Home exercises for men blog php b. Men's fitness at home, for those who have decided to take care of their body. To build muscle mass

(published since 1987) named the most effective and time-tested exercises for men, with which you can work out literally any muscle group as effectively as possible. By incorporating these exercises into the core of your training plan, you will be able to build muscle mass, burn fat more intensely and transform your body the way you want.


Undoubtedly, the king of all exercises is deadlift, which perfectly loads and works all major muscle groups and is probably the most the best test on physical strength and durability at all times. Since all major muscle groups are involved in the execution process, this allows the body to produce huge amounts of testosterone, the main “building” hormone for muscles. For this reason, the deadlift is the basis of any training plan for most athletes in the world and one of the main exercises for men.

If you are not completely confident in your technique this exercise, then pay a little attention to this video and be sure to ask for advice from an experienced trainer in your fitness room.


Like the deadlift, the back squat targets major muscle groups throughout the body and is an essential exercise for men, especially in a leg training program.

With the help of squats, you can also improve your performance in such components as running speed and jump height.


One of the most important exercises in any gym is the bench press. This movement is responsible for increasing physical strength, harmonious development pectoral muscles, shoulders and triceps. The exercise is also characterized by high testosterone production, which helps accelerate the growth of overall muscle mass in organism.


Probably the most important exercise for men to train the lower back and develop strong gluteal muscles. This movement also helps strengthen your lower back, making you less prone to discomfort after a long day of work in an office chair.


At correct execution swing kettlebell you develop explosive force, load the buttocks, shoulder girdle And at the same time you get excellent cardio loads.


Most modern trainers note the particular usefulness of exercises with TRX suspension belts. Unstable hand position during this movement results in intense activation muscle fibers, which in turn leads to an increase in strength by more short time, compared with classic push-ups. This exercise is especially beneficial for the health of your shoulders.


Familiar to many from childhood, this multi-target exercise effectively loads the upper half of the body, connecting the muscles of the back, core and arms to work.


One of the most unusual and extremely effective exercises for the abdominal muscles. Medicine ball work is a great workout for your core, getting your abs working efficiently and adding great cardio to your workout routine.

If this exercise is not yet familiar to you, then pay attention to the essence of its implementation in this video:


Another unpopular and extremely effective exercise is the Swedish ball exercise. It's worth including this movement into your training routine if getting six-pack abs is one of your goals.

At the moment when you perform these movements on the ball, the abs are under high-quality and strong pressure, without which it is simply impossible to achieve a sculpted stomach. Use this exercise instead of the usual body bends to speed up the desired result and do not forget about the basic ones.


Lifting heavy weights is a great way to a strong, developed and ripped body. To improve your strength, try including the “farmer’s walk” exercise in your training complex: at the end of the workout, take 30-35 kg dumbbells and walk around the gym with them for 30 seconds - this will make your forearms literally “burn”, but after a couple of weeks Such exercises can significantly improve your performance in exercises with heavy weights, because... You will have a more developed grip. Your “working weights” will then begin to grow much faster.


Some athletes and coaches believe that the standing barbell press is an exercise more effective in terms of upper body development than the classic bench press. One of the reasons why this statement may be true is the connection to the work of muscles abdominals, which serve as another large source of testosterone production in the body. This exercise also greatly engages the shoulders and develops the pectoral muscles well.

Important: Before performing exercises whose technique is unfamiliar to you, you should definitely ask for advice from an experienced trainer. This will greatly help you avoid injury and speed up the process of achieving the desired result.

Many of you think that training at home is not possible to build up decent muscles, since it is believed that without heavy basic exercises(bench press, squats, deadlifts) you cannot achieve more or less impressive results. If you want to engage in powerlifting, then this statement is true, but we have a different goal, and therefore it is quite possible to gain high-quality mass and strength by training at home. Let's see what we need for this and how much it will cost.

And so, at a minimum, we need a horizontal bar, parallel bars and dumbbells; this is a must-have equipment for working out at home, which will replace your gym and take up very little space, which is important for an apartment. Horizontal bars with bars can be mounted or floor-mounted, the former will not cause a significant blow to your budget (1500-3000 rubles), floor-mounted ones are more expensive, but also more reliable (8000-15000 rubles). We take set dumbbells, the more weight the better (after all, we are going to progress), but not less than 25 kg each. The cost of dumbbells varies quite significantly depending on the model (I bought mine, 30 kg each, for 4,000 rubles). Well, basically, we have the minimum necessary to become big and strong.

The first day. Back, biceps

  • Pull-up wide grip 4 sets of 10-15 times. (if you can do more, we attach weights, if less, we put a chair and help with our feet)
  • Pull-up reverse grip 3 10-15 times
  • One-arm dumbbell rows, 3 sets per arm, 12-15 times
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing 4 x 10-12 times

Second day. Chest, triceps.

  • Push-ups 5 sets of 10-15 times (if you can do more, we attach weights, if less, we put a chair and help with our feet)
  • Push-ups from the floor 3 times 15-20 times (can be between chairs or on dumbbells for better stretching chest, you can also put weights on your back)
  • Lying dumbbell lateral raises 4 x 12-15 times (a bench can be built from two chairs and a board)
  • French dumbbell press from behind the head while sitting or lying down 4 times 12-15 times (can be alternated every other week)

Day three. Rest

Day four. Legs

  • Squats with dumbbells 4 x 12-15 times
  • Squats on one leg 3 x 10-12 times
  • Lunges with dumbbells 3 12-15 times for each leg
  • Or squats with dumbbells (3-4 series will replace all exercises above)
  • Deadlift with dumbbells with an emphasis on the biceps of the thigh 4 10-12 times
  • Single-leg calf raises 4 sets to failure.

Day five. Shoulders

  • Lifting dumbbells while sitting up 4-5 10-15 times
  • Dumbbell raises to the sides 4 x 10-15 times
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you 3 x 10-15 times

We try to achieve burning and muscle failure in every approach (except warm-up ones). Rest between sets is 2-5 minutes, depending on how you feel, the average workout duration is 1-1.5 hours. We also don’t forget that for muscle growth you need to eat 1.5-2 grams of protein per 1 kg of your weight per day, if you don’t gain it, buy protein and drink a shake after training ( protein cocktail does not replace natural food but only complements it). Remember, without proper nutrition there will be no growth.

Greetings to all men who want to find themselves effective program home workouts for men. You've come to the right place, because in this review we have selected for you best exercises for training at home. Often, the lack of a chance to regularly train in the gym is the main obstacle on the way to beautiful and toned body. Therefore, we will immediately answer the pressing question for the stronger sex: is it possible to pump up and tighten the torso at home? Yes, you can! Of course, the program itself will be slightly different from the one provided for the gym, because there are many new equipment there that you need to adjust your training plan to.

What is the program?

When deciding to do exercises at home, do not forget the main factor of the process training sessions. Namely these criteria:

  • any workout should start with a good warm-up;
  • get yourself one training diary or plan and strictly follow it, improving or increasing loads and repetitions. Don't forget to diversify your training plan for further progress;
  • At first, don’t chase loads, do everything wisely. Don't overdo it, but if during training you celebrate that you can do more, then do it;
  • the emphasis should be on the quality of execution, only then can you achieve desired result. Gradually you can add the number of repetitions, but don’t write off and do everything correctly;
  • Get motivated. She will help you in difficult moments.

Of course, home workouts also have their disadvantages. Important disadvantages are that you do not have special exercise equipment at home. But this trivial problem can be easily solved. If possible, we recommend purchasing a collapsible barbell and dumbbells. Collapsible equipment will help you adjust your weight. As a result, you will not need to buy additional hardware. If you cannot buy dumbbells for yourself, then you can use alternative methods. For example, make yourself simple weights. Bottles will do instead of dumbbells different sizes with water and sand. Remember no expensive training machines or your home supplies will not replace regular training.

How to pump up at home training program without iron

When creating a training schedule, it is necessary to take into account the entire cycle of recovery and quality rest for progress. Loading three times a week is ideal. For example, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Every day you need to carefully work out each muscle group. No matter what muscle group you have today, always try to warm up well. From your head to your feet, you must bring every ligament into combat readiness. Sleep at least 8 hours a day and eat well protein products. What to do in the warm-up:

  1. Swing your neck forward, backward, and right to left;
  2. Shoulder area - circular rotations, hands, scissors, forward and backward;
  3. Body body – bends forward and backward, left and right;
  4. Pelvic tilts and rotations;
  5. Squats with your butt down;
  6. Jumping in place.

In addition to all this, we recommend adding lunges: we place one leg in front of ourselves, and simply bend the other leg at the knee. Now let's look at the training program for beginners. If you are just starting to get acquainted with the world of sports, then you will not need dumbbells or weights. Your weight is enough, but all movements must be perfectly executed and slowly.

Home workout program for men with body weight

Mondayarms, chest and back.

Push-ups are a great way to pump up your arms and chest. In the first days, you need to do classic push-ups, or more precisely shoulder-width apart. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, head slightly raised up, eyes looking forward, feet together. Do 4 sets of 12-16 reps. Push-ups with narrow setting hands Do everything the same, only your elbows should be pressed to your body. Perform three sets of 8-12 repetitions. Then dumbbells or bottles of sand. Sit on a chair, take dumbbells in your hands and press them straight up from behind your head. Do 3 sets of 12 reps. Wide grip pull-ups, 3 sets of 10 reps. Alternate exercises every two weeks. Narrow grip Swap push-ups for dips. Gradually, you can hang weights on your belt in the form of sand bottles, dumbbells or kettlebells. Perform 3 sets of 12-20 repetitions.

Write down the first results in your diary. Gradually, you can sometimes add 1 repetition every two weeks. Don't forget to do everything with perfect technique. At the end press. Classic crunches: legs under the sofa, hands behind your head, lift your body until your elbows touch your knees. Do 3 sets of 16-20 reps. Bicycle exercise: lie on your back, lock your hands behind your head, legs up and spin like a bicycle. Perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions. Then rest and nutrition to gain muscle mass.

Wednesdaylegs, abs.

The legs must be strengthened and brought back to normal. To do this, you need to include squats in your workout. Here you just clasp your hands behind your head, and do squats with your butt to the very bottom, but at the same time the back should be flat, this is very important. Do 4 sets of 20-25 repetitions. Then we move on to lunges. You already know how to do them, so perform 3 sets of 12-16 repetitions. The final stage Leg exercises will include lunges on your toes. Place your hands on your waist and do 4 sets of 25 reps on your toes. Here the load is focused on the calf muscles.

Fridaycardio and abs.

On this day we will give the body relief and get rid of fat. That's why the best option will go to the park and run for at least 40 minutes. Then you can jump rope a little. 5-10 minutes will be enough. If the weather is bad outside, you can replace running procedures only with a jump rope. But this time you will have to jump for at least 25 minutes.

Now let's move on to abdominal training. Classic crunches. 4 sets of 20-40 repetitions. Leg raises 90 degrees while lying on your back, hands behind your head. Perform 3 sets of 12-14 repetitions.

To improve the shape you can use additional funds sports nutrition. For example, if possible, buy protein for yourself. Well, or you can read the article on how to make a protein shake at home. Don’t forget about vitamins, you can buy them at the pharmacy. To give your torso shape, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with such an exercise as a stomach vacuum. For the stronger sex, testosterone is a very important hormone because it is responsible for pumping up muscles and strength. Good luck to everyone in building perfect body. Ask your questions in the comments.

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For women, doing fitness and taking care of the beauty of their own body is an absolutely natural phenomenon. For some reason, men still continue to believe that their place is only in gym, among the abundance of iron. And they generally start thinking about the need to pump up a little when their protruding belly becomes the subject of outright ridicule from friends and a reason for jokes. And men generally consider fitness to be an exclusively female prerogative, although most novice athletes need this type of training.

If the thought that it’s time to take care of yourself comes to a man when he’s already wearing a couple of dozen extra pounds, then “iron” training will not bring him any benefit, and may even harm him. Fat is burned only when doing aerobic exercise, which force the body to actively move and the lungs to breathe deeply. And until the weight returns to relative normal, exercise with heavy weights is strictly prohibited.

By the way, the term “fitness” means keeping the body in good condition. physical fitness. Without any emphasis on gender. It has many different directions that are perfect not only for women, but also for men. The main thing is to show interest, collect information and choose the type of training that will bring not only benefit, but also pleasure.

Active aerobic exercise helps remove excess weight and prepare the body for more serious stress, they:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • develop the musculoskeletal system;
  • work all muscle groups;
  • supply cells and tissues with oxygen;
  • promote the removal of waste and toxins;
  • relieve swelling and excess fluid;
  • increase physical strength and endurance.

After just a month of regularly attending classes, you can visually notice significant changes in the outline of your figure and a noticeable improvement in your overall well-being.

Basic Rules

Of course, fitness for men is somewhat different from women's. This is primarily due to the fact that men have greater physical strength, but less endurance. Good coach This is always taken into account when conducting training. Even if the program is general, for example, in a step aerobics group, he will offer the man to work with weights, but perform fewer repetitions.

To maximize the effect of your classes, there are several rules for organizing them that will help you get involved in the process faster and recover better after training:

These are the basic rules; all the nuances are usually explained by the instructor before the first training session. He will also tell you about the features and contraindications for the chosen type of fitness.

Contraindications, warnings

There are much fewer medical contraindications to fitness classes than to weight training. Only people with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, oncology, recent traumatic brain injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system are strictly prohibited from attending intense aerobic training. They can study physical therapy with the permission of the attending physician.

However, there are also contraindications for various types fitness, which are associated with the process of organizing the training itself. So, it is not recommended to attend classes:

In any case, before purchasing a subscription to attend a certain type of training, you need to go to trial lesson(in many clubs it is free), talk to an instructor and feel if your body likes such exercises.

Features of home training

For those who don’t want or can’t go to the gym regularly, but still decide to get in shape, home workouts may be suitable. It’s more difficult to study at home - there are too many temptations around, the TOP 3 of which are: a sofa, a computer and a refrigerator.

To force yourself to study without a supervisor, you need very serious motivation. In addition, you need to understand how to properly organize training and distribute the load on the body. So it’s better for a beginner to go to an experienced instructor, at least for a month.

Videos with ready-made effective complexes exercises for men that are easy to do at home. Or a step-by-step description of exercises with photos. You may have to purchase necessary equipment- dumbbells, jump rope, expanders, weights, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that clothes for training should be comfortable, loose, well breathable and absorb moisture. Of course, these are all additional costs, but the advantage is that they are one-time. And you will have to pay constantly for the subscription.

There are also advantages to home training:

  • convenient time for classes;
  • the ability to choose your favorite music;
  • freedom in choosing a set of exercises;
  • lack of criticism and comparisons with others;
  • adjusting the program according to personal preferences.

The main disadvantage is the need to constantly overcome one’s own laziness and inertia. And if you are not confident in the strength of your will, then it is better to study in a circle of like-minded people under the guidance of an instructor who will not let you slow down or reduce the number of repetitions.

Little secrets

If a man does not have such a goal as to become a champion jock or a superhero, then for a tangible result it is enough to devote 1 hour to training 2-3 times a week. This will allow you to maintain yourself in excellent physical shape and prevent the return of already lost kilograms.

It is highly advisable to completely give up beer. This insidious drink, although it does not contain a large amount of alcohol, contains phytoestrogens - hormones that gradually shape the figure according to the female type.

Don't overload your body. Daily intensive training won't do any good either. Muscles grow during rest, and if a man is interested in a sculpted body, then the body should have enough time to recover. And the main thing to remember is that the body should experience the joy of movement, and not the fear of further torture. Exercising moderately and with pleasure is the magic key to quick and significant results.

They have a limited inventory, which limits the possibility of load progression. In itself, the progression of loads is a way to constantly maintain stress at the required level so that the body has to adapt. Adaptation of the body is expressed in an increase in strength indicators, muscle hypertrophy, an increase in speed and changes in other muscular and non-muscular qualities that the athlete develops. Since adaptation forces the body to spend a lot of resources, both on itself and on maintaining adaptable qualities, the body begins to adapt only when it is vitally necessary! If the body copes with the load, or, moreover, if the load decreases, then the body levels out all excess systems so as not to waste resources on maintaining them.

From all that has been said above, we can conclude that training at home is intended to maintain the results achieved in the gym or any other place, or in order to recover a little if the athlete has not trained for a long time. Regardless, the message is that the benefits of training at home are limited, so goals should be set accordingly. In general, you should never set yourself a difficult goal for anything at once; you should approach everything gradually, overcoming intermediate, stage-by-stage tasks. But even to achieve those goals that are, in principle, achievable through home exercises, it is necessary to follow a number of fundamental rules.

Rules for training at home

System – training should be systematic, this is very important, because without this, it is generally impossible to even create a training program. You must set aside a specific time for training and spend it on it. It doesn't matter whether you can train in the morning or in the evening, no matter how many times a week, it is important that you stick to your training schedule constantly. Therefore, if you have set yourself the goal of getting yourself in order, then first of all you must give up all bad habits, which may prevent you from sticking to your training program.

Warm-up – this is an important component of training at home, in the gym, on the street and anywhere in general, since a good warm-up is the key to maintaining the performance of muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. It is important to warm up the whole body, not just that one muscle group, which you are going to train. You should start warming up with slow movements, gradually increasing their pace. The complexity of movements should also change progressively, from the simplest to the complex. Many people neglect warming up, especially when they train lightly, but this is very dangerous, so be sure to warm up well!

Intensity – this rule for training at home means that you should train at a certain pace, which depends on the goals of your training. If your goal is to maximize or maintain strength indicators, then you need to train with a rest between sets of 40-60 seconds, if you want to develop endurance, then you should strive for the absence of rest, as such, for this there are several methods described in endurance training program . Most importantly, do not forget that training should be limited in time, so you need to do it within 60 minutes, and therefore you should not be distracted by extraneous activities.

Ways to progress the load

Load volume
– it can be corrected by increasing exercises, repetitions of exercises, or by splitting. You can, of course, progress by increasing additional weights, but at home it is difficult to use barbells and dumbbells, or rather, you are always limited by equipment, therefore, when we talk about training at home, we mean that you have minimal equipment. As for the number of exercises and the number of repetitions per approach, everything is clear, but what is a split? Split is a grouping of workouts by muscle groups. Due to this grouping, it is possible to perform a volume of work on the target muscle group several times greater than during circuit training. Although we recommend that beginners start with circuit training.

Example of circuit training at home

Push-ups – 5 sets max
Wide grip pull-ups– 5 approaches to the maximum
Hanging Leg Raises– 4 sets to the maximum

Speed - This is a way not only to progress the load, but also to use different muscle fibers and muscle qualities. The faster you perform the exercises, the more the fast muscle fibers are activated, the slower you do the exercises, the more the slow muscle fibers are loaded. To train red, fast-twitch muscle fibers, you need to increase the speed of the exercises, making them more difficult, such as clapping push-ups. To train white muscle fibers, you need to perform the exercises very slowly, effectively feeling the muscle contractions. We recommend combining training of both types of muscle fibers, alternating workouts every week.

Home workout program

Monday – legs, chest and arms
Squats – 5 sets max
Lunges – 5 sets max
Calf raises– 3 sets to the maximum
Pushups– 5 approaches to the maximum
Dumbbell flyes– 5 sets of 12 reps
Reverse push-ups– 5 approaches to the maximum
Reverse grip pull-ups– 5 approaches to the maximum

Tuesday- press
Hanging leg raises– 5 approaches to the maximum