Didactic game “Types of sports. Didactic game “Types of Sports Sports Guessing Game”

Didactic game for older and older children preparatory group"Guess the sport!"

Kamneva Maria Sergeevna

Target: introduce children to sports; sports equipment; to develop children's interest in physical education and sports.
- introduce children to different types sports;
- generate knowledge in the field physical culture and sports;
- enrich and systematize children’s knowledge about sports;
- create a need for healthy life.
Progress of the game.
Let's help Krosh, with the help of riddles, find out what kind of sport the sports equipment shown in the pictures belongs to.
1. There is a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids were playing around.
Shouts: “Puck! ", "past! ", "Hit! "-
There's a game going on there. . .

Ice hockey - team sport game on the ice, which consists of a confrontation between two teams on skates, who, passing the puck with their sticks, strive to throw it the maximum number of times into the opponent’s goal and not let it into their own. The team that scores the most goals into the opponent's goal wins.

2. On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for regimental battles
No cartridges, no bayonets
Chess is a logic board game with special pieces on a 64-cell board for two opponents, combining elements of art (in terms of chess composition), science and sports.

3. Here the team wins,
If the ball doesn't drop.
He flies accurately from the pitch
Not into the goal - through the net.
And the playground, not the field
In athletes c. . .
Volleyball is a team game that belongs to the category of hitting the ball. During the game, he is thrown over the net in such a way that, if the rules are followed, he cannot be hit over the net by the opposing team.

4. Let's gather a team at school
And we'll find a big field
Taking a corner -
We score with our heads.
And the fifth goal is in the goal!
We love it very much. . .
Football is a sport that requires great physical strength, endurance and agility. The object of the game is to "kick the ball into the opponent's goal". In this sport, players are not allowed to use their hands to move the ball up and down the field. When playing football, football players must use their legs and be able to make accurate passes to different parts football field.

5. So they came together in a fight in the ring.
Everyone has gloves on their hands.
The cheerful gong sounded
He gave the signal for the start of the battle
Boxing is a contact sport, a martial art in which athletes punch each other using special gloves. Victory is awarded if the opponent is knocked down and cannot rise within ten seconds or if he is injured and does not allow him to continue the fight.

6. It’s very difficult to be, don’t argue,
The most accurate in this sport.
Just rush along the ski track,
Even I can do it.
Try running for a day yourself
And then hit the target,
Lying supine, with a rifle.
You can't do this without training!
And your target is not an elephant.
It's called sport. . .
Biathlon - winter olympic event sport that combines cross-country skiing with rifle shooting.

7. In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is it. . .
Basketball is a sports team game with a ball.
Basketball is played by two teams, each consisting of five field players. The goal of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent's basket with their hands and prevent the other team from taking possession of the ball and throwing it into their own basket. The basket is located at a height of 3.05 m from the floor.

8. Along water paths
Our aces are sailing,
Then let's butterfly
Either crawl or breaststroke.
Swimming is a sport in which participants in the competition have to swim a certain distance as quickly as possible. Modern rules prohibit swimming more than 15 meters in a straight line.

9. The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.
Andrey and I play together.
The two of us go out onto the court.
We hit the ball with rackets.
And against us are Andre and Denis.
What do we play with them?
Tennis is a sports game with a ball and rackets on a court with a net (height 91 cm) in the middle. Players try to send the ball over the net without the opponent being able to return it correctly.
Guys, you did an EXCELLENT job with my task!

Presentation on the topic: Didactic game “Guess the sport”


Target: introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene and proper, careful attitude towards their health; develop children's speech, attention, and memory.

Material: fields divided into squares, in the center of the field there is a negative and positive picture, pictures with different situations.

Progress of the game: Option 1: Children are given fields; a negative or positive picture is depicted in the center of the field. Children are invited to play lotto, showing and accompanying their actions with explanations - “what is good and what is bad”

2nd option. The display of pictures can be accompanied by the motor activity of children. For example, children react to positive pictures by jumping, and when shown a negative picture they sit on the floor.

3rd option The teacher asks them to choose the pictures that they liked the most and ask them to explain why they made this choice. Or the teacher asks them to choose pictures that they didn’t like and ask them to explain why.

ABC of health

Target: systematize children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle, develop speech, attention, and memory.

Material: illustrations

Progress of the game: play from 1 to ... people. The teacher names the rule, and the child finds a card - an illustration of this rule. Or the teacher shows a card, the child says what needs to be done in this situation.

Topic: “Healthy Products”

Wonderful pouch

Target: clarify the names of fruits and vegetables, develop the ability to identify them by touch, name and describe them.

Material: bag, dummies of vegetables, fruits

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the group a “wonderful bag” with dummies of vegetables and fruits and invites the children to find out what is in the “wonderful bag”. The child puts his hand into the “wonderful bag” and identifies it by touch, then takes it out and describes it according to the diagram. The teacher gives a sample description of vegetables and fruits.

I have a tomato, it is red, round, smooth. And you?

If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions: what form? What colour? What does it feel like?

Children put all the vegetables and fruits on a tray.

Guess the taste

Target: clarify the names of fruits and vegetables, develop the ability to taste, name and describe them.

Progress of the game: The teacher brings in a plate with chopped vegetables and fruits, invites the children to try a piece of some vegetable or fruit and asks questions: “What is it?”, “What does it taste like?”, “Sour, like what?”, “Sweet, like what?” »

Find out and name vegetables

Target: consolidate the names of fruits and vegetables, develop the ability to recognize them from the teacher’s description

Progress of the game: The teacher describes a vegetable (fruit), and the children must name this vegetable (fruit).

Useful and harmful products

Target: systematize children’s ideas about harmful and healthy products, exercise their ability to differentiate them, and develop the need to take care of their health

Material: pictures depicting various products, two hoops

Progress of the game: To be healthy, you need to eat right. Now we will find out if you know which foods are healthy.

The teacher offers the children pictures using two hoops. Children select one hoop healthy foods and explain their choice, in the second - foods that are harmful to health.

Topic: “Personal hygiene”

Tanya caught a cold

Target: promote the development of the skill of using a handkerchief, reinforce the knowledge that when sneezing and coughing you need to cover your mouth with a handkerchief, and if someone is nearby, turn away

Material: handkerchief

Progress of the game: The teacher asks: why do people need a handkerchief?

And then he offers the children various situations that they play out together with the kids:

What should you do if you want to sneeze? Etc.

Let's give the dolls different hairstyles

Target: consolidate hair care skills, clarify the names of the necessary
items required for this purpose, to form the concept of “neat appearance”

Material: dolls, combs, hairpins.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to comb the dolls’ hair.

Let's wash the doll

Target: consolidate knowledge about personal hygiene items for washing and washing, the sequence of actions, promote the formation of the habit of neatness.

Material: various items and personal hygiene items for washing and washing, dolls.

Progress of the game: played by 2 people. First, they are asked to choose from a variety of items those that “help” wash (wash) the doll. And then they wash it. The winner is the one who correctly selects personal hygiene items and correctly consistently washes (washes) the doll.

Hygiene rules

Target: consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (washing, dressing, brushing teeth, combing hair, bathing), develop the ability to show these movements using facial expressions and gestures and guess by showing them.

Progress of the game: The teacher asks the children, using facial expressions and gestures, to show how they wash themselves (dress, brush their teeth, etc.), observing the sequence of performing these skills. Or the teacher shows with the help of facial expressions and gestures what he is doing, and the children guess.

Choose pictures

Target: clarify children’s ideas about personal hygiene, develop healthy lifestyle skills

Material: pictures of various items, pictures of personal hygiene items

Progress of the game: The teacher asks you to select only pictures depicting objects that help take care of the body (face, teeth, hair)

Topic: “Human body”

Remember the move

Target: exercise the ability to realize, remember and reproduce the movements shown, develop visual-motor memory and attention.

Progress of the game: The teacher or child shows the movements. Children must remember and reproduce them.

Message from the monkey

Target: continue to form an understanding of your body; consolidate knowledge that objects can be recognized by appearance, smell, taste, touch; practice identifying fruits by taste and smell.

Material: parcel with vegetables, fruits

Progress of the game: 4 people play. The teacher says that a package has arrived from the monkey; it may contain either a vegetable or a fruit. Invites children to find out what kind of vegetable or fruit is in the package. One child is asked to put his hand into the parcel and determine its contents by touch. Another is asked to try a piece and identify it by taste, a third is asked to identify it by smell, and for a fourth, the teacher describes this vegetable (fruit). The one who guesses correctly wins.

Guess by sound

Target: form ideas about a person’s assistant (ears), develop skills in exploring objects using the appropriate sense organ

Material: musical instruments
Progress of the game: The teacher behind the screen makes sounds on various musical instruments, the children guess them

What helped you hear different sounds?

Guess by smell

Target: form ideas about a person’s assistant (nose), develop skills in exploring objects using the appropriate sense organ

Material: jars with different scents (vanilla, orange, soap...)
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to smell jars with different smells and asks:

What helped you smell this?

– Where can you smell such a smell?

Microphone game

Target: systematize children’s ideas about body parts, develop speech, cultivate the ability to listen to each other

Material: microphone

Progress of the game: The teacher begins the sentence, and the child continues it, speaking into the microphone.

I am the head, I can... think, but I can’t speak.

I am a leg, I can... walk, but I can’t draw.

I am a hand, I can... draw, but I don’t know how to listen... etc.

You are a part of me

Target: systematize children’s ideas about body parts, develop speech, attention, memory .

Material: ball

Progress of the game: The teacher throws the ball to each child, asking a question.

I am a face, you are a part of me. Who are you? (eyes, eyebrow, nose, etc.)

I am the head, you are my part. Who are you? (hair, ears...)

I am the body, you are my part. Who are you? (back, stomach...)

Who am i?

Target: to train children in the ability to correctly name parts of the human body, the ability to distinguish between girls and boys.

Material: pictures of a boy and a girl, overlay cards.

Progress of the game: The teacher names any part of the body, the child finds it among the cards and puts it on the picture. Or the teacher shows a card, the child names the drawn part of the body and places it on the picture.

My body(joke-game)

Target: The teacher invites the children to go to the mirror, see in it the most “dear” thing in the world, and examine themselves, uttering words accompanied by appropriate movements:

Words from an adult Children's movements
nightingale head Stroking your head
Lobby-bobby They stick their foreheads forward like bulls
Apricot spout With eyes closed, touch the tip of the nose
Lumpy cheeks Gently knead your cheeks and rub them with your palms
Dove sponges Pull your lips into a tube
Cloves Gently chattering teeth
Young beard Stroking the chin
Colorful eyes Eyes open wide
Sister eyelashes Blinking their eyes
Naughty ears Rubs fingers on ears
Turkey neck Stretching your neck
Grasshopper hangers Raises and lowers shoulders
Grip handles Wrap yourself with both arms
Boy fingers Wiggle their fingers
Duck breasts Arch your chest forward
Watermelon belly Inflating the belly
Backrest Straighten your back, rising onto your toes
Knee logs Alternately bend your legs at the knees and press them to your stomach
Legs-boots Stomping feet

Topic: “Vitamins and

healthy body»

Find out the taste

Target: consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits, the ability to identify them by taste.

Material: plate with chopped vegetables, fruits
Progress of the game: The teacher brings in a plate with chopped vegetables and fruits, invites the children to try a piece of some vegetable or fruit and asks questions: “What is this?”, “What does it taste like?”

Name it correctly

Target: clarify children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits, their qualities (color, shape, taste, smell), consolidate the ability to recognize them from a picture and give a brief


Material: pictures of vegetables, fruits

Progress of the game: The teacher asks the child to choose a picture of a vegetable or fruit and describe it.

- I have a tomato, it is red, round, sweet. And you?

If the children find it difficult to answer, the teacher asks leading questions: what form? What colour? What does it taste like? What is the smell?

Topic: “Child on the city streets”

ABOUTwhat does the traffic light say?

Target: consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic light colors and rules of behavior on the street.

Material: colored cardboard circles (red, yellow and green), traffic light model.

Progress of the game: The teacher gives the children red, yellow and green mugs. The traffic lights are sequentially “switched”, and the children show the corresponding circles and explain what each signal means. The winner is the one who correctly shows all the circles and talks about the purpose of the colors.

Topic: “Let’s play sports”

Name the sport

Goal: consolidate knowledge of the names of sports, the ability to recognize them from a picture.

Material: pictures of sports

Progress of the game: play from 2 to ... people. The child chooses a picture and names the sport. If he named the sport correctly, then he takes the picture for himself. The one who collects the most pictures wins.

Guess the sport based on the show

Target: to develop the ability to perform movements characteristic of certain sports and recognize them by demonstration.

Progress of the game: The teacher or child demonstrates some kind of sport using facial expressions and gestures, and the children guess it.

I can

Target: consolidate knowledge of sports and athletes

Material: microphone

Progress of the game: teacher says:

To be healthy, you need to exercise. However, there are people for whom sport is a profession. And now we will remember them.

The teacher starts the game by passing the microphone around.

I'm a skier, I can ski, but I can't skate,

And you?

I am a figure skater, I can skate, but I can’t swim, what about you?

I am a swimmer, I canI can swim, but I don’t know how to ride a bike, how about you?

I am a cyclist, I can ridebike, but I don’t know how to score a ball, how about you?

I am a football player, I canI can score a goal, but I don’t know how to play hockey, and you?

Find out the movement (lotto)

The game is intended for group and individual lessons with children.

Target: identify children's knowledge about simple movements, consolidate the ability to perform them, develop memory and attention.

Didactic material: 5 large image cards various types movements that are separated from each other by a solid line; 5 large cards with images of the same movements, which are separated by dotted lines.

Progress of the game:

Option 1. Up to 5 children can participate in the game. The adult distributes large cards to the children, and shuffles the small cards with pictures and places them on the table in front of him in a pile with the pictures facing down. Then he takes one card from the pile and, showing it to the children, asks which of them has the same picture on the big card, for example: “On whose card is a boy stepping over a cube?” The one who has such a drawing says: “On my card there is a boy stepping over a cube.” If

the answer is correct, the child takes the card from the adult and covers with it the same drawing on the large card. The child who closed his big card first performs 1-2 movements as desired. The adult praises the children for their efforts.

Option 2. Up to 5 children can participate in the game. The adult or child leader distributes large cards to the children, and mixes small cards with images of movements and places them on the table in front of him in a pile with the images down. Then he takes one card from the pile and, showing the card to the children, asks which of them has the same picture on the big card. The one who has such a drawing first names the movement and then performs it independently. After this, the child takes the card from the adult and covers the drawing on the large card with it.

The winner is the child who is the first to cover all the pictures on the big card with small cards.

Physical education on cubes

The game is intended for groups and individual lessons with kids.

Target: develop children's attention, visual perception, thinking, teach them to distinguish and classify different types of movements, and perform them correctly.

Didactic material: 6 cubes.

One cube contains pictures of one of 6 types physical exercise:

· walking (walking with wide strides, walking on toes, walking on a ribbed board, walking in a snake, walking while stepping over the slats of a raised ladder, walking along a winding rope);

· running (regular running, running together, running after each other, running after a ball, running behind a hoop, running with kite);

· jumping (jump on two legs, moving forward; jump on two legs over a rope lying on the floor; jump on one leg around arranged objects; jumping from a stump; jumping in place, trying to reach a suspended object; jumping with a short rope);

· crawling, climbing (crawl under a chair, crawl into a hoop, crawl on an inclined board, climb on an inclined ladder, crawl on a bench, crawl under a horizontal log);

· rolling, throwing (throwing a ball into a box, throwing and catching a ball, hitting a ball off the floor with one hand, throwing a ball to each other, throwing a ball over a net, throwing a ball at a vertical target);

· exercises while maintaining balance (standing on one leg, bending the other leg at the knee; standing on one leg, moving the other leg back; walking on laid out cubes; walking with an object on the head; walking on a bench; walking on a bench with an object on the head) .

Progress of the game:

Option 1. The game is played individually or with subgroups of 2-3 people. Each subgroup has a set of cubes. Children can be asked to look at the cubes and find drawings in which boys and girls walk (run, jump, etc.) - Then they build “paths” from the cubes: the first “path” - children run,

the second - they jump, etc.

Children are praised for their efforts.

Option 2. The game is played individually or with subgroups of 2-3 people

catcher Each subgroup has a set of cubes. By laying out a “path” (“tower”) of 6 cubes in a certain sequence set by an adult (first the cube where the children run, then where they crawl, etc.), children answer the questions: “What is the name of the movement?” “How does the child in the picture perform it?”, “Which movement do you like best?” At the same time, the adult talks about the benefits of movement for human health/

The subgroup of children who are the first to complete the task and answer the questions correctly wins.

Fourth wheel

The game is intended for group and individual lessons with children in kindergarten and at home.

Target: develop memory, logical thinking, learn to compare and generalize, consolidate knowledge about different types of physical exercises, learn to classify them.

Didactic material: 10 cards depicting children performing different types of movements; 10 chips that need to be cut out of paper before starting the game.

Progress of the game:

Option 1

The game is played individually or with subgroups of 2-3 people. An adult hands out 2-3 cards to the players and asks them to look at the pictures on the cards and say what is written on them. Children are praised for their efforts.

Option 2

The game is played individually or with subgroups of 2-3 people. An adult or child leader distributes 2-3 cards to the players. He suggests looking at them carefully, finding an exercise on the map that doesn’t fit with the others, and explaining why it is superfluous, for example: “The superfluous one is the boy who climbs the ladder, because in the other pictures the children are doing the exercise with the ball.” Then the participant in the game covers the extra picture with a chip and performs the exercise depicted on it.

The one who completes the tasks correctly wins.

Everyone has their own exercise (lotto)

The game “Everyone has their own exercise” (lotto) is intended for group and individual lessons with children.

Target: broaden the child’s horizons, clarify his ideas about the objects with which the exercises are performed, and enrich the children’s motor experience.

Didactic material: 5 large cards depicting physical education items or physical education equipment; 20 small cards with pictures showing children doing exercises using these objects and equipment.

For a card with a picture of, for example, a ball, you should select cards on which a child is drawn throwing the ball up, rolling the ball into the goal, kicking the ball, throwing the ball into the distance.

Progress of the game:

Option 1

The game is played individually or with a subgroup of 2-3 people. An adult distributes one large card to the players. He pre-sorts the small cards and selects for each child what is necessary for use on the cards distributed, adding 2-3 extra. Small cards are laid out with the pictures facing up. The player is offered:

· name an object drawn on a large map;

· look at the small cards and say what the children depicted on them are doing;

· select and arrange small cards on a large card in accordance with the object depicted on it;

· perform an exercise with a physical education subject chosen by the child.

Children are praised for their efforts.

Option 2

The game is played individually or with subgroups of 2-4 people. The adult or child presenter distributes 2 large cards to the players, shuffles the small cards and places them in a stack with the pictures down. Taking off the cards one by one, he shows them to the children. The one who has the corresponding card: names the movement depicted on the card, tells how to perform it correctly; for the correct answer he receives a card and places it on one of the large cards;

names the movement and tells what other exercises can be performed with the depicted physical education object or physical education equipment and also receives a card, which he places on one of the large cards.

The winner is the player who is the first to cover the table on the large map with small cards and to give the correct explanations.

Topic: “Doctors are our assistants”

If someone gets sick

Target: consolidate the knowledge that in case of a serious injury it is necessary to call an ambulance doctor by calling “103”, practice calling a doctor

Material: telephone

Progress of the game: If we ourselves cannot cope with the situation, then we call a doctor or an ambulance.

Children are encouraged to call a doctor at home. First, dial the phone number and call it in order:

last name, first name -> address -> age -> complaints

If the baby is injured

Target: introduce children to basic first aid techniques, because this can often save their health and life.

Material: cards with the most common household injuries, cards with methods of assistance

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to choose cards for providing first aid for a cut wound and lay them out sequentially (wash the wound, apply a sterile bandage, call a doctor)

Topic: “Dangerous objects”

Sources of danger

Target: consolidate knowledge about objects that may be objects of danger, develop the ability to select pictures of objects according to the described situation, cultivate a sense of camaraderie


Material: layout or game corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures)

Progress of the game: The teacher turns away, and during this time the children must take from the model or in the play corner those objects that, in their opinion, may be dangerous. Then everyone explains their choice. Answers are rewarded with prizes.

The game is a serious matter

Target: exercise children in choosing safe objects for games based on pictures, consolidate knowledge of what objects can be played with.

Material: pictures depicting various objects (dangerous and non-dangerous), two hoops

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to arrange the pictures into two hoops. In one hoop, children select pictures depicting objects that can be played with, in the second, pictures depicting objects that cannot be played with, and explain their choice.

What do we know about things

Target: expand children’s understanding of the rules of safe behavior at home; develop attention and memory; foster a sense of cooperation

Material: cards depicting a cut, burn, hand bruise and fire, pictures depicting various household items.

Progress of the game: The game takes from 2 to 4 children, each of them takes a picture with the image of an “injury”. The teacher takes turns holding up a picture of an object. Participants must guess what injury could result from improper handling of this item, match it to their card and take the picture. When selecting, the child must explain why this or that object is dangerous and tell the rules for communicating with them.

Put it back in its place

Target: consolidate ideas about the rules of safe behavior, develop knowledge that for safety all objects must be put back in their places; develop observation and attention; foster a desire to maintain cleanliness and order at home, foster a sense of camaraderie

Rule: do not push, do not take objects from each other.

Material: layout or play corner with household items, pictures-objects.

Progress of the game: on the layout, put all the items in their places, first in the “kitchen”, and then throughout the “apartment”, explaining your choice.

One way or another

Target: to develop children’s ability to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-threatening ones; develop attention; cultivate a desire to comply with safety rules.

Material: 2 cards - with a red and a green circle,

pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children;

Rules: Under the red card (circle) put pictures depicting situations that are dangerous for the child’s life, and under the green card – non-dangerous (allowed).

Options: individually with the teacher;

several children take turns explaining their choice.

A hundred troubles

Target: to consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; develop a sympathetic attitude towards the victim

Material: pictures of children in dangerous situations

Progress of the game: Several pictures lie face down on the table. The child chooses any one, examines it and tells: what is depicted on it, why this happened to the child, what he did wrong, what should the child do now.

We are rescuers

Target: consolidate ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations; develop attention; cultivate a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.

Material: pictures depicting children in specific dangerous situations, a set of cards depicting the actions that need to be performed in a given situation.

Progress of the game: The teacher places a picture depicting a dangerous situation on the table, the child examines it and, from all the cards depicting actions, selects the two correct ones and lays them out sequentially.

Topic: “Dangers around us”

On a walk

Target: consolidate knowledge about correct behavior and communication with animals, correlate what is shown in the pictures with correct and incorrect

actions when meeting animals

Material: illustrations, 2 hoops

Progress of the game: Several pictures lie face down on the table. The child chooses any one, examines it and tells what is depicted on it, and whether the child is doing it right or wrong.

Or put pictures in one hoop depicting the correct actions when meeting animals, and in the other - incorrect actions.

What grows where

Target: consolidate knowledge about where medicinal plants grow

Material: ball

Progress of the game: The teacher throws the ball to each child, asking the question:

Where does plantain grow? (The child answers and throws the ball back)

Where does chamomile grow? etc.

For mushrooms

Target: consolidate knowledge of edible and inedible mushrooms, the ability to distinguish them by appearance in pictures and dummies.

Material: pictures or models of edible and inedible mushrooms

Progress of the game: place pictures or dummies in different places. Children are invited to collect edible mushrooms in a basket.

Identify a plant by smell

Target: exercise children in identifying the smell of mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, bird cherry.

Material: mint leaves, flowers, chamomile, bird cherry.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to smell mint leaves (chamomile flowers, bird cherry flowers)

o What helped you smell this smell?

o Where can you smell this smell?

Related information.

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  1. Consolidate knowledge about sports;
  2. Learn to establish the simplest relationships between a sport and its attributes, the time of year;
  3. To develop the ability to speak correctly and completely and actively use words in speech on the topic “Sports Games”;
  4. Improve communication skills.
  5. Cultivate perseverance, patience, diligence.

Description of the manual: Multifunctionality of the teaching aid “Types of Sports”, with a set of pictures according to lexical topics: “Winter sports”, “Summer sports”, “Sports equipment for an athlete”, “Symbols of sports games” suggests the possibility of its use in working with older children preschool age. When creating the manual, I proceeded from the fact that it should be bright, attractive for children, educational, developing, convenient, so that several children could play at the same time. Varying, playing fields with tasks and ways to complete them, you can maintain preschoolers’ interest for a long time. The manual allows you to consolidate material from simple to more complex.

The manual is made of plates covered with colored paper. The pockets are made of transparent film. Cards with types of sports, attributes for sports games, symbols of sports games are printed on a printer. Three plates connected to each other (like Lull circles). Several circles of different diameters are strung on a rod. All circles are divided into the same number of sectors. There are pictures on them. The circles move freely. Removable circles can be combined with other illustrations depending on the purpose. Using just a few rings, you can get either different versions of the game or additions to the game being played.

Working method: To start the game, place the manual on the table. Place the selected rings with pictures on top of the circles. Unscrew the edges of the plates. There are many game options. It all depends on the tasks assigned and the material covered by the children. The circles are divided into sectors and a picture is glued to each one, or the children insert them into the pockets themselves. Children, rotating the plates, must match the combined pictures common theme games. This manual can be used to compose stories - a description of a sport ( ski race, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball) based on reference pictures - diagrams (story in a chain, story by two (three) children, one child). To reinforce the material, you can play a didactic game “Find the mistake”, in which the teacher swaps the pictures in advance, and the children find a picture that does not correspond to the signs of a given time of year. You can use the manual in the following educational games:

Game "Pick up a picture"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports; teach children to identify the signs of sports games; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination; to develop children's interest in physical education and sports.

Game description: Pictures of winter and summer sports (hockey, luge, ski jumping, gymnastics, swimming, tennis, Athletics, ski race). Children select pictures and put them in pockets. Winter sports are placed on the blue sectors, and summer sports on the yellow sectors. For the top ring, select the appropriate attribute for it (team, single sport, etc.)

For example: on the lower ring - an image of a hockey player is attached, on the upper ring - team appearance sports

Complication: Sports are selected after solving the riddle.

To consolidate the material, you can play the didactic game “Find the mistake”, in which the teacher changes the pictures in places, and the children find a picture that does not correspond to the sports game.


Then they beat off
They don’t have time to catch up . (Tennis)

He deftly goes around the gate,
Develops greater speed. (Skier)

At the stadium running, walking,
Jumping, throwing,

Along water paths
Our aces are sailing,
Then let's butterfly
Either crawl or breaststroke. (Swimming)

Climbed onto the springboard
I wasn't afraid of heights.
Put on my skis
Flew off the springboard
Landed on the ground
Didn't fall, didn't break.
Who is this?

The athlete accelerates while sitting on them,
And lying on their backs they descend. (luge)

The game is on at the skating rink,
The ice is hot with skates.
Two teams perform
They drive the puck with sticks.
Hey guys, have fun.
And this game... (Hockey).

These fragile dragonflies
With a skipping rope - virtuosos,
They control the hoops,
Clubs and balls
They can draw with tape,
Who are they I want to know? (Gymnasts)

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize the symbols of sports games.

Game description: Children must match the cards with the sports and their symbols.

To reinforce the material, you can play the didactic game “Find the Error,” in which the teacher swaps the pictures in advance, and the children find a picture that does not match.

“Guess whose balls?”

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports attributes; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment; develop visual attention and logical thinking; expanding children's vocabulary with adjectives; develop interest and love for sports.

Game description: Children name any sport on the lower ring, then by moving the middle and upper rings they select the sport, the corresponding definition and the ball belonging to this game.

For example: On the lower ring they name the sport - basketball, the athlete is a basketball player, on the middle ring they call the basketball hoop and correlate the upper ring with the symbol of this game.

At the end, children can be asked questions to consolidate:

– Show which athletes play football, tennis, basketball, rugby, volleyball.

– Men and women go in for sports. A man playing football is a footballer, but a woman? (ask about tennis, basketball, rugby, volleyball)

“Each player has his own field”

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports grounds; develop visual attention and logical thinking; develop interest and love for sports.

Game description: Children guess riddles (a sport), insert them into the pockets of the lower ring, then pick them up into the pockets of the upper ring sports ground corresponding to this sports game


A successful pass results in a goal!
What is the name of the game? (Football)

In shorts and warm mittens
Two comrades are fighting (Boxing)

Approaching the shield
We put the ball in the basket. (Basketball)

Hit the puck accurately with your stick,
If you play … (Hockey)

“Who owns what?”

Goals and objectives: to develop children’s interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to define sports games and correlate their games with symbols; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.

Game description: Children guess the riddles (type of sport) on the bottom ring, then move the middle and top rings to match the sport, the corresponding definition and symbol of the sports game.


The wheels are turning
The knitting needles are shining,
And road racers
The chariot rushes . (Cycling)

At the stadium running, walking,
Jumping, throwing,
What is the correct name for the competition? (Athletics)

Along water paths
Our aces are sailing,
Then let's butterfly
Either crawl or breaststroke. (Swimming)

Exercises on parallel bars,
Horse and log
These young athletes
Fully capable . (Gymnasts)

They pulled the bowstring,
The arrows were released... Oooh
We flew, didn't fall,
Hit the bull's eye right . (Archery)

A successful pass results in a goal!
What is the name of the game? (Football)

In shorts and warm mittens
Two comrades are fighting (Boxing)

Our horse is rushing to the finish line
What is that game called? (Horseback Riding)

"Sport equipment"

Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about different sports, athletes, sports attributes; teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; Develop visual attention and logical thinking.

Game description: Pictures of winter and summer sports are attached to the bottom ring ( figure skating, cycling, speed skating, basketball, football, snowboarding, boxing, skiing). Children select pictures and put them in pockets. For the middle ring, too, after solving the riddle, they select the appropriate equipment for it ( boxing gloves, snowboard, skates, soccer ball, skis, basketball hoop, bicycle), signs of sports are indicated on the upper ring (summer or winter views sports)

For example: an image of a hockey player is attached to the bottom ring, a stick to the middle ring, a snowflake to the top ring (winter sport)

After all the circles have been collected, the children determine which athlete needs these items.

Skis are needed... ( skier) .
Skates are needed ( figure skater, speed skater) .
Need a ball ( football player, basketball player) .
Need a snowboard ( snowboarder),

Boxing gloves are needed ( boxer)

Need a bike ( For a cyclist)


Riddles for the bottom ring

The defense does not sleep, we go on the attack,
Approaching the shield
We put the ball in the basket. (Basketball)

So they came together in a fight in the ring.
Everyone has gloves on their hands.
The cheerful gong sounded
He gave the signal for the start of the battle . (Boxing)

The hero rushes along a steep mountain,
He is not afraid of frost,
Speed ​​like a steam locomotive . (Skier)

The wheels are turning
The knitting needles are shining,
And road racers
The chariot rushes . (Cycling)

By ice path

Athletes each other
They want to overtake. (Skating).

To the music on ice jumping,
Lifts and rotations.
The runners of the skates shine,
The costumes are a sight to behold. (Figure skating)

A successful pass results in a goal!
What is the name of the game? (Football)

Over the snowy mountains,
Over jumps and hills
On a snowboarding apparatus
Athletes break their records. (Snowboarding)

Riddles for the middle ring

From the blows I take off,
I'm flying into the distance at full speed.
I love flying into the gates
Hearing the joyful “Goal!”
I have one concern,
To make football beautiful.
I don't like it when you use your hands
Sometimes they touch me.
You can tame me with your feet
Or your head. (Soccer ball)

Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running the race!
And it’s not horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones …(Skates)

Early morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass,
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer -
This is my... (Bike)

There are two stripes in the snow,
The two foxes were surprised.
One came closer:
Someone was running here... (Skis)

He looks like one board,
But I’m proud of the name,
It's called... (Snowboard)

The ball cracks when hit
He will be hammered into it (Basketball hoop)

Two girlfriends are leather pillows,
They put clothes on their hands and fight in the ring. (Boxing gloves)

"Winter and summer sports"

Target: Introduce children to winter and summer sports and consolidate existing ideas about them. Learn to solve riddles using evidence-based speech. Develop interest and love for sports.

Game description: Players sort out cards with images of attributes. The teacher reads the riddle, players guess and select the necessary pictures, putting them in their pockets.


They kick the ball around the court with rackets,
Then they beat off
They don’t have time to catch up. (Tennis)

The athlete rushes down the slope like an arrow.
The snow from the skis flows like a fountain,
He deftly goes around the gate,
Develops greater speed. (Skier)

Players fight for the ball:
Attack, defend,
They take aim at the goal
Left, right, roundabout.
They score a goal and shout: “Hurray!”
But the game is being played
In the pool, not on the field.
And it's called (Water polo)

Along the icy path
The skates glide quickly.
Athletes each other
They want to overtake. (Skating).

At the stadium running, walking,
Jumping, throwing,
What is the correct name for the competition? (Athletics)

Here the boats are running,
Right and left, here and there,
People control them
They walk on the waves with the wind. (Sailing)

Climbed onto the springboard
I wasn't afraid of heights.
Put on my skis
Flew off the springboard
Landed on the ground
Didn't fall, didn't break.
Who is this? (Ski jumper)

The athlete approaches the barbell
He takes it by the neck.
The projectile will swing forward and backward,
And now the projectile is at the top - the weight is taken. (Weightlifting)

Jumping on ice to music,
Lifts and rotations.
The runners of the skates shine,
The costumes are a sight to behold. (Figure skating)

These fragile dragonflies
With a skipping rope - virtuosos,
They control the hoops,
Clubs and balls
They can draw with tape,
Who are they I want to know? (Gymnasts)

Two opponents in a fight fight:
They attack and fight back.
There is no blood from a rapier injection.
At least there are tournaments with battles. (Fencing)

In this sport the players
Everyone is agile and tall.
They love to play ball
And throw it into the ring.
The ball hits the floor loudly,
So this is... (Basketball)

I'm in a hurry to get to training
I fight smartly in a kimano.
I need a black belt
Because I love….. (Karate)

Who's cooler
Slightly noticeable
To the cloud, to the cloud,
Meter by meter
It's difficult to get up -
Carrying his home on his back?
Think, think, don't be lazy!
Not a snail -... (Climber)

Anna Afanasyeva
Presentation “Guess the sport”

« Guess the sport» .

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about sports and sports equipment.

Children by sports inventory is called a type sports.

Didactic game for children senior group. Target: introduce children to species sports; sports equipment; to develop children's interest in physical education and sports. Tasks: - introduce children to different types sports; - to develop knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports; - enrich and systematize children’s knowledge about species sports; - create the need for a healthy lifestyle.

It's very difficult to be argue, The most accurate in this sports. Just racing down the track is something even I can do. Try to run for a day yourself, and then hit the target, lying supine, with a rifle. You can't do this without training! And your target is not an elephant. The sport is called. .

There is such a sport in the world, It is popular in winter. You run on runners, hurrying after your opponent.

Cross-country skiing is a ski race over a certain distance on a specially prepared track among persons of a certain category.

A figure skater dances on the ice, Spinning like an autumn leaf. He performs a pirouette, Then a double sheepskin coat... Oh, no! He's not wearing a fur coat, he's lightly dressed. And now the duet is on the ice. Eh, good skating! The audience held its breath. View the sport is called...

Figure skating - winter event sports, in which athletes move on skates on the ice while performing additional elements, most often accompanied by music.

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