Women's exercise equipment in the gym. Exercise machines for women to lose weight at home. The right program is a plan that works

Diet is a test of strength for women. But even if you endure these 2-3 weeks of painful malnutrition and stress, this is not enough to lose weight beautifully, without a saggy belly. In order for excess fat to turn into beautiful reliefs, it is necessary to use power loads. Exercise machines give the best results. But not all of them help you lose weight: you can easily transform fat into pumped up muscles. So much so that the volume will not go anywhere.

But to burn fat with exercise machines, you need to know what you want from them. That is, how many centimeters, kilograms and strength are you willing to lose in the struggle for an ideal figure.

Types of weight loss exercise equipment: their benefits and effectiveness for weight loss

Today, almost all simulators are viewed from two perspectives. Strength and cardio equipment.

In order to lose excess weight, you need to exercise on cardio equipment. They are the best helpers when burning calories. You can increase your aerobic activity on your own and track your calorie burn.

An exercise bike is an indispensable home assistant for lovers of pizza, fried potatoes and Pancho cake. It perfectly improves the shape of the buttocks and legs.

All doctors agree that an exercise bike has a good effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Over time, you can stabilize your blood pressure and significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

However, they warn that this type of weight loss is not suitable for people with spinal problems.

What’s so attractive about an exercise bike is that it guarantees you a sexy ass and graceful legs. The main load falls on the muscles of the thigh and lower leg and the gluteal muscles. You can lose up to 500 calories in an hour on the machine. This is similar to running on a treadmill, which also speeds up your metabolism.

This is the best exercise machine, which is intended not only for weight loss, but also, to some extent, for treatment. It is recommended for use by people who have problems with joints and spine. Thanks to its cyclical smooth movements, the ellipsoid tones the main muscle groups.

Physical activity is aimed simultaneously at both the lower and upper parts of the body. Many of the ellipticals have handrails and pedals, working the buttocks, thighs and calf muscles.

This simulator brings such visible results as:

  • belly slimming
  • strengthening the press
  • giving the skin firmness and elasticity.

The health benefits and many features make these cardio machines a very attractive purchase.

Probably the first equipment that is brought into a new fitness club is a treadmill. Those who are just starting to exercise on a treadmill are recommended to start with walking. Especially if you are overweight.

Do not overload your body with unbearable loads, otherwise you will not run far. Later, as you lose weight, you can add speed and increase time. It is impossible to give one training principles for everyone. Focus on your breathing; as soon as you feel like you’re starting to choke, it’s time to stop. Don't forget, the higher the speed and angle of the blade, the more intense your session. Adjust these indicators to suit your well-being.

If you are eager to install this effective exercise machine at home, you will always find a place for it. He really works wonders. You feel calm and at ease on it because it perfectly imitates the walking movements we know best.

How many calories can you lose on a treadmill?It all depends on the tempo:

  • up to 300 cal during normal walking
  • up to 500 cal at a leisurely run with stops
  • up to 800 cal with very intense exercise.

An audiobook in the player, headphones in your ears, and you can be photographed for a magazine - a beautiful and successful woman on the way to her goals...

The stepper easily fits in a closet due to its modest size. That is why it is often bought for small apartments: for its dimensions and low cost. This simulator is good because it specifically corrects problem areas:

  1. hips
  2. buttocks
  3. riding breeches

With just a little time and little effort, you can remove cellulite and speed up blood circulation. In 60 minutes of exercise, up to 250 calories are burned.

A ministepper is the same stepper, but instead of handrails, some of them have rubber shock absorbers that help pump up the arm muscles.

Previously, stores could only please us with two types of hoops: aluminum or plastic. Now our eyes are wide open when choosing hula hoops: with built-in balls, embossed ones with various fillings.

However, all this diversity is easily described by two criteria - regular and weighted.

  • Regular. They weigh no more than a kilogram and look like the same hoops that our mothers kept behind cabinets and sofas. This is the most inexpensive hula hoop that has retained all the properties of the original hoops. Only now it can be disassembled for convenient storage or travel. It is good for beginners. Just keep in mind when using a plastic hoop that you will need to spin it for half a day to feel anything resembling a load. The opposite is true with aluminum hoops: be careful not to overdo it. Such hoops easily leave bruises on the body. And if you practice every day, you risk hitting those bruises with a hoop every day. As a way out of this situation, you can wrap a loose towel around your waist: there will be no bruises, and the effect will not go away.
  • Weighted. Compared to regular ones, these hoops are simply monsters in the fight against fat deposits. Their weight is from one to two kilograms. Some are equipped with rubber balls that act as massagers. These hula hoops for weight loss, unlike regular ones, are more effective in the fight against extra pounds. They weigh on average from 1 to 2 kg.

To make it comfortable for you, you need to choose a hula hoop according to your height. Place it near you - ideal when the top of the hula hoop is slightly higher than your waist. The most popular hoops have a diameter of 90 - 120 cm. The larger the diameter, the easier it is to twist. If you gradually reduce the diameter, the workouts will become more intense for the same amount of time.

Working out on this simulator, you feel like a real rower.

Rowing machines have two types: they can be magnetic or mechanical. Magnetic ones are more expensive because they represent a novelty in simulating rowing.

The main muscles that are loaded are:

  • hips
  • press
  • shoulder girdle
  • back.

As you can see, the practical effectiveness of cardio equipment that imitates rowing is obvious: every muscle in the body receives a load, thanks to this you burn fat everywhere at the same time and very intensely.

What will regular training give you?

  • the body's endurance increases,
  • the respiratory system is stimulated
  • the cardiovascular system is stimulated,
  • Metabolism is much faster, and this leads to weight loss.

Many people are afraid that exercising on this machine will increase muscle mass in their arms. But this is far from true. It is very important here to ensure that the body position is correct. It is best to start classes under the supervision of a knowledgeable person.

In one workout you can burn up to approximately 800 kcal.

What is the best and most effective exercise machine for weight loss at home?

As you can see, there are now exercise machines for every taste - just choose. But since the purchase is not cheap, and there is never too much space in the apartment, you have to think carefully before buying. Which one should you choose?

Which one will be more effective for weight loss?

You should definitely buy a hula hoop. It is inexpensive, takes up little space - let it be, it will always come in handy. What else? I have an exercise bike at home and I am very happy with it. With regular exercise, 20-30 minutes a day is enough to very noticeably tighten all the muscles of the body. The main thing is not to be lazy. The easiest way to force yourself to exercise is to just sit down at the exercise machine. As soon as you sit down, you immediately want to study.

Principles that affect the effectiveness of the simulator

Some kill themselves on the exercise machines, and then start having dinner - around 11 pm. How many months do you need to exercise with this diet to get a slim figure?

You need to approach nutrition wisely, given that you will spend a lot of energy on the simulator. What does it mean? Your diet should contain enough carbohydrates - the main source of energy. However, protein is responsible for cell repair, so don't forget to add it to your menu. Your table should have vegetables and fruits, cereals and meat. And most importantly - a large amount of plain drinking water, drink about 2 liters a day.

What time of day is best to exercise? Since some of us consider ourselves larks, while others are considered night owls, we must choose the time ourselves. The best time to study is when you WANT to study. Only in this case you will get true pleasure, and not violence against yourself.

The approaches and duration of training depend on your health, weight and level of training. For beginners, it is best to do several approaches for 5-15 minutes. And only by getting used to this rhythm will the body calmly respond to increased load.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The age-old question: what to buy so as not to regret it later? It all depends on your needs, capabilities and even character. Many people consider, for example, a treadmill to be too boring and monotonous to kill time on.

If you have varicose veins or joint problems, definitely use an exercise bike. If you need to burn belly fat, then an exercise bike will not help, but the treadmill will come in handy. The treadmill is less effective for losing weight in your legs.

But there are still differences between these two simulators. And even if they do not directly relate to weight loss, you should know that:

  • An exercise bike is safe, unlike a treadmill. The continuously moving treadmill belt creates a real danger if you fall.
  • The path makes a lot more noise than the bicycle simulator.
  • The exercise bike fits well into the apartment, but the exercise bike is bulky.

Which is better: an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer?

Both the exercise bike and the elliptical trainer are great for working your muscles. But the ellipsoid has a significant advantage in the sense that it also trains your arms.

If we talk about burning calories, the ellipsoid is about half ahead. Even when it is set to minimum, it still gives more load than an exercise bike. And this is the advantage of an exercise bike for beginners.

An elliptical requires more space than an exercise bike - this should also be taken into account when purchasing.

Which is better: a treadmill or an elliptical trainer?

An ellipsoid is suitable if:

  • You don't like running in general.
  • Your joints hurt.
  • You don't want to spend money on the extra electricity that a non-powered treadmill will require.

In terms of calorie burning intensity, these two exercise machines are identical. Therefore, choose what you like best.

When you get to the gym for the first time, out of habit, among the many incomprehensible exercise equipment, you can get lost like in a forest. All these machines make you think of medieval torture. What to do?

When you get to the gym for the first time, out of habit, among the many incomprehensible exercise equipment, you can get lost like in a forest. All these machines make you think of medieval torture. What to do? Don't run away from the fitness club like the last coward! Of course not! Instead, we turn our shoulders, straight back, chest forward, stomach inward and walk from the hip... Well, this is overkill, of course. We approach with confidence and begin to train. Stop! If we want to look like a “seasoned athlete” in the gym, then we first approach the cardio equipment. Hint: a couple of them are very easy to recognize, you can’t go wrong – these are a treadmill and an exercise bike. Here we will stay for 10 minutes: “experienced athletes” warm up before training. Are you done? Go ahead. And again, not to these iron monsters, but looking for some free space to warm up and stretch. Now the worst thing is the exercise equipment. But by this moment they will no longer pay attention to you, you look like a fish out of water! Why should a woman exercise on exercise machines, some will say, we are not jocks! We answer: by regularly exercising on this equipment, you can speed up your metabolism (we remind you - this is the basis for losing weight) and at the same time achieve sculpted sexy muscles, don’t be afraid, not like Arnold Schwarzenegger, but those when nothing hangs anywhere, everything where it needs to be tightened , retracted and charmingly round.

5 best exercise machines for women

Start doing a set of exercises on each of these machines, using a load with which you can perform them from 8 to 15 times. How to determine what load is normal for you? If you easily do this number of repetitions, increase the load; if you get tired quickly after the first repetitions, reduce the weight. Take a 30-second break (no more) between each exercise to give your body adequate time to recover. Your goal is to exercise regularly two to three times a week. After two weeks, increase the load to two sets on each machine. After a month, increase the load yourself, depending on your feelings. We promise: no bulky muscles. Reward: Two hours after your workout, your metabolism will be nearly 20 percent higher. Studies have shown that doing two workouts a week lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular fitness. Your mood will improve. The results of one of the latest studies show that women who perform strength training feel healthier and have more beautiful body shapes. Slim, sexy body! Every woman’s dream, but we don’t just dream, we train!

Deadlift (complex trainer)

Goal: biceps If you only need one machine in the gym, then this unit is the best choice. This type of exercise machine has several sets of weights, adjustable cables and a range of additional equipment. All this allows you to perform dozens of exercises to develop all your major muscles. With the touch of a button, you can easily go from back crunches to simulated rowing. To develop your arms, stand in front of a block with a light weight and squeeze a short, curved (mustache-shaped) bar. Squeeze the edges of the bar with your hands, keep your palms on top, arms tense, hands at hip level. Pull the bar toward your shoulders while keeping your elbows tucked to your sides. Slowly return to the starting position, and then repeat. Increasing the load on your own: Do presses with each arm separately - work harder with one arm. Do the above movement using an additional lever, holding the lever in one hand while your other hand rests on your hip or side. Perform an equal number of repetitions for each arm.

Upper/lower row machine

Goals: Biceps, Latissimus Dorsi A strong back will help you get leaner, reduce the risk of injury, and help you look sexy in a strapless dress. Take a long bar with an additional cable, clasp it with your hands on each side at a distance of 2.5-5 centimeters from the center, palms facing outward. Lean back slightly, keeping your arms straight. The abdominals are tense and the chest is raised. Pull the bar towards your chest. Hold for a count of one, then slowly return to the starting position. Increasing the load on your own: Do the movement as described above, but take the bar not near the center, but at a shoulder-width distance or even more. The wider your grip, the more your latissimus dorsi will be trained and your arms will work less.

Horizontal leg press

Targets: Quads, Glutes Since this machine locks your body into a stable position while also training your glutes and thighs, you'll have an amazing workout. Adjust the seat so that your thighs are parallel to the foot platform on which you will rest; keep your feet shoulder-width apart. While pressing your feet onto the plate, straighten your legs; do not bring your knees together at the top. Bend your knees and lower them until the weight rises above the block; repeat. Increasing the load on your own: bent leg press as for a plie (toes apart, heels together, knees pointing to the side). At the same time, the inner thighs and gluteal muscles are trained. Place the steps not shoulder-width apart, but a few inches further apart, with your toes pointing outward. When doing the press, make sure your knees are higher but in line with your toes.

Smith machine (barbell press)

Targets: chest muscles, triceps

The chest press is an incredibly effective way to train several muscles at once. This machine seems a little scary at first, but it is completely safe - if the weight suddenly seems too heavy, you can install the bar into nearby holes on the frame. You can also use the Smith Machine for standing exercises such as squats or weighted lunges. Place 2 kg weights on both ends of the bar. Lie down on a bench with your chest directly under the bar and your feet toward the floor. Grab the barbell with your hands at a distance greater than shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing forward. Remove the bar from the hooks by straightening your arms. Bend your elbows until they are level with your shoulders, then press back up. On the last set, squeeze your wrist to hang the bar back onto the hooks. Self-increasing the load: The upper chest muscles will be trained more if you do this exercise on a bench inclined at 45 degrees.

Shoulder press

Targets: Anterior and middle deltoids This machine is ideal for working the upper and lateral surfaces of the shoulder girdle, as well as the front of the shoulder girdle. If you want to make sure that your muscles are tense without causing any damage to your ligaments, you need to position your seat correctly: When sitting with your hands on the handles, your elbows should be at or above your shoulder level and your hips should be parallel to the floor. Grasp the outside of the plank and tighten your abdominals while keeping your back straight. Straighten your arms, pushing them forward to lift the weight; do not close your elbows at the end of the movement. Lower the weight back to the starting position, but do not allow it to come into contact with the block. Repeat. Increasing the load on your own: Take the bar from the inside. In this position, the smaller “helper” muscles will not help with this movement, so the emphasis will be on working the shoulder.

Mistakes to Avoid

Don't forget to adjust the exercise equipment according to your body size. Sitting too high or too low, or placing your arms and legs in the wrong positions will not only make the exercises less effective, but can also cause injury. Don't focus only on problem areas. Concentrating on your buttocks, abdominals or thighs and ignoring your back, chest, sides will make your body unbalanced, which can also lead to injury. Don't work too hard. If your arms can't even grip a pillow and your quads hurt like you fell down the stairs, it's time to slow down and continue with fewer sets or less resistance. Don't do the same exercises for more than a month. Your muscles get used to them, as does your mentality - and then you stop seeing results. Surprise your body by adding new exercises at least every four weeks. Good luck!

Photo: depositphotos.com, Eduard Titov

The question of whether sports equipment is needed for women is quite relevant. If you read Western fitness blogs, you can be convinced that on the other side of the ocean, girls use barbells, dumbbells and on the horizontal bar more often than perform the notorious leg raises in the exercise machine. In order to make sure that “everything is wrong with us”, just go to any gym.

As a rule, you won't see women near the free weight rack. They either walk in the cardio zone on treadmills, or spread, abduct, and abduct their legs in the appropriate exercise machines, aptly nicknamed “gynecological” by wits. What is the reason for this difference, and which strategy is more effective for?

What kind of exercises on simulators do women need?

The Association of Fitness Professionals' manual for personal trainers argues that segregating exercise equipment by "gender" is not a smart strategy. The human body needs to develop and strengthen all muscle groups. Accordingly, you need to train not only your legs and hips with abs, but also your back, arms, legs, core, and even forearms. Overdevelopment of some muscles and underdevelopment of others can lead to poor posture and injury.

The popular opinion of women about the need for exercise equipment is diametrically opposite. Most often, girls come to the gym to “work on women’s problem areas” - the abs, buttocks and thighs. Therefore, popular among women:

  • leg reduction machine – works on the inner thigh;
  • leg raiser - with external surface and buttocks;
  • machines for extension and flexion of the hips - respectively, the anterior and posterior surface of the thigh;
  • Smith machine - they do squats in it;
  • simulator for straight crunches with weights on the abs.

These are useful and high-quality simulators, however, they allow you to work out muscles in isolation, without putting a significant load on the entire body. Therefore, it is advisable to include work in them in the training along with “general” exercises such as squats, lunges, pull-ups and rows, as well as cardio. Strictly speaking, there are no “bad” and “good” sports equipment for women. There is an ill-conceived training plan and the corresponding consequences in the form of overdeveloped legs with narrow shoulders, thin arms and a “twisted” body forward, combined with a “round” weak back.

How to reconcile coaches and ordinary women

First, let's listen to a typical girl client:

  • I want to pump up my buttocks, remove fat from the inner and outer thighs, get strong abs and a chiseled waist;
  • I don’t want to get too tired, get injured and spend more than 3-4 hours a week in the gym;
  • and I also want to lose weight.

Now let’s find out what the fitness trainer will say:

  • you must work on a training plan that develops the entire body. Only then will excess fat be removed from the “problem areas” and the body will acquire good shape;
  • You shouldn’t focus on just one strength machine; it won’t help you lose weight faster in a particular area of ​​your body. There is no need to walk along the path for hours. Enough for 40 minutes of strength training for the whole body, and 20 minutes of interval cardio, in 3 training sessions per week;
  • if you do not strengthen your back, arms and chest, poor posture and unbalanced body appearance will “kill” the entire result;
  • if you want to lose weight, you will have to learn to work not only in machines, but also with free weights. Such exercises are more natural for our body and help us lose fat even after exercise.

A program for a female beginner 20-30 years old without any special injuries or developmental disabilities “with simulators” may look like this:

  • 10 minutes warm-up on a treadmill, walking 5-6 km/h;
  • Leg press in the simulator, 3*15,
  • Smith machine bench press, 3* 15,
  • Lunges with dumbbells 3* 15,
  • Hip abductions in the buttock exercise machine, 3-4* 15;
  • Pull-ups with compensation - 3 sets, maximum repetitions;
  • Pulldowns to the abdomen of the lower block 3* 15;
  • Biceps curls with lower cable traction, triceps extensions with upper cable traction, superset, first the first exercise 15 repetitions, immediately followed by the second, 3 sets
  • Crunches on the floor or on an inclined bench – 3*20;
  • Hanging leg raises on the bar – 3*20
  • 20 minutes of interval running on the treadmill

Gradually, as your physical fitness improves, the machines will leave your training plan.

  • Leg presses will be replaced by squats,
  • glute abductions – split squats,
  • and pull-ups in the “gravitron” - classic or negative pull-ups with a straight wide grip.

All of this should lead you to one simple thought - unless you want to compete in bodybuilding competitions, buying all those breeding machines for your home is not the most economical strategy.

Home exercise equipment for women

Numerous for women are not created to make you in better shape, but to ensure good sales. That's why they're "for the thighs, butt and abs" rather than doing as many effective strength exercises as possible.

If you're looking for a home gym, a good investment would be:

  • horizontal bar in a doorway or on a wall;
  • simulator with top and bottom cable pull;
  • bar, free weights, racks and bench or power rack;
  • a set of free weights - prefabricated dumbbells;
  • TRX loops - the latter, by the way, can replace most of the strength equipment, especially if you are more concerned about body shape and not, in fact, strength indicators;
  • any one you like.

Strength stations and other “combined solutions” will be a good option if you are going to change the shape of individual muscles in the future, engage in bodybuilding, and not just train for a toned body. But what about the numerous exercises “especially for women”? In practice, they are either fairly simple gymnastic movements designed for beginners of both sexes, or exercises with free weights.

Fitness trainer Elena Selivanova - for.

In order to improve your own athletic performance and endurance, it is now not necessary to spend extra hours of free time in the fitness center or at the stadium. You can exercise after work in the comfort of your home if you purchase compact exercise equipment for women.

All of them are created using advanced technologies, and their action is aimed at improving the shape of a woman’s body while reducing energy costs. But you can’t buy everything, even with a strong desire, so you need to choose from the entire assortment a home training device that is ideal for regular stationary training.

The selection of exercise equipment primarily depends on the purpose for which they are purchased and for whom. There are exercise machines for women for losing weight, adjusting their shape, acquiring relief and developing general athletic endurance. Training devices can be universal or special depending on the spectrum of action.

Classification by age makes it possible to distinguish between exercise machines for women aged 40-50 years and devices for younger people. It should be noted that all such devices are durable and compact.

The optimal weight loss exercise equipment for women can be considered:

  • cardio stepper Black Edition;
  • training device “Circular pendulum”;
  • Moon Surfing training device.

The following are considered universal exercise machines for women:

  • Cardiosteppers of all types and sizes;
  • Leg Magic leg trainer;
  • “Circular pendulum” - a women’s exercise machine for the whole body with an emphasis on problem areas;
  • AB King Pro trainer.

Universal exercise machines for women make it possible to work comprehensively on body shape at home.

Special women's exercise equipment:

Special training devices are designed to work on problem areas. The best special simulators can be considered:

  • “Circular Pendulum” exercise machine for the abs and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • Abdominal trainer Total Core;
  • ab training device AB Rocket Twister;
  • AB King Pro arm, abdominal and back exercise machine;
  • training device for legs and buttocks SF 0059.

For older women, it is necessary to carefully select the load and training device.

The optimal exercise equipment for women over 50 years old can be considered:

  • universal simulator Leg Magic;
  • home ab exercise machine AB Rocket Twister;
  • Abdominal muscle trainer “Circular pendulum”;
  • universal training bench AB King Pro;
  • AB Storm leg trainer;
  • universal trainer Easy Shaper.

The Leg Magic training device allows you to restore and maintain the shape of your legs, hips and lower body in general in a free, playful manner. Exercises on the “Circular Pendulum” will be easy and relaxed, which allows you to improve the condition of your abs and burn fat deposits in this part.

A universal purchase for mature women will be the Easy Shaper exercise machine, which allows you to train all muscle groups, and the special design helps reduce the increased load on the joints and generally make training easier.

The AB Rocket Twister is also well suited for abdominal training, which is equipped with a massage back and tilts to a special stop, which maintains the effectiveness of bending, but reduces the load on the lumbar area, as well as the back as a whole.

Each of the exercise machines listed in the catalog is unique, but differs in durability, compactness, efficiency and price. Universal exercise machines are more expensive, which is not surprising, because a person buys a mini gym for his home. In our online store of exercise equipment and weight loss products, you can place an order at any time and receive an exercise machine with delivery throughout Russia

I am glad to welcome everyone, especially the young ladies! Today we are waiting for a purely female article, and it will be devoted to the following topic - exercises for girls in the gym. After reading, you will learn which body movements and exercise machines are best to pay attention to in the gym to create a feminine figure, and which designs are best avoided.

So, everyone clung to the blue screens, let's start broadcasting!

Exercises for girls in the gym: what, why and why.

I have already said more than once that very little attention has been paid to the issues of building a female figure on the Russian-language Internet. Even more precisely, the information was missing once or twice. This male one-sidedness and direction of information contributes to the process of education - girls sometimes have to spend much longer on the Internet in search of decent answers to their questions. Moreover, very little (and in this case I didn’t find anything worthwhile at all) information for beginners who still have very little training experience, or who are just starting to take their first timid steps in fitness.

This article - exercises for girls in the gym will help many novice young ladies in the gym get their bearings and save them (you) a lot of time. Very often, newcomers are embarrassed to ask the trainer or more experienced fellow trainers which machine is intended for what and what exercises can be performed on it. However, these questions are very important, because in order to give her forms a more feminine look, a girl must work (over your problem areas) with the right equipment. This is what we will talk about next.

Exercises for girls in the gym: simple truths

First of all (even before going to the gym) girls need to learn a few immutable truths about themselves, the characteristics of their own bodies and their workouts. They sound like this:

Truth #1

A woman cannot build the same muscle volume as a man (no matter how hard she works). Even working with free weights, it will be extremely difficult for you to even slightly approach male proportions. And the reason for this is a much lower (than in men) muscle-building hormone. Therefore, when working on simulators, do not be afraid to take decent weights; you will not achieve masculinization.

Truth #2

The female body has much higher levels of estrogen, which can lead to the accumulation of excess weight. Anaerobic training, aimed at muscle growth, supports women's metabolism, allows them (you) to “not get thin” and lose fat from problem areas.

Truth #3

Representatives of the fair sex, or rather their figure, carries with it 7-10% more (compared to men) fat mass. Therefore, women, for the most part, need to do more cardio exercises. In addition, tricks such as circuit training and supersets work better for them (you) and allow you to quickly lose fat and acquire more appetizing shapes.

ANDStine No. 4

Various “female ailments,” such as menstrual periods, irregular menstruation, etc., make their negative contribution to training, pushing a woman back slightly during these periods.

Truth #5

Women are more resilient and have a slightly lower pain threshold. In other words, they (you) whine less and endure pain more “steadily”. Therefore, longer and more intense workouts do not tire them out as much as men.

These are general tips that any young lady who has decided to go to the gym and work on transforming her own body should keep in mind.

Exercises for girls in the gym: why you shouldn’t be afraid

Now let's take a look at the physical side of the issue, or rather, look through women's eyes at our figure and determine what we have to work on in the gym and which areas to correct. I have my own point of view (and, as I am convinced, it coincides with the view of most women), what kind of figure most representatives of the fair sex want to see in their figure. In general, the parameters are:

  • toned arms - so that nothing dangles like jelly from below;
  • strong and elastic buttocks;
  • flat tummy;
  • uniform (not spread or sagging) breast.

This is what the picture looks like:

Most of the women’s training time is devoted to working with these problem areas, and it is to them that we will pay the closest attention.

Exercises for girls in the gym: basic exercise equipment

Let's start the main thread of the story a little unusually and go from the opposite, consider those exercises/simulators that every self-respecting young lady should avoid. As I said above, most women come to the gym to “tone” their body - they don’t want “meat”, they want to have a toned shape with a certain amount of muscle and smooth feminine curves of the figure. Performing the following movements and using the following machines will in every possible way move you away from these goals.

No. 1. Abdominal trainer

The fixed idea of ​​almost every girl is to get a flat tummy. And most people in the gym are looking for a strength machine that allows them to do abdominal crunches with weights. Also, as an alternative to the simulator, horizontal crunches with plates can be used. In fact, these exercises are not as effective for women as they are for men. I’ll even say more, they actually and visually expand your waist, increasing the size of your abdominal muscles.

A woman simply needs to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area and stick to work (at least at first) without using weights.

No. 2. Side bends with dumbbells or lateral extensions on a machine

There is a widespread opinion about “cleaning up” the sides (ears on the hips) with this exercise - this is not so. In fact, side bends and lateral extensions only widen the waist. If you want to get rid of your sides, review your diet and include exercises such as bicycle and side plank.

No. 3. Shrugs with dumbbells

The shoulder shrug exercise is aimed at developing the trapezius muscles. Developed trapezoids are good for a man; they do not impart femininity to a woman’s appearance.

No. 4. Reverse glute raises in the machine

Although the simulator is specialized and designed to work out the gluteal muscles and tighten the butt, in reality its effectiveness is low. Therefore, do not waste your time on it, there are many other effective exercises for the buttocks.

No. 5. Leg extension while sitting in a machine

In women, the ligaments and tendons around the kneecap are much weaker (in terms of strength) than in men. To effectively load the quadriceps in the simulator, you need large weights. Therefore, for young ladies this simulator (largely) doesn't fit. Alternatively, single leg squats or wall squats. (back tightly pressed to a vertical surface).

No. 6. Pull of the upper block with a wide handle behind the head

A good exercise for developing the upper back. However, if you have problems with the flexibility of the shoulder joint (not flexible shoulders), then performing it with the correct technique is quite problematic. Failure to do so can lead to pinching of the shoulder joint and damage to the rotator cuff.

No. 7. Seated shoulder press on a weight machine (Humvee press)

The shoulder joints of girls are much more fragile than those of men. In this simulator (when squeezing the weight) The shoulder joints are in a vulnerable biomechanical position. This puts excessive negative stress on the shoulders and can lead to shoulder injury.

No. 8. Cardio equipment

Entering almost any gym/fitness room, you can see the following picture - all the cardio equipment is occupied by girls, and it is not known when they will be free. Of course, aerobic activity is important for young ladies, and we talked about this above. However, the duration is longer 40 minutes and frequency more 3 once a week is too much. Therefore, it is better to combine running at a calm pace with high-intensity sprinting.

Well, you should avoid these exercises if possible.

Now let's move on to the highlight of the program and consider...

The best exercises for girls in the gym

Many women are afraid of free weights - dumbbells, barbells, barbells, plates. However, to provide sufficient stimulation needed for muscle growth, multi-joint exercises with free weights must be performed. We will divide our further story into two parts – “free” exercises and exercise machines. Let's start in order.


A girl who wants to gain muscle and get lean should combine two types of loads in her program - strength (with free weights) and isolating - on simulators.

I. Strength exercises for girls in the gym

1. Deadlift

A general exercise that stimulates every muscle. You can read an extensive article on the technique here. This is a complex coordination exercise, so it is best performed under the supervision of an experienced trainer. It is necessary to start the execution strictly from an empty bar. If you feel that your arms are getting tired earlier (can't hold weight) than other muscle groups, then perform deadlifts from blocks or in a rack. Thus, you will reduce the amplitude and work out large muscle groups, especially the lower back.

Girls should not perform deadlifts more often 1 once every 2 weeks (with the number of classes per week 3-4 ) .

2. Squats with a barbell on your shoulders

The most effective exercise for the overall development of leg muscles. Therefore, if a woman wants to attract men’s gaze to her legs and the hull of the ship, then she (you) simply needs to squat with a barbell. A detailed article on technology and other nuances is here. Little women's secrets - to make your butt as steep as possible, you need to squat deeply enough.

Girls should not do squats more often 2 once a week.

3. Lunges with dumbbells/barbell

Girls should not perform lunges more often 1 once a week.

4. Pull-ups

The best exercise for developing a beautiful muscular back. However, not every girl (or rather, even just a few) able to lift her own weight to the second floor. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, do pull-ups on the bar. All the details about the technique and nuances are here. For everyone else, an alternative can be a simulator, a gravitron.

5. Dips

An excellent exercise for the comprehensive development of the upper body, especially the triceps and shoulders. The detailed execution technique is described here. If you have weak arms, then a special machine with a system of counterweights or push-ups from a bench is your option.

6. A set of exercises for the chest: barbell press at different angles, dumbbell flyes, push-ups

It’s rare that you can catch a young lady doing these exercises in the gym. It is believed that these are purely male “toys”, but this is not so. If you want to shape, tighten and strengthen the chest muscles, then a girl simply cannot find better exercises. Very often, breasts begin to sag for various reasons. (for example, after the birth of a child) To return it to its former shape and form a dense structure, include these exercises in your training program.

A girl shouldn't train her pectoral muscles anymore. 1 once a week.

7. Plank

A universal exercise for creating a rigid corset of core muscles (abdominals + lower back). The abdominal and back muscles are involved in many movements and act as stabilizers and “retainers” of weight. Progress in exercises with free weights depends on the strength of the core muscles.

The technique and all the details are here.

So, we’ve looked at “free” exercises, now let’s move on to...

II. Exercises for girls on simulators

By the way, we have already looked at some designs of exercise equipment that a fitness young lady can use during her workouts. All the details are here. Now let's slightly supplement this list with isolation exercises. Let's go through the problem areas and start with...

1. Arm muscles. Isolation exercises for girls

No young lady wants to have flabby arms so that when lifting, the skin hangs underneath them. It is worth saying that this is a difficult part to tune with flab. Arm training includes the following muscle groups (and simulators for them):


The exercises are all visual and performed in the same way as shown in the pictures.

2. Buttocks. Isolation exercises for girls

The main calling card and, so to speak, the flip side of any girl is elastic buttocks. It is by looking at the ratio of the buttocks to the waist that a man chooses his future passion. The most popular among the stronger sex are girls with an hourglass and a pear. Therefore, to make your size and shape of your buttocks kill you on the spot, do the following exercises.

3. Flat tummy. Isolation exercises for girls

Every girl dreams of getting a flat tummy and showing it off on the beach. To make your dreams come true, include the following exercises in your program.

4. Chest. Isolation exercises for girls

The second most viewed part of the female body, to which men pay the closest attention. I would like to warn the ladies that the male population has already become so advanced in assessing female forms that they can literally see through clothes :). What I mean is that you can’t get through them with various corrective and supportive underwear. Therefore, the only correct solution is to correct and tighten this form on your own through the following exercises.

The composite picture looks like this:

Well, that’s probably all for today, now you are prepared for the gym and know which glands to give your preference in order to effectively and quickly correct problem areas.


The woman's note has come to an end - exercises for girls in the gym. I am sure that now each of you has formed a clear picture of how to get your body into proper shape, and you will certainly use this theory in practice. Good luck, my beauties, and see you again!

PS. We don’t blush and don’t be shy, but ask sensible questions, let’s go!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.