What does Ani Lorak eat? Ani Lorak's diet: all the secrets of the pop star's weight loss method, a detailed menu for every day. What dishes are included in the diet

Ani Lorak is a famous Ukrainian singer who is an ideal for many modern women beautiful figure. Despite the fact that the singer became a mother, after giving birth she very quickly got her figure in order. At the same time, Ani Lorak does not count calories and does not turn to nutritionists. What is the secret of the singer’s magnificent figure? Let's try to figure this out.

Diet features

The main secret of the singer’s ideal figure is avoiding late dinners and adhering to the principles of fractional meals. The singer herself claims that it is impossible to gain weight if you eat no more than what fits in the cupped palms of both hands. And if after six you deny yourself food, then you will achieve beautiful shapes not that difficult.

The basic rules of the Ani Lorak diet are:

  • complete refusal of fried and fatty foods, since frying adds 100 kcal per 100 grams of any food;
  • replacing “instant” oatmeal with a long-cooking dish, which saves up to 200 kcal in the daily diet;
  • eating food every 3-4 hours with a serving weighing no more than 300 g. This is the amount of food that can fit into a cup of palms folded together;
  • daily execution simple exercises: head rotation, shoulder joints, bending, squats, push-ups and weight crunches;
  • Eating at least 5 different vegetables and fruits daily. Ani Lorak prefers fruit and vegetable smoothies, which replace one of her morning meals;
  • eating small portions of your favorite foods in the morning. Ani Lorak loves dumplings and borscht very much, but eats them only before lunch;
  • compliance with the drinking regime. The singer drinks at least 8 glasses of clean water a day.

Ani Lorak diet menu

An approximate menu for the singer’s daily diet is as follows:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with berries, coffee with milk;
  • second breakfast: fruit and vegetable smoothie;
  • lunch: lean borscht, whole grain bread;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: vegetables cooked in a double boiler, a piece of grilled fish.
  • There is also an option strict diet, which the singer adheres to before concerts. The duration of this diet is no more than 4 days. The diet consists of the following points and alternates two days with a different menu.

    First day of a strict diet:

    • breakfast: cabbage salad, a piece of boiled meat;
    • lunch: boiled beef or chicken breast, vegetable salad;
    • dinner: low-fat kefir or cottage cheese.

    Second day of the strict diet:

    • breakfast: 2-3 boiled eggs, two tomatoes, a slice of whole grain bread;
    • lunch: fish fillet cooked in a steamer, vegetable salad;
    • dinner: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese.

    In between meals, you can eat any fruit except bananas and grapes.

    Pros and cons of the Ani Lorak diet

    If you follow the basic diet of Ani Lorak and adhere to the above rules, then you can achieve a slim figure in literally a month of following the diet. Since the diet is based on the rules of healthy eating, it has no contraindications, but its effectiveness can be assessed very soon. The diet allows you to improve metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, intensively burn fat and remove it from the body. excess water. And in combination with minor physical activity, it ensures a sculpted figure and good health every day!

    As for the strict diet, it is based on reducing the calorie intake, so it is not suitable for everyone. People with chronic diseases of the endocrine and digestive systems Before following the Ani Lorak diet, you should consult your doctor.

    In general, Ani Lorak’s diet is quite balanced, so she doesn’t feel hungry. Well, to make sure that the diet is effective, we recommend that you start following it today! Moreover, the singer’s figure will be a good incentive for you to achieve the same results.

Stars are always role models. After all, when you look at their brilliance, success, beautiful outfits, you really want to be at least a little like them. But how do they manage to maintain a slim figure? After all, even after giving birth, celebrities look as if they never gave birth at all. What is their secret? The famous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak revealed her secret and now her weight loss system is in great demand among a wide variety of women in our country.

The secret of the star's slimness

In fact, there is nothing mysterious or secret about the diet from Ani Lorak. It is based on well-known principles proper nutrition. The singer believes that it is necessary to urgently get rid of eating fast food and all kinds of semi-finished products, giving preference to fresh food. In addition, she has the belief that vegetables and fruits stored for more than a day lose their valuable and beneficial qualities and eating them is nothing good for the body won't bring it.

It's far from fast, but pretty effective program for weight loss, which involves split meals, moderate physical activity and mandatory cosmetic procedures necessary to tighten the skin during intensive weight loss. This weight loss system is not for the lazy, because you need to do gymnastics every morning and under no circumstances skip it. Her diet practically does not include meat, but focuses on various cereals. After all, it was not enough for the star mother to just lose weight, but she had to lose weight correctly, without disrupting the lactation process, thinking first of all about her baby. With this diet, there is no acute feeling of hunger, which allows you to get rid of snacks during the day.

Basic rules and principles of diet

The famous singer considers proper rest and healthy eight-hour sleep very important. And proper awakening will help you acquire positive attitude and a boost of energy for the whole day.

Ani Lorak starts the morning with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and the obligatory morning exercises, which takes at least twenty minutes. Performing a small set of exercises will help not only improve your figure, but also recharge your batteries with energy, vigor and good mood for the rest of the time. It includes exercises for the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks, bending over, push-ups and stretching. It is best to complete the warm-up with a contrast shower, which will make the skin toned and elastic.

To ensure that the results of this diet are not long in coming, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • you cannot eat pasta and various sweets;
  • use the principles of fractional nutrition in your diet, that is, eat often, but in small portions;
  • avoid overeating by getting up from the table with light feeling hunger;
  • exclude fatty, spicy and fried foods from the diet;
  • do not eat after seven o'clock in the evening, or four hours before bedtime;
  • drink at least two liters of non-carbonated mineral water a day; it is better to avoid strong black water during the diet;
  • eat more grains;
  • give preference to lean varieties of meat and fish, low-fat fermented milk products.

Once a week you can treat yourself to mashed potatoes or meat steak. Naturally, there is no need to overindulge in such dishes, but you can allow a few goodies to lift your spirits.

If you are completely unbearable without sweets, then you are allowed to eat a small amount of sweets in the first half of the day. In addition, you can add a teaspoon to tea instead.

At night, you can allow yourself a glass of low-fat or, especially since it is very good for the body. Lactic acid bacteria have a positive effect on the stomach and intestines, help improve immunity, and are also very satiating.

With the help of this diet program, the star said goodbye to fifteen extra pounds in a few months. After each week of dieting, she took a seven-day break and returned to the weight loss diet.

Sample diet menu for a week

But in order to quickly get in shape after giving birth, the singer still had to adjust her diet, adding fasting days. A simple and effective weight loss program can be presented in the form of the following menu, which is recommended to be used as a basis. The dishes in it are allowed to be adjusted at your discretion, the main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of the diet.

First day:

  • in the morning – 50 grams of lean meat cooked in a steamer, cabbage salad;
  • in the afternoon – boiled white chicken meat, fresh vegetable salad;
  • in the evening - low-fat or a glass of any low-fat fermented milk product.

Second day:

  • in the morning - two boiled ones, a piece of whole grain bread;
  • in the afternoon - fish prepared in any way, fresh vegetable salad;
  • in the evening – low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of any low-fat fermented milk product.

The third day:

  • in the morning - oatmeal, boiled in water, tea with the addition of one teaspoon of honey;
  • during the day – 250 grams of mineral still water or herbal tea;
  • in the evening - a small piece of lean meat, fresh vegetable salad, green tea with.

Fourth day:

  • in the morning - fruit salad, green or herbal unsweetened tea;
  • in the afternoon - mint tea, a small amount of any fruit;
  • in the evening - green or herbal tea.

Fifth day:

  • in the morning – low-fat, no additives, green or herbal unsweetened tea;
  • in the afternoon - vegetable broth, fresh vegetable salad;
  • in the evening - a glass of any low-fat fermented milk product.

Sixth day:

  • in the morning – fish cooked in a double boiler, green or herbal unsweetened tea;
  • in the afternoon - fish prepared in any way, with a side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables, green or herbal unsweetened tea;
  • in the evening - a small piece of baked fish, fruit salad with nuts.

Seventh day:

  • in the morning - a salad of greens, oatmeal and unsweetened yogurt;
  • in the afternoon – mineral still water, two medium apples;
  • in the evening – green or herbal unsweetened tea, a piece of lean meat with vegetable salad.


The diet from Ani Lorak is a popular nutrition system that consists of following some mandatory rules with which you can get the desired figure, successfully lose weight after childbirth and feel great throughout the day.

To achieve greater results, you can add several fasting days, which involve drinking large amounts of water and fruit. However, it is quite possible to stick to the diet for the first two days, which will also lead to desired result, albeit a little slower.

In order to lose weight, observing dietary restrictions is not enough, the popular singer believes, you need to pay attention to the skin of the face and body, engage in moderate physical activity, and also get enough sleep, using at least eight hours of sleep a day. Then the results will not keep you waiting, and you will look worthy of a star.

Perhaps only the lazy did not discuss the ideal figure, unearthly beauty and stunning strong voice of the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak. In the vast show business of the post-Soviet space, this performer is quite famous and has recently topped the popularity ratings.

Her hits are heard on all radio stations, and each new song becomes a great single, for which the singer receives well-deserved awards. Many women admire the figure of this performer and are interested in how Ani Lorak lost weight.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the celebrity's figure left much to be desired. The paparazzi immediately noticed the obvious weight gain. But in a short period of time, the singer managed not only to regain her prenatal forms, but also to become even better. Ani Lorak wears ultra-short outfits without embarrassment, shows off her flat tummy and shows off her perfect abs.

In one of her interviews, Ani Lorak said that her figure is the result proper diet and systematic training. Let's look at this in more detail.

The secret of slimness Lorak

Many women, when choosing a new way to get rid of overweight they are wondering if Ani Lorak’s diet is effective. Reviews indicate that if you follow all the rules, you can lose 4 kg of weight in one week. Of course, the initial body weight plays an important role in this, so the final result may be different.

According to Ani Lorak, she developed her diet independently, adapting it to her own taste habits and lifestyle. In many interviews, Ani shares her secrets and emphasizes that her diet can by no means be called strict or monotonous. Firstly, while following such a diet, she needed to breastfeed her baby. Secondly, she generally does not accept strict restrictions, since this negatively affects her mood and well-being.

The singer herself highlights several principles of her diet:

  • fractional meals
  • The serving size should be about the size of your palm.
  • volume of filtered water per day - 2 liters
  • in one day you need to eat 6-7 times by the hour.

Be sure to follow one more rule - the last meal is no later than 7 pm. As already mentioned, Ani Lorak admitted that she does not like to limit herself in eating her favorite delicacies and dishes. She considers fried potatoes and mashed potatoes to be her main weakness. But on the way to the goal you still have to sacrifice something. In her case, these are the following products:

  • roast
  • sweets
  • bakery
  • fast foods
  • smoked meats

Repeatedly in her interviews, the star said that she performs daily morning exercises lasting 40 minutes. Then be sure to take a cool shower. By the way, according to Ani Lorak, she does not work out in the gym, but her ideal figure- this is the result of home training and physical activity.

Ani Lorak diet: menu for every 2 hours from 7 days

All products that are included in Ani Lorak’s diet are very healthy, enriched with vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. Vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish fillets are the main foods you need to eat to lose weight.

According to reviews from many women, following this diet you can lose from 2 to 4 kg in one week. Nutritionists consider such weight loss absolutely safe and do not speak negatively about the singer’s diet.

Be sure to pay Special attention drinking regime. Ani Lorak tries to eat every 2 hours. If an irresistible feeling of hunger arises, she simply drinks a glass of purified still water. You can drink herbal or green tea in unlimited quantities throughout the day.

The roughly hourly menu looks like this:

  • one cup of black or herbal tea, coffee without added sweetener
  • 200 grams low-fat curd mass
  • 200 grams of boiled lean meat fillet (chicken, veal, rabbit or turkey)
  • boiled chicken egg
  • freshly squeezed unpasteurized tomato juice (250 ml)
  • medium sized green apple
  • a glass of low-fat kefir or with a minimum percentage of fat content.

As you can see, daily diet quite strict, but rich in nutrients necessary for the body. You should adhere to this exact nutritional schedule every day.

There is also an alternative option. This diet is designed for 7 days. If desired, it can be repeated after some time. So:

Day 1:

  • breakfast - a small portion of fruit salad (it is advisable to exclude bananas and grapes during the diet)
  • second breakfast - a snack with a portion of vegetables, fresh or steamed
  • lunch - fruit salad and a cup of aromatic mint tea
  • afternoon snack - fruit snack again
  • dinner - a small portion of lean meat, vegetable salad.

If you experience an insurmountable feeling of hunger before bed, you can drink a cup of herbal tea or a glass of low-fat kefir.

As already mentioned, Ani Lorak’s diet can be designed for 6 days or a little more. During this period, do not forget about cosmetic procedures, for example, body wraps or massage.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - oatmeal and honey tea
  • second breakfast - vegetable salad from fresh vegetables with a low glycemic index
  • there is no lunch that day
  • afternoon snack - a serving of vegetables or fruits of your choice
  • dinner - steamed vegetables and a cup of herbal tea to your taste.

Day 3:

  • breakfast - a small portion of any porridge cooked with skim milk
  • second breakfast - fruit snack
  • lunch - vegetable soup, but only low-fat
  • afternoon snack - vegetables or fruits according to personal taste preferences
  • dinner - on this day, as in the famous proverb, you need to give it to the enemy.

Day 4:

  • breakfast - steamed fish fillet, as well as a cup of green tea and a little liquid honey
  • second breakfast - two green apples
  • lunch - light vegetable soup and maybe a serving of vegetables
  • afternoon snack - vegetable or fruit salad (unrefined olive oil can be used as a dressing for vegetable salads, but for fruit it is better to use low-fat natural yogurt)
  • dinner - steamed fish and vegetable salad, as well as a handful of nuts.

Day 5:

  • breakfast - portion oatmeal cooked in water
  • afternoon snack - a snack of any seasonal or frozen berries
  • lunch - a portion of fruit and a glass of filtered still water
  • The next meal is steamed or boiled vegetables.

Day 6 and 7

On these days the menu is similar to the first two days. It only needs to be repeated correctly to consolidate the result.

It is not recommended to engage in grueling physical activity during the diet; it is better to give preference to a short warm-up. We remind you that to achieve results you need to eat every two hours. This approach has a beneficial effect on metabolism, food is digested and absorbed faster. By the way, you can count calories. The daily energy value during the diet is less than usual, due to which weight loss will occur. Be beautiful and healthy!

Carolina Kuek, known in the world of show business as Ani Lorak, is a magnificent singer and simply an amazing woman. Her ideal figure today delights fans, and women want to know the secret of the star’s slimness. Ani Lorak’s diet, according to the singer herself, is simple. Let's discuss this topic.

Let's gossip...

Perhaps only the lazy did not discuss the ideal figure, unearthly beauty and stunning strong voice of the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak. In the vast show business of the post-Soviet space, this performer is quite famous and has recently topped the popularity ratings.

Her hits are heard on all radio stations, and each new song becomes a great single, for which the singer receives well-deserved awards. Many women admire the figure of this performer and are interested in how Ani Lorak lost weight.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, the celebrity's figure left much to be desired. The paparazzi immediately noticed the obvious weight gain. But in a short period of time, the singer managed not only to regain her prenatal forms, but also to become even better. Ani Lorak wears ultra-short outfits without embarrassment, shows off her flat tummy and shows off her perfect abs.

In one of her interviews, Ani Lorak said that her figure is the result of a proper diet and systematic training. Let's take a closer look at this.

Principles of losing weight

Many women, when choosing a new way to lose weight, are interested in whether Ani Lorak’s diet is effective. Reviews indicate that if you follow all the rules, you can get rid of 4 kg of weight in one week. Of course, the initial body weight plays an important role in this, so the final result may be different.

Interesting! Ani Lorak says that she developed her diet independently, adapting it to her own taste habits and lifestyle.

In many interviews, Ani shares her secrets and emphasizes that her diet can by no means be called strict or monotonous. Firstly, while following such a diet, she needed to breastfeed her baby. Secondly, she generally does not accept strict restrictions, since this negatively affects her mood and well-being.

The singer herself highlights several principles of her diet:

  • fractional meals;
  • serving size - your palm;
  • volume of filtered water per day – 2 l;
  • in one day you need to eat 6-7 times.

Be sure to follow one more rule - the last meal no later than nineteen hours. As already mentioned, Ani Lorak admitted that she does not like to limit herself in eating her favorite delicacies and dishes. She considers fried potatoes and mashed potatoes to be her main weakness. But on the way to the goal you still have to sacrifice something. In her case, these are the following products and dishes:

  • roast;
  • sweets;
  • bakery;
  • fast foods;
  • smoked meats

Interesting! Repeatedly in her interviews, the star told what she does every day morning exercises lasting 40 minutes. Then be sure to take a cool shower. By the way, according to Ani Lorak, she does not work out in the gym, and her ideal figure is the result of home training and physical activity.

Ani Lorak diet: menu every 2 hours for a week

All products that are included in Ani Lorak’s diet are very healthy, enriched with vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements. Vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish fillets are the main foods you need to eat to lose weight.

According to reviews from many women, following this diet you can lose from 2 to 4 kg in one week. Nutritionists consider such weight loss absolutely safe and do not speak negatively about the singer’s diet.

Be sure to pay special attention to your drinking regime. Ani Lorak tries to eat every 2 hours. If an irresistible feeling of hunger arises, she simply drinks a glass of purified still water. You can drink herbal or green tea in unlimited quantities throughout the day.

In detail, the hourly menu looks like this:

  • 00 – one cup of black or herbal tea, coffee without added sweetener;
  • 00 – 0.2 kg of low-fat curd mass;
  • 00 – 0.2 kg of boiled lean meat fillet (chicken, veal, rabbit or turkey);
  • 00 – boiled chicken egg;
  • 00 – freshly squeezed unpasteurized tomato juice (250 ml);
  • 00 – medium-sized green apple;
  • 00 – a glass of low-fat kefir or with a minimum percentage of fat content.

As you can see, the diet is quite strict, but rich in nutrients necessary for the body. You should adhere to this exact nutritional schedule every day.

There is also an alternative option. This diet is designed for 7 days. If desired, it can be repeated after some time.

On a note! If you want not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to consolidate the achieved result, it is best after the diet to try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and limit the consumption of harmful and too high-calorie foods.

Day 1:

  • For breakfast we prepare a small portion of fruit salad. It is advisable, according to nutritionists, to exclude bananas and grapes for the duration of the diet.
  • After a couple of hours, you can have a snack with a portion of vegetables, fresh or steamed.
  • You can also have lunch with a fruit salad and a cup of aromatic mint tea.
  • Two hours later, another fruit snack.
  • But for the evening meal you need to prepare a small portion of lean meat and a vegetable salad.
  • If you experience an overwhelming feeling of hunger before bed, drink a cup of herbal tea or a glass of low-fat kefir.

As already mentioned, Ani Lorak’s diet can be designed for 6 days or a little more. During this period, do not forget about cosmetic procedures, for example, body wraps or massage.

Day 2:

  • We start the second day with oatmeal. We complement breakfast with honey tea.
  • After a couple of hours we eat vegetable salad. Don't include potatoes in your diet. Prepare a salad from fresh vegetables with a low glycemic index.
  • There is no lunch on this day. Two hours after your snack, you can drink a glass of filtered water.
  • But for an afternoon snack, choose a portion of vegetables or fruits at your discretion.
  • For dinner, steam some vegetables and drink a cup of herbal tea of ​​your choice.

Day 3:

  • We have breakfast with a small portion of our favorite porridge cooked with skim milk.
  • After two hours we have a fruit snack.
  • At lunch you can try vegetable soup, but only low-fat.
  • For a snack, choose vegetables or fruits according to your personal taste preferences.
  • But dinner on this day, as in the well-known proverb, must be given to the enemy, and you yourself must satisfy your hunger with a glass of kefir.

Day 4:

  • On this day, breakfast is a real feast. In the morning we refresh ourselves with steamed fish fillets. Drink a cup of green tea and add a little liquid honey.
  • In a couple of hours we have a snack. You can eat two green apples.
  • For lunch we will prepare a light vegetable soup. It is allowed to supplement your meal with a portion of vegetables.
  • We snack again on a vegetable or fruit salad. You can use unrefined olive oil as a dressing for vegetable salads. But to prepare fruit treats, use low-fat natural yogurt.
  • We have dinner with steamed fish and vegetable salad. We supplement our meals with a handful of nuts.

Day 5:

  • We have breakfast with a portion of oatmeal cooked in water. You can improve the taste of porridge with your favorite fruits.
  • After a couple of hours, we snack on any seasonal or frozen berries.
  • At lunch you are allowed to eat a portion of fruit and drink a glass of filtered still water.
  • For the next meal, prepare steamed vegetables. They can also be boiled. But other methods of heat treatment of foods should be abandoned during the diet.

Day 6, 7

On this day the menu is similar to the first two days. We only need to repeat it to consolidate the result.

How do our stars lose weight and stay in shape in 2019? This question is often of interest to those who imitate their idols and want to reveal this secret. slim figure. Is everything as easy and simple as they show on TV?

Star diets from idols

Look to be envied - this is the main motto of the stars. For example, Anna Semenovich, has thin waist, thanks to giving up sweets and going to the gym every day. She also uses the diet she invented - for three days she eats apples and shrimp, and also drinks plenty of water or tea without sugar.

But Ani Lorak manages to stay slim thanks to a balanced diet and dancing. After giving birth, Ani Lorak gave up fried foods and exchanged potatoes and bread for porridge.

Other principles of the singer’s diet include:

  • split meals, eating at strictly designated times, always a hearty breakfast and a light dinner;
  • It is not recommended to eat after 6 hours;
  • drink plenty of fluids to remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • do not abuse alcohol;
  • steam or bake dishes;
  • eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, take additional multivitamin complexes in order to strengthen your immunity.

Ani Lorak's profession helps her keep herself in shape; each concert takes at least one kilogram, and it is also important not to eat three hours before the performance, then your voice will be clearer and your figure will be slimmer.

The Ani Lorak diet includes 4 stages:

  1. At the first stage (2 weeks), food consumption should not exceed 20 points (1 point = 1g of carbohydrates per 100g of product).
  2. At the second stage, the number of points increases to 40 points and fruit consumption is allowed.
  3. The third stage should begin 2 weeks after the second, and increase to 10 consumed points per week, when before normal weight 5kg remains.
  4. The task final stage This diet is about weight loss.

Sometimes after this diet you can gain 2-3 kg, if you continue to control the carbohydrates you consume, then your figure will always remain slim and fit.

Attention: After the birth of her daughter, Anya gained a lot of weight, her hanging belly and sides were noticeable, which caused a lot of negative discussions among colleagues and fans.

The singer was very worried about this, but at that time she was breastfeeding her daughter and the concept of diet at that time was unacceptable. But when Carolina switched the baby to artificial nutrition, she began to actively play sports, eat healthy and balanced.

Thanks to physical activity Ani Lorak acquired in a short time, lost 16 kg in a month, and people began to admire the appearance of their favorite even more.

Ani Lorak claims that it is important to go to the gym every day and do morning exercises, as well as take a contrast shower, which improves skin tone and prevents sagging skin after rapid weight loss.

The singer also promotes a number of cosmetic procedures - wraps, massages, relaxing baths, aromatherapy, which are aimed at combating overweight and cellulite.

Morning with Ani Lorak

Many people ask the singer how she manages to stay in shape and look fresh and beautiful. According to Caroline, it’s all about waking up correctly; it’s important to tune in to a positive wave and stay on it all day.

Sleep should be complete, at least 8 hours, if possible, already getting out of bed you should drink a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and actively begin exercise, for which at least 20 minutes are allotted.

  1. We raise our legs to the top to remove the belly and centimeters in the hips.
  2. We do a warm-up of the neck, head, shoulders, arms, bends, swings, sideways movements, etc.
  3. Push-ups from the floor – 20 times.
  4. Leg stretch that helps remove overweight on inside hips.
  5. And in conclusion - a contrast shower!

Menu for one day with Ani Lorak

Morning - a portion of lean steamed meat, cabbage and cucumber salad. A cup of leather or green tea.

For lunch, boil chicken breast, without adding salt and spices, mint decoction.

In the evening, a portion of low-fat kefir.

The diet does not include snacks, but if you really want to eat, you can drink a herbal decoction and eat green apples. The result of weight loss is high, from 5 kg per week.

Ani Lorak’s diet is considered strict, and therefore you need to take breaks for a week every 7 days of the diet regimen, and then continue the process of losing weight. It is also important to take care of the skin, do massages and wraps with kelp, clay, coffee, etc.

Other dietary secrets of 2019 from pop stars

Many stars, of course, turn not only to diets, but also to yoga. For example, Natalia Vodianova is a famous model, constantly practices yoga and, having already given birth to five children, remains slim and fit.

But Gwyneth Paltrow allows herself pizza, cola, and many “harmful” foods, but Gwyneth claims that this happens very rarely, but these moments make her happy. But mostly she eats right.

The Kremlin diet is chosen by many stars - Polina Gagarina, Alla Pugacheva, etc. The basis of this diet is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and also speed up metabolism.

Ksenia Borodina, having recovered after giving birth, created her own diet, on which you can lose 3-4 kg in three days. The diet is based on the consumption of cucumbers, as well as other vegetables with a low starch content.

The diet menu is something like this: in the morning you can eat a cucumber and cabbage salad dressed with olive oil or low-fat sour cream, and a slice of rye bread; lunch - vegetable soup without potatoes and boiled breast; dinner – salad with herbs and cucumber dressed with lemon juice.


Following any diet, the body becomes dehydrated, so you need to drink a lot of water. It is important to remember that when choosing any dietary system, you need to take care not only of your figure, but also of your health!