Children's badminton sports sections. Book a professional badminton court

Many modern people are thinking about getting seriously involved in a sport like badminton in Moscow, and some even go so far as to decide to hire an individual instructor. Fortunately, today you can find a huge number of specialists, among whom you can choose the one that best suits you, based on the cost of services, the number of reviews and clients, ratings and many other characteristics.

Badminton for children and adults is one of the most popular sports games among vacationers, which has a huge number of fans not only among women, but also among men. Due to the fact that this game completely eliminates the need to use heavy ball, and the racket can fit even into a fragile hand, it is this calm, but at the same time active view sport has become the most popular view outdoor entertainment. However, this applies exclusively to amateur badminton.

Professional players who play badminton at a higher level are distinguished by their developed upper muscles, as well as fairly strong leg muscles, and they are able to immerse themselves in the process of the game so much that they take several shuttlecocks for each match. It is for this reason that today badminton is not only represented on olympic games, but is also considered one of best views fitness.

Another advantage that distinguishes each badminton section in Moscow is that in this sport there are completely no age restrictions, although at the same time this game It is recognized that it remains in third place in terms of energy consumption among all existing team sports. Carrying out regular training quite effectively and quickly allows you to develop good physical fitness, train the lungs and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

All that is required to play is extremely short equipment: a shuttlecock, rackets, and a net. Also, do not forget about the flooring, as a result of which one of the most important parts should be called playing on a good badminton court. Particularly for this reason, if you are interested in a subscription offered by one or another badminton section, you will definitely need to pay attention to the hall where all kinds of classes will be held. Today you can also use the services individual trainer. However, the most important factor in achieving success is to practice regularly and diligently.

Badminton is an exciting game that is part of Olympic program for more than 20 years. Its ancestor (like many other famous sports) is England. In this country, the first rules of badminton were published at the end of the 19th century. Over time, a lot has changed, including the material of rackets and strings for them. The modern “pioneers” of badminton are representatives of Asian countries. Chinese, Koreans, Indonesians dominate sports competitions for this sport.

But its accessibility attracts people from all over the world. Quite often you can find children enthusiastically playing badminton in courtyards, on sports grounds, in parks and other places. There are also professional sections in which boys and girls can learn all the intricacies of this activity. The apparent simplicity should not be misleading: as a rule, at least ten years of hard training are required for young athletes to compete with professionals and, possibly, move into their ranks.

Racket and shuttlecock masters learn not only the rules of badminton (serves, correct movement, reaction, etc.), but also develop physically and aesthetically. As a rule, a player must have a high level of concentration, be able to make quick decisions, and predict the opponent’s actions. Attentive parents who want their child to develop harmoniously can safely recommend badminton lessons.

How to properly store shuttlecocks and rackets

Badminton fans should not put shuttlecocks and rackets together: the whole point is that they have different storage modes. Rackets are stored in canvas or rubberized cases, and if they will not be used for a long time, they need to be placed in a press: this way you can prevent the rims from bending. Special attention is given to feather shuttlecocks: they, unlike plastic ones, can quickly lose their elasticity and dry out. Therefore, they must be kept in conditions of high humidity and low (about 12 degrees) temperature.

Shuttlecock: inside and outside

Depending on whether the shuttlecock is made of plastic or feathers, their structure and “filling” depend. The first ones have a head made of synthetics or cork with a plastic “skirt” attached to it. Feather flounces have a cork head, which is covered with thin leather. 16 goose feathers are glued into small holes around the circumference of the head, which are then tied with thread. In turn, the threads are also glued. For some shuttlecocks, duck feathers are also used, however, such models cannot boast of acceptable quality.

Badminton in Moscow is very popular. This sport is included in the program of the Summer Olympics and plays an important role in the training of astronauts. At the same time, anyone, young or old, can do it for their own pleasure, and at first it does not require any special physical preparation or large expenses.

If your goal is to get in shape, then an exciting game will be an excellent alternative to monotonous trips to the fitness club. Badminton involves almost all muscle groups and is one of the most energy-intensive sports.

Constantly moving around the court, a player can run about 10 kilometers in one match, and additional exercise is provided by frequent lunges and jumps.

Loss excess weight healing effect badminton is not limited. According to scientific research, it helps prevent heart attack, arthritis, diabetes and a number of other diseases. Regular classes improve blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. Eye movements while watching the shuttlecock are extremely beneficial for vision and help smooth out the effects of daily computer work.

Finally, badminton relieves stress and improves sleep quality, which is especially valuable for residents of a modern metropolis. This is an opportunity to release tension and aggression, take your mind off your usual problems and get a powerful charge of positive emotions. At the same time, you can expand your social circle and find new friends.

If you haven’t decided yet where exactly to play badminton in Moscow, we recommend going to the “Master+” club for reconnaissance.

Badminton in Moscow at the Master+ club

We invite you to training at the badminton club "Master+". The club conducts the following training sessions:

  1. Group badminton training. The training is aimed at developing badminton skills: correct grip, badminton player's stance, footwork, movements on the court, hitting technique, attack tactics, elements of defense. During the training, the features of the steam room and single player. The training consists of a warm-up, exercises to develop speed and motor skills of the legs, stretching, practicing movements without a shuttlecock, warm-up with a shuttlecock, game exercises. The second hour of training is devoted directly to playing badminton with various opponents.
  2. Game training badminton. Training aimed at consolidating the results of group training. The training consists of a light warm-up and badminton games.
  3. Personal training in badminton. The "Master+" club has an outstanding coaching staff, capable of training players of the most high level. Call us and we will select a coach for you according to your level of play and wishes.

Badminton club "Master+"

The club was created in 2014, registered with the Ministry of Justice as an autonomous non-profit development assistance organization physical culture and sports - Badminton club "Master+" September 21, 2015.

The club is proud of its coaching staff. Our training takes place under the guidance of honored trainers of Russia, trainers of the highest category, international masters of sports.

One of the most important areas of development of the club is children's and youth badminton. Among the club's athletes there are a number of outstanding players, including the European champion in badminton among athletes under 17 years of age, Georgy Karpov.

The direction of badminton for seniors (athletes over 35 years old) is also strategic for the club. The club holds regular group training especially for seniors.

If you are looking for badminton in Moscow, come to Master+. Our advantages:

  1. Convenient location. We are located a 10-minute walk from Shabolovskaya metro station, inside the Third Transport Ring.
  2. The largest number of courts in Moscow: 5 professional acrylic courts, suitable for international competitions, and 5 courts with sports parquet.
  3. High ceilings - 8 meters.
  4. Professional lighting made specifically for badminton (400 lux).
  5. Comfortable, new changing rooms and showers.
  6. Possibility of combining badminton classes and general physical fitness training in the gym.
  7. Showroom with sports equipment.
  8. Relaxation area with the ability to order coffee, drinks, etc.

Book a professional badminton court

Professional badminton courts have an acrylic coating. This coating provides excellent grip on the sole of the sneaker, as well as softness when landing after jumping. The coating is certified for all-Russian and international competitions in badminton.

Professional court No. 1

Professional court No. 2

Professional court No. 3

Professional court No. 4

Professional court No. 5

Book a badminton court with sports parquet

Universal sports surface for badminton. Perfect for both badminton fans and active athletes. This coating is less demanding physical training athlete and places less stress on the athlete’s knees and ankles.

Court with sports parquet No. 6