Zuzana light before and after. Short fat-burning super-workouts Zuzka Light. Pros and cons of "Zuzka Light"

In just 10 minutes of high-intensity abdominal training per day, you can effectively burn fat and get a beautiful, sculpted belly.

Many of you do not need to imagine this girl with a perfect body.

Zuzka Light- famous fitness instructor, founder of bodyrock.tv, host of a sports channel on youtube.

In order to always be in shape, Zuzka, in addition to eating healthy food, supplements her healthy lifestyle with hard workouts with various exercises, which she often changes so that her muscles do not get used.

This program, like all other Zuzka workouts, is interval and is performed at a high pace without breaks between exercises. The goal is efficient and powerful exercises engage core muscles. We only need 10 minutes. But do not think that it will be easy, because we will work at the maximum, after the end of the workout you will feel pleasantly tired for a long time.

So. Interval Abs Workout with Zuzka Light

Burpee- 5 repetitions.

After you return to the horizontal position after push-ups, jump up as high as you can. You will notice that you are jumping lower due to fatigue, this is normal. Keep jumping as high as you can.

Knee to elbow in plank. Feet on a chair - 20 repetitions.

You can do a simple version of the exercise, without a chair.

Keep the entire torso in good shape, the back should be straight. Bring your knee as close to your triceps as possible. Don't bend your torso to touch your knee, the only part of your body that needs to move is your leg.

Jumping over a dumbbell - 20 repetitions.

Jumping trains not only the press, but also coordination and the cardiovascular system.

Swing your arms to balance and jump higher.

Plank with dumbbell row - 10 repetitions.

Believe it or not, this is the most difficult exercise of the program.

Start in plank position, with the dumbbell in front of you at arm's length.

Grasp the dumbbell with one hand and move it towards you. The dumbbell should be under the navel. Make sure you don't bend your hips as you pull.

Move back, by busting with your hands, take the dumbbell with your other hand and pull under you.

Adjust the dumbbell weight to complete all reps.

The whole complex is performed at the maximum, but do not overdo it, you should feel comfortable during execution.

A Few Nutrition Tips for Zuzka's Abs Workout Program

Even the most training program will be ineffective if it is not complemented by the right approach to nutrition.

Hi guys!

Bodyrock.tv has grown from a small blog into a whole movement. Can you tell how it happened? How did the idea become a reality, how long did it take you to make it, and how much time do you spend on your site now (I think it takes you all 24 hours 7 days a week)?

Zuzana: We were lucky enough to meet one of the most successful bloggers on the internet and he inspired us with his story of how he got started. After reading his experience, we began to look at blogs as a way to express our common interests. I wanted a fitness and health blog because I wanted to change my life and focus on finding stability, balance, and emotional well-being. It was a very good time to blog about my new life path. We were very lucky that at the time of the start, Freddie's family supported and helped us in every possible way. They helped us with housing and got us a job in their flower shop. We worked part time. This covered our basic living expenses and allowed us to focus all our free time on the blog and its content. We were so involved in the process of creating a blog that we gave it every free minute. Our personal life and blogging have merged into one, and we began to live this day by day.

Are you totally against going to the gym? (I have to ask this question because I'm writing an article for a gym magazine ;-)) Please describe the benefits of your workouts.

Zuzana: we are not against gyms at all. Many bodyrockers perform our workouts in the gym and take them to the masses. Personal trainers use our training in their classes with their clients, soldiers in Afghanistan train with us at military bases, firefighters in fire departments, flight attendants and pilots in their hotel rooms. The question “where to study” no longer matters. We call it the Home Workout Lover Movement just because I do these workouts at home myself, but we want to let everyone know that they can be done anywhere. Most of our exercises do not require additional inventory, and if you need it, then these are just a few basic tools. Our workouts are intense yet short, so you save time while benefiting from a combination of strength and cardio training. We focus on improving the performance and effectiveness of our workouts and improving our previous results by competing in a friendly manner with ourselves and other bodyrockers. This helps us maintain intensity and has a positive effect on results. Every day we make new workouts, which keeps them constantly fresh and fun.

Can you tell us a little about the two of you, how did you meet and become a couple?

Zuzana: I met Freddie by chance during his first trip to Europe. I immediately realized that he was the one, and despite the fact that everyone who knew me thought I was crazy, I was 100% sure that this was the person with whom I would spend the rest of my life. That feeling was so strong. Since our first meeting, we have been together for less than a week. After that, Freddie constantly dangled between Canada and Europe until we got married. The first two years we had a long distance relationship, it is very difficult, but we survived.

You share many funny and quite personal stories with your followers - it has great importance for the “bodirok” movement?

Zuzana: we created BodyRock.Tv as a personal blog and a community has grown up around it. I don't think anything has changed in this regard. We like to talk about our travels and share interesting moments from our Everyday life. If you look through the comments, you will see that people there are also sharing unusual personal stories from their lives - it makes them more real to us, and I think we just respond to them in the same way.

You sometimes mention that you had a difficult period in your life in the past. I'm not sure I understood it correctly: did you really have before excess weight? Did you have cellulite? (Although it's hard to imagine) How did it happen that you decided to switch to a healthy and sporty lifestyle?

Zuzana: my weight fluctuated up and down like most people. I had to deal with cellulite and extra pounds that haunted me. But for me, it had more to do with self-doubt, low or no self-esteem, and self-loathing. I went through incredibly difficult and troubled years, and I had to lick a lot of wounds.

I have to ask this or I will be banned from calling myself a journalist, so I apologize in advance if I hurt your feelings with this question: could you say something about your former career on the net? Don't get me wrong: I'm definitely not the type of journalist who rushes through such questions. If you don't want to answer, that's fine, it's my job to just ask a question. If you want to hear my opinion: I absolutely don't care what you did in the past, because in my opinion, you are a wonderful and inspiring person.

Zuzana: I made a lot of bad decisions when I was a teenager - dropped out of school, left home, trying to go out into the world on my own, while still too young to do so. I got pulled into something I shouldn't have gotten into and I'm sorry I can't get it all back. When I was 18 years old, in a state of emotional despair, without money, work, home and education, I went to work as an erotic model. It was this choice that completely destroyed my inner world and led to years of darkness and insults. I could not even imagine how hard it would be to escape from this, and how such a life would devastate my soul. Many young girls from Eastern Europe fall into this trap, and I am very glad that I managed to break out, because many girls could not do it. When you see them in pictures smiling like they are very happy to take off their clothes and get naked, it's all a huge lie. I have not met a single girl who would be happy to work like that. Contrary to popular belief, these girls don't make much money and they end up becoming completely depressed, insecure and without self-esteem. Many of them turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. Shame and an incredible fear of judgment keep them in this vicious circle. In the end, only photographers and international corporations such as Visa and Mastercard, who pocket money every time a photo is sold online, benefit from all these ruined lives. Freddie had been pushing me out of the game ever since we met, but he was forced to be in Canada most of the time and I knew he shouldn't be fighting my battle. Eventually, when I hit rock bottom, I plucked up the courage to stop and change my life. I was in debt, completely broken and on the verge of becoming an alcoholic, which scared me crazy because my father was a heavy alcoholic and I didn't want to end up like him. I dropped everything and told myself that I would break out, no matter what it cost me. I didn't want to continue living this life, but I also didn't want to give up on life. When you know that you need to take a decisive step, it is always scary. This is why many people get stuck in the dark, because it is more familiar and safer for them, even if reality slowly kills them in the process. So I quit the game and that was a long time ago. I'm not going to do anything else with it, and I'm not getting anything out of it anyway. I have a dream to do something to stop this cycle of exploitation that is taking advantage of young girls and ruining their lives. Every time people want to slap me, pointing out my mistakes, trying to humiliate me and hurt me. They see the new direction I'm taking, fitness and health, and it seems to really piss them off, like I'm an outcast in my own life, like I can't be any other than the broken, scared girl I used to be. Once, the management of one of the largest fitness companies in the US contacted Freddie. They called us out of the blue because they were interested in cooperation. The next day, the phone rang and the management said that they could not work with us because the marketing department could not find a way to “do it beautifully”. They said that their brand couldn't be associated with me because of my past, but that didn't stop them from offering us to sell their products on our blog. Of course we didn't. The message was clear and understandable—personal change is good as long as it’s only superficial. AT this moment I am a very happy person and I want to say that I live the life that I have always dreamed of. My life is full of love and happiness.

Last question: can you give our readers three short tips on how to keep fit, strong and healthy - in short: how to become and remain a Body Roker?

Zuzana: start following our training programs We post a new one every week. As a Body Roker, you must be purposeful and strive to be 100% conscious in your nutrition and daily activities. It's not just about getting in shape, it's a way of life and you train in order to live that life the best you can.

(Original - http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/01/04/my-interview/)

Who doesn't know Zuzka? Everyone knows Zuzka!

Zuzana- one of the most famous fitness personalities of the Internet. For several years she was the star of the BodyRock project, which amassed a fantastic half a billion views on YouTube. AT Last year she went on her own with the ZuzkaLight.com project.

And in August she became kettlebell instructor. This news made me happy - everyone needs kettlebells and they are gaining more and more new fans! Zuzka gave an interview about this and has already released one video "5 Minute Fat Burning Workout".Why 5 minutes? No, not because that's enough. But because Zuzka insists on self-discipline and daily training. Naturally, they cannot be long in such a case on an "easy day" of rest.

There are only 2 exercises. I will not reveal the intrigue, see:

Dragon Door: How did you discover kettlebells?

Zuzka Light: I met kettlebells about 5-6 years ago and fell in love with them. I ordered a medium sized kettlebell and several DVDs, including From Russia with Tough Love by Pavel Tsatsulin. And I also liked his book Power to the People.

But even though I practiced a lot at home, I didn't feel confident enough to teach other people more. difficult exercises with weights. And although I confidently talked about deadlifts and swings, I still wanted to get certified. It took many years, but I finally did it!

Dragon Door: Congratulations on passing the certification! How do you plan to apply the acquired knowledge?

Zuzka Light: I learned a lot at the seminar and realized that I was only focusing on general training, fat burning and muscle growth, but overlooked important points joint mobility. I want to add this knowledge in addition to pure kettlebell exercises. I myself want to become more athletic and help other people in this.

Flexibility, body control, joint mobility are important. People need to understand that the goal of training should be not only appearance, but also functional strength. For example, right now I can do a handstand, but I can't control the movement after I'm off the wall for a couple of seconds. I would like to do a handstand without a wall and show others that they too can move freely and control their body. Standing on your hands is hard, it takes practice. But as a result, it's fun and gives a sense of freedom. I think if you can do a lot of different and challenging moves, it makes you strong and confident. And this is really important.

What I love about kettlebells is that you can get results quickly. You can become stronger and more flexible and that's great.

Dragon Door: What advice would you give to people who want to start training with kettlebells?

Zuzka Light: Try to find an instructor for initial training, read a lot about kettlebell training and generally try to get as much information as possible. I also think it's important to practice with light weights in the beginning to set up the technique. Kettlebells are amazing and can be really safe, but only if you know what you're doing.

Dragon Door: Do you have any personal goals in kettlebell training now?

Zuzka Light: My goal is to incorporate more kettlebell lifting into my workouts and focus on developing joint mobility. And I look forward to people's reactions to innovations. I always like to get feedback and find out that people have been able to improve something thanks to my training. I think kettlebells can really help people quickly.

Dragon Door: What inspires you to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle?

Zuzka Light: I just can't imagine myself outside of a healthy lifestyle. It has always helped me feel better and overcome difficult situations in life. This is a habit that I will never give up. I am also inspired by the professionalism and knowledge of fitness trainers and athletes. But most of all I am inspired by people who achieve great results through my videos and blog.

Dragon Door: It must be an incredible feeling to positively impact the lives of so many people from a distance.

Zuzka Light: It's amazing. But this is very different than one-on-one training. I have a lot of respect for those coaches who do personal work. These are different things - to train yourself + show the rest of your classes and train an individual. AT last case, a lot of time is spent correct technique and various coaching tricks.

Dragon Door: You're in great physical shape and a lot of people want to be like you. How do aesthetic goals affect your training?

Zuzka Light: I try not to focus on looks because it's easy to get obsessed with it. As a woman, of course, I look at myself in the mirror every day and see details that may not exist in reality:) But I try not to pay attention to this. I try to train to get stronger and feel good, especially as I get older. We can always keep ourselves strong, healthy and confident. If we continue to train, then, despite our age, our bodies remain strong and we rejoice in our athletic achievements. I think it's important.

Zuzana Light has been a celebrity in the fitness world for several years now. This woman achieved amazing results thanks to regular workouts, proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life. Longevity and health is not such an unattainable goal as many people think. In addition to daily sports, Zuzana still manages to devote time to her family - on June 30, 2010, she celebrated the 3rd anniversary of her marriage with her husband Frederik.

Fitness enthusiast

Zuzana - certified personal trainer and, as she calls herself, a fitness enthusiast. Light offers all its clients a very simple approach to fitness and in general to all physical training: most effective exercises These are the ones you can make at home. No matter how beautiful ads for fitness centers and gyms are, that’s all. artificial conditions. The life of a modern person is such that not all of us can afford to spend 1-1.5 hours on gym. Add to this the waiting time in a traffic jam - it becomes not fun at all. Therefore, in such a situation, the best way out will be, which Zuzana Light practices.

Zuzana tells each client that first you need to choose any home workout program on your own and try it, so to speak, to make sure of your abilities. Rule 2 for beginners - change the sequence of exercises every day. Believe me, today enough types and variations of exercises for all muscle groups have been developed. You will not have problems with "stagnation" and the monotony of training. Daily workouts of your body will very quickly allow you to achieve high performance flexibility, strength and balance.

Your own body weight is all you need

What makes up longevity and health, or rather the “secret formula” of health? All the training that Zuzana conducts involves working with own weight body, which means there is no need for a gym or expensive equipment. The lesson is short in time, but very intense - if you approach these exercises with due diligence, then you will save not only money, but also time. And the effectiveness of such a technique will not be long in coming. You need to make home workouts a part of your life and finally start paying attention to what you eat.


Zuzana approaches nutrition as simply as training. Spouses Light prefer only fresh products or, in extreme cases, food that does not need to be spent a lot of time. Scientists have long established that the more food undergoes heat treatment, the less useful it is for our body. Zuzana has always stood for healthy eating- no powders, no steroids, no additives should be present in your diet. All this chemical pseudo-food causes great harm to the body - you can achieve short-term visual results (taking, for example), but after you return to your normal diet, you will face the consequences of chemical exposure to organ tissues. You understand that this does not bode well for you. In other words, the simpler and more natural the food, the healthier it is.

As you can see, in order to stay in excellent physical form You don't have to spend a lot of time going to the gym. Longevity and health are achieved through systematic effort in sports and consistency in nutrition. In our next articles, we will definitely continue this topic.

Zuzana Bodyrock- a girl so passionate about fitness that she managed to create not only a wonderful site that is very popular, but also a whole bodyrocker movement. BUT Biography Zuzana Bodyrock full of potholes. But first things first.

Going to create your own blog Zuzanna was born after she met one of the most successful Internet bloggers - Freddie.

This happened when she first decided to go to Europe. After meeting him, she realized that this is exactly the person with whom she would like to spend her whole life. He inspired her with his story about how he began his development, how thorny his path was, but how he nevertheless managed to reach the coveted peak.

After this story, in the eyes Zuzanna the light flashed and she fired up ideas about her own blog. She wanted to tell everyone how beautiful it is to be beautiful and healthy, about how fitness has a beneficial effect on a person, allowing you to find harmony with yourself. Freddie decided to help her in her endeavor.

Most of all, she was surprised that his family did not stand aside from this matter, kindly providing them with their own housing for work. When it all started, they could spend day and night doing their favorite thing, time passed unnoticed, they lived in virtual world. They were brought together by a common cause and the belief that everything would work out.

Before Zuzana started blogging on the Internet, her life could hardly be called rosy. She had no desire to study, she wanted to escape from her parental home as soon as possible and start an independent life.

So at the age of 18, after leaving home, she got a job as a model to create erotic pictures, which she now regrets very much. This was swipe mentally, she still cannot forget about the stress that she had to endure.

After the stress experienced, there were extra pounds, unsuccessful attempts to overcome them and create their own exercises that would help to master themselves, taught them how to cope with anger and made the girls love themselves.

Such an integrated approach attracted many readers to the resource, because every woman understands how important all this is really. Moreover, it is convenient that new fitness exercises appear on the site every week, allowing you to choose new complexes for yourself.

For many, this is a great incentive to get started. active image life and do fitness at home without going to gyms.