Fat burners that work. The best preparations with geranium. Geranium extract: harm and safety of DMAA use Fat burner with geranium and ephedra

Date of: 2019-02-21 Views: 5 187 Grade: 4.8 Fat burning supplements are some of the most popular in sports nutrition. They help get rid of hanging unnecessary centimeters on the stomach or buttocks. And put yourself in order in a short time - from one and a half to three months. A separate subcategory among them is fat burners with geranium. This is the name given to supplements that contain the component 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (DMAA). DMAA provides pronounced stimulation of the central nervous system. Activates fat burning, suppresses appetite, increases performance.

Is geranium banned in 2019?

Every now and then, you will hear someone say that this ingredient is illegal. But in reality this is not true. The component is legal in Russia and the USA. However, as of 2019, there are restrictions on the production of geranium supplements in the United States. Since it was not proven in court whether the plant extract of geranium is used in production or synthesized in laboratories. But this does not stop some manufacturers from producing supplements with DMAA. In Russia, the status of this component remains legal. And additives are registered and receive certificates on a general basis.

What geranium supplements are relevant?

We have checked and selected a list of products that actually still contain geranium. Because, you may know, the compositions sports supplements may change, and manufacturers may add or remove things from there. This often happens with geraniums. Perhaps, the best option for their money. It is cheap (usually up to 1,700 rubles) and contains the essentials. As they say, cheap and cheerful. The composition contains caffeine, ephedra (50 mg), geranium extract, synephrine, phenylethylamine and yohimbine. In general, a standard set of components for any working fat burner.

This drug differs from others in that it contains a whole cocktail of components. Main components:

  • anhydrous caffeine - 250 mg.
  • ephedra extract - 30 mg.
  • component T2 – 300 mcg.
  • geranium extract - 40 mg.
That is, the effect on fat is not only by stimulating the body through raising the temperature. But also through stimulation thyroid gland.

A fat burner that triggers thermogenesis and increases calorie expenditure. With it you can eat little, but not feel hungry. Among its working components: geranium, synephrine, ephedra, caffeine malate,.

The complex is very “hot”, so weight loss is guaranteed.

This fat burner differs from others in its high dosage of geranium extract - 60 mg per serving. Therefore, we can safely recommend it to men.

The drug performs two functions at once:

  • burns fat;
  • stimulates at the level of a good pre-workout.

In addition to geranium, it contains 150 mg of ephedra, dendrobium, synephrine, caffeine and AMP citrate.

Suitable for you if you are looking for a working composition that will help you cheer up and improve your figure in a short time.

This is a new product that came out in 2018. And let us warn you right away - it will suit only a few people. There are very high dosages here. Be careful. Main components:

  • Caffeine anhydrous - 300 mg (very high dosage).
  • Geranium extract (75 mg per serving, also a lot).
  • Beta-phenylethylamine (a version of PEA that is much better than regular phenylethylamine).
  • Noopept - 15 mg (nootropic).
That's all. In this article we described which supplements that can now be found on sale still contain the popular component DMAA. If you know of other fat burners that are still sold in 2019 and contain geranium, please write in the comments.

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Fat burners that work. The best preparations with geranium.

The secret of effective fight against overweight V making the right choice fat burner. Geranium-based preparations are especially valued among professional bodybuilders as a powerful calorie blocker.

  1. How to burn fat without harm
  2. Side effect. How to avoid
  3. Food for thought

How to lose weight professionally? Fat burners with geranium extract

How did people with beautiful, sculpted bodies achieve such results? There are only two possible answers: they have been working on themselves for 5-10 years or more, or they are taking appropriate medications in combination with training and diet. How to choose the right supplement and why fat burners with geranium are considered one of the best?

Geranium is an extract of the plant of the same name. It is a biologically active substance with strong action. It is actively used in cosmetology, medicine and as an additive to the diet of bodybuilders. The composition of the drug often includes a synthetic substance, an analogue of the natural one.

  1. Has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.
  2. Blocks the growth of adipose tissue.
  3. Increases endurance and attention.
  4. Increases the pain threshold.
  5. Reduces appetite.
  6. Stimulates the conversion of fat deposits into energy, i.e. helps the athlete to remain in a cheerful state even after training, and prevents fatigue.
  7. Improves emotional state. Which is especially important for those who are on a diet.

What body mechanisms are responsible for excess weight?

Specific fatty acid (scientifically called triglycerides). these are those very ugly hips, hanging sides and bellies. Certain foods contain significant amounts of these harmful fats, which subsequently accumulate in the body.

Of course, not all fats are bad. The part of them that is used by the body certainly plays a vital role in metabolism. Also, some organs store fatty acids in tissues “for later.” For example, the heart and muscles.

But those particles that were not involved in the exchange re-pass through the liver, and with the help of enzymes lipoprotein lipase or insulin are converted into triglycerides, which are subsequently absorbed by adipose tissue.

The difference between the particles involved and those not involved is the balance, observing which you can maintain the weight without changes. And to lose weight, you need to stimulate the consumption of unused particles, thereby minimizing the formation of triglycerides.

Important! The body of a physically developed person consumes much more fat due to the mass of muscle tissue.

How to burn fat without harm

Quitting fat completely is unwise and detrimental to the body. Some of the fats from our diet are used for the synthesis of hormones, the formation nerve tissue, skin and organs, and also promotes the absorption of vitamins A, B, E, K.

There are:

  1. Subcutaneous fat - it is visible visually; due to an excess of such deposits, the silhouette deteriorates;
  2. Viscous fat – essential for maintaining internal organs, prevents their displacement/lowering; if in excess, on the contrary, it can disrupt their work.

In addition to storage, such tissue performs a number of important functions. Serves as a barrier - it retains all harmful substances that modern food is rich in and prevents penetration into vital tissues. Keeps you warm. Protects bone protrusions from destruction, and internal organs from falls, bruises and impacts.

Important! Accumulated fat begins to be consumed in two cases: lack of food and physical work.

Extreme weight loss through fasting causes irreparable harm. The risk of internal organ bruises increases. Important nutrients, minerals, vitamins stop entering the body, and muscles atrophy.

Ineffective without physical activity and an appropriate diet, but they significantly accelerate the formation process beautiful body. Each category of fat burners affects certain processes:

  • thermogenics – slightly increase body temperature, while increasing calorie consumption and stimulating metabolism;
  • adrenomimetics - increases the release of adrenaline into the blood, valued for their ability to inhibit androgen receptors, which are responsible for fat accumulation in the chest, abdomen and thighs;
  • lipotropics – slows down the growth of adipose tissue, has a relatively low fat burning effect, it is better to take it in combination with thermogenetics;
  • cortisol blockers – reduce the concentration of the hormone cortisol in the blood (released during stress, stimulates appetite and the growth of fat cells, destroys muscles);
  • thyroid stimulants – force the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for metabolism;
  • calorie blockers - block the formation of triglycerides in the liver, prevent the formation excess weight.

Depending on the expected result and the characteristics of the body, the composition is selected. The most popular fat burners contain substances of almost all categories. Among them is geranium in most cases.

How does a fat burner with geranium extract work?

Geranium in fat-burning ingredients drugs can be designated 1,3-dimethylamylamine or DMAA, as well as geranamine, DMAA, methylhexanamine. It has an effect similar to caffeine, but 4-6 times stronger ( according to the results of various studies) and longer in time.

In the world of sports, geranium-based preparations are valued for their tonic properties. By influencing the nervous system, geranium improves concentration, stamina, and mood. The athlete is in a good, upbeat mood throughout the entire workout. That is, the substance helps you train much longer and maintain the desired intensity. Thanks to this component, you have enough strength not only for training, but also for home, work, and hobbies.

The most effective fat burners always contain geranium. DMAA is a calorie blocker. Prevents excess calories from being converted into fat storage. Often the natural feeling of self-preservation overcomes – hunger after a significant load. Geranium will help you not to break down. Another benefit is appetite suppression. It is the desire to eat well that prevents you from consolidating the results of your efforts.

Which fat burners with geranium should I buy?

Name of the most popular drugs\Composition

Centurion Labz Legion: Caffeine, geranium, theobromine, noopeptin, synephrine, tyrosine, hordenine, yohimbine.

USPLabs Oxyelite Pro: Rauwolfine, Bauhinia purpurea, Bacopa monnieri, geranium, Sersium oligophyllum, caffeine.

Gold Star EPH Bomb: Di-caffeine malate, phenylethylamine, ephedra, nettle root, geranium, yohimbine.

1.3 DMAA Black Mamba: Geranium, yohimbine, green ephedra, theobromine, green coffee, black pepper

Hi-Tech Yellow Scorpion: Yohimbine, green tea, white willow, kola nuts, threobromine, ephedra, acacia, chromium picolinate, citrus extract.

Hurma Pharma DMAA 50mg: Pure geranium extract

Side effect. How to avoid

Fat burners do not qualify as medicinal products, including those based on geranium. Most for real effective means can only be purchased in specialized stores sports nutrition.

If you are going to use any fat burners for a long time as a course method, be sure to consult a doctor. Although newest generation Fat burners have a minimum number of contraindications; however, some side effects from taking them are present. Always remember the dosage and do not overdo it with such medications. After all, even some foods in large quantities can poison the body.

Fat burners may have side effects or serious consequences if the dosage is exceeded or if there are chronic ( heavy) diseases, poor nutrition. Taking supplements and serious exercise by default assumes a healthy lifestyle and good health. None bad habits, regular physical activity. Nutrition plays a special role in conditions when all body processes are activated. Eating a properly balanced diet significantly reduces the risk side effects.

Important! Fat burners of any composition, no matter with or without geranium, should not be consumed with alcoholic beverages. This combination leads to serious consequences.

Food for thought

A correct fat burning system promotes a systematic reduction in thickness subcutaneous fat with transition to muscle mass. Those. the body does not lose its protective shell, but rather strengthens it. At the same time, the efficiency of each workout increases many times over.

Fat burners based on geranium stimulate the work of the body’s own mechanisms, allowing for more short time get an improved version of yourself. Talk to . We will select drugs that will help pump your body to the maximum.

Professional athletes who want to increase the intensity of their training and achieve rapid elimination of fat deposits should use fat burners based on geranium. In sports nutrition, such drugs are labeled with the abbreviation DMMA, since their formula is based on dimethylamylamine, a substance extracted from a plant of the genus geranium.

Features of preparations with geranium

The peculiarity of fat burners with geranium is their complex effect on the body. They combine the properties of lipotropics, thermogenics and stimulants. By purchasing them, the athlete achieves noticeable progress:

  • endurance and strength increase, allowing you not to get tired as the intensity of training increases;
  • the norepinephrine impulse is enhanced, allowing for excellent results in strength and endurance exercises;
  • there is cheerfulness and a desire to work more in the gym;
  • fatty tissue is actively broken down, body contour improves.

An additional property of fat burners with geranium is appetite suppression while accelerating metabolic processes.

Fat burners with geranium at Body Factory

There are Russian and imported products on sale, the basis of which is DMMA. You can buy drugs containing one or more active ingredients at the Body Factory eco-hypermarket with delivery throughout Moscow and other regions of Russia. Before purchasing the drug, read the recommendations for use and dosage.

The classic ECA version is no longer available for sale. The mixture, unique in terms of lipolytic potential, contains ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. And if there are no problems with caffeine and aspirin, then ephedrine has been on the list of prohibited drugs for more than twenty years. However, if you want to buy an ECA there is no problem. For those who want to lose excess weight without a strict diet and exhausting cardio, ECA will be a real find.

Ephedrine- a powerful stimulant of the central nervous system that enhances the release of catecholamines and other mediators that affect basal metabolism. Under the influence of ephedrine, heat production is enhanced (thermogenic effect). The speed of metabolic processes increases significantly, not only during training, but also at rest. Thermogenic and metabolic effects of ephedrine are a lifesaver for people with slow metabolism!

Potentiates the effect of ephedrine caffeine- another powerful stimulant that can accelerate metabolic processes and ensure accelerated energy consumption, that is, those very calories that are stored for a rainy day in the form of subcutaneous fat. The combination of ephedrine + caffeine has proven itself with the most the best side. This is a real double blow to fat deposits, after which the latter will not have a single chance.

You can also find the drug in sports nutrition, only with a slightly different composition. Aspirin and caffeine remain in their places, but a natural and completely legal replacement has been found for ephedrine - ephedra extract. The thermogenic and metabolic potential of ephedra is comparable to the effect of ephedrine, but ephedra is safer and has fewer side effects (virtually no).

Which version of ECA to choose - with ephedrine or with ephedra? Everyone decides for themselves. According to reviews of ECA from experienced sports fans and pharmaceutical support, both drugs work, but the classic version is still stronger.

Areas of application of ECA in amateur and professional sports:

  • Losing weight, working on your figure;
  • Pre-competition cycles;
  • Drying, relief formation.

How to take ECA?

The dose of the ephedrine option should be calculated based on ephedrine: here it is important to ensure that the daily dose of the latter does not exceed 150 mg. The dose of caffeine does not play a decisive role, although if possible it is better not to go beyond 500 mg. You don't have to pay any attention to aspirin at all. Its inclusion in the composition is a tribute to tradition; there is no real benefit for fat burning from acetylsalicylic acid.

Fat burners with geranium and dimethylamylamine:

When it comes to , we again face some uncertainty, as in the case of ECA. The drug contains either geranium oil, which supposedly contains methylhexanamine (aka geranamine), or 1,3-dimethylamylamine- geranamine of synthetic origin.

If we dig deeper, we find out that there are no fat burners in geranium oil, but dimethylamylamine, also known as geranamine or methylhexanamine, is what you need! Therefore, sports nutrition manufacturers sometimes included it in the composition, although geranium oil was written on the labels, relying on consumer confidence in substances of plant origin.

But this does not change the essence of the matter - you need a fat burner with dimethylamylamine. DMAA is a powerful central nervous system stimulant; it enhances the release of catecholamines and dopamine, accelerating thermogenesis and all metabolic processes.

Dimethylamylamine is banned in many countries, and completely in vain. Yes, in high doses it can cause confusion, and when combined with alcohol, DMAA is really dangerous. But if you use it as intended and in the right doses, geranamine is no more dangerous than caffeine, although it is 4-5 times more effective than the latter in terms of lipolytic activity.

In our country, dimethylamylamine is not prohibited and is freely available, so purchasing a fat burner with geranium, which actually contains DMAA, is not a problem. A powerful booster of thermogenesis and metabolism will fill your muscles with energy, lift your spirits, give you vigor and strength, and help you spend killer workout, and then also support accelerated metabolism at rest! If you are targeting high result- perfect choice!

How to take dimethylamylamine?

The areas of application are clear (cutting, weight loss, pre-competition preparation), what remains is to figure out how to drink dimethylamylamine? If the capsule contains 50 mg of DMAA, one per day is enough. If 25 mg, you can take up to three capsules, but 75 mg of dimethylamylamine is the maximum daily dose. It is strictly not recommended to exceed it, just as it is not recommended to mix DMAA with caffeine and, especially, with ECA.

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Today, fat burners with geranium are very popular, both among beginners in fitness and among professional athletes. The action of the drugs is based on a slight increase in body temperature, which creates a need for additional calories. Replenishment occurs through the breakdown of your own fats.

Description of geranium as a fat burning supplement

Possessing nearby useful properties Geranium extract, also known as DMAA, is often used to make complex preparations.

DMAA was originally created as a remedy for nasal congestion, “germanium oil extract,” and then began to be used as a powerful stimulant.

It is obtained by distilling geranium stems and leaves. The created organic compound is a powerful neurological stimulant.

The extract promotes the release of dopamine and the production of one of the adrenal hormones - norepinephrine. Both have powerful effects on the central nervous system. The effect is similar to caffeine, but ten times greater. And also with ephedrine, compared to which it is several times weaker.

The drug is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and then penetrates the blood, affecting the nervous system.

It is completely safe and does not contain toxic substances. Geranium extract, on the basis of which many fat-burning drugs are created, has an antiseptic and analgesic effect. For those involved in physical activity, where wounds, abrasions, and muscle strains are often observed, this is an important factor.

Using it as a dietary supplement helps you become stronger and more resilient.

Effect on the body

Preparations made from geranium extract suppress appetite and increase energy. They help reduce pain and swelling. They also have a stimulating effect on:

  • vascular tone;
  • metabolism;
  • lipolysis;
  • fat burning process;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • central nervous system;
  • attention and concentration;
  • thinking process;
  • performance.

Its use also improves mood.

Side effects

When using the drug, you need to know that in some cases it can cause a negative effect:

  • insomnia;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • mental excitement;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • headache;
  • muscle tremors.

Attention! If a negative reaction is detected, stop use.

Application - indications and dosage

Fat burners are used every day. You need to start with one tablet to determine your individual tolerance. After the body gets used to the drug and there are no side effects, the dosage is gradually increased. The maximum amount is two capsules per day. In powder form, take two to three spoons.

The drug must be consumed within 15–20 minutes. before breakfast and 30 minutes before playing sports. You must also strictly follow the instructions on the package.

Take on an empty stomach to increase the effectiveness of the effect. When using thermogenics, it is important to drink plenty of water

For those using a sports diet, you can use fat-burning drugs up to three times a day. It is prohibited to take during the competition period.

If geranium extract is used as a dietary supplement, it must be used cyclically - stop using it for a while.

Attention! DMAA should not be consumed with alcoholic beverages. May cause stroke and heart attack.

List of fat burning supplements containing geranium

Black Mamba by Innovative Laboratories


  • Geranium
  • Yohimbine
  • Theobromine
  • Black pepper
  • Green coffee
  • Caffeine
  • Pomeranian
  • Sida cordifolia
  • Ephedra or ephedrane

Price (in rubles):

From 2000 to 4000

Lotus by Regeneration Pharm


  • Geranium
  • Caffeine
  • Bauhinia purpurea
  • Cirsium Oligophyllum
  • Ephedra Viridis

Price (in rubles):

Oxyelıte PRO from USP Labs


  • Geranium
  • Caffeine
  • Yohimbine
  • Bauhinia purpurea
  • Sersiumoligophylum
  • Rauwolfin
  • Bacopamonnieri

Price (in rubles):

Lipodrene from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals


  • Yohimbine
  • Price (in rubles):

    Stimerex from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals


    • Geranium
    • Ephedra
    • Caffeine
    • Synephrine
    • Citrus aurantium
    • Theobroma cacao
    • Acacia ridigula

    Price (in rubles):

    Preparations made from geranium have a powerful charge of energy, so they must be used carefully. It is important to adhere to the required dosage, since the product has a significant amount side effects. With the right physical activity and correct application, gives positive results.