Liquid diet for proper nutrition. Liquid diet – losing weight and cleansing the body. Diet questions

Milk porridges, fresh juices, kefir, herbal teas, compotes, jelly, vegetable cream soups, broths and purees - all this forms the basis of a liquid diet. If strictly followed, the developers guarantee short-term relief from excess kilograms. However, do not forget that sudden weight loss has its negative sides. We will tell you later in the article how the drinking ration works, what principles it is based on, and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

The essence and principle of the diet

The menu for losing weight according to the principles of a liquid diet absolutely excludes all solid foods. Not only sweets and flour products are not allowed to be consumed, but also all second courses, snacks and sandwiches.

Thus, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins enter the body with food only in liquid form. This allows you to increase the volume of water in soft tissues and promotes the rapid removal of toxins from them.

Important! Sudden weight loss causes swipe on the human nervous system. It has to do with the structure nerve cells, in which the fat component predominates. Also, when you give up carbohydrates, the brain is the first to suffer. As a result, those losing weight experience slowness of reaction, slowness in movements, chronic fatigue and increased irritability.

Refusal of solid food is aimed at attracting additional fluid into the body.

This is necessary in order to:

  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • dissolve salt deposits and cleanse blood vessels, kidneys, and digestive tract organs;
  • improve the condition of the epidermis;
  • maintain acid-base balance;
  • liquefy feces;
  • keep turgor in good shape.

This is the essence of the drinking diet. At first glance it seems very simple, but it is quite strict. Those who dare to undertake such gastronomic experiments should start with a week-long course, which is characterized by a higher degree of rigidity and rapid results.
In addition, giving up solid food for a week will help someone losing weight decide whether a liquid diet is right for them.

Its key principles are based on:

  • using nutritious products enriched with vitamin and mineral nutrients (it is important that they do not contain genetically modified substances, trans fats and chemical impurities);
  • limiting the daily volume of liquid food (excluding drinking water) - no less than 2 and no more than 5 liters;
  • mandatory daily consumption of two liters of drinking water;
  • a ban on chewing any products, including chewing gum (justified by the activation of the secretion of gastric juice, which, with a limited diet, corrodes the walls of the stomach);
  • regular moderate physical activity;
  • dividing the recommended daily amount of food into 5–6 meals;
  • daily bowel movements (if there are malfunctions in the excretory system, it makes sense to use medications with a laxative effect or give an enema).

Important! Liquid diet does not provide balanced diet, therefore requires additional intake of vitamin and mineral complexes. In addition, in order to avoid serious health problems, unauthorized prolongation of the dietary course is strictly prohibited..

Advantages and disadvantages

Getting rid of overweight by replacing solid food with liquid food, experts consider it radical methods. On such a diet, even with overly curvy figures, a person can reach his ideal size in a short period.
As a result, when something that has been accumulating for years melts in a week, irreversible processes are launched in the body, which are very often far from the expected results. That is why the liquid diet is famous for its controversy: next we will talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

Analysis of the results of the drinking diet
pros Minuses
  • cleansing the body of accumulated salts, toxins and waste;
  • normalization of the digestive organs;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • prevention of stomach distension, which affects appetite and quantitative need for food;
  • accessibility and low cost (relates to finances and time).
  • inability to provide the body with all vital substances, which with prolonged use is fraught with unpredictable disruptions in the functioning of internal organs;
  • high risks of provoked hormonal disorders, stomach ulcers, gastritis, atherosclerosis and urolithiasis;
  • glucose starvation can lead to hypoglycemia;
  • the released ketones stimulate the production of uric acid, which puts double stress on the kidneys (the accumulation of this substance in the bones is the cause of gout);
  • a poor diet (especially if it is low in potassium and other minerals) can result in a heart attack, blood clots, or stroke;
  • sagging of stretched skin (occurs due to the fact that the epidermis does not have time to recover after the rapid melting of fat);
  • the abundance of fluid contributes to the leaching of macro- and microelements from the body, and also due to the deficiency of certain minerals, the digestibility of useful components is reduced;
  • hair loss, which is a consequence of a lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • there are high risks of deterioration of vision, memory and the appearance of absent-mindedness;
  • a large list of contraindications (it is not recommended to switch to a liquid diet for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, as well as diabetes mellitus, a tendency to swelling, during pregnancy, lactation, in childhood and old age).

Important! If, when switching to a drinking diet, you are left with a feeling of hunger, which is accompanied by dizziness, general weakness, abdominal cramps, apathetic mood, increased aggressiveness, impotence, insomnia or drowsiness, stop the diet immediately.

How much weight can you lose?

Express weight loss with a drinking diet guarantees losing up to 10–15 kilograms excess weight in 2 weeks. However, it should be understood that the result obtained will depend on the composition and calorie content of the selected products, as well as on the amount of excess kilograms.
For example, with a weight of 85–90 kg, you can achieve your ideal 55 kg, subject to additional moderate physical activity, no earlier than in a month and a half. If, with such parameters, you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then the expected result will be obtained much later.

Strict restriction in food can really speed up the desired effect. In such cases, those losing weight often switch exclusively to kefir, tomato juice or water.

However, it is important to take into account that such experiments with your health will most likely lead to immediate disastrous results, because quickly losing excess weight is a serious stress for the body.

Permitted and prohibited products

Liquid diet food, in addition to solid foods, also excludes many treats.

Did you know? It has been scientifically proven that lack of sleep leads to disruption of subcutaneous fat tissue and obesity. The fact is that fat cells become less sensitive to insulin, resulting in increased glucose levels in the blood.

You will learn what to eat during such a diet from the table below.

Allowed and prohibited foods in the drinking diet
Can It is forbidden
  • still water;
  • low-fat milk and fermented milk drinks (with fat content no more than 2.5%);
  • unsalted vegetable, mushroom, meat (turkey, chicken, rabbit), fish (hake, pollock) broths;
  • unsalted decoctions from offal;
  • vegetable and berry fresh juices (freshly prepared);
  • smoothie;
  • unsweetened fruit drinks, compotes, jelly (milk and berry);
  • herbal teas without sugar.
  • smoked meats;
  • fried, baked and grilled foods;
  • solid products;
  • drinks containing caffeine and alcohol (even small amounts are taken into account);
  • highly concentrated broths from fatty meats;
  • animal fats;
  • sauces;
  • pickled dishes and pickles;
  • conservation;
  • any drinks with gas (including sparkling mineral water);
  • industrial juices;
  • salty dressings;
  • salt in permitted dishes;
  • all types of sugar, honey, fructose;
  • food chemical impurities.

Preparing the body and leaving the diet

Since the transition to a drinking diet is a strong stress for the body, you cannot start such a diet at any time - you first need to prepare for it. To this end, a week before you start losing weight, you should give up carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets, flour products, and fatty foods.

They need to be replaced with soft fruits, thin soups and cereal porridges. Gradually give up solid foods, increasing the variations of liquid dishes in your menu.

Remember that a sudden change in diet as a consequence of stress can provoke an eating disorder and malfunction of internal organs.

Having accustomed your body to the new gastronomic rules, implement your weight loss plan every day. It can be designed for 3, 7, 14, 30 days - depending on your willpower and endurance.

After desired result will be achieved, the liquid diet should be gradually changed to traditional dishes. Exiting the diet follows the same principle as entering: to do this, after completing the course, you need to prepare porridge, increasing its thickness every day.

Next, you can introduce cheeses, eggs and bread into your diet. Then it will be the turn of fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries. When the body gets used to this food, you can allow yourself a small lean piece of boiled meat or fish fillet.
And only then is it recommended to switch to a group of foods rich in carbohydrates (all kinds of cereals, potatoes, pasta). However, do not forget about the risks of regaining all the lost kilograms, because a hungry body on a subconscious level will try to accumulate a reliable supply.

To prevent this from happening, eat small meals 4-5 times a day, and also control the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates you consume.

Did you know? Regular physical exercise are able to “reprogram” the genes responsible for the production of fat in the body.

Example menu

Depending on the duration and degree of restrictions, the drinking diet can be strict or gentle - this affects the speed of the result obtained. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

For 3 days


For 7 days

This type of weight loss is considered a test for further selection of a nutritious diet and is characterized by increased severity. To be fair, we note that not every person is able to withstand such food restrictions. The most difficult thing is starting a diet.

Seven Day Liquid Diet
Days Diet
1 Dairy and fermented milk drinks (yogurt, milk, sourdough, fermented baked milk) with a total volume of 2 l
2 Puree liquid soups, creams based on vegetables (onions,
5 Freshly prepared fresh fruits and vegetables, unsweetened berry compotes, rosehip decoction, uzvars (without sugar) in a total volume of 2–3 liters
6 Oatmeal jelly (prepared from 200 g of oats, 100 g of oat flakes, 250 ml of low-fat kefir and one and a half liters of water) in a total volume of 3 liters
7 Dairy and fermented milk drinks (kefir, yogurt, low-fat milk, sourdough, fermented baked milk) with a total volume of 2 liters. Also at the end of the day, a small piece of soft cottage cheese casserole is allowed as a transition dish.

Important! Drinking diets are unacceptable during periods of vitamin deficiency and off-season epidemics.

For 14 days

To help the body cope with stress, the 14-day liquid diet is divided into equal parts, eating the same food for 2 days.
This diet should not be equated with a seven-day drinking diet, since during the period of weight loss it is important to provide the body with a consistent supply of vital components.


When you decide to lose weight, you should understand that quick results will not lead to anything good: the result obtained may not be worth the effort, time and health spent.

It is better to give up express weight loss and reduce excess weight gradually - the main thing is that the body is not deprived of essential nutrients and moderate physical activity, and in order to prevent extra pounds from appearing, it is enough to reduce the calorie content of your menu.

4.4 out of 5

This method of losing weight has been known for a long time, but it gained mass popularity about twenty years ago. The fact is that the liquid diet was used for a long time, mainly in hospitals, where overweight patients underwent a long course of treatment for obesity. A similar diet is also followed by people preparing for gastric reduction surgery. The birthplace of the liquid diet is the USA. It was American nutritionists who introduced the “fashion” for detox, that is, cleansing the body by consuming large amounts of fruit and vegetable juices. It is assumed that in this way you can not only free your body from accumulated waste and toxins, but also lose weight without experiencing a painful feeling of hunger, since liquid food allows you to fill your stomach without a lot of calories. Let's take a closer look at how the liquid diet works, reviews of which have recently attracted the attention of many people suffering from excess weight.

The principle of action and diet of a liquid diet

The essence of this method of losing weight is to eat only liquid or porridge-like foods, namely: juices and decoctions of vegetables, fruits and berries; oat broth; low-fat meat broth, milk and kefir; tea and coffee without sugar. Meals are served by the hour, and between some meals, if you feel hungry, you can drink a glass of hot boiled water. All products of this simple diet have their own “cost”, which is measured in points. Your task is to meet 130 points daily. Here is a list of liquid diet foods and their equivalent:

  • A glass of oatmeal broth (boil half a glass of oatmeal in one liter of water and strain) – 5 points;
  • A glass of vegetable juice (diluted by half with boiled water) – 10 points;
  • A glass of fruit juice (diluted by a third with boiled water) – 20 points;
  • A glass of milk (1.5% fat) – 20 points;
  • A glass of kefir (low-fat or 1.5% fat) – 10 points;
  • A glass of unsalted broth made from the pulp of lean beef, chicken or turkey breast – 20 points;
  • A glass of fruit and berry compote without sugar – 5 points;
  • A glass of unsalted vegetable broth – 5 points;
  • A glass of hot boiled water, tea or coffee without sugar – 0 points.

The above products can be consumed during the day in any order, but it is recommended to start the morning with oatmeal broth and end the day with kefir. In addition, you need to take a glass of food every hour, but the total volume of liquid you drink per day should remain within three liters, otherwise there will be too much strain on the kidneys. You will have to eat in this mode for 7 days, and then gradually leave the liquid diet for another three days.. Here sample menu unloading period:

  • 9:00 – oatmeal broth;
  • 10:00 – vegetable broth;
  • 11:00 – tea or coffee;
  • 12:00 – fruit juice;
  • 13:00 – milk;
  • 14:00 – tea or coffee;
  • 15:00 – fruit and berry compote;
  • 16:00 – meat broth;
  • 17:00 – hot water;
  • 18:00 – tea or coffee;
  • 19:00 – vegetable juice;
  • 20:00 - vegetable broth;
  • 21:00 – hot water;
  • 22:00 – kefir.

In a week of such a diet your digestive system will have time to rebuild. The stomach will “go on vacation”, the main load will fall on the liver and kidneys, the intestines will lose the habit of pushing through solid digested waste. Therefore, in order to avoid severe stress, you will have to gradually return the body to a normal diet. For the first three days after the fasting period, you should eat pureed boiled or stewed vegetables, kefir, juices and purees from lean meat or poultry. That is, essentially, continue to consume foods from the liquid diet list, but in a more “heavy” form, requiring some effort from the stomach to digest.

How effective is a liquid diet: results and reviews

A liquid diet refers to strict, or fasting, methods of losing weight. Accordingly, the effect of it is very noticeable - if you follow the correct diet, you are guaranteed to lose from 3 to 7 kg of weight in a week. Some nutritionists argue that if during the fasting period you feel well, your digestive system is functioning normally, there are no loose stools or, conversely, constipation, then you can extend the course to two weeks. During this time, your stomach will noticeably decrease in volume, and this will allow you to be satisfied with less food. On the other hand, the body will quickly get used to the one hundred and thirty points received per day and will stop losing weight intensively. Therefore, to continue successful weight loss you will have to tighten your diet and get by on 80-90 glasses a day.

Today, there are few such effective and at the same time safe methods of losing weight as a liquid diet.– reviews from a huge number of people who have successfully lost weight speak for themselves. But, like any hard method, it has contraindications and side effects. Only a person who does not have problems with the urinary system can eat liquid and mushy food for a long time without harm to health. No matter how useful a liquid diet is from the point of view of cleansing the body, the results of its use are a large load on the kidneys and, conversely, insufficient stress on the intestines, which require fiber for good functioning. It is also worth noting that this method of weight control is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. In any case, even if you are used to considering yourself a relatively healthy person, before resorting to such a harsh method of losing weight, be sure to consult with your doctor.

The benefits of therapeutic fasting began to be discussed seriously in the West in the 60s of the last century, when the famous follower of alternative medicine Paul Chapius Bragg published his book “The Miracle of Fasting.” It was this man who introduced the fashion for healthy eating in the USA, but his main idea was not just a balanced diet, but a complete refusal of any food for several days. Bragg suggested fasting for a couple of days a month and gradually increasing the duration of the strict diet to 21 days.

The opinion of doctors on this matter is ambiguous; most of them believe that living for a long time only on water is detrimental to health. However, there are still quite a lot of followers of the liquid diet according to Bregger in our time. There are other nutrition systems based only on fluid intake, which are actively used for weight loss.

Despite doctors' disapproval of the Bragg nutrition system, they also invented special diet, which is called “Table No. 1”. This is a diet intended for people with pancreatic diseases, ulcers and acute gastritis. The diet is made up of lean meats, non-acidic vegetables and fruits. Required condition- All food must be liquid. The components of the dishes are ground until smooth, so they do not burden the gastrointestinal tract and make it possible to get rid of pain.

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, complete fasting is practiced on the first day, you can only drink still water, then “Table No. 1” is used. The duration of the therapeutic diet depends on the duration of the symptoms of the disease.

How to lose weight on liquid diets

A diet that contains only liquid helps not only to heal, but also to lose weight. The result can be up to minus 10 kg in a week, according to users. However, the difference between a diet for weight loss is that it will not contain pureed soups at all. You can only use:

  • decoctions;
  • uncool broths;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • uncool compotes;
  • low-fat milk;
  • warm water;
  • juices diluted with water.

Weight loss with this “nutrition” is achieved due to a sharp decrease in the energy value of the diet. You will receive a minimum amount of calories from liquids, so you will notice results within the first days.

A liquid diet involves drinking large amounts of simple purified water, but it must be warm. It is necessary to heat water in order to maintain thermal balance in the body. This way you will spend the energy received from juices, broths and decoctions on mental and physical activity, and not to warm the body.

We pay attention to juices

Freshly squeezed juices contain pulp from fruits and vegetables and are therefore not suitable for a liquid diet. Use regular juices, but not nectars (they have a lot of sugar). Each glass should be diluted with clean water in a proportion of ¼ water and ¾ juice.

Immediately switching to drinking liquid is detrimental to the body. You need to prepare for this diet. The entry course is 3 days. Let us consider in detail what and when you need to eat in order to start losing weight with minimal losses to your health.

Menu for 3 days of diet preparation

1 day
Breakfast Cook semolina porridge in milk and water, making sure that the portion is no more than 200 g.
Dinner Vegetable soup, preferably thick, 200 g of boiled lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey), a slice of whole grain bread.
Afternoon snack We eat an apple, preferably unsweetened varieties.
Dinner We steam vegetables; you can stew them without adding fat.
Before bedtime We drink kefir (1 glass) with a small percentage of fat content (no more than 5%).
Day 2
Breakfast Steamed vegetables.
Lunch Milk with a small percentage of fat (1 glass).
Dinner We prepare buckwheat according to the usual recipe, but do not add salt and oil to it, boil 100 g of lean meat.
Afternoon snack Cashews, preferably unroasted (10 pcs.).
Dinner We prepare mashed potatoes, but do not add salt and butter to it; we dilute the boiled potatoes with low-fat milk.
Before bedtime We drink kefir (1 glass) with a low fat content (no more than 5%).
Day 3
Breakfast When preparing mashed potatoes, you cannot add butter, milk or salt to it, only the broth in which we boiled the potatoes.
Lunch Chamomile flower tea (1 cup).
Dinner Grated carrots (200 g) with a spoon of honey.
Afternoon snack We drink kefir (1 glass) with a small percentage of fat content (no more than 5%).
Dinner We prepare mashed potatoes according to the same recipe as in the morning.
Before bedtime We drink kefir (1 glass), making sure that its fat content is no more than 5%.

The next week or two, depending on your wishes and state of health, will have to be spent exclusively on liquid food. You need to drink at least ten times every day, every hour - this is a must if you want to achieve good results.

Fluid intake schedule:

You will only have to strictly observe the timing of fluid intake; the amount may vary depending on your personal wishes and feelings of hunger. The volume of drinks is approximate, you can adjust it to suit your needs.

A diet that contains only liquid cannot be called gentle. Reviews and results of girls who tried to lose weight using this diet prove that only the first two days will be difficult. After just 5 days you will feel completely full from every glass you drink.

Consolidation of results

Many followers of the liquid diet claim that during its passage the volume of the stomach is significantly reduced, so you can be satisfied with less food. However, it is worth remembering that it will also be very easy to stretch it if you start uncontrolled eating immediately after the diet. In order for the results to last for a long time, you should also exit the diet gradually. The menu is exactly the same as during preparation, only it is followed in reverse order - when leaving, you start from the third preparatory day and end with the first.

Benefits of a liquid diet

In addition to the fact that this power system is actively used to combat overweight, it helps to cleanse the body well. Since the gastrointestinal tract is minimally loaded, all toxins that have accumulated over several months or even years are removed from the intestines. This has a positive effect on metabolism. Also, during cleansing, harmful toxins are removed from the body, which helps prolong youth and increase immunity.

In addition to getting rid of the hated centimeters in problem areas, as a bonus you will receive excellent health and a radiant appearance.


Drinking exclusively liquids for several days can not only lose weight, but also harm your health. It is for this reason that the diet has a number of contraindications. The nutrition system is designed for a maximum of two weeks, and it is best if you sit on it for one week.

Adhering to a liquid diet is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • the presence of diseases such as gastritis and diabetes;
  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • the presence of any psychological disorders.

You can follow this nutrition system every 3 months, or you can also give yourself one once a month. fasting day, in which you will drink only liquids from the table presented. This will help you always stay in shape and not gain excess weight. A balanced diet and physical activity are the key to beauty and health.

There are a large number of different liquids. Some of them are tougher and require special willpower, others are softer and not so “hungry”. They also differ in duration, from several days to a month.

Liquid diet based on soups

One of the best and most current weight loss variations is based on soups. A liquid diet of this type does not require special willpower and does not force you to go hungry.

In addition, it is nice to know that this type of nutrition is designed specifically for people who are overweight. And here we are not talking about 2-3 kilograms. Severely obese people followed this liquid diet. The diet was tested in famous medical centers in Belgium and Switzerland.

What is not allowed and what is possible?

The main ingredients of the soup diet are vegetables, mostly with negative calorie content. This is low in carbohydrates and contains no fat. Therefore, the body will be forced to say goodbye to fat reserves and use them for its vital functions.

Prohibited products:

  • Sweets in any form and manifestation, even the healthiest ones, such as honey.
  • Flour products, bread, buns, baked goods.
  • Alcohol is also prohibited.
  • It is necessary to exclude fat, so neither fat-containing foods nor oils are allowed.
  • Any soda is also prohibited, even mineral water.


  • Unsweetened tea, coffee and water.
  • Fresh juice.
  • Vegetables: cucumber, lettuce, beans, carrots and all green vegetables.
  • Fruits: apple, pineapple, watermelon and melon.

Liquid food should be consumed within 5-7 days. There must be at least three doses within one day. The soup should not be cold; only a warm dish can be consumed.

Diet and recipes

Let's take a closer look at the recipes for simple and tasty soups:

  • The first option is the well-known “Bonn” soup. To prepare it you will need 6 large onions, 4 tomatoes, one bunch of celery and medium-sized forks of white cabbage. Chop all the products and put them in a saucepan. Add water in the amount of 6 liters. Place on high heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Afterwards, switch to low heat and cook for another 30 minutes. For spices, you can use salt and half a cube of vegetable broth.

  • Another option for a simple and delicious bean soup. To prepare it you will need celery, leeks, a couple of sweet peppers, 6 large onions and the same amount of carrots. You also need a pound of beans, 5 tomatoes and a medium fork of cabbage. This version of the soup is similar in preparation to the first.
  • The third option is also very easy to prepare. We will need 250 grams of carrots, half a kilo onions, 300 grams of celery, 250 grams of cauliflower and the same amount of parsley. All this needs to be supplemented with a head of garlic and 200 grams of leek. You only need 1.5 liters of water. Since this is a puree soup, all products must be boiled until softened. After cooking, they must be processed in a blender. You can supplement the soup with plant-based spices and seeds, such as cumin.

You can combine products as you wish. The main thing is that soups should not contain meat, cereals or fats.

Results and contraindications

Such a liquid diet for weight loss can please you with a “plumb line” of 5-10 kg in just a week. However, it can be repeated no earlier than after 4 months. Contraindications are standard. This type of diet should not be followed by elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 18 years of age.

Quitting the diet

You need to get out of this smoothly. Initially, you should add a little more vegetables, then fruits, cereals, and so gradually return to a normal diet.

We must remember that the exit should take no less time than the diet itself, and even more. For example, you followed a liquid diet for 7 days, then your recovery should be at least 14 days. Only in this case can a sustainable result be achieved.


Generally, the liquid diet results and reviews are positive. Based on information from forums, they generally “lose” from 2 to 5 kg. For some, the weight lasts a long time, for others it returns within three days. Perhaps someone does not go out of their diet, so the result is individual.

Chocolate diet

This is an original diet that encourages the consumption of hot chocolate, cocoa and still water. You can use skim milk for drinks. Sugar is prohibited. You need to stick to this diet for no more than 7 days. Chocolate liquid diet menu:

  • First day. Water.
  • Second day. Hot chocolate and cocoa.
  • The third day. Chocolate and cocoa.
  • Fourth day. Water.
  • Fifth day. Water.
  • Sixth day. Cocoa and chocolate.
  • Seventh day. Cocoa and chocolate.

At the end of the week, you can get rid of 5 to 7 kg of excess weight.

Drinking diet

This version of a liquid diet for weight loss has been successfully used by many girls for several years. True, not everyone can maintain such a diet.

Despite various reviews, if you follow a liquid drinking diet correctly, you can not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body.

Basic foodstuffs

This liquid food diet includes the following products:

  • Tea, coffee, water.
  • Broth, puree soup.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than 2%.
  • Also, a diet on liquid food allows smoothies from fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
  • Compotes and juices, but only without sugar.
  • Milk.
  • In some variations, watermelon is allowed.

In addition to the above drinks, on a liquid drinking diet it is necessary to consume vitamin and mineral complexes. After all, the diet is very poor and, accordingly, problems with skin, hair and nails may begin. This is especially true for long-term diets.

Preparing the body for a diet

It is imperative to gradually prepare the body for such stress. After all, dieting is always stressful. Therefore, you should initially exclude fatty foods, flour and alcohol. The filling of the plate should also be gradually reduced. Every day one of the meals should be made liquid, so after a few days you can completely switch to a liquid menu. And only after all this can you go on a diet.

Diet for 3 days

You need to eat at least 4 times a day. Products can be combined, for example, making cocktails from fruits and kefir. Let's take a look at the approximate menu for the day:

  • Breakfast. One glass of milk or fermented milk product.
  • Lunch. Freshly squeezed vegetable juice.
  • Dinner. Vegetable puree soup. It is necessary to ensure that the dish is liquid, no thicker than kefir.
  • Afternoon snack. Kissel based on berries and fruits.
  • Dinner. A glass of low-fat fermented milk product.

Each meal should not be more than 300 grams in volume. This menu must be followed for all three days. Basically, the results of the liquid diet and the reviews on it are positive; such unloading will allow you to get rid of 5 kg.

Diet plan for 7 days

This version of the liquid drinking diet is longer and stricter. The menu, as in the 3-day diet, will be approximate and scheduled by day.

  • The first day. Consume dairy and fermented milk products, water.
  • Second day. The diet includes only broths. They can be prepared using dietary meat or fish.
  • Day three. The consumption of smoothies and vegetable and fruit juices is suggested. Juices are pre-diluted with water.
  • Day four. The soup is a puree, you can use almost any vegetables to prepare it. Naturally, potatoes are prohibited. Watch the consistency of the soup; it should not be thick. In addition to soup, you can take tea with milk.
  • Day five. Vegetable broth is on the menu. In addition to it, fruit jelly or compote. Naturally, all drinks are sugar-free.
  • Day six. Compote without sugar and soup similar to the fourth day.
  • Day seven. Only water without gas.

Such a liquid diet for weight loss can remove several centimeters from the waist and up to 7 kg in a week. You should refrain from intensive training and other feats, since weakness, dizziness and generally not a very cheerful state are possible.

Option for 14 days

Another of the variations that offers only liquids. Here you will need more self-control, after all, you still have to sit for half a month. very similar to the seven-day one, only lasts longer. You should not go on a complete fast, as in the seventh day option.

The total calorie content of one day should be from 1200 to 1400 kilocalories. The stool should be regular; if problems arise with this, then it is necessary to use auxiliary means (enema or laxative).

Following such a liquid diet for weight loss can give you a “plumb line” of 10-15 kg in two weeks. It all depends on the initial parameters and metabolism of the body.

Diet for 30 days

This is a very difficult diet to follow. But it's worth your time. You will have to eat only liquid food for the entire month. Along with excess weight, you can also get rid of toxins. Toxins will leave your body after the first week. After the third week, the kidneys and liver will be cleansed. And within a month, the body is cleansed at the cellular level.

If we talk about weight loss results, then in 30 days you can lose 20 kg. But don’t be upset if the numbers on the scales don’t change so quickly; be sure to take measurements of your volumes. After all, according to reviews, this diet is aimed specifically at them. True, this dietary option can lead to poor health, so it is better to consult a specialist.

TO general recommendations may include consulting a doctor. In addition, while adhering to a liquid diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean still water daily. Compotes, tea and coffee are not water, so it is very important to drink plain water. This is the only way your body it will go well cleaning

Quitting the drinking diet

They didn’t come up with anything new in the case of the exit. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply the number of days of the diet by two, this is how much the output will take. If you immediately start eating regular food, the weight will return.

One caveat: at the beginning of the exit you begin to add solid food, but not meat, but fruits and vegetables. Afterwards, add porridge for breakfast. Then soups. And so on until you completely return to a nutritious diet.

How to withstand such a power system?

In most cases, it is not possible to maintain a long course of diet. But, according to reviews, there are still those girls who managed to overcome their breakdown. Therefore, we can recommend you:

  • Answer yourself the question, why do you need to lose weight? You must have a reason and incentive. This is the only way to achieve it good result and maintain a drinking diet.
  • Imagine yourself thin and airy. Think about what you could afford without extra pounds? Perhaps these are some fashionable bright trousers? Or do you have a favorite dress somewhere that hasn’t fit you for several years?
  • Draw a sheet of paper into two columns. In one, describe the benefits of losing weight and what you will gain from it. In the other column are the cons. And at that very moment when you really want some candy, look at this list. Perhaps you will make a choice in favor of being slim?
  • Reward yourself for every goal you achieve. Buy yourself some clothes and look at yourself looking slimmer. Go to the salon.

Don't hate yourself because you're overweight, at this rate you'll only ruin everything. Therefore, improve yourself and try to make yourself better.

Many people who suffer from excess weight want to find a method of losing weight that will be famous not only for its effectiveness, but also for its ease of adherence.

More than 20 years ago, a liquid diet was developed that can help solve the problem of excess weight without harming the body.

It is thanks to its consistency that this weight loss technique is classified as effective and fast diets. According to reviews of the liquid diet, in 5-10 days of following it you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

High results of a liquid diet are achieved by following a certain diet, in which almost all dishes have a porridge-like consistency.

Rules for a liquid diet for weight loss

As mentioned above, the main rule of this weight loss method is the consumption of liquid food; it is necessary to replace the usual solid food with various decoctions, broths and juices.

As a result of this, only the organs of the urinary system and the liver work, while the digestive organs rest at this time, which leads to a gradual narrowing of the esophagus.

According to reviews of the liquid diet, the feeling of fullness after leaving it occurs much earlier. This in turn prevents redialing extra pounds.

In fact, the completeness of the diet and its calorie content do not depend on the type of food consumed. For example, the energy value of a glass of apple compote is equal to the energy value of 200 grams of mashed potatoes.

It is worth noting that you should stick to a liquid diet for weight loss no longer than the specified period, otherwise the digestive organs may “forget” to properly process solid food.

In their reviews of the liquid diet, experts point out that in addition to extra pounds, the body gets rid of various toxins and products of metabolic disorders.

Liquid diet menu for 2 weeks

Before you start following a liquid diet, you should gradually accustom your body to liquid food over 2-3 days. This will allow him to adapt to subsequent dietary restrictions.

The main stage of this weight loss technique lasts 2 weeks. In order for the results of the liquid diet to be preserved even after leaving it, it is necessary to adhere to a certain menu for three days after the specified time.

The interval between meals should be one hour.

During the first two-week phase of the liquid diet for weight loss, you are allowed to consume the following foods:

  • A decoction of oatmeal (boil half a glass of oatmeal in one liter of water and strain before drinking).
  • Kefir (low fat).
  • Milk (fat content no more than 2%).
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juice, diluted with boiled water in a one to one ratio.
  • Freshly squeezed fruit juice, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to three.
  • Broth of poultry or any lean meat, prepared without adding salt and strained before use.
  • Dried fruit compote, cooked without adding sugar.

During the day, you should drink no more than three liters of liquids, which includes water.

To consolidate the results of a liquid diet, after leaving it, it is necessary to stop eating foods with a high percentage of fat and reduce the amount of salt and sugar in the diet.

We present to your attention the menu for three days after leaving the liquid diet

First day

  • 9.00 – a glass of vegetable puree with the addition of kefir (potatoes, cabbage and carrots).
  • 12.00 – stewed tomatoes with kefir.
  • 15.00 – one glass of boiled carrots, finely grated with the addition of freshly squeezed apple juice and half a teaspoon of honey.
  • 18.00 – a glass of vegetable salad with the addition of kefir (cabbage, grated boiled carrots and potatoes).
  • 21.00 – a glass of vegetable puree with the addition of kefir (cabbage and pumpkin).

Second day

  • 9.00 – a glass of boiled vegetable salad, stewed cabbage with carrots with the addition of kefir.
  • 12.00 – a glass of liquid semolina or rice porridge, cooked in water with the addition of milk (10 minutes before the end of cooking).
  • 15.00 – salad of grated vegetables and one small piece of bread.
  • 18.00 – a glass of vegetable puree (potato, pumpkin) with the addition of 50 ml of milk and a glass of green tea.
  • 21.00 – a glass of boiled carrots, grated on a fine grater with the addition of freshly squeezed apple juice and half a teaspoon of honey.

The third day

  • 9.00 – a glass of semolina or buckwheat porridge cooked with skim milk and a glass of vegetable broth.
  • 12.00 – light vegetable salad and one small piece of bread.
  • 15.00 – a portion of thick vegetable soup (with rice or pearl barley).
  • 18.00 – vegetable stew.
  • 21.00 – 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, fresh vegetables and one small piece of bread.

Between meals you need to drink three glasses of hot boiled water.

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