What to do if your butt doesn't move. Is it possible to pump up your butt with squats? You do monotonous workouts

A banal issue 😀 in which I will tell you why girls need to pump up their butts (buttocks).

If we consider the topic from the point of view of animal instincts (i.e. unconscious, irrational behavior), then an inflated, hard, elastic, generally cool butt (buttocks) excites men extremely strongly, as a result, under the conditions of natural selection, she HELP attract a girl/woman much more fans)) because, I repeat, men lose their heads because of great asses and line up. I think this is for everyone known fact, which doesn’t even require any explanation)).

But if we consider this whole matter from the point of view of the rational human component, and from this point of view, practically no one considers it)) then the elastic, inflated, juicy, mmm in general, cool ass of a young lady, men like because she is an indicator of her good health, and if her health is good, then there are good prospects for conceiving, bearing and surviving offspring, don’t you agree? =) so, for a successful male (man), this factor is extremely important, of course, if he is considering a female for a long-term relationship.

Why is a toned butt an indicator of health?

Because it clearly demonstrates that a female (girl/woman) can endure physical activity, because you must agree, those who understand that without the right physical activity, it is simply impossible to get an elastic, hard, inflated, well, in general, cool ass...

Accordingly, all this tells the successful male that this female is MORE ADAPTABLE to the ENVIRONMENT, and accordingly, with her he has a greater chance of conceiving, bearing and surviving their joint offspring. I’m not saying, although no, I’m already saying)) that if a female has a FIRM butt = she has 100% LOW % body fat!!! Well, if not LOW, then definitely not big, in general, what you need. So, this low % of body fat indicates that the female adheres to 100% proper nutrition, follows a diet, i.e. Regularly monitors products, their quality, quantity, etc. and so on. which ultimately, again, leads us to the fact that she most likely has a very good health, as a result, the chances of conceiving, bearing and surviving healthy offspring are even higher.

These are the pies)). Therefore, advice (conclusion from the article), girls... shake your butt. A pumped up, elastic, beautiful butt has only advantages)) you and your partner will be happy and happy 😀

Date of: 2017-06-17 Views: 33 576 Grade: 4.6 To build perfect buttocks, sometimes just squats are enough. Especially men. But if this is not your case, the action plan is as follows:

  1. Reveal your genetic “ceiling”. Set a realistic goal.
  2. Make sure you use a full arsenal of techniques, tricks and principles to train your butt.
  3. Find out why the previous training program did not work and how to modify it.

Who is "unlucky" with their buttocks?

Buttocks with "O" and "A" shapes respond well to training and look good without it at all. These are the ones we most often see in fitness models and bikini champions. What about the rest? We can distinguish 3 main female types, when the buttocks by nature are not round, but rather angular in shape (like “H” and “V” in the picture) and grow very poorly. A) The body is thin, it is difficult to gain weight (of any kind), the girth of the chest, waist and hips is almost the same and the whole silhouette slightly resembles a ruler. Grandmothers are disliked for their poor appetite. Thyroid works actively, but sex hormones are often below normal. Can excel in sports that require more technique than strength (tennis, etc.). b) Fat is deposited mainly around the waist, but if you still manage to dry your abs to perfection, your legs by this point resemble two skinny matchsticks. There is a slight arch in the lower back, which makes the buttocks appear even smaller. Possible adrenal overactivity or treatment with corticosteroids in childhood. The pancreas tends to work a lot, but at the wrong time, which often leads to overeating (and overeating only makes the pancreas more hysterical). They can run well over long distances, but are worse at sprinting and jumping. V) A boyish figure with a narrow pelvis and broad shoulders. Even in adulthood, acne can plague you. They bench press and do pull-ups just like the guys, but they often get stuck in deadlifts and squats at the end of the movement. The bad news is that the genetically determined shape of your butt cannot be changed. No amount of exercise in the world can make a rectangular thing round. All we can do is make a big one out of a small rectangle. Now good news. With proper training, you can become a world bikini star even with extremely unfavorable starting data. How Natalia Melo did it. Naturally massive torso is not over-pumped and thoroughly dried, developed lateral muscles the backs add curve to the waist, the legs and buttocks (which are never round, as you can see) are pumped to the limit to compensate for the volume lost with the already disproportionately thin layer of fat. In short, if you have to be born with a butt like Kim Kardashian’s, then you can actually create a butt like Natalia Melo’s yourself. Let's think about how.

Principles of butt training

When they say that it is better to work a muscle from different angles, this does not mean that it is necessary in one workout, and in addition. From a biomechanical point of view, these are almost the same thing. The muscles of the buttocks (we won’t even single out individual ones) have three main functions: hip extension, hip abduction and posterior pelvic tilt (if the latter is new to you, then this is the “twerk” dance in its purest form). It is important that all these movements are reproduced during training. Everything is clear with extensions - squats, deadlifts, lunges, extensions - that's all about them. In terms of abduction methods, we are also spoiled for choice: if you want - the same-named simulator, if you want - a crossover. But at first, no exercises even come to mind to shift the pelvis. Although they exist. And their potential is simply enormous. The “barbell hip thrust” exercise (or “glute bridge” with a bench) is the only basic exercise, in which the buttocks account for more than 50% of the total load. With deadlifts and squats, it's only 30%-40%. Video below. Many people are initially confused by how the bridge looks from the outside. This will go away as soon as you learn to lift the barbell in this way 2-3 times your weight. Interesting feature this exercise is incredibly fast progress on the scale. If you squat approximately 50 kg, then in a month you will be able to do a bridge with 100 kg or more for 8-10 repetitions. This is a weight that most gym goers have never held in their hands. And let the fact that it’s almost not hard for you remain our little secret. You will also be bothered by pain and bruising from the bar for some time. The pain will go away, as in the case of the front squat, when the nerve endings are nailed. A yoga mat (or two) placed under the bar helps with bruises. The barbell hip push is not a very popular exercise, and absolutely undeservedly so. It is safe when correct technique, has been proven to promote buttock hypertrophy (there was an experiment - subjects did only one exercise for a month: squats, hip thrust and deadlift; the hip thrust won), and is also recommended for weightlifters, sprinters and jumpers to improve performance. Also, a bridge with a barbell does not cause such severe muscle microdamage as or, so it can be practiced much more often. When you squat or deadlift, it's good to statically tighten your glutes at lockout (at the top of the movement) - when you're straight. At the same time, the desired backward tilt of the pelvis also occurs and the amplitude of the exercise increases. Isolation is also not so simple. Simulators like this are always designed for some average character, and besides, they are often quite broken. Old crossovers feed the cable in jerks. Not every gym can afford a good machine for hip abduction. And if you have never felt your buttocks properly with the above equipment, then the problem is most likely with it, not with you.

Rare and effective exercises for the buttocks

Luckily, the machines don't do anything that you can't do with your body weight and a resistance band around your knees. It is good to perform the exercises below often, at a brisk pace with a large number of repetitions and supersets without rest, until a burning sensation appears in the muscles. If it works, do 2-4 repetitions per inhalation and exhalation at once, so that the oxygen-rich blood washes out the necessary chemicals from the tissues less and the burning occurs faster. 1. Glute bridge with expander supported on a bench (the heavy version is suitable for the beginning of the workout, and the “light” version can be done at the end as an isolation exercise). 2. Glute bridge on one leg with support on a bench (in the video - without a bench). 3. Gluteal bridge lying on the floor (suitable for beginners, but has a smaller amplitude than the option with a bench). 4. Glute bridge with soles brought together (“frog pumps”, if you are looking for a video). 5. Leg raises with an expander around the knees. You can do it with a triset, sitting on chairs of different heights. 6. Steps to the side with an expander around the knees (“lateral band walk”). 7. Abduction of the leg bent at the knee while lying on its side (“side lying clam”). 8. Abduction of the leg bent at the knee while lying on its side with lifting of the pelvis and support on one arm (“side lying clam raise”). 9. Lead bent leg to the side with support on your hands (“fire hydrant”). 10. Bringing the bent leg back with support on the elbows (“quadruped hip extension from elbows”). 11. Taking the straight leg back and to the side with support on the hands (“quadruped leg swing”). You don’t need to do them all unless absolutely necessary, just choose a couple or three that “click” for you.

Mistakes and individual characteristics of buttock training

If you are reading this, you have probably already spent some time on workouts that did not bring the desired results. Why could this happen? 1) You tried to pump up your buttocks and lose weight at the same time. Recomposition is indeed possible, and is especially noticeable for beginners with overweight. But in general, this process is so slow that 1-2 classic cycles of mass gain and drying will take you where you need to be many times faster. For muscles, especially lagging ones, you need to create a stable anabolic environment, and this is only possible with an energy surplus (you consume more calories than you expend). 2) You trained too rarely. Beginners can easily progress by training one body part only once a week. But over time, the body learns to recover faster, and within a week the effect of supercompensation fades away. You are back where you started. Usually Bottom part The body tolerates high volume and frequency of training much better.

If you previously trained your buttocks once a week, try once every 7-9 days to do a cycle of 2 workouts targeting the buttocks and 1 on the legs in general. For example like this:

Day 1

Day 2


Day 3

The same as on the first day.

3) You trained too much and too often. Muscles do not grow during exercise, but rather break down. They grow when you rest. Squats, deadlifts, and deep lunges should almost never be done more than 2 times a week, because they entail a very large number of microdamages. This is not bad, but it requires additional recovery time. Don't do it heavy exercise to failure, at least not every week. You can usually progress normally with 1-2 reps left in the gas tank. Never exercise with sore throat: delayed pain is a signal that the tissues are still inflamed and the process of “repairing” them has not been completed. Normal sleep is very important. If this is a problem, find at least 2 days in a row a week to get enough sleep. It’s good to put all the “traumatic” exercises (deadlifts, lunges, extensions) in one workout right before the weekend, with maximum weight and minimum number of repetitions. All other leg exercises can be included in the second workout after 3-4 days. 4) Intensity too low. The optimal number of repetitions for is 6-8. At the same time, the last repetitions should be difficult. Your legs and glutes are designed to work all the time when you're awake, so to create unusual mechanical stress on them, you need to pump hard, focusing on progressive loading. When you get to 8 reps, it's time to add weight and try it for 6 reps. This is a general guideline and is not ideal for isolation exercises. 5) High intensity and low volume. This can happen to powerlifters or those who train on a strength protocol. The weights are large, but the overall training tonnage per workout is low - too few repetitions and sets. Women, especially in the lower body, have quite a lot of slow muscle fibers that are not involved in heavy lifting but respond well to metabolic stress. This stress is felt as a burning sensation in the muscle when you do a high-repetition exercise. To get it, you can add strength program multi-repetition glute bridge with an expander as resistance, multi-repetition bridge on one leg, round back extensions and leg raises in the machine, or with the same expander around the knees. But in general, training volume is a complex topic, and it is advisable that an experienced trainer calculate it for you. You can set aside a separate day for hypertrophy, or do these exercises immediately after deadlifts and squats. 6) Age over 40. As the famous Olympic coach Mark Ripperto said, “Training volume is an artificial age.” After forty, protein synthesis is suppressed, most of the protein consumed is spent on energy, worse sleep and recovery. Due to hormonal changes, women's healthy fat deposition patterns are disrupted (instead of the thighs, fat is concentrated in the abdomen). You become sensitive to high volume training in a bad way. It may be time to try a pure strength program with moderate training frequency and a bit of glute isolation. A nice bonus is that high intensity will provoke adaptations in bone and connective tissue that will prevent injuries in older age. 7) Unstructured training. The difference between bodybuilding and physical education is that physical education can be done at random and feel good. But in bodybuilding the process itself brings little pleasure. You expose your body to gradually increasing stress in hopes of producing an adaptation in the form of increased strength and muscle size. It is almost impossible to develop adaptation to random loads. Stress must be consistently predictable and acceptable variables are the weight of the burden and the number of repetitions. Such conditions are almost impossible to create if you often try and abandon new ones. training programs or do CrossFit exclusively. 8) You have been studying for years, everything worked, but lately there has been no progress. In 90% of cases when a plateau is reached, it is enough to increase the training volume. Can be done more reps, more sets, train more often (since the body knocks down the overall “balance” not in one workout, but in about a week), or all together. It’s difficult to recommend something without knowing exactly how you trained before, but, for example, if you had two days a week of “legs” for 15 sets, you can try training them 3 times a week. Once with an emphasis on the buttocks, once on the quadriceps + buttocks, and once on posterior muscles hips + buttocks. Something like this:

Day 1

    The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

    The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

    The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

    Day 2


1 year ago

Which muscle is the main one? Why doesn't cellulite go away? How does a sculpted butt depend on posture? The whole truth about gluteal muscles ah tells fitness bikini Kristina Kukushkina.

Kristina Kukushkina Fitness bikini, personal trainer

“Of course, a sweet butt will grow, but this is not the result you dream of.”

1) What are the butt muscles made of?

The first thing you need to remember is that there are three of them: small, medium and large. The biggest one is the most important! It forms that very “dream butt”: embossed and “convex”.

2) To pump up the gluteus maximus muscle, you need basic exercises.

Basic does not mean simple! We are talking about exercises where more than one joint is involved in the work. For example, squats, lunges and deadlifts (standing on straight legs).

3) You can’t pump up a beautiful and voluminous butt by running!

Group classes, cardio exercises and home workouts won’t help either - they will correct and tighten, but will not “grow”! Your mantra: “butt only grows from heavy weights.”

4) “Big” weight is different for everyone!

For some it’s 10 kilograms, for others it’s a hundred. You need to select it based on your training level - start with a small weight and gradually increase it.

5) The beauty of the butt is not visible from under a layer of lard and fat.

Beautiful buttocks are a matter of proper nutrition. The relief directly depends on what you eat every day.

6) Do not switch to dry chicken breast and buckwheat without salt.

Eat deliciously. What do you need to eat for beautiful gluteal muscles? More protein - building material, more fresh vegetables - so that this protein is well absorbed, and slow carbohydrates(for example, brown rice, oatmeal and buckwheat) - for energy.

7) Of course, a sweet butt grows, but this is not the result you dream of!

Buns, chocolate and your favorite candies are the fastest carbohydrates that prevent you from achieving a sculpted figure.

8) “Cheat meals” will slow down your path to sculpted buttocks.

Yes, they help you stay on course, but do them very rarely. You may not notice how you slip into one endless “cheat meal”.

9) Beautiful ass depends on your posture.

Often my clients have really good glutes, but the whole look is ruined by a hunched back. For a harmonious silhouette and a convex butt, you need to rock your back - then your pelvis will not “move” forward.

10) Cellulite is caused by dairy products.

Kefir at night, an innocent jar of yogurt - all this increases insulin. If you love dairy products, move them to the first half of the day. You can do without them - exclude them from your diet for the period of short sundresses.

11) Film wraps do not burn fat from the buttocks!

They only harm your skin. Yes, the film helps remove water, but not fat. The result is a dehydrated body. I repeat: without proper nutrition and exercise, nothing good happens.

12) Drink clean water, lots of clean water!

Not juices, not tea or coffee - you need at least two liters of ordinary water without gas. This way you start the fat burning process and even out the skin.

Interview: Dilyara Telyasheva

Follow these five rules to get strong, toned buttocks. Your constantly aching back, toned thighs and thin skinny jeans will thank you! In this article you will learn how to pump up your buttocks.

Firm, round buttocks are the foundation beautiful body. Unfortunately, most of us don't have butts like that at all, and that's because we spend most of our day sitting. Well, if we don’t talk about the aesthetics of a beautiful buttock, but talk about health, then weak buttocks can lead to subsequent problems and unpleasant, painful physical sensations. Moreover, weak gluteal muscles will make it difficult to perform exercises such as straight-legged rows and squats. Therefore, go ahead to train your gluteal muscles and get a beautiful figure!

To restore the shape and firmness of your butt, you need to make this goal a priority. Otherwise, you will still have chic, toned thighs and flabby, flat buttocks.

Save your butt from a permanent state of depression with these five tips. They will help you become stronger and more active. And, of course, they will give you gorgeous, attractive contours.

But first let's look at anatomical structure buttocks in order to understand exactly what muscles the buttocks consist of and how they work. Therefore, we will understand how to load them as much as possible and involve the maximum number of muscle fibers of the buttocks in order to strengthen the butt.

Anatomy of the buttocks

Now we will look at the structure and functions of the buttocks. Special attention Pay attention specifically to the functions that the butt muscles perform. These exercises will be most effective in training the gluteal muscles.

The buttocks are made up of three muscles called the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus. They help the quadriceps to extend and rotate the thigh outward, and together with the muscles back surface the hips extend the torso from a tilted position. In addition, they tilt the body to the side. Lack of mass in the gluteal muscles automatically means their weakness, and with it low results in all leg exercises, from squats to jumps, etc. If you sag on your shoulders and can’t get up, this suggests that you should equally increase the strength of your quadriceps and buttocks.

Gluteus maximus muscle- the largest of the three gluteal muscles, has a diamond-shaped, flattened shape. Extends and turns the thigh slightly outward, straightens and fixes the torso. It begins in the posterior parts of the outer surface of the ilium, along the lateral surface of the sacrum and coccyx, and attaches to the gluteal tuberosity of the femur and the fascia lata of the thigh. Between the gluteal tuberosity and the muscle is the trochanteric bursa of the gluteus maximus muscle.

Gluteus medius muscle located under the gluteus maximus. Participates in hip abduction; when the hip is in a fixed position, it abducts the pelvis to the side. Straightens the torso bent forward, when standing, tilts the torso in its direction. The anterior muscle bundles rotate the thigh inwards, the posterior ones - outwards. It starts from the outer surface of the wing, the iliac crest and the fascia lata of the femur, and attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur. In the area of ​​attachment there is a trochanteric bursa of the gluteus medius muscle.

Gluteus minimus, the deepest of the three, is also involved in hip abduction and trunk straightening. It starts from the outer surface of the ilium wing between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines, and attaches to the anterior edge of the greater trochanter of the femur.

Add variety to your glute training

If you're only training with one glute exercise once a week, it's time to start making some changes to your routine. The buttocks adapt to regularity and frequency - the more you train them, the faster they grow in size and strength. If you regularly use only one exercise to pump up the fifth point, add another one to increase muscle mass in the buttocks.

Try it: lifting the buttocks from a lying position, exercises with additional weights for the hips, side extensions, hip and back extensions.

A set of exercises for the buttocks at home

Make your hip stretches more challenging

Hip extensions are important for pelvic stability and daily active movement. Walking, running, straight position standing and sitting position with correct posture starts with healthy buttocks.

In today's world, dominated by electronics and computers, people spend most of their time with their hips flexed (sitting). At the same time, they are seriously weakened psoas and hip extensors, and most importantly, the gluteus maximus muscle.

To alleviate these symptoms and put yourself on the right path to a luscious butt, it's wise to activate your hip extensors regularly. Hip extension occurs when the hips and pelvis move backward. The most common exercises to widen the hip joint are squats and deadlift. These two exercises should definitely be included in your workout schedule if you really want a beautiful, toned butt.

Try it: Use deadlifts and squats as your main exercises, and add a couple more to make each one more challenging. The result is such exercises as Romanian deadlift, Romanian single-leg deadlift, prone glute raise, glute bridge, side and back extensions, hyperextensions, jump from knees to hands and from hands to knees.

Move your hips out to the sides a little more

Your hips may move in different ways, but not every movement will create the necessary stretch in your hips. The muscles in your hips can move when you flex your leg, medial and lateral rotation, and adduct and abduct your leg. And if you do it with your hips circular movements, you will understand what this is all about. Along with hip stretching, there is another important point in the process of acquiring beautiful buttocks - abducting the hips to the sides.

The gluteal muscle is the main participant in the process of abducting the hips away from the midline of the body. Its outer tissues help rotate the hip inward, and its inner tissues help rotate the hips outward. A strong glute muscle will control any unwanted movements of your butt. For example, if your left thigh shakes when you stand on your right leg, then your gluteal muscle is likely weak. If your gluteal muscle is not developed at all, it can lead to conditions such as iliotibial tract syndrome and patellofemoral syndrome. Neither of these are particularly enjoyable.

Try this: To strengthen the gluteal muscle, add two sets of ten repetitions of the extensor exercise. hip joints(hip abduction) in a standing position and the same amount in a sitting position in your weekly training activity.

Exercises to enlarge the buttocks and their elasticity

Monitor gluteal muscle activity

If you sit on your buttocks all day, they will become weaker and weaker every day. This weakness can progress if, when performing exercises, other muscles have to strain to lift this or that projectile - as a result, the gluteal muscle will relax more and more. Get rid of weak buttocks by performing a series of monotonous but effective exercises at least 10 minutes a day. Training your glutes will significantly increase the productivity of your workout.

Try this: Perform 10 repetitions of each exercise once a day.

Single leg glute bridge

Exercise "Fire Hydrant" for the gluteus medius muscle

Bird Dog Exercise

Alternately extending the opposite arm and leg into a standing position outstretched arms and knees.

Squeezing the buttocks while standing

Watch for constant tension in your buttocks

Mechanical tension is ideal for muscle growth. Mechanical tension occurs when muscles are passively stretched and contracted. Passive tension, for example, occurs in the hamstrings at the lowest position in the Romanian deadlift exercise. And active tension is roughly what your biceps feel when you lift a dumbbell with one hand. Both types of tension play a key role in muscle growth and both are equally important in the development of the gluteal muscles.

When performing exercises through a full range of motion, your muscles are subjected to both active and passive tension. For example, in the sitting position during squats, your gluteal muscles stretch (this is passive tension), but in the upper position of the exercise, your gluteal muscles contract (this is active tension).

Try to maintain a constant level of tension throughout the full range of motion. This will help you achieve optimal results. To do this, take control of the number of repetitions and maintain a stable rhythm while performing the exercise. And most importantly, don’t expect everything to work out if you do the exercise mindlessly just to finish.

Try this: To increase mechanical tension, use a specific tempo when performing exercises. The tempo is expressed in three or four rhythmic repetitions using the 2 - 2 - 2 system. The first number is the number of seconds it takes to perform the downward movement, the second number is the pause, and the third is the number of seconds to complete the upward movement (when rising from the bottom position). ).

You can modify and simplify the tempo of the exercise to 2 - 2, or 3 - 3. You can eliminate the pause in the middle, or even increase or decrease it, or, for example, add time to perform the downward movement. Just remember that adding tempo to an exercise does not always allow you to perform it through the full range of motion.

Hello! Today there will be an article on sports theme. How to quickly pump up your buttocks? How long does it take to pump up your buttocks? Which are the most effective exercises to shape the gluteal muscles? Today I will look at many of these questions and more, giving you many PRACTICAL advice on this topic.

The anatomy of the buttocks is very important question, because we need to know how muscles work in order to pump them up as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Buttock muscles- belong to the muscles of the back of the thigh and are involved in straightening the torso, as well as moving the legs back and to the side.

As can be seen from the picture, almost the entire volume of the buttocks is occupied by the LARGE GUTTEUS MUSCLE (lat. gluteus maximus). Therefore, its appearance will largely depend on its shape.

Functions of the gluteus maximus muscle:

  1. Straighten your torso.
  2. Move your leg BACK.

MEDIUM (lat. gluteus medius) + SMALL (lat. gluteus minimus) gluteal muscles are located in the upper part of the buttocks and are almost completely covered by the gluteus maximus muscle.

Functions of the gluteus medius and minimus muscles:

  1. Move your leg TO THE SIDE.

That's all anatomy, friends. As you can see, everything is simple. Now let's talk about how long it takes to pump up your gluteal muscles.

And the process of developing the gluteal muscles is not very different from pumping up the muscles of the rest of the body and is subject to the same rules of growth as all muscles, namely:

  1. LOAD PROGRESSION(training volume must increase). Perhaps the main rule, because THERE IS NO SENSE FOR MUSCLES TO INCREASE IF THE LOAD DOES NOT INCREASE.
  2. (need to learn that you want to develop).
  3. NECESSARY RESTORATION(fractional meals 6-12 times a day + sleep 8-10 hours).

That's all. The more scrupulously you follow these rules, the faster you can pump up your buttocks. It's not as difficult as it seems.

The gluteal muscles respond quite quickly to the load, because... contain a fairly large number of mixed muscle fibers, which means growth will occur in almost any repetition range.

How to quickly pump up your buttocks

You can quickly pump up juicy buttocks only if you give the load necessary for growth, load the BUTTOCKS, and not the legs or back, and also recover well (eat 6-12 times a day + sleep 8-10 hours).

We need the shortest + most effective path, so the training will be aimed EXACTLY AT GYM, because it's logical.

You can endlessly kick your legs in aerobics, or go to the pool, but you will get the MOST BEAUTIFUL AND JUICIEST BUTTHOLES only from bodybuilding and fitness classes. Because this sport is aimed at this - CHANGE THE SHAPE OF MUSCLES!

It's logical. After all, if a person wants to learn how to run fast, then he goes to athletics, because it is aimed at this, and not at throwing the shot. So I don’t understand why people want to make themselves beautiful buttocks, but go to aerobics, which does not provide the load necessary for growth? Rave.

Now let's look at the MOST EFFECTIVE EXERCISES for developing your buttocks.

DEEP squats

Deep squats with a barbell on your shoulders– THIS IS THE BEST EXERCISE IN BODYBUILDING and the number one exercise for developing sexy buttocks.

We need exactly deep squats, i.e. so that your calves press into your hamstrings. You need to squat not to parallel with the floor, but BELOW!


  • Initial position– place your feet a LITTLE WIDER than your shoulders, turn your feet slightly outwards, your back is completely straight, your torso is tense, your head is slightly raised;
  • Squat as VERY DEEP as you can;
  • ALWAYS STRAIGHT BACK (use a weightlifting belt);
  • Movement back, up DO NOT START BY INERTIA (“bouncing” upward), but pause a little at the bottom point;
  • Increase the weight on the bar only when you HAVE PROPER TECHNIQUE, not before;

First, it’s better to squat with an empty bar in front of the mirror. Evaluate the depth of the squat with different leg positions and choose the most optimal option for yourself.

“Deadlift” (deadlift on straight legs)

Apply the knowledge you have gained, friends. With this information, pumping up your buttocks will be much easier.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!