Press down with a reverse grip. Why are different handles needed?

One-arm press with reverse grip

Lateral (side) and medial (inner) heads of the triceps/ Isolation exercise / Detail and striping of the triceps

The reverse-grip downward press targets the lateral and inner head of the triceps. The better developed these muscle bundles are, the more expressive and muscular the upper arm looks, especially when viewed from behind. The downward press is used in bodybuilding to achieve a clear separation of the triceps heads from each other and to give the triceps a “striped” appearance.

Keep in mind: the power and speed of any pushing movement with your arm is directly dependent on the strength of your triceps. Such movements are typical for tennis, shot put, karate, hockey, basketball and volleyball.

Technique for performing the exercise: Press down with one arm with a reverse grip

  1. Stand sideways to the machine so that your right arm is in the same vertical plane with the upper block.
  2. Attach a D-handle to the cable and grasp it with an underhand grip (reverse grip, palm facing up). Take a small step back with your left foot so that your hip does not interfere with your arm straightening in front of your body.
  3. The back is straightened and slightly arched in the lower back, the shoulders are straightened. The working (right) arm is bent at the elbow in front of the torso, its elbow is located as close as possible to the right side, and the forearm is extended in line with the cable and directed to the upper block. The cable is taut and the load is lifted from the supports. This is the starting position.
  4. Keeping your elbow motionless, inhale, hold your breath and pull the handle down, straightening your arm at the elbow in front of your torso (in a plane parallel to your torso).
  5. Having fully straightened your arm, exhale, tighten your triceps even more and lock your arm in this position for a couple of seconds.
  6. Smoothly bending your arm in front of your body, allow the handle to rise to chest level. Not higher! During the set, the load should not touch the stops!
  7. After completing the planned number of repetitions with one hand, turn to the machine on the other side and do the same number of repetitions with the other hand. This is one set.
  8. Extend and bend your arm at the same moderate pace.
Tips: One-arm press with reverse grip
  1. Throughout the entire exercise, do not relax your abs and lumbar muscles, maintaining a vertical torso position and the natural curve of the spine.
  2. The working hand is fixed at the wrist until the end of the set! The hand and forearms should always be extended in one line, as if they were strung on a large knitting needle.
  3. Keep the elbow of your working arm motionless and as close to the side of your body as possible. By moving your elbow to the side, you strengthen the contraction of the long head of the triceps, but at the same time weaken the load on the lateral (side) head of the triceps, which is precisely what this exercise is aimed at.
  4. The reverse-grip downward press also thoroughly works the medial (inner) head of the triceps. It is she who begins to straighten the arm. But if you want to achieve its maximum contraction, stand facing the machine and perform arm extension in a plane perpendicular to the torso.
  5. Variation of the exercise: press down with a reverse grip with two hands. The exercise is performed with a short straight rotating handle and focuses the load on the two heads of the triceps: the medial (inner) and lateral (outer).
Application: One-arm press with reverse grip

To whom: Athletes of intermediate level and above.

When: The final exercise for training the triceps. Before reverse-grip downward presses, perform close-grip bench presses and/or push-ups, as well as overhead and/or bent-over dumbbell extensions.

How many: 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

The triceps, the largest muscle in the arm, requires careful and varied training of all three heads. Only in this way can it be made to “grow” qualitatively and correctly, increasing the size of the arm.

By the way, many beginners have the mistaken opinion that to create massive and thick arms you need to purposefully “pump up” your biceps. Of course, this muscle group also requires attention, but the volume is created by the triceps, which covers the back of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. And among the exercises (of which, by the way, there are many) for working it out, one of the most effective is the downward press, performed in a vertical block machine. Thanks to several grip options (which we will look at below), you can achieve a high-quality load on all three heads of the muscle, right down to the deepest fibers.

Press down

Working muscles s

Since the movement occurs in one joint - the elbow - the press down is an isolation exercise. Consequently, the load is concentrated only on the main group responsible for elbow extension - in fact, the triceps itself.

Anatomically, the muscle group consists of three heads of different lengths:

  1. Medial - located on the inside of the arm and is the smallest head. Works from the very beginning of movement (extension)
  2. The long one is located at the back (therefore it is often called the posterior head of the triceps) and is the largest. Takes an active part in extension, and also fixes the elbow joint near the body.
  3. Lateral – located at the back and side of the arm. It is its correct development that makes it possible to give the hand a “horseshoe” shape. It comes into operation if the force of the medial head is not enough.

Depending on the grip used, you can achieve different load distribution on different heads.

To whom, when and why

Despite the fact that the press down is a basic exercise, it can safely be called a universal way to develop triceps. It is equally useful for both beginning athletes, practitioners, and experienced bodybuilders, both during cutting and when gaining weight - naturally, with its own nuances and characteristics.

To whom?

The exercise is not very effective only for those who just recently came to the gym and have not yet managed to gain muscle mass. In this case, it is best to pay attention to the “base”. In particular, to work the triceps, this is, first of all, performing a bench press with a narrow grip.

For all other athletes, cable extensions (arm extensions on a block) are one of the most effective ways to build beautiful and powerful triceps.


The exercise is performed on the day of arm training (or, if you train biceps and triceps separately, then on the day of triceps training). Since it is an isolating exercise, it should be placed after the “base” and more complex exercises - bench press, push-ups (on uneven bars or from a bench) and French press.

As mentioned above, the exercise is equally relevant both for increasing volume and when working on relief. By the way, when performed repeatedly with minimal weight, a fairly high-quality and powerful “pump” of the triceps is achieved, which is an excellent stimulator of muscle growth.

For what?

The exercise is included in programs for high-quality and deep study of all three heads of the triceps, and the ability to shift the emphasis to each of them.

Execution technique

Extension is performed using the top cable of a vertical pulley machine, which is an essential device for any gym. You can use several different handles: straight, curved at the edges, rope, single.

  1. We stand in front of the simulator stand. We tilt our body forward a little, raise our arms, grab the handle and lower it down. Starting position – the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is perpendicular to the floor and bent at the elbow joint.
  2. We begin the movement by smoothly extending the elbows until the arm is completely straight.
  3. After holding at the bottom point, we smoothly relax the triceps, returning the handle back.
  4. Repeat the required number of times.

  1. Working weight. The exercise is performed with medium or minimal weight. When working with maximum weight, it is very difficult to avoid “cheating” - swaying of the body.
  2. Number of repetitions. When performing a downward press, a large number of repetitions is important (both during “drying” and when dialing) – from 10 to 20 in 1 approach.
  3. Execution speed. You should move smoothly, avoiding inertia, extend your arms slowly, and bend them a little faster.
  4. Body and legs. During execution, the movement is performed only in one joint - the elbow. The rest of the body should remain motionless until the very end of the exercise. This also applies to the arms from the shoulder to the elbow - they must be perpendicular to the surface.
  5. Delay at the bottom. Holding with your arms fully extended is a fairly effective way to maximally target your triceps. The technique, in principle, is not mandatory, and it is best to use it periodically to change the type of load. For example, perform two sets moving continuously, and the third with a delay.
  6. Holding your breath. Since the spine does not receive significant load, it is not necessary to hold your breath.
  7. Body tilt. The more you lean your body forward, the more the load shifts to the long head of the triceps.
  8. Brushes. When working with a rope handle (your hands face each other in the starting position), try to turn your palms down - this will put even more stress on your triceps.
  9. "Cheating." When working with large weights, make sure that the body does not swing, helping to “add on” the handle. If this cannot be avoided, reduce weight.
  10. The exercise can be used effectively in supersets. Alternatively, a combination with a French press or exercises for developing biceps is perfect.

Handle selection

As mentioned above, you can use different types of handles to perform the exercise. Their alternation allows you to load the heads differently, thereby preventing the fibers from getting used to the same type of work. This has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the exercise - the arms “grow” much faster than when regularly performing the same movements.

The best way to maximally load all three heads is to use “ropes”: when working with two hands, straight handles do not allow you to fully load the triceps. For this reason, most experienced athletes prefer to use “ropes” that allow them to achieve peak performance.

Now you know with the help of an exercise like the press down.

To give your arms a muscular and expressive look, you must include them in your training program. reverse grip press down. The exercise perfectly develops the triceps - more precisely, it allows you to give each bundle a relief, visually separate them from each other, and achieve “striations”.

Reverse grip press technique

Can be performed in two ways - with one hand or two.

Technique for two hands:

  1. IP – we take the handle of the block with both hands, lower it to the level of the top of the chest. Palms facing down. From this position we begin aiming work, and until the end of the approach we do not raise the handle above the top of the chest;
  2. Your position should be as stable as possible, one leg is allowed to be placed slightly forward;
  3. We lower our arms down until they are fully straightened, after which we fixate at the lowest point for a few seconds;
  4. Raise your arms to chest level.

A slight tilt of the body forward is allowed. Try to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible so that all the stress goes to your triceps. When performing the exercise, engaging the deltas, sudden movements, and jerks is strictly prohibited.

The one-arm downward press with a reverse grip is performed in accordance with the above technique.

Video of one-arm press down:

Features of the reverse grip

There are a number of subtleties, following which you can achieve success much faster:

  1. When doing this, try to tense your abs and lumbar region to keep your body motionless;
  2. No bending of the wrist is allowed; throughout the entire exercise, your forearm and hand should form a straight line. Keep an eye on this;
  3. When working with one hand, try to press your elbow as close to your body as possible and fix it in this position.

In this exercise, all attention is paid to technique; heavy weight should not be used (especially for beginners), otherwise wrist injuries may occur.

To whom, when and how much

The exercise is isolating. You can include triceps training on the day of training the pectoral muscles, which, according to Ronnie Coleman, is most effective, or you can add it to the days of training the arms, which, according to many experienced athletes, will also be correct. Focus on your preferences and feelings, choose the most comfortable time for yourself.

To whom

For beginners and pros.


At the end of the workout, before the reverse grip, you can perform the classic one or alternate them.

How many

3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Don't chase too much weight. The exercise will allow you to thoroughly work the inner and lateral heads of the triceps, which will lead to the harmonious development of your arms.

Masses and relief to you!

To form sculpted shoulder muscles, experienced bodybuilding specialists recommend adding the bench press, performed in a machine with a block, to the list of training exercises. Why you need to perform such a press, and how to do it correctly - read the material below.

General concepts

The squat press is specifically designed to be performed on a weighted block. This type of bench press is an isolated activity that involves only one joint and primarily develops a muscle group called the triceps.

The size of the triceps directly affects the volume of muscle mass in the arm, and the arms are an indicator of the success of a bodybuilder.

Who is it useful for?

This simple bench press, which requires a regular exercise machine, is suitable for anyone who wants to create muscle volume in their arms.

It may seem that women or beginner athletes do not need the press down as much, but this is a mistake. Developed triceps are very noticeable and immediately form a beautiful shoulder silhouette. Don't forget - a developed triceps will not allow fat to accumulate on the back of the shoulder - one of the problem points of the female figure.

Those who have just started working out should pump up their triceps, at least so that the muscles in their arms develop evenly. Strong arms make it possible to gradually increase the load and achieve new results.

Experienced bodybuilders regularly perform this press to form a horseshoe shape of the muscles that make up the triceps and separate them in such a way that a pronounced relief is drawn.

The downward press, performed with a block, is also necessary for professional athletes who have chosen sports such as boxing or tennis, basketball or badminton, and swimming. That is, requiring great hand strength.

What muscles work

A bench press performed in a block uses several muscles that make up the triceps and have their own purpose:

  1. The long part of the triceps on the back side, located on the back of the shoulder. Its tasks: to straighten the joint at the elbow and press the arm to the side of the body.
  2. Lateral head of triceps, lateral. Located on the lateral side of the back of the shoulder. This muscle is involved in extension of the elbow joint, connecting when the medial head cannot cope.
  3. Medial head of the triceps, internal. Located in the upper back of the shoulder. This muscle is the first to take on the load when the elbow extends.
  4. Abductor scapula muscle.

Handle selection

It was mentioned above that performing this type of triceps training is impossible without a machine with a block. Different handles are attached to the upper block of the simulator. Which one is best for an exercise that understands this material?

Three types of handles are quite suitable for the downward press:

  • hard straight;
  • rigid bent at an angle of 120 degrees;
  • rope (sometimes rag).

Bodybuilders choose the handle to their own taste, but it is known that it is the rope handle that reduces the load on the wrist joints and allows you to use a grip that is more correct for the load vector, which is called neutral.

Execution technique and number of approaches

Exercises on the block seem elementary in terms of execution, but the downward pressing technique has its own nuances.

Correct execution of the exercise includes several important rules:

  1. Starting position: stand in front of the block, take half a step back from the machine.
  2. Grasp the soft (rope) handle with your hands on top, palms inward, that is, with a neutral grip. You can put your feet side by side, or you can step back with one foot. It is important to feel that your position is stable.
  3. Bend down from your waist about 10-15 degrees, but no more.
  4. Point your elbows forward, extending them slightly. The pulley cable should be taut, and your hands should be at waist level.
  5. After taking in air, hold your breath.
  6. Inhaling, straighten your arms, lowering them down.
  7. Make sure your elbows remain in the starting position, bending and straightening. You also need to maintain the starting position from the beginning of the exercise until the end.
  8. While your arms are lowering, slowly open your hands along with the rope handle. When your hands are at the bottom, your palms should be facing towards your hips.
  9. Once you reach the bottom position, hold it for a few seconds while exhaling.
  10. Holding your breath, raise your arms up.
  11. Hold in the top position, inhale and begin the next movement.

As you perform your sets, make sure your muscles remain tense.

Start pressing after you have thoroughly worked on the triceps area. For example, start pressing on the block after working with a barbell or bending your arms behind your head with weights. The bench press will give additional load, which will have a good effect on the shape of the triceps.

You should perform the downward block press for 10-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches. This regimen is also suitable for women and beginners, but they need to take less weight.

  • Hold the handle firmly without relaxing your wrists.
  • Turn your hands only by turning your forearm, not your wrists or elbows. Twisting will increase tension in the triceps.
  • If you push your elbows out a little more, the tension in the long head of the triceps will increase.
  • Do not lean forward more than 10-15 degrees, otherwise you will reduce the load on the triceps.
  • Bodybuilders who exercise regularly use heavy weights for this exercise, but overloading will ruin the quality of the exercise.

The video shows how to correctly perform a bench press on a block machine. It describes how the choice of handle affects the result and the main mistake when performing:

When is it contraindicated?

The downward press performed on a block machine is not a mandatory exercise at all. If there are contraindications, then you can refuse it.

But there are almost no contraindications. It is important to have healthy arm muscles, elbow joints and a healthy heart.

A few caveats:

  • Before the exercise, it is important to check whether the machine is broken and whether the parts are securely fastened.
  • Do not place loads that are too large for yourself - this may cause injury.
  • Take breaks between sets and restore your breathing.

The downward press on a block machine is a good addition to the main training process. Thanks to the bench press, an athlete can achieve good results - create shoulder relief with highlighted muscles, and also achieve triceps strength.

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The downward press in the block pumps the lateral (side) part of the triceps as well as the long head of the triceps, forms relief and highlights the side part.

Execution technique

  1. Attach a rope handle to the body that extends through the top block. Move a little away from the projectile and grab the handle with a simple grip (palms facing each other). Place your feet parallel, stepping one leg back slightly.
  2. Slightly (12-14°) tilt your torso towards the apparatus and move your elbows slightly forward. In the starting position, the torso is tense, and the hands are approximately at shoulder level.
  3. Keeping your elbows close to your sides, take a deep breath and, stopping your breathing, straighten your arms down.
  4. During the entire exercise, do not move your elbows, bend forward or squat. At the top, your arms, torso and legs must remain motionless until the end of the set!
  5. When you spread your arms down, it is important: as soon as your little fingers are below your elbows, try to slowly turn your hands and move the handles to the sides so that when you straighten your arms as much as possible, your palms are facing your hips.
  6. Straightening your arms as much as possible, exhale and hold this position for a couple of seconds.
  7. Slowly bending your arms, allow the handle to rise up until your hands are slightly above your elbows and begin the next repetition.

  1. To stretch the triceps head strongly in the starting position, tilt your torso slightly forward and move your elbows slightly in front of your torso.
  2. Do not relax your arms during the movement and do not straighten your wrists! Turning the hands with the palms to the hips is achieved only with the help of supination of the forearm (turning it around its axis towards the outside). During the entire set, the wrist is fixed: the forearms and hands are in the same line.
  3. By turning your hands with your palms towards your hips, you improve the work of the triceps.
  4. The main load in the downward press falls on the lateral (side) head of the triceps. But, you can force the long head of the triceps to work at full strength. To do this, make your elbows slightly extended in front of your torso.
  5. Do not lean your torso forward or pull your elbows back, helping yourself to press the handles down. This moves the focus of the load from the triceps to the rest of the muscle groups.
  6. This muscle has a beautiful horseshoe shape that looks great on the side of the arm.
    The better the lateral head of the triceps is developed, the better the upper arm looks. Also press down strongly cuts the line of separation between the triceps and biceps.
    Always turn it on press down into the exercise program if you are involved in basketball, swimming, badminton, gymnastics, boxing, hockey, tennis.


Intended for: Everyone, from beginner to master.

When: At the end of the triceps workout. Before pressing down, do a barbell press, this will increase the effectiveness of the workout, as well as straightening your arm with a dumbbell from behind your head.

How many: 3-4 sets of 10-14 repetitions.

Video - Block Press Down