day through physical activity and healthy image life. For example, replace the elevator with walking up the steps; instead of taking the trolleybus or metro, walk along the street.

How to determine the amount of fat?

Previously it was believed that subcutaneous and visceral fat– a healthy phenomenon because it can be used when the body needs extra energy. But times have changed. Research has shown that being overweight leads to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is vital to always monitor your fat levels and keep them under control. Here are some ways to measure your waist.

A) Waist-to-hip ratio

Measure the narrowest part of your waist and then the widest part of your hips. To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio, you need to divide these values. If the result is approximately 8.0 or more, then the risk cardiovascular diseases very big.

B) Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI) is your body weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters. If your BMI is in the range of 25-29.9, then you are in the category overweight. If your BMI is more than 30, then you are obese. Don't want to be at risk? Then you need to significantly reduce the amount of body fat.

B) Waist circumference

Use a measuring tape to find out your waist size at your navel. You should breathe normally during the measurement. If your waist size is greater than 86 cm, then you are at risk of chronic heart disease.

There are many different effective techniques to achieve the same goal. You can combine different training options or choose one direction. Let me briefly list the main types of exercises. Below I will go into them in a little more detail.

Respiratory. There are products that promote weight loss: bodyflex, jianfei, oxysize,. The idea is that a lot of what contributes to the deposition of excess belly fat is not correct breathing. Because of it, the muscles do not receive enough oxygen and the lipid balance is disrupted.

Exercises in the gym- one of the fastest, but also the most physically difficult and tiring methods for women. In order not to harm yourself, it is advisable to start training under the guidance of a competent trainer. What exercise machines help reduce belly fat?

Home workouts- a more accessible method for many. After all, choosing a time to work out your abs at home is much easier than going to the gym. Besides, it is possible. Most workouts are done with own weight, but you can also use additional equipment - dumbbells, weights, or a rubber band.

Ideally, you should alternate between different exercises. Then you won’t get bored with them and will work different groups muscles. And this contributes to perfectly harmonious weight loss

Before any workout, first do a warm-up. Putting stress on unheated muscles is very dangerous!

Breathing training

Having studied different breathing techniques, I settled on . Its author, American Greer Childers, managed to lose several sizes in just 12 weeks using her own complex. Bodyflex is based on techniques that come from yogic practices.

The system improves metabolism and promotes normal digestion

The key point in bodyflex is proper breathing. Before you begin your workout, complete next exercise. Purse your lips and exhale slowly and completely. Inhale quickly. Exhale forcefully, straining your diaphragm. Draw your stomach in as much as possible and hold your breath for 9 seconds and finally inhale, relaxing your stomach.

Bodyflex uses exercises familiar to many, during which you need to monitor your breathing. Among them is the “Cat” exercise, in which you need to bend and flex your spine while standing on all fours. It is known that this exercise itself is very effective for losing belly fat.

Now try doing the same exercise using the bodyflex system:

  • Take the starting position - get on all fours, resting your palms and knees on the floor.
  • arms should be extended, head raised.
  • take a deep breath into your belly. Then exhale sharply, arching your spine and lowering your head.
  • hold your breath for a few seconds. The back should be rounded.
  • then return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated several times.

As you can see, nothing complicated. The exercise, like most bodyflex exercises, is absolutely not difficult, and can be performed at any level. physical training. Here is an example of a video training with Marina Korpan.

In any training (and especially on your own), the main principle is to do no harm. You shouldn’t try to achieve in 3 days what takes people years to master the correct technique.

If you immediately overload yourself, pain in the joints and spine may begin. If this happens, gymnastics using the Bubnovsky method or other special systems can help. But it’s better not to allow this to happen and to enter the training mode smoothly and gradually. It is especially important to monitor your health after 50 years.

Listen to your body, pay attention to which muscles are working. Be sure to keep your abs tense, this will improve the effectiveness of your workout.

Do the exercises slowly and calmly. And most importantly, make sure you do it correctly.

Side turns

This is an exercise to warm up the muscles. Do it in fast pace, turning the body to the right and left. Stand with your knees bent. Pick up a book, a dumbbell, or a bottle of water. Keep your lower body stable. The stomach should be pulled in towards the spine. Do three sets of 30 repetitions.


This is one of the most effective exercises to burn excess belly fat. Lie on your back with your knees bent. To enhance the effect, you can raise your legs so that your knees are bent at a right angle. Place your hands behind your head.

Raise your upper body while exhaling. As you inhale, lower yourself, but do not place your head and shoulders on the mat. For beginners, it is enough to do about 10 repetitions. Then you can give yourself a short rest and do one or two more approaches.

When performing crunches, you should not pull your head forward. This will put extra stress on the neck and may cause pain. You can perform the exercise by simply stretching your arms out in front of you.


This is a modification of the previous exercise. Start doing it as soon as you get used to regular crunches. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your hands behind your head. The feet should rest on the floor. Raise your upper torso and right leg at the same time. Pull your left shoulder towards the knee of your right leg. Then return to the starting position.

Repeat the same for the left leg and right shoulder. The exercise is performed 10 times for each side. Do 3 sets.


To add variety to your abdominal crunches, perform push-ups with narrow setting hands They not only strengthen your back and arms well, but also have a wonderful effect on the abdominal muscles. For beginners, I recommend doing push-ups from your knees 3 sets of 10 times. Don’t forget, your stomach should always be tense!

If you can do 100 times, diversify the exercise: push-ups from a chair, with different positions of the hands, with clapping, and others.

Reverse crunches with pelvic lift

This exercise targets the side muscles and abs. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms extended along your body. Raising your pelvis, pull your knees towards your shoulders. The body remains fixed.

When performing this exercise, do not bend at the lower back. Improper execution can lead to pain.

Captain's chair

You will need a stable chair for this exercise. While sitting on a chair, straighten your back and relax your shoulders. Hold your back with your hands. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, lift your knees bent from the floor. The knees come closer to the chest. Hold your legs in this position for five seconds.

When performing the exercise, you should not lean forward or arch your back.

On the ball

Sit on a well-inflated ball, place your hands behind your head. Lean your body back a little. Your hips should be on the ball and Bottom part backs. Support on the feet and buttocks.

Exhale and lift your upper body about 45 degrees. Tuck your tailbone as you rise. Return to the starting position. Don't strain your neck! Do 25 reps.


Static exercises allow you not only to effectively burn fat, but also strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Athletes use them during drying. The plank trains the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, back and legs. It is recommended for both women and men.

Stretch out on the floor full height, stretching out your legs and leaning on your elbows. The head is raised, the knees are not bent. You rest your elbows and toes on the floor. The entire body from head to toe is one straight line. Don't lift your buttocks! Breathe calmly. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

If you hold the plank for 30 seconds, you can make the exercise more difficult. To do this, continuing to rest on the floor only with your elbows and toes, move your elongated body back and forth for 30 seconds. This will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.


This exercise makes your abs burn hard. Hands behind your head, elbows wide apart. The legs are like a frog's - heels together, knees in different directions. In this position, as you exhale, pull your knees towards your elbows, performing a twist.

As you inhale, lower your head and straighten your legs and keep them at a 45-degree angle. Hold this position. Your back should not leave the floor. If so, raise your legs a little higher.


This is the final exercise. While lying down, you need to lift your legs alternately. Pull one leg up, and the other should not fall to the floor. Hold it slightly above the floor.

The lower back should be pressed to the floor, and the abs should be tense.

Do 20-25 times. At the end of your workout, do some stretching. This will increase the effectiveness of further training and improve its quality.

Effective video lessons

As I said, the best thing to do is start intensive training under the supervision of a trainer. But if this is not possible, video exercises will help - so you can be sure that you are doing everything correctly.

In the gym

In this video you will pump up your abs! Fitness trainer Natalya Korotkova talks in detail about exercises for the rectus abdominis muscles in the gym. And she herself demonstrates the technique of performing them. What I especially liked about this video is that the presenter explains in detail why this or that exercise is needed and what it gives. And what errors are possible when performing it.

well and perfect abs and flawless beautiful figure Korotkova is an additional motivation to at least try to achieve similar results!

On a fitball: 7 exercises in 7 minutes

This is an excellent piece of equipment for home workouts. The exercises in this video will help make your stomach flat and your buttocks firm.

The workout looks leisurely and quite simple in appearance, right? In reality, if you try to do them, you will find that your abs are just “on fire”!

For each exercise you need to do 20 repetitions, it is advisable to do three such approaches. The main thing is systematic training. It is advisable to repeat them three times a week.

Proper nutrition for weight loss

Not a single abdominal exercise will relieve you of the “lifeline” on your stomach and sides without proper nutrition. Changing your diet is the key to fat loss. You may have heard the saying: “Your body is made in the kitchen, not in the gym.” It's true, the key to healthy weight loss is a balanced diet.

First of all, your diet should contain plenty of fiber.

Proteins provide a greater feeling of fullness, helping to reduce overall fat mass. Some of the most popular low-carb diets are or.

Another strategy to combat excess fat is to consume fiber. Vegetables have been shown to help increase satiety and reduce calorie intake over time ( 1 ). Fiber is essential. It is found in vegetables and fruits, whole grains. And you can buy dry fiber in pharmacies or a regular store. Add a little of it to each dish you cook.

Monitor the amount you eat. Often we ourselves are not aware of how much we eat. Weigh your portions on a kitchen scale. Portion weight for women is no more than 200 grams of the finished product, for men – 300 grams.

Cosmetics and massage

And one more side of self-care on the way to ideal figure– this is the use of special cosmetics. I will not dwell on it in detail here, since there are now quite a lot of such funds. These are cooling and warming creams and special serums and so on.

Looking for a way to burn belly fat and get flat abs? These eight exercises to get rid of your belly fat are exactly what you need.

From this article you will learn:

  • The real reason for excess weight
  • When is the best time to train?
  • 7 effective exercises for losing weight on your sides
  • An easy way to get started today

Before moving on to solutions, let's understand real reasons Problems…

When it comes to excess weight, people who want to get rid of it face 3 main problems.

No. 1. Very stubborn

When talking about “stubborn folds of fat,” in 99% of cases people mean the stomach and “ears” on the sides. This is because this is where deposits accumulate first when a person gains weight, and where deposits go last.

And this is infuriating.

Especially if you are on a diet and doing exercises “as expected”, but your sides still do not fall off. This is indeed the most problematic place.

No. 2. Dangerous

Almost every dangerous disease known to mankind is in one way or another associated with too large a waist circumference. Here is a short list of what is accompanied or depends on excess weight:

  • There are more than 300,000 obesity-related deaths every year
  • Heart disease and strokes
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Gallbladder diseases and gallstones
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Breathing problems such as sleep apnea, asthma and others
  • Joint pain
  • And much more

Abdominal or visceral fat should be much more of a concern than any other part of the body.

In addition to giving you an attractive flat stomach without it, it also has a positive effect on your overall health.

No. 3. People who try to remove their belly and sides usually do it WRONG

The real problem is that when most people start to fight stubborn unwanted fat, they focus on all the wrong things.

Of course, choosing effective exercises for losing belly fat at home is important, but in the world of health and fitness, 80% of success depends on diet, while only 20% can be attributed to exercise. This is an important 20%, but you need to be realistic about the ratio.

If you eat a dozen biscuits at lunch and then do a couple of crunches at home in the evening, you can hardly count on beautiful abs in the foreseeable future.

These are the facts.

If now you're wondering, "Okay, so what should I eat?"

We have short video with tips for more effectively combating excess weight.

Okay, now it’s time to find out what exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides at home for women that can be performed with your own weight without dumbbells and exercise machines.

10 most effective exercises for belly and flank fat

We train the ability to leave the kitchen!

Yes, yes, you read that right; This is the first and most effective of all belly fat loss exercises for women. I want to make sure you read this in case you decide to scroll straight to the workout routine.

80% diet. 20% exercise. Don't forget about it!

Now try the first complex proposed in this article, it consists of 8 best exercises in order to remove excess fat from the abdomen and gain abdominal muscles.

1. Book

Start by lying down on the floor or gymnastics mat and slowly raise your hands to your knees so that your body forms a V. Tighten your abs and use your core strength to maintain balance in this position.

Hold it as long as possible.

Repeat the movement as many times in a minute as you can.

2. Bicycle

This is the #1 most effective abdominal exercise in the world!

The only thing you need to watch out for is whether you are moving too fast while doing it.

Do each repetition SLOWLY and thoroughly.

Start with 3 sets of 35 reps on each leg.

Bring the number to 50 on each side.

3. Russian crunches

The biggest mistake people make when doing this exercise is not keeping their back flat. Try to keep your back as straight as possible and don't lean to the sides.

If you're not sure if you're doing it right, practice in front of a mirror.

Keep your back straight, stick your chest forward.

If in this form it is too “easy”, pick up a weight of 2-3 kilograms.

Exercise: Start with 3 sets for a total of 20 reps (move slowly). Then you can take a dumbbell.

4. Toe Touching

This exercise should make you feel your lower and upper abs.

Extend your arms toward the ceiling, keeping your back firmly pressed to the mat.

Remember that your lower back should remain pressed to the floor throughout the exercise.

Stretch and try to touch your toes (if you can't, no big deal, just reach as high as you can), then return to the starting position, this is one repetition.

5. Superman

Back fat is as sexy as a pair of bright yellow rubber slippers.

Don't neglect your back, it also forms a line.

Lying on your stomach, raise your arms and legs at the same time as high as you can for 30 seconds. If you find this relatively easy, try holding the position for 1 minute.

Exercise: Start with 4 sets for a total of 10 reps.

Start with a prone position and, with your feet closed, simply jump so that your knees are first on one side, then on the other side of your elbows, then return to the starting position.

Switch sides with each jump.

Make sure your abs are tense throughout the exercise.

Repeat the movement as many times as you can within a minute.

7. Toe Touch Variation

Start by lying down on the floor.

Raise your arm and at the same time lift your opposite leg.

Bend your other leg at the knee and place it on the floor for support, keeping your abdominal muscles tense.

Repeat the movement as many times as you can within one minute.

8. Classic crunches

I think we all know how crunches are done... Make sure to tighten your abs as you move up.

Focus more on engaging your core rather than the number of reps.

Slowly and correctly performed crunches are more effective than fast jerky repetitions.

Perform the movement as many times as you can in one minute.

If you liked this article about fat-burning exercises and would like to get a complete home workout plan like these, take a look at our 21-day weight loss challenge.

In 21 days, people manage to lose from 5 to 10 kilograms, and they are absolutely delighted with it. But we also hear from people who have been taught how to change their eating habits by the program and who have found a diet that works for them in the long term.

30-day complex for toning the abs

To enlarge a picture, simply click on it.

Download a copy of the 30-Day Ab Toning Challenge as a picture and train every day for a month.

Ladies, we don't want to cause any panic, but summer is just around the corner, which can only mean one thing... bikini time!

Oh yes, these are the same six letters that fill us with terror every year. And although every year we swear that by the time it is time to take a sunbath, we will get ourselves in order, how far we are still from being confident in showing up in a swimsuit on the beach!

There is an abyss between how you feel with a flat stomach and without it. Imagine what it would be like to wear tight tops without a care in the world? Don’t reflexively cover your purse all the time in the park? Happy to finally get rid of outerwear on the beach... ?

It may seem impossible, but if you follow this simple, proven plan, losing belly fat can be done. Yes. Exactly for you!

And this is where we are ready to help you. This year we've teamed up with a fitness trainer to bring you a new and completely exclusive 30-day burn challenge. subcutaneous fat improving the tone of the abdominal muscles.

We can just hear you exclaim: how is this different from all similar ab programs? Our marathon is specifically designed to be less challenging and more rewarding! The plan is designed to work the key muscles in the abdominal area by performing simple exercises, so you can easily fit classes into any busy schedule.

So make a promise to yourself to feel good this summer, lose weight, and commit to our June 30-day belly toning challenge. Just download and print the plan with pictures from the link below, attach it to the refrigerator, closet, above the TV - anywhere as long as it gives you focus on the goal. We've even included photos of how to do each move so you don't get stuck at anything. You don't need an expensive gym membership or personal training programs!

All you need is to get your favorite swimsuit ready for the season. This summer you'll be more ready to wear it than ever!

How to train:

Follow the simple steps in this guide to remove excess fat from your waist. How to do the exercises of this 30-day marathon is indicated below if the technique is not familiar to you.

Movement 1: Plank on elbows and knees

Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders and don't arch your pelvis upward.

Movement 2: Easy Burpees

Place your hands on the floor and take a lying position, putting first one leg back, then the other. Then, in the same way, pull your legs towards your arms, stand straight and stretch your arms up.

Movement 3: Plank on elbows and toes

Stand on your toes and lift your knees and hips off the ground. Shift your body weight forward so that your nose is in front of your fingers and pull your navel in.

Move 4: Full Burpees

Place your hands on the floor and throw both legs back at the same time to find yourself in a prone position. Then, while jumping, pull your legs towards your hands again and jump up, lifting your feet off the floor.

Movement 5: Prone plank

Resist with outstretched arms to the floor, make sure your wrists are in line with your shoulders and lean forward on your toes.

Move 6: Burpee with Push-Up

Do everything the same as in the previous point, only, taking a prone position, do one push-up: bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor before jumping up. If you find this difficult, kneel down before doing a push-up.

How to Get Rid of Excess Belly Fat - The Ultimate Guide!

A flat stomach is something many women crave. However, losing fat isn't just about looking good in a bikini.

Today we're more aware of diets than ever before, and while it's not a big deal if you're soft in some areas, excess fat in your lower belly and sides can be a real health hazard.

Determine if you have excess weight, can be done by measuring your body mass index (BMI), but the risk may vary depending on where you accumulate it, according to the NHS. And excess weight is one of the most dangerous.

"Having more fat around your waist (compared to fat around your buttocks and thighs) puts you at greater risk for diabetes and heart problems," she states. A healthy waist circumference for men is less than 94 cm (37 inches), and for girls it is less than 80 cm (32 inches).

Obesity in England causes 9,000 premature deaths every year and can reduce life expectancy by up to 9 years. It is also associated with serious heart problems and can increase the risk of heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes.

We are constantly bombarded with news about the latest advances in diets, that we should eat more of this, less of that, that we should try these exercises at home... but what really works if you want to get rid of belly fat?


Gone are the days when everyone thought that in order to weigh less, you just need to eat less. The government recommends that adults engage in two forms of activity: aerobic and strength-training to help maintain a healthy weight.

These activities should include 2 hours and 30 minutes of “moderate to vigorous” aerobic activity per week (jogging, swimming, power walking, jumping jacks...whatever you like!), and muscle strengthening exercises two or more days per week (working through all the main muscle groups- legs, hips, back, abs, chest, shoulders and arms), including using a barbell.

If you want to lose weight and focus on getting rid of the excess weight through exercise, try these 10 exercises for a flat stomach. For them you don’t need an expensive gym membership or fancy personal trainer, and best of all, you can start today!

Eat wisely

No, here we will not tell you that you just need to eat less to get rid of the hated fat on your sides and belly. But you need to make healthier meal and snack choices so that you feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside. When it comes to fat burning, there are many simple ways To create a daily diet, we recommend these superfoods in the list below - they are guaranteed to put your diet on the right track!

Fat Burning Products

Copper: Leafy greens like kale, mushrooms, and seeds are all high in copper, which helps the body burn fat faster. Recent research from the University of California, Berkeley, has shown that copper is an important part of your diet because it breaks down fat cells, which are then used to release energy. In addition to those mentioned above, nuts, legumes, oysters and other shellfish are also rich in copper. Copper also prevents premature aging and graying.

Research from Louisiana State University found that people who eat hummus as a snack are 53% less likely to be obese and have a 51% lower chance of high blood sugar than those who don't eat it - and that's it. Not all. Hummus lovers have an average of 5 centimeters thinner waists than those who don't add chickpeas to their diet, which the study authors attribute to the fact that hummus contains a high amount of resistant starch and dietary fiber.

This is a super convenient snack, and for good reason! Although they contain more fat than, for example, rice biscuits, these fats are good for the body and will keep you feeling full for longer - which means you won't be reaching for a box of biscuits two hours after lunch!

It may seem that The best way to lose weight is to avoid everything “fat”, but this is not true. The monounsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil can help you keep your cholesterol under control while satisfying your hunger at the same time - in the same way that nuts do.

Berries: Did you know that one cup of raspberries contains six grams of fiber? These crumbs are worth remembering about in the morning - try adding a handful to your breakfast cereal! Which brings us elegantly to this wonderful thing...

Oatmeal: If you find yourself looking for the nearest sweet treat by 10:30 a.m., it means that what you ate at breakfast probably wasn't doing enough to keep your blood sugar from dropping. A bowl of porridge in the morning will keep you from feeling hungry for longer!

Beans: Beans, beans, are good for the heart... but not only, for the waist too! They are low in calories, but high in protein and fiber. best food in order to pacify the tummy that has decided to swell. Try adding them to a salad - it's delicious and much more filling than just eating a plate of leaves!

Whole grains: We all know that we need to eat more whole grain bread and pasta instead of the regular ones, and it's a change that will have an immediate impact on your weight - let this be a good incentive for you to stay away from that section of the supermarket!

Green vegetables: Fiber-rich green vegetables are an ideal food for anyone who wants to improve their waistline, because they have zero calories. Try cutting back on the carbs in your lunch meal and replacing them with green vegetables - you'll still feel full without getting a belly fat!

Take on the challenge

Reasonable nutrition and increased physical activity on a daily basis will definitely help you lose weight, but if you follow a program specifically aimed at problem areas, you are guaranteed to see the desired results!

And if you are looking for ways to lose excess weight without... grueling workouts and strict nutrition, be sure to study our tips in a short time at home

That's why we've created a 30-day challenge that includes exactly the exercises you need, do them for a month, and by the end of it you'll have a flatter stomach.