Close combat: technique, techniques, how to enter, Soviet school. Boxing “close combat is a fight” – Amilcar da Silva talks about the principles of short-range combat. Close combat training

Hello, dear readers of the site. Surely you have often seen fights in which one fighter drives the other into a corner. This is close combat. How should you attack and defend in such a situation?

Close combat in boxing

Close combat in boxing implies that the athlete has the following skills: quickly approach, attack, dodge the attack and go on the attack again.

If the opponent is knocked out of position or is confused by a missed attack, he must immediately be pressed and finished off with a series of strikes.

When fighters find themselves at the shortest distance from each other, the most difficult situation in boxing arises. It is very difficult to force the enemy to enter this phase. And it is extremely difficult to work in it.

How to enter melee is shown in this picture

The opponent is pressed against the rope and driven into the corner of the area. The second option is to intelligently close the distance with him during the attack, then when retreating you need to suddenly and quickly use a dive or double defense with your elbows. Then a big step is taken to the front and left side. Thanks to this maneuver, the initial conditions for such a limited duel are formed.

They require you to immediately take the most advantageous position. If you manage to get your hands between your opponent's hands, then you are in that position. From this second you can develop an attack. First come the low blows to the body and head. They are combined with hooks.

Possible mistakes: the fighter holds the opponent, and does not use the opportune moment to defeat. In this situation, both athletes make a mutual grab.

The so-called clinch occurs. The referee commands the fighters to take a step back. And so the conditions for the designated situation are neutralized.

In a worse case, one of the boxers, having started this fight, “sticks” to his opponent, while he himself gets lost. He captures it, but does nothing further. And the opponent, who knows what to do, seriously attacks in response with a series of different blows.

The most unpleasant incident is considered to be when one of the boxers makes a one-sided hold, holds the opponent with his hand and punches him.

According to boxing rules, such a technique is strictly prohibited during a fight. And the judge first warns the offender, and if this action is repeated, he will disqualify him.

Melee Techniques

When an opponent is captured at the shortest distance, and then nothing happens, this is a common picture. It is mainly characterized in beginners at the level of instinct.

And the coach must set correct techniques close combat to his charges. The primary task for him is to defeat the instinct of capture in his students. Different, independently created positions in close combat are used. Students are specifically placed in these positions. And according to the coaching instructions, they take turns conducting mutual attacks.

At each lesson, the mentor ensures that the mentees realize that the moment of rapprochement is the most optimal moment for a series of formidable boardings. At this moment, the student can release all his strength and boxing anger.

It is often difficult for a coach to psychologically influence students. And only artificial technical measures can solve this problem. If they don’t help either, the coach will admonish the fighters kind words and hope that the students will gradually develop the necessary combat mindset.

Attacking techniques in such a battle have already been discussed. Defensive actions are no less important.

It is very difficult to perfect close-quarters defensive techniques in boxing. Here the main task– neutralization of enemy actions. The technique is as follows: you need to place your hands between the opponent’s hands and block his elbow joints by applying the hands. If this can be done, you must immediately storm the opponent. You can lean on his shoulders and jump back - this is a way out of a critical situation.

The most reasonable solution is to move your hands sharply from bottom to top. But their input can also be diagonal: one hand follows the input vector from top to bottom, cuts between the elbow joint of one hand, and in parallel the second hand performs the same maneuver from bottom to top.

Another way to paralyze enemy advances is through stops. Methodology: the forearms of the hands are placed on the forearms of the same hands (left, right) of the opponent. This type of protection is called crossover.

In a situation where the hands block the opponent's hands on opposite sides, a direct overlap occurs.

Such skills are often instilled by trainers operating in the Soviet school of close combat. They and other experts also highlight a universal defensive technique in such a fight - this is a double defense with elbows.

In the situation described, it is difficult to get out of the corner. You can overcome enemy captivity using the following methods:

  1. Dive under his hand. The specified elbow defense is used. You wait for one of the left attacks sent to your head. Take a step forward and to the right side, with your left foot. Here you need to dive under the opponent’s attacking hand and lean on his body with your left elbow. Turn to his left and punch him in the head with the right. After a successful dive, he finds himself backed into a corner.
  1. Get away from your opponent by wrapping and turning. At the moment of the attack, the left hand is brought under the opponent’s right shoulder, the right hand hits him left shoulder. At the same time, you step forward and to the right side with your right foot. Lean on it and turn to the left. This is how a combination of attack and dash is achieved. If executed successfully, the opponent instantly leans back into the corner. The Boxing Code allows such a technique. And it always brings an effective outcome, and is often used by boxers.


Fighting in the corner of the ring happens quite often in boxing. If you have perfectly honed the offensive and defensive actions needed in such a situation, you can not only get out of a difficult situation, but also defeat your opponent.

class words: technique, methodology, boxing, Amilcar Da Silva, close combat, exercises, training

Former boxer and master hand-to-hand combat, and now a boxing coach in one of the capital's fitness centers, Amilcar Da Silva, considers close-range combat to be the most difficult thing for a boxer to master. To develop close combat skills, a boxer must hone his skills to the point of automaticity, not panic and be ready to make an exchange. About how to train melee skills, how to improve physical fitness and which of the modern professional boxers is a true master of close combat, says AMILCAR DA SILVA in an interview with Sport Boxing.

Amilcar Da Silva was born in Guinea-Bissau ( West Africa). As a child, he moved to Russia, to the city of Ivanovo. Amilcar Da Silva competed at regional level boxing competitions in the 90s. After that, he decided to switch first to sambo, and then took up hand-to-hand combat. In these types of martial arts, Amilcar Da Silva became the winner of a number of competitions of all-Russian significance. Since 2001, Da Silva has worked as a boxing trainer in one of the Moscow fitness centers.

What are the features of close combat compared to combat at medium and long distances?

Boxing at medium and long distances is somewhat similar to chess. This is calculated boxing, both opponents move around the ring, looking and aiming, trying to beat each other. Of course, here you need to make lightning-fast decisions, but you have time to prepare each of them, you have the opportunity to take a closer look and strike at the most advantageous moment. Close combat is more reminiscent of a fight and has a number of corresponding features. Unlike classic boxing long distance, in close combat there is practically no time to calculate and figure out where to strike. Here it is important to act instantly, on reflexes. Hence the specificity of training - for close combat you need to spend a lot of time learning and training the same movements. So that in the fight itself you don’t have to think, but immediately act. If a boxer begins to think and calculate his actions on short distance, then he may get lost and panic. And in close combat this is the path to defeat. Here you need to go forward and fight, and the key to victory is combinations trained to automaticity. And in a short-range fight, the boxer must be ready to make an exchange. Therefore, when training close combat, almost all the time is spent working in pairs and sparring.

Give examples of exercises when working in pairs.

Basically these are various three-hit combinations. It is also important to train the skills of getting closer and breaking the distance. This is especially true against taller opponents who are accustomed to boxing at a long distance, using a jab, or at a medium distance, actively connecting with a straight right. A classic example of a distance failure is the double-step shuttle. That is, first there are several cycles of movement in a regular shuttle - back and forth, back and forth, and then sharply back and forth. You can break the distance by ducking or diving, ducking under the enemy's leading hand. At the same time, such a moment of breaking the distance must be caught, and before that, constantly work with the jab. The front hand should not hang around idle - blows must be delivered constantly, preparing the ground for a breakthrough. The enemy must be kept in constant tension. You can partially practice these skills at home in front of the mirror. But without working in pairs and sparring in boxing, and especially if you like close combat, there is nothing to do.

What is the role of standard combinations in the arsenal of a boxer who relies on close combat? Can you give examples of some combinations?

Standard combinations are of serious importance for short distance lovers. As I already said, movements must be honed for automaticity. Preference is given to three-hit combinations. They allow you to open up the enemy and deliver a powerful blow. It is the third, final blow in the series that should be accentuated, the most powerful. In close combat, side punches and uppercuts are used mainly. I have three favorite, signature combinations that have proven themselves well in experience.
First combination: right side to the body, left side to the head and left side to the liver;
Second combination: right side to the head, left side to the head, left side to the liver;
Third combination: right side to the body, right uppercut, left side to the liver. This combination requires some skill to master, but is very powerful and effective.

Close combat requires good physical preparation. What kind of loads are more desirable if a boxer relies on close combat?

Short-range combat requires very good strength endurance. This is a constant struggle, not a moment of rest - the enemy is constantly being worn down. In classic long-distance boxing, you need, first of all, good breathing - after all, the boxer is constantly moving. But what is needed here is strength endurance, and running alone is not enough. For training, it is advisable to use weights, but do not overdo it with weight - the bet will be placed on big number repetitions. As usual, you should start such a workout with a classic warm-up for 15-20 minutes. After this, you can conduct 3-4 rounds of practicing strikes and combinations, as well as shadowboxing with dumbbells or weights weighing 0.5-1.5 kg. The first round can be done with heavier dumbbells, and in subsequent rounds you can gradually reduce the weight, increasing the speed of the exercise. Next, you should move on to training your legs. Jumping, jumping and squatting are ideal here. When doing squats, you should use a barbell with a not very heavy weight - so that you can perform 15-30 repetitions in one approach for 3-4 sets. At the end of such a workout, you should leave the bar. Exercise in progress in the following way- the boxer gets into a frontal position, takes the bar and begins to throw it intensively - either upwards or forwards and upwards. The goal is to throw it out as quickly as possible, while trying to increase the number of repetitions in each workout. You can throw the bar out not in a frontal, but in a classic boxing stance. This type of training harmoniously develops strength endurance boxer - something that is very necessary for close combat.

In general, weights play a significant role in the development of modern boxers. It’s just important not to overdo it and avoid enslavement. The rules here are simple. Most weight training exercises are best performed for high repetitions. For example, I recommend doing the bench press for 40 repetitions and working on speed, trying to do one set as quickly as possible. Gradually, during training, the weight of the barbell should be increased slightly. At the same time, you should give up strengthening exercises, such as biceps curls, bent-over rows, etc. A boxer is best suited for various presses, that is, those exercises where the barbell moves away from you. Most pulls, where the projectile moves towards you, strengthen the boxer, increasing the volume and mass of muscles that are poorly involved in the blow.

Which modern boxer do you think best demonstrates close combat skills? Whose fights are worth watching to form ideas about the laws of short-range combat?

Of the modern boxers, perhaps Ricky Hatton fights best in close combat. He is considered a close-combat fighter who pins down his opponent, not shying away from dirty tricks. However, he is not just trying to fight. Hutton has a clear understanding of how to work inside. He constantly attacks and, even if there is a fight, continues to act. He does not stand still, but constantly exhausts the enemy, grabbing him by the elbows, for example. As for dirty tricks, they are almost impossible to avoid in close combat. This is at long range and in amateur boxing They fight cleanly, but in close combat you have to be prepared for anything.

Of course, there are many boxers who feel good in close combat. Miguel Cotto feels great in close combat - this is truly his element. He never panics and acts very clearly. Floyd Mayweather also knows how to fight at close range, although he is still more accustomed to fighting from afar. Mayweather tries to avoid close combat, working at more familiar distances. However, if the enemy persistently gets closer, Floyd does not lose heart and knows how to box in close combat imposed by the enemy.

Boxing is one of the most spectacular sports. He is interesting to everyone. Fights at close range are especially acute. When approaching an enemy, you can make many mistakes, miss blows, miss, resort to grabs or push the enemy. Therefore, it is necessary and important to train carefully in order to achieve good results. You can watch the basic technique and the close combat itself in this film.

The most convenient position for close combat is the basic boxer's stance. Steps to the sides help well in close combat; this disarms one of the enemy’s sides.

In general, all you need is to watch the close combat carefully. After all, it not only talks in detail about all the features and tactics, but also shows exactly how you need to train in order to easily defeat your opponent in close combat.

Close combat in boxing, educational film

Close combat in boxing, educational film (description)

In the future, close combat tactics should be improved. Even if you are a champion, you still have to polish elements of technique throughout your many years of preparation.

Short-range strikes are characterized by a minimal range of motion, but greater purity. Elements of close combat must be persistently brought to the point of automaticity in special training battles.

There is no time to think, so you need to act decisively. Depending on the individual characteristics of the boxers, at close range you can fight in different ways.

Relaxation is of particular importance at close range. shoulder girdle. When developing an attack dangerously close to the enemy, it is necessary to use accompanying defenses. You can watch the close combat in this video.

A necessary condition for victory is the obligatory mastery of all melee techniques.

E. I. OGURENKOV Honored Master of Sports, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

(corrected and expanded edition)

Publishing house "Physical culture and sport" Moscow 1969

Close combat in boxing is an essential part of a boxer's skill.

In this book, intended for coaches and elite boxers, Honored Master of Sports E.I. Ogurenkov seeks to comprehensively reveal the technique and tactics of boxer fighting at close range and the methodology for teaching close combat techniques.

The work of E. I. Urenkov, based on personal sports experience, many years of observations and experimental study, contains a large and varied material about close combat and will provide serious help boxers in improving sportsmanship.

The author of the book is an outstanding Soviet boxer, whose sports career played a significant role in the formation of the Soviet school of boxing. He won the title of champion of the USSR eight times, competing in the bantamweight, featherweight, lightweight, welterweight and middleweight categories.

Skillfully using close and combination combat, E. I. Ogurenkov in 1943, being a middleweight, for the first time in the history of domestic boxing won the absolute championship of the country and won meetings with the USSR light heavyweight and heavyweight champions.

E.I. Ogurenkov had 168 fights in the ring (24 of them with foreign boxers), winning 154. E. I. Ogurenkov’s fighting credits include victories over famous foreign boxers - Norwegian E. Guliksen, European champions Hungarian L. Papp and Pole K. Kalchinsky.

E. I. Ogurenkov was a comprehensively developed boxer who perfectly mastered a wide arsenal technical means and with equal skill he used combat at long, medium and close distances in meetings in the ring.

Topic plan 1969 No. 90

Dedicated to the dear, unforgettable teacher and coach Boris Semenovich Denisov.


Close combat makes up a significant part of the boxers' sportsmanship. Often the success of boxers depends on the ability to act correctly in close-range combat

V competition. But in order for a boxer to master the technique and tactics of close combat, a general acquaintance with how to act in close combat is not enough: a boxer needs to be specially trained in close combat and devote a lot of attention and time to improving it. To do this, both the coach and the boxer must have a fairly wide range of techniques and tactics.

TO Unfortunately, in existing teaching aids, close combat is given undeservedly little space.

This textbook aims to fill, if possible, these gaps in the sports literature.

In presenting the technique of close combat, the author departed from the generally accepted classification of techniques. Close combat techniques are described approximately in the sequence in which they are studied in practice. However, simple positions and techniques (position, strikes, defenses) are distributed according to specific characteristics. But then all the technical material is presented in strict accordance with the sequence of training recommended by the author and based on the transition from simple techniques to more complex ones.

This order of presentation makes the book very convenient to use. When preparing for classes, the trainer and boxer can easily use the material presented in the book.

The book is intended for classes with adult athletes. But it can also be used when teaching boxing to young men.

However, it must be borne in mind that young men should be taught close combat no earlier than five to six months after the start of classes, when young boxers have gone through a fairly comprehensive physical training and master the basics of long-range combat. In addition, the volume educational material and the load in lessons with young men must be reduced compared to what is given for adult boxers. Thus, close combat exercises should occupy no more than 15-20% of the time in the main part of the lesson; the number of lessons should also be less, for example, out of three lessons, one should be devoted to close combat, retaining distance combat training in the material of such a lesson.

It is worth paying attention to two features of the training sequence proposed in the book. Firstly, you need to start learning strikes with strikes from below, and not from the sides. This is discussed in detail in the chapter on teaching methods. Secondly, you should first teach strikes performed with the right hand, and then with the left. This is different from the long range combat training sequence.

This order is necessary because the complex coordination of movements used

V close combat, the boxer learns faster and easier, learning techniques for right hand. Once they are mastered, it will not be difficult for the boxer to perform them with his left hand.

The material presented in the book is based on many years of observations, our sports and teaching experience and a specially designed experimental study. The work also summarizes the best practices of boxers and coaches.

As a result of all this work, a wide and varied range of close combat equipment and tactics were identified and a training and improvement methodology was developed.

The book is designed to help boxers in their sports improvement and coaches

in their sports and pedagogical work.



The description of close combat techniques and methods of training boxers to fight at close range in our sports literature does not correspond to practical combat

the experience that individual boxers and their coaches have accumulated: in the practice of teaching boxing and in fights in the ring, you can see a significantly larger number of technical and tactical techniques.

Therefore, using various methods, we set out to find out what boxers know about close combat and what technical and tactical techniques they use in sports practice (meaning the practice of training and the practice of sports competitions).

To do this, we distributed a questionnaire to leading boxers and coaches, which contained questions about close combat. Over the course of a number of years, we carried out observations at training sessions and major competitions in the USSR, Europe and the world, analyzed films in which fights were filmed during major boxing competitions and tournaments, and analyzed our own materials (diaries, recordings) collected over a number of years personal sports performances.

The experience of leading boxers and trainers of the USSR was also summarized through various conversations.

Comparison of personal data and statements best boxers and coaches allowed us to identify a number of important points.

The overwhelming majority of boxing masters and coaches surveyed consider close combat as an organic part of tactics and devote a lot of time to practicing improving close combat techniques.

IN In combat practice, boxers use a large number of different techniques close combat. Despite the variety and number of techniques, they can be generalized, classified and systematized, as well as justified tactically.

Many close combat techniques performed by individual masters are repeated, but in almost every master they receive an individual expression.

IN In the practice of boxing masters, three main tactical directions of close combat can be established:

the desire to act technically and tactically diverse, using a wide range of attack, defense and counterattack techniques to defeat the enemy;

the use of close combat as a forced method of self-defense; the desire to stay at close range for a minimum amount of time;

the desire to tire the enemy in order to weaken his resistance and ensure victory over him.

A number of boxing masters use only single strong blows in close combat. The overwhelming majority of masters resort to both single and serial strikes.

The main methods of defense of masters in close combat are dives, stands, dodges, stops, used both to protect the head and torso, and for active defense in order to seize the initiative from the enemy.

It was noted that boxers initially studied close combat in different ways. Some studied close combat at the end of their primary training course, others - after achieving sports category, many have not studied it at all.

IN The vast majority of boxers used a holistic method when studying close combat techniques, that is, they practiced attack and defense based on a broad technical and tactical task.

Another part of the boxers used a dismembered method, that is, first they learned individual blows and defenses against them, then a series of strikes and active defenses, and only after that they improved in the techniques performed in fights on assignments.

This analysis made it possible to note the following characteristic shortcomings in the technique and tactics of boxers who carried out close combat:

the technique of low, side and short straight punches has not been improved, does not give the desired effect and often leads to violations of boxing rules;

many boxers have poor knowledge of defenses against blows and active defenses, used to seize the initiative from the enemy at the moment of his attack;

boxers have insignificant technical and tactical means used at close combat range.

Based on the answers, we can determine the following reasons that give rise to poor proficiency in close combat techniques:

sports literature does not sufficiently cover the issues of technology and tactics of close combat, methods of training and improvement in it;

trainers do not pay enough attention to close combat skills in classes;

a holistic methodology for training close combat and improving

The method of teaching close combat in the practice of most of our trainers is carried out using a holistic method, which does not meet modern requirements (it should be studied in more detail and in a dismembered method).

The responses from boxers and coaches gave us the opportunity to write down (at first without a specific system) a number of close combat techniques - strikes, defenses, ways to enter and exit close combat.

We conducted systematic observations on training sessions in boxing in the sections of leading Moscow sports societies and departments “Labor Reserves”, “Dynamo”, “Wings of the Soviets”, “Spartak”, “Medic”, “Chemist”, “Builder” and in sports organizations a number of cities in the country.

We gleaned a lot of material from observations carried out at the largest international competitions. In addition, we analyzed the fights of boxing masters at all USSR championships from 1945 to the present.

All this allowed us to identify many shortcomings in close combat: very few consciously sought to conduct close combat; most boxers do not know how to fight at close range; even those boxers who prefer to fight in close range make many mistakes when entering close range (lack of insurance

And clear entry techniques). Many boxers had incorrect and awkward positions during close combat; Boxers often throw side punches inside gloves; trying to get into close combat, boxers miss blows to the head; Melee techniques are technically monotonous; delivering blows in series to the head and torso, boxers do not emphasize individual blows, but during close combat they make a number of tactical mistakes, losing the advantage gained in the fight, which reduces the effectiveness of the fight as a whole; Boxers often exit from close combat technically incorrectly and tactically untimely; boxers rarely use punches to break out of close combat; Boxers interrupt close combat with long pauses and do not use the advantages gained from individual techniques in order to develop an attack.

Observations at competitions were supplemented by the analysis of a large number of newsreels filmed at major international competitions, including fights of famous American professional boxers D. Louis, T. Galento, M. Baer and others.

We sought to expand the collected material using our own seventeen years of sports experience.

WITH Using various methods of generalizing sports experience, we tried to determine the basic principles of close combat, identify the techniques used in combat as fully as possible, classify them, filling in the gaps identified as a result of the classification, and systematize the techniques according to the sequence of training.

This material is presented in the chapter “Melee Combat Techniques”.


Close combat in boxing is the most active form of combat, consisting of a set of technical and tactical techniques used at close range. These techniques form a system of means of combat, expressed in blows with arms bent at the elbows, appropriate

defenses against them and ways to initiate and exit melee combat.

A stable body position in a position at close combat distance allows the boxer at the right moment to quickly make the appropriate decision related to attack, defense, counterattack, exit from close combat, or perform various tactical actions. A stable position of the body in close combat is ensured by a strong positioning of the legs on full feet, bent at the knees, which lowers the center of gravity of the body and promotes strength and stability during combat with the enemy.

An unstable body position in a position throws a boxer off balance, making it difficult to focus on the opponent’s actions and quickly respond to the created situation with an attack, counterattack, defense, exit from close combat or various other tactical actions.

A grouped position without muscle tension has a positive effect in close combat. This position allows the boxer, without spending unnecessary energy and time, to successfully attack, counterattack, defend or perform any tactical action at the right moment in the fight.

An open position and excessive muscle tension: The boxer's ability to succeed in attack, counterattack, defense against blows and in various tactical actions is reduced.

Excessive muscle tension quickly tires them, reduces resistance, makes it difficult to endure difficulties in battle, and weakens the boxer’s will. An open, ungrouped position will not provide the opportunity to quickly and firmly defend against blows.

Economical and rational movement in close combat creates the opportunity to implement the adopted combat decision in a minimum amount of time and spend a minimum of muscle effort on it. Economical and rational movement saves the boxer's energy and helps to achieve the intended goal.

An important quality of a boxer is accuracy and speed of movements. Fast, precise movement will help the boxer perform the intended fighting technique and thereby lead him to victory faster. In combat, speed and accuracy allow you to seize the initiative from the enemy. At the moment of approach, speed allows the boxer to be the first to launch an attack using any of the means allowed by the rules of boxing and seize the initiative in close combat.

In close combat, it is very important to be able to combine muscle relaxation with instant tension. During an attack, defense or counter-attack, only the muscles necessary to perform these movements should be used. The minimum time of muscle tension spent on performing techniques will allow the boxer to save strength in battle, prolong freshness and performance, and give him the opportunity to act energetically to win victory over the enemy.

For example, during a melee strike you need to clench your fist, but only at the moment it touches the target and immediately relax after the strike.

The ability to coordinate movements in close combat should be considered very significant and important. Before delivering an accented blow, the boxer must prepare a comfortable starting position, which allows him to activate certain muscle groups needed in this position.

We mainly observe the following preparatory movements in a boxer:

turning the body to the right for a side right blow to the head or torso;

turning the body to the left for a left side blow to the head or body;

tilt to the right or left and squat on the right or left leg, depending on the situation in the battle, for a side blow or a right or left blow from below;

moving the pelvis back and tilting the torso forward to strike from below to the torso or head;

bending the body back and turning it to the right for a short direct blow or blow

to the head;

tilting the body back and turning to the left for a short direct or side blow to the head;

crouching in order to protect against blows and deliver retaliatory blows from below to the torso or head;

squatting and turning the body to the right to protect jot blows and deliver a retaliatory side or short straight right blow to the head;

squatting and turning the body to the left to protect against blows and deliver a retaliatory side or short direct blow to the head with the left;

circular movement of the body to the left, down, right, left and turning the body to the left with straightening to protect against a side blow with the right to the head and for a reciprocal side blow or a short straight left to the head;

circular movement of the body to the right, down, left and rotation of the body with straightening it to protect against a side blow with the right to the head and for a reciprocal side blow or a short straight left to the head;

steps left, right, back, running a few steps to the left or right to challenge the opponent to move towards the boxer and strike back to the head or torso.

In order to implement the principles on which the close-range hitting technique is based, high physical fitness is required, which is developed through systematic year-round training.

Technical and tactical techniques of close combat are inextricably linked with each other. Each technical and tactical technique is characterized by a specific content and specific form.

IN close combat techniques should be considered firstly, the features of an individual specific technique and, secondly, possible options this technique.

The technique of close combat techniques should be the most economical and expedient in the form of movements and give maximum effect with minimal expenditure of force.

The technique of close combat in boxing consists of numerous techniques consisting of blows from below, side, short straight, various defenses against them, counter-blows used at a distance at which short blows can only be delivered with arms bent at the elbows.

A large number of existing techniques and their variants at close combat distances makes it possible to select them and use them in various combat situations.

The same can be said about close combat tactics.

IN In close combat, it is very important to be able to use various options for techniques and tactics. By using the appropriate option at the right moment, the boxer will always be able to hit the opponent with one or another blow or combination of blows. So, when striking with your left hand from below in the torso, the body weight can be transferred to the right leg, to left leg or distribute it evenly on both legs, and therefore choose various options strikes or series in further actions.

IN conditions of a fight, when boxers constantly change their body position, create a threat of a blow for each other, and offer resistance, the technique of techniques naturally changes in accordance with the developing situation.

In order to successfully complete a fight or stage in close combat, it is very important to seize the initiative in battle.

From experience the best masters close combat and from personal experience, we concluded that every boxer who enters close combat range must strive to seize the initiative, subordinate the enemy to his actions, force him to move from attack to defense.

In order to perform a certain technique in close combat, it is often necessary to force the enemy to take a particular position. Masters of close combat use various tactics that force the enemy to take the appropriate body position. To deliver, for example, a low left blow followed by an accentuated side punch with the right to the head, the boxer throws a distracting side punch (or two) with the right to the opponent's head, thereby forcing him to use defense with a tilt to the right. When the opponent bends to the right, defending himself from a right blow, the boxer decisively attacks him with the intended blow.

It is important to perform each preparatory or “feint” blow before an attack technically so that it does not differ in appearance from a real blow, so that the boxer delivers it correctly and somewhat “emphatically”, forcing the opponent to make an appropriate defense or take a body position favorable to the boxer to start the attack.

Excellent execution of a technique in close combat requires a boxer to have such coordination of movements that would allow maximum use of the necessary muscle groups for a short and effective blow, accurate and strong defense.

After the blow is thrown, the boxer has another task - to deliver a follow-up blow or series of blows. To do this, he must anticipate the body position in which his opponent will end up from the received blow, and coordinate movements to develop a subsequent attack with certain blows to the torso or head.

Expedient alternations of strikes at different targets are called series of strikes. Series consist of three, four and five, and sometimes more blows delivered to the head and torso.

A series of blows are constructed in such a way that one or more blows making up the series force the enemy to open his head or torso, where the accented blow should be delivered. So, for example, in order to perform a side kick with a right hand to the head, a boxer distracts the opponent with “feint” blows from below in the body, thereby forcing him to lower his arms to protect himself and involuntarily open vulnerable point on the head there is a chin, where an accentuated blow is applied.

Or another example. The boxer is planning to strike swipe right bottom in the torso in the solar plexus area. He begins the attack with quick right and left side blows to the head, diverting the enemy’s attention from protecting the body. There can be one, two or more distracting blows to the head. Strikes to the head will certainly cause a corresponding reaction from the opponent, who will begin to protect his head with his hands, thereby opening up the right place for an accented blow from the bottom to the solar plexus.

To deliver an accented blow, it is very important to prepare the initial position of the body. For example, before an accentuated blow from the right from below, you should bend down and turn your torso and pelvis to the right so that it is convenient for the boxer to deliver the intended blow.

By systematically training and improving his sportsmanship, a boxer must bring the technique of a series of strikes to automaticity. An unexpected automated series of strikes can often decide the outcome of a fight.

The technique of strikes, and especially a counter strike in close combat, provides insurance against a possible strike from the enemy.

When striking in close combat, the boxer, with the hand free from the blow, must insure himself against a possible counter blow from the enemy. Insurance against any “accidents” with special protection will allow the attacker to avoid a counter strike. Describing the technique of blows from below, side and short straight in close combat, we will dwell in detail on defenses against these blows and methods of insurance.

The technique and tactics of close combat in boxing, as well as long-range combat, cannot be considered as something constant and frozen - they are constantly developing and improving.

In boxing competitions, there are opponents who differ in their characteristics both in technique, tactics, and in physical and volitional training. Therefore, a boxer must structure his fight according to his own characteristics and the characteristics of his opponent. About it

one must always remember when selecting appropriate techniques for the upcoming battle.


The fighting position is the starting position of the boxer, convenient for offensive and defensive actions. In close combat, boxers constantly change positions depending on the personal intentions and actions of the enemy.

There are three main positions: active-defensive, offensive and defensive. Active-protective position . The torso is bent at the waist and tilted forward. Pelvis

filed back somewhat. Legs are slightly bent and shoulder-width apart. Feet are parallel. Body weight is distributed evenly on both legs. Boxers in position lightly touch each other with their heads (at the left shoulder). The arms are bent at the elbows at an acute angle and the shoulder part is pressed to the body. The muscles of the body are not tense. The legs touch the floor with the entire foot, the knees are slightly bent (Fig. 1).

This position is used for various purposes. It allows the boxer to rest from active offensive actions, and makes it possible to defend against the active actions of the enemy, especially from his right blows to the head. Using this position, the boxer can choose the right moment to renew the attack.

Offensive position. The torso is slightly bent at the waist. The pelvis is slightly forward. Legs are bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart and the entire foot touching the floor. Feet are parallel. Body weight is evenly distributed on both legs. The arms, bent at the elbow joints at an acute angle, are lowered down and lightly touch the body. Boxers in position do not touch their heads to each other (Fig. 2).

Due to the fact that the boxers do not directly touch and do not restrict each other's movements, this position allows athletes to use close combat tools more widely. Tactically, this position is used for active actions in close combat; The boxer's hands remain free, and he can strike and throw active defenses.

Defensive positions. The torso is straightened, slightly tilted forward and slightly pressed against the opponent’s torso. The feet are parallel and shoulder-width apart. Body weight is distributed evenly on both legs. By placing his forearms on the opponent’s forearms or on the bends of his elbow joints, the boxer does not give him the opportunity to deliver side blows to the head (Fig. 3, A).

The torso is tilted forward and the chest is pressed against the opponent’s torso. Straight arms are inserted from below under the arms and spread forward and to the sides. The knees are not bent, the feet are parallel and shoulder-width apart. Body weight is distributed evenly on both legs. The boxer does not hold, but does not allow himself to be struck (Fig. 3, B).

The body is straightened, slightly tilted forward. Feet are parallel and shoulder-width apart. Body weight is distributed evenly on both legs. By placing his forearms on the opponent’s forearms or on the bends of his elbow joints, the boxer does not give the opponent the opportunity to strike from below to the body (Fig. 3, B).

These positions are used by boxers who have a height advantage over their opponent.

Kicks from below

Bottom blows are applied from bottom to top with the right or left hand bent at the elbow; the hand is turned with the fingers upward; at the moment of impact, the boxer squeezes it into a fist.

Low blows are distinguished by complex coordination of movements, but the wide technical variety of these blows allows them to be widely used in close combat.

Blows from below can be: at the target - to the body, to the head; According to the distribution of body weight: with transfer of body weight to the opposite leg, with transfer

body weight on the same leg, with an even distribution of body weight on both legs. The difference in the technique of blows from below to the head and torso lies mainly in

direction of the striking hand. In addition, blows to the torso are usually delivered with a less bent arm than blows to the head. The arm is bent depending on the distance to the opponent: the closer he is, the greater the bend should be. Strikes are delivered on the spot (without a step) or with steps - forward, sideways, backwards and in intermediate directions.

From the starting position, the boxer performs the following complex movements to strike from below:

straightens his legs knee joints: rotates and extends in hip joints and moves the pelvis forward; turns and straightens the torso; performs a punching motion with a bent hand elbow joint, forward and upward; clenches his fist at the moment of impact*; at the moment of an accentuated blow from below to the head, in addition, the boxer rises on his toes.

The greatest impact force from below is created as a result of the coordinated fused participation of the row strong muscles and their fastest possible reduction. Therefore, it is important to take a starting position for the strike that would contribute to better coordination movements.

Let's consider the technique of hitting the body and head with the right and left hands from below in its three main variants: with an even distribution of body weight on both legs; with the transfer of body weight to the same leg; with the transfer of body weight to the opposite leg.

A low right blow to the body, distributing the body weight on both legs. Before the start of the strike movement from an offensive or active-protective boxer submits position

* At the moment of contact of the fist with the target, the boxer must always clench his fist. Therefore, in the further presentation we will not mention this.

Combat at close range is often a dirty gamble.

Usually it looks like this - two guys push each other, and there is always a feeling that you are either defending a lot (covering yourself) or being very careless (trading punches). You need space to throw your punches, and a strategy to land those punches.

With a little technique and knowledge, you can control position and action at close range. You can decide WHERE to place your body, choose the ANGLES of attack.

Learn how to create space and set up your shots at short range.

How to Create Space for Short Range Shots

1. Foot placement

The first thing to do is make sure your feet allow your body to create space for your kicks. For example: if you and your opponent are standing directly opposite each other, where your feet are literally NEXT to each other, you will see that the body (hips and torso) has no room to move or create space for your hands.

One way to create space with your feet is to simply step one foot to the side. If you want to create space for your right hand, step away or move your right foot away from your opponent. The more space you have between your right foot and your opponent, the more space you have to create opportunities for your forehands. Conversely, you will need to place your left foot further away from your opponent if you want to create space for your backhands.

There are many ways to move your feet to a new position. The most commonly used is to step or turn one foot away from the opponent. But there are also other ways. Some guys jump and change stances (from righty to lefty and vice versa) because it gives you more space when changing stances at close range. And other guys may even step FOR the opponent (and not away from him). It can also put your head and body in a safer position (on your opponent's side) while giving you more angles to throw your punches.

Popular foot placement techniques in close combat:

  • Pivot on your left foot and throw a left hook or left uppercut.
  • Pivot on your right foot and throw a right hook or right uppercut.
  • Turn around or jump behind his front foot so you're on his side, then throw hooks.

Move one foot to create space for your strikes.

2. Position of the body

Another way to create space in close-range combat is through body positioning. You may have noticed that the fighters' bodies tend to lean towards each other and fight for space in close quarters. You both try to keep your balance and create space for your punches. In such moments, you have the option of either moving your body to create space for your punches, or moving HIS body to create space for your punches, or a combination of both options.

If you are stronger, you can move his body back. You can push his body off-axis while keeping your stronger body centered (using superior balance), or you can use your hands and forearms to push him off-axis, or you can throw punches to see if he moves off-axis when tries to evade them. And when he gets off-axis, you can keep punching and apply even more pressure, because once he's unbalanced and off-axis, there's no way he's going to get that center again unless he steps back and will return his stance.

At the same time, if you are weaker, or if you prefer to be more mobile and use angles, you can tilt your body away from the center (JUST A LITTLE BIT) and use that space to throw your punches. Leaning a little every now and then will give you the space you need to plant painful hooks and uppercuts up close.

Popular hull placement tips in close combat:

  • If you're heavier, go at your opponent to force him to lean over and lose his balance, then throw punches at him.
  • If you hit harder, throw a lot of punches to keep him off balance, then throw more punches when he's more vulnerable.
  • Push him back or down with your front wrist, throw crosses or uppercuts.
  • Tilt your body back or to the side to throw hooks and uppercuts.

Shift your body or move your opponent's body,
to create space for shots.

Melee Strategies for Landing Strikes

Working at close range is when fighters go to their natural instincts rather than their trained reflexes. This means you can outsmart your opponent by approaching him with unusual punch sequences.

Mix Body Punches with Head Punches

Yes, the classic strategy of hitting different floors. I know, this is the oldest trick in the book, and yes, it definitely works in close combat. Try throwing a couple punches to the body (to get his elbows down) and then throw a big hook to the body. Or do the opposite, throw a few quick light punches to the head, and then throw a powerful hook to the body.

Try to break through the body-body-body-HEAD
or head-head-head-BODY!

Move your head from side to side

You may have noticed that fighters often place their heads next to each other's shoulders when fighting at close range. The reason they do this is because it makes the body naturally stand closer. What you don't often see is two fighters working close together with their heads and feet directly facing each other. This is especially true when both fighters are constantly moving off center to gain an advantage in the corners over their opponent.

One way to gain an advantage in this scenario is to throw punches with your head on one of your opponent's shoulders and then quickly move it to his other shoulder. This will make him feel like you've evaporated from one side of the body and moved on to the other. This sudden change in head position will open up new angles for you to throw punches from, and will increase the likelihood that your opponent will be unprepared to defend against them.

Popular melee head placement tips:

  • Place your head on his right shoulder, punch through fast lungs punches to distract him, then move your head to his left shoulder and throw a left hook to the body.
  • Place your head on either of his shoulders, and then change the position of your head, and quickly throw an uppercut directly to the center of his head, or a hook to the side of the body where you shifted.
  • You can also hit the side of his head that you have uncovered. For example: place your head on the left side of his head, and then as you move your head away from there, you punch the newly exposed left side of his head.

Throw punches while you move your head
from one side of the opponent's head to the other.

Distract with One Hand Punch, then Strike with the Other Hand

Once again, this is another pattern-changing tactic. At close range, throw a lot of distracting punches with one hand, and then quickly throw a hard punch with your SECOND hand.

Popular tricks with changing hands in close combat:

  • Throw a few right hands to his head or body, and then quickly throw a powerful left hook to his head or body.
  • Throw a few left hands to his head or body, and then quickly throw a right uppercut right to the center of his chin.

Distract your opponent with one-handed strikes
and then strike with the other hand.

Punch Links or Glassing Combinations

There will be times when you will be very close to your opponent, or you will be standing very awkwardly, that you will not be able to throw hard punches up close. Maybe you're both so tired that neither of you has the energy to take a step. Or maybe you try to stay close and high and pause the fight to take a breather. Or maybe you're pinned against the ropes and can't move anywhere, and he's leaning on you.

Whatever it is, you can still throw punches. At such moments I like to punch. These lightweight strikes may not pack power or do any real damage, but they look cool, they score points, they show aggression, and they can even create open spaces for harder hits.

Popular melee combos:

  • Get close enough to your opponent that all of his hard punches are blocked, then throw a series of light punches to his head and body to get him riled up.
  • Push on your opponent to pin him against the ropes or in the corner, and punch through the pins to keep him there. There is a high probability that the referee will not separate you if you actively hit him.
  • Hit his block every time he closes or is very passive at close range. Be sure to be on guard in case he comes out from behind his block with counters.

If you don't have room to hit hard,
try throwing faster light punches.

This is actually just a teaser article for my upcoming series on close range combat. I know many of you have asked me to write about this topic over the years, and I'm proud to say that I've made serious progress on it. I will go very deep into many various techniques, tactics and strategies required for close range combat. If you have any specific questions or suggestions on the topic of close-range combat, please write them in the comments!