Bench press with reverse grip. Pros and cons. Reverse grip press. We pump up the upper chest Bench press on a horizontal bench with a reverse grip

The reverse grip press is designed to pump up the triceps and. This may be the first time you’ve heard about this type of bench press. Before starting the exercise, please read this article carefully.

When to do the exercise

  1. When your pectoral muscles lag behind in development compared to the growth of other muscles.
  2. When you have weak triceps.
  3. For variety in your workout.

When not to do this exercise

  1. If you don't have a belay partner.
  2. If you once had a shoulder injury.
  3. When your elbows hurt, your biceps are injured.

The reverse grip bench press is done extremely rarely. Usually other exercises, the so-called base, are sufficient. If you decide to complicate your program, give additional stress to your pectoral muscles and triceps, strictly follow the recommendations on the bench press technique. A mistake will cost your health.

Since in this exercise additional load is placed on the biceps and anterior deltoids, we do not recommend training the shoulders and arm flexors on the same day.

Rack height

Set up the barbell racks so that when you lie down, your arms are slightly bent when you hold the bar. Don't set the bar too high or too low. Lie down on the bench and lift the barbell from this position - if it is comfortable to put it back, it means you have set the height of the racks correctly.


Ask someone to back you up. Have this person by your side when you start pressing. The exercise is not aimed at lifting maximum weights, it is technically difficult, so you can easily drop the barbell on yourself.

Choosing a bar and warming up

Leave the bar empty. Typically the weight of an empty bar is 20 kg. If this is hard for you (for girls, by the way, this is a very solid warm-up weight), take a lighter bar. Never be shy about starting small and don’t pay attention to guys who are already pumped up. They also started with light weights. The main thing is gradualism.

  1. Lie down on the bench. The pelvis, back, shoulders and head should lie on the surface of the bench. The legs rest on the floor and are slightly apart, bent at the knees. It is necessary to lie down steadily. The bar should be exactly above your eyes.
  2. Take the bar with a classic grip slightly wider than shoulder width. Take it off and do 10 quick reps to warm up. Put the bar back.
  3. If it’s hard, look for a lighter bar.

Let's start the exercise

  1. The starting position is the same. We make a slight bend in the lower back (no bridges or other cheating).
  2. We grab the bar with a reverse grip, wrapping our thumbs around it (that is, 4 fingers on one side, the thumb on the other) - it’s safer this way, the bar won’t roll onto your chest. Hands exactly shoulder width apart.
  3. We position your legs so that you lie stable and do not sway to the sides. We rest our heels on the floor. If you spread your legs wider, the position will be more stable.
  4. A partner helps in removing the barbell. At your command, he removes the bar and releases it. All this time you keep your hands on the barbell and control its movement. Your partner removes his hands when the bar is at the level of your diaphragm.
  5. Now lower the barbell so that your elbows do not spread out to the sides. Slowly lower it onto your diaphragm, raise it faster. We repeat 10 times and decide whether to increase the weight or not.
  6. If your weight is normal, do 3 sets of 10 reps as your first workout.
  7. If it’s easy, we assume that it was a specific warm-up. We select the weight so that you can perform the exercise the required number of repetitions in the correct technique. Experiment.

The most important points in the bench press and what not to do

Many people want to pump up faster without even understanding part of the point of going to the gym. As a result, they simply jerk their arms, legs, jump and make other people laugh.


It often happens that friends in the gym shout at you: “What’s so little, hang more!” And you, in order not to fall in their eyes, hang more. And you tear the ligaments. Therefore, work with the weight that suits you.

What others say doesn't matter. If you are comfortable working with an empty bar, and 25 kg is already very heavy for you, work with an empty one. At the next workout, you will add these 5 kg and perform this exercise efficiently with the new weight of the barbell. Don't look at others, you are pumping your body!

You can lift more by bending with a “bridge”, making a powerful jerk, jerking on the bench, but there will be zero benefit for your muscles! But there is a lot of harm, even injury.

Execution speed

When bench pressing, the main force comes from pushing the barbell away from the chest. Therefore, this part of the exercise should be done faster and while exhaling. The lighter one needs to be stretched for a few seconds.

Thus, we lower the barbell slowly, feel all the muscles that work and inhale. When the barbell is on the chest (in our case, in the solar plexus area), we exhale and with a powerful push we throw the barbell back to its original position. Moreover, this movement must be controlled.

A common mistake is sudden and uncontrolled lowering of the bar. The result is chest injuries and strained triceps and shoulders.

Rod movement trajectory

You must guide the bar so that it moves strictly vertically. No deviations. Remember, the maximum load from gravity is achieved only at right angles to the horizon.

If the bar goes to your stomach, you risk tearing your deltoids. The load on your shoulders will increase significantly. And instead of breasts, you will “kill” them. If you move the barbell to the side with your head, you risk dropping the bar on yourself. The belayer may not have time to react. Here are 3 reasons why you need to perform this version of the bench press correctly.


The person who volunteered to belay you must look at you and be close to you during the exercise. It is unlikely that he will be able to catch the barbell if you drop it on yourself. But in the case when you cannot squeeze the last time in the approach, it will help you finish the exercise and return the barbell to its place.

Due to the fact that this press is performed from the diaphragm, and the racks are located at eye level, you will not be able to independently set up a barbell loaded with weights without the risk of it breaking.

Correct belay when bench pressing is a minimal assisting force. Your partner should allow you to finish the exercise so that you can give your best.

Elbow position

If your elbows go out to the sides, your back will connect to your chest and triceps. This way, you won't get the maximum targeted load on the desired muscles. Elbows should be pressed to the body.

Difference in neck girth

To prevent the bar from falling onto your neck, you need to grab the bar with 4 fingers on one side and your thumb on the other. It is safe. Some trainers say that with this grip, not the entire triceps works.

If you wrap all your fingers around the bar on one side, they say, the triceps will be maximally loaded. There is no significant difference between these two grips, except for the increased risk of the bar leaving the palms. Therefore, we hold the bar exactly as we advise.

Hand position

We don't do push-ups, so we don't need to bend our wrists. Keep them as straight as possible. Experiment with what is most convenient for you. So do it.

If your shoulders hurt, but you want to pump up your chest

The shoulder is a very complex system. Therefore, it most often suffers from haste, incorrect technique or too much working weight.

If your deltoids are stretched and painful, you should not press the barbell this way! Wait until the pain goes away. And even after this, you can’t do the reverse grip press for some time.

If the bar is only 20 kg

This section is mainly for girls and physically unprepared men.

Take dumbbells instead of barbells! Their weights vary. You can take 3 kg, or you can take 6. Select your weight and exercise in the same way as with a barbell.

The only difficulty is that each hand is on its own. Therefore, try to keep the movements synchronized. It is advisable to have a partner nearby.

Execution in Smith

We don't see any point in this exercise, since the weight of the bar in Smith can reach 30 kg. For many, this weight will be heavy, and this version of the barbell press will be impractical. The same applies to trained people. You'll be better off pressing outside of Smith.

Who does this exercise

Most often, this type of bench press is used by athletes who want to improve their bench press performance. They are professionals, they have been training for a long time, they bench press very often and a lot. Therefore, you can see various pressing techniques in them, including reverse grip.

In a normal workout, this exercise has no meaning. It is also meaningless for beginners.

Barbell bench press is a key exercise for chest development, and you can’t argue with that. By default, everyone performs it with an overhand grip. In this design, it is the simplest from a technical point of view and the least dangerous. But there is a more complicated variation, and rarely does anyone adopt it. In it, the barbell is grasped not with a direct grip, but with a reverse grip. Research says this technique works better on the biceps and upper pecs.


Then, you need to fix the required number of weights on the bar. For the first time, we recommend starting with an empty bar and then using weights. Moreover, keep in mind that your working weight in reverse grip presses will be an order of magnitude smaller working weight on presses with a direct grip.

It's better to start with lighter weights and gradually move up to larger ones to understand what load is optimal for you.

Starting position:

  • Lie down on the bench. Your back and head should lie on the bench, your feet should rest on the floor, and there should be a slight arch in your lower back.
  • The bar of the barbell is located opposite the eyes.
  • Your feet should be spread apart so that you can maintain balance.
  • Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Never use a monkey grip where all fingers are on the same side of the bar. This can lead to loss of control over the weight and the bar falling. So the thumb and other fingers of the palm should be on opposite sides.

Remember! The monkey grip is a mistake that has repeatedly led to deaths in professional powerlifting. For this reason, this type of grip is also called the suicide grip.


  • Ask the spotter to remove the weight. When the bar hangs over your chest, take the weight on yourself, but let the spotter still hold the bar.
  • Now slowly lower the barbell down without touching the body at the lowest point and trying not to move your elbows to the sides. The bar must follow a strictly vertical path.
  • As soon as the barbell is a few centimeters from the body, take a short pause and press the barbell vertically up to the starting position.

In it you can get acquainted with all the nuances of performing the exercise if you know English. If not, then at least see it.

Bottom line

The bench press with a reverse grip gives a good load on the upper pecs, but should it be preferred over other exercises to this section of the pecs? big question. The same bench press on a positive incline bench more natural for the body from a biomechanical point of view, it is associated with a lower risk of injury and at the same time provides a good load on the upper pectorals.

However, if you have a lot of bench press experience behind you (more precisely, behind your chest), you want to diversify your training program, and you feel your chest better in reverse grip presses, then the bar is in your hands.

Professional athletes strive to work their triceps in every possible way. Firstly, it is involved in all chest pressing exercises, and secondly, it allows you to achieve even greater arm volume. – an excellent solution for targeted training of all three triceps bundles.

Benefits of the Reverse Grip Press

The reverse grip targets the triceps, but also engages the upper chest and anterior deltoid. Also, the exercise is the least traumatic. The fact is that with a reverse grip it is quite difficult to move your elbows out to the sides by inertia, thereby shifting the load from the target muscles to the joints. The reverse grip bench press is ideal for athletes with a shoulder injury - the joint is completely fixed. The work is carried out approximately 70% by the triceps, and the rest falls on the upper chest + front deltoids. In addition, the exercise does not use a narrow grip, which is quite harmful to the wrists.

Reverse grip press: execution technique

The exercise should be performed extremely carefully and carefully. Technique:

  • IP - lying on a bench. Rest your feet, avoid arching your lower back;
  • We take the bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width - almost the same as in a classic bench press;
  • Lower the bar just below the solar plexus. ATTENTION – do not fixate at the lowest point and under no circumstances touch the body with the barbell;
  • Push the bar out as you exhale, leaving your elbows slightly bent at the end point;
  • Repeat the required number of times.

The chest should not be touched due to the fact that with a reverse grip this position puts the shoulder joint at risk. You should stop about 1.5-2 cm before the body.

Features of the reverse grip press

Has a number of features:

  1. When performing bench presses, be sure to involve a partner. When working with a decent amount of weight, you simply will not be able to remove the bar from the installation;
  2. At the initial stage, work only with the weight of the bar, maximum +5-10 kg. You need to work on the technique, get used to the grip;
  3. The elbows should be pressed against the body to take the load off the chest.

Try to look up while doing the exercise. When returning the bar to its original position, we recommend that you seek the help of a partner, since in such a tilt you can injure your shoulders, elbows, and wrists. In general, take care of your joints - they will come in handy later.

To whom, when and how much

The main goal of the reverse grip bench press is not to set any strength records. Your task is to develop the triceps, load the muscle as much as possible, increase its volume and get good relief.

The exercise should be performed:

To whom

For beginners and pros.


Do bench presses with a reverse grip in the middle of your workout, after.

How many

On average, 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions each.

In order to load the pectoral muscles to the maximum, you can use a wider grip and strive to spread your elbows wider.

Masses and relief to you!

Reverse grip barbell press

Video: reverse grip barbell press (lying)

The reverse grip barbell press was invented, oddly enough, long before the incline bench press. And it was used to “explode” the upper chest. However, a detailed analysis revealed additional advantages of this exercise:

  • working out the upper pectoral muscles. Usually, this is done with an incline bench press, however, the reverse press also brings decent results;
  • triceps work. Moreover, he does not exclude the chest, as happens with the classic bench press, but only refines the movement. This is especially true for the final phase of the exercise, when the bar is at the top point;
  • the elbow is in an isolated position, this does not allow the athlete to simply physically move their elbows apart. It is very useful after injuries to the elbow joint, when the classic bench press leads to very unpleasant painful effects.

Differences between the reverse grip press and the classic one

Actually, the position of the hands on the bar. With a reverse grip, the palms face back, not forward. This leads to an anatomically determined specific trajectory of the projectile. As a result, the upper areas of the pectoral muscles are included in the work, and the deviation of the ulna to the side is eliminated.

Of course, you cannot take record weights with this type of bench press - and the working weight will inevitably decrease. However, the goal of any bodybuilding workout is not to lift a record weight “at once,” but to build harmoniously developed muscles throughout the body. This should never be forgotten. And careful work of even the smallest muscle is absolutely necessary to achieve this goal.

Correct reverse grip press technique is the key to success

When performing such a specific exercise as the reverse grip press, it is very important to follow the correct technique. Firstly, this will minimize the risk of injury, and secondly, it is guaranteed to “break through” the upper chest and front delts.

  1. The grip is shoulder-width apart, palms facing back. Closed grip required! That is, the finger should “lock” the bar in the palm. Otherwise, the entire load may simply slip out of your hands and tip over onto your face.
  2. For greater stability, the legs are placed wider and rest firmly on the floor.
  3. Next, the weight is carefully removed from the racks and lowered onto the chest. The insurance partner must keep everything under constant control and not be distracted for a second.
  4. The weight is pressed up all the way; at the highest point of the amplitude you need to pause for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Lowering occurs under control and smoothly. It is unacceptable to suddenly throw weight on your chest.

Subtleties of the reverse grip press

  • You should not focus on your working weights in the classic bench press. With a reverse press they will inevitably be smaller. It is necessary to make a note in the training diary so that the bench press is carried out with a reverse grip;
  • During the exercise, insurance from a partner is required. A reverse grip is not anatomically normal for a person, and therefore you can lose control of the weight at any time;
  • if there is no partner at the moment, it is permissible to perform a reverse grip press in a Smith machine. By the way, in Smith, such a press can be performed with one hand if the right or left side of the body lags behind;
  • at the lowest point of the trajectory, the bar should not touch the chest. And in no case is it permissible to perform a “bouncing” exercise - when the bar literally springs away from the chest and bounces up a little;
  • As for the time to perform this exercise during training, opinions differ here: some recommend performing it before the main complex, and others after. And everyone argues their point of view differently. Here you can take an individual approach: focus on your own feelings and the effect of training;
  • In any case, this exercise is not a basic one. It should act as an auxiliary one. It is recommended to combine it with such as the classic bench press, crossovers, etc.
  • The classic option in the complex is 3-4 approaches with 8-10 repetitions in each.

What muscles work when doing a reverse grip press?

As mentioned above, the reverse grip bench press is mainly used to work out upper pectoral muscles. However, the triceps muscles, as well as the anterior deltoid muscles, are also included in the work.

In order to turn off the triceps, you can not complete the movement at the very top point of the trajectory, but hold your arms in a slightly bent state for a while, and then start moving down.

The following principle can also be traced: the wider the grip, the more intense the chest works. The narrower the grip, the more they develop triceps.

You can do the reverse grip press on an incline bench in the same way. This will work on the upper chest even more effectively. However, working weights will also decrease significantly.

Ready to do an old bench press with a new twist? Then hello and forward! Today we will talk about the bench press with a reverse grip.

On the calendar 28 February, Wednesday, which means it’s time for a technical note on the ABC of Bodybuilding. After reading, you will learn everything about the muscle atlas, the advantages and technique of performing the exercise, and we will also find out the degree of its effectiveness and analyze some practical points.

So, take your seats in the auditorium, we are starting.

Bench press with reverse grip. What, why and why?

There are probably exercises that you have never encountered in your training practice. As part of technical articles, we try to analyze not only the classics of the genre, but also various variations of movements. Moreover, these can be not only different angles or projectiles, but also grips. In particular, today we will talk about a classic exercise - the bench press, but in an unusual design, using a reverse grip. The whole thing is called the reverse grip bench press. We will find out what its features are and in what cases it is best to use further in the text.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle atlas

The exercise belongs to the basic/compound class and is aimed at working out the chest.

The muscle ensemble includes the following units:

  • targeted – large chest (clavicular head);
  • synergists – pectoralis major (sternal head); anterior delta, triceps;
  • dynamic stabilizers – biceps (short head);
  • stabilizers - straight, oblique and anterior serrated m.f., pectoralis minor.

A complete muscle atlas looks like this:


By performing the bench press exercise with a reverse grip, you can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • accentuated effect on the upper chest;
  • development of chest strength and endurance (mainly clavicular region);
  • improved chest stretching;
  • strengthening the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle;
  • elimination of breastfeeding;
  • the ability to perform in case of problems/pain in the anterior deltoid with the classic version of the bench press;
  • improving results in bench press exercises - at an upward angle.

Execution technique

The reverse grip bench press is an exercise of medium difficulty level. The step-by-step execution technique is as follows:

Step #0.

Take a lying position on a horizontal bench press. Extend your arms in front of you and grab the barbell with an underhand grip. (palms facing face), covering the thumbs on top with the rest. Arch your back and create a “stable platform” to begin the press. Statically tighten your abs and place your feet firmly on the floor.

This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Remove the barbell from the racks and, while inhaling, slowly lower it to your chest until it touches. Pause at the bottom point of the trajectory and, as you exhale, straightening your arms, return the bar to the IP position. Repeat the specified number of times.

In picture form, all this disgrace looks like this:

In motion like this:


In addition to the standard reverse press, there are several variations of the exercise:

  • lying at an up/down angle;
  • in Smith with a narrow grip;
  • in Smith with a wide grip.

Secrets and subtleties

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these guidelines:

  • throughout the entire movement, monitor the position of your elbows - they should “walk” along the body;
  • clasp the bar so that your thumbs cover your palm;
  • slowly and under control, lower the barbell down and press it up powerfully and explosively;
  • before working with weights, carry out 2 warm-up approach without it;
  • at first, before developing the technique, perform the exercise in the Smith machine;
  • use different grips - from standard, shoulder-width apart, to moderately narrow and wide;
  • at the bottom point of the trajectory, hold for 1-2 counts and only then press the weight;
  • breathing technique: inhale - when lowering the projectile down, exhale - when lifting the projectile up;
  • numerical training parameters: number of approaches 3-4 , number of repetitions – 8-10 .

We're done with the theoretical side, now let's look at some practical points.

Bench press with a reverse grip VS bench press with an upward angle: which is more effective for the chest?

Research results (American Council on Exercise, USA 2016 ) showed that the reverse grip bench press in terms of electrical activity of the upper pectorals 25-30% more effective than bench presses on horizontal and angled benches. The maximum EMG values ​​were shown in the reverse grip press at an upward angle. It is this option that best “catches” the top of the pecs.

How to pump up your chest with a bench press?

Some people can't stand dumbbells and pulley-lever machines. And if you belong to this category of workers and want to develop your chest, use the following scheme:

  • duration: 10 weeks;
  • number of training sessions per week: two, Monday/Friday;
  • number of sets/repetitions: 4x12;
  • exercises: bench press with a reverse grip at an upward angle + bench press with a straight grip at an upward angle with a wide grip (superset); horizontal barbell bench press; bench press at a downward angle with a wide grip + bench press at a downward angle with a reverse grip (superset).

Use this program and you are guaranteed textured breast development.

Actually, we’re done with the substantive part of the note, let’s move on to...


Today we got acquainted with an unusual version of the barbell press - the reverse grip. Surely, until now you had no idea about it. Well, it's time to wake up and experiment. Good luck!

PS: Do you use non-standard exercises in your classes? Which?

PPS: did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma guaranteed :)

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.