Basic ski training. Preparing skis for skating Preparing skis for skating

In order to prepare your skis for serious competitions, you need a lot of experience, flair and perhaps even luck. Professional teams skiers have several people who prepare skis, measure humidity and air temperature. But anyone can prepare skis so that they glide well for amateur skiing. This article was created to familiarize readers with the technique of applying paraffin, holding ointments, proper treatment of skis with brushes, etc.

Preparation of skating style skis and the sliding part of classic skis.

For better skiing, the sliding surface of the ski must have a structure similar to the structure of the snow, and gliding ointments or paraffins must be applied to its surface, which would correspond to weather conditions. The best ski glide can be achieved if the structure of the skis and the ointment match the structure optimally.

The purpose of the ski structure is to minimize the contact of the sliding surface and the friction force with the snow.

The surface structure is the pattern that remains on the plastic after skis are processed using special machines. The structure can also be applied manually using knurling or cutting. The fine textured surface is suitable for cold weather and fine-grained snow. For warm weather, skis with a larger structure are used.

Types of ski structures applied using TOKO knurling.

Applying paraffin to skis.

If the paraffin is soft enough, then you can simply spread it on the ski. If it is hard, then it needs to be fused from the iron to the ski. There is an option to heat up a block of paraffin and apply it to the ski. It doesn’t matter which method you use, but enough paraffin should be applied to evenly cover the ski with a layer of 0.3 to 1 mm.

Melting paraffin using an iron.

After applying paraffin, it should be melted and smoothed over the ski with a heated iron. Treating skis with an iron is a dangerous procedure; you can overheat and damage the plastic of the sliding surface. The temperature of the iron should be minimal, but sufficient to melt the paraffin. You need to move the iron over the ski quickly, without delays and frequent repetitions. There should always be a layer of paraffin between the iron and the sliding surface; when the sole of the iron and the ski come into contact, the plastic quickly overheats and swells. You cannot save paraffin, because there is a significant risk of ruining your skis. The surface of the iron needs to be cleaned with a rag from time to time.

Preparing skis for skating style.

Surface cleaning and preparation.

First you need to process it several times sliding surface skis with a brass or steel brush. You need to brush in one direction, from the toe to the heel of the ski. Then you need to apply a layer of ground paraffin and level it with an iron at low temperature. Then you need to clean the surface of the ski with a scraper. The gutter is also cleaned with a special scraper. After such cleaning, a lot of paraffin remains, so it is necessary to treat the surface with a nylon brush. After this procedure, the surface of the skis should be sufficiently cleaned for further application of base and gliding waxes.

Apply one to three layers of “warm” paraffin. After the next layer is applied, the paraffin should cool for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then it needs to be treated with a scraper and a nylon brush. When preparing skis for competitions, special graphite wax must be applied before waxing the skis.

Apply paraffin appropriate to the weather, then scrape it off and brush it: first with a horsehair brush, then with a fine steel wool brush - this gives additional structure, and finally with a nylon brush for final polishing.

After completing all the above procedures, the skis are ready for use.

1. Clean the surface from dirt using. 2. Apply base coat. 3. Smooth the wax evenly over the surface of the ski.
4. Clean the surface from paraffin using. 5. Clean the groove using a special one. 6. Clean any remaining paraffin from the structure using .

Application of accelerators.

Solid accelerator.

Apply weather-appropriate paraffin. Then apply accelerator. Rub the surface of the ski with the cork until it becomes warm and set the ski aside for twenty minutes. Then you need to brush the surface. Repeat the procedure two to five times to ensure that the accelerator adheres better. The accelerator applied in this way should last up to ten kilometers.

Fluorocarbon powder.

Prepare the sliding surface of the ski and apply base wax. Treat it with a scraper and brush. Then apply weather-appropriate paraffin. Next, repeat the procedure with a scraper and brush. Sprinkle the powder evenly over the sliding surface of the ski, then rub over the surface to melt the powder. The iron temperature should be as specified in the powder instructions. Then put the ski away for twenty minutes or more. It is better to carry out the last treatment with brushes immediately before using the skis.

1. Warm up the sliding surface using. 2. Sprinkle onto surface. 3. Distribute the accelerator evenly using .
4. Melt the accelerator. 5. Remove excess accelerator. 6. Polish the surface before the race using.

Apply base paraffin and carry out the cleaning procedure with a scraper and brush. Then apply paraffin suitable for the weather and repeat the cleaning procedure. Then apply the emulsion and let it dry for five to ten minutes. Then rub the cork until the ski warms up and again leave the ski alone for twenty minutes. After this, you can begin finishing the surface with a brush.

1. Pre-polish the surface of the ski. Use the yellow side. 2. Spray at a distance of 10 cm from the ski and let dry at room temperature for 15 minutes. 3. Polish the surface with the white side. 4. Before the race, additionally polish the surface with a special polish.

Preparing classic style skis.

Preparation of the sliding surface.

Preparing the sliding surface is carried out in the same way as preparing skis skating style, but without processing the skis under the block. Do not apply paraffin under the block; apply it only to the tip and tail of the ski. You can calculate the length of the block yourself, and for this you will need an assistant. To do this, you need to strap into your skis on a flat floor and stand evenly on both feet. Ask an assistant to slide a piece of paper under the ski block and mark on the block the places where the sheet will rest against the sliding surface. This way you will determine your individual length effective surface for repulsion. If you choose skis that are too hard for your weight, then the length of the pads may be more than 70-75 cm - this will have a bad effect on the dynamic characteristics of the ski - you will not be able to push off well and will lose gliding speed. Choose skis according to your weight and skiing level.

The length of the pushing surface of a classic ski depends on the weight of the skier and the stiffness of the skis, but should not be more than indicated in the figure.

Solid holding ointments.

Sand the pad with sandpaper to ensure better adhesion of the ointment to the surface of the ski. This way the ointment will last longer. For the bottom layer, primer ointment is used. Apply one layer of heated ointment suitable for weather conditions, then smooth it with an iron. Then a holding ointment is applied, which is also selected according to weather conditions. It is applied in four to six layers in the holding area. Each layer is rubbed with a cork.

1. Roughen the surface under the block with fine sandpaper and then remove dust from the surface. 2. Apply. 3. Rub the base ointment evenly into the surface using .
4. Apply the required coating to the ski block. 5. Rub the ointment. It is recommended to apply at least 3-4 layers of ointment and rub each layer separately.

Liquid ointments - klisters.

You need to clean the block, as in the previous section. Then apply a layer of base klister, and on top a layer of klister for the given weather. It is best to carry out this procedure indoors. Then you need to heat the klister layers with a hairdryer. Before using skis, you should cool them in the fresh air.

1. Give the surface under the block a special roughness with fine sandpaper and remove dust from the surface. 2. Apply. 3. Grind the klister and let it cool in the cold. Clean the iron from any remaining base klister.
4. Apply in the pad area. 5. Rub the klister or your fingers.

Cleaning the sliding surface.

The easiest way to clean the block from ointment residue is with an acrylic scraper. You can also use for this procedure. Apply it to the surface of the ski, wait half a minute and wipe with paper.

The sliding surface of the ski should be cleaned several times a season. Carefully apply the ground wax, then melt it. The dirt should rise to the surface and can be easily removed along with the paraffin using a scraper. Then apply a weather-appropriate wax. It is better not to use a solvent to clean skis, since after it you need to apply ground wax again. But the use of a solvent will be necessary if the klister gets on the sliding surface of the ski.

To apply paraffin, it is best to use a special one. Because a regular household iron does not give an accurate temperature. If you stop the iron at one point, or move it too often in the same place, you can ruin your skis.
- Before applying the slip wax, rub the ski from toe to heel.
- After cleaning the surface, treat it as thoroughly as possible.
- can only be used in holding areas, under no circumstances apply it in places where sliding paraffin is applied.
- When using, it is better to reduce the holding area by 3-4 centimeters and limit it with tape or a fixed paper sheet. Do not use tape - it will leave sticky marks.
- Experience is very important in preparing skis. Use different combinations of ointments during training, and you will find the best option for competitions.
- Paraffin protects the sliding surface. For long-term storage, always apply, or better yet.

Treatment of the sliding surface with brushes.

Modern machine processing of the sliding surface of skis gives it a certain structure. This structure allows water and air to drain well when rubbing against snow, which ensures good gliding. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly clean the grooves of the structure from ointment residues in order to ensure maximum gliding quality.

The structure of the ski with primary paraffin treatment. All pores and grooves are filled with hot paraffin. The structure of the ski is processed using a scraper. There is still quite a lot of paraffin in the recesses, which will interfere with the removal of moisture. Ski structure after brushing. Using several types of brushes, you can clean and polish the surface to a perfectly clean state.

After paraffin is applied to the sliding surface and removed with a scraper, the grooves of the structure remain filled with paraffin. In order to completely clean them, you need to use brushes. They come in manual and... Using hard metal or nylon brushes allows you to completely remove any remaining paraffin.

When using a brush (of any kind), do not press it too tightly against the sliding surface of the ski. Brushes with bristles at right angles remove paraffin most effectively. If you press the brush too hard, the bristles will begin to bend and slide across the surface instead of cleaning it.

Metal brushes are best suited for cleaning skis from old grease and preparing it for applying new grease. Hard metal fibers perfectly remove remnants of new ointments, dirt and plastic oxidation products, thereby opening the pores on the sliding surface, which promotes better absorption of new ointments.

Metal brushes are also needed to improve the properties of the sliding surface of skis. Skis that have been processed on a grinding machine should be treated with a brush (preferably with steel bristles). After this treatment, the structure of the sliding surface will become better, since the brush will remove burrs and other contaminants and irregularities.

Preparing skis for competitions.

First of all, you should prime the surface of the skis.
- Then apply graphite paraffin using a hot method. This move prevents mixing of several layers of paraffin and increases the time of use of lubricants.
- Next, cool the ski to room temperature, and then treat it with a scraper.
- Treat the surface with a horsehair rotary brush, and then with a hand brush with fine metal bristles.
- After this, proceed to apply paraffin, suitable for weather conditions, using a hot method.
- Then hydrocarbon or low fluoride wax is applied, it binds best to the previous layer of wax and the porous surface of the ski.
- Let this layer cool, treat with a scraper and the same brushes.
- After this, apply high-fluoride paraffin using a hot method.
- Let it cool and repeat the procedure with the scraper and brushes.
- The preparation process is completed by applying a fluorocarbon lubricant that is suitable for weather conditions.
- After this, the sliding surface should be treated with polishing brushes.

If you are using fluorocarbon lubricant, it is best to have a second set of brushes. Wax brushes should not be used when working with fluorocarbon grease.

Ski priming for competitions.

In the fresh air, the plastic of the sliding surface of skis begins to oxidize and loses its ability to absorb ointments. This can be seen by the resulting gray coating. To avoid this process, after cleaning the skis, you should apply a layer of ground paraffin.
Clean the surface of the ski from old ointment with a brush. Preferably a rotary one, but any other type is possible, but always with metal bristles. Don't be afraid to take the time to pre-brush the surface of the ski with a fine rotary brass or steel brush. After this treatment, the surface of the ski will absorb the lubricant better, and the lubricant will last longer. For best result treat the sliding surface with fibertex. It will smooth out minor defects and burrs, and the ski surface will become smoother.

Next, you need to apply a layer of soft paraffin to the surface of the skis. It is best to use ground or shipping wax, but you can use soft wax for warm weather. Then you need to melt the paraffin with an iron at the temperature specified in the instructions. Let the ski cool and treat it with a scraper and brushes. First with a horsehair rotary brush, then with a rotary brush with fine metal bristles. Instead of the latter, you can use a hand brush with fine bristles. The treatment must be completed using a gray or white nylon brush.

The procedure described above is called hot ski cleaning. Soft paraffin is removed from the pores of the sliding surface along with old grease and dirt.

After cleaning, you can begin priming the sliding surface. Medium hard paraffin is applied to the surface of the ski. Then time is given for it to cool down. The remaining paraffin is removed with a scraper and treated with brushes as described earlier. This procedure can be repeated several times. The more times you apply paraffin and brush it, the better your skis will glide. With each repetition of the procedure, the paraffin will further penetrate the structure of the sliding surface of the ski, protecting it from oxidation. The brushing process is similar to the skiing process, so when brushed, the skis become smoother, which improves their glide.

The temperature that the sliding surface of skis can withstand.

Do not treat sliding surfaces at temperatures above 150 degrees. When the temperature is exceeded, the characteristics of the plastic change and it stops absorbing new ointment. In such cases, the ski needs to be cycled in order to open the pores in the upper layers of plastic.

Do not set the iron to too high a temperature. Do not allow smoke to appear when melting paraffin. Heat the ointment with an iron from the middle to the toe and heel of the ski. The risk of burning the plastic is higher where the thickness of the plastic is thinnest. The instructions for each product must indicate the required temperature.

How the ski surface heats up when using a rotor plug and brushes.

Remember that the iron must be in constant motion. The same applies to the rotary plug. First treat the surface at low speed. Then repeat the procedure at high speed. The surface of the ski after treatment should be warm, but not hot.

When to cycle your skis.

There are many cases when the sliding surface of skis oxidizes. Therefore, the ointment does not absorb properly into the sliding surface. But skis can always be cycled by removing the plastic layer and applying a new structure. Many skis become deformed after some time of sanding. The surface becomes very uneven, which leads to a significant deterioration in gliding. In such cases, it is better to re-sand the ski and remove the old structure.

Handling skis prepared for competitions.

If you only finished preparing your skis the night before, then before the competition itself it is better to brush them again. Skis that have not been brushed will not provide optimal glide.

If you don’t apply it, you won’t go. This wisdom has a direct bearing on skiing. Ski preparation is necessary not only for competitive athletes, but also for those who like to spend a weekend skiing. If you don’t want to send it to a service center every time, you need to learn how to lubricate your skis yourself. Today we will talk about how to prepare skis, namely: how to lubricate skis with quick-apply lubricants, how to wax cross-country skiing And what you need to do.

How to wax skis without an iron?

Quick application lubricants are inexpensive emulsions, creams, pastes that are applied in a couple of minutes. They do not impregnate a deeply sliding surface, so they will work for about 5-7 km. Such “lazy” lubricants are intended for people who use skis from time to time.

The instructions are the same for everyone:

  • Apply an even layer to the entire sliding surface
  • wait 2-3 minutes
  • rub with natural cork or felt

There are expensive high-fluoride emulsions, pastes and creams. The principle of use is the same, but they are much more expensive. Using expensive racing lubricants using a quick application method, in our opinion, simply does not make sense. Racing emulsions, pastes and creams are used only after priming the ski with paraffin.

  • Pros: fast, easy, convenient
  • Minuses: The grease comes off the skis quickly and does not increase the service life of the skis.

An example of applying lubricant from Swix

The video is blurry classic ski. Skate ones are smeared in the same way, but over the entire length.

How to wax skating skis?

This method of lubricating skis requires more time and tools. However, it is the most effective and most common among skiers. It is used both in training for ski care and in competitions. high level as a stand-alone lubricant or primer for accelerators. This method of preparing skis will be discussed below.

Ski Preparation Tools

Ski preparation profile

It consists of 2 stops with a loop for fastening.


When preparing, it is better to use a special ski iron. It differs from household ones in temperature conditions and soles. As an economical option, you can use an old household iron, but there is a risk of burning the sliding surface.

Several brushes

Ski brushes differ from household ones in the stiffness and length of the bristles. In any case, simple ski brushes are inexpensive and every amateur skier can afford a minimum set. An ideal set consists of 3 brushes: thin metal, medium-hard nylon, soft nylon. If it is not possible to purchase 3 brushes, then you can get by with one medium nylon brush.


Ski scrapers are the same for all manufacturers. They differ only in thickness - 3 mm and 5 mm. Choose which one is more comfortable in your hands, there is no fundamental difference. You will also need a scraper for the groove (can be replaced with the body of a ballpoint pen or marker).


Ski waxes are divided into 3 groups: CH (fluoride-free), LF (low-fluoride), HF (high-fluoride).

The higher the air humidity, the more fluoride you need. And the more fluorine, the more expensive the paraffin. CH is enough for ski care and weekend skiing with the family. If you want better gliding, then you need HF. LF – middle option. In general, the budget decides here. The main thing is to apply paraffin at the appropriate temperature.

How to prepare skate skis?

  1. Clean the plastic from dirt with a thin wire brush. 3-5 passes from toe to heel will be enough.
  2. Apply paraffin and melt with an iron on the ski. Don't forget that plastic melts at a temperature of 135 degrees, and some paraffins have a much higher melting point. Therefore, the iron does not need to be held in place. Run the iron from toe to heel for no more than 8-10 seconds, then repeat the procedure 3-4 times to evenly melt the paraffin.
  3. Let the plastic cool to room temperature. At this time, apply paraffin to the second ski.
  4. Remove the paraffin from the groove, and then from the edges and from the entire sliding surface. The paraffin from the groove is always removed first. So, if the scraper breaks, the sliding surface will not be damaged.
  5. Clean off the residue with a thin metal brush, or if you don’t have a metal brush, use a medium-hard nylon brush. Same as in the first stage, 3-5 passes from toe to heel.
  6. Polish with nylon brushes. First medium, then soft polishing. If there are no polishing machines, then after stage 5 the preparation is complete.

How to wax skis: video instructions

This video shows the best way to apply paraffin. Note:

  • paraffin is applied using the drop method - not economically, but quickly and “greasy”
  • processing is carried out with a metal and nylon brush
  • We are talking about the initial preparation for weathering paraffin (this is not at all necessary, you can immediately apply the weathering one)

In this video, pay attention to the method of applying paraffin to a ski. The “poke the iron and smear it on the ski” method is more economical and is no less effective.

Play sports, move and travel! If you find a mistake or want to discuss the article, write in the comments. We are always happy to communicate. 🙂

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Whatever the level of the skier - from an amateur exploring self-made ski tracks in suburban forests to a super-professional participant Olympic Games, absolutely everyone is concerned about the same question: how to improve the glide of your skis? This material is certainly not for professionals, since most often they have special teams servicemen, and not infrequently, they themselves are quite experienced people in this matter. This material is for ski lovers who have not yet thoroughly grasped the magical process of preparation and want to master it. We sincerely hope that you will find useful information here and highlight something new.

Our article for the following groups of skiers:

  • Those who ride infrequently, on prepared or “wild” trails. These are amateur skiers who do not (or rarely take) part in sports competitions, but want to get more speed from sliding.
  • Recreational skiers who train regularly to maintain and improve physical fitness, performing at amateur level competitions. This also includes young skiers from sports schools, level - up to youths.

Everyone who is “higher, faster, stronger” - welcome to the professionals, into their reliable hands, who, using special machines, will apply the necessary structure to the skis and make such a “sandwich” from layers of lubricant that it will not be a ski - a rocket!

“Express lubricant” for ski glides.

Listed first for the reason that it does not require much explanation and is very easy to use. It is done using special tubes or containers with liquid or gel-like gliding ointment, which is squeezed through a dispensing nozzle directly onto the surface of the skis. No cleaning or removing old ointment. After spreading over the surface and waiting for absorption for about 2-5 minutes, vigorously rub in using a cork or fabric attachment, which often comes with the same tube or container.

When is it used?

  • The weather changed sharply: a cyclone arrived, wet snow began to fall, the temperature “jumped” from 0C to +5C, and you have the only pair of skis that were coated at 0C.
  • For amateur ski trips, when there is no need for super-speed and the skis just need to “slide” or to avoid snow sticking in warm weather.
  • "Pros"

    • Lubrication speed – 2 minutes per ski.
    • There is no need to have an additional tool.
    • If the ski stops sliding, the “express lubricant” layer has worn off, you can always easily and quickly apply a new one, if, of course, you have the opportunity to take a small container of lubricant with you.


    • A layer of such lubricant is enough for 5-7 km maximum, because... its layer is very thin and technologies are used that do not allow the ointment to become firmly embedded in the surface of the ski. After 5 km, your skis will “stand up” and you will need to re-grease again. For competitions - extremely bad option, it is better to take several pairs of skis, oiled taking into account weather changes, if expected, and choose right before the start the pair that is suitable for the “starting” weather conditions.
    • “Express ointments” have a very wide range of applications, both in temperature and snow conditions. But this means that they will work in such “wide” ranges at a very average level, and will show very average gliding characteristics - compared to highly specialized ointments.

    “Express lubricant” for different types of skis:

    • for “skate” skis - along the entire length.
    • for “classics” - lubricant is applied to the toe and heel areas, the area under the shoe last is not lubricated at all, or “holding” ointment is placed there.
    • skis with “notches” or special inserts (mohair, artificial fibers) under the boot last. You can smear it in the same way as the “classics”, i.e. – only the area of ​​the toes and heels of the skis.

    “Classical” ski lubrication technology.

    When using this technology, you cannot avoid without using special tools:

    • Ski fixing machine. You can use either special machines adapted for this process, or simply a convenient mount with stands so that your ski rests with its entire upper surface on something solid during processing.
    • “Wash” to remove dirt and old ointment from the surface of skis. Buy only branded remover, because... “folk” creativity in the form of using various solvents gives unpredictable results.
    • A set of paraffins - “glide” and “hold” ointments. You need to have exactly those waxes that you will apply to your skis, depending on two conditions: a) air temperature, b) snow condition (fresh snow, old snow, etc.). The conditions for its use are always written on each package of paraffin. For amateurs, a set of three types of ointments will be enough: for air temperatures above zero; for the range from –2 to –8, and for the temperature range below –8-10 degrees C.
    • Most popular brands - Swix, Rex, Star, Rode, ToKo, Start, Holmenkol.
    • Iron. Only a special iron for lubricating skis. A distinctive feature from a household iron is its ability to maintain a constant temperature, which can be precisely regulated. There are “digital” versions, where the heating of the working surface is set with an accuracy of a degree.
    • Brushes: with metal bristles, with nylon hard and soft bristles. If you don’t want to have such an “arsenal,” you can buy one brush with medium nylon bristles.
    • Experienced lubricators often use special drills with lint attachments on one side and a comfortable handle on the other. Essentially, these are the same brushes, only they can significantly speed up the ski processing process.
    • A scraper made of plexiglass or metal for removing paraffin. There are scrapers of different thicknesses, but there is no fundamental difference in operation.
    • Special scraper for removing paraffin for the groove. There are special scrapers similar in shape to a marker. As a last resort, you can get by with a ballpoint pen or the same marker.
    • A piece of fibertex - non-woven nylon fiber with abrasive microparticles.
    • Before we tell you all the “secrets” of ski preparation, let’s dwell on the issue of differences in ointments.

      Division of ointments by “types”

      • “Glide” ointments – to ensure that the ski glides well on the snow surface. Used for “skate” and “classic” skis.
      • “Holding” ointments – to prevent the ski from slipping back when pushing off the snow. Used in “classic” skis.
      • Accelerators (powders). Expensive and difficult to use. We do not recommend using them for amateurs without training.

      Division by additive content:

      • Without additives. Budget ointments – for amateur sports and training.
      • With added fluorine: CH (fluorine-free), LF (low fluoride), HF (high fluoride). The latter are expensive, the former are the cheapest. Fluoride-containing ointments are used when there is high humidity and snow. The introduction of fluorine components into the composition significantly improves the speed characteristics and operating stability of the lubricant.
      • With the addition of graphite. Due to their antistatic properties, lubricants containing graphite often exhibit the best side either in dirty conditions or low humidity. They can reduce the accumulation of dirt on the sliding surface of the ski and in wet snow.

      Ski preparation technology

      Skate skis. Only “slip” paraffin is used, which is distributed over the entire surface of the skis.

      1. Attach the ski to the machine. 2. Before you start manipulating with sliding paraffin, the surface of the skis must be cleaned. This is done with special washes, never with gasoline, household solvents, etc. It is recommended to clean “old” skis after 5-6 training races (or after 3-4 if the snow is dirty). It is recommended to clean “new” (from the store) skis before applying wax for the first time. 3. After washing and drying (5 minutes), we clean off any remaining dirt, first with a metal brush and then with a nylon brush. We clean the surface from toe to heel 10-15 times and remove the remains of old paraffin. 4. Turn on the iron and, after heating it, set the required temperature - the same as indicated on the paraffin packaging. When in contact with the iron, the sliding paraffin should melt easily, but at the same time not smoke during manipulation. 5. We begin to apply slip paraffin to the ski using an iron. There are two ways: when you do not have a limit on the amount of paraffin, then you lean a block of paraffin against the iron, it melts and begins to pour onto the surface of the ski. The second method, if you don’t have enough paraffin: you press a piece of paraffin to the iron, wait until the paraffin begins to melt and transfer the leaked paraffin, pressing the block to the ski. 6. When drops of paraffin are all over the surface of the ski, take an iron and distribute the paraffin in an even molten layer. The ointment should spread evenly over the ski, including along the edges. Be careful when running the iron along the toes and heels of the skis - the plastic there is thinner and these areas can easily overheat, resulting in delamination of the skis. 7. After applying and distributing the paraffin, it needs to cool for some time to room temperature. 8. We begin to remove excess paraffin. First - using a special tool - from the groove, and then using a scraper-cycle from the edges and from the sliding surface. You need to work the cycles at an angle of 30-40 degrees away from you, from the heel to the toe of the ski. 9. After complete removal of excess paraffin, the sliding surface must be treated with brushes. A wire brush is best for this. 10-15 movements with light pressure from heel to toe are more than enough. After working with a metal brush, the sliding surface of the ski should be polished with a nylon brush - also 10-15 movements. 10. The “basic” preparation of the ski sliding surface ends here. If you want higher quality preparation, then simply repeat the entire cycle of operations several times. For amateur starts, 3 times are enough; professionals “torment” the ski up to 10 times.

      Classic skis.

      Points 1,2,3,4 – similar.

    5. Determine the ski block. Usually it is about 50-80 cm with the center under the sole ski boot. The exact length can be determined as follows: place the ski on the floor and stand on it with all your weight. The holding surface area is the area under which the sheet of paper moves freely while the skier's body weight is evenly distributed on both skis. 6. Glue paper tape along the edges of this area, which will separate the areas of application of the sliding ointment from the holding ointment. 7. We begin to apply slip wax to the ski using an iron in the heel and toe areas. 8. We distribute the sliding paraffin with an iron in the same way as in the case of a “skate” ski. We remove excess paraffin with scrapers, clean and polish the toe and heel area with metal and nylon brushes. 9. Remove the paper tape that limits the area of ​​action of the holding ointment. 10. Apply holding ointment and distribute it using a cork block. Rub the ointment thoroughly and iron it with an iron. This manipulation must be repeated 3-4 times, without ironing, each time reducing the area where the ointment is applied. 11. Immediately before the start, you need to check the operation of the holding zone and if there is a “recoil”, then it is necessary to correct it either by applying a holding ointment of a different, more accurate temperature, or by increasing the area of ​​application of the original ointment.

In very warm weather, melting, granular, dirty snow, it is quite difficult to choose a lubricant. Therefore, advice: if you have “warm” skis with a high content of graphite in the base, it is better to simply clean them with wash and brushes and ski without lubrication. If whitish areas appear on the ski, this is the result of the so-called “burn” - skiing on cold, grainy snow with insufficient or absent lubrication. Microfibers of polyethylene, raised by sharp snow crystals, form these very areas. Fibers can be removed with smooth and careful movements using fibertex.

At the end of the season, skis require conservation. Apply a thick layer of any soft paraffin to the entire sliding surface and leave it like that until next winter. Paraffin will prevent the base from oxidizing.

In order for skiing in any terrain and in any weather to be a real pleasure, it is necessary to provide appropriate, high-quality training sports equipment for use. For this, special lubricants are used: paraffins, which ensure the skis glide and stay on the snow.

The quality of the ski's glide and the amount of pleasant emotions from skiing depend on how carefully and thoughtfully all the accompanying effects are selected and applied.

How to choose paraffin for different types of skis?

Sliding lubricants are necessary to improve the sliding properties of equipment. It is important to consider the features of applying such ointments:

  • to ski classic move The substances should be applied only to the heel and nose areas;
  • to ski skating substances are applied to the entire surface of the equipment.

As for grip lubrication, its main function is to ensure minimal recoil while running. classic style. The substance is applied to the central zone.

The holding ointment allows the skier to push, while pressure arises in the central zone of the block, as a result of which the ski seems to stick to the layer of snow. The connecting link between the ski and the snow is the holding ointment, into which the ice crystals penetrate. After pushing off, the ski should easily free itself from the snow, which will ensure good glide.

Before purchasing a specific product for lubricating the surface of skis, you need to understand what result you need to achieve.

For short ski trips or holidays ski resort Once a year, the process of preparing sports equipment is not so complicated. Those wishing to take part in competitions and climb onto podiums must pay Special attention preparing skis.

Fluorocarbon waxes

This type of paraffin provides high water-repellent properties to skis and guarantees their excellent glide on snow.

  • low fluoride - used at low snow moisture levels (less than 60%);
  • medium fluoride - used in cases where the snow humidity is at an average level (from 60% to 80%);
  • high fluoride - suitable for high levels of snow humidity (more than 80%).

Which paraffin is better?

If we talk about the quality of waxes presented on store shelves, then, first of all, it is necessary to take into account their cost.

Some of the cheapest paraffins are fluoride-free waxes. If funds are limited, you can purchase the entire the lineup such waxes, namely: CH4 (-10...-32), CH6 (-6...-12), LF7 (-2...-8), LF8 (+4...-1), HF10 (+10...0). Thus, skis can be prepared for skiing at any snow temperature.

The presence of fluorine in paraffin indicates that the wax can be used at high snow temperatures; in addition, the skis are reliably protected from dirt on the piste and glide perfectly on the snow. The cost of such waxes is much higher and the purchase of such products is not always justified or possible.

If the funds are minimal, then you can get by with basic paraffin (there is no marking on it) and treat the surface of the skis only with it.

How to apply paraffin to skis?

In this matter, the main thing to remember is that any ski lubricant is better than no lubricant. This is especially true for skis made of wood.

To prepare sports equipment for skating, you will need two types of wax: for sliding and for holding.

Instructions for applying paraffin to skis:

  • For the procedure you need: an iron (if you don’t have a special one, you can use an ordinary household one, but without holes in the sole), a damp cloth, a plastic scraper, a nylon brush, a dry soft cloth.
  • The first surface treatment of the ski is carried out at a temperature of 65-70 degrees with paraffins that are soft in consistency (fluorine-free).
  • Using a warm iron, it is necessary to heat the entire surface of the sports equipment or only the heel or toe areas, taking into account what kind of skiing the skis are intended for.
  • Using a heated iron, touch the prepared paraffin and drip a little onto the surface of the ski. Using an iron, melt the wax into the surface of the equipment, while constantly ensuring that a layer of paraffin is maintained between the skis and the iron. Leave the ski for 10-15 minutes until the wax completely hardens.
  • Then you need to remove the paraffin using a scraper and polish with a prepared dry cloth. Using a similar method, you should treat the remaining sliding surfaces of sports equipment and apply paraffin to the base layer of wax that matches the temperature of the snow. The method for applying weathering wax is similar to the method described.

How to remove paraffin from skis?

In order to clean the surface of the ski from paraffin, you should use a special remover or scraper.

Washing removes the base layer of paraffin, in which case the wax will have to be applied starting from scratch. If the base layer of wax remains on the surface of the ski, you can subsequently apply paraffin to it, suitable for any weather conditions.

To clean skis you need: a special machine for attaching equipment, a scraper made of organic glass or plastic.

Instructions for removing paraffin:

  • First you need to secure the ski in the machine.
  • Movements of the scraper are carried out from the nose of the ski to the heel. The scraper should be used evenly without changing the pressure. This will avoid deformation of the ski.

Note: It is important to clean the scraper from excess paraffin and monitor the sharpness of the object. If necessary, sand it with sandpaper.

  • Particular attention must be paid to processing the edge of the skis and the groove. To do this you will need scrapers of the required shape.
  • The remaining parts of paraffin must be removed with a stiff brush. Movements should be short.
  • In order to clean the sliding surface of the ski from adhering dirt or remove all layers of paraffin, including the base one, a hot method is necessary. To do this, you will need a special iron or a household iron without holes in the sole. Using an iron, you need to apply paraffin to the ski, and before it hardens, treat the surface with a scraper. If the action is performed correctly, a roll of paraffin, dirt and other substances used should form.

Sport is an integral, important part of a healthy and fulfilling life for every person. And the sport associated with skiing is doubly useful, as it allows a person to breathe fresh air and enjoy nature. Have an active holiday, relax with your whole family, friendly groups and live brightly.