Bodyflex set of exercises for every day. Bodyflex exercises for burning fat deposits in problem areas. For legs and buttocks

In an effort to become even more attractive, many women exhaust themselves with strict diets and exercise. If you abuse excessive stress on the body, health problems appear. However, there is no need for them, because the modern woman has the “bodyflex” technique at her disposal.

It is worth understanding in detail what the popular method of losing weight is, what contraindications it has and what benefits it has for health.

What is bodyflex? History of the method.

As a result of bodyflex exercises, various muscle groups are stretched and their tone increases.

Bodyflex (from the English. Body Flex - flexible body) is a system of exercises aimed at stretching muscles and forming diaphragmatic breathing. It includes static (stationary) poses and dynamic exercises.

You can learn about the effectiveness of bodyflex exercises from the 2016 scientific article “Effectiveness of bodyflex exercises for middle-aged women” by Gulnaz Shamilevna Ashrafullina.

Breathing exercises were developed by an American mother of three children, who recovered after the birth of her last child. She tried many ways to lose weight:

  • visiting the gym;
  • swimming;
  • following strict diets.

After unsuccessful attempts to reset overweight the housewife decided to take the Rolls-Royce Exercise course, which cost her $1,500 for 10 classes.

To practice bodyflex you don’t need shoes – just wear thick socks.

Women who have already tried bodyflex exercises compare the technique with yoga. She will need a gymnastics mat on which classes will take place. Special attention given to the training suit. There are several requirements for it:

  • attractiveness – in beautiful clothes, women approach their activities more responsibly;
  • convenience - the suit should not restrict movement or tighten the stomach with an elastic band;
  • compliance with your own preferences - for a relaxed style, trousers with elastin and T-shirts are suitable.

If the exercises will be performed using video lessons, you need to make room in front of the TV or computer monitor.

How many calories does one bodyflex session burn?

On many resources there is a statement that one bodyflex session burns up to 2000-3500 kcal. It is incorrect. The usual calorie consumption during light physical activity (walking at a speed of 5-6 km/h with a weight of 60-70 kg) is 300-400 kcal/hour.

In the case of bodyflex, a delayed metabolic effect is observed. This means that the exercises performed cause the body to spend extra energy at rest. About 500-700 kcal comes out in an hour. Therefore, when losing weight with bodyflex, getting rid of excess weight occurs faster than without training.

Bodyflex exercises

The exercises begin only after mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing - deep inhalations and exhalations. It includes 5 steps:

  • exhale, freeing the lungs as much as possible from air;
  • inhale through the nose, fast and strong, with inflating the abdomen;
  • strong exhalation - with retraction of the abdomen;
  • holding your breath – 8-10 seconds;
  • relaxation.

Bodyflex poses:

  • Leo (volleyball player). Get into a volleyball position, bending your legs slightly and resting your hands on them above your knees. Perform a breathing cycle, bring your lips into a circle, tense your face and lower the circle down. The eyes look up. Stick your tongue out through your lips and hold in this position for 8 counts. 5 repetitions are required.

  • Horrible grimace. In the volleyball player's position, protrude the lower jaw so that it protrudes forward behind the upper one. Protrude your lips and neck, raise your head up, trying to kiss the ceiling. Do a breathing cycle. During the pause, move your arms back and hold for 8 counts. Only 5 repetitions.

  • Side stretch . Do a breathing cycle in a volleyball player’s position, then lean your left elbow on left leg, and raising your right arm to the side, extend it up above your head. Stay in this position for 8 counts. Repeat on the other side.

  • Pulling the leg back. Rest on the mat with your elbows and knees. After the respiratory cycle, one leg in upright position pull back, pulling the toe towards you. Hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale. Perform 3 repetitions on each leg.

  • Seiko. Starting position – knee-elbow position. Extend your straight leg to the side and place it on the floor. Do breathing exercise, during the breath-holding stage, raise your leg parallel to the floor and hold for 8 counts. Lower your leg and inhale. There are 3 approaches on each side.

  • Diamond. In the “feet shoulder-width apart” stance, touch the fingers of both hands in front of the chest. Elbows should be raised. The exercise is performed during a breathing exercise pause. You should press your fingers with force. The exercise is performed 3 times.

  • Boat. Sit on the mat and spread your straight legs as wide as possible. Pull your socks towards you. Reach back with your hands and perform a breathing cycle until there is a pause. Move your hands forward and stretch for 8 counts as far as possible. Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Pretzel. Sitting on the mat, cross your legs so that one knee is over the other. Keep your right, horizontal leg straight. After the breathing cycle left hand put it behind your back, with your right hand - grab your left knee and pull it towards you, try to look back. Hold for 8 counts. 3 repetitions on each side.

  • Hamstring stretch. Lie on your back, raise your legs straight up and grab your calves with your hands. Pull your socks towards you. Perform a breathing cycle, pulling your legs towards you during the pause. Hold for 8 counts. Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Abdominal Press. Lying on your back, place your bent legs on the floor 30 cm from each other. Stretch your arms towards the ceiling. During a pause in the breathing exercise, stretch your arms up, lifting your shoulder blades. Stay for 8-10 counts. The exercise is performed 3 times.

  • Scissors. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body, and bring your legs together. During the pause of the breathing exercise, raise your legs for 8 counts and perform energetic swings, alternately placing one leg behind the other (like scissors). Perform 3 repetitions.

  • Cat. Get on all fours, raise your head up, look forward. During a pause in breathing exercises, arch your back up and lower your head down. Remain in this position for 10 counts. Perform 3 repetitions.

After each session, the tissues are deeply saturated with oxygen. They are used at any level of training. However, for a trained body the effect will be significantly less.

Restrictions for practicing bodyflex

Contraindications to bodyflex exercises include:

  • Pregnancy. You can stretch your muscles, but breathing exercises are prohibited. Severe tension in the abdominal walls can cause harm to the fetus.
  • Surgeries, injuries, chronic diseases.
  • Hypertension. Because holding your breath forces your heart to work harder, doing so can have a negative impact on people with high blood pressure.

A healthy person takes from 15 to 18 breaths in a calm state. If this indicator is higher, it is not recommended to engage in bodyflexing - there may be problems with the lungs.

You can do breathing exercises only after a medical examination. It is not recommended to exceed the training time recommended by Greer Childers - 15-20 minutes a day. Nutrition does not allow for permissiveness or sharp restrictions.

Bodyflex: harm and benefit

Bodyflex exercises are not effective for everyone. The technique will not work on a trained body. This weight loss complex is not recommended for women with small amounts of extra pounds.

When taking antidepressants or hormonal drugs the bodyflex effect is lost. The effectiveness of the technique appears only with daily practice.

Harm when choosing this method of losing weight can only be caused if there are health problems. For healthy body bodyflex is good way keep fit.

As mentioned above, pregnancy is one of the contraindications to bodyflex exercises. Elevated muscle tone abdominal cavity may be dangerous for the baby.

Bodyflex exercises after childbirth - effective method adjust your weight. Breathing exercises can be practiced 4-6 weeks after birth (if there are no deviations). After caesarean section It is allowed to begin classes only after two months, since abdominal surgery negatively affects the condition of the body.

Oxysize or bodyflex: which is more effective?

Oxysize (from the English oxygen+ exercise - oxygen + exercise) is also a breathing exercise. The technique was developed by American Jill Johnson. Exercises are also performed for 15-20 minutes a day.

Both breathing exercises involve diaphragmatic breathing. The main difference is the need to hold your breath in bodyflex. In oxysize, attention is focused on long and strong exhalation through the mouth without holding your breath.

For best result It’s worth combining bodyflex and oxysize. First, you should bring the Greer Childers exercises to automatism. When combining techniques, bodyflex is done in the morning on an empty stomach, and oxysize – 2 hours after dinner.

Bodyflex: reviews of those who have lost weight

There are many both positive and negative reviews about the bodyflex technique. Negative experiences are associated with the lack of effect of exercise. In most cases, this happens due to non-compliance with the diet and the complete absence of other physical activity. The technique is also ineffective for trained people.

Positive reviews about the 20-minute Greer Childers complex indicate the expected changes in the figure of the women who worked out. Many people notice a noticeable tightening of the abdomen and skin in other parts of the body. In some cases, the effect occurs only after 2 months of regular training. All women note that after stopping exercise, the weight returns.

Video: Complete bodyflex complex for beginners


As you can see, bodyflex does not take much time and does not require physical training, suitable for most healthy people. The method helps to correct the figure, strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Positive reviews indicate the effectiveness of the technique.

Be sure to read about it

Exercises using the bidiflex technique are a technique for proper breathing during physical exercise, which helps accelerate metabolic and metabolic processes. It helps to quickly lose weight, restore muscle tone and start the process of burning fat deposits accumulated in the deep layers dermis. Many women noted that after just a week of productive Bodyflex exercises with Marina Korpan, they began to look much younger, their bodies were filled with energy, and the long-awaited weight loss was not long in coming.

The “Bodyflex” breathing exercise system is a combination of special poses for stretching muscle ligaments and a “diaphragmatic” exercise that helps burn internal fat. This is a quick and effective way to reduce body volume, activate weight loss and get rid of visual manifestations " orange peel" on the body.

The essence of the respiratory weight loss method lies in the balance of oxygen supply and the production of carbon dioxide in the human body, due to which pressure increases, the level of sweat secretions increases and chemical reactions occur that promote the breakdown of fat molecules. At the same time, nutrition, posture and other related factors that can affect the productivity of weight loss are absolutely not important. You can study at home, clean rooms or cook food, but at the same time breathe correctly according to the following system:

  • Bring your breathing to a calm state so that your pulse is at around 60-70 beats per minute. Take a deep breath and feel your lungs fill with oxygen.
  • Begin to exhale smoothly through your mouth, keeping your lips pursed. At the same time, pull your stomach in so that the anterior abdominal wall touches the spinal column.
  • Take a sharp breath through your nose, while keeping your lips closed. You need to inhale so that your tummy puffed himself up as much as possible and stuck out forward.
  • Now you need to start exhaling through your mouth, saying “groin”, so that there is no oxygen left in your lungs. Wherein the stomach should “stick” to the inner wall of the spine.
  • Hold your breath for 8 - 10 seconds so that the abdominal muscles and lower back are connected. The back is straight.
  • Start inhaling air and repeat the exercise again.

For breathing training to be effective, you need to learn to breathe measuredly, controlling the intensity of exhalation and inhalation. Marina Korpan recommends paying attention to the moment when you exhale “groin”, trying to do it in a relaxed state without straining muscular system. Then the stomach will “go” beyond the ribs as much as possible, forming a hollow “bowl”.

For more information about breathing, watch the video from the trainer:

What happens to the body

Trainers say that the most favorable time to start training is in the morning. It could be easy charging, half-hour gymnastics or proper breathing, which can be done without getting out of bed.

While performing the “inhale-exhale-hold” pattern, the following occurs:

  • activation of metabolic and metabolic processes;
  • eliminating the symptoms of chronic fatigue by improving blood circulation, vitality returns, making a person energetic, cheerful and cheerful;
  • strengthens the immune system and minimizes the likelihood of developing colds in the demi-season and winter period of the year.
  • relaxation of the central nervous system and localization of the effects of stress;
  • increased sweat secretions, through which toxins are removed from the body;
  • internal fat, enveloping vital organs, disintegrates and is excreted through the sweat glands;
  • key arteries dilate, and as a result, the cells are prepared for maximum absorption of oxygen, due to which the existing air in the body is “utilized”, which leads to the breakdown of fatty deposits;
  • pulls himself up muscle corset, making the waistline more refined and pronounced;
  • all this helps to cope with the craving for smoking, accelerating metabolic processes and promoting the rapid removal of nicotine breakdown products and tars from the blood.

A set of 10 breathing exercises for weight loss

Below are 10 exercises for the waist, abdomen, hips and sides in pictures.

Even a beginner can easily master this technique in order to remove excess body fat at home, restore postpartum tone of the abdominal muscles, and master gymnastics complex for stretching and modeling clear silhouette outlines. Go?

The scheme is like this:

  1. Accept one of the following positions, as in the pictures below;

Exercise Diamond

Pulling your arms back

Side stretch

Simple press

Horizontal scissors

Vertical scissors





Who is the breathing method suitable for?

Marina Korpan has repeatedly emphasized that the breathing pattern with mandatory holding is suitable for absolutely any person, regardless of social status, gender and age criteria. A woman, a girl, a grandmother and all representatives of the stronger half of humanity can master breathing exercises to significantly improve their health, while achieving impressive results in losing weight.

Advice! If you want to remove your belly, tighten your side, or achieve a result of minus ten kilograms in two months, then this breathing exercise scheme is guaranteed to suit you. The main thing is to watch the video tutorial for free to do it correctly respiratory complex and not harm your health.

This set of physical and breathing exercises for weight loss is based on three types of exercises, which, together with proper breathing, have positive impact on the body of a man or woman, causing muscles to work out and burning subcutaneous fat layer. The main complexes include exercises:

  • isometric, which allows you to work out one muscle group in detail, making them more elastic, firm and pronounced against the background of the whole body;
  • isotonic, aimed at activating the work of several muscle groups, exerting an equal effect on them;
  • stretching, allowing you to master gymnastics skills and significantly strengthen the muscular system of the whole body.

To make the weight loss process as productive as possible, experienced trainers and professional athletes advise to carry out regular workouts, which will include all three types of exercise.

If you want to speed up your weight loss time, it is recommended to extend the standard workout from 15 to 20 minutes, performing it every day at any convenient time.

We recommend that you carefully watch the online video in which the training takes place non-stop. If you want to master this complex on your own, then the optimal solution would be a home training course, before which you will attend a trial lesson on “Bodyflex” under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Opinion of experts and doctors

The Bodyflex weight loss technique has supporters and opponents. However, almost all doctors agree that this complex, performed in the morning, has beneficial effect on the human body. The same can be said about the Oxysize system, which is based on a minute of proper breathing and focusing on the body’s reaction.

Doctors advise:

  • use “Bodyflex” to strengthen the abdomen in the first weeks after childbirth (with the exception of women who have undergone a caesarean section);
  • do breathing exercises while lying down if your leg or arm is atrophied due to a stroke;
  • do not pull the limbs up during breathing exercises, so that the joint damaged by arthritis does not cause pain;
  • if you have a runny nose, practice the “Bodyflex” system in a bath with the addition of aromatic or essential essence of menthol, peppermint or lemon;
  • refrain from strong physical activity and reduce the exercise time to 5 minutes if you previously had a difficult birth, injured your hip or buttock, and also had low blood pressure for a week:
  • refuse gymnastic stretching during “Bodyflex” if the gluteal nerve is affected, the shoulder is damaged, or a disease of the musculoskeletal system is diagnosed.

If you are a young beginner in this system, then start mastering breathing method gradually, trying to do everything correctly and strictly follow the trainer’s recommendations.

15 exercises for the face and neck

They help smooth out wrinkles and deep folds on the face, tighten the double chin, and strengthen the muscles of the cheeks, preventing them from sagging, ultimately improving the elasticity of the skin.

The scheme is the same:

  1. First, do a breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach;
  2. Take one of the following positions, as in the pictures below;
  3. After 8-10 seconds, return to the starting position and inhale.

No. 1: works the area above the upper lip

No. 2: works the area under the lower lip

No. 3: works on nasolabial folds

No. 4: strengthens the cheek muscles

#5: Reduces the deepest creases

No. 6: tightens the muscles of the face and neck

No. 7: removes double chin

No. 8: smooths out wrinkles on the neck

No. 9: trains neck muscles

No. 10: tones the skin of the face

No. 15: smooths out wrinkles on the forehead

Contraindications for breathing techniques

In order not to harm your health and achieve the desired weight loss goals, it is necessary to study the list of contraindications that prohibit the practice of breathing exercises with a long inhalation hold. Marina Korpan advises people suffering from:

  • hypertension, aggravated by existing cardiovascular dystonia or coronary disease brain;
  • cardiovascular diseases, congenital or acquired;
  • acute forms of chronic diseases of vital organs, even if the disease is in remission;
  • diseases of the visual organs that are in a severe degree (to make sure of this, take a test that shows a picture with figures of different sizes);
  • unstable stool, which is explained by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence of diabetes mellitus or a malfunction of the pancreas.

In addition, restrictions on attending classes are imposed on those people who have problems with the thyroid gland, venous dilatation of the veins, or suffer from sudden panic attacks. It is better to postpone classes if in the next two weeks you are going to have a strip operation, childbirth or other medical procedures using potent drugs.

Why training doesn't bring results

This question is asked by many people who have embarked on the path of weight loss. Let's immediately identify the main mistakes that beginners make:

  1. Neglecting to create an individual menu rich in vitamin and mineral components. If you want to get rid of excess weight, then you should not sharply limit yourself in food, torment yourself with exhausting diets, or, conversely, overeat. Experts advise eating in small portions and not forgetting about dietary supplements.
  2. Lack of regularity in training. If you do breathing exercises 1-3 times a calendar week, then waiting for results will be pointless. Trainers are confident that 15 minutes a day is the minimum that every person can devote to improving their body.
  3. Taking hormonal medications, contraceptives, or sedatives. These substances slow down metabolic processes at the cellular level, so you should start practicing breathing exercises for the purpose of losing weight only after the course of treatment is completed.

"Bodyflex" allows you to get rid of extra pounds that will not come back if you give up bad habits and you will adhere to the principles healthy eating. Then your body will noticeably become stronger, your skin condition will improve, and your graceful curves will slim body will allow you to open up limitless scope for experimenting with your image!

It is most difficult for women to fight belly fat, as most of it accumulates in this area. Losing weight usually begins with the chest, sides and arms, while the waist is longer than other parts of the body and does not want to say goodbye to fat reserves. But this problem is easily solvable, since there is an effective breathing exercise for weight loss - bodyflex. We invite you to consider only part of the complex for beginners, which consists of only 12 exercises. And figure out which elements are responsible for the loss of volume in the waist area.

Why is bodyflex effective?

The effectiveness of the method has been confirmed in practice by hundreds of thousands of women and men around the world. The founder of the movement, Grig Childers, even made a fortune from it, publishing a book that became a bestseller and selling multi-million copies of video cassettes. The weight loss technique is based on a simple and yet revolutionary discovery - the deeper we breathe, the healthier and slimmer our body becomes.

It is deep breathing that makes bodyflex for the abdomen effective. The oxygen entering the body saturates the blood. And it already flows throughout the body, carrying the natural catalyst of fat to every “corner” of it. But more importantly, we have the ability to control and direct this flow of healing blood. To do this, we perform stretching exercises, which are the cornerstone of breathing exercises for losing belly fat.

Thanks to this approach, the effect is achieved very quickly: the belly subsides within 3-4 days, and sustained weight loss is observed within several weeks. Muscles become toned, body contour improves. It is extremely important that not only external ones work, but also internal muscles, and one of them is our stomach. You will not have to limit yourself in food, as your appetite will become much more moderate without any feeling of discomfort on your part.

How to prepare for gymnastics

  • Find a convenient time for yourself and practice daily. Bodyflex for weight loss is especially effective in the morning, immediately after sleep. But when the desired slimness is achieved, you can move your workouts to the evening to get a boost of energy after work.
  • Exercise no earlier than 2 hours after eating. Your stomach should not be busy digesting food. Drinking water is allowed.
  • Arm yourself with a measuring tape! Be sure to measure your waist, hips, and each thigh separately before starting classes. After the third workout, you can measure yourself again and do it daily. You will notice a decrease in volume every time, which is the most important advantage of the bodyflex exercise set.
  • Get pants or a skirt that won't accommodate your curvy figure. Try them on regularly. In just 2 weeks you will be able to put them on without any problems!
  • A set of 12 exercises takes 15 minutes a day and uses bodyflex for the face, hips, buttocks, and waist. Complete breathing exercises are the most effective for weight loss. Reviews about the belly complex confirm its effectiveness if you need to tighten your waist in the absence of pronounced problems with volume in other parts of the body.

To remove extra pounds and make the waist slim and graceful, many women choose the bodyflex technique for weight loss. This is a set of breathing exercises that can be implemented at home and, thereby, achieve your standard of harmony. In combination with proper nutrition with regular aerobic training You can significantly lose weight, saturate depleted cells with oxygen and improve your health. Breathing exercises Bodyflex is suitable for women at any age, but it is important to consult a nutritionist first.

What is bodyflex

American Greer Childers adapted yoga for intensive combustion fats, having developed unique gymnastics bodyflex for quick and invisible weight loss. Myself training complex involves performing certain exercises and is accompanied by diaphragmatic breathing. You can lose weight this way without strict diet and hunger strikes. Bodyflex lessons include 12 exercises that must be performed on an empty stomach before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Such gymnastics with proper breathing has already helped many women achieve the standard of slimness.

Basic principles and stages of the methodology

By successfully combining the benefits of physical exercise with breathing exercises, it is quite possible to enrich an exhausted body with vital oxygen, normalize metabolism, and speed up the process of fat breakdown. Using this method, systemic blood circulation improves, blood congestion disappears, and muscle tone increases. This guarantees rejuvenation of the body and productive disposal of excess fat using the bodyflex method. Not only the muscles of the abdomen, back and hips begin to work. The method of losing weight using diaphragmatic breathing involves 5 stages:

  1. First stage. Pull your lips together and exhale all the air from your lungs.
  2. Second phase. Take a noisy, intermittent, correct breath, filling your lungs.
  3. Third stage. Exhale correctly through the mouth using the diaphragm, pronouncing the sound “groin.”
  4. Fourth stage. Pull in your stomach, tuck your chin to your neck, pull in your stomach, lift it higher. Freeze in this position for 10 seconds.
  5. Fifth stage. Relax your abdominal muscles and inhale.

Where to do bodyflex

To eliminate all the flaws of an imperfect figure, you can perform bodyflex exercises in any comfortable environment, be it at home, at work or at school. The help of an experienced trainer is not required, the main thing is to understand the technique and control muscle tension and correctly distribute pressure on the lungs. For bodyflex exercises additional inventory not required, you only need 15 minutes of free time per day.

Bodyflex for beginners

If prevails incorrect posture, saggy skin and swelling, breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex helps with as soon as possible eliminate such aesthetic defects. It will not be easy for beginners, but correct execution of all exercises, you can lose up to 3–5 kg of excess fat in the first week. Here are valuable recommendations for losing weight from “experienced athletes”:

  1. The exercises should only be performed on an empty stomach, since during this technique the abdominal muscles will be actively involved.
  2. Before starting each lesson, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, fresh juice or tonic green tea.
  3. The classic scheme for beginners is as follows: exhale – inhale – exhale forcefully – hold your breath for a few seconds.
  4. To correctly implement the bodyflex technique, it is recommended to lower your head, tucking it to your chin.

Bodyflex for men

Since the load on the male body is more intense, the exercises for men are somewhat different. The main goal of bodyflex for weight loss is not only correction overweight, but also strengthening prostate adenoma, correcting the functioning of the lungs and heart. Here's how to strengthen weak muscles in your buttocks and sagging belly:

  1. "Basketball player". To lose weight, perform a half squat with your feet shoulder-width apart. Tilt the body forward, place the palms 2-3 cm above the knee.
  2. Wide squat. Bring your shoulder blades together, throw your arms behind your back and touch your palms to the floor.
  3. Four point support. To lose weight, bend your arms, knees, body and pelvis at right angles on the floor.

Exercise sets

Bodyflex for weight loss evenly distributes the load on the muscle corset, effectively burns subcutaneous fat and restores systemic circulation. Reviews about the course completed are positive, and a distinctive feature is the fact that with each approach you can use different groups muscles, thereby enhancing the final result - the dietary effect. Below are simple complexes for weight loss, how to strengthen weak muscles of the thigh, abdomen, buttocks, which must be performed daily.

Bodyflex for the abdomen

For many women, this is the most problematic area that needs constant training and should be toned. A large amount of fat accumulates in the abdomen, which gradually turns into sagging fat. To overcome such a problem area, it is recommended to perform 4 basic exercises daily, and spend no more than 15 minutes per day on this activity.

Side stretches

This is a good way to effectively work out the oblique abdominal muscles and model an athletic silhouette. The first step is to perform a breathing exercise, then move on to lateral stretches. To do this, you need to put your left hand on your bent right knee, stretch your right leg, and move it to the side. Tighten your toes, press your feet to the floor, extend your right arm towards the ceiling. Hold it near your head in a straight position. Then freeze for 8 counts, perform 3 approaches, restoring breathing after each.


To pump up muscles intensively abdominals, you can use the scissors motion. To do this, you need to lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, and place them under your buttocks. At the fourth stage, perform translational manipulations from side to side with outstretched toes, while being sure to hold your breath, pull in your stomach, and raise your legs to a height of 8 cm above the floor. The lower back and head remain motionless on the floor. Perform the approach for 10 seconds, then exhale. Repeat the movements three times with temporary restoration of impaired breathing.


This bodyflex exercise is especially important for pregnant women, but not for the sake of losing weight. As for other women, it works great on all abdominal muscle groups. So, you need to get on all fours, exhale as much as possible and squeeze your stomach tightly. Perform rhythmic movements with your back, bending and unbending it, while alternating inhalations and exhalations. Manipulations must be carried out for 15 seconds, then take a break and perform 2 more approaches.

Abdominal pumping

To work out such a large muscle group and quickly lose weight, the woman will have to perform the “Pretzel”. To do this, you need to sit comfortably on the floor, bend your hips and cross your knees (place your left knee under your right knee). With your left hand you need to pull your right knee towards you and up, while simultaneously moving to the right to see the back wall. Do not breathe for 10 seconds, then change legs. It is necessary to perform 3 approaches on each side.

Exercises for buttocks and thighs

The load on the specified problem area is provided by other exercises from the bodyflex area, which can also be implemented at home for productive weight loss without special sports equipment. The buttocks and thighs will become elastic and toned, and a woman in this problem area can lose up to 3–5 cm in a week. Nothing complicated, the main thing is regularity of training.


To effectively lose weight in the hips using the bodyflex system, you need to take a position as in the “Cat” exercise. Then lower yourself onto your hands so that you can rest your elbows on the floor. The right leg needs to be raised as high as possible without bending it at the knee. The toes “look” at the floor, and the head is thrown back. In this position, you will have to implement the breathing technique using the bodyflex method, i.e., as you exhale, draw in your abdominal muscles and hold your breath for 8 counts. Then return to the start and regain your breathing. The exercise must be repeated three times, always on an empty stomach.


In this way, with bodyflex, you can work the outer muscles of the thigh and buttocks. For productive weight loss, you need to get down on your hands and knees, point your right leg to the side, perpendicular to the body. At the third stage, you have to pull in your stomach as much as possible, raise the abducted leg as high as possible, keep it straight, and do not bend the knee. When breathing is released lower limb You can lower it and relax. Perform 3 approaches on each leg, restoring ragged breathing in between.

Hamstring stretch

In this way, you can stretch and significantly strengthen the gluteal muscles, and significantly speed up the process of losing weight in the hips. To do this, you need to take a lying position, raise your arms and legs so as to clasp your calves with your hands and try to pull them to your chest with straight legs. In this position, exhale as much as possible and freeze for 10 counts. Afterwards, you can relax and restore impaired breathing. Perform three alternating approaches at a time, and you can repeat these movements several times a day (to speed up the approach of the dietary effect).


Losing weight using the bodyflex method is not recommended for all women; there are restrictions on health and general well-being. Before you start achieving your goal, it wouldn’t hurt to additionally consult with a therapist, nutritionist, or other highly specialized specialists (if delivered to a dispensary). Medical contraindications to bodyflex are detailed below and apply to the following diagnoses:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • exacerbation of viral and infectious diseases;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • heart failure;
  • systematic migraine attacks;
  • progressive pregnancy;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • intervertebral hernia.


One of the effective breathing exercises that promotes fast weight loss, the bodyflex exercise system is recognized. This unusual program was developed by fifty-three-year-old American Grig Childers, who, after the birth of three children, was able to regain her desired 44 clothing size instead of the hated 56.

Bodyflex exercises are a combination of special breathing exercises with certain types of exercise. Aerobic breathing - and bodyflex breathing exercises were developed on its basis - saturates the body with oxygen, which breaks down fat; posture exercises help train muscles and muscles, restoring their elasticity, tighten the skin, helping fight wrinkles and cellulite. At the same time, despite the calm and slow pace, bodyflex exercises provide an aerobic effect several times stronger than intense jogging or strength exercises.

Alec Borsenko- a well-known writer and experienced colon specialist - writes the following about the bodyflex system: “Bodyflex exercises are the best way to enrich the body with oxygen today. You get an aerobic special effect five times faster than from a race. If you run for an hour, you will burn 700 calories. If you do regular aerobics for an hour, you burn 250 kilocalories. If you do one hour of bodyflex exercises, you will definitely get rid of 3,500 kilocalories."

The bodyflex exercises themselves can be divided into three groups: isometric, isotonic and stretching.

Isometric engage one muscle group, isotonic, accordingly, - several, and stretching develop elasticity in muscles.

But an indispensable condition for the result is aerobic breathing, on the basis of which all exercises are performed. Bodyflex enriches the body with oxygen, which promotes rapid combustion fats and lipids. And the whole point is in a way that is unusual for an ordinary person to breathe and receive the oxygen the body needs - it requires special, so-called diaphragmatic breathing, when inhalations are made through the nose and exhalations through the mouth. Already after the first lesson in the bodyflex system, a person notices an increase in mood, an improvement in overall well-being and vital energy.

Advantages of the bodyflex system

* classes don't take much time: as a rule, 15-20 minutes a day is enough to achieve lasting positive results;

* reviews of bodyflex indicate: Waist after 5-7 lessons using this system it can decrease up to 5-15 cm;

* bodyflex is the only system of breathing and physical exercises that trains not only the body, but also has exercises for face and neck rejuvenation(exercises “Lion”, “ Ugly grimace»);

* you can do bodyflex any age and in any conditions: independently at home, at work or as a trainer in group training.

Features of the bodyflex system

* Through aerobic respiration, the body receives large amount of oxygen, which saturates the blood and, together with it, is delivered to the area of ​​tension, which contributes to the intensive breakdown of fats.

* Bodyflex speeds up the metabolic process.

* Bodyflex enhances lymph flow, which contributes to the accelerated removal of waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

* Bodyflex has a beneficial effect on intensity stomach muscle contractions, causing over time its decrease in size, and, consequently, a decrease in the amount of food consumed.

* The uniqueness of the bodyflex system is that it can work effectively in two directions: to help reduce overall volume and model individual problem areas(buttocks, hips, waist, etc.).

Results of training using the bodyflex system

  • loss of excess weight, reduction of volumes in problem areas, cellulite reduction;
  • reducing nervous tension, gaining a calm state, cheerfulness;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • improvement of general well-being (getting rid of snoring, constipation, migraines, “women’s” problems);
  • general rejuvenation of the body;
  • increasing flexibility, gaining grace;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system, accelerating cleansing and digestive processes.

Three rules for a good result

Rule 1. Regularity

Only systematic training provides the required load on the muscles and give the desired result. And here the intensity of the load does not matter: it is consistency that plays a decisive role.

Rule 2. Exercises on an empty stomach

A prerequisite is that all bodyflex classes are carried out only on an empty stomach. Perfect time– in the morning, immediately after waking up. If it is not possible to study in the morning, keep in mind that you can start exercising no earlier than two to three hours after your last meal.

Rule 3. Avoiding strict diets

There is no need to combine bodyflex exercises with a strict diet or fasting. During training, the body will waste a colossal amount of energy, which must be replenished. If you feel the need to reduce the amount of food you eat, limit yourself to sweets and starchy foods. That will be quite enough.


Bodyflex exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

For severe cardiovascular pathologies (heart failure 3-4FK, pulmonary hypertension, aortic aneurysm);
- with increased intracranial pressure, cerebral aneurysms;
- if implants are installed in the spine;
- after spinal surgery (at least a year must pass after surgery);
- in the presence of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases (temporary limitation);
- in case of exacerbation (relapse) of chronic diseases (during remission it is possible, and sometimes necessary, to do bodyflex);
- for tumor diseases;
- with bleeding (any location);
- during pregnancy.

Breathing technique

Breathing technique is necessary be sure to fully master it before you start doing the exercises.

In order to learn how to breathe correctly using the bodyflex system, it is recommended to take initial pose:

in a standing position, spread your legs at a distance of 30-35 cm, rest your palms 3 cm above your knees. The result will be a pose as if you are about to sit down. The head remains in a straight position, the chin is horizontal to the floor, and the gaze is directed forward. It is from this position that one can learn proper breathing easiest way.

Stage 1 of diaphragmatic breathing. Exhale through the mouth

The first thing you need to learn is the ability to properly exhale air from your lungs. In this case, it is important that from the lungs all the exhaust air was completely removed. Therefore, you need to not just exhale it, but literally squeeze it out - something like how we squeeze the air out of a ball with our foot. To make this exhalation, round your lips and pull them forward a little, as if you are going to whistle. And then begin to calmly and slowly release air through your mouth. When you realize that you cannot squeeze out any more drops, stop and close your lips.

Stage 2 of diaphragmatic breathing. Quick inhalation through the nose

Now all the attention is on the nose. Imagine that you have no mouth at all or that it has been sewn up with thread. Take a sharp breath through your nose: inhale as fully and sharply as possible, like a vacuum cleaner sucking in air. Your lungs should be filled to capacity with oxygen.

With such an inhalation sound effect required, and the louder the sound produced, the better. And if you inhale completely silently, this means that you are inhaling incorrectly. A quick and strong breath through the nose, by definition, cannot be quiet or silent. Try to suck in air as hard as you can: imagine that you were in an airless space, and now you are given a breath of air.

Once your lungs are full and you can no longer breathe in air, stop. Now we turn our attention to the lips: they are tightly closed and do not release air. The head is slightly raised. But the nose just doesn’t work, imagine. That he doesn't exist anymore. We hold all the air within ourselves.

Stage 3 of diaphragmatic breathing. Sharp exhalation through the mouth from the diaphragm

The next task is to push out all the drawn-in air through the mouth. But you have to not just exhale, but do it straining your stomach, as if knocking the air out of the lungs with the abdominal muscles. To do this, open your mouth wide, get ready, and then sharply squeeze the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen - then the lungs will also contract and push out all the air. Such an exhalation should be accompanied by a whistling sound, which resembles the sound of air coming out of a punctured tire: something like “puff” or “pa-ah”.

At this stage, all attention should be on the diaphragm - namely the diaphragm pushes air out. Even if your abdominal muscles are weak, your diaphragm should still be normally developed. Try to push the air as quickly as possible.

Stage 4 of diaphragmatic breathing. Holding your breath

This stage is considered the most difficult part of the breathing exercise. Close your lips as tightly as possible, do not try to suck in air through your nose. In general, forget that you have a mouth and a nose. You have no air to breathe.

Tilt your head slightly towards your chest. Now focus on the stomach. Start counting slowly (in your head) and gradually tighten your stomach. The stomach goes inward, turns into a flat board. The stomach, intestines and other organs begin to go under the ribs. The stomach seems to rise upward, beginning to pull the intestines along with it. Everything that is in your stomach also rises and begins to go under the ribs.

Now your stomach is not flat - it is concave, similar to the depression that usually forms in a punctured ball. There is a feeling that your peritoneum is touching your spine.

The stomach should be pulled in slowly, while counting to eight. You have to count in the following way: one-one-one, two-two-two... Most likely you won’t be able to hold your breath for all eight beats right away - usually they start with three or four, and already in the process of training the ability to reach eight is achieved. Keep in mind: as soon as you manage to hold your breath for all eight measures, you can consider that you have practically mastered the preparatory stage. It is at this stage of holding the breath with simultaneous retraction of the abdomen that all exercises are performed.

Stage 5 of diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale through the nose

Once you have counted to eight and feel your belly in the spine area, you can inhale. Just relax all your muscles and let the air rush into your lungs. After holding your breath, the lungs fill with air, accompanied by a sound reminiscent of a sob - “whoosh.”

What else you need to know about diaphragmatic breathing

It should be understood that when it comes to diaphragmatic breathing, here all five stages are important. You can't train the first or third and forget about the second or fourth. Or fully master the correct inhalation, but not master the exhalation. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control yourself throughout the entire lesson.

It is recommended to practice this type of breathing in the morning, on an empty stomach when the stomach is not yet filled with liquid and food. Doing breathing exercises with a full stomach can lead to nausea and vomiting. Therefore, you should start training immediately after waking up and putting yourself in order.

It is advisable to practice in front of a large mirror at first. This way you can immediately see at what stage you are not working to your full potential and where you are deviating from the most correct position bodies.

Don't forget before training ventilate the room: Do not do breathing exercises in a room with stale air after a night's sleep.

Directly to physical exercise You should move on only after you have fully mastered all five stages of diaphragmatic breathing. Mastering the technique of diaphragmatic breathing usually requires 3-4 weeks of constant daily training. And when you master this breathing, you can begin to perform the exercises of the main complex. Start with 5 minutes workout and gradually increase its duration.

Basic set of bodyflex exercises

"Diamond" (removing fat and tightening the skin of the hands)

We begin the training with the same pose that you already mastered at the preparatory stage, when you learned to breathe correctly: legs apart, knees bent, hands resting above the knees. We do a breathing exercise, then hold our breath and draw in our stomach. We straighten up and place our feet shoulder-width apart, closing our arms in a circle in front of us. We hold our hands so that the elbows are high and only the fingers are touching. To make it easier to keep your elbows up, you can slightly round your back.

Tighten your arms closed in a circle, rest your fingers against each other and begin to press on your fingers as hard as possible. Don't move your hands - only apply pressure with your fingertips. You should feel muscle tension throughout your arm from your wrist to your chest. Try to maintain the pressure for eight seconds (eight beats), then exhale, relax your arms and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise three times.

When performing the exercise, you must keep your elbows high. If you lower your elbows, the pressure will go not to the arm muscles, but to chest. The hands touch each other only with the fingertips, and the palms are not involved at all.

“Boat” (boat) - for beautiful hips

Sit on the floor and spread your straight legs wide in different directions. After this, pull your socks towards you and to the sides, thus trying to stretch your thigh muscles even more. The heels do not come off the floor. Place your hands behind your back, rest your palms on the floor. Try to keep your arms straight and not bend your elbows. In this position, perform all five stages of the breathing exercise, tilt your head forward as usual, draw in your stomach and hold your breath.

After holding your breath, move your hands forward and place them straight in front of you, palms down, with your back slightly tilted. Then slowly move your fingers forward, without lifting them from the floor, try to bend as low as possible. If you do everything correctly, you will feel the muscles on your inner thighs stretch. Bend forward as low as possible and count to eight. After this, exhale, straighten up and place your hands behind your back. Do the exercise three times.

During runtime this exercise there is no need to strain - the hips should be completely relaxed. The thigh muscles should be stretched gradually, without sudden movements. Try not to bend your knees at all - otherwise the load will decrease.

Exercise “Lion” (for tightening the skin of the face and neck)

The starting position is normal: legs 30-35 cm wide, arms supported above the knees. We perform a breathing exercise, then hold our breath and take the main pose, while drawing in our stomach.

We gather our lips into a small circle, then open our eyes as wide as possible and look up (tighten the muscles under the eyes). At the same time, we lower the lips in the circle down (the cheeks and nose area are tense) and stick out the tongue to the limit, without relaxing the lips. We count to eight. We perform the exercise five times.

You should not open your mouth too wide: the circle of your lips should look as if you are surprised by something, i.e. small.

Exercise “Ugly grimace” (for neck and chin)

It may be easier to do this exercise without the breathing part first. Stand up straight, keep your head straight. Bring your lower front teeth beyond your upper teeth (i.e., create an overbite) and stick out your lips as if you want to kiss someone standing next to you (remember the pictures of romantically inclined monkeys). Stretch your neck, continuing to protrude your lips, until you feel that your neck is tense to the limit. Now slowly lift your head up and look at the ceiling - you should feel a strong stretch from the tip of your chin to your sternum. And you shouldn’t be surprised when the next day you feel quite severe pain in the neck area - these muscles have never been so tense before.

When the exercise is mastered, try combining these grimaces with a breathing exercise. First, take the basic breathing pose, do a breathing exercise, then, as usual, draw in your stomach and hold your breath. Now get into the main pose - straighten up, move your arms back a little, lift your chin up. It becomes impossible to tiptoe - the soles must completely touch the floor.

Once you have mastered this exercise (and understand how well it lives up to its name), try combining it with the rest of the exercise. Here is the initial pose, like the main pose for breathing - hands above the knees, legs apart, buttocks in a position as if you want to sit down. After completing this breathing exercise, hold your breath, pull in your stomach, and return to the main pose. Perform the “Ugly Grimace” exercise four to five times, holding your breath for eight counts each time.

Exercise “Side stretch” (for the muscles of the lower abdomen and waist)

Take the basic breathing pose, perform a breathing exercise, then draw in your stomach and stand in the basic pose. To do this, lower your left hand - now your elbow is on your bent left knee. Pull the toe of your right foot and extend this leg to the side, while the foot should not lift off the floor. Your weight should be on your left knee. Then raise your right hand up and stretch it to the left side - from the side you should feel how all the muscles stretch from the waist to the armpit. And your hand should be as straight as possible and above your head.

Maintain this pose for all eight counts, then relax and take a breath. Perform this exercise three to four times on each side.

When you raise your arm, do not bend it at the elbow - otherwise the stretch will not be performed correctly. And for a good stretch, you need to make sure that the toes of your extended leg are stretched. And don't lean forward - keep your back straight.

Exercise “Pulling the leg back” (Swallow) - strengthening the muscles of the thighs and buttocks

Take the starting position: lower yourself to the floor, lean on your palms and knees, and then on your elbows. Extend one leg back, with the toes of that foot pointing down. Distribute your weight on your arms and bent leg. At the same time, your head should be raised and you should be looking straight ahead. Now perform all five stages of the breathing exercise. At the end, suck in your stomach and hold your breath. And now you take the main pose: straight leg, pulled back, raise it as high as possible, still pull the toe towards you.

Imagine: all your wealth is now between your buttocks - squeeze them with such force that the gluteus maximus muscle tenses. While continuing to hold your breath, squeeze your buttocks for eight counts. After this, take a breath and lower your leg. Perform this exercise three times on each leg.

It is very important not to pull the toe of the straightened leg while performing the exercise - this can change the circulation of blood, which contains burning fat, and then it will go to the calf area, and we need to train the gluteus maximus muscles, not the calves. The sock should “look” at you. The leg laid back must be kept straight - then in gluteal muscles the required voltage will be created. It is necessary to rest on the floor only with your elbows and in no case with your palms.

Exercise “Scissors” (strengthening the muscles of the lower abdomen)

Take the starting position: lie on your back, straighten your legs. Place your hands, palms down, under your buttocks. The head lies on the floor, the lower back is also pressed to the floor - it should not come off during the exercise. First, as usual, we do a breathing exercise, then we draw in our stomach, hold our breath and move on to the main pose.

Raise your legs up - they should be about ten centimeters from the floor. And we begin to make quick, wide swings: first we spread our legs to the sides, then we cross them (i.e. we do the “Scissors” exercise, familiar to everyone from childhood). We try to stretch our socks out as much as possible and do not bend in the lower back. Do 9-10 swings, then lower your legs and rest a little. Repeat this exercise three to four times.

You should not raise your legs above the floor more than ten centimeters - this way you reduce the load on the abs. Do not lift your head off the floor, and always keep your palms under your buttocks.

Exercise “Cat” (universal exercise)

The “Cat” exercise is considered universal and the most useful of the entire system of bodyflex exercises - it immediately involves the back, hips and abdomen.

Take the starting position: get on all fours, lean on your palms and knees. Keep your head straight and look forward. The back and arms are straight. Do the breathing exercise as usual, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and take the main pose: tilt your head down while arching your back as high as possible - like a cat stretching out after sleep. Hold this position for eight counts, then inhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the “Cat” exercise several times, and then relax.

It is preferable to perform this exercise immediately after waking up, before breakfast. As a last resort, at least two hours should pass after eating. You need to take the main pose slowly, smoothly, without making sudden movements. When performed correctly, the exercise should look like one wave rolling from the stomach to the back.

Abdominal exercise (strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower abs)

This exercise not only strengthens the abdominal muscles, removes excess fat in the abdominal area, it also stimulates blood circulation, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, urinary system, respiratory organs, and digestive system.

Take the starting position: lie on your back with your knees slightly bent. Press your feet firmly into the floor - they should be about 35 centimeters apart. Raise your arms up - your head is on the floor - and reach for the ceiling. Do the breathing exercise as usual, draw your stomach in well, hold your breath and take the main pose: raise your shoulders, keep your arms straight, continue to stretch upward. Tilt your head back slightly and focus your gaze on an imaginary point on the ceiling behind you. Try to raise your shoulders and chest as high as possible. Then slowly lower yourself back to the floor - first bottom part back, and only then shoulders and head. As soon as your head is on the floor, immediately rise again and stretch upward. Hold your breath and hold the fixed position for eight counts. Exhale, lower yourself to the floor and relax. Do the exercise three more times.

When performing this exercise, you do not need to swing or push off the floor - only one abdominal muscle should work. Keep your head slightly tilted back with your chin raised. Under no circumstances should you press your chin to your neck - you can damage your neck. There is also no need to stick out your stomach when you stretch upward, otherwise the wrong muscles will work. Try to pull your stomach in as much as possible and press your lower back tightly to the floor.

Exercise “Seiko” (strengthening the thighs, getting rid of “breeches” and excess fat above the knees)

Take the starting position: kneel with your hands on the floor. Then straighten your right leg, stretch it out right side so that it is at right angles to the body. Keep your back straight, do not bend the knee of your right leg, and lower your foot and place it on the floor. As usual, perform a breathing exercise, at the end hold your breath and draw in your stomach.

Next, move on to the main pose: raise your extended leg to hip level so that it is parallel to the floor. Then pull that leg forward, trying to reach your head. Try to keep your leg as high as possible and be sure to always keep it straight. Hold the pose for eight counts, exhale, then lower your leg and take the starting pose. Change your leg and do the same exercise for your left leg. In total, you need to perform three repetitions on each leg.

During the exercise, do not bend your elbows; you can only slightly tilt your body to maintain balance. You need to lift your leg as high as possible and pull it towards your head as much as possible.

Exercise “Pretzel” (training the thigh muscles and shaping the waist)

Take the starting position: sit on the floor with your legs crossed at the knees so that your left knee is above your right. This exercise is considered bilateral: first it must be performed on one side, with the left leg on top, and then on the other side, changing the left leg to the right. The leg that is below must be kept straight.

Place your left hand behind your back, rest it on the floor, and place your right hand on your left knee. Perform the breathing exercise as usual, draw in your stomach, hold your breath and take the main pose: transfer your body weight to your left hand, which is behind, and right hand take your left knee (it's on top), lift it up and pull it as close to you as you can, trying to press it to your chest. At the same time, very slowly turn your entire body to the left and look behind you.

If you're doing everything correctly, you should feel the muscles in your waist and hips stretch. Hold this position for eight counts, exhale and return to the starting position. Now you need to swap your arms and legs and repeat this exercise in the other direction. In total, you need to do three repetitions on each side.

Abdominal and waist complex

Complex for hips and buttocks

Upper body complex

All of these exercises are quite easy to use, the most important thing is to understand how to do them correctly, then you can change the order in which they are performed, as well as modernize them by selecting the ones you need.