10 cool exercises for circuit training. What is circuit training and how is it different from CrossFit complexes? Triceps push-ups

Find out how a girl can set up an excellent training cycle at home to create perfect figure and firm buttocks.

Most girls worry about availability excess weight and try to get rid of it, using all possible methods for this. Today we will tell you how circuit training for girls at home should be properly organized. Circuit training is very effective means fight against overweight, and our tips will help you carry out the lesson without harm to your health.

Principles of organizing circuit training for girls at home

Today, fast food restaurants are very popular among the population and, when combined with a sedentary lifestyle, they pose a serious threat to the body. It should be recognized that most people eat incorrectly, and this does not improve their health.

In many developed countries of the world, the problem of obesity (and various heart diseases caused by it) has become very urgent. If you want to get rid of extra pounds and make your figure attractive, then circuit training for girls at home will definitely help you.

You have to qualitatively work out all the muscle groups of the body. Circuit training for girls at home combines strength exercises and cardio exercise. This is how you can get rid of fat as quickly as possible. Fitness experts advise new lifters to be careful when lifting free weights. First, all attention must be paid to the technique of performing movements so as not to harm the body.

Wherever you conduct circuit training, you must understand that its goal is not weight gain, but exclusively the fight against fat. For this reason, it is not worthwhile when performing strength exercises use heavy weights. You need to maintain a high intensity, which will be enough to activate lipolysis processes.

The essence of circuit training for girls at home is a combination of several movements that are not related to each other. They are performed in several sets in one circle. Most girls prefer to use about a dozen movements, although there may be more. At the same time, you must monitor your well-being and prevent dizziness.

In total, you should perform two or three circles, resting about 30 seconds between them. If you are just starting to play sports, then the duration of rest can be 60 seconds, but no more.

Benefits of circuit training for girls at home

Before you do anything, you should find out how effective your actions will be. Circular training has many advantages and only one drawback, which is not important for girls. We are now talking about the impossibility of gaining muscle mass.

When you achieve your goals in the fight against fat, you can, if you wish, begin training to gain muscle mass. Here are the main advantages that circuit training has for girls at home:

  • You do not need to visit the hall for classes.
  • Even if your day is scheduled minute by minute, you will still have room for circuit training.
  • Circuit training can also be effective for men who have problems with excess weight.
  • A large number of body muscles are involved in the work.
  • Circuit training significantly increases the speed of metabolic processes.
  • Not only will you be able to lose fat, but you will also strengthen your heart muscle.
We also note that the complex proposed below can be used by all people, regardless of their level physical training.

How to properly conduct circuit training for girls?

It is quite obvious that you should choose exercises to start training. Only with the right combination various movements and regular classes will be received desired result. We have already noted that circuit training for girls at home involves performing movements that involve all the muscles of the body. Thus, you need to choose two or three most interesting exercises for each muscle group.

However, immediately after this choice it is too early to start training, since you must master the technique of performing the selected movements. After this you should remember a few simple rules conducting circular training:

  • Before the main part of the lesson, you need to do a good warm-up for five or ten minutes. Start at a slow pace and gradually increase it.
  • Perform the simplest movements for each part of the body first and do not overload the body. As a result, you can prepare your muscles for serious work.
  • Circuit training for girls at home involves 10 to 15 repetitions of each exercise per circle. As your fitness level improves, you can slightly increase the number of repetitions or begin a more advanced training program.
  • When performing forceful movements, do not use maximum weights. To actively burn fat, you should reduce weight and at the same time increase the number of repetitions.
  • The duration of your session should be no more than 30 minutes to avoid losing muscle mass.
It is also necessary to say that there should be a pause of at least 48 hours between your classes. Thus, during the week you need to train two or maximum three times.

Circuit training program for girls at home

It is possible to create a high-quality training program that can help you solve your task only if you have some experience. At the same time, there are no serious restrictions in the choice of exercises, and thanks to today’s approximate training program, you will be able to create your own in the future. At the same time, you must take into account the state of your body so as not to overload it.
  1. Squats. There are a huge number of variations of this movement that can be performed with own weight or with weights. Squats are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and abdomen.
  2. Pull-ups and push-ups. These movements will allow you to work out the muscles of your arms and chest. Beginners should only work with their own weight, and it is quite possible that at first you will perform simplified versions of these exercises.
  3. Twisting. There are many various options twisting, and their main goal is to qualitatively work out the abdominal muscles.
  4. Jump rope. This is a great tool and should be used in your classes. Many have been created various types jumping rope, but the most effective is the “starfish”. During the jump, you need to spread your arms and legs wide. However, even ordinary jumping rope will be an excellent tool for fighting fat.
  5. Shuttle run. Running should definitely be included in your exercise program. This is an excellent type of cardio exercise, and this is especially true for shuttle running.
If you are going to train at home, this will somewhat limit your options. However, this does not mean at all that the lesson will not be effective. Now we will give an example of a circuit training complex for girls at home.

Complex No. 1

  • Dumbbell presses in a lying position.
  • Vertical block rods.
  • Working with a skipping rope.
  • Raising arms on a crossover.
  • Push ups.
  • Dumbbell rows in an inclined position.
Complex No. 2
  • Working with a skipping rope.
  • Squats.
  • Working on an elliptical trainer.
  • Deadlift.
  • Bicep curls.
Complex No. 3
  • Arm curls on the upper block.
  • Lower block rods.
  • Twisting.
These complexes involve exercises on simulators. If you want to train at home, you can replace these movements with similar ones with dumbbells. Today we tried to convey to you the essence of organizing a circular training. Once you understand the basic principles, you can easily compose effective programs classes. This concludes our story about conducting circuit training for girls at home.

How to conduct circuit training for girls at home, see here:

What is circuit training, in what cases should you give preference to this type of training, what types of circuit training are there, and how to choose your circuit training program? We will discuss the answers to these questions and other subtleties of circuit training in this article.

What is circuit training

Circuit training is considered to be a type of training in which exercises for different muscle groups are performed in turn, thereby forming a kind of circle. Typically, several such circles are performed per workout. All muscle groups are usually worked out in one workout. Moreover, the training duration is on average 30-40 minutes, rarely – 60 minutes. This relatively short time is due to the following characteristic of circuit training. Circuit training is characterized by high intensity - light working weights (often working with your body weight), little rest between sets, and an overall high pace of training. The energy intensity of such training is comparable to cardio training. In this regard, such training turns out to be quite grueling both in the physical sense and in terms of the load on the central nervous system. Hence the short duration of training. Key features of circuit training:

  1. Basic, multi-joint exercises, often repeating the natural functionality of the human body (pull-ups, squats, push-ups...)
  2. Light weights or working with your body weight. Multi-repetition approach mode; Principle: one muscle group - one exercise per workout;
  3. Significant differences in exercise selection from workout to workout.

Circuit training or split

If you are a beginner and you are faced with a dilemma: what type of training to give preference to - circuit training or breaking muscle groups into splits, in most cases you should give preference to the first. Let's find out why. In conditions where your body is not used to hard work, when your ligamentous, central nervous system are not trained in the same way as your muscles, doing split training is ineffective. Suppose you are a newbie and according to the split you have a spin on Monday. You do 5 exercises of 3-4 approaches each on the back. But you don’t feel the working muscles, you simply cannot “digest” the load that you give. Yes, and you are not able to give a full load due to the fact that the equipment is not in place, there is no high-quality neuromuscular connection. Those. Most likely, you will still make progress, but the effectiveness of your training will be several times lower than if you trained 3 times a week using the circuit training principle.

In what cases is circuit training more effective?

  1. If you are a beginner and you need a so-called base - the foundation of your future sporting success be it muscle volume, strength, or endurance;
  2. If you cannot tolerate standard cardio training; 3. If you experienced athlete and you need endurance (martial arts);
  3. If you are a bodybuilder but looking to improve functionality.

Thus, circuit training is useful when you need specialization: explosive speed, endurance, etc. And also, circuit training will be indispensable if you find yourself without the usual arsenal of training equipment or in conditions of lack of time. For example, on vacation or on a business trip.

Circuit training is available everywhere and always.

Types of Circuit Training

Circuit training can be divided into the following types: Strength circuit training. This is training for bodybuilders to improve functionality or used as periodization of loads in order to avoid stagnation (plateau) in progress. Crossfit circuit training. CrossFit – the new kind training and sports, based on circuit training. Circuit training in boxing and other martial arts. Many athletes use circuit training in their programs.

Bodybuilder circuit training

Bodybuilders can use both classic high-intensity circuit training with light weights in order to improve endurance and functionality, and do so-called full-body circuit training with significant weights, targeting all muscle groups per workout. This can be used as part of periodization of loads - it is necessary to constantly change the stress given to the muscles in order to avoid stagnation in the progression of loads.

Less volume, but higher intensity, again by loading all the muscles of the body within one workout, we boost metabolism and enhance fat burning.

And by involving a larger number of muscle masses, we achieve a significant release of hormones that stimulate anabolism.

Routine circuit training for a bodybuilder:

  • Pull-ups wide grip. 10-12 reps.
  • Push-ups on the chest (elbows to the sides) 20-30 reps.
  • Leg press in the machine 15-20 reps.
  • Barbell press behind the head on the shoulders 15 reps.
  • Hammers for biceps 15-20 reps.
  • French press 12-15 reps. Perform 3-4 circles.

Crossfit circuit training

CrossFit is an attempt to create a new sport for people involved in fitness. In fact, many people around the world are in pursuit of in a healthy way life became involved in fitness classes in gyms. Since there is training, there is a demand for the desire to compare one’s achievements. To satisfy this demand, some manufacturers of sportswear and fitness equipment have developed and offered to the public the rules, format and regulations for holding fitness competitions and called it all the resounding word CrossFit!

Let's look at a typical CrossFit training program. Typically, CrossFit training is called WOD (workout of the day), i.e. Daytime workout.

You need to understand that there are two types of training in CrossFit:

    1. For a while. It is necessary to complete a given number of repetitions in a minimum time;
    2. On intensity. It is necessary to perform the maximum number of repetitions in the allotted time;

It is also common practice in CrossFit to give VoDs sonorous names, which helps athletes share and discuss training principles with each other without resorting to long lists of individual exercises.

Three killer WODs:

      1. Murph
        For a while.
        • treadmill. 2 km.
        • Pull-ups. 100 reps
        • push-ups 200 reps.
        • squats 300 reps.
        • running track 2 km.

        You can break it into circles depending on your desire and level of training - 10 circles of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups and 30 squats or 5 circles of 20 pull-ups, 40 push-ups and 60 squats.

      2. Fran
        On intensity
        • squats with barbell release (weights): 21, 15, 9
        • Pull-ups: 21, 15, 9
        • 3 circles each respectively 21, 15, 9 repetitions
      3. Linda
        For a while
        • deadlift 1.5 body weight. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
        • Barbell clean 0.75 body weight. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps
        • Barbell press horizontal bench. Body weight. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps

Circuit training for boxers in the USSR:

Examples of circuit training

1 day:

      1. Chest - Smith Press incline bench. 15-20 reps.
      2. Quadriceps - extensions in the simulator. 15-20 reps.
      3. Biceps hamstrings – leg curls in the machine 15-20 reps.
      4. Back (extensors) – hyperextension. 15-20 reps.
      5. Shoulders - pull the barbell to the chin. 10-12 reps.
      6. Back (lats) – pull-ups (can be done in the gravitron) – 10-12 reps.
      7. Biceps – barbell curls 12-15 reps.
      8. Triceps - extension upper block 15-20 reps.

Day 2:

      1. Back – pull the upper block to the chest 12-15 reps.
      2. Shoulders - swing dumbbells to the sides 10-12 reps.
      3. Legs – hook squats 10-12 reps.
      4. Chest - dips. 15-20 reps.
      5. Press - crunches on a Roman chair. 20-30 reps.
      6. Biceps - standing barbell curls. 10-12 reps.
      7. Triceps - arm extensions with a dumbbell alternately from behind the head. 10-12 reps.

Day 3:

      1. Legs – Smith barbell squats. 12-15 rep.
      2. Chest - dumbbell raises on a bench at an angle of 30 degrees. 10-12 reps.
      3. Shoulders – bent over dumbbell raises (rear deltoid). 12-15 rep.
      4. Back – pull a horizontal block to the stomach. 12-15 rep.
      5. Press – lifting the legs while hanging on the bar. 12-15 rep.
      6. Biceps – crossover curls on the lower block. 15-20 reps.
      7. Triceps - arm extensions in the crossover of the lower block from behind the head. 15-20 reps.

All workouts should begin with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. It could be light cardio 5-10 minutes plus joint gymnastics and light dynamic stretching.

Exercises must be done at an average pace, breaks between approaches - 1.5 - 2 minutes, between circles - 3 minutes.

This training program does not include technically difficult basic exercises require good technique, so beginners can practice this program. More advanced athletes should include heavier compound exercises in their circuit training.

Disadvantages of Circuit Training

Circuit training, if done correctly at high intensity, is not very good for bulking purposes. Still, high intensity training generates, first of all, high emotional stress - exhaustion, emptiness. And such emotional states, as is known, can trigger catabolic processes in our body. Therefore, it is recommended not to overuse ultra-intensive circuit training if your goal is to gain muscle mass.

There is an opinion that circuit training, in particular CrossFit, negatively affects the cardiovascular system. It seems to me that these rumors are best characterized by the saying “make a fool pray to God...”. We all know that big sport and the associated overloads, pharmacology, etc., negatively affect health.

In everything you need to know when to stop and adhere to the principles of common sense. If your goal is to maintain and improve your shape, health and longevity, study your body, check your health regularly, get tested and monitor your well-being. The loads should be sufficient for progress, but not excessive! Play sports and take care of yourself.

circuit training:

Circuit training is considered very effective in burning fat. In just 30-40 minutes they help to work out all the muscles and activate the weight loss process. By using this type of training, we get all the benefits of increasing strength and endurance along with active cardio. Let's look at what circuit training for weight loss is and how it can be done.

Fat loss circuit training is a great option for weight loss combined with a healthy diet. Muscles make the most of the body's glycogen stores and force the body to use stored fats as an energy source. The essence of circuit training is as follows:

  • The workout includes 6-10 exercises, repeated one after another.
  • Each exercise is done a certain number of times or over a certain time interval.
  • Exercises within a cycle are separated by a short rest period. Between individual cycles the rest will be longer.

The total number of cycles performed during training can range from two to six and is determined by the following:

  • Fitness level.
  • Duration training stage(preparatory or before the competition).
  • The purpose of the training is to lose weight, dry, increase endurance.

Circuit training for fat burning: advantages and disadvantages

Please note that circuit training is very intense, and it is recommended to consult a doctor first, especially if you have hypertension, problems with the heart and blood vessels.

During exercise, blood glucose levels decrease, which can be dangerous for diabetics and people on a low-carb diet.

People with arthritis should choose exercises that don't put too much stress on their joints.

Also, circuit training may not be suitable for people with knee or back problems. After a recovery period and consultation with a specialist and trainer, you can adjust the program to minimize the risk of re-injury.

Concerning benefits circuit training, they are as follows:

  • Development of strength and endurance;
  • Versatility - Circuit training can be used for most activities.
  • The training can be adjusted depending on your health, age, and physical fitness.
  • Circuit training exercises are quite simple.
  • A large selection of exercises, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable ones.
  • Time efficiency.
  • Opportunity to practice as gym, and at home.

Of the minuses As for circuit training, the following can be distinguished:

  • For many exercises you need this or that equipment: a ball, dumbbells, a bench, a barbell, certain exercise machines.
  • Exercises require space depending on the type of exercise.
  • Intense training has a number of contraindications, which we discussed above. Therefore, a figure is a figure, and you need to treat your health responsibly.

The principle of constructing circuit training

Circuit training for girls should be structured so that each part of the body is worked out in one cycle in a specific order. It could be as follows:

  • full body;
  • upper body;
  • lower body;
  • frame.

For convenience, write down 3-4 cycles on a piece of paper, including 6-10 exercises that can be performed with the resources you have. Each cycle should not include more than two exercises for the same muscle group. For example, don't do push-ups after lifting weights overhead.

Before starting your workout, be sure to warm up. It will help prepare the muscles and body for the upcoming loads. Cool down at the end. It may include simple exercises for stretching.

The duration of each exercise in a cycle can be determined by one of two methods:

  • based on a fixed time, for example, 30 seconds;
  • Based on half the number of repetitions of an exercise you can perform in a minute using maximum effort.

If your training is based on repetitions, then to ensure progress, take a repeat test every four weeks to determine the maximum number of repetitions you can perform for each exercise in a minute.

Training can be arranged in the following way for a four-week cycle: light, medium, difficult week and then a week for test/recovery. The load is adjusted by changing the number of exercises, duration of execution, number of approaches and recovery period.

The optimal frequency of circuit training is 2-4 times a week. More often it is not necessary, since they are very intense.

Circuit training: program and exercises

Circuit training for fat burning for girls and men can be designed individually. It is recommended to first coordinate it with a specialist. Classic exercises for such activities are as follows:

  • Squats. The exercise is aimed at developing gluteal muscles. You can use only your own body weight or increase the load with dumbbells or a barbell.
  • Push ups. During push-ups, your arms and pectoral muscles. Use your own body weight.
  • Emphasis crouching. The starting position in this case will be the same as for push-ups, and after jumping you need to move to the squatting position.
  • Jumping "starfish". During the jump, you need to spread your legs and arms to the sides and jump as quickly as possible.
  • Abs pumping. This exercise helps strengthen your abs. You need to pump up both the upper and lower abs.
  • Jumping rope. A wonderful exercise that works the leg muscles.
  • Shuttle run. During the entire time allotted for this exercise, you need to run from one end of the room to the other, while you need to sit down and touch the floor. It's better to run as fast as possible.

At the end of the workout you can go for a short run.

Circuit training at home

Circuit training for women

A huge advantage that circuit training has for women is its accessibility and the ability to do it at home. Some of the most popular and effective bodyweight exercises are:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • press raises;
  • swing your legs;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • lunges;

Circuit training in the gym

Circuit training for women and men in the gym can produce more lasting and quick results through the use of various equipment. The main exercises that can be used are the following:

  • Dumbbell press for chest and arms;
  • upper block thrust;
  • squats with a barbell or dumbbells;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • jumping rope;
  • deadlift with a barbell.

Circuit training example

Circuit training for fat burning can be designed so that you work a specific muscle group during one session. For example, on Monday you work on the chest, on Wednesday - buttocks and legs, on Friday - abs and arms. Using this scheme, you will achieve greater results. Now let's look at the circuit training program for a week.


  • Dumbbell chest press in a lying position;
  • Upper block thrust;
  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Hand spreads on a crossover;
  • Bent-over dumbbell row;
  • Push ups;
  • Running at the end of the lesson.


  • Squats with dumbbells;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • Lunges with dumbbells;
  • Leg curls;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Leg curls;
  • Running at the end.


  • Static curls with dumbbells;
  • Arm curls on the upper block;
  • Arm curls on the lower block;
  • Jumping rope;
  • Tilts;
  • Swinging of the upper and lower press;
  • Walking on an orbit track;
  • At the end - running.

Regular circuit training helps build endurance and accelerates combustion processes. subcutaneous fat and metabolism. In addition, due to the principle of repetition, muscle elasticity increases and the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves. By independently determining which area of ​​the body needs more work, you can find the ideal physical fitness. Thanks to the constant flow of oxygen into the blood, the body actively starts recovery processes that slow down aging.

Circuit training is ideal for both women and men. The former can choose easier exercises without weights, which help to lose weight, while representatives of the stronger sex often use weights in their training. Where to practice - in the gym or at home, decide for yourself. The only important thing is regularity and safety - monitor your condition, and if training provokes negative consequences in the form of dizziness, joint pain, and so on, if possible, consult with a specialist and adjust the load. In addition, remember that it is very important to achieve results proper nutrition. A balanced healthy diet combined with regular exercise will help you achieve excellent results.

Circuit training in the gym for girls on video

The problem of getting rid of overweight It is especially acute in the spring, when the realization comes that summer is just around the corner. No matter what attempts are made in an effort to lose weight faster. But, unfortunately, no miracle drugs or diets can help in this matter. The first - because they do not exist at all, and the second not only will not get rid of extra pounds, but they can also add new ones.

But training aimed at reducing excess weight and working out all muscles will be a good friend. Such training is called circuit training. They include both cardio and strength training.

Workout Features

The main goal of circuit training is to work the muscles of the entire body in one day. Wherein aerobic exercise combined with strength training, for which both exercise machines and free weights are suitable. Here it should be taken into account that the weight of the gravity must be limited. Circuit training is not aimed at building muscle mass and is carried out at high intensity, which is why heavy weights are not suitable for it.

To conduct circuit training, 10-12 exercises are selected, aimed at all parts of the body. One such circle is repeated 2-3 times with a rest of 30 seconds between sets. When the intensity of the exercise is too high, the time between sets should be increased to 1 minute.

As a rule, trainers do not advise beginners to do exercises using free weights from the very beginning, giving preference to exercise machines. The exercise machines are designed for convenient and safe exercises with strength loads.

In contrast, free weights require special skill to use and are recommended for people with physical fitness.

Circuit training is most effective in the fight against excess weight. In addition to burning excess fat, it affects the muscles of the entire body and tones them, without building muscle mass.

Advantages and disadvantages

Circuit training is more popular even than cardio training. This is due to the fact that this scheme suits the largest number of people. Circuit training can be done at home. The circuit training method is suitable for men, women and girls. The only difference is that men pay the most attention to the upper body, and women - to the lower.

  • perfect for intensive combustion fat;
  • increases physical strength;
  • during training, every muscle of the body is included in the work;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • maintains muscle volume;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • Circuit training can be done at home.
  • does not build muscle mass.

They have proven themselves to be excellent. Cardio training is the best choice for those. who wants to lose extra pounds.

Do you want to have a wide, muscular back? Read how to pump up latissimus muscles back push-ups. You can pump up the latissimus dorsi muscles with dumbbells, a barbell or on a horizontal bar.

Training rules

  • Initially, you need to create a training plan that will consist of several exercises. It is necessary to select 2–3 exercises for each part of the body.
  • Before starting your workout, it is mandatory to do a 5-minute warm-up. Muscles should be warmed up slowly, gradually increasing the pace of the warm-up. When the muscles are prepared, you can start training.
  • Training one muscle group must start from the very beginning light exercise, so the muscles can prepare for the upcoming load.
  • The choice of weight must be approached carefully. The weight should not be very heavy and the muscles should not be pushed to failure.
  • In one circle, 10–50 repetitions of each exercise are performed.
  • After completing one circuit, you should rest for approximately 1 minute.
  • The duration of circuit training should not exceed 30 minutes, otherwise you risk losing some muscle mass.
  • 2 – 3 classes per week will be the most optimal for the body.
  • Rest between workouts should be at least 48 hours. During this time, the muscles will fully recover.

Circuit training program and exercises

There are a huge number of programs for circuit training, and you can create your own personal scheme, but it would be better to first agree on it with a trainer. Below is classical program circuit training.

At the end of the circuit training, it would be useful to do a short jog.

Circuit training at home

A huge advantage of bodyweight exercises is that they are accessible and can be done at home. The most popular and effective exercises without weights:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • jumping;
  • rocking the press;
  • exercise "bicycle";
  • swing your legs;
  • lunges;

Circuit training in the gym

Exercises with sports equipment give a faster effect than exercises that use only your own weight. Basic exercises:

  • dumbbell press for arms and chest;
  • squats with dumbbells or barbell;
  • upper block thrust;
  • lunges with dumbbells;
  • deadlift with a barbell;
  • jumping rope.

Example workout

A set of circuit training can be selected so that each workout works a different muscle group. For example, on Monday you work the pectoral muscles, on Wednesday – the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and on Friday – the arms and abs. Using this scheme, results can be achieved much faster.


  • Dumbbell bench press from the chest.
  • Curling arms with dumbbells in a static position.
  • Upper block pull.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Hand spreads on a crossover.
  • Push ups.
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows.
  • Run to finish.


  • Squats with dumbbells.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Lunges with dumbbells.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells.
  • Leg bends.
  • Swing your legs.
  • Run to finish.


  • Arm curls with dumbbells in a static position.
  • Jumping rope.
  • Arm curls on the upper block.
  • Arm curls on the lower block.
  • Swinging of the upper press.
  • Swinging the lower press.
  • Tilts.
  • Walking on an elliptical trainer.
  • Run to finish.

The effect of circuit training

In the process of doing circuit training, endurance is developed, subcutaneous fat is burned and metabolism is accelerated. In addition, through repetition, muscle elasticity develops and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.

A person acquires excellent physical shape by independently determining which area of ​​his body needs more work. Due to the large flow of oxygen in the blood, the body starts a regeneration process that can slow down aging.

Hi all! Today we will tell you about a very popular and highly effective way to combat excess fat deposits - this is circuit training. You can find out what it is and how it works, as well as choose a convenient program for yourself at home or in the gym in this article.

What it is

Circuit training is a technique designed to combat excess weight and increase strength and endurance, but not to build muscle mass. This is also an excellent workout option while drying the body, because weight loss does not occur through muscle loss.

The main benefits of circuit training:

  • effectively fight fat deposits;
  • increase strength and endurance of the body;
  • increase metabolic rate, which is especially necessary for healthy weight loss;
  • strengthens muscles, but does not build them up;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • save time (usually training takes about 30 minutes).

The basic principle of circuit training is to perform a set of exercises for different muscle groups. Moreover, the break between exercises is minimal; rest occurs when you use other muscles. After training at top part body (for example, push-ups) immediately switch to bottom part(squats). Thus, the whole body is worked out, the intensity of the workout increases, and the execution time is reduced.

You don’t need to come up with a bunch of different exercises; it’s enough to use 5-6 that load many muscles at the same time. By performing them in a circle, you spend a lot of energy, due to which fats are burned and a weight loss effect occurs.

Before you start circuit training, be sure to do this to prepare your muscles and joints for the load.

It is very important not to rest between exercises, but to perform them one after another without a break. Rest between circles for 2-3 minutes until the heart rate returns to 110-120 beats per minute.

If you are new to this business, then do not try to immediately take the maximum program. To begin with, perform 3-4 sets of 4-5 exercises, only gradually increasing the load with each workout, increasing the number of exercises or the number of executions, and then circles. The weight should be such that you can complete the entire program. But you shouldn’t relax either, because the result of the training will be when you no longer have the strength to continue it.

Circuit training can be done either in the gym with dumbbells or a barbell, or at home, using only your own weight.

Circuit training at home

When studying at home, all you need is a free place where you can comfortably study without disturbing yourself or your household. Therefore, choose clothes that will not restrict movement and tune in to intense workout. Go!

Set of exercises No. 1

  • Push-ups (17 times)
  • Squat emphasis (10 times)
  • Raising your legs up onto the press (15 times)
  • Jumping up from a sitting position (15 times)
  • Plank (30 sec)

Push-ups (17 times) Squat push-up (10 times) Leg raises (15 times) Jumping up from a sitting position (15 times) Plank (30 sec)

Set of exercises No. 2

  • Squats (20 times)
  • Upper crunches (20 times)
  • Push-ups (17 times)
  • Side plank (15 reps on each side)

Repeat the complex for another 2-3 laps

Set of exercises No. 3

  • Starfish jumps (10 times)
  • Lifting onto a chair (15 times from each leg)
  • Press (20 times)
  • Push-ups (17 times)

Repeat the complex for another 2-3 laps

Circuit training in the gym

Before you start training, prepare everything necessary equipment and make sure that the necessary exercise equipment is available. In general, you won't need too many of them. Let's begin!

Set of exercises No. 1

  • Lunges with dumbbells (15 times)
  • Raising dumbbells onto your shoulders (15 times)
  • Dumbbell chest raises (15 reps)
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps (15 reps)
  • Incline press (15 times)

Lunges with dumbbells (15 times) Dumbbell shoulder raises (15 times) Horizontal back rows (15 times) Dumbbell chest raises (15 times)
Dumbbell curls (15 times) Incline press (15 times)

Set of exercises No. 2

  • Vertical back row (15 reps)
  • Abduction of dumbbells straight in front of you (15 times)
  • Dumbbell chest raises (12 reps)
  • Triceps push-ups (15 reps)

Rest 2-3 minutes and another 2-3 circles.

Set of exercises No. 3

  • Barbell squats (15 reps)
  • Deadlift (15 times)
  • Barbell Trapezium Row (15 reps)
  • Raising dumbbells on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees (15 times)
  • Dumbbell rows behind the head for triceps (15 times)

Rest 2-3 minutes and another 2-3 circles.

So that's all for today. We have selected 3 complexes for you universal exercises, calculated for a week (taking into account the fact that you will study 3 times a week). Exercises can always be adjusted, the main thing is to understand the principle. Therefore, do not be lazy, because the result will not keep you waiting long, and a slim beautiful body will delight you very soon! Good luck!