Alexei Yagudin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Tatyana Totmyanina: biography of a figure skater. Severe injury and further recovery Yagudin is married to Totmyanina

The talented figure skater Alexei Yagudin blew up show business and the world of figure skating with his performances. But he is not only a skater, but also a loving father and caring husband. A true role model. But as often happens, the talented guy did not stop at one achievement, adding a couple more interesting activities to his artillery. After the end of his sports career, Alexey began to study music and even tries himself in the theater. While playing sports, Alexey received many injuries, which later greatly affected the health of the man and now, despite successfully performed operations, in big sport Yagudin is not going to return.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Yagudin

Of course, a handsome athlete always keeps himself in shape. It is simply impossible for figure skaters to get better, constant training and emotional stress do their job. Yagudin's fans are very interested in details from the life of Alexei about his height, weight, age. How old is Alexei Yagudin, also remains a frequently asked question. The figure skater was born on March 18, 1980, on this moment he's 37 years old. Alexey's parameters are ideal, namely, height 180, and weight 70 kilograms. And despite the fact that the man left the big sport, his appearance continues to be on top.

Biography and personal life of Alexei Yagudin

Alexei was born in St. Petersburg. He lost his father early enough, so he was fully entrusted with the upbringing of his mother. It was my mother who became the person who opened the window to the future of the great skater for him. She gave the boy to figure skating, because of his poor health. Initially, the guy was very skeptical about this activity and practically did not try.

For a long time he did not even think about such a career and even wanted to become an ordinary driver. But everything changed when the guy got to a new coach, who was able to take him to a new level and make a real champion out of Yagudin. His leap began at age 12. And in just a few years of intensive training, the guy was able to reach a leading position in the field of figure skating.

His expressive and vivid performances were very fond of the public, which is why when Yagudin decided to leave big-time sports, all fans and sports fans in general took it very painfully and still dream of Alexey returning to the ice.

He is very fond of fans and not only, in his biography there was a story when, before performing, a portrait of Russell Crowe with his autograph was brought to his dressing room, which meant that Crowe himself was a fan of Yagudin, and he expresses his approval and gratitude to him.

When Yagudin left the sport, he still did not finish his career, did not become a homebody, now he periodically takes part in various shows on ice, such as: "Ice Age", "Ice and Fire".

Also, not so long ago, a man discovered his musical talent and recorded a couple of musical compositions with Victoria Daineko. Now Yagudin is trying himself in new roles and is trying to find his place in the sun.

The biography and personal life of Alexei Yagudin is filled with both ups and downs, which is why it is so interesting to the public. In his personal life, Alexei is no less successful, he has had a beloved woman for many years. Although annoying journalists are trying to let the world know that “Alexey Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina broke up,” in fact, in 2016 they finally legalized their relationship.

Family and children of Alexei Yagudin

As already mentioned, Yagudin grew up with his mother, because his father died when Alexei was still a boy. But this did not prevent him from growing courageous and strong-willed. The family and children of Alexei Yagudin is one of the most discussed topics in the life of a skater today. Not so long ago, he finally legalized relations with his beloved, and this information made the fans very happy. After all, for many years, even having common children, the couple lived in a civil marriage. Alexei had many novels, and many of them were just rumors, but nevertheless, he found real happiness only when he was with Tatyana. Now the man enjoys his family and is very glad that he has such support.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Elizaveta Yagudina

The couple's first daughter was born in November 2009. The girl is very smart and has been accustomed to independence since childhood. Due to the fact that both parents are engaged in their careers, she constantly had to be with nannies, although, of course, loving parents tried to devote the maximum amount of time to the baby. When the couple start touring, Lisa lives in France with her grandmother, where she went to Kindergarten and went to first grade. The daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Elizaveta Yagudina already knows well French, can easily communicate with peers and convey their thoughts. She lives in the suburbs of Paris, where her parents bought a small house.

Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Michel Yagudin

In 2015, it became known from the couple's friends that they were preparing to become parents again. Parents say that Lisa was jealous of her sister for a very long time. And although the Yagudins told their daughter in advance that she would have a little sister, having arrived with Michelle in France to Lisa, they saw that for a month Lisa had been acting very capriciously, jealously, trying to switch all the attention of her parents to herself. But now everything is fine, the little ones are friends and love each other very much. The girls differ in character: if the Daughter of Alexei Yagudin - Michel Yagudin is very calm, affectionate and cheerful, then Lisa is quick-tempered and fidgety.

Wife of Alexei Yagudin - Tatyana Totmyanina

The wife of Alexei Yagudin, Tatyana Totmyanina, also built a sports career as a figure skater and became Olympic champion like her husband. Their fate is similar to Alexei. Tatyana was also not going to step on the ice, everything was decided by the poor health of the girl and the advice of doctors to give Totmyanin to sports. So the future star began to engage figure skating. Her partner on the ice for a long time was the famous figure skater Maxim Marinin, it was with him that she achieved heights and already in 1999 she occupied a leading position. And having conquered all the peaks, Tatyana decided to leave the big sport, although she also took part in various shows related to ice skating.

Tatyana and Alexey knew each other from a young age, but they started dating already in adulthood. And as Tatyana comments, throughout all the years of their life together, Yagudin offered her to become his wife, and only after 9 years she answered the coveted “yes”.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexei Yagudin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alexei Yagudin, as well as his personal website, will tell you a lot of interesting things about the life of a skater. You will learn about the competitions in which he achieved real success, what moments were turning points, and most importantly, what he is doing at the moment. Yagudin also has Instagram and even has many subscribers. In his profile, he uploads photos from events, as well as from ordinary walks with his wife and children, and just everyday routine. Alexei Yagudin is a very kind and cheerful person, and therefore social networks he is filled with just such a style. All fans of the skater will be interested in reading the news of his social networks. Now it remains only to wait what the creative Alexey will bring us new in the near future.

Alexei Yagudin: Love is not at first sight

Yagudin and Totmianina first met as practically children (he was 15 years old, and she was 14) at training in St. Petersburg, at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. They didn't look at each other for a very long time. special attention, and the only link between them, the reason for their rare meetings, was Maxim Marinin- A close friend of Yagudin and Tatiana's partner on the ice. Lovelace and ringleader Alexei never even thought of considering the serious, taciturn Tatyana, who always keeps to herself, as a potential girl! Yes, and Tanya, for whom any relationship meant "forever", the young man, scattering his feelings to the right and left, did not attract at all.

In one of the interviews, Alexei admitted that before his romance with Tanya, he rarely took love affairs seriously. He lived freely, easily converged and easily disagreed with the girls, not thinking about the future. In addition, the ice has always stood for him in the first place. And not every woman is ready to be a companion of a man for whom skates are more important than her. However, there was a moment when in his youth Alexei almost made an offer to the figure skater Elena Berezhnaya. She also skated with them on the same rink. I even bought a ring. But he changed his mind. Yagudin does not hide the fact that he is a man of mood, very fickle.

Tatyana and Alexey went their own way for a long time, harvesting the golden harvest on the famous skating rinks of the world. Their paths crossed again after Yagudin and Totmyanina ended their amateur sports career, exchanging pedestals for performances in commercial ice shows. "Matchmaker" for them was the project "Stars on Ice" Ilya Averbukh- exactly there Olympic champions practically met again. And the tour finally brought them together. Both Alexey and Tatyana were free at that moment and were together all the time - they trained, talked, went to cafes, museums. After returning to Moscow, Yagudin offered to live under the same roof. Tatyana did not object.

Alas, living together turned out to be not so rosy, and the "weather in the house" began to deteriorate. At the same time, everything suited Yagudin, he was comfortable with a calm and sincere Tatyana, but she could not come to terms with many of his habits and frivolity. The figure skater did not want to become another passion of the champion, but dreamed of a serious relationship, a family and children, while such a prospect frightened her chosen one. The constant misunderstanding led to the fact that on one of the summer days of 2007, Alexei simply packed his things and left. Left alone, Tatyana suddenly realized that she not only became attached to this person, but fell in love with him, and, according to her confession, for the first time in her life she really felt very sick. However, the "Flying Stool" - as Yagudin was often called before for the ability to "jump" out of any position - did not feel any remorse about this. He promised himself that he would not marry before forty, and at the age of 27 he did not even think about children.

Take me back if you can

Their path to each other was rather tortuous. Photo: "7 days"

However, this story unexpectedly had a continuation: Alexei, who had not previously had the habit of clinging to the old, after another stormy romance, suddenly realized for himself that he could not live without Totmyanina. She is really close to him. And a year later, the skater came with a confession and an offer to be together again. It was very difficult for Tatyana to accept him: it was difficult for her to believe Lesha's assurances that now everything would be different, he had changed. It was especially difficult to believe in the latter, because even after all the oaths, Yagudin did not correct his self-centered behavior.

The beginning of the "second series" of their relationship was like a game of catch-up. As soon as Yagudin began to behave as before, Tatiana packed her things and left. Alexei found her and begged her to return, not to leave him again. She came back and everything started all over again. Such shoots occurred several times a month. Relations stabilized only by the beginning of winter, when they realized that it was pointless to try to remake a loved one for themselves - you need to adapt to each other, accept them as they are.

Of course, the woman had to make big concessions, as she was more flexible, but for the sake of their love, Tatyana did not even consider it a sacrifice to need to regularly extinguish minor conflicts and accustom herself to look at life more simply, not being nervous about nonsense like scattered socks. The hardest part was to stop being jealous all the time. But Alexei also found the strength to change his amorous habits. More precisely, once he himself realized that he had stopped looking at the beautiful girls he met with the eyes of a hunter and trying to add them to his collection - why these love adventures if your beloved is waiting at home?

Losses and gains

Confirmation of the seriousness of Yagudin's intentions was that the skater thought about fatherhood. At the celebration of the New Year 2009, he confessed his feelings to his beloved and said that he wanted a child. By that time, the couple had moved to Alexei's recently purchased Moscow apartment - before that, he did not see the point in acquiring his own housing in the capital with constant traveling around the country and the world, and quite calmly managed a rented one.

Alas, at the moment when it seemed that everything was getting better, fate sent them a terrible test - on January 22, Totmyanina's mother got into a car accident. Despite the efforts of the best doctors, she was gone a week later. Like Alexei, Tanya's mother raised her alone and was the closest person to her, so what happened was a shock for the skater. Yagudin was with her almost all the time while his failed mother-in-law was in the hospital - they believed to the last that she would recover ... On January 30, Alexei had to fly to Switzerland to speak at an economic forum, but as soon as the plane landed, he found out that Tanya's mother no more - and immediately took a return ticket.

Gossips, new to the couple, connected Tatyana's pregnancy, which came shortly after those tragic days, with the beginning of their relationship, they say, Yagudin consoled his girlfriend in his usual manner ... But the child was never the reason that tied them together - the baby was expected and loved in advance. Totmyanina perceived her pregnancy as a miracle - having taken one life, the Lord breathed another into her.

Alexey with his beloved women: his wife Tatiana and daughter Liza. Photo: Arsen Memetov (Telenedelya)

Elizaveta Alekseevna Yagudina was born on November 20, 2009 in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals.

Tatyana, although she endured C-section, returned to training within two weeks after the appearance of the baby. After the birth of her daughter, both she and Alexei had to greatly redraw the schedules of their training, performances and tours - so that one of the parents always remained with little Lisa, and not just her grandmother and nanny.

Liza, at the age of four, is already learning to skate, which her grandmother gave her. True, this happened against the will of the parents. They did not want to let her on the ice, limit themselves to some kind of general developmental sport for health, and not for victories. They know firsthand how hard it is. Therefore, parents intend to give Lisa a good education, and not to promote her sports career ...

This is not love

Alexey and Tatyana have been living in perfect harmony for more than five years, raising a daughter, running a joint household, but they are not in a hurry to go to the registry office, although they got engaged while still pregnant. When asked when their wedding will take place, they answer: “What’s the point?” They don’t want a magnificent celebration in order to “walk” a white dress, but just have fun with friends in their country house maybe for no reason. Moreover, both are convinced that if someone wants to leave, neither the stamp in the passport nor the child will hold him back. And, in which case, there is nothing to share with them - they decided to keep separate budgets from the very beginning, so that there would be no disputes over money in the family, and everyone could feel freer.

Yagudin says that he cannot stand the word "love". For him, love is a blinding bright flash that prevents you from truly seeing the object of your passion. To consider a person, his character to the smallest detail helps only living together, a common life. That is why he always insisted that his girls live with him under the same roof. That is why, after looking closely, they parted. And that is why he does not call his feelings for his wife, albeit not official, love - they are stronger and deeper than love, especially love at first sight. He had time to look at it.

The most famous novels of Yagudin

Although Alexei settled down, his novels are still legendary. They talked, if not about hundreds, then certainly about dozens of girls who had been in his bed. Let's take a look at some of his most famous novels.

Relations with Kyoko Ina lasted three years

With Japanese figure skater Kyoko Ina the relationship lasted three years (from 1998 to 2001) while Alex lived in America. Kyoko came to see him almost every weekend, even visited Yagudin's dacha near St. Petersburg. The parting happened at the initiative of a Japanese woman who met another man. Alexei did not hold her back: she was 7 years older than him, and he understood that it was time for her to think about starting a family. Just not with him.

With the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, and now a journalist Laysan Utyasheva he dated for six months. Pink roses, cafes, SMS messages at moments of separation - what a 19-year-old girl needed, either in love or simply admiring the brilliant skater. Then 24-year-old Alexei left for America for three months, and the feelings withered by themselves.

With singer Victoria Daineko there was just a PR romance, although ...

But the novel with Victoria Daineko, which was so heatedly discussed by fans during the first season of Ice Age in 2007, in fact, did not exist at all. Everything was invented by journalists, based on the fact that a couple of artists played love during performances, and then also sang a duet. In any case, Alexei insists on just such a version. In the summer of 2007, he almost proposed to a 19-year-old figure skater. Nastya Gorshkova. Then Ilya Averbukh took the figure skater to the new Sleeping Beauty show. And the couple began to spend a lot of time together. But when you are together for 24 hours, you just get tired ... The novel came to naught.

But Yagudin had tender feelings for a member of the Fabrika group, Sasha Savelyeva.

Relationship with Sasha Savelva, which happened between the first and second novel with Totmianina, lasted several months. Started with consolations beautiful girl, who flew out of the ice show at the very beginning, Yagudin moved on to courtship, and then somehow imperceptibly stayed with her ... He then admitted that "tender feelings for Sasha" woke up in him immediately. But life together, alas, did not work out - as Sasha herself admitted, they turned out to be too different.

Figure skaters Alexei Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina have been together for more than ten years. In 2009, they had a daughter, Elizabeth, and in 2015, Michelle. Journalists repeatedly asked the star couple about the future wedding, but each time the athletes said that they did not consider it necessary to formalize their union. However, during the holidays, a picture with wedding rings appeared on Alexei's Instagram! It turned out that the athletes revised their views and got married!

A joyful event took place in Krasnoyarsk. Alexei has many acquaintances in the city, so he decided to get married here. According to a close friend of the newlyweds, Ilya Averbukh, the wedding was modest - for twenty people. Neither the parents of the couple nor their daughters were at the celebration: the girls are now resting in France with their grandmother.

Judging by the photographs, Tatyana and Alexey decided to abandon the traditional wedding attributes - a white dress and a veil. The figure skater chose a blue outfit for the celebration, the groom picked up a suit to match.


“We are now on a big tour of the cities of Russia, we just arrived in Krasnoyarsk, and the guys decided to celebrate their wedding here, because Alexei Yagudin has many friends here who mean a lot to him. Therefore, a very warm event is taking place here, but it does not have any global scale, because this is a kind of formality, but a very important formality for Alexei and Tatyana. It was a planned story, and Alexey's friends who live in Krasnoyarsk helped a lot with the organization of the holiday. Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky came to congratulate the guys on this event,” Ilya Averbukh told SUPER.

A video from the celebration has already appeared on the Web. In the video, Alexei said that he and Tatyana got married largely due to the constant questions of fans and friends about the wedding.

“We have been moving towards this decision for a long time, we are already tired of the questions that are constantly being asked. We are not that spontaneous, but we decided: "Let's get married already." There are two children in the family, and we have been together for more than ten years. Krasnoyarsk was among those cities that we are visiting now as part of the tour of Ilya Averbukh. There are a huge number of acquaintances and friends here, so we decided here, ”said Alexei.

Now the athlete is one of the first to leave the rink - he hurries home to his wife and two-year-old daughter. The skater spoke about what has changed in his life since little Elizabeth was born.

Alexei Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina.

Lilia Sharlovskaya

For him, planes were always the first thing - in the sense of ice, training, performances. But the girls did not leave the attention of a handsome and successful guy. Alexei could boast not only of his sports achievements, but also victories over the hearts of beauties. Lena Berezhnaya, Sasha Savelyeva, Nastya Gorshkova, Yana Batyrshina - the Don Juan list goes on and on. Alexei himself stated in his autobiographical book that he would not tie the knot until the age of forty. However, everything happened much earlier. He knew Tanya Totmianina since adolescence- they trained together at the skating rink in St. Petersburg, but, as usual, did not pay attention to each other. They were brought together by tragedy - when Tanya broke up with her boyfriend, and her mother died in a car accident, Alexei was the first to lend a friendly shoulder. And then this friendship grew into something more. Opposites attract: the calm, balanced Tatyana and the explosive, very emotional Alexei get along quite well together.

You had many novels, but you were in no hurry to go to the registry office. Afraid of responsibility?
Alexey Yagudin:
“Unconsciously, I always wanted to have my own family. It's just that when you're alone, you get used to it. And the family is no longer monologues, but dialogues. You have to push your stubbornness into the background. A life has begun where compromises are necessary. But apparently there is a time for everything.”

Tanya is also a hard enough person?
“In terms of sports, yes. At the same time, she is very homely, feminine. And I was nevertheless brought up in such a way that I believe that a man is the head of the family. Although I understand that the basis of marriage is, of course, dialogue and trust. Without a heart-to-heart talk, you will never understand what your partner needs. In general, I adore my family, and this is the main thing.

They say that a man is subconsciously looking for a wife who looks like a mother. Notice the similarities between your favorite women?
“Tanya and mother are similar only in that they are both mothers. This is the only thing they have in common. And so they are completely different - both in character and in worldview. People of different times different generations. But my mother is still a very close person for me, I communicate with her a lot, I consult. She has a rich life experience, and in terms of raising Lisa, she helps us a lot.”

Especially since you and Tatyana are constantly on tour ...
“Yes, Tanya started performing two weeks after giving birth. She has a sporty personality. (Laughs.) Lisa stays with the nanny, and sometimes my mother comes and takes her to St. Petersburg.

Have you and your family already firmly settled in Moscow?
“I love big cities. I myself am from St. Petersburg, but I do not like him. Not because he is ugly. On the contrary, the architecture there is amazing, but the climate just kills. Damp, gloomy and no energy at all. Everything is like in slow motion. Tanya always has a headache there, and I want to sleep. And Moscow is a bunch of energy that constantly drives you somewhere, and I get high from it. Even traffic jams do not annoy me - I look, look for ways to bypass them. And we rest outside the city - we have our own house, plot, bathhouse. Tanya is eager to go to Moscow, but I think that in the summer fresh air better for everyone: for us, and for Lisa, and for the dog.”

What does your daughter already know?
“Constantly check how patient parents we are. (Laughs.) To mock us and the dog - pull her by the tail, poke her finger in the eyes. Tanya and I recently returned from Hong Kong, I immediately flew to St. Petersburg for work, and my wife went home. So I call and ask how things are going. She says: “Now I’m watching Liza - she smears Varya (this is a dog) with cream.” I laugh: “Does Varya like it?” “I doubt that she gets great pleasure, but what can I do?” Tanya replies. Daughter, though small, but stubborn, with character. And he understands everything. I say: “Lisa, do you know where we sleep?” She: “Yes.” “Well, there are jeans, a T-shirt and a jacket on the floor. Bring me a sweatshirt." Went and brought it. I give her a piece of paper - throw it away. She goes to the trash can. It's fun to watch a child grow and develop. Probably, not all fathers immediately realize what a happiness it is to have children. At first, I treated this tiny little man with some caution. And now I enjoy our communication and try to spend as much time as possible with my daughter - and take a walk, and run, and play. Lisa has a favorite game - "into the house": she washes something, cleans up, feeds her bears. For some reason, she still calls bears “nu”, her dog is “wawa”, something bad is “kaka”. I'm still looking forward to having a normal conversation with her. I myself spoke only at the age of four, but Tanya was already telling poems at the age of one and a half - everything is individual.

Do you see your features in your daughter?
“Well, she went to her mother with her beauty, and stubbornness is probably from me. Lisa always gets her way. And she's far from being a stupid girl."

You said that you would not give her to figure skating. Why?
“In big sport - for nothing. If he is older, we will bring him, put him on skates, let him try. Gymnastics, any different mugs - all this will be. In childhood, sports, of course, are needed. He builds character. It is discipline and organization. Plus health. I will not force her to continue to play sports, as my mother did in her time. I remember how she said: “Let's go to the open ice, grandmother will sew covers for you so that your legs do not freeze.” No, I don't need an athlete daughter. I need an educated and healthy person.”

Alexey, what figure on the ice could you compare your life with?
“An interesting question ... it’s even difficult to answer it right off the bat. There are basic elements in figure skating. Well, for example, take multi-turn jumps. Although they are complex, exciting, but with them their own life path I would not like to compare: it turns out, even though you aspired to the sky, but in the end you landed at the starting point from where you started. Jump cascade, spin? It's also very uniform. Probably the closest serpentine (step track). Here you can spin, and make turns, and some small steps, and go back. My life is just as varied - there were big victories and mistakes in it. But the bottom line is that I'm still moving forward."

Goals in sports are obvious and understandable. Where are you heading now?
"My sports career ended ten years ago, one might say, on a high note. Olympic medal- this is, whatever you say, a triumph, the highest award. But I am a happy person, because I have a job that is also related to figure skating, and I get great pleasure from it. People like our ice shows, New Year's performances, musicals - we tour not only in Russia, but also around the world. And it's great that we bring joy to the audience. But I understand that I won’t be able to skate all my life, and here the question arises that all athletes inevitably ask themselves: what to do next? After all, before everything was clearly scheduled: woke up, got out of bed, did exercises, warmed up, then the arena, skating rink, gym ... Everything is pre-programmed. And now I want to try something new, get a different profession, so as not to stop there, to develop further. And I'm looking for clues that can later become that new business, from which I will enjoy no less than figure skating. For example, my colleague and good friend Anton Sikharulidze found himself in politics after sports. I traveled with him for five years on tours in the same bus. And he saw that this area really fascinates him. He was constantly reading some historical books, taking notes. He tried to tell me: “Imagine, but Stalin did this and that ...” That is, he received no less pleasure from politics than I do now - from working on television or from acting in a play. Perhaps this will be my future profession. I want to get more acting education. It is clear that in addition to great desire you have to have some kind of base.

At the moment, if I'm not mistaken, you have one performance and one film.
“There are two performances. The first one was not very successful. It was in verse and was called "The President's Vacation". I played Vladimir Putin. Another performance, which is called "Do not believe your eyes", lives longer than I am in it. I was invited there by Valeria Lanskaya, my former partner in the ice show. She said: "Try, you want." Today there are roles in the film "The Heart of Captain Nemov", the television series "Hot Ice". It is clear that this is not God knows what list. But in a situation where your main profession is figure skating and requires a huge amount of time, any other addition to this is akin to winning the world championship.

This is a direct trend: actors participate in ice shows, and skaters try themselves on stage. Your colleague Alexei Tikhonov also plays in the play with Ekaterina Strizhenova. Have you ever suspected your acting ability?
“It is customary to consider athletes to be narrow-minded people. This opinion is based on the fact that many of us are forced to “give up” on education: they miss school, college, in order to achieve success in sports. But I think it all depends on the desire of the person himself. I was lucky: my mother “built” me not only in terms of figure skating, she also forced me to study. I graduated from school with a silver medal. I was more interested in the exact sciences. Probably, genes played a role - my mother was a researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Computer Engineering. Have I noticed acting skills in myself? I think it's better to judge my data from the outside. But, of course, there is an artistic component in figure skating - after all, you come up with images, costumes, you try to present yourself. Apparently, this gave impetus. And Lesha Tikhonov I was at the play. I like it. It's cool to see a person you know well from the other side.

Were you afraid to go on stage for the first time?
“Of course, because it's new. The first performance was generally in verse: can you imagine what it was like to learn the text? Besides, I was very worried. But no longer because I fail to perform, but because I let others down. In sports, I was responsible only for myself - I fell, I lost. And here success depends on the work of the whole team. I remember that the guard in the hall wished me good luck: “I see, Alexei, that you are nervous. Everything will be fine". And then, when I went backstage after the first act, he asked: “Well, how did it go?” I say: “I’m running to the toilet, changing diapers.” (Laughs) Of course, at first it was scary. It's much easier now."

You are not a professional in the theater and you probably understand that you are worse than others. Criticism does not hurt pride?
“You can’t immediately step onto a new field and win. I take criticism lightly. And as far as figure skating was concerned, I also listened to the opinions of other people. Let criticism be better than false flattery.

With what feeling do you watch the World Championships?
“I don’t watch them at all. Everyone is so surprised ... To be honest, I'm not interested. I did my best in sports. It is clear that time goes by and there will be new champions, victories and tragedies. And why is it not interesting - there are no bright personalities. If we take the masters of the old school: Lyudmila Belousova, Oleg Protopopov, Tatyana Tarasova, Tamara Moskvina - these are really personalities, people with powerful internal energy. The European Championship was held in February figure skating, which coincided with filming in the "Ice Age". And since I was the host of the show and didn't ride until three or four in the morning like everyone else, I had the opportunity to watch it. I didn't feel any particular emotion. If we take the male single skating, then, probably, only one skater, Canadian Patrick Chan, came up to what our five did at the Olympics in their time - two quadruple jump. For ten years - no development. Of course, the first years after the end of my career, I missed and wanted to return to the sport. It was just that suddenly everything ended abruptly ... I thought that knee surgery would help, but this did not happen. (Alexey has a congenital defect of the hip joint - it does not completely cover the head of the femur. This was not visible on x-rays. No one could understand why the skater felt severe pain while performing jumps. After winning the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002 In 2007, Yagudin toured America - in fact, on painkillers. At the same time, he underwent the first operation on his hip, but the effect was short-lived. In 2007, Alexei was completely replaced hip joint metal prosthesis. He got out of bed the next day, and two weeks later he ran a 10-kilometer cross. Inspired, the skater announced that he was returning to big sport. But at the competitions in Germany he could not even finish his performance - he was taken off the ice. — Approx. auth.)

How is your health now?
“Compared to what period? If you remember yourself at fifteen or sixteen years old, now it is clearly worse. (Laughs.) The first time after the operation was difficult - after all, my hip joint was completely changed. But now I can already ride, fully work. Every year we travel around seventy-eighty cities with tours of an ice show staged by Ilya Averbukh. In addition, we are preparing ice fairy tales for children “Treasure Island”, “While the clock strikes twelve”. Our musical was presented in London. I also take part in a program called "Voltage Charging". The main focus of this project is to attract people to healthy lifestyle life. This is a set of exercises in the open air, there is absolutely nothing complicated in them. I saw one woman in her seventies doing leg swings, and she did pretty well. We added musical accompaniment and now we conduct classes with Latin American music. In general, after the sport, my life became much more interesting: a huge number of new wonderful projects appeared. I'm not saying that the sports period of my life was boring. No, it was exciting and full of adrenaline, experiences. But it's over, we have to move on. And not to sit on the Internet, looking for who won the Olympics there.

Do you really have no desire to pass on your rich experience to young athletes?
“I will never be a coach. This is the last thing I'll be doing. I don't want to associate my whole life with figure skating. Again, to stand on the ice for hours, to see the same faces around ... Besides, training is not easy. You not only train athletes, you also take an active part in their lives. This is a huge responsibility. But it's not the complexity that stops me coaching- no, I want to try something new, and not stew in the same juice in the same kitchen. So many tempting opportunities open up before me now!”

Are you a passionate nature, is it difficult to be monogamous?
“Who said I was addicted? (Laughs.) No, it's not difficult. In fact, I am absolutely happy with my family.”

Are you not an internet person?
“I am sms. I know what social networks are, but I don’t understand at all why people spend such a huge amount of time there. You can pick up the phone and call whoever you want to talk to. No, they sit, find out who has how many subscribers, change statuses, post photos, make friends. Maybe someone likes it ... I have nothing against it, it's just not mine. Although I understand that life gradually leads a person to the Internet. Therefore, we have to master this element as well.”

Do you like to travel?
"Highly. But if earlier I could easily break away somewhere abroad for three days, now I want a longer vacation.

Do you have favorite countries?
“All of Asia. I just hang out there. This is a completely different people, a different way of life, mentality. They try to receive the guest well, to show respect for him. I really like oriental cuisine. The food is amazing. If we talk about Europe, then, choosing between three countries - Italy, Spain and France, I will give preference to the latter. It is a civilized country with the richest cultural traditions.”

You lived in America long enough, then returned. Did not like?
“I really spent seven years in America. For four years I rode there under the guidance of Tatyana Tarasova, then there were tours. And after that I came to St. Petersburg for two weeks to rest, and my mother asked: “Are you for a long time? When are you going back?“ And I realized that I didn’t want to return to America at all. Everything is artificial there, from food to emotions. People are like robots. In Russia, the people are still more sincere, open to communication. Plus here is my mentality, culture, humor. I remember when, after America, I went out for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt for the first time, I was simply stunned: what beautiful girls we have! They try to look good, dress more effectively, even if for little money. And in America, people just need to put on shorts and flip-flops in order to go out. Although they often have much more opportunities and they earn well. I have already said that recently my wife and I were vacationing in Hong Kong. This city surprised me too. There, too, the girls look after themselves very much - such thin, dark-haired beauties walk through the streets. A feast for the eyes. But then Tatyana and I flew to Moscow and realized: we are still better! This is home."

According to Tatyana Totmyanina, all of them and Alexei Yagudin did not believe in their relationship for a long time. “Everything was very long and smooth for us. First, sports, when Tanya skated with my friend Maxim Marinin, and we just saw each other. And years later, when we began to tour together with Ilya Averbukh’s show, we spent a lot of time together, which forced to take a fresh look at each other," said Alexey.


The relationship between the athletes was not easy. There were even short breaks. “Everyone has ambitions. I’m a loner, I’m used to doing everything myself. Tanya is also a strong person, with character. There were no particular reasons for quarrels. But I left, and more than once. "To nowhere. Probably, on my part, the problems arose because of the fear of ceasing to be a single skater. In sports, everything is clearer. You prepare, then the tournament, you can lose or win, but the schedule is clear. And then there is uncertainty. In addition, Tanya really wanted a child And I was not ready for it, I didn’t know what lay ahead. I was afraid. And then she was already leaving ... "- quotes Yagudin Woman`s Day.

And yet Tatyana and Alexei managed to overcome all obstacles. They had daughters Elizabeth and Michelle. And on February 22, the athletes finally got married. Tatiana noted:

"Believe me, the date of the wedding is completely random"

As Yagudin said, everything turned out quite spontaneously. They were on a tour of Siberia and the Far East when Alexei proposed to Tatyana. She agreed. In Krasnoyarsk, where the athlete has many friends, they got married. Despite the fact that on this day the registry office was not supposed to work, by order of the governor, the institution opened its doors to lovers.