Fast cycling. Mountain biking technique. Pedestrians are driving from the sidewalk, and motorists are driving from the roadway. Why people don't like cyclists so much

Not everyone spent their childhood riding bicycles around neighborhood yards. Many, having become respectable adults, never learned to ride bicycles. No problem! It is enough to devote an hour or two a day to training, and already on the third day you can ride confidently. Particularly lucky beginners are riding a bike from day one. In short, the science of learning to ride a bike is not as complicated as it seems. The main thing is to overcome psychological complexes and fears. The rest is a matter of skill.

Simple exercises to get started

In order to ride a bicycle you need to maintain balance and pedal. But you shouldn’t jump on your newly purchased bike right away. Most likely, in this case, you cannot avoid falling off the bike. It's better to get used to the bike and get a feel for it. To do this, you need to go to the city park (to its deserted alleys) or outside the city on fairly flat paths. Training should start with simple exercises:

  1. First you need to learn how to drive a bicycle - to do this, just walk on one side of it, holding right hand on the steering wheel. You need to work out how the bike reacts to hand turns and body tilts. After a while, you need to repeat the same with your left hand.
  2. The next day you can try riding a bike like a scooter. To do this, we stand, for example, to the left of the bicycle, put our right foot on the pedal, hold the handlebars with our hands and press ourselves against the frame. All that remains is to push off with your left foot and ride, maintaining your balance. There is no need to try to go fast - it is easier to hold the bike at high speed, but you can also fall faster. But with slow steering, you can learn to feel the bike better. You also need to practice turns, during which it is important to control the tilt of the body.
  3. On the third day, you can start by repeating the “scooter” ride. And then get on the bike for real. It is better to start by pushing off from the curb. Since the bike will immediately begin to move, you will only have to practice the acquired skills - by tilting the body to maintain balance and lightly pedal to speed up.

It's great if one of your friends or relatives can help you learn how to control a bicycle. Moreover, in this case it is not so much the real physical assistance(although sometimes you may need to hold the bike), how much psychological support.

Cornering and braking

Learning to maintain balance is not everything. It is also important to work out:

  • smooth ride without wobbling - this is useful when driving a bicycle on the road;
  • turning turns along a given trajectory - when turning, the steering wheel must be directed in the same direction as the bicycle;
  • driving from small towns and entering them, because small ups and downs are found both in the city and on rough terrain. During this time, it is important not to let go of the pedals;
  • braking with two wheels is much more effective than just rear wheel, that is, in an emergency you can stop much faster.

All these exercises can be mastered only in one way - through practice. Naturally, the more you ride and train, the more confident you feel on a bike.

Before you get on your bike, you need to clearly remember a few important points:

  1. The main control of the bicycle is carried out by tilting the body. That is, you don’t need to turn the steering wheel very much at all, this is especially fraught with falls when turning.
  2. You cannot look at the steering wheel, the front wheel or the asphalt immediately in front of it - your gaze should be directed 5-10 meters ahead.
  3. Your knees and feet should be parallel to the bike frame.
  4. There is no need to take your feet off the pedals; you should rotate them smoothly, avoiding jerks.
  5. There is no need to squeeze the bicycle handlebars - it is best to hold it freely and confidently.
  6. Stability on the bike will be higher at higher speeds. But you also need to practice driving at low speeds.
  7. It is best to brake smoothly but confidently.

Sometimes starting is scary. But once you take your first steps, cycling begins to become addictive. Practice and try - everything will work out!

The bicycle is a favorite mode of transport for those who prefer to move quickly, and at the same time do not harm the environment. The bicycle can rightfully be called the most environmentally friendly form of transport. And if we remember the role of cycling for the general strengthening of the body, training the muscles of the legs and back, combating overweight. How to ride a bicycle correctly so that cycling brings not only pleasure, but also benefits.

When riding a bicycle, you should whenever possible take in the surrounding landscape, assessing possible obstacles. Pay attention to details, predict whether you can cope with approaching obstacles: large puddles, gullies, potholes. If you are not an extreme sports enthusiast, choose the path of least resistance. Navigating unfamiliar terrain, stop or at least slow down.

Particular attention should be paid cycling in urban areas. And although a cyclist is equal to a pedestrian, having entered the roadway, he is equal in rights and responsibilities with car drivers. Accordingly, he must behave according to the situation.

While riding a bicycle through the city streets
What is important is concentration, concentration, the ability to maneuver, the ability to keep many details in sight - from road signs to the maneuvers of cyclists like you.

It would be a good idea to worry about bike safety while you stop by for a snack at a cafe or visit a friend along the way. A special lock and a strong bicycle chain will save the situation. Choose stable objects to “park” your two-wheeled vehicle. It is advisable to take removable bicycle parts (handlebars and seat) with you.

Please pay attention Special attentionbicycle parts so that its breakdowns do not take you by surprise. If you are planning a long journey, for example (and a short one, too), take a spare tube and pump with you.

When riding a bicycle it is important to pedal correctly.

Imagine that the pedal is a clock hand.

In order to overcome obstacles, it is not necessary to lift the front wheel every time. Seeing an obstacle, you need to slow down and place the pedal at the two o'clock position. After this, sharply increase the speed and at the same time raise the handlebars of the bicycle.

The rear wheel of a bicycle should not be disturbed at all by lifting it high and often. To overcome an obstacle, you need to place the pedals at the three o'clock and nine o'clock positions, lean forward and simultaneously lift both pedals up. It will be quite nice if the pedals are equipped with special clamps.

The so-called "rabbit jumps"- when both wheels of a bicycle rise, and then lower and move on. To do this, you need to put the pedals in positions “three” and “nine”, tense your legs and at the same time lift the steering wheel and pedals up. This exercise requires some training - but the result will please anyone.

While turning the leg that is “outside” must be kept straight, applying the main force to the “outside” pedal.

Particular attention should be paid landing. During movement, your legs should be slightly bent at the knees and your feet should be flat. The steering wheel must be held firmly, but not with a death grip. The elbows are slightly relaxed. Whether you lean forward or not is up to you, just remember that the greater the lean, the less resistance of the oncoming air will be - therefore, the easier it will be to move.

It's also worth learning fall off a bike correctly– no one is immune from such a nuisance. When falling, you need to group yourself, and when you reach the ground, do several somersaults by inertia.

Have a nice rest while cycling, fewer obstacles on the way and good weather!

For most people, the skill of riding a bicycle seems to be something ordinary, not presenting any difficulties, since they have been able to do it since childhood. However, the learning process is not easy for everyone: some people experience fear (crashing, falling, etc.), others do not feel balanced, and still others do not have someone who could help them with training.

First of all, it is important to understand that it is best to learn right away correct technique skating. This will protect the skater from mistakes that could lead to a fall, as well as more optimally distribute the load on different muscle groups.

The parameters of the bicycle must correspond to the person

Fitting a bike according to its parameters should begin with the seat. So, the leg on the lower pedal should extend almost completely. In addition, you should immediately figure out where the brake is located, as well as the speed switch. The higher the number, the more effort will have to do to turn the pedals. In this case, the speed will be significantly higher than in lower gears.

At first, it is enough to set the seat height so that your legs firmly touch the ground when sitting on the saddle. This will make it easier to learn to push off and overcome the fear of falling.

As for the seating position, the back should be slightly bent. The same goes for your hands. In addition, to prevent your muscles from getting tired from constant sitting, you should constantly change your position slightly while moving in the saddle.

Movements should be calm and measured

Riding a bicycle requires a person to concentrate and be as calm and fluid as possible. Sudden movements can lead to the fact that a beginner in training will not be able to quickly respond to a change in the trajectory along which he is traveling. In addition, it can affect the emotional state and, as a result, loss of control and subsequent fall.

You should not clutch the steering wheel too tightly with your hands; you should hold it loosely, since it serves to regulate the direction of movement, and not for balance.

The best way to learn to ride is in a quiet place in nature.

Learning to ride a bicycle will be most comfortable on a dirt platform. This is necessary in order to mitigate possible falls. In addition, a person immediately gets used to the fact that the road will not always be perfectly smooth. As a result, he will be ready for unexpected situations: for example, if the road is poorly visible and there is a significant obstacle under the bicycle (be it a stone, a board, etc.).

The right clothes are the key to a successful workout

You should choose a comfortable shape that does not restrict movement. It is important to pay attention to the material from which the clothes are made. So, best choice are specialized synthetic fabrics that allow you to wick away sweat and maintain optimal body temperature. In addition, in sunny weather, be sure to wear a hat for protection.

Subsequently, you should think about buying protection (primarily a helmet).

It is necessary to think in advance about recuperation

This advice is twofold. Firstly, you must take water with you for training (and if the duration is long, you should buy food or take money with you for it). This will allow you to conduct the lesson more effectively and avoid problems that will negatively affect the recovery period.

In addition, at first you should learn to ride no more than once every 2-3 days, provided proper nutrition and compliance. This is exactly the period a novice athlete needs in order to fully recover and not experience pain and discomfort in the next workout. If there are injuries, further training should be postponed until necessary for them to heal.

Instructions for mastering cycling

In order to solve the problem of how to learn to ride a bicycle, you should follow several steps in sequence:

  1. Try to get on a bicycle and ride a few meters without using pedals, pushing off with your feet directly from the ground;
  2. Learn to move away while sitting in the saddle by pushing off the ground with one leg. It is advisable that at this stage the trainee has some kind of mentor with him who will support the bicycle until the person learns to maintain balance on his own;
  3. Try driving in a straight line without turning;
  4. First, you should learn to use only the rear brake, since the front brake requires a good feel for it, and learn to do everything as smoothly as possible (otherwise, in the worst case, you can fly off the bike);
  5. After this, you should move on to studying the technology of turning, starting with smooth turns and gradually mastering sharper options that allow you to change direction by 180 degrees.

After completing the first 5 steps, it is advisable to spend some time consolidating the acquired skills and only then begin further training.

The next step is learning how to drive on and off slopes. To do this, you need to start from a flat surface and learn to ride uphill: the main task of the trainee is to understand how much the level of required effort differs from riding on a surface without a slope.

When it comes to descents, it's a great practice to start and exit without using the pedals. This action is necessary in order to overcome possible fear of descents, as well as to understand how much the bike can accelerate on them

To master the entrance to the mountain, you should make more efforts so that the bike does not drift to the side.

Only after mastering all the basic skills is it necessary to change the height of the saddle and learn to move away in the following way: one foot is placed on a pedal located slightly higher than parallel to the ground and the entire body weight is transferred to it. The bicycle begins to move, and only after that the person can sit in the saddle. This technique is more correct and allows you not to lose balance when starting.

The easiest way to learn to ride a bike is in good weather. physical fitness and proper nutrition, so you should pay attention not only to the actual skating, but also to the general condition of the body. In addition, it is advisable to try to understand the mechanics of movement and learn the correct technique. If you follow all the recommendations, learning the most necessary cycling skills will take from several days to 2-3 weeks.

Push off with the foot that is on the surface, and relax the other and use absolutely no effort. Try to drive as far as possible without leaning to the side. There is no need to turn the steering wheel. Balance is maintained by your body, not by this control.

Move on to the ride itself. When you sit down, the main thing is not to panic. Just relax your muscles. Distribute your body weight over four points - equally on your legs and arms. The movement of body parts should occur smoothly, without much jerking. Very important role in maintaining the balance of the eye. There is no need to look at your feet, look forward, only forward! The brain itself will regulate balance relative to other objects.

Video on the topic


  • Excerpts from the rules traffic for cyclists

Almost any type active rest can be turned into a fitness activity. For example, a bicycle is a wonderful human invention. You can lose weight very quickly through cycling. And, of course, classes fresh air will never compare to studying at home or even in gym.

What ? This great way lose weight. With its help, you burn up to 450 kcal per hour, it shapes your thighs, buttocks, and with frequent climbs uphill, it tightens your stomach. Plus improves health and stamina.

How to train? Push yourself to roll hard, and push hard on the pedals. Only for this you don’t need asphalt, but an uneven road where you can’t drive for a long time due to inertia. The bicycle is very gentle on the joints, and you can ride for two or three hours.

Peculiarities. Even the simplest ones modern bicycles equipped with gears. Shift them so that you pedal frequently rather than forcefully. This is the key to the health of your knees. If your body starts to go numb or you don’t have the strength to pedal up a hill, it’s okay, walk, leading your horse by the handlebars.

For lovers of fast movement there was the bicycle was invented. In addition to the fact that it can reach high speeds, it is also environmentally friendly. Besides, riding this vehicle strengthens the body, muscular system back and legs, and also allows you to fight excess weight. You need to ride a bike in such a way as to get maximum benefit and pleasure.

If your hands, elbows and shoulders become sore from riding for a long time, check whether your bike's handlebars are wide enough. Your hands should be placed on it approximately in line with your shoulders. If the steering wheel is wider, it is advisable to choose another, narrower one. When you ride your bike, look at your wrists. When they are too bent downwards, this is not good, as this position can lead to pain or injury. You should hold your hands as if you were cutting bread. This is the position your wrists should be in when riding a bicycle.

Elbows should be relaxed and slightly bent. There is no need to lean on them, or stick them out to the sides. From time to time, change the position of your arms, decreasing or increasing the angle at your elbows, rearranging your hands. This will prevent your body from becoming numb and relieve tension from your lower back.

To lose weight, the bicycle pedals need to be turned quickly, but this should not be done with all your might. The power pedal option is more suitable for those who want to train the muscles in the front of the thigh.

When riding a bicycle, try not to bend your neck. Make sure that it forms one line with your back, otherwise your blood supply will deteriorate and a headache will appear. As for a cycling helmet, it is not so much necessary for professionals (they mainly suffer injuries to the upper and lower limbs), exactly how much for beginners. After all, at any moment there is a possibility of running into a hole or, for example, a Yorkshire terrier that has fallen under the wheels.

It is also worth learning how to fall off a bicycle correctly, because no one is immune from this trouble. When falling, you should group yourself, and when you reach the ground, you need to do several somersaults by inertia.