How does salmon differ from pink salmon in taste? Which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon? What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon caviar?

Salmon and chum salmon, at first glance, are not very different from each other. Both fish can rightfully be called the queens of the salmon family. Each of them is tasty and healthy in its own way. human body. But, upon closer examination, there are many differences: in appearance, habitat, nutritional value and taste.

There are many legends and stories associated with salmon and chum salmon; they have a long and interesting story, since ancient times accompanying royal or princely feasts. Tender meat and nutritious caviar are still considered delicacies.

Due to irresponsible fishing, these fish, unfortunately, are now on the verge of extinction. But humanity has found a way out, and fish farms are becoming more and more popular every year.

Similarities between salmon and chum salmon

  • Pedigree. Both fish are from the salmon family. The meat and caviar of which are highly valued and considered a delicacy in all countries of the world.
  • Habitat and spawning. The habitat and life cycles are similar. For most of their lives, salmon and chum salmon live in the cold, salty waters of oceans and seas. To spawn, fish go on a long journey, which ends in fresh rivers with steep rapids. Before spawning, their food consists of small fish and crustaceans. During spawning, individuals stop feeding and lose weight. They lay from 7 to 25 thousand eggs, which are highly valued for their large elastic eggs of bright orange color.
  • Benefit. Chum and salmon meat is very nutritious and rich in vitamins, fatty acids, micro- and macroelements. Regular consumption of these fish, as well as their caviar, can strengthen the immune system and normalize the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.
  • Harm. People who are allergic to fish or seafood are strictly prohibited from eating salmon or chum salmon. There are cases when allergies manifest themselves to additives, antibiotics or feed components; this only applies to artificially raised animals.

Let's look at the differences between salmon and chum salmon.

Pedigree and physical characteristics

Salmon (Salmo salar) belongs to the salmon genus. It is also called Atlantic salmon. The maximum length of an individual is one and a half meters, weight is about 40 kilograms. Lives approximately 13 years.

A distinctive feature of salmon is its bright silver scales and darker, blue-tinged back, without spots.

The color of salmon meat varies from pale pink to red-orange, depending on the components of the fish feed. Every year the number of salmon in the wild decreases. Since September 2016, it has been listed in the Red Book of Russia. Modern fish farms are engaged in its artificial breeding. In Norway, for example, there are a lot of fish farms where salmon are raised. But the taste and quality of such fish is much inferior to wild representatives of this genus.

Chum salmon - a species of Pacific salmon. The catch of which breaks world records.

The maximum length does not exceed 100 centimeters, weight - 15 kilograms.

Appearance varies depending on hydrological conditions. In ocean water it has a uniform silver color. In fresh water, its color darkens and its jaw becomes larger. Chum salmon meat is bright pink.

Habitat and spawning

The range of salmon is extensive, distributed within:

  • Atlantic and Arctic oceans.
  • reservoirs of Europe.
  • White, Barents and Baltic seas.
  • Onega and Ladoga lakes.

Reservoirs with a winter water temperature of 1-3°C and unstable ice cover or colder ones, with a temperature of about 0°C and permanent ice. Reproduction is most active in the rivers Umba, Niva, Shuya, and Kemi.

Chum salmon range:

  • Reservoirs of North America.
  • Bering and Okhotsk Seas.
  • Pacific Ocean.

For spawning, it chooses rivers with a constant water temperature of 3-4°C.

The nutritional value

Fish contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, magnesium, omega-3 acid, zinc, sodium, fluorine. And also vitamins A, B, C, D, H, PP.

Per 100 grams of meat there are:

  • 154 kcal.
  • 21 g protein.
  • 8 g fat.

Rich in potassium, calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, omega-3 and omega-6 acids, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, sodium, chromium, magnesium.

Contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP.
Per 100 grams of meat there are:

  • 128 kcal.
  • 18 g protein.
  • 6 g fat.

Chum salmon caviar is very popular in the fish market. It is rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Its protein contains healthy amino acids in abundance.

This representative of salmon has less calories and is more healthy. An ideal product for dietary nutrition.


With constant consumption of salmon, the chance of developing thrombophlebitis is minimized. Nervous function improves, of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract, immunity increases.

  1. Development of brain activity.
  2. Increased muscle tone and growth.
  3. Proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  5. Increased hemoglobin levels.
  6. Strengthening the nervous system.
  7. Normalization of the digestive tract.
  8. Improving the appearance of the skin.
  9. Removing harmful substances from the body and stimulating proper metabolism.
  10. Strengthening the immune system.

Chum salmon caviar contains lecithin and polyunsaturated fats, they reduce cholesterol levels and the chance of atherosclerosis.

So different and very useful

These two fish are similar in many ways, each of them is nutritious and healthy. Due to the limited number of these fish in the world, their meat and caviar are highly prized and considered a delicacy. Regular consumption of them will help maintain the beauty and youth of the body.

What is the difference between salmon and salmon? Nothing - it's the same thing. Sometimes it happens that some names are confused or used by mistake and not in accordance with the desired meaning. There are situations when this is done specifically for the purpose of some benefit. Consider the issue of salmon and salmon, because many people find themselves deceived, sometimes without even knowing it.

According to the classification of ichthyologists, the term “salmon” refers to the genus Salmon, the family Salmonidae and the order Salmonidae. So, this classification is directly related to:

  • salmon, also known as lake salmon;
  • species of salmon called "trout".

As you can see, trout is not one fish, but more than 30 of its species, which are combined into one family. In a similar situation, other fish that are also salmon: pink salmon, chum salmon, omul, sockeye salmon, grayling, lenok and many others.

What caused the fish to be called “salmon” in everyday life?

Knowing that all the fish mentioned above belong to the same family, you should look at a map that will illustrate the geography of their distribution and main places of residence. The local population in each region will call this fish differently. The distribution of salmon is observed in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and in reservoirs of the northern latitudes of our planet. One of the most suitable places for spawning of this fish in Russian Federation is the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Externally, representatives of the salmon family have a number of similar characteristics and are predators.

Impact of progress

Another significant factor in naming confusion is marketing. On the shelves of retail chains you can often find another name that characterizes not only the fish itself, but also the place where it was caught: “salmon artificial breeding" That is, it means that this specimen was raised from the egg in farms specializing in fish breeding. This is a kind of hybrid that was bred specifically for breeding on an industrial scale and which differ in growth rate.

In captivity, fish eat special feed, quickly gain weight and become overgrown with fat.

Based on a summary of the information provided, it should be concluded:
1. Real salmon - Atlantic or lake salmon.

2. The term “salmon” cannot identify a specific fish, that is, it will not be correct for the following reasons:

  • this is the name of the entire genus, not just one specimen;
  • such names can only be used by local residents, near whose residence this family is common and who sell it all over the world (which also increases confusion);
  • actions of sellers and carriers who, using this name, rebrand products, as this affects their income, increasing profits from sales.

Main differences between salmon

Atlantic salmon is distinguished by its large size in its family. It is a predator, so during its life it quickly gains mass and reaches 40 kilograms and a length of 1.50 meters. Life expectancy is 12 years. The commercial weight of the fish caught is 7 kg.

Individuals of this species have:

  • silver color;
  • large scales;
  • complete absence of stripes on the body;
  • medium-sized pointed head;
  • elongated body shape.

The main habitat for salmon is the salty water of the seas and oceans. During the spawning period, sexually mature fish gather to the freshwater rivers in which they spawned to procreate. During this period, salmon completely stop feeding, driven by the instinct of procreation. After a successful grating, they return to their usual habitats to recuperate. This process takes 2–3 years before the subsequent exit to the spawning grounds.

It’s easy to distinguish between wild and artificially bred salmon in the fish section of a store – you just need to compare the price. For wild salmon it will always be significantly higher.

Important! Differences in the taste of salmon raised in artificial conditions, and the same species caught in wild places is great. It consists of the following:

  • wild fish is better, tastier, but more expensive;
  • salmon raised in checks is much cheaper and fattier, and much more accessible to the average consumer.

Freshly frozen red fish fillets greatly lose quality for the worse, so when purchasing salmon steaks, you should choose the chilled version.


Each consumer is free to choose whether to believe marketing professionals or not. There is a common belief that salmon and salmon differ in the shade of their meat. This is not true, the saturation of the red color of the fillet depends on the amount in the diet predatory fish shrimp.

About the benefits fish dishes you can talk a lot and for a long time. Pink salmon can be considered one of the most valuable commercial fish in this regard: it is quite affordable and is sold almost everywhere, and is very useful due to its high content of vitamins, microelements, unsaturated fatty acids and proteins.

Pink salmon is often called salmon. Are these names interchangeable? Or perhaps pink salmon and salmon? different types fish and should not be identified? In the article you will find all the answers to the questions that have arisen on this topic.

Salmon– the collective name of all fish that belong to the Salmon family.


The Pacific salmon genus includes several distinct species, including pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, masu salmon and chinook salmon. Pink salmon is the most numerous and smallest of them fish. It rarely grows to 65-70 cm, average weight carcasses - about 1.5-2 kg.

Pink salmon

Pink salmon owes its name to the hump that appears on the once flat back of the male fish during the mating season.

The distinctive features of pink salmon are a white mouth with no teeth on the tongue, large dark oval-shaped spots on the back, and a V-shaped tail.

Pink salmon, compared to other salmon, grows and gains weight very quickly. This is due to high-calorie foods (crustaceans, fry, small fish) which she prefers. Also on fast pace The growth of this fish is influenced by its habit of staying for the winter in areas where the temperature does not drop below five degrees plus.

Pink salmon have large, pale (compared to other members of the family) caviar with a fairly dense shell.

In cooking, both the meat of this Pacific salmon and caviar are used. The meat is a little dry, but is suitable for a wide variety of dishes, including salting and canning.

Pink salmon is very useful. Of particular value are the nicotinic acid, vitamin PP and unsaturated compounds it contains. fatty acid.

Conclusions website

  1. Pink salmon is one of the representatives of the salmon family. It belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon. Salmon is the collective name for all fish that are part of this family.
  2. Pink salmon differs from other salmon in its relatively small size, wide habitat, and some external features (hump in males during spawning, white mouth, dark oval spots on the back).

In order to provide adequate nutrition, it is important for a person to include as many varied foods as possible in their diet. In addition to meat, vegetables and fruits, it must be fish and seafood, rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Among the wide variety of representatives of the ichthyofauna special attention Salmon breeds deserve fish, among which there are both common species and real exotic ones. Today we want to talk about what is healthier: salmon or pink salmon, which is part of the salmon family.

What is the difference between pink salmon and other salmon

Now we are faced with a difficult task - to say which is better, although in the first case it is one of the most common types of the second. The task is complex, so we will reduce it to a comparison of the composition and useful properties the remaining representatives of this family with the “humpback”, which is today the most numerous and popular. The main reason for this popularity is the affordable price, the ideal consistency of the meat and red caviar, the benefits and taste of which are appreciated by many.

Before we say which salmon or pink salmon is tastier, let’s talk about the external differences between the latter and coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, salmon and other members of the family. Unlike the same salmon, which in the wild can reach enormous sizes and weights of 20-40 kilograms, this fish with a hump in the male has the smallest sizes - its weight rarely exceeds 2 kilograms, and the body size of an adult is 60-70 centimeters. Meanwhile, it is this representative of the family that grows the fastest, since it is not a fussy eater and prefers to spend the winter in fairly warm water.

Which is healthier and tastier?

If you want to know what is better, salmon or pink salmon has a wider distribution area, unlike other members of the family, which are found in a narrowly limited area. As you know, salmon is valued not only for red meat, but also for caviar. As for caviar, each species has a different color, and the sizes of the eggs also differ. In the case of the pink salmon, it is a pale orange color and the eggs are medium-sized, unlike other salmonids, which have a more pronounced red color.

Speaking about what is healthier, it is worth paying attention to the chemical composition, and all fish of the salmon family contain the main thing - polyunsaturated fatty Omega 3 acids, which help remove excess cholesterol from the body. The vitamin and mineral composition is also striking, and this is a huge amount of essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Speaking about what is tastier than pink salmon or salmon, it is also worth paying attention to the characteristics of the meat, and in the case of “humpback” it is somewhat dry and less fatty. It is ideal for any cooking method, but it is especially good when pickled.

The remaining members of the large family are tasty in their own way, they have different caloric content and nutritional value and are indicated for consumption even as part of a diet. Speaking about contraindications, it is worth saying that red fish meat, like its caviar, can be consumed even by those who have problems with overweight, children and adults, but in any case it is worth remembering that you should not abuse this valuable product.