The barbell press is the correct technique. The classic bench press is a basic exercise for working the chest muscles. Dips

The bench press is one of the three main powerlifting exercises that must be included in the competition program.

The order of execution is as follows: the athlete takes a lying position on a special bench, takes the barbell from the stand and lowers it until it touches the chest, and then raises it until the arms are fully straightened at the elbow joints. After completing the exercise, the barbell returns to the rack. It is more dangerous compared to squats and deadlifts, since the barbell is not a projectile that can be thrown if mistakes are made during execution. For this reason, the bench press with a serious load is performed only in a power rack or with the support of spotters. Depending on the mass of the sports equipment, this can be either one person or several.

The following muscle groups are used during the execution:

  • pectoralis major;
  • deltoid;
  • triceps brachii muscles (triceps);
  • latissimus dorsi muscle.

Today, the bench press is popular. But there are not many athletes who can perform it at a professional level. Only a combination of correctly selected equipment and a competent training program guarantees the achievement of good results.

How to do the bench press correctly:

As noted earlier, the bench press is a basic exercise. When performing it, several muscle groups and types of joints are involved. Therefore, before starting, it is necessary to warm up to prepare them for the load. In the preparation program for the bench press, you can include dips, which, if you have experience, can be complicated by using additional weight, dumbbell press in a normal lying position and on an incline bench. If you do not experience any discomfort during the process, then you can proceed with the exercise itself.

Bench press: technique and order of execution

You should start learning the technique with a bench press. Before you begin, it is recommended to consult with a trainer. If you studied on your own, then during the first lesson you should ask a more trained gym colleague to monitor the process.

Bench press technique in powerlifting

The fingers of our hands are wrapped around the bar lying on the racks, while the thumbs are located in a lock around the bar. Athletes usually use two types of grip: wide - 81 cm, medium 70 - 75 cm, in the first case the pectoral muscles work more, in the second case the triceps and the front part of the deltoid muscle work more. The choice depends on the length of the arms and the potential of the muscles, this is individual for everyone, but there is one important detail: the wider the grip, the shorter the path of the barbell, so the choice is obvious. An important aspect of the bench press is speed; you need to try to lower and press the barbell as quickly as possible, but at the same time control its movement.

We remove the barbell, slightly lifting the pelvis, bring it forward and lower it on straight arms as low as possible, bringing the shoulder blades together and lowering the shoulders, then lower the bench with the pelvis. Our legs should be as close as possible to our pelvis, we should stand firmly on our feet and only touch the bench with our buttocks, while the leg muscles are in a tense state, this technique allows us to stabilize the entire body and achieve more efficient work of our muscles involved in the exercise. The more our back bends, the shorter the barbell path and the less physical effort. The height of the bridge is not limited by the competition rules, but depends only on our flexibility in the lumbar and thoracic region.

Bench press in bodybuilding

If your goal is to gain muscle mass using the bench press, then you should not use powerlifting techniques, namely, you should not use a lumbar arch (bridge).

By doing a bridge in the bench press, you simplify the exercise, the range of motion is shortened, and the load is mixed on the lower pecs and triceps, thereby making the exercise easier on your pectoral muscles. The grip should be chosen to be medium or slightly wider than average so that the amplitude is maximum. The speed of movement of the barbell, in contrast to lifting equipment, is average.

When performing the bench press, there are key points to remember:

  • The weight of the bar increases little by little;
  • The use of an open grip is prohibited due to the high risk of injury;
  • It is necessary to determine the ideal grip width: at the bottom of the apparatus, the elbows are positioned clearly perpendicular
  • Do not bend your wrists too much when pressing.

Compliance with this minimum list of requirements will protect against injury during training.

Main types:

There are several types of bench press. Some of them are used in powerlifting in the form of additional exercises, the purpose of which is to develop weakly used muscle groups. The exercise is classified in several areas:
1. Depending on the position of the body:
- performed on a horizontal bench (classic bench press);

Performed on an inclined bench. Divided into two types. In the first case, the head is located above the legs, in the second - vice versa. The difference lies in the strength of the load on different groups of pectoral muscles.

2. Depending on the grip width:
- in the case of using a wide bench press, the load is concentrated on the pectoral muscles;

When using a narrow press, it is transferred to the triceps muscles of the shoulders and the anterior deltoid muscle.

3. Depending on the sports equipment used:

  • using a barbell (classic bench press);
  • use of dumbbells. In this case, the pectoral muscles are especially actively loaded.

4. Depending on the execution technique used:

  • The touch press means that the barbell is pressed from the chest immediately after it comes into contact with the bar. This subtype is used during training more often than others;
  • paused press, which is used as part of a competitive program. After the barbell touches the chest, the athlete must wait for the judge’s signal to allow lifting.
  • push-ups or bar press

5. Depending on the use of equipment:

  • without having one;
  • using special elements of equipment, which include T-shirts, wristbands and a number of other aids.

6. Depending on the type of equipment used, among which are:

  • horizontal/incline bench;
  • power frame (does not require safety net);
  • Smith simulator.

If you are a beginner and have not yet chosen a bench press program, I recommend doing bench press twice a week, the first is hard, the second is light. On the day of heavy training: 5 sets of 5-6 times, as a percentage this is 70-80% of the maximum weight you can lift at one time. On an easy day: 3 sets of 8-10 reps (50%).

Training program with an emphasis on the bench press for beginners

1 day 1) 3x10 parallel bars push-ups without weights
2) bench press 5x5 (70-80%)
3) squats with a 3x10 barbell
Day 2 rest
Day 3 1) speed bench press 4x15 (40-50%)
2) pull on the block horizontally 3x8
3) traction on the block vertically 3x8
4 day rest
5 day 1) front squats 4x6
2) bench press 3x8 (60%)
3)isolating exercise of your choice
Day 6 rest
Day 7 1) speed bench press 4x10 (40%)
2) push-ups on parallel bars with weights 4x8
3) lying dumbbell fly 3x8
2 days of rest and a new circle, 3 months and the program can be changed

To develop and pump up the pectoral muscles, you need to not just do bench press, but also do it right. A detailed guide will help with this.

This basic lifting exercise, performed on a bench, is key to getting a powerful, broad chest. Its implementation involves the pectoral muscles, shoulder girdle, and triceps.

Anatomically it is similar to push-ups. The difference lies in the possibility of using additional weights, that is, dumbbells or a barbell. This certainly enhances the effect of the workout.

Initial position:

Lying on a horizontal bench.


  • remove the bar from the mount with both hands;
  • the projectile is lowered to the middle of the chest until it lightly touches the body;
  • squeeze the barbell without exhaling until the elbow joints are completely locked.

Your feet should be on the floor, your buttocks should be pressed firmly against the surface of the bench, your shoulder blades should be flattened, and your chest should be pushed forward.

The peculiarity of the bench press, unlike the squat and deadlift, is the ability to lift heavier weights with minimal risk of damage to the shoulder joint. This is achieved due to the fact that the bar rises from the chest to the shoulders diagonally, and the trajectory of the projectile itself has a small angle relative to the vertical.

Correct technique

Hand position

After taking the starting position on the bench, the apparatus is grasped with both hands, providing support only with the palms located at a distance of 55-60 centimeters. The thumbs should be on top of the projectile.

Blade position

To increase the degree of stability, the shoulder blades are brought together and pressed against the bench. The barbell is removed from the holders, the arms are extended upward perpendicular to the bench, and the elbows are fixed. The position should be such that the bar is in line with the eyes.

Back arch

The chest is pushed forward, making sure that the shoulder blades remain retracted. This can be achieved by maintaining the position of the buttocks when they are pressed to the surface of the bench, arching the lower back and twisting the chest upward. Thanks to this, an increase in the amplitude of movement is achieved and the level of effectiveness of the exercise increases. The main thing is not to bend too much.

Leg position

The legs should be at the same level as the knees, with the feet slightly apart. Do not stand on the supports or surface of the bench, or lift or lift your feet off the floor during the press. The legs provide support and support for the athlete when performing the exercise.

Downward trajectory of the rod

Both lowering and raising the barbell should be done with a slight inclination. Particular attention should be paid to the lower point of the projectile position. It should lightly touch your chest, but not spring back. Otherwise, the risk of injury will increase, since during the vertical lowering of the barbell, an increased load is created on the shoulder ligaments.

Elbow position

The elbow joints in relation to the body should form an angle equal to 75 degrees. Pinching the elbows significantly impairs the mechanics of movement, and perpendicular abduction to the sides creates an increased risk of injury. Be sure to watch your wrists. They shouldn't break.

Top point of movement

The barbell at the upper extreme point should be held with arms straightened at the elbow joints. Tilt both backwards and forwards is extremely dangerous. If you cannot achieve correct fixation, training with an empty bar allows you to hone this technical point.


You only need to perform the bench press yourself when using limiters. They protect the athlete from injury; if he cannot lift the barbell, and there is neither a coach nor a belay partner nearby, then these devices will help avoid damage to the chest and shoulder joints.

Correct breathing

Inhalation is done when taking the starting position, when you grab the barbell with your hands. Lowering the projectile is performed without exhalation. Air-filled lungs provide maximum stretching of muscle fibers, allow you to fix and keep your shoulder blades retracted, which helps maintain tension in the muscles of the entire body.

You can’t exhale at the lowest extreme point either. Here you need to hold your breath. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to perform a fairly powerful push. If you exhale, your chest will simply deflate. Exhalation is done only at the top point. The main thing is not to completely empty your lungs when exhaling.

  1. Don't pause at the bottom. As soon as the barbell touches your chest, do not relax your muscles and, using the energy available in them, press the barbell up. By stopping, you reflexively worsen muscle contraction and, in order to squeeze the barbell, you will need to “gather all your strength into a fist” again, spending additional energy on this. In addition, with each new repetition it will become more and more difficult to do this. Ultimately, you may not complete the intended number of repetitions.
  2. Stopping breathing at the moment bench press up is extremely important for keeping the torso in a safe, stable position and helps to develop a significantly stronger load. Do not forget, the more stable the position of the torso, the more intense the work of the muscles and the less pressure on the joints.
  3. Don't stop breathing for too long. When performing the exercise at an average pace, holding your breath should last about 2-3 seconds.
  4. After going through the most difficult part of the movement while lifting the bar, finish the repetition with a deep exhalation. If you feel a lack of strength, ask your partner for help. Never stop halfway! The barbell must be in motion all the time.
  5. The heavier the barbell, the more tense the muscles are and the more you have to exhale as you go through the toughest part of the barbell lift.
  6. When pressing the barbell, press your feet into the floor with all your might, hold the bar as tightly as possible, and do not lift your shoulders and hips off the bench. This will stabilize the torso and allow you to achieve maximum contraction of the chest muscles.
  7. At the bottom, do not squeeze the barbell with your chest, bending your whole body upward. This can cause injury!


Intended for: Everyone, from beginner to professional.

When: At the beginning of training the pectoral muscles. Halfway through your workout, perform dumbbell bench presses and dumbbell flyes on a bench.

How many: 3-4 sets of 8-12 times.

Sports instruction: No exercise stands next to bench press in solving the problem of dramatically increasing the volume of muscle mass and power of the chest muscles. And although the center of the load here is directed to the middle of the chest, its lower and upper parts work at full strength. But know that this load distribution is good when you hold the bar with a wide grip. If the grip is strictly shoulder width, then the center of the load moves towards the top of the chest.

Muscles involved in bench press, are of great importance for many sports that are characterized by hand push-ups, pushes, hits and throws: boxing (lateral and direct blows to the body), tennis (hitting the ball with an open racket), discus throwing and shot put.

Video - Bench press

The following muscles act as assisters:

  • anterior deltoid bundle;
  • serratus anterior;
  • coracobrachial;
  • triceps

Correct technique

In fact, the bench press has many variations. There is a classic power press aimed at working the pectoral muscles - this is what bodybuilders do. There is a powerlifting bench press, which is more dangerous, but aimed at lifting maximum weight, which involves many other muscle groups. There is a style of execution suitable for the Russian press - for the number of repetitions and strength endurance.

Classic chest press technique:

  1. Lie down on a bench press bench with the bar at eye level. If they hand you a barbell, you can lie down lower, but if you lift it yourself, this position will injure your shoulders.
  2. Press your shoulders, head and buttocks into the bench, and slightly arch and tense your lower back. Retract your shoulder blades. Secure it as tightly as possible. Place your feet on the floor, wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Grasp the bar with a shoulder-width grip.
  4. Remove the bar from the supports and press it up. At the very top, your arms should be straight (but not to the point of clicking at the elbows), with the bar over the middle of your chest.
  5. Inhaling deeply, lower the barbell to the bottom of your chest until it touches. As soon as it touches your chest, hold your breath and press the barbell up with a powerful force. You can exhale after overcoming the dead point of the climb.
  6. Lower the barbell to your chest at a moderate to slow pace.

Powerlifters do things differently. The most noticeable difference is the bridge. That is, they don’t just arch their lower back a little, but stand in a bridge so that their chest is as high as possible - supported by their shoulders and buttocks. This reduces the range of motion, which means you can squeeze more weight. In addition, not only the pectoral muscles are involved in the bench press, but also the latissimus muscles, the muscles of the arms, and even the legs and buttocks: the barbell is pressed by the whole body.

This type of exercise is dangerous, since even a slight relaxation of the lower back and abs in the bridge during the exercise leads to its collapse. Sprains, displacement of the vertebrae and even a fracture of the spine - this is what threatens careless performance of the lifter's press.

Well, if you are interested in how to do the splits, then this will be just for you.

In the Russian bench press for the number of repetitions, they also use a bridge and connect as many muscles as possible, in addition, they press “in the beat”, springing the barbell on the chest.

Common mistakes

  1. Relaxed lower back. Some try to “roll” it over the bench so that the body support area is as large as possible. This is wrong - with an arched, tense lower back and a tight core, you will be able to take a little more weight, and the likelihood of injury is reduced.
  2. Lack of foot rest on the floor. To some, this seems unimportant - after all, the bench press is done with the chest, and it rests against the bench, but resting with the legs provides a more stable position. The likelihood of injury is dramatically reduced.
  3. Bench press. Using your own chest as an elastic substance that allows you to spring the barbell and change the direction of movement is common in the Russian bench press, where the result depends on the number of repetitions and the weights are not very large. But with a classic power press, beating only reduces the load on the chest.
  4. In powerlifting, the weight of the barbells reaches such values ​​that not every chest can withstand it.

  5. Uncontrolled lowering of the bar. In the Russian press, athletes allow the barbell to practically fall, relaxing the muscles and picking it up at the chest. To pump up your muscles, you need to resist the weight falling on you. In addition, this reduces the chances of being crushed by a barbell.
  6. Pause at the bottom. You can linger at the top, but at the bottom there is a high chance that you simply will not be able to squeeze the bar back and will remain lying under it. In addition, pauses at the bottom really tickle the nerves of the belayers.
  7. Holding your breath too long. Choose the pace of the exercise so that you don’t have to stop breathing for more than 2-3 seconds. My head feels dizzy and it’s easy to drop the barbell.
  8. Bringing your elbows towards your body. The chest works to a greater extent when the elbows are wide apart and looking down. The more you bring your elbows towards your body, the more you engage your triceps.


Never remove heavy rods from the stops yourself. If the working weights have long exceeded a hundred, look for a partner and ask him to serve.

Be very careful when placing the barbell back on the supports.. As a rule, by this point you are already tired, and it happens that the barbell falls on your face. In general, it is better to do this exercise with backup - a partner will give you a barbell, help you press it if you cannot do it yourself, and place it on the racks without risk. If you don't have a safety net, don't even try to lift the weights near the maximum limit and come close to failure.

Additional equipment

Use elbow and wrist bandages. You can wear a weightlifting belt to support your lower back.

In powerlifting, special press shirts are often used that hug the body very tightly. When lowering the weight, you have to overcome the resistance of the shirt, but in the lifting phase it seems to spring back, giving additional impulse to the press. With such equipment, the weight increases by 10-15 kg.

Before experimenting with your maximums, you should master the classic bench press technique. Lifting in order to show off how much you press at a time, do it only after you are sure that the muscles in the lower back and abs can withstand such a load. In addition, the bridge requires a very decent stretch.

Choose a weight that will allow you to do 6-10 reps per set. There is no particular point in performing the bench press in multiple repetitions - other exercises (butterfly, lying fly), for example, will help you “get relief”. It is for building muscle mass.

The simple truth is that the barbell bench press is considered the optimal choice for pumping up the upper body. This detailed guide will show you the correct technique, a list of the muscles worked and variations of the press.

Many pioneers, when they come to the gym, are immediately faced with incorrect technique. Someone needs to point newbies in the right direction. A manual, a photo with instructions, or a demonstration video of this article can serve as an assistant.

The sooner we thoroughly study the basics, the better the muscles will begin to grow. It is required to thoroughly study the intricacies of the bench press.

What is a bench press?

The bench press is the most important compound exercise for gaining significant chest muscle and strength. Execution involves the upper body. Pumping up your chest can increase your strength. The table below shows the muscles involved during the exercise.

Muscles involved

You should familiarize yourself with the options.

Classic press

Classic style is a popular position. Performed horizontally on a bench press. The athlete holds the iron bar under the measurements with outstretched arms. Lower it by touching the pectoral muscles. Then squeeze to the full amplitude of your arms. The duration of the pause is a second.

Bench press

It is possible to carry out work in the frame, protecting your training. An athlete who has problems with extensor mechanisms should only train here. It allows you to limit the amplitude of movement by selecting the desired angles. The pain should disappear. It is not recommended to press with minimal pain.

Smith machine press

The legendary Smith machine has a multifunctional type of mount. The athlete lies down on a bench, having previously secured the bar horizontally. The advantage of the frame is that it can be performed without insurance. A special setting in case of loss of the barbell from your hands will preserve your health.

Rapid Incline Press

Another type of bench press. The athlete works at a different angle. Thanks to the additional trajectory, the upper part of the pectoral muscles is worked out. The higher you place your head on the bench, the more the load increases.

By changing your grip you can balance the angular load with different types of grip. The load will go where it needs to go. A wide grip is more aimed at pumping up the middle of the chest, while a narrow grip falls on the triceps and lower chest.

An incline bench will help remove stagnation in your bench press. You need to vary the training process, pumping up the top, bottom and middle of the chest.

One-touch or quick press

A fast style of touch pressing builds endurance.

Horizontal variation requires the following:

  • You need to grasp the bar firmly with both palms.
  • Slowly lower the bar with the weight.
  • You can't press it.
  • Survive with explosive force without exhaling until your elbows are fully straightened.
  • Your feet should be firmly pressed to the floor, your chest should be out, your lower back bent forward.
  • Retract your shoulder blades slightly.

The difference from classic squats is the ability to similarly squeeze heavy weights. A safe angle prevents the risk of injury. Achieved thanks to a small angle of movement trajectory.

Technique for performing the bench press in animation

Hand position

Grasp the iron bar with both hands. Squeeze the iron tightly with your palms. Distance 60 centimeters from hands. Use your thumb to cover the top of the round iron part of the fingerboard. It is not recommended to use five fingers together. A little secret - to increase the working weight you need to squeeze the barbell tightly with your palms.

Correct finger position

Move your pectoral muscles forward upward. The position of the gluteal muscles will help you adjust your chest thrusting technique. Press them tightly to the surface of the bench, bend your back and stand on the bridge. Twisting the body thus achieves a reduction in amplitude. The productivity of the exercise increases.

Stability is important for movement. Dangling of the body, arms, legs is unacceptable. You can increase stability by using the shoulder blades on your back. Bring them together and press them against the bench. The barbell can be handed to you or removed from the safety holders yourself. The elbows are straight, the legs are pressed to the floor, the chest is exposed and the projectile is in line with the eyes.

Position of feet on the floor

The position of the feet on the floor is the most problematic place for beginners and experienced athletes. Legs shouldn't run around like they're dancing. Place your feet under your knees, spreading your legs out to the sides as support pillars. You cannot tear it off while moving. If the weight is heavy and the hips of the legs move, then this is normal.

The tilt of the projectile must be performed at an angle. The bar below is forced to lightly touch the chest. Pressing is contraindicated. Breaking this rule can result in serious injury. Possible death.

Turn your elbows 75 degrees. You cannot press your elbows to your body due to a lack of full amplitude. The wrists should be in one position without swinging. It is forbidden to spread your elbows to the sides due to the risk of injury. Watch your technique even during light weights.

The upper section should be held completely on straightened elbows. Pointing forward is extremely dangerous. It’s easy to get injured in the elbows, stomach, or head. Leaning backwards threatens the life of the athlete. Watch the fixation carefully. If you have problems with technique, then ask a specialized trainer for help. Practice your technique with light weights.

Bench pressing on your own is unacceptable. If you have a bench with safety restraints, then it is allowed. Safety stands will help the athlete protect himself from unforeseen situations.

Correct breathing

Correct breathing is achieved through the starting position. Grab the bar with your hands. Lower along the trajectory without exhaling. A good breath provides a more powerful stretch of the chest fibers and fixation of the body core.

You can't breathe out down there. When you have reached halfway, you can exhale. You will get a powerful reflex push. You cannot empty your lungs to avoid losing control.

Years of progress and honing of bench press skills contributed to the growth of the overall level. Therefore, it is worth highlighting the main tips for perfect work:

  • The pause below is no more than one second. Inertia will make it possible to quickly squeeze out the weight. After stopping at the bottom, a person slows down the movement at the level of reflexes, and the muscle fibers cease to be fully involved in work. And if there are a lot of repetitions, then it is more difficult to squeeze the weight further. You will have to endure for the scales to move forward.
  • Inhaling air into the lungs is necessary to stabilize the levers of the body. They will be safe thanks to the strong push. The muscles will start working better, and the joints will not get injured.
  • When passing the “dead point” of the most difficult section, you need to exhale strongly.
  • You need to hold your breath for up to 3 seconds.
  • The legs serve as support pushers for holding and fixing the body.

Who should do it? The exercise is intended for an athlete of any level. It is better to do the base at the beginning of the workout. Then add, include the Svend press, machines and triceps. For strength, it is better to do 3-4 sets of 3-6 repetitions. Endurance 6-12.

There is no more effective machine than the bench press. Perfectly solves the problem of increasing mass and strength indicators. The trajectory falls to the center, but surprisingly three chest points work. In case of missing areas, include additional simulators for completion.

The basic press strengthens the arms, makes the blow stronger, and increases the power of the throw.

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Every athlete has heard about it. Even beginners who come to the gym for the first time bypass the intricate machines and bars and immediately run to do the bench press. The technique may seem simple at first glance, but it is not at all true. There are many variations and types of exercise. For example, close grip, inclined bench press, etc.

The bench press is the most popular exercise both in bodybuilding and in general. Your friends may not ask you about the squat, but they will definitely ask how much you bench. If you want to improve your results on this simulator, follow all the tips and rules outlined in this article. Additionally, the position of your arms and torso will affect your technique. In this article we will look at the main points.

The exercise mainly involves the following muscle groups: chest, shoulders (back and front) and triceps. In addition, the triceps are quite tense. This is not surprising, because it is not for nothing that the exercise is basic. To develop the correct technique and know how to pump up a certain muscle group, you need to train a lot and have enough experience.

What is affected by elbow position and grip width?

First of all, grip width affects which muscle groups will be involved during the exercise. The wider you grip the handle, the more the pectoral muscles and biceps will be loaded. A narrower grip is responsible for pumping the triceps and deltoids. It is important to know that a wide grip allows you to lift much more weight than a narrow grip.

The correct position of the hands is shown in the figure. It is necessary that your forearm is perpendicular to the bar at the moment when the highest load is placed on your arms. This grip provides you with a stable position, which will protect you from injury.

Body position

The body should be positioned on the bench so that the bar, standing on the racks, is directly above the eyes. In this case, you will take the optimal position, and it will be easy for you to move the bar from its initial state, as well as return it back after completing the exercise. This will also allow you to comfortably squeeze the bar without affecting the rack.

Professional back arch

The back arch is a very important part of the exercise. But the fact is that this approach is only available to experienced people who already know how to perform the exercises without getting injured. Arching your back is necessary in order to lift more weight during the bench press exercise. The technique is quite complex. You need to lift your body off the bench and only touch it with your buttocks. The main work falls on the legs and shoulder blades.

The backbend will also allow you to use other muscle groups, for example, the lower chest (it is the strongest).

How should the bar move?

Take the bar in your hands and lower it so that it touches the bottom of the pectoral muscles, approximately in the area There is also an incline bench press. The technique is slightly different, and therefore other muscle groups are pumped. It is important to know that you should not lower the bar near your neck, otherwise there is a risk of injury.


It is necessary that your partner insures you while performing the bench press exercise. The technique is very simple, but you need to take it seriously. It is enough to approach from behind, firmly grasp the bar, fixing it in the forearms. Then serve it and continue moving with it. If something happens, pick up the barbell and place it on the racks.