Are squats effective for losing weight? Effective squats for weight loss. Basic principles of proper squats

Do you think you can do 250 squats with own weight bodies? You can! If you stick to this 30-day squat routine at home.

Returning to training after long break, or entering the doors gym for the first time, it is always wise to start with short and achievable tasks. Set yourself a goal for the month and when you achieve it, you will get a great motivational boost to continue further.

The 30-day squat routine is one of the effective ways begin regular workouts and remove excess weight. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, this complex does not require any additional equipment; squats for weight loss at home will be just as effective, since there will be no difference between the gym and your bedroom. Secondly, the squat - best view basic exercises with its own weight. Technique plays a very important role, but the beauty of working with your own body is that it is almost impossible to get injured if you have not thoroughly mastered all the nuances of this movement.

Is it possible to lose weight with squats?

It is quite possible to reduce body weight by burning body fat with the help of squats. This is an energy-intensive exercise that uses all muscle groups and helps burn a lot of calories.

Many experts advise doing classic squats for weight loss, because during this exercise everything works Bottom part body - thighs, buttocks, quadriceps and rear end hips, as well as core and lower back muscles. As a result, you get not only toned buttocks and legs, but also slim stomach. Plus, you'll get stronger, reduce your risk of injury, and have a great base for other workout programs.

Before jumping directly into the 30-day fat-burning squat program itself, familiarize yourself with the specifics of the technique.

Are you new to sports and don’t know how to do squats correctly in order to lose weight? Follow this little instruction:

  1. Starting position: standing straight, feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, chin raised, abdominal muscles tense.
  2. Keep your arms in front of you or at your sides, but never put your hands on your legs.
  3. Bend your knees and lower yourself until parallel to the floor. Imagine that you are sitting on an invisible chair. If you can, go lower. As long as you're not in pain (or losing your balance), you'll be fine. If you're not sure you're squatting low enough, place a box behind you that's just below your knees. Each time you touch the box with your butt counts as a rep completed.
  4. Stand up and repeat again.

Once you've got the technique down, it's time to figure out how to lose weight with squats.

30-day squat routine

The table below shows how many squats you should do each day. Try to perform all squats in one set. If you still need some time to catch your breath, perform at least 10 more repetitions after the pause. It will be hard to wake up, your buttocks and legs will burn with fire, but the result is worth it. This is a well-designed program, so the complex is suitable for both girls and men. To enhance the fat burning effect and accelerate results, you can use additional loads, for example, lunges, abdominal crunches, and so on.

Table of squats for weight loss for a month

Day Number of repetitions
Day 1 50
Day 2 55
Day 3 60
Day 4 Rest
Day 5 70
Day 6 75
Day 7 80
Day 8 Rest
Day 9 100
Day 10 105
Day 11 110
Day 12 Rest
Day 13 130
Day 14 135
Day 15 140
Day 16 Rest
Day 17 150
Day 18 155
Day 19 160
Day 20 Rest
Day 21 180
Day 22 185
Day 23 190
Day 24 Rest
Day 25 220
Day 26 225
Day 27 230
Day 28 Rest
Day 29 240
Day 30 250

Once you complete this routine, try to do squats at least twice a week. To take it to the next level, find a squat rack and continue reading this article.

Set of squats with a barbell on the shoulders

The rules are simple

  1. Weigh yourself. The resulting number is the estimated weight you will need to lift. Load the barbell, preferably with the barbell racked at shoulder level and equipped with safety stops so that if you fail you don't end up collapsing with the weight on the floor.
  2. Remove the barbell from the rack, place it on your shoulders, and step back from the rack.
  3. Do as many squats as you can, resting at the top of the exercise if necessary, but don't put the barbell back on the rack.
  4. By limiting yourself, you won't be able to perform more reps than you intended.

Leaving the weight on your shoulders while resting between reps is not only allowed, it is recommended. Good rule: Take one deep breath between reps for the first ten or so reps, then take more breaths as needed, building up reps as you go. If you're strong enough, you'll eventually be able to spend about five minutes holding the barbell on your shoulders. A solid amount of reps? 20. Phenomenal? 50.

To achieve the magic 50 reps, you need to train regularly and perform high-intensity squats. In the first week, do one set of 20 repetitions. In the second - 2. In the third - 3. In the fourth week, connect everything together.

To make the task easier, we have put together some tips for you.

Technique for performing squats with a barbell

Many trainers advise looking up as the bar moves upward, but this is incorrect. Focus on a point on the floor about a meter in front of you. This will help you avoid overstraining your spine, reducing the risk of injury.

Legs straight

A stable position will allow you to lift more weight more times. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, but if necessary, you can go a little narrower or wider. By turning your feet too much inward or outward, you increase stress on the knee joints which is bad for your feet. Keep your legs straight.

Choose the right angle

Keep your back straight and core tight. Your knees should be directly above your feet during the exercise. If the knees move too far forward, this has a detrimental effect on the joints. Squat down until your hips are below your knees.

Slow down

Drive backwards with your feet rather than your back, pushing your heels toward the floor to generate energy momentum. If you feel that your back position has changed, end the approach.

Listen to yourself

The main part of the body involved in this complex is not the legs, but the heart. Breathe, keep doing reps. Don't stop until your posture is compromised.

Protect your neck

To prevent your neck, where the barbell is located, from becoming overgrown with calluses, use a towel. You can also wear gloves for convenience.

Thanks to this article, you can learn how to properly perform squats for weight loss at home. You will also learn about exactly how squats help with weight loss. Check out the most popular and effective exercises. You will have the opportunity to read advice from fitness trainers and reviews from those who have already helped squats lose extra pounds.

How squats can help with weight loss

Many beginners often underestimate the benefits of squats when losing weight. But it is important to know that by performing these exercises, our body receives a double load. Aerobic training first and strength training second. In addition, with the help of squats, several fat burning processes are launched in parallel in the body.

So, With the help of squats, the following happens:

  • The human body is subjected to force load due to the fact that it lifts its own weight. In this way, the muscles of the legs, abs, buttocks and back are subjected to enhanced training.
  • A person begins to breathe faster and more intensely, so the heart muscle also works in an accelerated mode, that is, it contracts more often. Next, more oxygen appears in the body, which enters the blood, thereby launching processes that burn excess fat.
  • It is known that by doing one hundred squats, a person weighing about sixty kilograms can lose forty kilocalories. But you should not rely on this indicator, since it is individual for each person. This depends not only on the person’s body weight, but also on the pace of exercise, correct execution and the presence of weights. By the way, if you squat with weights, your calorie expenditure increases two to three times.
  • Thanks to squats, metabolic processes are significantly accelerated, which helps you lose weight and fat deposits faster.
  • Proper squats help get rid of cellulite in the thighs. The skin becomes smooth and beautiful.

What are the most effective squats?

General rules

All squats for weight loss at home have general rules that must be followed in order to achieve desired result. Such exercises should be regular and performed only after preliminary stretching and warm-up.

So, let's figure out how to do squats correctly to lose weight in different areas of the body:

  • All squats should be done with your heels firmly pressed to the floor. If this is not done, then the right muscles they simply will not receive the necessary load.
  • The back must be straight. Then the load will be distributed correctly to all parts of the body.
  • The squat is done with a deep breath, but you need to return to the starting position with a full exhalation.

You need to calculate the number of squats, the number of repetitions and the intervals between hikes based solely on the number of kilograms that a person wants to get rid of. You also need to take into account the individual characteristics of the human body and its physical fitness.

  • From the first day you need to squat 10 times in one approach. There should be six such approaches, that is, 60 squats during the day.
  • After three days, five squats are added to each approach. If this is difficult for you, you can reduce the number of additions to two for each set. If, on the contrary, the exercises are easy for you, then you can increase the number of approaches.
  • By the end of the first month, the number of squats per day should be at least two hundred times. By that time, your body will get used to the load and will begin to actively adjust to the weight loss mode.
  • Every three days it is recommended to take a break and devote time to other types of muscles.

  • If you do all the exercises correctly, then at the end of the workout you should feel slight fatigue and tension in your muscles. If the muscles are very sore or even cramp, then the exercises were done incorrectly or they are not suitable for you.
  • Remember that you need to approach any training wisely; overexertion will never bring quick results. Only systematic, regular repetitions will make your body beautiful and your body healthy and strong.

Classic squats

Classic squats are great for beginners. This will be an excellent warm-up before more complex exercises. When the muscles get used to such a load, it can be increased with the help of lunges or the depth of squats. You can also take light dumbbells in your hands.

Let's look at the technique of performing classic squats for weight loss:

  1. We place our feet shoulder-width apart. The feet should completely touch the floor. We place our hands straight in front of us, looking forward.
  2. Straighten your back, lower your shoulders and move back.
  3. We squat slowly and make sure that our knees do not go beyond our toes.
  4. The thigh line should be parallel to the floor.
  5. Then we rise to the starting position.
  6. We repeat the exercise 15-20 times in two or three approaches.

For legs and thighs

These squats for losing weight on legs and thighs are quite familiar to those who have ever danced. It is done in the form of a classic dance plie. It helps get rid of deposits in the thighs and improves blood circulation. It should be performed without the use of any burdensome devices.

To execute you need to do the following:

  1. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, bend our knees slightly and spread them apart, turn our feet outward so that they stand at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. As you inhale, slowly lower yourself and bend your knees. Stop in a position where your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  3. When doing this, you should feel a stretch in your muscles from the very beginning.
  4. As you exhale, carefully rise and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat 15 times in two approaches.

Side lunges

This exercise is very effective for those who want to lose weight in the thighs and legs. Thanks to it, the thigh muscles are significantly strengthened, the skin is smoothed and cellulite disappears.

The technique for performing side lunges is as follows:

  1. We take a step to the side with one foot. There should be a distance between your feet greater than shoulder width.
  2. We lower the body, bending the second, near leg at the knee. This way we get an angle of 90 degrees.
  3. We fix this position for three seconds.
  4. We rise slowly.
  5. We repeat the same on the other leg.
  6. To make it more difficult, you can do a couple of rolls from foot to foot in a sitting position.

For newbies

This exercise is perfect for those who are at the beginning of their weight loss journey. These squats are also from the “leg slimming” section, and when performing them, a chair is used, which is a support and slightly helps to reduce the load and not lose coordination.

The technique for performing these squats is as follows:

  1. We stand with our back to the chair, put our feet in a shoulder-width position, put our hands on our head and fasten them at the back of the head.
  2. We sit down on a chair. Be sure to keep your back straight so that it does not touch the back of the chair.
  3. We slowly rise from the chair.
  4. We repeat the exercise fifteen times in three approaches.
  5. Your knees should not go beyond your toes.

For the stomach and sides

These squats are used to lose weight in the waist, abdomen and sides. To do this, squats are done with turns to engage all the abdominal muscles.

You need to do the following:

  1. We take the starting position - put our feet shoulder-width apart, stretch our arms forward.
  2. Next we do a classic shallow squat.
  3. In a sitting position, turn the body to the right and left, holding for three seconds.
  4. Then we go into a squat position and slowly rise to the starting position.
  5. We do ten repetitions.
  6. You can use a ball for weight.

Anna Gerasimova, trainer-nutritionist at a network of fitness clubs

It is important to understand that all the extra pounds do not come from nowhere. That is, initially a person does not eat properly and abuses unhealthy and high-calorie foods. So, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to adjust your diet and put your diet in order. No workout will be in harmony with a diet that contains sugar, baked goods and fatty food. Therefore, you need to learn to consume fewer calories than you burn during training.

Vladimir Loginov, fitness trainer, winner international competitions on bodybuilding

Every workout should start with Have a good mood. It is the attitude that helps the body work correctly and burn fat. Therefore, in addition to diet, you need to establish sleep patterns. An adult should sleep at least eight hours a day. It is also very important to create the right training plan. This is where you will need the help of a specialist or trainer.

If you want to quickly get rid of extra pounds, then squats for weight loss at home will help you achieve your plans. Losing weight in the hips, legs, buttocks and abdomen is not easy. But regular sports activities They help not only get rid of excess weight and make your figure slim, but also improve your health indicators, maintaining the results for a long time.

According to the results of a sociological survey among women, about 60% of the fair sex consider the hips and buttocks to be the most problematic areas on the body. It is not difficult to explain this trend, because the accumulation of fat in a woman’s body is most often concentrated in the hips, abdomen and gluteal muscles. This is a physiological and natural feature, which, alas, cannot be avoided. The process of losing weight today is relevant for many women. They put a lot of effort into it by dieting and going to the gym. But there are also ladies who have no opportunity for either one or the other.

Varieties and techniques of squats

There are many reasons why losing weight is not successful. This includes lack of time, small children (who require constant supervision), lack of money, health problems, and other reasons. And if in your life there is no place for daily morning jogging, and you don’t have enough money for fruits and fresh salads, then you can lose weight with squats at home. This method is effective for losing weight not only on the hips, but also in the waist area. When you start squatting, the activity involves a large number of muscles in the body. But remember that losing weight will not be quick. Read our article and learn more about the techniques and benefits of squats for weight loss.

You can squat in different ways. There are many variations of this exercise. Their main difference from each other is individual techniques executions of varying complexity and load. The exercises performed provide a certain load on muscle groups, activating the processes of fat burning and weight loss. The essence of all squat techniques is the same, so you can choose any option from the table below.

Type of squat Execution technique


This exercise is known to many people. Its implementation begins with taking a comfortable pose. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, fold your arms at your waist or extend them forward. Do squats carefully, slowly, keeping your back straight. When getting up, you can even jump up - this will make your workout varied.
With dumbbells This type of activity is distinguished by its simplicity and ease. With the help of the complex, you can make your buttocks and thighs elastic, enhancing the weight loss effect. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. If you are training for the first time, then it is advisable to hold 1 kg dumbbells in each hand. In the future, the weight of the weights can be increased. Squat slowly with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Hindu This option came to our country from India. A long time ago, “kushti” wrestlers used it in their training. The technique of performing Hindu is intricate and confusing, and is also unsafe for the joints. It is not surprising that this complex has not taken root in our country.

You need to perform the weight loss technique so that your heels lift off the floor, and your hips and arms make wave-like movements.

Prison This type of squats is similar to classic ones, but has one difference. You need to put your hands behind your head and close them in a “lock”. The specific name of the task is due to the fact that it has to be performed in a position very similar to the one in which prisoners walk in prison. This type of exercise is very popular in foreign countries because it really helps you lose weight. Do squats all the way until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Sumo This exercise is performed in the same way as classic squats. However, it is recommended to place your legs wider, and keep your hands with weights between your legs. Slowly doing it helps you lose weight.
Plie This category was borrowed from ballet. Place your feet as wide as possible, point your toes out and squat down very slowly. The plie technique promotes effective weight loss and eliminating fat accumulation on the inner thighs. Gradually, the training tasks need to be complicated by performing plie squats with weights (barbell, dumbbells).
With a barbell This type of barbell squat is popular among powerlifters. Place your hands with the barbell behind your head and place the weight on your shoulders. Squat until your knees are bent at right angles (90 ºC).
By the Wall Wall squats will help you tidy up your buttocks, speeding up the process of losing weight in this area. Provided that this technique is performed regularly gluteal muscles will become fit.

Stand with your back against a wall support. Spread your legs wide, pull your stomach in, place your hands on your hips and straighten your shoulders. You need to squat slowly, holding the squat for 5-10 seconds. Do not lift your back from the wall, trying to keep your hips parallel to the plane of the floor. Just as slowly return to the starting point.

Scissors (lunges) This complex will help improve coordination of movements, intensify weight loss, and also remove large fat deposits in the buttocks area. In a relatively short period of time, you can use lunges to make your buttocks perfect. To perform the exercise, stand straight, then take your right leg back and lunge. At the same time bend left leg in the knee all the way. Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, and then return to the starting position. Do 15-18 repetitions on each leg.
"1000 times a day"

The essence of this technique is that during the day a person should squat 1000 times, and in the 1st approach there should not be more than 10 squats. For example, the first approach can be performed immediately after waking up, the next one before brushing your teeth, then before breakfast, after washing the dishes, before the lunch break, etc. It will be difficult for a beginner to complete this program, so it’s better to start with 150 times a day, gradually increasing the number of sittings.

By what principle should you squat to lose weight?

Special attention should be paid to the question of how to properly do squats to lose weight in your legs. There are certain rules and techniques that make exercises effective. Squatting is a type of exercise used in sports training for weight loss. Its implementation must be correct, because violation of the initial technique will reduce the expected result to zero, and in more complex cases will cause injuries to the knees and even the spine.

If you want to squat so that weight loss happens quickly, follow the recommendations below:

  • Do a warm-up before starting your workout (for example, do some rotational movements with your knees and ankles);
  • when performing the approach, try to move the weight onto your toes without lifting your heels from the floor;
  • your back should not arch, squat so as not to slouch;
  • make sure that the abdominal muscles are tense - this will enhance the effect of the workout and help strengthen muscle corset, prevent spinal injuries and speed up weight loss;
  • choose your own range of motion that will correspond to your body weight;
  • watch your breathing technique, be sure to exhale when making efforts (for example, while lifting from lowest point performing the exercise).

To achieve weight loss with squats, you need to do them in large quantities, maintaining maximum load on the muscles. Choose the number of repetitions based on your own physical condition. Break the total number of squats for weight loss into several approaches to make them easier to complete.

Squatting is good for your figure! Such exercises have many positive aspects. We draw the readers' attention to the main ones.

  • A workout that includes squats helps you lose weight faster. Metabolism is activated in the body, and as a result, fat tissue is transformed into muscle tissue. If you squat regularly, it will help strengthen the muscles of the abs, legs, back, inner and outer thighs.
  • Thanks to squats, the load on the gluteal muscles and legs is shifted, and these areas of the body gradually become toned and beautiful.

Squats themselves are the middle element between two types of loads that differ in their technique (namely, strength and aerobic). When you squat, the muscles in your legs, back, and abs tighten as you create power voltage. In addition, the breathing rate increases, the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, and the heart rate increases. All this activates the process of losing weight. Regardless of the type of squats when active activities Sports actively burn calories, and excess weight gradually melts away.

What should be the correct squats?

There are several requirements, the fulfillment of which will help you squat correctly and lose weight quickly by reducing the volume of your hips.

  • for beginners, active burning of extra pounds occurs when they begin to squat daily, 15 times, with 3 repetitions;
  • with each new workout it is recommended to increase the number of squats and approaches;
  • remember to breathe properly during training;
  • inhale when you squat, and exhale when you get up from a squat;
  • Perform each type of squat carefully and smoothly, feeling every muscle.

Depending on what area of ​​your body you want to correct, select a set of exercises with squats.

Squat for weight loss in legs

To make your legs beautiful and slender, you need to squat regularly and a lot. Perform classic squats for weight loss without weights and with 1.5-2 kg dumbbells, following the following sequence:

  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • extend your arms along your body;
  • do 20-30 squats a day, increasing their number with each new workout.

This complex will help make leg training as effective as possible, accelerating weight loss

A set of exercises to reduce hip volume

Hips are one of the most problem areas in terms of weight loss in women. If you want to adjust inner part hips, then plie squats (like in ballet) will be optimal for you.

  • stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and make sure your toes and knees point in different directions;
  • to start, do 20 squats in this position;
  • classic squats (with legs wide apart) will help you lose weight in the front of the thigh;
  • control the position of your toes and knees, which should look forward;
  • During squats, your hips should be parallel to the floor line.

To achieve effective results and shrink your thighs, perform at least 25 squats every day.

Squats for losing weight buttocks

There is a separate set of exercises for losing weight in the buttocks. It is based on squats and lunges. When performing them, make sure that a right angle is formed between the thigh and shin of the leg being bent. Also keep in mind a few tips.

  • Lunges can be performed not only forward or backward, but also to the side. IN the latter case an additional load is created on the inner thigh.
  • Do at least 10 lunges on each side.

How to squat to lose weight on your thighs?

The most effective way to lose weight in the thigh area is to do one-leg squats or similar exercises with lunges. Squat according to the classic pattern or use the plie technique, and jump as high as possible on the rise. It is recommended to do 15 repetitions of this exercise. When you squat on your right leg, keep your left leg suspended. This is not easy to do, so at first you will not be able to squat many times. try to do 5 squats on each leg. Each of these techniques will help you lose weight in your thighs.

How much do you need to squat for the weight loss effect to become noticeable?

To combat the effect extra pounds was noticeable, you should know how many squats to do to lose weight. When starting a long stage of struggle, do not overdo it. Do several approaches 30 times. When you feel that it has become easier to exercise, increase the number of approaches and squats. Use weights that will allow you to squat 15-20 times in 1 approach and quickly reduce the size of your hips. The table below shows good plan squats for 30 days. Stick to it, and after the specified time you will see that your figure has transformed into better side, and the volume of the hips and legs decreased.

Table No. 1 “Squat program for 30 days”

Day Number of squats Day Number of squats
1st 50 16th rest
2nd 55 17th 150
3rd 60 18th 155
4th rest 19th 160
5th 70 20th rest
6th 75 21st 180
7th 80 22nd 185
8th rest 23rd 190
9th 100 24th rest
10th 105 25th 220
11th 110 26th 225
12th rest 27th 230
13th 130 28th rest
14th 135 29th 240
15th 140 30th 250

When are squats contraindicated?

Squats count the best way make your legs slender and intensify weight loss, however, there are cases when it is prohibited to perform them. For example, when:

  • diseases of the ankles, hip joints, knees, hip fractures;
  • pregnancy;
  • excess weight of more than 30 kg (creates an excessively high load on the knees).

In order not to harm your health even more, do not squat if you have the listed problems. Have you been trying to lose weight for a long time, but nothing is working? Think about it: are you calculating the right ratio between strength and repetition training? After all, your weight loss with the help of squats will be fast only if a balance is maintained between dietary nutrition and effective training. Exercise regularly, use weight-bearing sports tools while squatting, and very soon you will be able to enjoy the results. Your weight will become noticeably less, and your health will improve.

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Name Price
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147 rub.
990 rub.
1980 rub. 1 rub.(until 02/24/2020)
1190 rub.
990 rub.
990 rub.

Good day, dear readers! Surely in search of a fight with overweight Many of you have a question: do squats help you lose weight? The answer is unequivocal - yes, and they act comprehensively on the entire body, including the abs.

Any exercise helps speed up metabolic processes. And squats also form the attractiveness of the hips and buttocks.

Simple rules for effective squats

There is an opinion about burning fat when doing squats. This is not 100% true - the thigh and gluteal muscles develop, and this in turn increases the number of calories burned, which affects the reduction in volume.

How to do squats correctly

To get quick and visible result using squats, they should be performed correctly and combined with other exercises (push-ups, running, race walking and others).

The basis of the technique is as follows:

  1. You need to stand straight with your shoulders back and your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Extend your arms in front of you (90 degrees relative to the body).
  3. When squatting, your knees point to the sides.
  4. The heels are pressed firmly to the floor.
  5. The pelvis is pulled back as far as possible until the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Raising and lowering the body requires the participation of the abdominal and gluteal muscles. To begin with, you should not use weights - work only with your own weight. In the future, you can use small dumbbells or a barbell. But so that you can complete 3 sets of 16-20 repetitions.

For better effect Squats should be combined with other exercises. A good example is push-ups.

How many squats should you do to lose weight?

For some reason, many people think that to lose weight you need to do at least 1000 squats in one workout. I hasten to assure you that you shouldn’t torture yourself like that. This will only cause severe muscle pain and even lead to injury, which can happen if done incorrectly.

If you follow the correct technique, 3 to 5 approaches of 15-20 times each are enough to achieve excellent results.

And the most important thing in this matter is regularity and patience. You shouldn’t expect a very quick effect, everything has its time. Negative reviews about this kind physical activity As a rule, they are left by people who spent a short time on squats. Not immediately seeing the expected results, we folded our hands and left this activity.

Types of squats for weight loss

There are several types of squats, varying in difficulty level and muscle work. But any of them can be done at home:

  • “Classic” view – feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you or on your belt;
  • “Prison” with the starting position, as in the “classic” one, but hands behind the head in a lock;
  • "Plie". Such squats are borrowed from the ballet school - wide stance legs with toes turned to the sides. By including this exercise in your training program, you can quickly tighten the muscles of the inner thigh;
  • "Sumo". The stance is the same as in “classic” squats, but the legs stand a little wider, while the hands are located below between the legs;
  • With support. Such squats work great on the muscles of the buttocks - lean your back against the wall, your legs are slightly wider than your shoulders, your abdominal muscles are tense, your hands are on your hips. Squats are performed slowly with a slight delay at the bottom point;
  • Another type of squats is as follows: you need to perform the exercise 1000 times a day. In this case, one approach should contain no more than 10 repetitions. Beginners are recommended to start with 150 reps, increasing by 1 squat every day;
  • "Lunges" or "scissors". This exercise, in addition to stressing the muscles, provides coordination training - stand with your feet together, lunge back with one leg first, return to the starting position and do the same with the other. It is necessary to try to do from 16 to 18 times on each leg in one approach.
Video about correct technique and errors:

Complex with squats for a thin waist

As you understand, each exercise affects the muscles to a greater or lesser extent.

I would like to offer a set of squats that help reduce waist size:

  1. I.P. – classic stance. Squats are performed with the body rotated - first in one direction with a delay at the bottom point for a couple of seconds, I.P. and the same to the other. You need to do from 10 to 18 repetitions in each approach - 3-5.
  2. I.P. - sit on a chair, clasping its edges with your hands. Using your hands, lift your pelvis from the chair with strong abdominal tension. The exercise is performed from 12 to 16 times, 3-5 approaches.
  3. I.P. – classic stance. Squats are performed by pulling the stomach into yourself - hands behind the head - do 2 sets of 18-26 times.
  4. Squats using a fitball. The ball is pinched between the back and the wall. The movement is a slow squat with the abdominal tension until the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Performing any physical exercise should enter your system, which will certainly lead to the expected results.

Who are contraindicated for squats?

  • Scoliosis;
  • Hernia;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hypertension.

And in general, if you have never done anything before and suddenly decide to make drastic changes in your life, it is best to consult a doctor before starting training. He can recommend other types physical activities, such as running or cycling. You can read about that and what it is in other articles on our blog.

Squats aren't for everyone. But you can almost always choose another type of fitness.

Basics of proper nutrition

For achievement maximum effect and maintaining the achieved results, it is necessary to comply proper nutrition. It is now difficult to find on the shelves of our stores healthy foods, but still possible.

Squats are perhaps the only exercise that everyone does, starting in kindergarten kindergarten and ending with elderly people in sanatoriums. At the same time, no one wonders why.

I personally noticed it and wondered how to squat correctly when I started looking effective exercises to lose weight. It will be useful for me to travel frequently on business trips. Cardio equipment is too expensive and you can’t take it with you in your bag.

I consulted with the instructors and started studying. At first, little by little, but now I’m doing it lightly with power load. Over the course of a year, she not only lost weight, but also acquired a rather attractive buttock shape.

Key Benefits of Squats for Weight Loss

It is worth noting that you will receive a huge number of positive aspects from performing this method of training, but we will focus only on some of them:

First, regular use of squats in your training process can improve the course metabolic processes in the body, gradually causing all fat reserves to transform into muscle tissue, and it also strengthens the muscles of the back, lower leg and abdominals, as well as internal and external muscles hips

Secondly, you will be able to place an accentuated load on your buttocks and legs, making them more toned and slender.

In addition, do not forget before starting any workout you need to do a short warm-up. In this case, pay Special attention knees and ankle joints, since it is they who will be maximally involved in these exercises, and accordingly the load on them will be much greater.

Squats are a boundary element between two technically different loads, aerobic and strength. When performing the exercise, you tense the muscles of your legs, back and abs, which is part of strength training.

But besides all this, positive changes occur in the body in the form of an increase in breathing rate and heart rate, which perfectly saturates the blood with oxygen, actively transporting it to all corners of the body.

In the process of squats of absolutely any type (which we will discuss later in this article), a person loses a significant amount of calories.

How to squat correctly in order to lose weight - types of exercise, expert advice

If you decide to engage in active weight loss, then you will need to work hard, but if the main goal is to maintain the body as a whole, you just need to squat 15 times every day in three approaches.

So, the main goal of squats for weight loss is the maximum number of repetitions at the heaviest load. All exercises must be performed in several approaches, and the number of repetitions depends purely on the physical condition of the practitioner.

For example, if you are new to this business and have never played sports before, then it is better for you to start with a small number of repetitions, 15 in one set will be enough. There are only three approaches with a break between them of no more than 5 minutes.

Gradually, the number of repetitions of the exercise will need to be increased, first to 20, then 30, and the rest time between sets should become less and less as you can.

Perform each squat slowly and smoothly so that you feel your muscles tense. When exercising, try not to be distracted, think about how your body is changing for the better, and you are becoming more beautiful and slimmer.

After all, thoughts, as you know, have the ability to materialize, so it’s better to think about your dream, draw your new body in your fantasies.

The technique for performing the exercise should be as clear as possible: keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, inhale when moving your body down, exhale when lifting. The more correctly you squat, the better the effect of the exercises will be. By exercising for 15 to 20 minutes, you can be guaranteed to burn up to 250 calories.

General rules of execution for all types of squats

  1. The back is always slightly arched at the lower back
  2. The gaze is directed straight ahead. You need to aim at a fixed point in the floor, wall or ceiling; your gaze does not run around the room while doing it. This will help you maintain balance and fully concentrate on the exercise.
  3. The weight is on the heels, the foot is completely on the floor, the toes are not compressed or tense.
  4. The chest is lifted and stretched forward and upward. Pull your shoulders back and down, bringing your shoulder blades together on your back to straighten your spine and prevent you from slouching.
  5. The arms can have several positions: first, extended forward parallel to each other; second - gathered in a lock or in a prayer gesture in front of the chest and bent at the elbows; the third - on the belt; fourth - folded behind the head and bent at the elbows.
  6. When returning to the starting position, the tension should be concentrated in the hips and buttocks.
  7. You cannot get out of a squat by “diving” forward. You can also help yourself with your hands by placing them on your hips and pushing slightly away from your hips. You grow taller and straighten your legs completely.

Now that you are completely ready to perform the exercise, let's look at the types of squats.


Yes, even to perform squats you need to warm up your joints well. After all, not only the gluteal muscles work, but also the knee joints, which are the easiest to injure, but not always cured.

Therefore, warm up your knees with rotational movements, also pay attention to your hip joints and stretch them thoroughly, and don’t forget about your feet, which also need to be stretched with rotations in the joint.

This short warm-up will help you do all the squats without pain or unwanted consequences.

Correct breathing

A key role when performing a squat, or any other physical exercise, plays correct breathing.

Follow these two simple rules: at the moment of lowering the pelvis, you need to take a deep breath through your nose. Rising from the bottom point and returning to the starting position, you need to quickly and noisily exhale all the air through your mouth.

If you breathe incorrectly, you will not be able to correctly distribute the load across your muscles, you will quickly lose your breath and get tired, not to mention the fact that you will greatly increase the risk of injury from your workout.

First, let's learn how to do the simplest classic squats.

We stand so that the heels are approximately at the level of the pelvic bones

Toes can point forward or be slightly turned to the sides, standing with feet parallel to each other is not necessary - the “skier pose” can be uncomfortable for the knees and pelvis due to the structural features of the body

Now imagine how we would move if we had to sit on a children’s highchair - we stretch our buttocks back, at the same time bend our knees and hip joints.

We remember about the stomach - it should not lie on the hips, but it should go under the ribs - very much so. Master the simultaneous retraction of the abs and lowering of the shoulder blades towards the pelvis, and you will never fall in a squat

We “sit down” to the point where the thighs are parallel to the floor, and make sure that the knees do not go beyond the toes. The secret is to shift your body weight from your toes to your heels during the squat. And for balance, at first you can stretch your arms forward

At the “parallel” point, we tense our hips and buttocks and slowly stand up. No tricky movements of the pelvis with squeezing the buttocks and turning pelvic bones there is no need to do it - in the future you will master the squat with weights and it will help complicate the work, and the “buttock squeeze” is more effective for overexertion pelvic floor and provocations of inflammation sciatic nerve rather than to strengthen muscles

If this is your first experience with squats to lose weight in your legs and belly, do 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions. Make the squat the first exercise in your leg or general workout. strength training. Each week, try to add a couple of reps to your set until you reach 30 reps.

It's time to get complicated

To speed up fat burning, it is recommended to combine a regular squat and a jump. Take a position that is comfortable for your legs. Extend your arms in front of you parallel to the floor, squat down, leaving your arms motionless, jump sharply and raise your arms above your head. Return to the starting position (slowly).

Squats for the buttocks - plie exercise

To pump up your butt, use the plie exercise. Here's how to do these squats correctly:

  • Place your feet as wide as shoulder-width apart;
  • Toes point in different directions;
  • Hands are on the hips or spread to the sides;
  • As you inhale, bend your knees 90 degrees, as you exhale, straighten them;

This technique will not only pump up your buttocks, but also improve muscle elasticity. inside hips

Great way pump up your butt and thighs - do squats with dumbbells. Take dumbbells in your hands, place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly squat using the classic technique. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of you or folded at the waist. Squats slowly with a straight back.

At the beginning of the squat program, the weight of the dumbbells can be small (for example, 1 kg).

Squats for losing belly fat

To get rid of waist fat, squats are also quite effective and include several types of this exercise.

  1. When performing regular classic squats, you need to strongly draw in your stomach while inhaling. In a sitting position, you need to stay for 10-20 seconds, holding your breath, then stand up and exhale.
  2. Squats with trunk rotation are performed in the following way: from a standing position, with your feet shoulder-width apart, squat down, while keeping your posture straight, you need to turn your body to the left. After staying sitting for a couple of seconds, stand up and repeat in the same way with a turn to right side. The total number of repetitions is at least 10 on each side.
  3. An excellent option for squats to strengthen the abdominal muscles would be straight and oblique exercises with weights with dumbbells. Such exercises can be performed after the technique of regular squats has been mastered.
  4. Chair squats can be effectively performed if you have well-trained arm muscles. To do this, you need to sit on a stable chair, wrap your fingers around its edge and, with the effort of your hands, lift your pelvis from the chair, as if sitting in the air and strongly straining your stomach. Repeat 5-10 times.
  5. Good results To lose weight in the abdomen, do squats with pulling it in, while your hands should be joined in a lock behind your head. This exercise must be repeated at least 20-25 times in 2 steps.
  6. Squats using gymnastic ball also have a beneficial effect on strengthening the press. To do this, you need to hold the fitball between your back and the wall, then, slowly sliding down and straining your stomach while inhaling, lower yourself so that your legs are bent at a right angle.

Wall squats

Wall squats - this type will help you tighten your buttocks. To perform it, you need to stand with your back against a support. Place your legs a little wider than usual, tuck your tummy, straighten your shoulders, place your hands on your hips.

Squat slowly, holding the squat for 5 to 10 seconds, without leaving the wall, until your thighs are parallel to the plane of the floor. Then return to the starting point.

"1000 times a day"

This type of squats is as follows; you will need to perform 1000 repetitions per day, but in one approach there should not be more than 10 times.

For example, we got up in the morning and sat down 10 times before going to the bathroom, then went into the room to make the bed, sat down again 10 times, and so on.

But this figure is for real professionals, and beginners can start with 150 and gradually increase the number of repetitions. Don't be afraid, you will definitely succeed.

With this type of squats, you can perfectly improve the coordination of your movements, as well as effectively lose weight in your buttocks and get them in perfect order in a relatively short period of time.

So, stand up straight, then lunge back with your right leg while bending your left knee and return to the starting position. Repeat 15–18 times on one leg, and then the same on the other.


Pistol squats

An even more difficult exercise to perform is squats on one leg.

You need to stand on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart; then one leg is raised above the floor and bent at the knee, while the opposite hand holds onto the chair. The squat is performed while inhaling, and when exhaling, returning to the starting position.

30-day complex

A 30-day squat routine is one of the effective ways to start regular training and lose excess weight. And there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, this complex does not require any additional equipment; squats for weight loss at home will be just as effective, since there will be no difference between the gym and your bedroom.

Secondly, the squat is the best form of compound bodyweight exercise. Technique plays a very important role, but the beauty of working with your own body is that it is almost impossible to get injured if you have not thoroughly mastered all the nuances of this movement.

It is quite possible to reduce body weight by burning body fat with the help of squats. This is an energy-intensive exercise that uses all muscle groups and helps burn a lot of calories.

The table below shows how many squats you should do each day. Try to perform all squats in one set.

If you still need some time to catch your breath, perform at least 10 more repetitions after the pause. It will be hard to wake up, your buttocks and legs will burn with fire, but the result is worth it.

This is a well-designed program, so the complex is suitable for both girls and men. To enhance the fat burning effect and accelerate results, you can use additional loads, for example, lunges, abdominal crunches, and so on.

Let's get going: barbell squats for weight loss

The rules are simple.

  • Weigh yourself. The resulting number is the estimated weight you will need to lift. Load the barbell, preferably with the barbell racked at shoulder level and equipped with safety stops so that if you fail you don't end up collapsing with the weight on the floor.
  • Remove the barbell from the rack, place it on your shoulders, and step back from the rack.
  • Do as many squats as you can, resting at the top of the exercise if necessary, but don't put the barbell back on the rack.
    By limiting yourself, you won't be able to perform more reps than you intended.
  • Leaving the weight on your shoulders while resting between reps is not only allowed, it is recommended.

  • A good rule of thumb is to take one deep breath between reps for the first ten or so reps, then take more breaths as needed, building up reps as you go.

If you're strong enough, you'll eventually be able to spend about five minutes holding the barbell on your shoulders. A solid amount of reps? 20. Phenomenal? 50.

To achieve the magic 50 reps, you need to train regularly and perform high-intensity squats. In the first week, do one set of 20 repetitions. In the second - 2. In the third - 3. In the fourth week, connect everything together.

To make the task easier, we have put together some tips for you.

Many trainers advise looking up as the bar moves upward, but this is incorrect. Focus on a point on the floor about a meter in front of you. This will help you avoid overstraining your spine, reducing the risk of injury.

Keep your back straight and core tight. Your knees should be directly above your feet during the exercise. If the knees move too far forward, this has a detrimental effect on the joints. Squat down until your hips are below your knees.

Drive backwards with your feet rather than your back, pushing your heels toward the floor to generate energy momentum. If you feel that your back position has changed, end the approach.

The main part of the body involved in this complex is not the legs, but the heart. Breathe, keep doing reps. Don't stop until your posture is compromised.

To prevent your neck, where the barbell is located, from becoming overgrown with calluses, use a towel. You can also wear gloves for convenience.

Execution Plans

We offer you three different squat plans for the next month.